Rome courier. (Rome, Ga.) 1849-18??, December 12, 1850, Image 3

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Chill Fever, Dumb Ague,'Inter miUcnt & Remittent Fevers & all the various forms of. BiliousjJiseases.^ S h*!'] KDlhY it THOROUGHLY m BTTllc lleftloiilift infl-ience of thin n»«f? icino upon comuitctione impaired ami injured by «■] rtaideuco in biliuua < limaica. ia one t»i ita moil valuable qualities. Thera are many rouatitiitiona ■whii h bci-otno sradtiaUf undermined by uukmai. causes, without even a day's actual confinement. The sallow com plea ion. Iota u f i*|>peiit*% languor, ersarinsss and depression of spirits,—all yield to this remedy if only faithfully used according to ths directions of the pamphlet which aecoinpomce asclt bottle, A smell Treutite on tho "causes, treatment and curs of Ksverand Ague,and other diseases of bit ions climates," may be hud gratia of the under signed. Also numt-rnu* certificates ficm men nl j the highest responsibility, lotifyinjr to the great efficacy of this medicine can be seen on nplication Is J. 1). DICKFKSON. A^ent lor Home Ga. March 2. 1649 31-Km **How lew who think aright among the thinking lew How many never think, but only think they do." OO-Tuk sentiment implied in the above exclam ation is on no subject more fully exemplified than •n that of Health. But lew give it u single thought, and fewer still reflect upou it with the observation and good sense which matters of minor consequence receive. As observation teachers the fact that Dr. Osgood’s India Cholagognc is n never failing reme dy In Fever and Ague, good sense would surely indicate its prompt and immediate use. To bo found at .T. D. DICKERSON’S May 3, Agent for the Praprietor ft>-LIVEIt COMPLAINTS of bilious claimtw arise from the seine causes which produce Fever and Ague, and are cured with the same certainty by Dr Osgood ’$ India Cholagognc. Liven after the Lfvcr 1ms become much enlarged und tender upou pressure, it is in a few weeks restored to its natural i iso, soreness and pain in the side relieved with such general improvement as denotes returning health. The above highly valuable preparation may iound at the Drug Store of J. D. DICKERSON, May 3, Agent for the Proprietor, Rome, Ga * MEMPHIS INSTITUTE. MEDICAL DEPARTMENT. T HE regular course of Lecture, in this Institute Will cottimctieo on tins First of November, ami continue until tbe last of Februnry. The Anntotn- leal Department will be opened and ready to receive students by the First of October. The Medical De partment will be under the direction ot ibo follow- "* PROFESSORS. J. CottQtriST Gaoss. M. D.. Professor of tho Iu* stitutes ol Medicine, and Medical Jurisprudence. W. Bran Powat-t, M. D-, Professor ol Cerebral -TBysiology, Medical Geology, and Mineralogy. It. S Niwton, M, D., Profetsor of Surgery. H. J. HulUK, M. D*. Prolessor of Theory nnd Practice ol Medicine. J. A. WltJtas, M. D., Professor of Obstetrics nnd Disease, ol Women nnd Children. J. Ktao, M. D„ Professor of Itlnterin Medico, and Therapeutics. Z. Frkevak, M. D., Professor of Anntomy. J. ftlti.Ton SAHDaas, M. D., Professor oi Chemis- tiy anJ Pharmacy. CLINIQUE LECTURES. Miotctna—Paor. H J. Sunocay—Paor. R. 8. Nkwtox. AnatomICai. DaxoMTaAToa—X. Fbecjian. M. D The fees ibr a full course of lectures amount to 9105. Matricnlntor’s $5; Demonstrator's Fee. $Io. Graduation, 8*°. Those desiring further information will plense address (post paid) to the Dean; nnd etudents arri ving In thcoity will plense cnll on him nt the Hotel 8.8. NEWTON, M. D-, Dean of the Faculty LAW DEPARTMENT. Hon. E, W. M. Kino, Professor of Theory and Practice ol Low. PHon. V. D. Basiiy, Esq., Professor of Commer cial Jurisprudence. TirS'.s—810 per Session. All communications pertaining to this depart ment must be addressed to E. W. M. KING, Maatrms, Tenth July, IS.'iO. The Faculties, lor intellectual abilities moral worth and profraaiondl acquirements, will compare favorably with the moll distinguished In oar coun try. The medical faculty constitutes an anomaly in this or any other country—all of them ara able iec- tutor, and the beat of teachera. Those who wilt contemplate our geographical po sition, and the a,tent of oar population, con have no doubt at to lbs eligibility of onr situation for an en terprise ot >ho kind. A> to health, inemd ng .11 sea son* of the year, wo deny that ant oitiaa city has ■oat. A common error exists in the minds of innnv students relntlvo to the placo of studying; thorn who Intend promising among the tho diseases of tho JFest and Month, should certainly educate themselves at n school whoso Faculty nru practi cally acquainted with those diseases. _ That Ota public may be satisfied of this school, ws feel it our duly to itato, that the Trustee* and faculty form a unit in action, which augurs well tar ita future success; and tltat the peculiar inter- nalonanitatiur which connects them, cannot be in terrupted. E w M KING, President ofthe A/entphi, Inaiitu April 4, 1850, 84 CABINET 1VARE-HOVSS. CAI.HOUN& STARR- [ AVI’. o:i hand and for sale, Sofas, Mnhngnny and Marble-top Centre Ta bles, together with all the va rious articles of Fuiiiture u- suully found in tin establish ment of the kind. Their nut- fcrials are good, und nut to gether by workmen who understand their business. Ware Room at Peck ft Hardin’s old stand, four doors above the Exchange Hotel. ' Rome, Ga., April 25. ddtt. nS ji * u m ws. [JAMES M. SUMTER, .CABINET MAKER, STREET, OPP0SJTF. THF. l’RESBYTF.Kt AN CHURCH I ham! and make* to aider all brads of r Cherry As Walnut Furniture in the superior workmanship; which ^ Afork of tho s*rip qualify eon |ir puldte urn respectfully in- : l ot themselves. Ctl prepared to do LIVER COMPLAINT. JAUNDICE, DYSPEPSIA CHRONIC OR NEYVOUS DEBILITY, DISEASE OF THE KIDNEYS, and ail diaeaaet aris ing from a disor dered Liver or Sto- mach. aueli a* Conalipa* lion. Inward Piles, Fullness, or blood to the Ilsad, Acidity of the Siumocli, Nausea, Heartburn, Di*a fur food, Fullness or Weight in the Stowacli. Sour Eructations, sink ing or Fluttering at ths Pit ol the Stomach, Swimming of ths IItad;flurried and Diffi cult BJca'hing, Flui- tsring at tho llrart, Cho. v king or Sufl'ocaiing Scuaaiions when iu a lying pontiire, Dimncfsof viaion, Don or Webs before the Sight, Fever and Dull Pain in the, Deficiency of Perspiration, Yellowness of the Skin nnd Eyes, Pain in the Side, Back, Cheat, L J mbs,&c., Sudden Fl'istiings ot llenr. Burning in the Ficvh Cous'aiu imsgiiaings of Evil,nnd Great Depression of Spirits, Cun be Pvrnmncnil}' Cured by I>U. IIOOPLAND’S CELEBRATED GERMAN HITTERS, rIlKt'ARED by Du v. if i, jack sour, AT TIIB GERMAN MEDICINE STORE, No, 120, Arch Sirtw, I’liilndolpliia. Their power over the above diseases i_ led, if squalled, by any other preparation in the United States, as the c.irea attest, in many casee niter skill!»l physicians had failed. These Bitter* nru worthy the attention of inva lid*. Poisoning great virtues in the rectification of diseases of the Liver a.,d leaser glands, exercis ing the moat searching powers in weakness and af fections of the digestive organs, they are, withal, aafe, certain and pleasant. READ AND BE CONVINCED. Ciiab. Robinson, Esq, Easton, Md., in a letter to Dr. Jackson, Jan. 9, l«50 j aaid— ” My wife and myself have received more bene fit I rom your medicino than any other we have ev er taken for the (LTDyspcpsia snd Liver diaeoae.” Til* Tbntii Legion,” published at Woodstock, Vs., Jan. 10, 1850, aaid— ••A GREAT MEDICINE.” " We have uniformly refrained from recommend ing to the public ar.y of the various Patent Medt- cinea of tho day, unless thoroughly convinced ol their value. Among those we consider worthy ot notice is the German Bitters, invented by Dr. IIoopland, End prepared by Dr. Jackson in Phila delphia. One instance in particular, in which the superior virtues ol this medicine have been tested, has fallen under our observation. Durir» r . the last summer, a son of Mr. Abraham Crabill, of this coun ty, waa very seriously afilicted with Liver Complaint and after trying in vain various remedies, he pur chased a bottle of the Bitters, and after using it, was so much ralieved ol his distressing malady, that he procured another bottle, and it restored him en tirely to health.” READ FURTHER A FEW FACTS. Judge M. M. Noaii, a gentleman with great sci entific and literary attainments, aaid in his •• Now York Weekly Messenger,” January K, 1650. Da. floori.and’9 German Bitters.—Here is a preparation which tho leading presses in the Union appear to be unanimous in recommending, and the reason ia obvioua. It is made alter a prescription furnished by one of the most celebra'ed physicum* ol modern times, tho late Dr. Christopher Wilke!,Ti Iloofland, Pro r ossor to the Untveraity of Jena, Pri vate Physician to tho King of l’rusaia. and one of the greatest medical writers Germany lias ever pro. duced. Ho was emphatically tho enemy of hum bug, and therefore a medicine of which he was the inventor and endorser may be confidently relied on. He specially recommended it in Liver Complaint. Dyspepsia, Debility . Virtigo, Acidity of the Stom ach, Constipation, and oil complaints arising from a disordered condition of the stomach, the liver and the intestines. Nine Philadelphia papers express their conviction of its excellence^ and several ol'the editors now peak of its effects from their individu*; experience. Under these circumstances, **0 fee! waranted, not only in calling the Attention of our readers to the present proprietor’s (Dr. C. M. Jack son's) preparation, but in recommending the article to all afilicted.” MORE EVIDENCE. The "Philadelphia Saturday Gazette,’' the best family newspaper published in (he United States, the editor says of DR. IIOOFLAND'S GERMAN BITTERS. ** It is seldom that we recommend what are term, ed Patent Medicines to tho confidence nnd patron age of our readers; end, therefore, when wo recom mend Dr. Iloofiand's German Bitters, we wiah it to be distinctly understood thst we are not speaking of the nostrums of the day, that are noised about for n brief period nnd the<t forgotten after they have done thejr guilty race ot mischief, but of a modi* cine long established, universally prised, and which has met the hearty approval of the Faculty itself. Evidence upon evidonce has been received (like the feregoing) fr-»tn all sections of the Union, in three years' - and the strongest testimony in ita fa/or ia, that there ia more ol it used in the practice oi the regular Physicians of Philadelphia than all other nostrums combined, a fact that can easily be esta blished, and fully proving that a scientific prepara tion will meet with their quiet approval when pre sented even in this form. This medicine will euro Liver Complaint and Dia- pepsia no one can doubt, after using it as directed It acts specifically upon the stomach and liver—it is preferable tc calomel in all billioua diseases—the effect is immediate. They can be administered to riMALK or iNrAtrr with safety and reliable benefit, at any lima, BEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS. This medicine has attained that high character which ia necessary lor all medicines to attain to in duce counterfeiters to put lurih a spurious article at ihe risk of the lives of those who arc innocently de. ceived. LOOK WELL TO THE MA.4KS OFTHE GENUINE. They have tbs written signature of C.M JACKSON npon the wrapper, snd ths name blown in the bottle, O*without which, they are spurious.-Tf For sals wholesale and retail, at the GERMAN MEDICINE STORE. No. 120, ARCH Street, one door below Sixth, (late of 278, Race street,) Philadelphia, and by re. epcctable dealers generally throughout the country. Alto for asle by DR. J. D. DICKERSON, Druggist. Rome, Ga. August I, 1850. 43 13*. Professor Burry* Trlcophemne or Medi cated Compound. I NI’ALIBLE for renewing, invigorating and beautifying Ihe hair, removing scurf, Oitmltufl', attd ull affections ofthe Scaip.nnd curing eruptions on the skin, diseases of the glands, muscles nnd integuments, nnd reliev ing stings, cuts, bruises, spains, &c &c — With this preparation, “ there is no such i woid os fail.” It has obtained the highest celebrity among the first classes in the Uni* ted States and stands unrivalled in all that it professes to be, both fe- cheapness and efli-, it defies all rnmpet.iiiiii. The scien tific treatise on the hair und skin (embracing valuable i’.ireetions for the culture and pre servation of natures choicest ornament) ill which each bottle is enclosed, is alone worth the money. It is upon the skin, the muscu lar fibre, and the glands that the Tricnphcr* ons has its sjteciftr action, and in all affections nnd injuries of these organs, it is a sovereign remedy. hi in large buttle,, price 95 cents, nt ‘ office 137. Broadway, N- Yt HEALTH RESTORED! BOTANIC INFIRNIABY. T HE incwulog popularity of the reformed Botan ic Practice of Medicine, and the continued ap plication of patient* for medical treatment, us well os prescriptions and medicine to dlvtant patients, has induced tbe Propreitor to make more extensive arrangericnts for the better and more comfortable accommodation of tbe afflicted, where every varie ty of ditense will be treated upon tho most scien tific physiological principles. Tbe reformed Prac tice is becoming to be too well known und too high ly appreciated throughout our country, to require culogium or penegyne in this place. It needs not the ntd of declamation to foeter, to anbttantiate or enhance its value; it only claims for iwelf * fair investigation and trial to be duly eatoemed—nnd certainly It cannot be denied ibat. If the most v { - - • .... - . . -. j olont opposition could hare had its Intended | * J tbe air tt cm would Ions a mo have been mrniH* .cd. Ui : s be spent without tho Iifil enjoi tbe system would tong ago have been arn«H» .cd. Tbe argument lu Its favor ftcuomuV'tes, u .awe contemplate this fact, and stlU suet*? ♦Hj rigid examination it Is every where forced i<~ pas* thro’ Lika true friendship, it lias thoroughly <o h. ‘.♦ed, "has ever to undergo and withstand v’.v ;hock of adversity before it is justly entitled to the name." The Practice having outlived the prejudices which in many instances are too justly attached to Jt from being in the hands of ignorant pretenders, where it was too often found in its infancy in this country, it has been, and now is affording extraordinry re lief to suffering thousands, while cures, in some cases almost bordering on the miraculous, are be ing effected by iu potent influence. Tbe unparal leled success it has met in tbe hand* of Dr. Jones, (whose course of treatment in many respects is portly original,) has gnined for him celebrity, for aurpnasiiig his fondest expectations, nnd thousands are rejoicing under the beneficial efiecU of a Prac tice whose tendency is to heal without any of those disagreeable consequences which too often follow the eradication of one diteate by the tnbttitotion of anotho. From the many testimonials which Dr. Jones has received of his unparalleled succes.*, he has thought proper to lny the following before a reflecting com munity. The statements here made ore not from* persons wiio live out ol the reach of enquiry, but they come from respectable citizens of our own country, wltocun be seen and consulted personally, in reference lotheir true conditions, Dyapepaln, Da. Jones—My Dear Sir» This is to certify that whs, for some 15 or 20 yenrs, grievously afflicted with dyspepsia or indigestion. My case was one . very distressing nature; for several years I compelled to throw up every thing that I eat, which kept me in quite a feeble ami debilitated condition. But I am now proud to have it to eny, that through the blessings of Dr. Jones’ Remedies, I feel that I ain restored to a perfect state of health, Htidthat, too, with but one month’s supply of med icine, which has proved to be tbe cheapest and best medicine I ever purchased. For the truth of the above statement, any one can be satisfied by uppli cation to me neur Dirt Town P. O., Floyd county, ETON, J. “ Ga. . P. THOS. MIDDLE Spinal Disease and Hnpreaeed Menstrua tion. Sir : Believing it a duty to the public, and in true justice to yourself, I have thought proper, for the information of those who may bo afflicted, to give a candid statement of my negro girl Jane’s diseased state, brought on from obstriicted menses or monthly courses. She v attacked in November, 1848, with a severe pain in the back of the head, extending down the whole course of the spine, producing complete parulyza- tion of the left side, and rendering it perfectly help less, and iu a short time she lost the use ot the whole system. She could not turn herself in or out of bed, was reduced to a perfect skeleton, nnd to all appearances past the reach of remedies. But 1 now, through tho judicious and skillful applica tion of Dr. Jones’ Remedies, consider her restored to a perfect state of health, (or which ho will ever have my lasting gratitude. Should any one desire a confirmation of tho above statement, they ca address mo near Summerville, Chattooga co., Ga .**n. WILLIAM STANTON. March 7, 1850- ■=T Disease of Stomach, Spine and Head, For tho benefit of suffering humanity, I have thought proper to lay my case before the public. Having been severely afflicted for several years -ith a disease of the stomach, spine and head—to enumerate all the long train of symptoms with which I was troubled, would occupy more space than would be interesting. Suffice it to say, that Iroquontly -ftor outing, 1 would bo tnkon with vio lent and distressing sensations in the head and back of my ii»*ck, extending hnlf way down the spine. At such times 1 was compelled to take my bed. These spells usually continued tor several hours, and were frequently so severe ns to render life a burden. To obtain telief I had recourse ro the best medical aid the country afforded. Having tried the most skillful physicians in Rome, I applied ^vernl ofthe most eminent professional men of the United States. I wrote to Prof. Dudley, of Kentucky ; hud tho celebrated Dr. Mott, of New York, written to, and his prescription tried; ap plied also to the much extolled Dr. Durham ; and then successively to Dr. Dug-s, of Augusta, Dr. Bunks, of Gainesville, Dr. Fort, of Milledgcville, Dr. Cutridge, of Glmttoogn county, nnd tho reput ed Dr. M. S. Thomson, of Macon. All having failed to give relief, I finally, upon Dr. Jones, loca ting in Rome, ventured on giving him a call. For the encouragement of others, I am happy to certify thut Dr. Jones has given mo more relief than all the rest combined. I can now say that my health i better than it has been for several years past. I am able to attend to my plantation affairs, and ride to Rome, or any where else my business requires my personal attention (signed) JOEL MANN. Cures effected w ithout seeing; the Patio u Those persons living at a distance, and cannot conveniently place themselves undor my immediate charge, may have their case streated by sending me an accurate statement of symptoms, ago, occupa- habits of life, Arc. Medicines will be scien tifically coniponunded,nnd neatly put up, with am* pic written directions for use, by the due observ ance of which distant patient* may cure them selves of the most coin pliented and obstinate disease, though ii would be much better for tho patient to ap ply personally ,if possible; because he will then enjoy nil the advnntuges of Dr. Jones’ personal acquain tance with the peculiarities of the case. Since the reduction of |>ostage, tne expense of sending medi cines by mail is but trifling, My chatge, in all cases not requiring my personal attendance, it FIVE DOLLARS FOR MEDICINE8 TO LAST A MONTH. This fee must invariably be enclosed in the letter asking advice, in order to insure attention, directed, pott-j>aid t to Dr, D. S. Jones, Rome, Ga. Persona owning afflicted slaves, can have them treated nt my Infirmary, or medicines sent them as txove stated. D. S. JONES, M. D TO MEDICALSTUDENTS. The undersigned is now prepared to receive a few Medical Students, to read at his office, who will be thoroughly Instruct-*) in the BOTANIC THEORY OF DISEASES, the only truly ecientijic and ejicient Medieal Practice ever made known to the world. Also, a cloae investigrtion of the conflicting the ories of Allopathic Schools of Medicines, will be given, as pertaining to a course of lectures in any of tho B0TANIC0 MEDICAL COLLEGES in ihe United States. Ilit Library ie well actected and furnished with nil tho latest Botnnie Public, lion.i u-ith > l.rpi collection of Durhtra.nd lnd—rt receipt-a. Also, several of ilia mutt approved Allo pathic und Hydropathic works, nnd » new ijitm of rietretin, Terbercuhtr or Scofulour dieeuw, end all oth.rr forme of diene, with a artainty turtle fort ttniitoteu. Daily dcmonitratione in Clinic.! Practice In hie Infirmary, u well u . knowledge »f tho Pkamittcentictd pratuniont of remedies Tn hie Laboratory end Medical Store. it will lie even from the above combined t.lrtn- la,re, teal the medical enquirer will hare her. met with feeili’.lea rarely enjoyed fn a private Phyei- ci.n’e ofllre. The too in all eaeee twin, 950.— Mono nerd apply bat rach as ean come well recom mended, unrl.uch as will likely be an ornament to ih -inrrlvr. and tho profession. Letter* on thil enbjei-r, to Merit attention, matt l> piot-iMK 1 . and uddreaacd to d. sjn BB.IOIID BOTANIC 0 m s-t— ■> j WHY 80 UNHAPPY. THE CAUSES AND THE REMEDY. Makv und m >ny a wife endure* year* of bodily suffering and of mental anguish, prostrate trad heip- Icss, embittering her life, that ol he- husband, and hazarding tho future welfare of her children, arising from causes, which if irtoten, would have spared tbe tuflbiing, theanguieh of the wife, and to the husband embarrassments and pecuniary difBcultlea having their origin fn the mind being weighed down and harrassed in consequence of the aloknea* of the companion of hie bosom. How important that the.causes mould be known to every wife, to every husband, that the dreadful and harrowing consequences to tbe health and hap piness,ofboth maybe avoided! t if. It too short y portion of the ,enjoyment of the other. The timely po»e>aion of a little work enti tled aa follow, hat been tho means of saving tho health and the lift of ihouenndt, at over TWO HUNDRED THOUSAND. copies have been sold since the first edition was is sued. The author lias been induced to advortlso it by the argent and pressing requestorthons who have been indebted to its publication for all they bold dear (that all may have an opportunity orohtalning it.) and who have favored him with tliouaands of letters of encomium, some of which are annexed to the advertisement. THE MARRIED WOMANS Private Medical Companion. BY DR. A. M. UAl'RICEAU, Profeiior of Dlicavoi of Women. Twentieth Edition, 8mo. pp. 250. Price, $1,00 This work is intended especially for tux mar ried, or ihose contemplating mar ringe. as it dis closes important secrets which should bo known to them particularly. Here, every female—the wife, the mother—the one budding into womanhood or the one in tho de cline of years, in whom nature contemplates an important change—can discover the onuses, symp toms, and the most efficient remedies nnd mostcer tain mode of euro iu every complaint to which her sex is subject. The revelations contained in its pages have pro ved a blessing to thousands, as the innumerable let ters received by the author (which he is permitted by the writers to publish will attest. SICKLY AND UNHAPPY WIVES- Extract of a letter from a Gentleman in Dayton, Ohio. " Dayton, May I. 1847. Dr. A. M. Maurickau—My Dear Sir:—"The Married Woman’s Private Medical Companion," for which I enclosed one dollar to your address, came safely to hand. 1 would not have troub ( cri you with these few lines, but that I nin impelled by a sense of gratitude, (or myself nud wife, to give utterance to our sincere and heartfelt emotions. " My wife has been perceptibly sinking for some three yenrs or more, in consequence of her great anguish and suffering some months before nnd dur ing confinement; every successive one more nnd more debilitated and prostrated her, putting her life in imminent danger, and which wus on the last occasion, despaired of. I supposed that this state ol things was inevitable, nnd resigned myself to meet the worst. At this time (now about two months) I heard your book highly spoken of as con taining some mntters reaching my case. On its re ceipt and perusal, I cannot express to you tho .-eiief it afforded my distressed mind nnd the joy its pa ges imparted to my wife, on learning that the great discovery of M. M. Desoineaux provided n remedy. It opened a prospect to me which I little conceived was possible. No pecuniary consideration i.nn ever repay the obligations I nin under to you for having been the means of imparting to us the mat ters contained in " The Married Woman’s Private Medicul Companion." But for this, ere auothet year would have passed over my head, in all hu man probability tuy wife would have been iu her grave, und my children left motherless. Extract from a Letter, ©@E[ip®tt<2im®<3 Sunil M'sallttlh- " Lancaster, Pa., Oct. 24, 1847. My Dear Sir:—I know you will have the kind ness to bear with tne in encroaching upon your time, while I acknowledge in behalf of myself and wife, the obligations we feel ourselves under to you in having inude known certain matters, contained in your most inrnlunblo Mmrleu Women's Pri vate Medical Companion.’ It bus been worth its weight in gold to me. If I express myself rather warmly, you will see that I can not do so too warni- lv, when 1 inform you of the extent to which I have, through it, been benefited. I will state my situa tion when I obtained your book through the mer est curiosity. I look upou it us one of the most fortunate events of my life J had been married some ten years, and was the father of seven child ren: I was iong struggling unceasingly, to the end thut I might earn a moderate competency, but the results of my utmost exertions nt the end left me about where I was at the beginning of each year ; nd that only, with the most stinted economy, suf ficient with burcly the nccessurics of life. Finally, this constant effort was beginning to have its effect upon my health; I felt less capable to e dure its continuance, while I felt the necessity of persever ance. This constant unccnsing struggle on my part was imperative in consequence of the prostrated condition of my wife (with occasional intermission) for six years, much of the time confined to her bed and of course incapable of taking the charge and management of household ntfairs. Her cotdition arose from causes of which I was ignorant. Oh- what would I have given had I the six years to live over again ! What would my wife have given to have been spared the long days nnd still longer nights prostrate on n bed of sicknes*!—ull of which would have been avoided, had I then seen a copy of "The Mairicd Woman’s Private Medicul Com panion." From a Phytic inn. DANGEROUS DELIVERIES. OBSTRUCTIONS, IRREGULARITIES, &C. How many are suffering from obstruction or irre gularities peculiar to the female system, which un dermine their health, the effects of which they are ignorant, and for which their delicacy forbids seek ing medical advice ! How many suffer from polap- tut uteri (falling of the womb) or from floor albot weakness,debility,tec tec.)! How mnny are in con stant agony for many months preceding confine ment! How mnny have difficult if not dangerous deliveries, and whose live* are jeoparded during such time, will find in its pages the means of pre vention, amelioration and relief! To those jutt married. TO TIIOSB JUST MAURIEO—** HAD I KNOWN." " Philadelphia, Nov. 21), lb47. " Da. A. M. Mauricrai;.—Had I known of the important matters treated of in " tho Married Wo man’s Private Medical Companion" some yenrs ngo how much misery 1 might Imvo escaped! 1 have suffered years from causes which you point out in your book, without knowing what tndo. I obtain ed a copy, nnd found my case treated of. I trust every female will avail herself of the information contuiued In its pages." Letters daily received of this character, unneces sary to present. To those yet utmarried, but contemplating mar riage, or perhaps hesitating as to the propriety of incurring the responsibilities attendant upon it. the importance of h^ing possessed of tbe revelations contained in these pages, eo intimately involving their fatumhappiness, connnt be appreciated. It ie, of course, impracticable to convey more ful ly the various subjects treated of, as they ara of a nature strictly intended lor the mnrrid, or thoae con templating marriage; neither if it necessary, since U ia every one’eduty to become possessed of knowl edge whereby the sufferings to which a wi&, a mother, or a sister, may be subject, can be obviated fry Copies will be eent by Mail free of Postage tc tbe Parcbawr^fi# Oy-0n tbe receipt of One Dollar, "The Married ried Woman's Private Medical Companion" is tent MAMgp Fekx) to any part of the United State*.— must be post paid (except those containing :e.) ana addressed to DR. A. M. MAIL ^& N ^.S i 7«k P " UUhin * * Copies kayo been sent by M»U I Far the Bemoral and Permanent Core ef nil NBRVOUS DISEASES, ot thoM Complaints wliiea ara cauied by an impalrad, weakened or unhealthy condition of tho NBRVOUS SYSTEM. Thta bosnti/ul and convenient eyplfeetaew mt the mjrete. rious powers of GALVANISM and MAGNETISM, has bean pronounced by diotingotahed physicians, both in Europe and the United State*, to be the west valuable wed*, final diicentry »/ ihe Jt$e. Dr. CHRISTIE'S GALVANIC BELT MAGNETIC FLUID, is osed with the moat perfect and certain success in all cues of GENERAL DEBILITY, Strengthening the weakened body, giving tons to the earioua organs, and invigorating the entire system Also m FITS, CRAMP. PARALYSIS end PALSY, DY8PKP 8IA or INDIGESTION, RHEUMATISM, ACUTE and CHRONIC, GOUT, EPILEPSY, LUMBAGO, DEAF- NESS, NERVOUS TREMORS, PALPITATION OF THE HEART, APOPLEXY, NEURALGIA, PAINS in th« SIDE and CHEST, LIVER COMPLAINT. sriNAL COMPLAINT, and CURVATURE of the SPINE, HIP COMPLAINT, DISEASES of the KIDNEYS, DEFI CIENCY OF NERVOUS and PHYSICAL ENEROV. and al! NERVOUS DISEASES, which complaints ase~ from on* eimple cause—namely, A Derangement of tha Narvoua System. 09- In NERVOUS COMPLAINTS, Drugs and MedJ. cine* increatt the Aittatt, tor they weaken the vital sner- or the already prostrated system; while under tha strengthening, life-riving, vitalizing influence of Galvan, ism, as applied by this beautiful tnd wonderful discovery, the exhausted patient and weakened sufferer ie restored to former health, r crength, elasticity and vigor. The great peculiarity and excallenet ol Dr. Ohiiiatie'z Oalvaslo CnraUr.s, apyticati I phyeicl •foealy v Irtnrtnev •fl injury under any eircumilancet. Since their introduction ia the United 8tatee, only three years sinca, more than 6 0,000 Persons Including all agaa, classes and conditions, among which were a large number of ladies, who are peculiarly aubjecl to Narvoua Complaints, have been ENTIRELY AND PERMANENTLY CURED, when all hope of relief had been given up, and every thing else been tried in vain ! To illustrate tha ue* of the GALVANIC BELT, sup E tc the case of a person afflicted with that ban* of civilize* n, DYSPEPSIA, or any other Chronic or Nervous Disor der. In ordinary casts, stimulants are token, which, by their action on the nerves and muscles of the stomach, afford Umparary relief, but which leave the patient in a lower ■tote, ana with injured faculties, alter the action thus ezei- ted has ceased. Now compare this with the efl'ect resulting from the application of the GALVANIC BELT. Take e ... — of aa id simply tie the Belt around the body, using the Magnetic Fluid es directed, la a short period the insen- ■ible perspiration will act on the positive element of the Belt, thereby causing a Galvanic circulation which will pass on to the negative, and thence beck again to the positive, thus keeping up a continuous Galvanic circulation throughout ths system. Thus the most severe cases of DYSPEPSIA ara PERMANENTLY CURED. A FEW DAYS IS OFTEN AMPLY SUFFICIENT TO ERADI CATE THF. DISEASE OK YEARS. CERTIFICATES AND TESTIMONIALS Off tile moat Undoubted Cbnrstcter, From all parts of the Country could be given, sufflclant to flU every column in this paper! 80UTH CAROLINA TESTIMONY. DREADFUL RHEUMATISM NERVOU8 PR08TRATION. Charleston, 8. C., April 19, I?i9. To Da. Christie., New York : Respected Sir—sympathy foe the safftring and the deepest gratitude towards you, induces me to send you an account of mr late lamentable condition, and the great relief which f have experienced from your Oalvanic arti cles. For the past four years I hare been afflicted with the moat dreadful and excrutiating attacks of Rheumatism. My whole body has been affected, arms, limbs, head, chast, back, and Indeed every part of my system. I have ex- perienced more agony than I supposed any human being could endure. At one time the joint of my right leg was swollen to about threo times its natural size and the rest of the limb was shrivelled up. This was the case when I commenced using your OALVANIC BELT tor the body and the OALVANIC BRACELETS for the limbs. 1 had many of the best Physicians in Charleston and elsewhere^ and I tried every remedy I heard of or saw in the news* but all with so little benefit that 1 had loaf since began to despair. I had been to tho Warm Springs and the Sulphur Springs: 1 read and studied about my afltfc- tioo, but with no avail. What then my joy end grata tude when the truth first dawned upon me that I bad at last discovered a remedy t I should here stele that the constant ■nd repeated attacks of pain tendered me as feeble as a child and quite helpless. It utterly Incapacitated me from business, and prostrated and deranged my whole Nervous System. Now, on Ute first application of the Oalvanie articles. I did not experience much cessation of the pal* but I began to feel differently; my strength seemed to be regained i my need to get clear and elasticity and buoy ancy to be returning. This it was that so agreeably sur prised and encouraged me. But in less than a week the pains had also decreased, end they appeared to diminish daily. A continuation of damp weather came os, and I expected a return of the Rheumatism and Nervous Depres sion : but no—I still continued to improve, simply using the Belt, Bracelets and Magnetic Fluid. This is now over one veer since, and at thia moment of writing I believe I am aa healthy and as happy a man aa there is in Charlactoa All my pains are gone •, my strength has returned ; my ap pearance has so altered that my friends, who formerly thought 1 was dying, hardly know me. In a word I am a living miracle or tbe wonders of Galvanism, as applied by K ur beautiful inventions. ! could say more if necessary t will only add that yo t are at liberty to make this public for tbe benefit of those who be «oii**s*/ uSkteu. Very respectfully and siincorssljr^jromj f. 8.—I may add that thare are hundreds of persons ia South Carolina and ia Georgia who have known me for Dr. P. Mauvtiv Cohen, <*■ Hon. Joan P. Kina, Augusu, ue. Ricasao Peters, Esq^ H. L. Buttebeiei.d, Esq, PavUlkm Hotel, Charleston. Was. M- Moody, Esq., Charleston HotoL DR. CHR!8TIF.’8 GALVANIC NECKLACE la Ml fer all complaints MMUaf tko Tfciccl oc Use*. .uch u BroacUtU, iMuuuUoa ot tha Throat, Nomas and Bkk Haadacha, DiulnaM ot tha Head. liwlWl h tha Fact, Bailing ot Hoariag is tho Can -Atah ta generally Nsnomud that dlatreraad ■—y.llat. called Tic Doioteux. DR. CHRI8TIE’S GALVANIC BRACELETS Ar. found of ,ut aorvks fa com. of Coe.ul.iOM of FHq Spaimodic CompUlaU, and general N.reou. Affection* or die Heed eml upper tttmMiM. Abo la Palsy cad Partly, ak. and all dfiuaa cauied hr a dtiskucy ot powat or Hlnw Energy U tha limbs or other organa ot ths body. aro-FOR SALE in Rrw**.G*.,l>y the ztithoftted Agents, BATtEY a» : BROTHER" At Marietta, Om. by ' WM ROOT, Anri by uuthorised Agensi in the principal' towns of iboSratc. __ ' 1 . . ^ ifi Modi'' ’ ibecribcr, dii WHERE THIS PLASTER IS APPLIED„ PAIN CANNOT EXIST. A gentleman in the South of Europe and Palfe* ne, in 1S30, heard so much said in (lie latter piaea •n favor of JEW DAVID’S PLASTER, and of the (as he considered) miraculous cure* it had p»i- t'ttrmcd, that he wa* induce ! ta try it on hio perron, for a Long and i,iver Affection, ihe i "I which had been the chief object ol hi* journajv hut which had ft allied tho genial and deliciou clone. .« , v , ^ He accordingly applied a plaster on the right "'da of his chest where the pfiin woe scaled, another <>< iwecu ihe shoulder*, and one over the region## ihe liver. In the mean lima lie drank Irwnjf.of air herb tea of laxative qualities. He soon found hi# health improving, ond in a few weeks his cough left him; the eallownesa of hte skin ditapprared, hio pain waa removed, uud hie health became pesma- nently reinstated. •. T HESE PEAS?ERS possess the advantage ol being put up in air-tight boxes—hence they re tain their full virtuea in ell climates* We have jaet received the following testimonial from C. C. Hel lers, an eminent lawyer in successful practice m Wilcox county, Alabama. Ue is a gentleman hi high standing, and one whoeo influence has greet weight: 'Camden. Ala., Nov 24th, 1848. 'M taste Scoail A MtAD—Gentlemom—Hev- ng been requested to elite what has been th^ au'st of mv experience in the use of your “* Plaster,' I cheerfully comply by enyiij 'ound i' to be •• heretofore re valuable medicia#* In djj ly I hire applied JlWr'Ofl ,p jMT " |hd it irtYKended, ca'ia- invtant relief. I have also used it wiTh good eHeet upon my own persm in tbe cure oi ulcers, with which X have been severely afflicted. "Respectfully, etc. 1 « C. L\ SELLERS * It haa been very beneficial ie catea of Weakness, such as Pain and Weakness lithe stomach. Week Limbs, Lameness, Affection of the Spine, Female Weakness, tec. No female, subject to pain or iknesa in the back or sides, should be without if. Married ladies indelicate situations, find grtet re* lief from constantly wearing thia plaster. .. ' 4 The application of the Plaiter between the ahoul- ere haa been fonnd a certain remedy for Colds, Coughs, Phthisic and Lung Affections, in their primary etagra It destroys inflammation by per- tion. Reware of CouuterfeitM and Bate Imitations. CAUTION.—Tne subscribers are the only Gen* •ral Agents in the Southern Slates for the salv oi Ins truly valuable Plaster; and in order to prevent purchasers being imposed upon, by a counterfeit article, add In this city and else where, for the gbm- tint, they invite particular attention to the follow ing Marks or me Gkkikne: Itt. The genoine it put up in tmootli, engine Hww- ed bottomed boxet, not tholdtrtd in. id. The genuine hat the engraved head oj Jew Da vid on the direct ions, around the box, m.:h srssa- panying record of the Court to E. Taylor, Roches- ‘ T. ICTSrOVIL A MEAD. Charters Street^ sale General Agents for the Abotheri whom all orders moat be Kddrsiied. A Sold also, Wholesale snd Retqj BATTEYte W. B. Summers, Kingato: h. A Co.. Cassvile, Gs^ _ . ■ Sprinj, G...L. W. D«.e.iBS||ri j., g )lwiij| ■ ^ jA, P O tmmj mcwi For she Gar. at OOVGB8, OOX.D8, HOARSENESS, BROHC1 WHOOFINO-OOUCH, «*] . ASTHMA and OONSUMF72 he unilurni nurrraa which haa attended Use ■I... prr;.arail n iu aaiuta'y effect—itspunsr Ml d core affection, of the Longs, have gained 1 Irbriiy equalled by no other wMRtHT the afilicted with entire cuniid.nco in Ik lie full belief that it will anbdac .nd remote tboji eat attacks ofdiioaM upon the ihtoal andtUtng,. r—ails, m they t.eeomt publicly known, »ory ■ attract the at ■ niton o wrote.! min and pliilaN ever,where. What i. lb.trop.niun of CHERRl TOKAL mny be .ran In Ino following;— VZLKNTINS MOTT, M. D., Prof. .Surgery Met}. College, New York, ” |i L’r r. ms pWacur.tocertiiy Hie value anti, of A».r'« ciiitKRY mrroKAL, which i< peculiarly adapted locora di>to.ea of tha THEUT. HF.V. BISHOP FIELD writes In a teller lo h a friend, who »«r fast ala der an aOrotwiof Iko Long..—"Try tin Cl PECTORAL nnd tl any tmdirine ean giv with the cift'.iid Ibul " ill” CHlKrJWTlCE EUST18. of Loai.iana writes “Thst o young doughtur of J cured of several .evere ultnek. of Croup by f UY PECTORAL." Y t ,t ASTHMA AND BRONCHITIS. Tkt Canadian Journa of Mtdical I •mica,"That Aslhma.and Hronebiiiasopti inclement climate, U*. yielded with swp to Ayer a CHERRY PECTORAL,and strongly rrro mend thia skilful preparathmi feeaion and public generally " M Let Ut. relieved sufferer rpcak for lls.Tro Dr. J C. Ayer—iy»r Sir:—Having from • painful end dur.gerotu duet., by - iludepron “ ‘ gratitude prompts me lo send you ihia acki nut only toJo»Ueatoyoti,bul tor the infer Oil- Many hundred. Cartrdcater (torn all mrta af tha ^.o. country of tha moat catraaidinaey charaelar can ha glean, and If isgalrad. F Wn tmable or toconvankue* attends Ora usa af Christie's ojuvasic rrrr~r , rgj- .. ' ” SS ....■ ii... — . — ■ —.Sly n.^STina tfrtio&H. fksy CM ha rant ta any part af tha ceaatiy. Prices: Tb, (galvanic Balt Threa Dollar*, Tha Oalvanic N«Wa, Tiro DolUrj, Tha Golvanlo Bracalats, On. DoU.r Each. Tha Magna tic Fluid, Ono Dollar. af tha iuthorited Agent . PARTICULAR CAUTION. Off- hwr. ./ CMmfm, rod WVrtkfoss WlMS D. C. MOBHHEA] ORRRRAL AOtinJOA TWt CHIT id profuse i *. Ibecams hid No vtdaiUally ttl _ . soon re!icveed mod joVAmV ST, at all to reach aj y.*oi CHERFY PI Dr. Ayer. Lowell-Iteai Sir i— I , afflicted with A.lhma in Ihe woeat hern obliged lo alerp in my chair a time, being unubla lu breath, o.. n «E*5P RAL At first ft seemed lomakea. n week I h-gan ro eiporlanca l from it. tuu; and now, i. ' tirely remov—L laana' and on joy a • o enjoy. a