Rome courier. (Rome, Ga.) 1849-18??, December 12, 1850, Image 4

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Tai.i.ow Wool, an’s Granite Mills.—VVe would ik attention of purchnsrs of flour to the pro ducts of the mills, on the Augusta Canal. From trials which we have made of flour 'manufactured at Coleman’s Granite Mills, •n the Canal in this city, we can confidently recommend it to our friends in the country who look to this market for their sup-dies, as equal, if not superior, to the best Northern ^ brands, and it is generally offered at some W," . fifty cents less per barrel. *. . V * We are not fnmilai; with the reasons K>r- It, ( hut good judges say, that southern when makes better flour thun northern, mid is less auhiect to become sour, or injured by being ‘ »tt kept.on handsome time, either for sale jn j markets here, or in transportation to distant i markets. It is not our purpose however, to J enter into an examination oftiie causer »/ j W shit .„p.norlly oI souther/, /lour, nor to ,o- j commend to mere. ,anls to purvji|»e u for ah.pment. Thnt will of course reguln'e iiself, as these tnills become better known and the products of their tminiifucluro m o ) discovered to he oqual to those of northern mills Wtf'desire more particularly at present to solicit the attention of our country friends to these mills,, and ask them to give them a tri bal.—Aug. Rep . • (^.-The Methodist Congregations at tVcs ley Chapel, and at Lexington, in Rockbridge county, have dissolved their connection with ' the Baltimore Conference which ndlie e/ to the Northern Division of the Church. In ' the Lexington congregation, the vote for the alteration was 26 to 16. Kevs. J. IV. ea my «/• \y l. Spottswood, appointed by •mong w gy"[om’ 0 > protested against fieT proceeding, arid ' lvfrr4Vplf tefused to receive pay.—Petersburg News, UO* i ! It is to In; ®sol ved, in tlt« nuitffiijn '%hich exists in vmious put ts <il the mim- uy, how calmly nnd quietly the gonoiii! ’ operations of the Government g" Bn.' and Ilnur intlifiill.v mid hoiiorati'y th" Pies d m' " and Cabinet devote thems< Ives to die tbs- cthnrge of their dirties, leaving faetinffi to rage, and sections t > gofit. nd, wilt■ -nr Inf- ing nfli-cled ijy any other e ueidm ,.in- than those which concern die homo mil prosperity rtf tlto vluile nation rtio opposition journals find very h'llu to condemn, nnd very 1iltl<* even to ei.m men! on. in reference to the course t.f die ndminislrnlioii. It seems to lie agreed dim the President will stnrnl bv the lows. m,d • uphold them, ns fur as the ust; ol o.msi m- tionai menus in his pow r will perm * This gives confidence <n every qo ut.-i - people lire satisfied dint de l .x- jn ji.umd tile Judieiury me s do de v The m.,. ofsecutitv which even ih. _ fciS3'l' W ‘fe i. u ilium n’n'.ry fortnnaio lor die r mit- try, in sucli n crisis, llint so culm. Iiffinru Itble.nnd just n mutt ns Mr. Fil'itmrc is. i ainruld he nt ihu head of tlm Goverioneoi. /.He deserves, nt this tim-. the stqipurt id WSBmjffihn men of ull sections and nil par- .ties. Let them stand by him in nil hjs paitriotic ofFirts to guide the ship of Stale fofelythough thu peril .that now rnviinn Alexandria Gazette ' *'*• k \. yPsESDVTF.RIAN FEMALE CoLLEOE. — We ’erstand that the Synod of Geurgiii, at ffittir late session in this city, deiennined to ifrate the projected Presbyterian Female College at Griflin. We had en er aim'd pes,'hat our own city would have enjoyed .he advantages of its establishment here, hut the central position ofCritfin, m.d the claims li the denomination in that section, d ude 's ha‘ their weight in determining i’s Imvi- on 'in that beautiful vilnue. VVq wish it tuch success.—American Mechanic ■ THK MARKETS. Home,December 12, IS,ill Cotton;—Ranging from 11 to I II ceiitr. ' Cohn—K-ghty cents nor bushel. -oatc dial.—Eighty-five tents. fiAiua—Three fifty to Four dolluts fifty pr. 100 lbs '-ait—3ix dollnts per lOplbti. Charleston, Dee. 10. IVSO; JOTTON—There was quite an native demand fin von yesterday. Prices irregular; l.uyeis, how- were not able lo operate on ;i« favorah‘e terms as aturday. Business closed with Fa r and Fu| y ■allied at 13 a 131 cents. The saKs reached vu- ■\y 4.5U0 boles. ,—i : . Auocsta, Dec, 7, 1S50. TON—The market to day hns been very qn - .'hi limited. Ther; ia lint little Cotton oficr- h.nh buyers and aellers are unx ously looking ’ l aieuuier’s news, now pant due COIlllECTEI) WEEKLY BY. SAMIR & VERBlRY. ARTIOT. R*l Bacon, HuuiSeev ijfcv .yd.» Uiindeo,* Ky Gumioy .. Burryn, Goshen, lb.... Couptrv • ..... .... Bkei , Foroquarter,.•• • .... Iliad do, Box, Spermaceti,.... .... Adamantine, ... .... \W«feR Java, Sack,.... ♦»<f. Cuba, • UK'tirA, V‘ ‘ Kio, ...... .... .1 1,-koreJ, So 1 nor libl. $ CTS. $ 19 a 91 a 17 a 25 a 15 l 2i a 3 a 19 a NEW FAMILY GROCERY A PROVISION STOlyii.. . i SAWII1E (e CO., have ju.t recoived nr.d ^ j u enin'^s a tlHV and well MtlucKMl Hi 14 A ■ '•i 5 7fi ' 80 124 Hoop, . • ■ l.hAh. . Vloi.ASS** bbl pr , Liverpool per .Sack .. do do bushel. Table, per box t, V. Orleans' lb.. Poriorlco, Delta, ... .4 .'Niiit.iurii', HaHiied l.oa I .. 64u .. 5 a . .. a4* . .. 74a . .. U a , .. rtia .. 37 {a .. 50 a .. 04a .. G4rt 9 00 a Bolls 33 a 35 AMTIIliU AN III (I:U.HISSH),\ BUSims. THE undere gned would reip^p fully tender his ser vices to lit: public as city mj&Tionreran All business entrusfef^^ hi-* care wdl meet will ck returnB. J. I.. HUSON. lie would beg leave to refer to Maton. fl* k v v r rilfin. k Ku 10 THE BRITISH PERIODICALS anu mi.; V A \l M K H ’ (J U I I) E. I. fill V A R l» ,«COTT & CO., NO 51 UOLU ST , NEIV VOOK. Com Ui) it* j.ubl sh the Ihu lemlin- Br ti.h Qnarter- I, Beviews and Bl ickwood a Ma^uzine ; in ndilition 10 wlimhit i y have recently comnienced the |iub ! ica* linn of a v . I Untile Agriculto ill work, nailed the " Parmer's Guide to Scientific and Practical Agriculture.” By Heniiy Stbhikns, F. K. y., of Fidinbnrgh, nu- ' th r oi the** ltooa • >f the farm,” izc ; ns i ted by John P. Norton, U. A., sew Haven, Professor of Sttiemille Agriculture in Ynle (*oliege .Vo. Acc. This highly valuable work wi.l comprise two Inrg-• royal octavo volume-*, containing over 14' 0 pages, with 18 or2<l Sjilendid steel engraving-* nnd moreth • n GtlO eog.-aving;*on wood, in the h.gli st style of th • njt,illu trail..g almost eve. y inipleni m of husbandry now in iiku by the best farmers, the best methods of ploughing,planting, linying, It .rvoting, \cu. Vc , the vnrUnis doimflt.c animals in tit. ir iii<liest perfection ; in liur .th. t'l' ToniAL leature of tlnj book is unlqu *, and .t ill r uder a of/noalculable value ti the student of gri.-tillure The \vo»k. lo l.e published in Seini-monthly Vum- hr ,u G4 png •.** eac'.i, exclu ive of the St el engr.v- ing , and is sold t 25 t’ants each, or §5 for the cntir - work ill uumoeru, of which there will be at least twen ty-: wo The Britirh Periodicals Ue*puhlUhed arc us fol io iV.I viz : THE 1.0 SD N QUARTKULY Ri.ViBNV (Con- scrvnt v:), TllfcS fciOlSBUUGH ItfcSVIliSW (Whig), THK NUR »*H BRITISH R. VIKW nhurch), THK WKSTA1INSTKU REVIEW (L, AND BLACKWOOD’S EDlNBUnGH MAGAZINE (To. •y), Athougb these works are distinguished hv the poli tical shades above indicated, yet but a <mnll portion of their content; is devoted to political subjects It their Mr* ary char cter which g ves them their chief value, nnd in that they hi md confess -dly fur above all other journals of their class Blackwo"d t still under the ma te;ly guidance of Christopher North, main tain* its miei nt celebrity, and is ut thi-> time unusual ly ott rod ive, from tho s.*rial works ofBu.wer and oth er Uterary’nata Ides, writt n for that umgtuinc, nnd fir. t nppour ng in its col*.inns both in Great Britain iiud In the United States. Such works ns** TheCnx- ioiis” ami “ My New Novel” (both by Bulwcr),'* My Peninsular Medal,” ” Th>-G cen lloud,*' nnd other sermh’tuf which numerous rival editions are issued hy the le iding publishers in this count y,‘hnvc to be re printed hy those publishers from the page.- of Black wood, aJUr it has been ifitted hy Messrs Scott *5* Co., sotu it JStibscrihcrs to the Kcprient oi ttmt Mnjnziue | m y always rely on the artiest lending of jo f.icinniiug tales TERMS. K AUTHORISED to luinouucc Mnj. 1, lUuno.v, ® Cuodidntc for Majm of the 12th Division, Georgia Militiayat th ’ 2«o»iott on the first Monday iif 'January 1 '*• "’ncy .n«viasianed by the rosigua- AVo M ttdtnisBion ion i^ ccm- C lit Per \nn. $3 0 5 lit) -s 00 3.00 9 00 iu no $5 Od For any oik* of the fou Reviews, For any tw.» do For any. titree do For all four of the Reviews, For Bln.-kwo xl’s Ongav.iue, For BhigV wood and three Reviews, For Llnckwcod nnd th four Riviews For Farmer's Gu dc (coiuplete in 21 Vos.) (Payments to he made in all cases in Advance.) CLUBBING. A discount of twenty,five per cent, from the above price* will he allowed to Clubs four or tnoic copies ufuny or more at the above wo.ks. Thus: 4 copies of Blackwood or of on*.* Review will be seut to one address far $9 4 cop.esof the four Reviews nnd Bl tckwond for $3"; ond so on. *** Orders from Utubr mu t be ►enu/tVecu to the pub- hihers, us no discount from these prices can be allowed to Agents. Money, current in the .States wh »rc i sued, will be received at par {& Remittances nnd cotmminientions should be al ways add. csscd, post p«id or finnked, to the Publish ers. LEONARD SCOTT V tO. 79 "Street, New York, Entrance 54 Gold si. Dec 4 1850* PCivndklRte for Major G»*n- dTDivision,-G. M., at the ensuing elec- * ,. n Monday in January next. The di- nui \ 8l .,j of the Counties of Gilmer, (*her- nnfcip, Murray, Walker, Dude, Chst- T^d. . Dec. ! E noOTd County- I.O- npmt 11. Lyle applies to ini' for 1 e«Mo of Jon- the B()b| Wd. ..y iysc I « J, nnrf^rfSonisk aH and deceased, lo , an ,he time prescribed ■ ■ uvby said letters -jL-.y itond at oil -_^FALL SUPPLIES. WlVEs 3 IIRU.,.Having received their Full Supplies, invite nitentioivm-aJnige.nnd welljis. -ortt d Si.u-k nf pure D.'iiyfl :niid Medicinea, ■Pnints} l'i s, Dy -S udV, tilasi, Brushes, Perfumery. Fancy n tiql eic , eie, ( Dec. 8. THE ATTENTI If OF PHYSICIANS I .S invited lo our frerh supply nf Drugs nnd Medi- cine u Eiiglish nnd Amencun t'h.mieuls, Siirgi- cul inrtmilients,* .Vlediii.vl Bugs, Homeopath c Ca-es, de . The pj-rpij and-qn.l/ty cunnqt fjnto;; Jja-e all who \. i h pine, itnaduHcrated n.-|.cles, fit-r. ;i. BATTEViVBRO. PURE FAMILY MEDICINES, T T u. are now openi..„,,. .. . .. Stock of FAMILY GROCERIES, in the lower part of the City, 3 Doors above J. S. Burnett’s Co nor, in the House recently occupied by Mr. Oppnrt, ns a Ci gar Factory. In addition to tlielr Stock of Groceries, they have and will continue to keep on hand, u choice supply of Confectioneries, and Fruits of different kinds. The Citizens of Rome nnd vicinity* ure respectfully Invited to call at their establishment, where they mpy obtain ns good bargains os can be affpreed by any oth er House in the City. Tbo following articles com- p*ise u portion of our Stock Brown Sugar, Assort Shav. do Domestic • do " Blacking, Oranges Sweet, n Scoteh SnufT, Lemons, Fine linv Cigars Pmo Apples,.^ Table Salt. Mercer Potatoes, '*■ * )n do Wine Vinegar, Whfto Onions, dUy* do Lemon Syrup. Red do Cube Molnssi's, Tomntto Ketnip Go.-.h4*n Butter, MeVvart’s Syrup. Rock and other. English Cheese No. 1. Mackerel, Candies A*sor., Northern do imperial Tea, Pickb a, Dried Beef, Black do Mustard, Scotch Herring. Alman,Ift. SuflKf Cruokowi, -WJIIu\v Un-kol*. RhJains in whole Water • do Work Baskets, nnd qr. Boxes, Soda do Cranberries, I’ocnn Nuts. English Walnuts,Mulaga Grapes. Prunes in Boxes.Vcrmnceha, Northern Apples, Cru-hed do Loaf ' do Uu* Coffee, B.'ooms, Sardines, St irch,Pearl and Coaco Nuts, Blue, Brazil do Result i Cigars, Buck Wheat, Piincipe do Rock Silt, L. Sol'.*, do Turkey Figs, In L Nutionalsdo Boxes. Sul. R.iisins, Dried Citron, Rice, Star Cnndl. s, TnHow do Sp.-rtn do Coigntes Soap, V inegated do All of which we offer for Cash only. Families are in vited to send in their orders, Rome, Gn., Nov. 2i,l*)50 v DISSOLUTION OF COPARTNERSHIP. T HE Copartnership existing between SAWRflS & VERDERY, was th.s day dissolved. Nov. 16. P. S AJI business of the firm wdl be settled by T. J VERDERY, who will continue the business. . BOOTS & SHOES * f '•* CASES M ns Water-proof, Calf and Kip r «/* Boots, purchn?ed from the manufacturers— will be sold'/ou, down at DENNIS *Sc HUNT’S Nov. Si. FINS MOLESKIN HATS & FUR CAPS. G EN IN’S Superfine Moleskin Mats, warranted to be superior to nny other hut brought to this town. Also, Fine Beaver Fur Caps, niny be found nt DENNIS & HUNT’S Nov. 21 RAIN & MUD- I NDIA RUBBER Contsnnd Leggings. Also, Gents. Ladies’and Misses Rubber over-*hoes,.4nd Ladies Rubber Bootees, a new and desirable article, all pf which utc a sura protection against rain and niud! DENNIS it* HUNT. NOV. 21. ‘ .,f r . / NEW STORE, .And an entire new stock of Slnpfe and Fancy Fry Goods and fiROC'ClUBX. (Next door to Wtn. E. Alexander fy Co.) blue, block, brown, olive, green and cadet broad cloths; black* corded, doeskin, plain, lancv, striped, green cassitnures ; blue, black, striped, olive mixed, Oxford, fancy plaid, silver drab, and silver mixed satinnets; blue, black, brown, grcun and gold mixed, grey und cadet Kentucky janes; blue and drab, pilot cloth# for overcoating} all kinds of tweeds; red, .greet!#. White and yellow flannel; super cassimero vertmgs,nil qualities; block sorgo ; silk and cotton hnndkercliiefs ; bLvck and J'ancy silk ora vats ; men’s buck, hosetlcin# oassintere and bone* knit gloves; La- dies'" klti, ott&Itnore and silk glove*; worsted and silk inf s,«. . Tlir ladies are particularly invited to look At a few pattern*, of black brocade, Crode, Rhine und striped cltene silks; figured and lustre duehono and Jenny Lind ptmlins; velvet trimmings, nil shudes and coloif ; n»ie as.-ortmeut of bonnet and cop tibbons j plain and Jltfuretl blnoK tilpacoas; black, plain and figured mohair, change-able nnd fancy figured al pacas ; mode striped do., iudie* morino vests; Hunga rian, pear) and Albonnl, Coburg and Leghorn bonnets, blk. Leghorn do., white, pink, blue and arrow colored tattin bonnets; some with leathers, very pretty ; artifi cial (lowers; a beautiful assortment of gold pencils, fin ger rings, car rings and breast pins, silver pencils nnd thimbles; swiss, jnconot and mull muslins, bishop lawn; plain and figured bobbinetts; liil* nnd thread lace nnd edgings and insertings; a fine assortment of calicos and ginghams, shawls, See. tec ; a well assorted stock ol'ready made clothing; 10 cases boots assorted; India rubber over-boots nnd shoes, ladies overshoes ; large stock heavy negroshocs; a general assortment of ladies slippers and walking shoes; misses and children’s do.; mens knd boy's shoes; hnts nnd caps, a good assort ment ; a large and general assortment of hardware and cutlery; 10 bales osuaburgs ; striped nnd plain home spuns, blenched do.; bed ticking, furniture diinity;iron, •alt, sugar, coffee, molosus, bogging, rope, twine, mack- ernl, loaf sugar, hoop and baud iron, nail rods, horse shoe nails ; 100 keus nails, assorted ; fine assortment of men’s and ladies saddles and bridles. The assortment in very complete in every line and will be sold on very reasonable terms. I will lake all kinds of produce that can be turned to any account in the way of exchange. Cash paid for Cotton. Coun try merchant* wishing to replenish their Stocks with lohie leading articles might find it to their advantage to call. A few pieces of carpeting for sale low,.with a great many other articles too tedious to mention. FRANCIS M. ALLEN. Nov. 14, 1850. 0 lUnil Ananamnenbi. T HE Northern, .Southern and Eastern Mails close at 9$ o’cilocki A. M.', daily, except Sun-* days. Airives nt iJ'P. M., daily, except Sundays [Mode of conveyance, Roil Road t ars Wnstern Mails (via) Coosa and Missionary Sta tion, Gn., to Blue Pond*' Ala., closes nt I V. VI., daily, except Sundays. Arrives rtt ft A. M., daily, except Tuasduy*. [Mod® of conveyance, four- horse 'conch. Jacksonville mail, tvia) Cave Spring and Slate Line, closes at 5 A.M., every Monday. Arrives nt 0 P. M., every Wednesday, [ilfode of conveyance, hprse mail Cave Spring mall (vln). Yann’s Ynllby, Ga. closes every Tuesday and Friday at* 104 A. A/. Arrives same days at 11 A. A/. -C-Modo of conveyance, horse mail. La Fayette mail (via) Dirt Town, Hfttjdln’s Mills, Armutchee nnd Summerville, arritfe?r,tivery Monday ninl'Thurs’dny at 0 P. A/., nnd closes same day \tt u£ P. ilf. Cnliiornm, Hermitage nnd Johnson’s mails close nt 10 A. M, every F'tdiiy,.and arrives same day nt 114 A. M. [A/ode of conveyance, horse mail** April IS, 1950 THOM A6 J. Pfllt It V, P• M ALi:xA.\(MCit nra.vAi.iiKt.L, ATTORN KY S A T L A W, ROME, GA. Nov. 28, 1850. ly. UN *. tlUANTI.V, WARE-HOUSE AND COMMISSION V.LiU’UAXTS, ATLANTA, GA Nov. 28,1860. ly ItOKIA* 1IARDRMAN. H OIIARI.KS V IIVUtLTlX HAMILTON & IIAtl HUMAN. Factors & Coiumission Mciehntils, f SA VA NNA H, QEOR G/A Oct. 3, IS5Q, *1 vJm CHARLES V HAMILTON/ ^ TtloU IS JARPKMaN. HA It D Kill AN A: IIA MB J.TON, Warehouse & Commission Merchants, MA C ON, GE O It Gl. I.. Oct 3, VS5U; 1 |o tr , A . K . PATTON,' ATTORNEY AT LAW, Rome, Geotffia. WILL Practice in all the Counties of t! e Cl^ro kee Circuit. 4« Sept. 5, IS50. LIGHT! LIGHT!! P ATENT CAMPIIINE LAMPS giving a better nnd cheap *r light than any thing else yet discover ed (the Sun excepted) nt TilE NEW YORK STORE. Nov 21. SHAWLS AND MANTILLAS. A LARGE Assortment of superfine allwool Long Shawls, Black Silk Shawls, and the Very latest Also, materials for making man- OSGOOD, ALSABR00K & CO. No. 4, Choice Rouse, H AVE;opened nnd offer n general assortment of J ^ Ready-Made Clothing, embracing every va- Coats, JPaifitr, Vests, 'Shirts, Cotton and Mo rino Drawers and Shirts, Morino undervest for Ladies; Cravats of varions styles, half hoso, collars, &c., &c. We uLo otl'er a superior lot; of Boots and Shoes from the Negro Brogan to the Firto Gnlf Boot, with a choice sclec tion of Indies u, »d Childrens Bootne* und Shoes, Trunks, Carpel-Bags, lints nnd Cap.*, of ull sorts and prices. We al*o oiler School, Religious ttnd Miscellaneous Books, Stationery and Fancy Stationery, Perfumes, from Julc.« Auuel, .soaps, Hair and ’I ootli Biushes, with u great variety of articles too tedious to mention, all of which will be sold nt a fuir advance upon cost and charges. The Indies we will be especially pleased to se* nt o. 4. Koine. GiufiNov. 7.J&60. Bin Nor. 31. DENNIS & HUNT’S. ATLANTA IRON F0UNDERY. M ILLGEAUlNGof every description, Gin Gear ing, PI.itcs umlBnlls, ifec., &c , together with all such other casting-* as are usunlly made at similar es- t ihl-slim -nt-*, will he manufactured to order ou ac commodating terms, and warranted to be of the best mattnul. by A. LEYDEN &CO. Nov. 28. ly ; Improvements, udery. . with all the 1st- Apply nt the Ml.rtu Iron A. LEYDEN 6c CO. iy M ILL STONES, French, Georgia, and Esopus, of every size, n[ manufacturer's prices, with freight nd i d. Also, Uniting Cloths of sup'-rior quality, Cast lr *u Water Wheels,of nil si/.es, for Flour nnd Saw Mills, 6ic., &c Apply nt the Fouiidery of Nov. 28, 1850. A. LEYDEN 6c CO. BONNETS. U NCUT Velvet Bonnets, nil colour*, trimmed in handsome style, AT THE NEW YORK STORE. Nov. 21. BOOTS! BOOTS! A FEW pairs of superior doubled sole stichefi Boots, (home-made) may he hnd cheap forca-dt, by applying at this office immediately. BANKS A EDDLEMAN, DE.tLKftS IN BOOTS, SHOES, LiaTHER,PEKS, SHOE-MAKER’S TOULSy dto Atlanta, Ga.,; * f- .• , H AVE on hand n large stock of Leather, Last*, Pegs Findings, Tools, See , and will fill order* nt Augusta price*, with the freight added’. Shoe-Ma lt rs in Cheroke • Geo g a mi J Alabama would do well to try. them, as*th y might “go fi the and f»,re worse.” They also have n large stock of well assorted Boot* nnd .Shoe*, mode exnrcssly for them, which they: will warrant. They are superior,nnd no mistake, and will be sold cheap Also, heavy doubled sole Negro Shoes, mat\faotur- cd by themsclvc* in Atlanta. These am far *upert ir to any Negro Shoes bofore offered in tW.purt of the country, and will be sold on accommodating'terms. They are prepared also, to make to order finesingl.* n .d doubled sole Boots, or any other kind, in a style unsurpassed in this country. Nov. 23, H50 To the Friends of Medical Reform. T HE oft and repeated colls to vhit patients at a dis tance in the country, has induced th" subscriber to unite with him in the practice of medicine, Dr. H. B. RANSOM, late of Monroe, Walton county, Georgia whose qualifications are of the first order, hav iug practiced for several years with flattering success in Middle Georgia, where hi* reputation as a prac titioner, is best known and appreciated. I will also take this method of returning my most grateful acknowledgement* to my patron* for pnst avors, and still solicit a continuance of the same. In tsoiiiiuetitnrwlihnlicaborc named gentleman, l will he prepnrrd ut all times to attend to caIN in reasona ble dii-tnnce,and when neces.mry, the services of both will be tendered in consultation without ndditinnul charge. D. 8. JONES Rome, Ga., October 21, 1850. tf To Officers and Soldiers of the War with Mex ico, the War of 1812 with Great Britain, or auy of the Indian Wars, Regular, Volunteer or Drafted, or their legal Representatives, Widows and heirs. B Y recent net of Congress you are allowed boutv ty lands nnd money in proportion to tho time ol service, rendered in nny of tho above named Wars- The undersigned having nil tho forms ne cessary, yon can obtain warrants for entering your lands, und procure tho bounty money wlioncv er allowed, by application to DANIEL S.PRINTUP, Attorney at Law, Romo, Ga. October 17, 1850. litn WASHINGTON HALL, Atlanta, Georgia• . T HIS HOTEL has been newly fitted up and finely furni.-hed lor the accommodation of the { Trsfycl- lug Public, gen,* ally. No pains will be spared to runder tili comfortable who in.iv’ give us n call. JLJ' So'vnnts always in nttcndnncb nt iho Cars to convey b.iggugo nnd conduct Passengers. J A M ES LO YD, Proprietor. GEO. R FRAZER, Superintendnnt. S. 13.— \ now and splendid UAdBER SHOP re« ccatly attach -cl, under the same roof. Dec. 5,1 '50. ly C0I> LIVER OIL. T II VT c/ieb.nted euro for Consumption, Scrofula in ull iis terms and varions other dis- eft-es.ju.M received 20 gal*, direct from the pinnu? factory of Rushton, Clark & Co.—warranted genu- in.*. For sale by BATTEY to BRO. Dec. 5, I >50. Choice's Hotel'Range. J. J. COHEN’S . CHEAP CASH STORE. rpHE mbscriber informs his friends and the public X geuer.illy, ihnt he has removed his Store from the Corner of Brood mid Dtownli Sir eta. to the.first .-tore below, in that purl of the Cityc dled Pittsburg on the ,*me of the Street where he offers the same bar gains as evor. Hehaa lately been joined in -business jgJMsJIter’MSMBBfii Slock of Goods suitable for this market;: con.isVng of FOR 8 ALE- Dry Goods, Groceries of all descriptions,-CvffiAe.nnd ’ olh r tloi'tlwormCutlery,nndn large.vt, Ilian srvetTnlitililS'Wffl fTlHf'I rftnre atul (.'<t formerly oecnined bv Mrs J- ( art-.r, on Noith side j' " " . o nt, • of bmitieos. Terms.mi.-e, - ~~ i; n ( ] Dec \ is3u. L 11 ' JKAtt.1. -AN O W t IV'lf EK- C«OD». I. J, oIlBERG-, M E 11 C H A NT T Al LO R, H AS now on hand a well selected stock of Cloth*, Cassimcrus nnd Vestings, of isvery shad* and color, together witit evorv otiier article'’usunlly k*pt iu an establishment of this kind. ^Tlras*. goods have been selected by himself in- New York, with great caru nnd particular-reference t&jke pravail- * ing Fushious. .He Is also prpphf'eit "to'Snunufu*. lure oloddug in a inunuor nnd style hot.* to.b* sur passed in our largest nnd moit faslii'bhalil* oitlM. October 10, iSfifi . • •- tf AGENCY 6f'vV'»‘ Dr. k'Uf U’. Cclrlmilrd fflvtllclm'S. Pulmonary Balsniu- lieruinlve Syfafi,’ Pcotornl, Ik-nit I’orreettir, ' . Pulmonary Liniment, limnnr (fnrnirtbr. * rule nnd MedtftiilSI Cml Mv'eV'fii, Anti-DvjSspiii .Mixture, finlfelKmU t'utliurtr. Pill. Nervine, Female Pdlj,. Wrininige', .FeirfMe. FncttUic, fit , 3t«, V,.ed Uy hup constantly nnd witn.ui:prec«d«atefc .tuccs;- :u tic.! treettneut of A «t. ’ CffUK/is, Colds, Consumption, Atfhma, Hior. Diseases, Vgspepsia, Scrofula, Skin Diseases, ft h c u m a tism, Pan rile Com., plaints, Piles, I'K. FiTCil'S C.VFQUAI.LEl) PATENT SIU- A'Eif PLATED All/JOM1 NAI.'SUPPORTEIU. OH. FITCH’S IMPROVED PI.ATKD STBEH sruiNG .sifouLDliii brace. Dll, FITl.Ti’.j SILVER INHALING TUBS Hr. Fite hN rc-lobri.tiHl Mfx I.t'ClUrai. os TUU rUKVEMfluN AXtt CVItK Of Consumption, Asthma, Diseases oj the Heart, §°(> ami on the melhsd nf preserving Health . and Scanty to tin old dye. 1 This Book should be in every^fatniiy' T. *t- • CoiliiimTOtjS it points out the only riaimaUe h«M >r reliel. To mothers, tho diieaiiohs it E | Tel tmt ■“««« tu \. education of Children,are .nvHliebls, 1->,000 copies ol this Book liavo pnsse.l tht.eak'ta. preds, and tho side co.dtinues unabated. For sale by S. S. PITCH 6c CO. % 707 Broadwuy,.N, Y., and'by' , r. ^ i W.P. XV. IhKI N U . ATTORNEY AT LAW, Rome, Georgia. Hon. s AT CAVIi SPItl.NU, an. Hon w. tt.cNnF.nwoou, uomk. oa. Won. WILMAS KZZARD, DKCATUR, GA. July 15,1850. ly lM)liU\V«Oi) 6c MAiMlviliU, .1 TTORNE rs A T L A W , Rome, Georgia. WILL iiraclice in tho Olierokoe Circuit, nnd Su premo Court of said State, and in tlto adjoining counties ol Alabama. Oct. 10, 1950. ^ „ „ J,D, DICKERSON, Rome, CO- Da- Fitcu s Gnitut to levemps, or Diraetlnns • to persons using Dr. Kiteli*. Remedia,, to be hmt. ■ gratis, of ull his Agents. * COSKUUY 'JAAJQIS dc CO. IVarebouse & Commission Merchants,. AUGUSTA, GA.' . ». roaTstt, ciiAitt.ESTox, s. o., or mHE undersigned thnnkful ' for Mho ■ libornt 1 pnlronugo of the 1 past sdnson, ngain ton- ders their scrvic&s lo tlieir frieiida and tho public, 111 live sale ol Colton "«nd oilier Pro duce, nt their I’\rc ProofI Wnrehouso on Campbell strcot,'\vheie tlihirrperson'alAtten tion will be given lo all business entrusted to lhem, mid liberal Cash advuncos made-os Produce wlion required. Orders for Bagging, Rope mid family supplies', executed ot the lowest market price. JOHN COSKERY. A. G. JANES, THOS. YV. COSKERY. Augusta, Sept. 10, 1850. ’ 60tf •l’HOH. e. HINDMAN, JU.N. ATTORNEY AT LAW, Ripley, Mississippi. Will nttend the Courts in tho Sovcnth Judicial Circuit of tho State ol Mississippi, All profession al b-isiuess confided to hij management shall re ceive strict attention. May 0, IftSO, .. No J. () >M I) I) n V , DRAPER AND TAILOR, Brand Streccl Home, Gtl. October 10. !S50. U. W . 11 K A Is i*i DRAPER AND TAILOR, Brand Street Rome., Ga. October 10, 1850. J . I> . D I <; K E It s O ft , DRUGGIST—ROME. GEORGIA. WllQUESAMt ANli I'.ET.UL IN DRUGS, MEDICINES, PAINTS, OII,S, DYE STUFFS, I’ERFUMEltY, Ate. October IU, lof-O. Hr old Street. aT I>. KING & LO. COTTO V-GtN MANUFACTURE HS Rome, Georgia. Moy 0. IS50 To Noutliein and Western MERCHANTS. Hardware, Cutlery, Guns, Pistols, &*. W K are now receiving an R.KTiRB.ttifr stock •» forl'Kvn AND no.MRSTtc ii/ikuwAitK; th« dis**- irons fire of tho 20tii Mny'huviug left us witlfout auy Goods on hand. Our Stock will comprise every variety of - .Yin: adapted to the Southern and- Western Trade, id an assortment.of Rifi.ksand Gtjns itn*ttrpARs*4. Oar Foreign Goods have all been imported direct* ml the Do th i-M ic'pit re ha fed upon the most adviitt- ugcoiu terms (or Gash; and fronyour long expfri* nee, wo feel confldbat that avo can do us well HI least lor our customers as any other House, nnd'in* • vile all Merchants visiting Clinrleston to call and examine our Stock at No. 1; Huy no Street,* noxt 1*- M. Cohen to Co., Druggists. COURTNEY iV TENNENT, No. 7, Hayne’Sthkkb, Charleston, 8. G Sopt. 5, Ift50. 48 flm. HOPKINS. HUDSON & CO. ifl JE gl€ II A 1¥ TS Office Frazer's Wharf, Charleston, S. C. T HE jUNDERSIGNED beg leave to inlorm their fiieud.-* and the public, th it they have opened an Office in the City of Charleston. 3. C.,(or a GENERAL COMMISSION BUSINESS. Particular attention will be given to the sale of Cotton, and all other Country Produce, purchase of Merchan dize, nnd Receiving and Forwarding Goods. The customary onsh advance* and facilities will be alford- ed customer*. 4* R- HuDsoft and John J. Cohen resides in Charles ton. L. Hopkins continues his residence nt Augus ta, Ga., engaged in the Commission Business ns heretofore, where he may be consulted in relation to business designed for our House in Charleston. LAMBETH HOPKINS, Augusta. JOHN R. HUDSON, \ rhyr ,„ tnn JOHN J. COHEN, 5 Ghrtr,C8ton - October 21,1850. iloidE’S HOTEL, ROME, GEORGIA. MRS. MAUT CHOICE ^Formerly of Dahlonegn, has taken charge of the NEW HOTEL, and made extensive preparations for the comfort and convenience of those who may favor her with a call. From her long experience, she confidently hopes to givo entire satisfaction to transient Visitors and Permanent Boarders'. September 5, Ib50. -IS 12m Persons will be carried lo and from the Depot to the Hotel, free of charge. ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE. '\T7TLL be »old, on Thursday, the IOlh day of Jan. v v uary next, between the legal hour* ol sale, at the late residence of William Jinks, late oi Floyd county, decea-cil, nil the perishable properly belong ing to the estate of said deceased, consisting or Coi n. Fodder, Wheat, Horses, Hogs, Sheep, Yoke of Oxen und Cart, one wagon, Fanning Tools, Saddle and bri dle, Household nnd Kitchen Furniture; with varions other articles too tedious to mention. Sold for the benefit of tho heirs and creditors of said deceased. Also, the liogroes belonging to •aid eatate, will be hired on the firot Tuesday in Feb.nary next, until 35th Dec., 1851. Terms made known on day of sale. Nov.38, 1850. THOS. S. PRICE, j Will. G. MILES, j Adnt ra. DANIEL S. PRINTUP Agent for tho Southern Mututl Insurance „,, Company t Rome, Ga. INSURES against loss by FIRE; ulao, LIVES Persons nnd Servants. CHECKS on Charleston nnd New York, for sala by DANIEL 8. PRINTUP. Agent for the Bank of the State of So. Ca. Nov. Id, 18i0. 6 ly WJI. PIJItKa, FASHIONABLE TAILOR. Brand Street Ram;, Georgia, T IIE subscriber takes thl. method of informing hr. friend.-, rind the Briltlle generally, that he ia prepared to uxeqhto all work cmnutotl ’to lit? care. Ho feels confident of his ability to please oil win. limy favotti him with imall. He pledger himsell that no garmotH sitnll leave his shop aittil the ons- totner be pleastd with tlto fit. Tho is pertmttieaily mouted itt Koine, and hopes to liter- it u liberal share ol the public patronage, then* he- ing no risk incurred on lint part of tire patron, nf no garment shall leave tny -hop until satisfaction bo given. WILLIAM-BURKS. ■.FOR SAWriv.’ .'xvoinmumtK od at Turin, l>>’ which the ilielti* MEDICAL CARD. DR. J. D. OWEN, (Late Assistailt Physician to lb/e Lunatic din at. Mslledyeville.) i permanently located iti'Romc, respaetfuU .... i jjgagH t0 . n ||.p e s ., n3 . Obstetric aid in the pittand unremit- "’cral share NEW-YOEfc STORE. J UST U LOliilVED, ‘2 coses superior molosklh liM* from the lYmnulhcfory of “Genltt,’* Now York* Those arc the finest moleskin hats that can possi bly ho made and warranted imperial to any thing of /Jj th kind ever oifored in Borne, Wo also offer Run* kin, Duryer to Go’s hats at reduced prices-—not w*r- ranted. 10 pieces l* tench blriok nnd olivo cloths, , from S1 50 up. 15 pieces black, doeskin, fanof y •(lid French black corded enssimeres, at great bsr« gains—ahso, rhirts, gloves, suspenders# hnndkor* • chiefs, toe., «S*-c., to which wo invito theattemieiief 'he gentlemen of Uomo. N. B. A fcwdoF.on mare no-nnd sillr'shPrtsf October 17, 1850 DENNIS to HUNT; NEW-YORK STORE. Just Reoeivod, PIECES Prims of late patent* nnd’ styles—rnany-of which aro of the 0» est English nnd French manufacture. 200* pi**es» Worsted goods, of new>and>doklrnble stylos—flgur* ed ami plain—consistlng.of cashmeres,, pnrntnntt* cloths, Coburg cloths murenos, ah^kccus-, DoLaino*. 20 pieces figured.and black silks; also a wide black silk for mantillas, with an assortment of silk laces and fringe. 2 e.isns bonnets, trimmed nnd. made in the very latest Now York stylo—tjtdsi n very rich article and well worthy the notice of th* ladles. 50 superfine nil. wove long shawls. AL* collars, wristlets, gloves, laces, combs, hoisery, toe. _ Homo, Oct 17 1*50 DENNIS to HUNT. LOOK AT THIS! GREAT BARGAINS.! m u a The Cheapest Goods ever offered far Sa,e. npUE undersigned, just arrived from the City of ty, when sitting for CJnlinnrv purposes, for le*v* J- Philadelphia,informs the Ladies and Goudenien of Flovd nnd adtoininrr pnnnti#>4 tSini Un tj nn .. n : of Floyd anti adjoining ooumic-, thnt lie fiVobynfng a Dry Gouda, Clothing ond Fnnry Store, in tba c.ty of Hume. Tho goods nru untin-ly now atnl well -o. lectod, and sitall bu sold with very ftnall profit- Hi? Stock contain- Clothing of every description, Cays, Hats, Salmons, Janes, .Vo., Drrsa ,Goods, Shawls, Mu.-lintt, Alnnccna, Gingltn ins, Calicos, Printr. Swiss Maslin, Millonory Goods, Mantillas, Luces, Ncodlc- Worked Collnrs nnd l lwnifetit's, and pcr 'um.'s; Gold nnd Silver WABB.'s, large u-eortm -ut of Gold Kingvr Rings, lOnr Rings. Bvea-t Fins, Masonic nnd Odd Fellow Fins, Keys, Studds and Silver Contis. Old and out of fashion Silver nnd Gold taken in exchange. My stand is one door above Dr. D.ekerson’s Drtt'-- Stoie, where 8. Box formerly kepi. 1 confidently hope to give full satisfaction to nil who will please mu with n call. M, STEi.N. liomo, Out. 31, 1830'. N. B. ltcmemberonc Door-above Dr. Dickerson's Drug Store. nil tlte Ileal A. Trout county deceased. Nov. 7, 1550. :nl Estate belonging tn Wesley ft: and Sarah? , Minor OrplinnsofTiltnan Treat,lots efsaU SAMUEL STEW ART,'Guard. w4m NEW GOODS. D. J. SANDERS. I S now receiving a supply of Shoes .and Boots, Bag ging, Twine und Roar, Sugar and (,'ofi'co, Kn.t and Molofl’cs, and ft'No 1 at ticlo ofTtlnckerel, .Vc., with an nsso tment of Hats,'Caps, (’nrhnt’rs nnd Broad Cloths, licody-mnde. Clothing. Cal,cnee, nnd Ginghams, Bleached and' Brown Srirtio- and Sbilct- ing, Flannels, ic. Dot, Crockery and Glass.’ Ware, Fretory Yarns anti Osttabargs, Cigar?, Tobacco :.u'. Snuif, also a lor of Superfine Flour, ail of which he will sell very low lor cash. ' November 7, li50. ADMINIST ttATOIVS ■ S AIK YY/’ILL be Bold, by nit order of thelionoroblo Infuri- ’ ' or Court of Troup eoumy when sitting for Or dinary purposes, nt Cns-villo. Gnus ..-mint ’‘ ,1 ’1 uesil y in Februniy next, butw -cl of sitlu, lot of bind No. ulo " i-Hirth dist t F OUR months nit. r dnle.application will be mad* to lln- Ituuornldc thu infurinr Court of Chattoagw county, wh.'tt sin inn for ordinary pttr|!0»as,for.|ear*.- to fell the Land >V Negroes hulonging to tht estate of" ' Edwin Jones, a Lnnitiio of said county, Nov.-, lauQ. UAItlUETT.'JONES,) „ .. M. MONTGOMERY,) H " nr “ *• - ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE. " AGREEABLY 10 an orduMlfvtho Itonorahl* In-. XA. f-r or-Lnurtor Chartooga-^rtunty when rittiiti a- a Gotirvol O.dinnry, will bo fold on thofirslTne*. day in January next, 1851, before tlto Court Hnua*- door n |hu town of .Stimi.H-rvilIu, wttliin. the o.a«l Items of sals, one negro, to wilt IWry,. a ntaa y.mrsoid. Sold (or thubuncfil of R. A. Story a _ untie, of said county.. Term-mmlc JSnown.'o C. C. CLEGHOUN, Gunrditii Nov. 7, 1850.' iJew.Mukio,, TCS'l reerivsd, nnd fur rnle, a fine t ' J f r f e I’inno Forte, consisting oi Mifrci.’cfj Wnlhws.'tec. - .' - Tits ttihscriher bcinaflWi cytunsivo'c btore,' ' for nny. particular 1 Gulfots, or nny kin banded in will he I ths 'earliest dispatch; October 31, I son