Rome courier. (Rome, Ga.) 1849-18??, December 19, 1850, Image 1

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onvttv. THE ROME COURIER M MJBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY MORNING, BY A. m. EDDLEHIAR, TEBJIUL Two Dollars per nimum, if paid in advances Two Dollars anti Fifty Cents if pnitl within six months ; or Three Dollars at tho end of the year. Rates of AdvertleliifT* Legal. Advertisements will bo inserted with strict attention to tlio requirements of tho law, at - - - •£« NotiM to Debtors mill Creditors, - Bulo of P„r.-.i"i «* '■r 1 3 25 |L - • tors, Administrators, teu. ) Solos of Lnml or Negroes, 00 days, > 5 00 JuJrso'rOlmtlo,., - - - Notice for Letters of Dismission, Candidates announcing their iinmes, will ho thnrged $5 0U, which will bo required in ndvnnco. Husbands advertising their wives, will bo charged •5 00, which must always be paid in advance. All other advertisements will bo Inserted nt One Dollar per square, of twelvo lines or less, tor the flrst, and Fifty Cents, for ouch subsequent Insor tion. . . „ _ , Liberal deductions will 1^0 ptado in favor of those who ndvcrtlso by the year. * ROME COURIER. r-Tlio. following named gentlemen wero nday lust, elected Directors of the Hnnlr nfCTHKLsln, for 11 ri8uing year on the part of the indivtStwlstpckhoiders : Mes srs. Hobt. F. Roe, Jno. BoneJT'Vmt-Sltcar, Robt. A. Reid,' Jesse Kent, John Davison, i. T; Bothwell, Henry Moore, James Har per Slid Jas. W. Davirs. And nt a meeting of the Board on Tuesday, Roht. F. Poe, Esq. was unanimously re-elected President.— Chronicle (f Sentinel. Patent Office.—Ft nppenrs by tho annual report of the Commissioner of Patents, just printed,(lint during the Inst year there were r lriiide 1445 new applicants for'pntents. The number issued was 1,076. ' During the same period 595 envents were filled. The receipts of the Patent Office during the year were $80,752. The expepses wore $77,716, leav ing $3,036 to the credit of the Patent Of- swesss l I '■ CltOI.F.RA ON THF. MISSISSIPPI STEAMERS.-- The Memphis Eagle - ofthe 3d inst. says: , The steamboat El Paso passed this point on Saturday night, nhd reported having lost leek pnssotigers frpm cholera, on her in New.Orleans.- 'Nearly every in New Orleans has ono or two t'river should exercise 'rensonoiile pru- ;,d then wo do not think (hey will he angciof an at lack. assachusctts has 094,665 inhabitants it.census just completed—an ijneteaso of 65 since the census of 1S40. This is . rate of nearly 35 per cent., or more luhle the average irtr.-roase-uf the five live .twins of ten years each. tIINeers for Russia.—We (earn tlint been considerable demand. lately Uigent.engineers and railroad mpcliiu- f in. Mr. Sampel J. Hays who fifteen yenrs past at Mount Clare prentice, journeyman and inaster s, lins accepted nil 6ffer to go to rg, and is now preparing for hits ire, under a handsome salary and out- “ Emperor. ,He .was consoquent- inst ' week by a complimentary he “ FountniifTnn,” given liy his ' Aanies nt the Mount Olare Depot, i(3wn ; to the number iuf neatly two ' The entertainment passed off inl and evinced the high esteem in ■ is held by his old associates.—Bill. Backwauds—In the House o( (alives ofthe South Carolina Legis- >lh instant, resolution; wero .ir.-Johnion, providi;i B i or scccs . -Sta.’.c, and declaring thnt South imaitis in the Union for tho pre. to_J3bC-uVb the; hid - and co-opera- Southern States, and thnt it is \>r safety, honor, and well be- ve Iter connection with the Fe- Vtoa 0 Vi »1#J8 Jsonynlso, introduced resolu- itheright of each State iif the fv-atid that South Carolina Jgigsent, to, exercise this right iouririg the bo-operatiou of Slatesy and'that the Governor convene the Legislature,' so • southern’-state shall - an- ' for- action,, or it shall m is not -prepared to co- Bubninu of' the Insane Asylum at Au gusta, ('Me..)—A despatch to the Traveller, dated Augusta, eleven ofplock, A. M<, says, “ the Insano Hospital is now burning; half of it is already destroyed, and tho remainder i.- in serious jeopardy. The fire originated in the air chamber, contiguous to tho furnace, and when discovered, had filled the galleries with gas and smoke, which rendered the at tempts to rescue inmates extremely - hazar dous, ttndih soino cases, impenetrable. The number thnt perished is unknown as yet, but is estimated at from six to twelve. The fe male gallery hits been cleared without loss of tile. The Hospital contained 125 inmnles, half of whom, males, were on the galleries where the fire is now raging ;—most of the insnne were necessarily turned out nakod in the open air. Some have found refuge fit tile jail atm Alms House, others in private dwellings, nnd some few arewanderii g abroad. A dispatch dated 12 o’clock, says the fire is believed to be supfilessed, one wing nnd the central building mostly saved.—iY. T. Cour £j- Eng. Long Coi.lauds a;.d no mistake.—We are indebted lo a litem I, says the Journal Sj Messenger, lor a specimen ofthe Cabbage futil ity, which surpasses any thing of the kind It was rnis- JA! in linn inV Ol we have ever seen nr hoard of. od by Howell Wooten, Esq., of Decatur county, about two miles from the Florida line. Tito stalk measures over eleven Jcel in length It is thiee years pld, litis headed twice, and furnished sundry!- w-ngon loads of greens. Mr. Women, our informal says,lie 1 kept a ladder, nnd whenever lie wanted n mess of greens went up and pulled them.” There is 11 more truth ilinn poetry” in tho story, as every innn will testify who gels n glimpse of the “ elephant.” We do nol know Mr. Woolen’s politics; his Pollard, how ever, seems lo have slarled lo grow out of the Union-, hut like certain politicians, we could name in Georgia, mid particularly in Deca tur, promised well for n time, though finally, compelled to stop a little short. From Florida.—We have information from the south of Florida ofn lute dale, which stales ihat tlie prospect of the remo val of tho Indians is becoming better. Ham Jones lias been seen and conversed with, and ns.usual, shovv.s no disposilion tp. remove. Interviews have likewi.-o been bad with Bil ly Bowlegs, who appears more dispised than, usual, and says but fur lhe indisposi tion of some of ins people ho wuuld bo wil ling lo go west. .Sain 'Jones,' Sneaking of the removal of his family, Kitjfs. there are plenty of women lull mid n| ems to care very lil- tlo for their de.-erimi, of him m his did age. Sriv. ' GcOr. Got.n iV Georgia.— A writer in lie Flor ida Ropuhlican Mates that gold In large quantities l,n. Ilpen uikon from the lied of the Aloporlia li ver, near Curler’s Ferry, Lowndes count; CJa. I Inis been nsserlain- ed to lie the pure article. Some two hun dred pcisons me engaged in extracting it from the rock.— Ft. Gables Enterprise. JThB- iN»W (vAj lTAh OF (I AL.II -'ltMA.— At lilt- lusi elpciiiin i- linjilormn H is sin- led/tlio oil a-ns ,il tlml sirt'ni decitliVd up- n Ynllego us life pet iviam.-iii sent nl gnve-rfi meill. The cnpilnl is a city liiid mil mi the Bi'V ol Sun Francisco, bntil 25 iinb-s from the-City of'S/'ii Fi-fitfriVcn. It is die ol n Spanish sjn-ciijniiii - '. who consents to give lo the comm-uiwonlin 150 acres ofltnul, divided into the necessary lots nnd grounds lor the government build ings University. charitable institutions audio expend, in tin ircciioti if tome twonty«fivc pilhl.c bUiiil.iigs, iiRniirin-g $125,000 for it fSlntc House, nil ngerc-gnto ol $3.80,000. to be paid over within two yenrs. His ass-iciutes m tins couniry tne snid in be GeneraI.TIios. J. Green and Hon Robert J. Walker, Tlie first lot of cotton shipped on the Atlanta and LuGrange Rail Road was pur chased at the platform in this city, on the 6th instant by the Rev. Samuel Bryant at 12J- cents per lit. This lot we understand was shipped by Dr. Nathaniel Austin of McIntosh Reserve, and is pronounced to be the best lot sold in this oily the present senson. This is the be ginning. The construction of this road is rapidly progressing, nnd will be in full operation by the time thnt next fall’s trade opens. The company, we undorslmid, have the menus, and are pushing tlie enterprize with great energy.—Atlanta Republican. The following question is snid to have created a tremendous excitement before the Hardscrabble Debating Institution; b iv,„.. - -tv ; “What is tlie difference between there be- •fliepnbtioyfeg-^jj^jjngg . en6aeh in all woirien, nnd jb enqugh in all cnnsciencq f” 'lar no. to ond^ CU3sion -^limated \Jr.~ Journal v Lohisviiie «f- The Centiiai. Rail-Road.—We took a walk ovor the depot of this road tho other day, and any one who would hear the hum ot business to perfection, tuny be gratified by following our oxntiipio. Few persons nre aware of the tremendous machinery put in motion by this powerful corporal Ion. No less than 600 persons in nil ('including, those engaged in, repair* n„d- voconstruction of the road) mo now in ils employ. Thotnnnnge- ment and direction of nil those forces is reduced to tho most simple nnd perfect sys tem, nnd well ns roads nre said lo bo mana ged in certain parts pfllicj\orih,wesincero- ly believe tliut their managers might borrow some useful ideas here. Tito hooks of the establishment allow every operation nt n glance, even lo a spike puf down .or .taken), up, on any portion of llto whole road. They exhibit not only the actual • condition und progress of tilings, but ils whole history. If nn engine comes upon tho road, for exam ple, the entire rosults of its labour, its repairs, accidents, &c.,are given with minute accura cy Wo looked nt a portion ofthe history of Columbus, a machine which lias been on tho rond some ten years. Wo find (hat several years since, tlie Columbus consumed on an average about J8 curds of wood pci trip, i. e., in going lo mid velunitng from Macon. In her last ;rip, her consumption of fuel wns but lli cords) This dillercnco lias a direct and immediate relation to the grently im proved condition of the loud. Tho waste of steam now occurs only when the machine slops for the night, or lo take i’ll wood nnd water. Tltrir piogrosa then wns slower, mid detentions of various kinds more frequent.— These changes and improvements Imve been cumulative and gradual, but they Imve been greatly accelerated, so far as wo can judge of late; and wo undertake to say that from tlie President mid Superintendent lo the subor dinate officers, rumioi s, &c., n personnel more attentive, moro intelligent nnd of more ap proved habitual deportment, cannot easily lie found on nny similar work in tlie United States. Great changes nnd improvements are still meditated These are dictated by necessity. Among them the enlargement of the Depot in Savflniiau*. iiivohuug llip construction ofn new, oliiecs, warehouses, &c., is talked about. The wooden viaduct over the Gaunt, after doing rerstee s-mic- fnuMrciT years, is soon lo bo replaced by one of ma sonry, with four substantial brick nrclies. Gradually iho Central Rond, from being a light work, almost incredibly cheap in its first cost, is working itself up to a first class road, capable of sustaining engines of great weight mid power and moving under pro digious velocities. From having one pas senger car nol half filled, it now sends two ears in its daily trains the greater part of the increase being duo to tho way pussen- gers. This element of increased local travel is intimately connected with the influence of the road upon tlie wealth nnd prosperity of tho Stnte, which lias not been sufficiently appreciated, mid will t\ul be fov some yeavs In ton years more of quiet, liowover, these results, here uiid elsewhere in the Slate, will all be declared, und who shall '.hen pre dict the power and '.lie greatness of Geor gia. - Savannah Republican. Iiupoitnnl I. .w* As many enquires lane been made in re gard to tlie several acts passed by tlie last Legislature, touching guasi free negroes mid slaves hiring their own time, we give the following extracts from the pamphlet copy of tlie Laws, pages 376 and 377. Section 3. And be it further enacted. That cncli nnd every free negro or free person of color in this. State, between tho nges of eigh teen end fifty, sluill be taxed annually the sum of five dollars. Section 4. And be it further enacted, Thai from and after the first day ot March, 1850. each negro or person of color, nomin ally u slavo, who, by any Contract, or bar gain and sale, after tlie date aforesaid, may beheld or owned by any white perron, said negro or person of color, not being over six ty years of age or vnlueloss from decrepli- tude or disease, shell lie taxed one hundred mid fifty dollars ;• and overy pep.m when making his or her return shall state oil oath what negro or negroes he or she holds in the right of and lor the benefit of such negro, and fur each and every negro so held, shall pay tlie tnx of one hundred nnd fifty dollars us above. Section 5. And be it further enacted, Thai from and alter the first day of March, ail owners or hirers of slaves who shall per mit said slave or slaves lo hire his or her or their time from said owners or hirers, at nny period during the year, shall pay a tax of one hundred dollars on enoli and every slave so hiring his or her or their own lime: Pro vided, That the giving in said slave or slaves os taxable properly to tax assessors' by—smo owner or hirer, shnll in no instate® us ed ns evidence against snid owner 1 1,r hirer in an indictment under the existing 1®' VS of this State to permit said hiring: Provided, That nothing in this section shall opd) at0 in the city of Savannah to, prevent, powers,^ labor- gill. Tho Grand Juries of the several ties ought to. givo special attention to the matter, and at least, present the violations ot the liiw ; if they do. not actually find true bills ngninst .parties for false swearing—no little of w’liieh has been done—either acci dentally or intentionally.—Jour. ,Sf Mess. ■ A Fountain Among Willows.—It is my ivory ideal of elegance and grace. Those long, drooping, aeiicately-folfnged boughs undulating, waltzing with the zephyr, nnd tlioso snowy water-shafts that lift their fore heads to tlie crownings of the sun, thnt go up pearls mid full Imck diamonds, like the 'thoughts of pure hearts raised to heaven, are suggestive lo my fiincy of a multitude of Inscinating images, of “alluring mid delicious sounds ” Psyche, yet n young maiden in l,or fathers palace? slinking about her long, wavy; ptile‘-hibwh linir'; the sweet minor of old cathedral anthem ; white fingers sweep ing the strings of n Morisli luto; ilower- cents, exquisite nnd impalpable ; vague mid beautiful imaging, filling around a poet’s brain ; Tasso improvising in a garden, ring ing soft changes on tho numo of Leunore. A Lady’s Jest.—WhM we were setting at dinner, the otlior day, with n dozen pleas ant people of Isuh sexes, tho conversation turned upon Binlogn mid its Inshions and frivolities. A muirion present remarked that n letter writer in tlieN York H IiClteh to n Young Wife from a Jim - hud lutely thrown a bomb-shell into the parlors ofthe ultra fashionables, by giving minute deseriptions of several darling belles, whoso style oi dressing approaching rattier too rear the society costume of mother Eve. “Ah !" said the speaker, exultingly, did'nt he take off the low-necked dresses?” “Tut, hut,” said n witty Indy who sat near us— “that would ho but a poor wny to mend the mutter!” At least one half of tlie company didn’t see the force of tho comment, hut it was a very just one for all that. Something Pithy.— Four clergymen—n Presbyterian, Bnptist, Methodist nnd Ro man Catholic—mot by ngreement to ditio on n fish. Soon ns 'Grace wns said,’ the Cath olic rose, mined with knife mid fork, nnd taking nbout one third ofthe fish, com prehending tlie bend, removed it to liis pinto, exclaiming ns he snt down, with great, self satisfaction, ‘Papn est caput osclosins’ —the Pope the head of the church. Imme diately tho Methodist minister nroso nnd helped himself to about one third, embracing the tail, seated himself, exclaiming, ‘Finus coronat opus’—the end crowns the work. She Pinsbyterimi now thought it was about time for him lo move, nnd Inking tho remain der ol tho fish to his plate, exclaimed, ‘In media cst voitns’—.truth lies between tho two "'extremes Our Bnptist brother had nothing before him but the empty platter, nnd tlie prospect ofn slim dinner ; nnd snatching up the bowl of drawn (melted) butler, shnked it well over them nil, exclaim ing, *Ego bnptiso vos’—I baptise you all. One of the Jotm —Some queer son ol Motnus, who lias a knack of spinning off an endless string of jokes with nil the ease of n juggler drawing his everlasting yards of rib bon from his mouth,|lets loose ns follows : “Speaking of wngs—what is moro wag gish than n (log’s tail when he is pleased? Speaking of tails—we nlways like those (lint end well : Hogg’s for inslntnce. Speaking of hogs—wo snw one of tlioso nnimulx the other day lying in the gutter, nnd in the opposite one, a well dressed mnn: the first one had a ring on his nose, llio latter had n ring on his finger. ‘A hog is known liy Iho company lie keeps,’ thought wo, so thought Mr Porker, and offhe went. Speaking of going off—pulsus in mind of n gun we owned : it went off one night and we liavn’t seen i*. since. Speaking of guns—reminds us of powder. W esaw a lady in the city with so much of it on her face thnt she wns refused admittance into an o rmibus for fear of an explosion. i trm and injuries of those organs, it ts a soveretgn T6 Soli in largo bottles, price 23 cents. Orincinal office T37, Broadway,-. NJ£ Loss ofthe First Born.—We Imve read of n young mother who had newly huiied her first-born. Her pastor went to her. nnd on finn’ing her sweetly re signed, lie nsked her how she hnd attain t'd sucli resignation. She replied, “1 used to think ol my hoy continually,—whether shaping or walling; to me he seemed more beautiful thnn other children. I was disappointed ii visitors omitted to praise his eyes,or his curls, or the. robes 1 wrought lor b in' 1 with mv needle. At first 1 be lieved ii the raluriil current of a mothers love. Titan I feared it was pride, nnd sought lo humble myself helore Him who irsislelli tlie proud. One night in my dreams. 1 thought an angel stood beside me and said; ‘'Where is the little bud thou nursotlt in thy bosom I l uni sent to take it a,why. Where is the little harp? Give it to me I It is like these which sound the praise of God in heaven.” 1 awoke in tears; my beautiful boy drooped like a hud which tlie worni pierces; his Inst wailing was l.kc life still music from shattered harp-strings ; all my world seemed gone, s'ill* in my agony 1 listened, for there was n voice in my soul, like the voice of the angel who bad warned me. saying: “God lovoili a cheerful giver.” I Inid'my mouth in tlie dust and said : Lqi thy will "bo mine: and !1S 1 .rose, though the tear lay on my 'fedu, llvnrc was a smile also. Since then Inis voice lias buen lienrd .nmid tho duties iof every dnv—methiuks it says continually UTho cheerful giver \A Happy Man.—The editor ofthe Pitts l'*icf;hroijicle says; “Talk about enjoy; g can never he enjoyed . A man ried Lady. letter II. My Pear Lizzie'.—I hardly know wheth er pleasure or pain was the uppermost feeling of my mind, while reading youy reply “v my last letter. .You tmvo some secret disap pointment preying upon your young and thus fair happy heart, and although you sjicnk favorably of your new duliei ns a u ife, still there is not tliut couleur dc rose about your descriptions of tho present u Inch used to tinge those of the future. You have felt already, have you not, that the world has interests fur your husband oth er than thoso connected with yourself—Unit lie can lie very happy even when you nro not present to share Ids happiness ' You m c not the first, dear Lizzie, who hns benn thus awakened from nn exquisite dream of love ; yet do not repine tor fret, for-tlml will - only increase your so. row, hut reason with your self. Think how many claims there are up on your husband's time and sneioly—claims to which he must how if he wish lo retain tlie position he now holds. Before your mnrriogo, you were the all engrossing object of his thoughts—ail that lie (Icpondod upon for happiness. There wns all tho excite ment of winning you for his wifo, which caused him for a limo to forego evory other pleasure which might interfere with ibis one great object. But now that is over. Like all others, he must proceed onward, nnd ov er look forward to something yet lo bo at tained. You soy that ho has left you alone one whole evening, and thnt you punished him for it by appearing very much offended when he returned. Now, dear Lizzie, was that the way to cure him of not appreciating your society? By makingyourself thus disagree able upon his return, would he not rather delay that return, nnother limo? Think over wlint 1 have written, nnd whon ho is obliged to lonvo you again, wear no sullen frowns, nor gloomy looks, hut part from him with smiles and pleasant words; amuse yourself during his absence with your hooks, your music, your work, make ovety- tliing around you wear a cheerful look to welcome him home; and believe me he will appreciate the kindnoss which is thus free from selfishness. A man’s home must ever he a sunny plnco to him, und it should he a wife’s most" pleas ant duty lo drive forover from his iienrlh side those hideous sister spirits, discontent and gloomy peevishness. This way that young wives have of pun ishing their husbands, always comes back upon themselves with double' force. Any man, however unreasonable ho appears, muy be influenced by kindly words and happy smiles, and there is not one, however aflhi* (innate nnd domestic, that will not be driven nway by sullen frowns and discontented looks. Do not allow, my dear girl, tlioso feelings of gloomy and sadness 'to grow upon you.— Believe me, you car. overcome them if you will, nnd now is the time for you to exert all your power ofsolf-contaol. 1 know there is much to make a young married woman sad. Ere many days of wed ded life are pnst, she begins lo feel the differ ence between the lover and husband. She missses that entire devotion to every whim and caprice which is so delightful; thnt nil absorbed attention to her every trifling word; that impressiveness of manner whicli is flatter ing and pleasing, she almost funcies that she is a most neglected personage. This is a trying moment for a young and sensitive woman, but if she only reason with herself, nnd resolve to yield no place in her spirits to feolings of repining, sho will be hap pier—far happier with her husband as he is, tlinn were ho to retain the devotiou of the lover I know this seems difficult to believe, hut reflect a moment. Suppose your husband should remuin just the snme as he was be fore marriage, should give up all other soci ety for you, should be constantly repeal ing his protestation of love, constantly hang ing around you, watching you every step, living upon your breath, ns it were; do you not agree with me in thinking that all this would after awhile become very tire some? Would you not get weary of such a perpetual display of affection, and would you I'cel any pride in a husband who mode no advancement in the world, even though it were given up for you? No, nu! Think this all over, and you will see that it is just as well for you to relinquish his society some times, (lint is, if you welcomo his return with a linppy face. Try my experiment, dear, tvhon next he leaves you, and write me the result. Adieu for awhile.—Carie Morton.—Arthur's Home Gazette. Tho following Wo recommend it particular friends: Wo presume no been umuiinle onoug.. without linv'mg met w tlioso annoying gent in life -is to innke it p smnlll juke, verbal if p ncYOss-.wy. They seem t lecttinl perfection emisi playing upon a simplt in to soino unexpected i able into n wry position. On being introduc cd to you, lie will seek to juke upon inline, nnd however stupid his effort i you nro expected to laugh out of c He will snap you up in the middle lencd, to perpetrate some “micon ... tic” quite foreign to tlio subject tlint your convcrsntion suggests, nnd assail you in your, serious moods with atrocious puns mid silly- repnrlees. Ho is so fond of njoke,-too, that ho will sometimes pay n good price for nn opportunity of making ono. Wo wero walking with n merry fellow of. this kind tho other day, ivheu, to our 'sur prise,-ho deliberately upset nn old womnn’s iruit-8tnnd. While wo stood amnzed at his. lolly, lie coolly assured tho angry lady tlint' . " " it if shor Fourth Deoree of Love.—We like kiss ing—did when we were a boy, but we never thought how good it tyns till wo read the following extract from a love letter;—Ex change. at is a kists.1^- A kiss is os it were a seal expressing our sincere attachment; the pledge of future union ; a dum but at the same time audible language of a loving heart; a present, which, at the time it is given, takes from us the impression of any ivory press; a crimson balsam for a wounded heart, a sweet bite of the lips, an affectionate pinch ing of tho mouth, a delicious dish which is eaten with scarlet spoons, a sweet-meat which does not satisfy our hunger; a fruit which is planted und gathered at the same lime; tho quickest exchange of questions and answers of two lovers—tho fourth de gree oflovtO’ Never neglect to read the advertis ing department of a newspaper, if-you would know where to lay out your liionoy to the best advantage. Competition is nt Us height, lie wns willing to re-pear the loss, if sho- would not “peach” to tho police! His froak cost him a dollar in cash, lo say noth ing of the time .*}.ent In concocting it. H« hnd evidently decoyed us in tho direction ol our walk for the purpose of putting his ma ture idea into practice. We patiently sub mitted lo bo dragged along another hall mile, when we arrived at a shop with the shutters'; closed, and n sign ovor tho door bearing the- name “M. Murdough.” “Ah!” said our fucctious friend, pointing exultingly to the closed shop nnd the name, “you see Murder- will out!” Ho is lioir to a rich unclo, who is at present very sick. The old mnn, who- imtes relations, and is nervous, grumbles at- ■ill things in general,nnd the suddon change in the weather especially. “Yes, unclo,” snid tho invetorato wog, “ns Hamlet says, the heir bites shrewdly!” But the most desperate strait to which tve evor saw the poor follow reduced, was upon an occasion, when lie find purposely avoided paying a., poor shoemaker's bill. Tho tradesman was an honest Gerinun, who unsuspectingly pra ted his account, mid was immediately icked down with n violent blow on. tho- eye. “You see,” said our jocular acquain tance, turning triumphantly around, “how I always pay my bills at sight!" Tlio ob tuse Gorman, though he appreciated the force, could not see tho Wit of tlio joke.— Thnt joke cost fifty dollars ; mid wo believe tho little joker thought it die tho prico. ' j Hu is tho person who advertises fora wife- in the daily papers, and not long since got. .. into n sad scrape through indulging in this, amusement. A lady answered an advertise ment, appointing an interview. Hosawher,-, affected timorous raptures, fo/maily proposed']. and was accepted. On tiie ensuing day he met har in the street, nnd delibera'ely" cut -her; and was congratulating himself on hav- ng perpetrated tho crowning joke of his life —when shortly after, tho brother of the in sulted femitio called him to account, and finished by unmercifully beating him about the face. We visited him in his misfortune, and found him coolly examining himself; id. his glass, and trying to bo.witty on his bruis ed mid swollen fcaturos. liis eyes were black, and liis nose wns enlarged to twice its natural size. “Ah!” said ho, coaxing up u mutilated smile, “I ought to liavo taken the. ages and noes of judgment on the safety of that jolto before attempting it 1” The Great North-West —In Europe, says Gallagher, Belgium has a population of three liundiod and twonty-threo persons to, the square mile. Take this ratio, mid.apply it to tlio five hundred thousand square miles of which the North-west consists ; mid wlint population will that give -for. this region/-- Ono hundred and sixty-ope milliSns five hun dred thousand precisely! Or take the much lower ratio of Franco, which is oho hundred and sixty-seven persons to the square mile;, andwhatdoes that give as h, future popula-! tion for this region? Even thnt gives eighty- three millions five-hundred thousand! But a fairer measure than either, of the capacity of the North-west lo.sustaib numbers, will; be found by tqking the mean qf Belgium,' France, England, Holland, and Italy, These) several countries have an aggregate territori al superficies more then four-fifth as large as thnt of the North-west, nnd present various^ poin's to justify the taking of the measure of tbeii' present population ns that of our pros?) peclive population. The mean average liuni,- ber of inhabitants to tho square mile, in those five countries is two hundred and fifty-two, Taking thorn thus logotlier, no ono will pve.- ’ th ", ’ ’ RCDl ilU» tilllil”t<B lIIUII lo <il> HO llulglUj II | | . and those who have anything worth buying, i wn Jl:’ i,nd 1lfl nt good bargains, always advertise. They . * ' ,nl know it is the suje wav to do a brisk and 13 n ''* " Stable business, nnd by selling ^uiekVY I are enabled to sell che~~’ 1 tend that they have any natural qualities by. which they can be sustained in tlie several States of our North-west taking these all together. Measuring the population of lhis region, then, by the present population of those couutrios, what is it to be? Ope hun dred and twenty-six millions! Ghiri.ous and exciting is the prospect of the future! ^ A Female Society, out west rece passed 'he following sensible resolutic Tlint wo will receive the attention ■so styled’ young gentlemen, who learned some business or ongng steady employment for n livclif it is apprehended tlint caught it may starve in 1 That wo will promise young man who is ill for. wo are nssu