Rome courier. (Rome, Ga.) 1849-18??, December 19, 1850, Image 3

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xivmrTowpiiAi nt;; . . jaiindicr! dys'i-up-sia ?ciiiiomc «qn NLYVUUS 0 I'i 111 LIT Y, III.SKASli OF m mm. 1 ff 1 Mw«wSM BTTllO influence ol this med icine upon conatltutlons impaired ami injured by n residence in biltuus climates, is one ol its nitiM valuable qualities.. There, aro many conpiilutions which beenmo crocliinlly nndormineil by miabmai. onuooa, wjthnuro.Vert a day's. uciiml confinement. The sallow 'cotiTpluxiph, Uhs « r i.ppotito, languor, wonritiops nml depression of spiriio,—till yield this remedy if ojily faithfully u*cd according the directions of tho pamphlot which accompanies each bottle. A Bmall Treatise on tho “causes., treatment and ijnri ail ^ ___ diseases uris- ing from a disor dered Liver cn* Sto mach, such as Ounstlpa* lion, Inward Flips, Fullness, or blood to the liend. Acidity of the Sii-mnch, Nnusi a, llenrlhurn, I)t*>» goal for, lip.-d, Fullm-sa or Weight in tlu* Siomaub. S,inf ‘.Eijcintmus, sink ing or Fiuit«'UttU.* at tho Pit .oi tin- Siuiiijrh&sw itpniinu ol the Head,: l lurried and DilH , cult liri'u'hing, Fhu* : -.y,' lefringrfnt the i in a euro of Fovnrnnd Ague,and other disenpes of hil climates," may be had cnitls of ihe under- lous*,_ . .. aignod. Also nuinernusojcrtificntpfl from men o tho highest responsibility, leMitying lo the cron efficacy of this medicine can ho soon on nplicaiion to J. 1), D1CKFK60N. Agent for Homo Gn. ,, March 2. 1840 nl-llm “How few who thi.nK aright among the thinking lew How mnny never think, but only think they tin.” Jjt flrt-TiiE sontiniciU implicil in tlid'abdve oxc-hun- ntion is on no subject,more, fully exempli (Uni than on that of llcnlth. lint fo.w givo it a single thought, P and fowor still reflectupon it-with tho observation and good sonso which mutters of minor consequence recolve. As obscrvHtlbn. touchers the fm*t that Hr. Oagood’s India Oholagogue is n never fulling ren»»5- I dy in Fovor and Ague, good sonso would surely indicate its prompt ttntj Jin mod into .use. i o 1im found nt A ' .T. D. UICK13I §>ON*S Mav 3, Agent for the Proprietor .i i .t,t itvi'o — r 1.slinn, c)|mntn.<i 11 uu7t, CttU. king or. •Suilne.iiinu Seusutions win lying pna'tire, Dimness <il vision, Deis or Wobs before the Might; Fever nud Dull Pain In tke 11 cod, Deficiency of Perspiration, Veliowm 88 ol the Skin and Eyes, Pain hi thu Side, 11 icki C-Im-.m, Llnibp, -tec.. Sudden Ft nilnmis hi lloai, Utiruuig m die Flesh t’ons'Hiu miugihings of-Evil, and Ureal Depression of Spirits, Can ho Permanently Cured 1>y medical treatment, ns well as prescriptions uiuf iuedinine to distant jiatients, lms Induced tho PropveUoc to muUo more extensive urrnngonieuts for the better and more comfortable accommodation of tho,afflicted, where every varie ty ol disease will he (rooted upon the -most scien tific physiological principles. The reformed Prac tice is becoming to bo too well known undtoo high ly appreciated throughout our country, to require oulagiuin or panegyric*in this plnoo. It ne^Tnot iltutijdof declamation to foster,to substitnlinte. or eulmneo Its value \ it only claims for itself-a fair investigation and trial to ho duly osteained-s-oud certainly It cannot ho denied tlmt. If tlio most vi olent opposition could have had Its intended clVoct, the system would long ago have .been annihilated- Thu argument in Its lnvor ncuomulatcs, wlimvwo {putemplnte. this fact, ntid still sutvoyf the rigid oxninl nation It Is every where forced to'pass thro* Liku true friendship, it hqs thoioughlv to ho tested, “Iqvs ever to undergo and withstand tlio shock of adversity,before it is justly omltled to thb name.*’ jhb Practice having outlived tho prejudices which ! r • WHY SO UNHAPPY. THE CAUSES AND THK REMEDY. Many nnd luiny a wife endures years of bodily suffering and of mental anguish, prostrate ’ ’ * . - ... - . Jsh, prostrateand help less, embittering her life, that ol lie- husband, nnd hazarding tlio luture welfare ofher children, urislii; from causes,-which if known, would have spare* the sulfo'lng, the anguish ol the wife, and to the husband emburrassnumtsand pecuniary diffic-nlties having their origin in the mind being weighed down und harrasseil in conscqiien&e of the sieknoss of the companion of hip bosom. How important that lie chain,' 8 fuoitld be known to every wile, to every nusbfmd, tlmt the dreadful and hntrosying consequences to the lumUU nnd Imp- pi ness of both may bo avoided l Tile is too short und health too precious to ndmitnny portion of the one to ho spent without>hp foil 'enjoyment. of the other. The timely possession ofa little work <iiiti« tied as follow, has been the means ot saving tho health aiul.lho life of thousands, as over TWO HUNDRED THOUSAND. copies have boon sold since the first edition was Is sued, Tho, author’ has been Induqed to ivlvertjso it by tlio lirgent and provingrequest of those who. have boon Indebted to Its publication for till they hold dear (fmifnTf rtiny li*yu nn oAr^rtpnjty ofobtuiliiug It,) and who havo favored lifin wffli (h o rum tufa or letters of encomium, eotr-.o of which are annexed to tho advertisement. in many Instances are, too justly attached to H from being in the hands of Ignorant- protomlora, Ayliero it wns too often found In Us Infancy m this country, May 3, a gem mr * Cdh’LlVER COMPLAINTS of bilious ^ ... .... inti nrodlU nrfRO from tlio snma omi*-" wliicli V rrJ "“" ‘‘V, . nml Ague, anil mo curqil will, tlio «m<* o.mi..I..i> mid ARiio.mul mo cimw wim ; by Ur Osgood’. Indiu CliOtagdtrtlb. Liver Inis booomo inuoli ortfirgod nnd icndvr Jtfffl iirossuro, it is In « AtW weeks restored o iis nmnn I size, soroncssmid pnlil 111 tlio side relieved with such general improvement, ns denotes returning health. . , , Tho above highly valuable preparation may found at tho Drug Store ol* J. D. DICKERSON, May 3, Agent for the Proprietor, Rome, Gn MEDICAL DEPARTMENT. fTIHE regular course of Loottiros in this Institute X will coBSnonoo oii tlio First of November, nnd continue until tho last of February. Tho Anatom ical Department will bo oponud-uml ready to rgeoive students by the First of October. The Medical De partment will be uudor tho direction ot iho follow- ‘" B PROFESSORS. J. Oonqurst Gross, M. D., Professor of tho In stitutes of Medicine, und Mcitienl Jurisprudence. W, Pvhd Powru.» M. D., Professor of Cerebral Physiology, Medical Qeology, and Mineralogy. It. S NswtnN, M, D., Profo3Bor of Surgery. H. J. Hui.cb, M. D., Professor of Theory nml Practice of Medicine. J. A. Wilson, M. D., Professor of Obstetrics nnd Diseases of Women and Children. J. King, M. D,» Professor of Materia Medica, and Therapeutics. Z. Freeman,M. D„ Professor of Anatomy. J, Milton Sanders, M. D., Professor ol Cheruis- tiy and Pharmacy. CLTNiqUE liECTIIUES- Medicink—PliOK. II J. IIulcb. Surgery—I J noF. It. S. Newton. Anatomical Demonstrator—Z. Freeman, M. 1). Tho fees for a Jiill course of lectures amount to $105. Matrieulntbr’s $5; Demonstrator’s Fee, $10. Graduation, $20. Those desiring 'further information will please address (post paid) to the Dean;.and students arri ving in the city will please call on him nt the Hotel ft. S. NEWTON, M. D , Doan orthoF JjAW DEPARTMENT: Hon. 13, VV. M. Kino, Professor of Theory nnd I’rnotloo ol Law. •W^Hon. V. D. Barry, Esq., Professor of Commer cial Jurisprudence. / Terms—$50 per Session, All communications-pertaining to this depart ment must be addressed to E. W. M. KING, Memphis, Tenn, July, 1S30. Tlio Faculties, tor intellectual abilities moral worth and professional acquirements, will compare favorably with tho most distinguished in our coun try. Tho medical faculty constitutes on anomaly in this or any otlior country-—all of thorn arc uble lec turers and tho host of teachers. Thoso who will contemplate our geographical po sttion, and tho oxrem of qnr population, can have no doubt as to tho ollgibility'qf our situation for er terprise ot tho kind. As to health, inciud ng;. 11 sons of tho yonr, wo deny that any other city has more. ./ • A common error exists hi the minds of many students relative to the planeofstudying medicine; thoso who intondjimotising among the tho diseases of tlio IPestand South, sliuuld certainly educate themselves at a school wlioso Fanulty are practi cally acquainted with those disouses. That tho public may be 'satisfied of this school, wo feel it our duty to state, that the Trustees and Faculty form a unit in action, which augurs well for its future success; nnd tlmt-tho peculiar inter nal organization which concocts them, cannot be ih- terruptod. E, W. M..KING, President of-the A/emphiJ Institu April 4, 1850, 64 CABUSE T WARE-HO USS. CALHOUN& STARR [ AVE o.i hand and for sale,. . Sofas, Mahogany and Marlile-lop Ccnlre Ta bles, together with all the va rious articles of L-’unituro u- sually found in an-establish ment of-lhe kind. THoir ina- terials are good, and put to gether by workmen wjto understand their business. Ware Room at Peck & Hardin's old stand, four doors above tlio- Exchange Hotel. Rome, Ga., April 25. 331 f. l)R. SI OOP Bi AN BJ’S CKI.l'tltItATI-tl) GHItMAN lll'lTEttit, I.RKlWllKII 11V e! .H, ,B A CH.S-.OiM, I> IS AT TUB GJiliMAN MEDICINE STOHE, So. 120. .4veil Stwie. I'llTllictuffliJii. Tl-oir liiiwcr ovor tlio nt’-vii is nol cxcul- iciV. it .qini'lcil, by uny oilier p_ro|yirolion in ilia United Sinn's, us the c-tros nttosj, in itiqny enses n(lor ekilllul physicians had failed, Tlicoo Ritters nto worthy tho attention of inva lids. Po8Bo*Mng great virtues in tho rectification ot disiase’s of tho Liver n..d (osser glands, exorcis ing ihu-inosr suarching powers in weakness and op fuctioiis of the digestive organs, they arc, withal, safo, certain and pleasant. READ AND RE CONVINCED. Ciias. ftoDiNso.N, Esq , Easton, Md., in a lotlor to Dr. Jackson, Jan. 9, IbfK^ said— •• My wife and Inysell have received more bene fit from your medicino than- any other wo have ev* or taken for tho (CrDyspepsia ami Liver diseaso.’* “ Tub Tenth Legion," published at Woodstock, Vn., Jan. 19,1650, snid — “A GREAT MEDICINE." “ Wo have unilormly refrained Irotn recommend ing to tho public at.y of (ho various Patent Modi; cities of the dny, unless thoroughly convinced ol tlicr valuo. Among those we consider worthy ot noti-cc is iho Gf.rman Bittkrs, invonicd by Da. IIoopland, and prepared by Dr. Jackson in Phila delphia. * One instance in \ articular, in which tha superior virtues ol this modteino have been tested, bus fallen under our observation. During the lust summer, o sou ol Mr. Abraham t’rabill^ ol this coun ty, was very seriously allheled with Lwor Complaint and after trying in vain various retuodies, liu pur chased a bottle of the Hitters, nnd alter using it, was so much rolioved 61 his distressing malady, that he procured another bottle, nnd it restored him en tirely to health." READ FURTHER A FEW FACTS. Judob M. M. Noau, n uemlemnn with great Pci- entific and litornry attainments, said in his " New York Weekly Me*e<ngcr l ,, Jnnuory (•, 1650. 1 J)R.’tloopi.ANi>*i> GBjtMAN Rittbr8.—Hero is a preparation which tho leading presses in the Un >n appear to be unanimous in recommending, nnd the reason is obvious. It is made alter a prescription furnished by one of the most eelebra'ed physicians ol modern times, tho into Dr .Christopher Wilhelm Hoofiarul, Pro r ussor to tho University of Jena, Pri vate Physician lo tho King- ot Prussia, nn 1 one ol the greatest medh al writers Gormnny tins ever pro- dttced. lie was emphatically tho enemy ol hum- uua.nnd therefore a medicine of which he was tho inventor and endorser may he c-mfidcmly relied un. He specially recommended it tn Liver Coniplnmt, Dyspepsia, Debility- Vnrtiao.-vAcidiLv.of the ^tom- och, (tonsitpritioiij and ull cotnplaints arising from a disordered condition of the stomach, tho liver and tho intestines. Nino Philadelphia papers express their conviction of ho excellence, nnd several of the euiiora now peak of its effects from their individual exporicoco. Under theso circumstances, ve fuel wuranted, not only in-calling tho tioolton of our rcuders to the present proprietor’s (Dr. (*. M. Jack- son’s) preparation, but in recommend'ng the article to all afllictcd." MOKE EVIDENCE. The “Phimdei.fiiia Saturdav Gazette," the best fonti'y newspaper publtsliud lit the United States, the editor s.lysof DR. HOOFLAND’S GERMAN RITTERS. ••It is seldom that w erecoinmtnd what mo term ed Patent Medicines tn tho confidence and pairoli ngo of our renders; and, therefore, when wc recom- inon-1 Dr. Iloofiand's German Rmer.-t, wo wish it he distinctly understood that we ore n t speaking of the nostrums of the day, that are mused nhuit- for a brief peiiod and thu t forgotten alter they h i ve done their guilty race ol mischief, bin of a nod • emo long CBinliltslii'd, universally prized, nnd which bus.met the henrty ai proval ul the F-cu!t* itself. Evidence upon evidence, has been received (like the foregoing) from alt sections of tho Uniuu,-in three years'” und lie strongest testimony in ns nrnr iSj tliatthdrc is more ol n used in the primirc ot (lie regular Physicians ol Philadelphia than y;i other nostrums combined, n fact that it 1ms been, anti now is affording oxtrqordlnry re- lietHo suiroring thousands, while cures, id some cases almost bordering on tho miraculous, are be ing effected by its potent influence. The unimrnl idled succors It 1ms met In the bunds of Dr. Jones, (whoso course or treatment In many respects is purely original,) has gained for him celebrity, Tar Surpassing his fondest expectations, and thousands arc rejoicing under the beneficial effects of a Praq- tico whoso tendency fyto heal without any of those di.-ngroonble consequences which tco often follow the eradication of one disease by the substitution of (mothe). From the many testimonials which Dr. Jones fins recoivlht'or hts mipnrutlclettauciges*, be has thought proper to lay the following before n reflecting com munity. The statements hero made nro not from persons who live out of the reach of enquiry, but they come from respectable citizens of our own country, who can bo seen nnd consulted personally, in rufercucu to their true conditions, Dyspepsia. . Dn Junks—My Dour Sir j This is to certi that % for some l’5 or 20 years, grievously ulilictcd with dyspepsia or indigestion. My of a very distressing nature; for soverul yonrs I Was compelled to throw up every tiling that I cut, which kept mo in quito a feeble and debilitated condition. Hut I uni now proud to have it to say, tlmt throijgh the blessings of Dr. Jones* Remedies, I feel that I am restored to a perfect stnte of health, and tlmt, too, with but one montli’s supply of med icine, which 1ms proved to be tho choupest'nud best medicine I ever.mirclmscd. For the truth of the above stnteni'C'nt, iitiy one enn be satisfied by appli cation to me near Dirt Town P. O., Floyd coifnty, Ga. TII08. MIDDLE PON, J. P. Spinal Disease nml .Huprcsaicd Munsiriia- lion. Du. .Tonus—Dear Sir i Relieving ft a duty I lo the public, nnd in true justice to yourself, Dimvo thought proper, for tho information of those .who may bo afllieted, to give a candid statement of my negro girl Jnne’s diseased state, brought on from obstructed mensos-or monthly courses. Slte.v nlmelted in November, IS IS, with a severe pain in tins back of the head, extending down the whole course of tho spine, producing complete pnrulyzn tion of the left side, and rendering it perfectly help less, nud in a short timev she lost tho two of tlio whole .system* She could not turn herself In or out of bed, was reduced to n perfect skeleton, and to all appearances past the reach of remedies. • Rut I now, through the judicious and skillful, applica tion of Dr. Jones* Itemed ios, consider her .restored to a perfect state of heuilh, lor which ho will qver have my lusting gratitude. Should any one desire a confirmation of the above stntemsnt,, they can address mo near Summerville, Glmttooga cp.,.Ga. March 7, IS50 WILLIAM STANTQN. THE MARRIED WOMANS Pnvutc Medical Companion. 11Y DR. A. M. MAURICEAU, Profovior of Diseases of Women. Ttoenticth Edition, 8mo. pp. 250. Price, $1,00 This wonx is intkndrd ksi' poit the mau- hied, or those contemplating mar riago, as it dis closes secrets which should be know them particularly. Hero, every female—the wlfo, the motherr- .... one bitdding into womanhood or tlio one in the de cline of years, in whom nuturo contemplates an important change—can discover the causes, symp toms, and the most elllclont remedies nnd most cer tain mode of cure in every complaint to which her sex is subject. The rovebitionscontained in Its pages havo pro ved n .blessing to thousands, ns the innumerable let ters received by the author (which lie is permitted by the writers to publish will attest. SICKLY AND UNHAPPY WIVES- Extractor a letter from n Gentleman in Dayton, Ohio. “ Dayton, May I. 1847. . Dll. A-.M. Mauricbau—My Dear Sir:—“ Tli Married Woman’s Private Medical Campanion,' for which I enclosed one dollar to ymir nddres.*, cnnio safely to liund. 1 would not have trouldcti you with thoso few lines, but tiiat I am impelled by a sense of gratitude, for myself nud wife, togi utterance to our sincere and henrtfclt emotions. . “.My wife has been perceptibly sinking for some three years or more, in cousuqiieueo of her great anguish und stillering vomo months before ami din ing confinement; every successive one more and more debilitated mid prostrated her, puttinglicr life in imminent danger, and which was on the Iasi occasion, despaired of I supposed tlmt this slate ol things was inevitable, and resigned myself to meet the Worst. At this time (now about two moiltli?) I heard your book highly spoken of as con mining some ihinters reaching my case. On its n cciptmid perusal, I cannot express to you tho .-e|ji* it alforded my distressed tniiiuuiid the joy its pu ges Imparted lo my wife, on learning dial die give discovery of M. M, Desonieiuix provided n reined It opened a prospect to mu which 1 littleconceiv wtts possible.’ No peciihiary consideration e ever repay the obligations! uni under to you fo. blished, nml fully proving that a sciepufic prep-i tion will meet with (licit quiet approval Wueii p scniotl even in this fori Thismediume will euro Liver (-omplnint and Dis- pepaio no ono can doubt, alter using it as directed It acts specifically upon.the stomscji ami liver—h preferable to calomel in all hillious diM-asos—the effect is immediate. They can bv administered to female or infant wit'o safuiy and rdiablo benefit, at any time. IlEWARK OR ( OUNTKHFEITS. Thu medicine has ntlamed llnil high character which is nqcussary for all nieilicines to attain to in duce cnuiitcr.foiicrs. to put forth a spurious article nt iho risk of the lives oftlioso who arc innocently dc rL ' V °LOOK WELL TO TIIR JlAJKSf OF THE gWuise!" They hove the written bighutitre of.C.M.JAf'KSON upon the wroppor, and the mime b'.own in tho .boule^ ID-without which, they nre spurions.^Jj For sulo wholesale and retail, m die GERMAN MEDICINE STORE. No. 120, ARCH Sirost, ono floor below Sixlli, (lino of 278. Kuco sireet.) PhiiadoIpliinnnd by re. speclnblo dcolors gotiortilly llironiiltoui the country. Also for sslo by DR. J. D. DICKERSON^ DnuooisT, Rome, Ga. Augiist.l, 1850. 43 ly. Profouor .Barry’. Xrlcopli.srauH or Meili. oiitcil Compound. I Nl-'AI.IBLB for renewing, invigorating nnd beautifying the hair, removing scurf, Dnndiuff, and all ailcctions of the Scalp, and curing eruptions on the skin, diseases of the glands, muscles and integuments, and reliev ing slings, cuts, bruises, spains, &c &c — Willi this preparation, “ there is no such void ns fail,” Itinis obtainiid tho higlicst celebrity among tlio first classes in the Uni ted Slates and stnnds unrivalled iri all that it professes to be, both fc ohoapness and efii- cacy, it.defies nil cmppeiilion. The scien tific troalise on tiie Ivitir nnd skin (eintirncing valuable directions for the culture and pre servation of natures choicest ornament) in which each bottle is enclosed, is alone worth tho money. It is upon the skin, the muscu lar fibre, nnd theglands that the Tricophnr- ous 1ms its specific action, and in all nfieclions and injuries of these organs, it Vs it sovereign remedy. %ld'Jn largo bottles, price 23 cents, at Mlrineiual oflicc l37. Itrnarlivnv. N Hr—' ‘ Disoate of^Stomucli, Spine anti Heady For the henufit of siifleriiig humanity, I have thought proper to lny my case before tho public.- Having been severely afllieted for several years with a disease of the stomach, spine nnd head—to enumerate ul|, tho long train of symptoms with Which 1 was troubled, would occupy more space than would be interesting, aumco it to say, that frequently after eating, l would bo taken with yio lent and distressing sensations in the head and back of my n»’«k, extending half way down the spine, At such times I w-us take my bed. These spells usually continued for several hours, and wore frequently so* severe as to’ render life a burden. To obtain iplifcf'B lin’d recourse ro_ the best medical aid tho country afforded. Having tried the most.skillful physieiiwis h| Uoine.l applied ot several of*the most'eminent pvofessional 'men of the United .‘Stales. J wrote to' Prof. Dudley, of Kentucky ; Imd the cdubruted Dr. Mott, of New York, written .19,. uml his-prescription tiled ; ap plied also to the much- extolled Dr. -Durham ; ami then successively to Dr.., of \ugusta, Dr. 4 Ranks, of Gainesville, Dr. Fort, of* Miilcdg. Dr Gat ridge, of (ilmtloogn county, and the repift ... I I 1'- \ I Vi fi'liil.,,., ** * 1 ■d Ur Thomson, of Macon. All hnvuq. led 1 o’give relict, i lin dlv, upon Dr. Jones, loan- ~ in Rome, veninred on giving mm a call. Em • eiieouraganient ol others, I ain happy to certify ti Dr. Jones bn- given me more relief than all .■••-I combined. I nan now say that my health un it Ini’s been lor several years past I attend to my plantation affairs, arid, ride ItoniH, or any where else niy business reqairos ihy sonaI attention • (signed) JOEL MANN, having been the means of imparting to us the mat tors contained in “ Tho Married Woman’s Privat- •dl} • I»-Jl Ciireu nffoctod. ivltliuul Hoeing llio Piuiu g; Those persons living nt n di.-'tanee, arid 00111101' conveniently place themselves hiidor my i in met 11 ate charge, nmy havo their en?e streated by sending me- an aceiiriiK* j-iatemunt of symptoms, ago, occupa tion, habits of life, tee. Medicines will be scien tifically componumled, and nently put up, with am ple written directions for use; by tho due Observ ance of which distant patients rnny cure thoip- sulves of the most complicated and obstinate disease, though it would bo much better for the patient to ap ply personally,U’possible; will then enjoy all tlio advantages of Dr. Jones’ personal ncqnuin- tanpe, with the peculiarities of the ease. Since the 'reduction of postage, too expense of sending medi cines by mail is but trifling. My clmtge, in nil cases not requiring my personal attendance, is FIVE DOLLAR^ FOR. M EDIC1NES TO LAST A M ONTll. This fee must invariably bo enclosed in the letter asking advice, in order to insure attention, directed, post-paid, to Dr. D. S. Jones, Rome, Persons owning afllicted-slnves, can huvo them treated at my Infirmary, or medicines seiit them us above stated. D. S. JONES, M. D TO MEDICAL STUDENTS. The undersigned is now prepared to receive a few Medical Students, to read at his -office, who will bo thoroughly instructed in iho BOTANIC THEORY OF DISEASES, the only truly scientific and cjjicicnt,Medical Practice ever made known to the world. Also, n dose investigition of tho conflicting the ories of /llloputb'o Schools of Mediciucs, will be given, us portaining to a course of lectures m any of the liOTANiqO MEDICAL. COLLEGES . Medical Companion.’’ Rut for this, ere nuothe yearwould have passed over my head, in all hu man probability my wife would have been in h grave, und my children left motherless.. Extract from n LMi«*r, (L-dimiptstom-Ats siskin IH-ssiliitHu. “ Lancastkk, Pa., net. it. 1>»47. My Drak Sin 1—1 know you will have the kind ness to bear with me m encroaching upon y< time, while I ncknowlcdgc in boimli of inyholi a wife, tho obligations we feel qmselvo under to y In having made known certain matters ooniain in your most invaluable Married Women** Pri vate Medical Companion.* It has been worth 1 weight in gold to me. If 1 express myself rathe warmly, you will see tlmt 1 can not do so too warm Iv, when l inform you of the extent to which l liuv. through it, been benefit ted. I will state my cituu tion when I obtained your book through the hie cst curiosity. I look upon it a * one of the. in- fortunate events of my life 1 Imd b ;n in.n. • some ten years,.nml was Hi • full •. i-f pbvep cli e tliai 1 might earn »> »n d . 1 • e t m y, » -‘if r. rcsMis of iny utmosr .1 tn mi i .1 1 about where l was at the b'g,nn i'i - aeli y- u and that only, with lb.- inn.-t :i d • 1 licient with barely tic ee-.—■1.. w. hfe tins constant effort was beginning in U »v upon my health*, l left leh ? caj. *td • l-? e ilu. continuance, while 1 felt tin- ly «»f per* aiicc. “ This constant inn— t n. • • ■ was Imperative In cons pi • • • • _ • , , condition of my wile (wnii on it .i.dun'ir for six years, much ol'ih • time « ontnn ilJ • in 1 b and of nourse incapable of.inking tin-elm,g. m management of lionscimhl iiflrr? Her coidih. urose from causes of wliicli l wn> ( ignorant, id whnt would I have given Imd I tin- t*ix yem> 10 li over again ! What Would my wife hove given have been spared jhe long day.- and ill Ion;: nights pro-irate on a bed of s’ckii*-.--!—all oV win- would have been avoided, had 1 thi n -ten ■ m of “ The Mairied Woman’s Private Cm panlon.” Prom;a Physician. DANGEKOU^ UELlVEiUHS. ' OBSTRUCTIONS, IRREGULARITIES, &C. How mnny aro sufloring from obstruction or gulurities peculiar to the female system; which un derminc tliolr lieulih, the ofleets of which they an ignorant, nnd for which their delicacy forbids seek ing medical advice l How mnny sillier from polap sus uteri (fulling of tho womb) or from fluor ulbus weakness,debility,tec tec.)! IIow many tire in con stant agony, for many months preceding confine input*! How many have difficult if not dangorou deliveries, and whose lives ure jeoparded during such time, will find in its pages the means of pro vent ion, umclioiutiou and relief! To those just married. TO THOSE JUST MARRIED—*’ I1AD I KNOWN, “ Philadelphia, Nov. 20, 1847. “ Da. A. M. Mauriobaijj—Had I known of the important matter, treated of in “ the Married Wo- nian’s Private Medical Companion” some years ago how miich misery I might have escaped! I have suffered years from causes which you point out your book, without knowing what to do. I obtain ed a copy, and found my ense treated of. I trust .overy funmlo will avail liorself of tho information contained in its pages.” Letters daily reoeived of this character, unneo"! sary to. present. To those yet unmarried, but contemplating mar riage, or perhaps hesitating as to tho propriety 01 incurring the responsibilities attendant upon it, the lions, with a largo collection of Durham and lnd|)ti sd AHo- rccoipes. Also, several of tlio most approved Alii path id and 'Hy of do.ccti all fttfior f fore unknown. Dally demijnstrations in Clin In 111—- 1 It II HI*., n M.P MB ...nit nn — ice in llis Infirmary, as well as a knowledge ) Pkarmucoittlcnl -propatlons of rcmctlips in ivboratory and Medicni Store* Practice of tho Ills Laboratory It will bo'Seon from the above combined advan tages, that tho medical enquirer will liuvd here met ... ^ - - e: l ill a priviuu Tliysl. nil disc, being #30,— \'uim noed iinply but snob ns enn eomo well recora- neuded, iiikLhcIi im will likely be im ormunent to themselves and Let tecs on be post-pa id, *nnd m profession. *'”' , ot, tirmerit attention, in the United Slates.' Ills Library is well selected ,m P 0, [ ta nce of being possessed .of the revelation's •and furnished with all tlio latest Rotanic Publioli- ? li,11 "! e . ,y _ s !.” v ? lvir,g The Magnetic Fluid, their future happiness,* oonnot bo appreciated. It is, of course, impracticable to convey more ful ly the various subjects treated of, as they nro of u naturo strictly imcmlbd lor the inarrid, or those con templating marriage; neither is in necessary, since it is overy one’s duty to become possessed of knowl edge wherqby tlio sufferings to whioh a wife; r mother, or a' sister, may be subject, enn be obviated OC^Copies. will be sent by Mail -free of Postage tho PurclmsQr.«£{) (W beware of Counterfeits and IforL 99-On tlio receipt of Ono Dollar, -i* i im palled, Far ilia (ti-njiiviil nml l’criiiiiiiciil (Jure or all NERVOUS DISEASES, And of thnis CompltlnU whten aro ctrnubd by weakoned or unliealtby condition or NIQR.VOUS SY8TIQIII. ThU bonuliful and convenient application or the my*to- rioui power* of GADVANISM and MAGNETISM, bat been pronounced by dUUngiil«hed t phyiiclaiu, both In ute/aud at/PMp!/} I ( HERE THIS PLASTER ^ A pcltlciiiiu/inand Pates- m\ In 1S30, heard so much snid in the latter plcec ui favor of JEW DAVID’S* ~* in favor of JEW DAVID’S PLASTJSlt, end of •ho (ns ho Cnnsidcrcd) inirnculoi s cares it had pti- rope and tlio United States, to be tlio moil valuable mnli. inml disco m y of Ihe Age. Dr. CHRISTIE’S GALVANIC) BELT MAGNETIC FLUID, i* used with Uio most peifeet and certain success in ail ORNBIUL DEBILITY Strengthening tho weakened body, giving tone to the various organs, and invigorating tho entire systom. Also iu FITS, CRAMP, PARALYSltJ nnd PALSY, DYfiPKP 8IA or INDIGESTION, RHEUMATISM, ACUTF. and CHRONIC, GOUT, EPILEPSY, LUMBAGO, DEAF- NESS, NERVOUS TREMORS, PALPITATION Or THE HEART, APOPLEXY, NEURALGIA, PAINS in the SIDE and CHEST. LIVER COMPLAINT, SPINAL COMPLAINT, and CURVATURE of tho SPINE, HIP COMPLAINT, DISEASES of the KIDNEYS, I C1ENCY OF NERVOUS nnd PHYSICAL ENERGY, and all NERVOUS DISEA8E8, which complaint* &.«* DISEASES of the KIDNEY • —yr s . , ...lie from ono slmplo cause—namely, A Deraugomont of the Nervous System. 0(7- In NERVOUS COMPLAINTS, Drugs and Modi- cines increase Ihe disease, for they Webken tlio vital enor. gioi of the alroady prostrated system; whilo under the strengthening, life-riving, vitalizing influence of Uslvan. Ism, as applied by title beautiful ind wonderful discovery. ism, u mppneu uy tiua neauimu tnu wnnuenui uncuvorj. the exhausted pafiont and woakoned sullbror Is restored to former health,' irongth, elasticity and vigor. The great peer Jiarity and excellence of Dr. Oh!fistle’s Galvanic Curatives, consist*, in the hot that they arrest end euro disease hy outward application, in place of tho usual moda of drug, ging and physicking tbs nidiont, till oxhatiated Nature sinks hopelessly under tlio inflictiuii. They slrenglhen Ihe whcle system, equalise the circulation of ihe llood, jnomote the srrrrlintlt, rrrut rirnr rffi HrnVlltntr injury »i«4»r uny circumstances. 8i>|Co their introduoUo in the United States, only three years since, mors than 6 0,00 0 Persons I’ormod, 11 mi bo wns iedncoJ t-> try it on’his own iicr*oit, for n Lung nml Liver Aficction, tlio removal •»r Ulildlt hid been tbu cliii-f object nl his journey^ but which Imd risislcd the genial and deli clou clinio. Ho accordingly applied n jdnftcr nn the right side of hi* chest wberu the pxin n-bs senfod, onolher' tween the shouldore, and oiiu over iho v liver. la ilio-inc’un time lie drank li hoib-icainf InxntiVo quftfiiles. II honllb improvine. nml in n lew weeks I him; ihe ealluwne&s ol Imk skin dimi. pnui wns removed, mid his health bocal nuntly roinstnidd, f|piIF.SF» PI.AS1 EUS possess the •“* being put up in air-tight boxes—hence t in in their full virtues in all climates* We hL. received the following teslimouinl from C. C. lers, mi ominent lawyer in successlul predict la Wilcox county, Alabama. He is n genilemen in high 8iandii’g, and one nhoso influence has gretl •Hebrew^ to Nervous Complaints, have In ENTIRELY AND PERMANENTLY CURED, when all hope of relief hod boon given up, and evory thing else been tried in vain ! To illustrate tho use of the GALVANIC BKI.T, sup , DY8PEP8IAi or uny other Chronic or Nervous Disot der. In ordinary cases, stimulants are tnkon, which, by their action on the nerves nud muscles of the stomach, afford temporary relief, but which leave the patient In a lower state, and with injurod faculties, after the notion thus exci* tad has ceased. Now compare this with the effect resulting from the application ol the GALVANIC BKI.T. Take s Dyspeptic sufferer, evon in the worse symptoms of an attack, end simply tie the Bolt around tho body, using the Magnetic Fluid as directod. In a short period the iusen* negutive, and thence back ._ ... positive, thus keeping up o continuous Galvanic circulation throughout the systa * “* ' Thus the most severe cases of roughout the syat DYSPEPSIA are PERMANENTLY CURED. A FEW DAYS IS OFTEN AMPLY SUFFICIENT TO KRADI* CATE THK DISEASE PK YEARS. CERTIFICATES AND TESTIMONIALS Of ihe most Undoubted Character, From all pert* of the Country could be given, sulflolent to fill every column in this paper 1 SOUTH CAROLINA TESTIMONY. weight) •Camden. A!o„ Nov 24:li, 1646. M F.sstts Su"ML te Mkad—Gentlemen)—H»v- ng been rrqucsleil to suite what hits been the re. suit of inv cxperiencu in llte’usc of your I’lneter,' f choerfully comply hy saying t oii-id i' to he as hori-tnturu in' U |'"i'ir'"l""i ' i'i '"il'-'j'o .ffrfrd I II.V. Illun II.L’ll II will, g u0 J oii lny fi"n K'r.111 i,, nm . „| C( . ra> wll(l 110,1 1 n-vm-lyjolBialiii. i ' H--I- G. G. ^KI.LEBS." - | .3$ I- Im. 1-con very l.inuiici.l in cn.cmir Wcnkn.M, in tin; Fioinod., We.k «f ' S|iino t -uch :ih I’.iin nnc' Weakness in tin- tioinacl., Weak Limb*. I.iinuiiers, k tr —“ *“ -'**'--** ’ — iio—^ Wt'.iUnrsr, &u b •\ e .kneBs *n the bock iil'WHf^Mr^jWi'iiji Tito npplicatioh ol tfte Fluste. •lers has lit-cfl ILfinfl n certain renn ['••tigIts, 1‘hiln'sic and Limg AtTcciions, in irimnry stagr*' 1 It destroys inflammniion h pirniion. DBEABFUZ. RHEUMATISXKI NERVOUS PR08TRATION, From Mr. WM. R. AVII.KY, of tlio Charleston Hotel. CiiAHt.KSTon, S- C., April 10, 1840. To Da. CHarsTiR, Now York : primary ,,irn ' lon ’ J tj !i Dcman of C i,|! crfcils anil Base In CAUTION —The MiUecrii). rp nre iIum oral Agonisln the Soutltern &*tnt«-s lor tin due truly vnltiuble-l’ins’ur; nnd nm cluisern being, imposed upm ..rifcle, add ill lliis'ultv and t*l*e UINE., thoy inYitprporiiutiliir atientia ing Marks, of .tme Gsnuink: I si The genuine is pul u/> in smooth, itl bottomed boxes, not sholdeictl in. '2d. The genuine has the engraved heat d on the directions, armtnd the bu r, /untying record of the Court to E. Tn 'er. (nrs* OVIL& MDAD. Charu rs St ‘•ole Gertersl ActnlsMor the Nuutherii whom nil order* must bo tuforepsed. fttoltl also.- \V4tolt-*nl« uml detail hy B VI TI Y iCKO I Horn W H, Numnn rs, Kingston. (In., J. It. te Cu.. (his^vrle, (in., »S. W. ii vVpiinu, (*a . L. W. Davis, Villa U Tayl >r, nnd oxcruhating attacks of JlhoumatUm. My whole hmly has been offected, arms, Ihnbs, liead, chest, back, and indeed evory part of my system. I linvo ox perienced more agony than I supposed any human being could endure. Atone time the joint of my right leg was swollen to about three times Its natural size and the rest of the limb was shrivelled up. This was tho case whon I commenced using your GALVANIC BELT for tho body •nd III. (J Al.VA^C "ill!AGKiiKTH for tjio limbi. I bad many of the host Physicians in .Charleston and elsewhere, and I tried every remedy 1 heard ot or mw in the-news- papers, but all with so litllo benefit that I had long since began to despair. . I Imd been to tlio Warm Springs and the Sulphur Springs; f read and studied otmiu my afllic. Uon, but with no avail. What then joy ana gtt tude whon the thith (list dawned upon me tlmt I Imd at li discovered a remedy ! I should here stnte that tho constant and repeated attacks of pmu tendered mo ns feeble as a child and quito helpless. It uttorly lucnpucltntod mo from business, and prostratod and domnged my whole Nervous System. Now, on tho first application of tlio Galvanic articles, I did not oxporionce much cessation of tho pain, but I began to feet dijfcrenttu / my strength seemed regained \ my hood to got clcnr and elasticity nnd buoy ancy to bo loturniug- if'hir It wns tlmt so ngrcoably prised and oncouragcd me. But in less than a week Hie pains had also decreased, nnd they appeared to diminish daily. A continuation of damp wcfithor cuino on, nud I expected a return of tho Rtioumatism and Nervous Depros- sioni but no—1 still continued to improve, simply using tho Belt, Bracclots nud Magnetic I-'luid. This is now over one year since, and nt tills momontnf writing I believe I nm as. healthy and as happy a man as thoro is in ( Jmrleston •All my pains.aro gone ; my stroqgth Hu returned : my ap pearance 1ms so nltorod that my friends, Who formerly thought I was dying, hardly know mo. In a word I am a living miracle of tho wonders of Oalvenlsm/as opp’.ied by J our beautiful inventions. 1 could say more if necessary ut will only add that you aro at liberty to maka this public for tho benefit of those who may bo similarly afllieted. Very respectfully and sincerel^j-our friend P. 8.—I may add that thoro For tIn* C'siB-o of DOUGHS, COLDS, HOAB.SEWESS, WHOOPI NG-GOUG1 ASTHMA and OONSUi*: III-Illiitr-.II MUTCH illm-li 11Ita nllcml ti... |>r.-,j;.-nli II ' Hm Htilntiiry ifTiel- ‘ 3«<i ‘■ uri -' -ifl- i -'-ins »r Ihe LungH, I oi'h-hiiiy (qunlled hy no other medicine f'no afllictml with enHro confidence in t Im full Imiinf that-it wil huhiliii' nnd i'Hl nttncl.s eftlisonso t TOUALmny Im seen In tho follow .1AM B. WILEY .. ... i hundreds of persons in’ South Carolina and in Goorgia who havo known me for years, and who know tho abovo facts to bo strictly correct Among thorn I may montlon— Dr. F. M. Robinson, Havno street, Charleston. Dr. P. Melvin Cohen, Charleston. Hon. John P. Kino, Augusta, Go. Riohakd Peters, Esq., Atlanta, Ga. H. L. Butterfield, Esq., t’ovillion Hotel, Charleston, r, Esq., charleston Hotel *Wm. M. Moodt, 1 DR. CHRISTIE’8 GALVANIC NECKLACE Is used for all complaints effecting the Throat or Head, suoh as BronohltU, inflammation of tho 7'hroat,-Nervous and 8ick Headache, Dizziness of. tho Head, Nourfllgia in the Face, Buzzing or Roaring in the Ears, Deafness, which Is ganorally Nervous, and that distressed complaint, oalled Tic Doloreux. DR. CHRISTIE’S GALVANIC BRACELETS Are found of vast service In cases of Convulsions of Fils, Spasmodic Complaints, and general Nervous Affections of the Head and uppor extremities. Also In Palsy and Paraly sis, and all diseases caused by a dofleionoy of power or Nervous Energy in the limbs or other organs of the body. toy Iir V A LKNT1NI: Prof. SurgcM “ It civcb mo plf of AVer’s CfJfcLIUl poctil.nrly nuopteti Lungs/’ TIIE UT. ItEV. UlStl writes in n teller to It a frieml; w der nn nflcciion of tho Lung PECTORAL nml tl nny nt with the bleaaing^ofQyfl^h 1 of Litiixiann writes “Tlmt t) ASSTI1.MA AND BRONc UITH The Canadian Jourua of Medic «!nte»,“That Asthmnjind Hro iiielemetu climnte, has yicddi to Ayor a CHERRY PECT(J strongly rero mend this afcilfi fessiou and public gem-rally.” L?t fim relieved suflerc-r *per 11A !t T i-'O }(D^jfl Dr. J C. Ayer—-Dear Sirs—flavinf^ from u painful and daegeroua dixease by pq grulituda pruutpis me loarndyoti ihisncto not onl^r in j-talico I ors in like nllliciiun. i A slight cold ttpon th<- lunga, ncglcd enmo mi severe that »pitting of bioa^ nnd profuso night awents foliewctM| >r the info] country c if required. r No trouble or inconvenience attends five use ot CHRISTIE'S GALVANIC AHTJCLES, and they may bo worn by the most feeble and delicato with safety. In many casos the sensation j is highly pleasant and agreeable. They part of the country; . iy . w ... perfect ease and attending their us „ can be sent to any part of the country Prices: Tho Galvanic Belt, Three Dollars, The Galvanic Necklace, Two Dollars, The Oalvanic Bracelets, One Doftar Back- One Dollar. JW f I boootno I'mncinlt d, c6t:Id n .( slei hy rny cough, nnd n pain tlm.ngh my h id nil ihe nlnrmit'g *ympioin8 off No medicine se mod at nil t-. reach l ridoi lioily tried y.iur <_ t reltevced und now j: directions. Pamphlets with full particnlo of the authorized Agent. - PARTICULAR C/ y fitll and plain ilara may be had Dr; A vor, Limcll—D^.i/slr*:^—V . afllieted with Ahtlinm in the woriy Imen oiiiigi'ti to sleep iu my ehniir limp, being unnhle to lirenthe oii] : -’fi nI mnny medicines to no puijjj preacribf;d,Q8 nil exoei' A| J firnl il arcmril I - D.3.JON ESlM .p.,m:s» IICEAU, Box 1221, Now York CityJp hy Mn|l lllice, No. 120 Liberty stroel,How iY/Scrminty *“ - :r 20,000 Copies Imve beon/e V S PREPAHed ; NohJ by l!bnie,(;