Newspaper Page Text
river to the ridge between Bola-D'Arcan il
Dulphur; thence to Dull os, and to-connect
with New Orleans and El Passo route.
11th. For_ Missouri: Tho road from 81.
. Louis'Westward; tho Hannibal and St. Jo
'S, phi’ railroad,
* ■ Wa are pleased to see, by the Ousvllle
Standard, that tho good people Of that place
are quite elated with the prospect of having
the Rail Road to enliven tholr town; and that
property is already appreciating In that place.
We regret to learn that a Ore occurred In
Macon on 8utiday night last, which consumed
aome half dozen or mom framed buildings,
. including Mr, Morehouse’s Livery Stable.'
We also learn that quite a destructive Ore
occurred at tho Stone Mountain on tho 16th
Inst. Loss $10 000.
I3F Tho following is a table showing the
eank of the United States according to their
population, and tho capttol of each State, ta-
'ken from Hart's Geography. .
Rank. Stotts. Pop. in 1860. Capitals.
■ '8
' ■;
•or. , Indiana,
'9> • Georgia,
New York, 8,097,000 Albany
Pennsylvania, 2 812000 Harrisburg.
Ohio, 1077,000 Columbus.
Virginia, 1,881.000 Richmond.
Tcnnessco, 1,003000 Nashville.
.Kentucky. .1,002000 Fronlilbrt,
Massachusetts, 993000 Boston!
089000 Indianapolis.
879 000 Mlllndguvlllc.
10 N. Carolina, 809,000 IUIoigh.
11 Illinois, 862000 Springfield.
'12 •. Alabama, ■ 772000 Montgomery.
'1* Missouri, 081,000 Jefferson city,
'll S. Carolina, G6£000 Columbia,
16 Mississippi, 693 000 Jackson.
16' Maine, 683000 Augusta.
IT" Maryland, 683 000 Annapolis.
18' Louisiana, 601000 New Orleans.
19 NowJorsey, .190,000 Trenton.
20 Michigan, 800000'Dotrolt.
21 Connecticut, 371000 Itartfbrd.
. 2i N. Hampshire 318030 Concent.
' 23 Vermont, 314.000 Montpelier.
24 Wisconsin, 804,000 Madison.
26; ' Arkansas, 208 Q30 Little Bock.
. 20 California, 200 000 San Joso
27 Iowa, ,102 000 Iowa City.'
28 Texas, 188,000 Austin.
'29 Rhode Island, 118.003 Providence,
•0 Delaware, 92000 Dover.
$t ■ Plorhl t,' 88 000 Tallahassee.
Territories, lOl'OOO ——
Indians,300.000 ——
. (Totai pqp. of U. S. 21405000
A Senator to each County* ■
Tho bill to niter tho Constitution. • so as to
allbw In luturo a Senator to each bohnty,
passed the Houso yesterday by a vote of 82
yeas to 22 nays. Having passed the Legisla
ture onco before, It now only needs the signa
ture of the Governor to become a law.
Coramissfons'for Ordinaries.
In reply to numerous enquiries on this
point at tho Executive Department, wo are
ruquested to state that the Commissions have
not been Issued, becauso thu bill in relation
to the ofllcu has not yet become a law. They
will probably bo scut out during tho present
wCck.—Recorder. '
Saiuino or tub liteuRtA Packet—The Li
beria Packet" of tho Maryland ColouUntiun
Society sailed from Baltimore Tor Lihorla on
Saturday. She is to take out about une hun
dred and eighty emigrants, well.nuppllc;l wi(h
everything necessary to rendor their 'Condi
tion pi.
40 are
na 80 from Virginia and Pemisylvnnia, and
109 from‘Georgia 'which latfr number will
bo taken on board at the port of Savanunlr,—
A good portion of these people are manumit
ted slavos, having been set at liberty on 'tho
express condition ortheir emigrationto Afri
ca.— _
Happy Mary.
The Influence ofn denryounj friend,whoso
home conduct wns u brnutiful llluslraliuri of
llir faith that wi.rltrlh by thus tlescrib-,
ed by an eye-witness. "She moved about the
house Mm a sunbeam. -I betrd^jr alngingha
•he possed to nnd f.o. ; and Iter mother henrd
her too, and said, with n fund sin le.'ltls Mary.
She is always dtesame, nlwnyslrippy 1 do nut
know wltat I' without her.’ ‘|jlo
not know what any of us would do .without
Alary,* rep "nted her eldest daugliter, and the
Wit eehoed her words.' '
“Her youngrol brother jspf a violent temper
snd to si ways quarrelling with smnrhoilyi. but
he neverqunrrelsdritli'Msry,because she will
not quarrel With him, hilt strives to turn aside
lii.< anger by..gentle words. Even lier very
pre-eni-e hns an iotlnem-e over him ", - .
Tit.- HOME
KIViTCj F4BI fin*.
rA'/.FiT'l E through" the Edit-
_. ’.l- to produce a ut-ttitiyfiltni-
ly paper combining tlie highe-t degree of In
terest and Instruction with an cntire /rrWom
from vulgarity, lota slang. profanity, or any
thing that can 1 il ‘ ~ L “
alrci ’ ’
flfcL,. . -
criminatirg public. In announcing tlie ros-‘
pectus fur 1862 thu publishers liavo little to
say beyond what lias already been said. They
hftvo given to
entire control or the paper. Not a lino, goes
in wil
ittSKEs < “° n
'I MtOhS. V:,lice-uiid Travelling bugs;
1 I
; On Tlmroday evening 16th Inst, by tlie Rev.
Jttsso Lamburth, Mr. EusIU-MrOmx, to Miss
Mans' Mdnnis all of Floyd county.
/\>r the Courier.
' Will tiomoofour young friends givo us a
solution of tbo following enigma :
I am {composed of 22 letters.
Many live and dio and never behold mo.
Othere hare seen me once; some twice, and a
V the'third time. ,. i
’ None have seen me the fourth time who have
not lived over 6 score and twelve years,
l liavo nover visited earth in spring summer
'*(* or fall.
Y will ba soon oncarth tho last day of Fcbrua-
• -*'»y ncittt
. I shall then bo seen no more until the year
„ (f , ,1,880. QUERY.
Ilia tv
itltutldnil Udlcn Meeting In Millsdgs-
•ta, i I srille.
''' The mrmheis of the Legislature lieloagine
eiii-'l’ ,n iV Cefl'tlmilnnsl Union Party met st half
J ,'MM sit o’clock P. M. in th* Berate r.hamh-
1. ,. ’ On moilon ef Judge Meriweihrr. lion-John
XV. Andrrs»n. of Chntlinin, wisca'led to the
L r . . ’ .Ciisir.on.l Mr. Glenn appointed Secretary.
[ j. .- 1 Mr Irwin, of Wilkes, esplunined the ohji-ct
'. i of. the .meeting to be simply a preliminary one
p-• anil moved that a rommltec of lb-re gentle.
. men hw appointed from eneb of the Congress,
rf ' -|iin»t districts of the State, to report matter to
’v-r r. *uh*e.q't-'nt meenlngt which molten wav an-
if;*. . .aiiimottsiy cu rrl-d. Thr Chair appointed the
. iBillowing ertitlemrn ns that committer t
' l»t I’Mrirt—Messrs.,Ba'tow.ur,Chatham,
■M- '•llsris of Melntosh, and Cone nf Bulloch.
j. 2d District—MessrsClifrk'nfStewart, Wolf
’ •fKs-ty, end Robinson of Mncon.
. 3d District—Me-arsTrlppeof Mimroe, l.nyr-
-inn of Marion, * Burke of Meriwether.
' 4th District—Messr* Cnlhmm of relf ilb.
Fuller'of Fayette, ond Hill of Troop.
-Olh Dial —Messrs. Tomlin of Cnss, Slaughter
. ; ; ef Cobb, and Price of Floyd.
' ,6lh bisnict—Messrs llarrisefCIprko,Knox,
. ofFraitklin. and Thurmond of Jnckson. -
7lh ristrirt—"essrs Meriw -tlt r of - Put
asm, Stephens of Tnllinferra,. and liail of
vtli Dinrict —Messrs Irwin nf.VViikrs, Miller
'ofRii-hmond.endmoore of Lincoln,
Oil m tlon of Mr. Miller, the 'meeting'ad
journed, subject to the coll of the committee.
' J MiUcdgevitie, Jan. 13,1862,
Sixty Years Ago.
* • Sixty-nine years ago. the 4th ins*, s party
ofsdvcnturrrs from thr Eastern, Slates, after
• long nnd toilesome journey, deserndad the
* b-,1 ;,'iMe.River, enenmped upon the apot where
*^en r i'°. r t Barracks now stand They werese-
'i paratrd lor the •everal "stotions" in Kt-niui-ky,
and turned theirateps through the wilderness,
'.’ first pledging each other to meet upon the same
.eprt.or such o( ihnn aa mlghtaorvivc, in gfly
years from (lint doy. The agreement Woa itia'dr
on the 4th day of November. 1782, In the
, jrear 1832,.on. thc 4th day of November, prr.
- cisely fifty yrara nfter the'dincof the ngreemem
• four of the old band met upon tlir spot to fu!-.
fill the promise! One, of them wns over ninety
, years of,age; and the rest were tinder three
•core and ten. Af|er remaining a few dnys.
: ihey turned thrir stepshotneword—n-1 thrhogh
i a wilderness as they did halfa hundred years
-V ' befere, but" through reciirs of busy life, and
. ' thehum ofinduitrinl millions; nor did tliry
' promise another meeting, as that was an event
•filedbyS higherwill;and !t has taken place!
' They are all dead—Nat Ini.
'■ ASsow Btom ihNbvv Osi-CANa.—Our old-
.., . est jUhsbitants were taken aback lest evening,
when the enow began tofall. , They had never
p-; - x aeep apy thing of the slnd.eome say. aince
u,-.T843, Plgd others' with better memorfea since
1835. The iiiowi^fell in v.ry respectable flokes,
(rein (ouro’cclock in the afternoon to twelve at
Stifht.snd although it partielly melted'asit fell,
-onsequence of ihe.modereted weather, there
pugh Hccumnlaled in the streets, snd on
cites, to afford a lively sport to young
,,The snow fell to a depth
“ a'level, and snow..
, UouK,Jan.2i 1862.
COTTON has declined i since our lost.—
Wo quote prices of tho present week at Worn
6 to 7 cunts. ' . V
Produce Market.
Corn per bushel. .00 a 76
Corn Meal pcrbushel. (scarce). ..75a 80 ,
Butter, country,.. 18a 20
Flour, superfine, ...So 34
Urd,-... V.*. tv ..., ■•121
Pork, pickled, [ a 10
Beef h\ a 6
CttanLi'.srnx, Jan: 17 1862.
COTTON—Tho market may he said to liavo
been brought to a stand ycstordi-y. tlio sales
having hoon limited to 300 bales. Prices ran
ged IVom 7 to 8| cents; we have no cliangojo
Savannah Jan. 10 1862.
COTTON—There tvas a fair demand for
Cotton yesterday. Thu sales leached 1761
bales at prices ranging from 64 to 8| cents,
the hulk at front 75 to 8| cents. Prices firm
and unchanged.
At'ocaTA. Jan. 10,1862.
COTTON—Our Market to day has been
rather quiet, but we have no change to no
tice In prices, which remain about tint same
as noticed In nnrlnst
So that jmt Urn same cbnfldikcu felt In him
by the publlo as a sound auds tfe mural teach
er inaybofolt.ln.hts 3Jome Oa’petto " which
fs emphctlcaily a supporter of HJigiom an t
Virtue anj' Uetonsrndloref good luuralusnl
MHtdt "
o J| y Is’liL-tty’r iustailied
than the’ HumiOajettb. Bcsld.sar.'gularse-
ries of a ticlcsfreni ninny uftlie best vyritors'iu
the country nearly all the BJitor rentes. toili
st iti the ' 'Unite OnztUe." '
to keep tlie c-dumns of our paper
I , fee front all that may lqjuro either
indy or mind all M' Hail A itertis men Is uill
be excluded t an t also, all a tvertistmenls of
bai books or any thing that can do harm:'
The Hume Giuottu Is printed on vvhlto pa.
per,with Jarge'Olear typo. ' . " 4
Trmt cf Adhur't Vmt. Gazette.
One copy per annum, - - - 82 00
Three copies : - - 6 00
Six ? - - 10 00
TuttiV. ‘txiC.isfll -uM n VsanviO r r» al6‘ t OO
Fourteen " •. - • 20 00
Arthur’s Home Qaaottc and Geley’s Lady’a
Bonk one year Four Dollars,
Wltere a club of ala. tumor tburteon copies
are sent an extra copy will bo. flirpialied to
the postmaster, or other person, who makes
up the club
: Address post-paid
. • .
Rltltcs without Winga.
An Original Nmivelletle by T. 8. Arthur
will bao nntncnced with thu New Year In tho
Homo Gazette. The title of this story sufll-
ciently indicates thu Important lesson tho ui
llmr |iro(Mises to leach.
J 18T Received, — t fresh supply of superi
or family flour from th- Eogtu and Shleldif
- Mills for Milo low fin- cash at
PHILLIPS & CO'S Fnmily-Orocory-Btoro.
Romo. Jan. Ill 1862.
fTMIE exorcises of tills Institutlot) vh, com-
X menco on Monday the 1st of February.
The scholastic year will comprise two terms
each of flvo months. ' Tuition ns follows, viz:
Fur Orthography, Reading and Writing.
per Term SO 00
For Arithmetic Geography EngllsliGmm*
. mar. Composition, with declamation,
tier term, 10 00
For History. Natural. Mental and Moral
Philosophy. Rhetoric, Chemistry, with
Composition and declamation pcrterm,1200
For Mathematics Latin, and Greek, with
Composition and declamation, per
torm , 16 (
Striot attention paid to small children, ' P
|>lls charged from time of entrance; deduction
made only in ■ nse of protracted siekncrs.
1 Tuition payable at tho expiration of each
term. J. C.'McDANIEL,'
Jan. 14.1852. W. K. COLLIER; '
UiiHtUU .ail.U Atlk w
Marietta, Oa.
rpiIE second Session of this Institution com-
1. menccs on Monday, the 12th of Julv,
1862. WstbteMtodi.
Tho Institution Is organized upon tho usual
plan of four Collegiate Classes. The follow
ing is a synopsis of tho course of stndies of
each class.
Fourth Class,
Arithmetic Algebra, Geometry, English
Grammar, Geography, Composition and Dc-
i. French.
Third Class.
Trigonometry, Monsuration, Surveying, De
scriptive Geometry and its applications, Ana
lytical Oeometry, French, Drawing, Compo-
tlon, Rhetoric. History. ,
llerond Class. 4m
Differential and Integral Calculus, Natural
and BxpsrUuontal Philosophy, Astreuomy
Chemistry, Drawing. Evidences of Christian
ity, Moral and Mental Philosophy.
First Class,
Natural History. Mineralogy, Geology and
lyiosophy, Political Economy, Law of Na-
dona, Civil and'Military Engineering, ami
Civil Architecture Infantry Tactics, Science
atid Practico of Artillery.
No Cadet will bo admitted whn is less than
fuUrtccn fir more than twcnty.flvo years of age;
or who is afflicted with any disease or Infirm
ity which would render him unlit for military
Tlio Cadets will, ho oce
hour and a half each day
cises; but at such times as-
their regular studies.
The Course of Instruction, regulations a d
discipline of tho Institution liavo been pub
lished In pamphlet form sod will be forward
ed to any person duslrlbg morif mlnnt - infor*
niatlon, hy their addressing tho Superintend
ent, Maj. A. V. Bwnby^ „
Each Cadet as soon lie is admitted, and bo-
fore ho is iiormittcdtojoln Ills class in tho re
citation rooms, must pay over- to the Super-
In. endent tho sum of $100 for which a re
ceipt shall he given him in full Tor tuition,
board, washing thcl, lights, field music and
all other.contingent expenses, for one ses
sion or rivr months and for each succeed
ing session $100 in advance.
' Cadets from a distance .mast provide their
bedding and room ftamituro. These articles
can he purchased in Marietta upon reasona
ble terms.
Dy order of thu Board of Trustees.
Jan. 18—Cm Proa. Board Trustees.
• ■ BY
L. A. ALLEY, Auctioneer.
WILL ho sold at Public Aucliob ‘on SUvr-
day 01s' January nnd hn T :nilav 21’ P-.'bru-
ary. at 10 o'clock V. M . «t the , /"
New York Store, >
\ very inrgj lot nf. D.y Goods Ready Made
Clothing lints. Caps,, Bouts Shoes. Ac., Ac.
Tomri Cash.
I HE undersigned ox|acling to leave Romo
I in February, ruspoclfttlly invito all those
indebted to them n note or book., to call and
pay up. .On 1st February nil our notus and
accounts will be.placed in tbo bands of an
Attornuy for collection.
. -Tan. 23 ,1862. ,j . - DENNIS & HUNT.
' . ItOTHL, ■
_^ LL iiersons indelited to mo b
A dmlnlstrator’s Salt.—Agreeably to an
la oriler nl the linnorabiu tho Inlartor
Court of FloydcOunly-, when, sluing lor or-
Binary pKIfiores, will bo sold at the court
bouse Boot in aaiil c-oau'y, on the first Tues-
ilny in Fobni’iry next, tile following-properly
to will a negro bnyimincil Henry, about 12 oi
11 years olB, Solti ns the properly of W m.'C
Boiler, late of sniB conniy, B-ecnivB, lor ibe
benefit of tlie heirs ami crcBitora, Terms
made known on the day of solo..
D. It. LAMKlN. -ABm
Nov. 5, IS.'il.
reception of a limited’ number of pnpili
on Monday tlie second of February. All who
wish to attond will do troll to make early, ap
plication. -
Rome Jan. ft. 1862.
A LARGE and valuable MULE will be
sold at Auction on Sale day in Feb-
Tuary. L. A. ALLEN, Auctioneer.
Jan. 10.1862. • ' 1 *"
t il K Home Oazutte’’b
1y In Augusta ’Gift V>’
loV nnd Projirletor Otlhi
pernnnum hi ntvarice. It fs n’Journal'of
the larger slzu; prihi'ed oil bC-autlthl' paper
with clear type and presents ns lino an ap-
lie'low rate of $2 00
twnrnndti os'any i'f-tha- boasted'.1
Weeklies. , ■
"rlia'-HomeHMacMb" is deviitbd-tb Lltera-
’Htro Art Seiefic j Edildatlnn ’ General Intel-
llgencd ilnd 8 ihihern Inti-re ts ’ nlld I* iieittrnl
in politics' and religion. = To* those: who de
sire a pajicr for tho Fireside and tho Home
Circle tho Gazette ts offered with every
su ancoou UttfoaS of*tbs-Editor, of a detpr-
mimillon to nffl>rrl sntlslhelioti to bis |uitrons.
•He em nastl appeals to the people of Georgia
•and the South this Southern eOtere
-prise—confident in the-belief that they will
afiord-dl their prambt nnd g.'noroiis assistance.
AHgt-sta: On. Jna. b 1851,
rV3S0!,I)Tltt.t. e-The co|mrtneralii|iherato-
■ U ifi.'.j existing between Din. Jonfs & Ran
ald sizes; v Butts kinds mid qualities, fram 3 j ta
6tl cents per gallon j 63 tons Tallow Uresse, K
heov, lieorinss, nod eonrsc nisei
rels or casks of any cnti-istrn
price 6 cents per lb.; 160 tons i
l'nlnn, in barrels, nt tlie 1 ewest \
subscriber offers for sale, tbo place at
which he now resides. It Is within twe
miles or loss of tho city of Romo, and con
tains forty acres, ten of which are cleared and
A most agreeable location and as healthy os
any in the entire country.
■Terms low (hr cash. J: 0. McDANIEL.
January 2 1862.
^ recently ^ccupied by Dr. Jones. Apply
'Miss I,. O. Miner Frtnchan i other /tranches
Mr:. J. .U. Baits mglilh ltranches.
Prof. JO/1XP. SEALS Piano, Guitar.
Harp. Flute ani Violin.
T HE next session of this Institution, will
commenco the ?.d Monday In January.
Students chargeable from the time of entering
at tho following rates:
Board, Washiug, Lights and Tuition, $126
Pu pits hoarding nt other places, 4th Class, 20
Junior and Senior Classes, 40
Lessons In anisic nnd use of Instruments, 46
The French and Latin and Greek Languag
es arc cfflciently taught as well as tho usual
branches of a Collegiate course.
Cedar Town, Oa„ Dec. 16th, 1861.
st'avl I- -.- . noll-2m.
In Music, French anil draw
bv MIsaMiiUMtiETlJoraiKe. . -ui—
charg 'd fruiu the lime :f entrnuee,' nnd no !calilmeriiSulInCilz,'!
deductions will bo lundo except m cares tT, ce:v;y every
protracted sloltnesr. . r:ar-'-’ Gpoi'
- - * -- anti ttiolei
I tILIi Tallow Grease, and Ohio Mineral
" /Faint—.'i00 Barrels Mnchlhery Oil. Piicc
76 rents p r gallon; 26U3 gallons do. Ir. casks
ofvailoussizea, do ; 2U0 barrels bulled Paint
Oil, 65 cents gallon; 60 Or. lions Bo. in casks
efvnrlousslzet, do.;35U barrels'I’m tiers Oil.
vtrlous kluBs,m - qnol,ties,fron 36 tout cts.
per gallon; 16113 gallons in casks of' .va.'taul
heav> lienrinm, nnd coarse mnehinrry, in ui.r-
rels or casks of any, pnntisiqncjr .rejjjllfi'o.;
market pric-
Mnelilnerv Oil, warranted nnt to chill in tne
coldest weather,and . perfered by those u.-ing
it to Sperm Oil, Bulled Paint Oil other than
lor white. I am constantly receiving large
supplies of tire above named articles,end my
hiotlo is," Small profits anil quick returns."
60 vynti r Street, (under the Peal s|. Hous
NtwYoxx, Dec. 8,. [/Veto Yerlei.l
At thf .Cor'ier^PlK^rlh^Ltrdiongc. Rome, Oa.
Doctors in Provisions and Family Groceries.
Askn share of public patronage.' A' fresh
and full supply of all articles usually kept In
i establishment of tho kind, alwavs on hand.
Nov. 28 1851. J. T. SAWRjR Atrit
W ILL be sold on the first Tuesday in
■ nary next beiore the court house door
;n the city of Rome, between the legal hours
of sale, the following properly, to wit:
Lot of Land No. 82. In thu third dist. nnd
fourth section—levied upon as the pro[>erty
or Join* (5. Coleman to satisfy a fl. fs. from a
Justice’s court tn Ihvorof JohnC. Harris, bear
er, vs. John 0. Coleman.
Postponed Sales.
Lot No. 24'*, in the 24th district snd 3d sec
tion, end Lot. number not known, whereon -he
said John Cox now lives; levjed on to satisfy
n A fe from Floyd Superior Court in- favor nf
James M. Gordin vs Jo
C ox.
John Cok'und John W.
THE lilts
WILL lcavotho Rome Dopot from audaf-
VV this date at 8 o'clock. A. M.| dnlly, cx-
cxccpt Sundays nnd arrive at King-ton PJ o'
clock connect with both trains on tho Statu
“ ‘ ,W.,B, TEUIIUI
J.LrsJ 15 Hds. Muscovado and
10 llh'ds. Now Orleans Sugar,
20 Sacks superior Family Flour;
20 Bids. Mackerel Nos. 1 2 and 3,
Fresh Raisins boxes and half boxes for sate
low by W. E. ; ALEXANDER & Co.:
Dec. 12,1861, *!■> ’
“ NEW DltllG MOKE.
T HE undersigned have Just o|ianod, oppo
site the Pust-Offlco tn tho house former
ly occupied by Dr. Dickerson, n largo and
well seteoted stock of Drugs Medicines Chem
icals Surgical Instrnmottta Paints Oils Dye-
Stuffs Varnishes-Putty Sash Gloss (French
and American) of almost any size’ Brushes of
every kind Spices Perfumer)'. Fancy -Soaps
Adamsntlnoand Sperm Caudles Pearl Starch
BurtBug Fluid Physician's offleo Furniture
Stationary Scotch Macnboy and Rappee
Snuffs Fitto Chewing Tobacco and almost
every other article usually kept in such es
tablishments. . All warranted to bo fresh and
genuine , ond for sale wholesale and retail.
.. ;< - PWEN & FARELL.
Rome. Dec. 12 1861. 8m
fas from a Justices Court in fsvor of Bradley
Thomas vs Beverly Daniel.
TlloSlAS S. PRICE, fh’ff.
At the same time and place.
' One Cow snd yearling Calf and a part of
tlie runnii g geor of a four horaa wagon—Le
vied upon as the property pf George W. Ful
ler to satisfy a fi fa from Floyd Superior Court
In Ihvor of Sarah M. J. Moore and John L.
Trammell vs Gvorgo W' Fuller- and Jnbns
Floyd. Property pointed out hy one of the
Also 23 Law Rooks one arm chair nnd one
tlee Court or I-shall certainly have a bill of
costaaddetl’to their dUtSJ Those Indebted to
me for the years 1819and lSflO will boshnwn
notavom. K. A. OAIBERO.
Jan. 22 1862.
l nei
IB’,,forme! a Cojart-
ndrtililp under the style ol'Nls'iet &. Levy
for tho inirtaise of conduetlnR the busliiesut of
STEAM-ENGINE UUlLMXG and inanul’ao-
ture of Miicltlneiy in' ull its branches, , They
will be prepared: un and ufier the 1st of Jan-
uary, to exeeule all orders in tliuir Ifne with
despatch nnd n a style equal to. any, work
Bonu id tho South.
.. ijjor
'Collection; also thrtso-Indebted (n Dr. Jones.
Iiidlvl'lually .wlll pltnsu notloj the above as
apiilicalde to their own cases. Be. ye also
•ready, forthe (lay ofjudimnUIs nlglrnt hand.'
D, S. JONES, M. D,.
Rimi-Oa. January6.1882. .'. tf*,.-
/PHE np|i3r portion of tlie Ilonso on Broad
X street occupied by J, j. Cohen. Itcon-
talns fid-rooms is situated In the'business
linrt of the city- and would make a very com-
firtahUdwellingfi>r a family. Apply-to
Jau. 2 1862 J. W. BRADBURY.
Jolm C McDaniel vs James P Perkins. Pro-
lierty pointed out by plaintiff's att’y.
Also, one hundred anil ten acres of Land
being pnrt of Lot No 28 in tho 21th district
Northern and'thlnV section—Levied tHRn as tho proper
ty of Elisha Br-iwn to satisfy 2 fl fas In fhvnr
of Robert F. Kliig Vs Elisha Brawn and Joel
Rublnet security on stay, of Execution. Pro-
•perty:pointed out by tho defendant. Levy
made and returned to-mo by a constable.
Also one hundred and ten acres of Land
being a part of Lot No 28 In the 24th district
and.thinl section—Levied-upon na tlie nron-
erty of Daniel Cnlneppei to satlaty 211 fas in
-favor nf Peck & Mayes vs Daniel Cul|«ppcr
an-1 Win. H. Cnlpoppor security on stav of
.Execution. Properly pointed out by plaintiff.
Levy made nnd returned tn mo bv a constable.
■Tan 2 1951,
N otice,—The Copartnership extafnig he
n-tufore between Ell ,V W. C. Denror
. having been dissolved hy moloal ennsem
-tho ‘business will ho continued nt the old
stnmlrL-y W. O. Denson, wlm will seitl ■ the
business at tho.Finn, KL1 DENSON.
\V. r. DENSON.
Home. Oet. 13. last.
QHAWL8—Bay State nntl' Eniplro Stair
►J Long Shawls, ht low rateS, at tho
NElV YORK STOni;!. .
ROOTS Aim 8ROE8—O'enis: Fimv'stKved
lyf.Cilf Iiooin. thick lln^<l' ,, LMilf-'wnli'Nproor
nnd kip nrnl cow liidndo.. with brofjun!* nnd.
umlanco of.
liavo on hand a lino nssmlment of patterns of
Steam Engines Mill Gearing ol various sizes
and uUiiir.|«Uuin* usual in their lino.. Thu
public are invited to give usa rail.
Jah. 22 1862. C. P. LEVY,
■ PRIVATE HOSPITAL.—Dl s. Miller fc Word
X liayo o.iened in this City, ono door be
low N. J. Ombetg's. Clothing Store, a PRI-
• . OjUKLlUKit.
OA.VINO bought, the-Lot of Land Yo.
XI 79 22 Idistriut t nil 2d soctioh lying in
Cass cuunty: drawn from tho -State of Georgia
by tile orphans of Simpson Fulton of-cowu-
ta county. I have ascertained 1 that thu jilot
nnd grapt.wera taken out nf the Secretary of
States' olDceln X847obyispmu-TOison oriior
thun the one to whom it was u|-lghial|y grant-;
ed aa I Believe. Wishing to ohtaln-iiaiil plot
ond grant lam Induced tu qfibr;tliu Above
reward for its imssession. . Anyone possessing
information of it, will eommupieutu with tue,
at this place. E. ROLAND.
Columbus, Jan. 18, ,1862. St
■VATE ilOSPITAL fiir tho treatment of
Surgical and Chronic diseases—whether of
negroes or white jiersotis. ,. In such an estab
lishment the expenses .of patients nre • much-
less Ihun under ordinary treatment' arid the
chances of cure materially increased.
-Rom'! Jan Mil 1862. . ljr-‘>
• Rome, Georgia.
u J CoI.H.L.'Hutouin'h LtwreticcvilU,
■. r “ ) Hon. Hixcs IIoi.t, Columbus, Ga,.
Dec. 20 1861.
T HE Copartnership heretofore existing be
tween Alfred B. Coulter and Wm: E Col
lier, 4a this day dissolved by mutual,Consent.
Macon, Jon. 16.1852 A. B. COULTER,
GEORGIA,'noyu county.
A O. WARE, of tho 1059th District; ,G.
.• M. Tolls before mo," J. L. McCarnn a
l^RAVIYG ASD B0ATOG.-Thc pudvrsign.
\J td rrsprctlblly info,ihs the citizens'ol:
Roinrand Its vicinity, tharthr'y lisve rntered
TntoCo' ni-tncrahijITorthe pflrpo e
and tlraylng Tln-y h .ldthcnjs direa In.readl-
ness to have Produce, .Merehand zc, 'Jtq„
conveyed to any part qf„the' City or < ’oufilry;
and tq furnish Irom their tVoodyonl on the
OoMansulu River, nny SSfioiity of gaod.oak
end- hickory wood. They hove eieellrat
trams,and will be thankful for the patronage
-ir friehd'r nnd flnf niif'"
J UST received lit Battoy’s, Drug Store di-
rect from the.celebrated Garileris of J. M.
Thorburn & Co. Astoria Long Island. Our
seed this year are put ;>a|ierH of double
the old-size. at tho same rcry low. price, and
will bo warranted to produce more h altby
plants, for the money Invested, than any
other .seed sold Ip ,tills market. A trial isqp|y r -'* "
3.1. if srj (JWI
January 2 1052.
° f Jnn.' it); litSlj" <‘JOy>iW' f <ft' WISDOM
STEAM MILL,—Thr Hiiriicwnod Strain MBI
J three mlt-sfrom Home, on the Cullimm
Road is i o|'eriitinn 1‘ subscriber Will
receive com on toll, nnd -otton ni thr urn d
rates of lull- JOHN HUME.
Hype and Bagciug Inroished if rrqnsted
M — 8TERY, A CO., Next door below Soli-
. ran, Cabot <f. Co. Rerpeetiolly no.
hnnncu-'o tint oltiseor of Rome nod tile, sqr-
ronneting country, that theyhsVr jn*t renin.,
ed- from,ilm Nortliern Markets with the 'hr.
gust stnekof good- ever broi,gift to this plnee,
•- - " ' nadtfelotb-
arid of id' kinds of Itcndy-mnde eli
ihg 1 h.ita, caps, boots-and shoes, irm
Carpet bags, Finey Goode and Jewelry, i
every other article usually kept In DrrClomla
Storrek, 1 together wltli many extras too nu
merous to mention. Call nnd examine be-
in. ■:
,fore rmtUtig your purchases, lest yomlqle
bargain. '
iomr.tOelobrr 17, 1851,
. . . Oa.. a small bay mare about' el;
or uinu years old; said nag is well built u
K mostly when travelling; has a. mu
on her back caused by tbo saddle, a
s6me collar marks on tho shouldora; both o;
good ond without ahoes.. Sho has rccen
boon brought from Hamilton county, Temi
ID.UE rKMALL AJAKEMY.-.-'i n ■ '.ta-r,-! , ' ' hatt •’MMr
l. re. ol tli's lil-titiilltitt wdl’lie i-.-omed ; Johnson ti Weed, 1 fir Mas'nf. Mu.'i
the recomi Alorinay lo JrtnuAryl F.erSons * ’ 1/tri Iuing nri-nC'-.'
vilip Will btigiven J ti.O New Vo.-k Ui ’ i'Kyt, *■. rl-vf Ni
r, l’upd, will be ! Goodr of nlmo-toMfy i 1 'filjpliotti Cletii*.
Dec. 12. 1861.
at Remo Ga., will he vei
red, besides satlsm'ctlnn fi
MRS. GIBSON Informs her
tho Third Minday tn Jannarj
ring a" *
Deo. 20 1861. :
P. Howell applies to mo for Letters ol
nlrilstrntlnn on the Estate of Philip Stein-
tiro late nf said county, deceased.
Tltesoare therefore to clto ond admonish all
and singular the kindred nnd crcdltore said
deceased to bqand apnear at my offleu with
in the time proscribed by litv. to show cause
fany exist why said letters should not bo
S ranted. Given undor tnv hand and official
gnaturo this 14th Doe. 1861-
Dee. 2fl. W..M. PEEPLES c.;c: q.r
fTthc Steamboat Company of Georgia
I Run the following Sti-nniorr. nr above :
tVliii-li, witlftnurdioata and lighters, nflord
Hneynolled or fiicll ties of transportation ol
freight to-ihadmcrior of Georgin, 8outli Cn-
rollon. Tonnes,eo nnd Abtbtima, in connee-
tion with (he Itnil Hoad*.
Thu elegant rtenm-pneker D. Li Adams
will connect with the rtenmsliipv Florida
nnd /f/aoima—binding frulght by them in !
dovsTrom ‘ New York to Angurtn,
" Fridglit, (now t-ik-n nt reduced rntes.)
will b" forwnrdeil free of commireion
1 'ey 111 ord r to prevent deientibn or miirar-
rf-igr. bills ol l td ng should be oildfersed tt
SAM'L. M .P imr/PieiidMi Sumnnah.
Merclthitdhe freni tbe lnterlnr to
JOHN A. MObRE, Agent Augusta
June 5fi. l'«r.
rjlliRUlM 8ALB»—Ap^otmbly toxin ordoi
VX 0 r , hnitornlili* the Inferior court b
hpL ..
rvttpn-xu cotutty. when sittlhg n« t
1 within the k*Ri
whereon H
hours ol- mile,
btdn'g-b partsnf I.OI5 No.*, 09, l f*f hue
I l*V 11 in thoOtii dirlrint, t»(id'4>h Action
c ohtniiii>ig OH. ncres. nioro or nUo, ‘
Nb 104, in tho Olh cl Strict nml 4 th *ectl
v nUo.three'flM>8 of I/nt No U4,.in the.
dirtrict find 4th sections Sold us thu pio-
Hf'rty ol. A. Story. Lunatic, for tho ben
t fl: ai iiiyd Judaic, ,* C. C.,
j^'OTIOE —Ail pernoiiH i idebied 16 the Ks
v lair of Brynnt- A lien, lute of Flovd coun
mid r
eptnic.'will presei't them duly nnthentiat
ted wiiHin the time presci iheil by low,
Nov.2^. . NANCY H ALLBN.
Qnn'if’fd J2x«rutri#.
». 8. JOSES, Ui ».< r
fc'FICB inay bo ftFund in thu lower nert of
Bfc^Thi* nndewifnfd hnve on hnr.d a
So pnnrfaMortment of Cooking 8tovr*. biron^
which ?h«re is one very Isrge si*e, suitshle lrr
•Tnycrn use; slso n fewPsrlor 8tove», which nre
offe red very low. _ _
. To all urtom it may Conrcrn.
Whcrens,' Jew Imnherth, Adihtnistrn^ocr
the.E-tatenfJohnR ‘ynolds, lnte offnid coiti
vty.decc sod, npplira for Lett *rl of D'sm*
sion from the Adinln k *tr«»tion of said eetftr-
oflice, in,term■« of^the i^nw, otherwise betters
Dl.*mi.*s.ny will be ernTited the oppli.*nnt nt th'*
Jn n in ry .Terui. M inutes of tho court nf <?f-
iHiinry (of .-n d county. ■/ i ;• ,*
• By order of the Court.
naJSsm ■ JTWSE LAWBERTH.c.c.o.
•JTItljR -Is ticroiiy givrn to ail jicrHouiA in-
A t'JYLIis—A Let ut'tLie t.atfie JXi<eUf|JaSt 1
/X rvci-lveJ ottil lot sale by
Deo. 19. JOHNS''N .V WOOD. ,
jrklLS.—Bleached, Whale, Train nnd Lid* w
V-x seed Oils ; r*|'ts. Turpenfiiu* by th* b
Ion; brrt No, 1, White lend ; Window hi
8 bv 10 ond 10 by 12. fV rale by * *•?
l*eo 19 JOHNSON dt WOOjj. • t*
J 4.SU TOR S4LE.—A pm <>i l^t Nu. 12.7 . •
X-J S3J districted sertlen-,lying on the Ne'nli' 1 ^
side ol th.* Coatanauila River, cent,.inlay 133 u
ones of which 28 arc of the b-st I rttutn .,
There are 26 acres cleared; pnrt l,ottom Land. J,
A Pint mny be area, titid tr-rins of vale cscer- „
tallied I V a iplicntlon to L. 3. ALLEN. -
Dee. 19, ln6l. - J
i|BST RECEIVED—A feW boxes uf-Geuigin v
•J 1 obacco, which will be enld low by the, inx.
Also a lot of tine cut Tobnecoiu impers .for \
amokinu, i quol to llavaimn. at ».
Wyl7. !’’ ,M. AlX.FN'l ‘
YTT'HI Practice Law in „l| the itoumie. ot
*» tlie Cherokee Clreuli, (except D.tde.) K
They will both 'personally nrtend all ihe >
Courts; J. \V, II. UNDERWOOD ulll at- •
tend, the Court., of Jackson end llnqe’ihsiti
enuntie., nf the Western Clreuit. Bath will 7
attend tho aeealuns of the S’liph-me Court ot 1
Onssville nml Galneavllle. fill hardness ,-ti-
trastea n rltrtn will l.r jirnjnptly and faith 1
fully attended to. • j
'■'Fl-JCB ndxtrlnor tn Hoojjer 4: Slttcheil,
“Bnenn Vietn lfnu*r'," Rniqn, tin , at whleh
ploee one or bothiv'll nlwnys he found,ezrent ]
fibsent oit prnfre.ional busliiets. 1 ,
Jan .2-1 IS.'.I |
/"YYSTKKS L ibsicre, Shriutpe, Fix’s Feet,
W Kegs &c„ nerved up in,a suprior itiun- ,
nerntrhe FREE & EASY HOUSE.
Ft-1,2ri , |
TUST RECEIVED 10 Pi.kiu* primo Goshen
Butter, nml 3.5 boxes English Dairy Cbeefe
nnd fonmle.'ow by
oct 31. VV,M E ALRYANDR & Co J J
M ~ ^ Barnard. Street Savannah (7dt ' 1
Belll Hnnxer and Manufartrirer of all kinds
«f Fire-Proof Safes, Iron Ballings, locks
•r*v«i7 drscrlptlon, kr„ kr.
/^FFEItS III. service* in ihe citizen* nf Sn- '
v/ vnnnnh, snd ■'■tnlenf Georpin. Hr i-i pre
pared '.o fill orders Tor anything in Ilm above
1 tie, nt the shertest notice, nnd on the most rrn •
sonnble term,.
. .If v. 11.18*1. ' 1
CJtiOTCH Herrings,Snnliuos,&c., n:ry
KJ all rimes be found at the i
Feb qn '
•If* BUSHELS of ilrsi r»> Oorn Menl j
Ci*-F just received nnd for -,ieby
G. Ml AW.
A aUhsjiiOK article of l umily Hour,lor 1
** »*ale by Peli 2u G. SHAW. |
QOEETIVG9*—Fivn Unlo* A ugiifttu tmd 8i‘ti
^ Irttiml DonicNtiuM, with a vn’y large Ntdek
of blencbed goodn, ut twenty ttve per cent
less tlinn lust seasons* pricer. Munched
Ijneu nml cotton sheeting 2J yd* wi ,| 0 ,
eqiiuliy n* clienp. DKNNls & HUNT
||| EASES La,lien’ Walking Sheen and
AY/ kid dippersf,out SO cetnsa pair up,
Foj rale by F. Jl. ALLEN
A GOO'S article of shelled Corn on han
LA nnd fer.-nioby G. SHAW.
Feb 2(1
'PHE umleraiuiied Imvinxb.cnteil in Rom,,
X is prepared to da .MattraM work on terms
to suit persona wtalflng lo pmt-lmW'. Ilia
itlriip Iron llromt ftrreer, three ttnors botow
lire r’oirler printing offloe. Persons wish-
log lo pitrelrnae will plenss nail unit cxnntiue
my work before pure rnalnq etiewhern,
A firw loads of dry corn *l,uca* wuiiring,
fur wlrlulitbe anslr will be in,hi.
July 31, 1551
KTOTICE* —Alii uaoai indebted to the Estate
1.^ of J. .VI Reevea, deceased ore requested to
jpnjie immediate payment, and those haring I
demands agaiu-tositl estate will present them 1
in terms ofthe jaw.
Nov. 2f. J. B. REEVES Adin’r.
VTOTIlP'—Mrs. Love, Mllllucr rind Dress-
J-Y Maker* rr»ni Chnrl.uton, huge lun\e *»o
Iplbrni the Ladies of Rome and its vicinity»
'that she lias opened a ejore on B pad street,
opposite the-_ Post office, where a general mb’
sortment of Mifienery am! Dry Goods will be
kept; also,Bonnets, Cnpe/Gipes, vi ettes.ond
Dresses made to order. Mrs: L. trusts that
.by rtrici ntteniion to bu*inc«.«, and low oharg-
vs, s!ie will merit h tlinrc ol public pntronsge.
landitsare particularly solicited to givo hern
call. .
N II. The latest Fashion* will be found nt
he above eetnblishment.
rlEOBCU, Gordon County —Whereas F
VA M. GibbsnpplieatoraclurI.ettoranf Ad
ministration on tiro Estate of John-Powell,
late of said county, deceased.
These are therefore toelte and admonish all
and singular tbo kindred and creditors of said
deceased, to bo and appear at my offleo within
the time proscribed by law, to show cause, if
nny exist whyzald Letters should not ho gran
ted- Oivcn under mv hand and official signa
ture this 20th Dec. 1851.
Veil. 23 W. M. PEEPLES c. c. n..
VfOl'IllE,—Tlru Trustees ofthe Academy
lx n--nr Hush’s Chapel- Rhlge's Valley, liavo
procured tho s<#vieus of a Gentleman nnd La
dy of superior attainment-, for tho year 1862.
Tho neighborhood is healthy, society good,
hoarding cheap. Persons having to send their
'children f.- on home, would do well topation-
Jzo tho schosl. Onb op tub Trusters.
• .TannarvO 1852.
Xf Ol HE.—Tire co-partn -whip existing be-
Ix tween.Marks Fried 4. Co., will be dis
solved In a very short time. All pe'rstrris in-
debterl to lhe above Firm by Note or Book
account, will do well to make immediate pay
ment and savo cost.
. Rome January 2 1862. -
fTMIE Firm of Struite? Torhelt 4 Co, hav-
X ing been-this day dlasolverl by mutual
consent all persohs indebted to the firm will
please come forward and settle; and those
having claims against tho firm will.present
them rur,settlement..
Dec. 81st 1862.
X^l S A COsTONi hue left my bed nml
board wiih 'Ut nnv provocation, this is to fore
warn all persons front trod ng with her on my
acmantt os T have deterinlneil to pay non* of
her contrncis. E. W. « O^T»'N.
. -Dec I2.'I«SI ; ,
/ifc.'HlTE WINE and pure.Clder Vln*
vT egor,ioi sole by F. M. ALLEN,
jo,, p.
- TT7HO WAYTS TO R1DE.-A first rate sec-
VV ond bond Buggy for sole, apply in
1 F. M ALIXN. '
, Nnv.7rh IflJl. ...
nf c , r ,..
ci ' w a
n.S'tff, i»r
* v>
CJitW, thiu-illjd Jijriii' •t<iiapn4'Aj» i
fits and d fimon vh'ibf; Jitul inn
hit Uric ifii-Ktien* d. fttftvk
k,‘ lirif i.Uck r*mi
it* innntiliit.*. v.rti'jtfS-V
t*vy kUvs- vi lirvefri*sugfix,
chf^*. .iron, i.nit, Unygititf
itlow yl.ilii«.vctl,fp» mi, Jsrnp
ii, vvbiclt ut ojf-r a; ’iiv lewe.-t
rh» u-u rc«pt» tiully *r.l.tiit your
xur Mock pmJ you to giv* ms
tViohdr 17. \ACi\
cn A4j»— i lie ultdeimuul
ieiivc tuiuforni the citizen'* ot R»yw,it*
litv rnd th*.* public ^n-rnlly .tlist he Ut
received nnd ouetied b new Ptock «l
TCHEJland JEWELRY oi tbornyU-
pnttenns and Attest style. Ili» friends"and
hi*' done fu ‘order, STid
ranted, ilia esfahlieh*
u few Joans ihove th*
y <10 nre.
J. O. MdKiNZie;
llUiUAtt J. IlIKVtltlY,
Stock of Goods consistliijr
owing ni ticlri*, yit. Bugs/
Farfinrd'; Per to rice,
Molnrfcrs; Giorgis Ac
I.leans Svrup, Coffee Solf, Cignm, 14*
Iron, Nails, Buying, Hope, Twiswl
arc nnd vaiious other articles whitk ,
all nnd examine for yomrolvea.
ome, Oct. 23d 1251.
UEIi & EASY,—Call nt thu A*’!** Easy, 4 doo»s below the Choice Ifctsf,
*re you \vill (inti a general n. sorinient of
ifectionaries, Fiuite, v Vc., of the v«ry beet
■red in Home,
sVK. SO.I^fil,
SoltUow for cash.
Macon, Georgia.
Oil cannot bu better pleased than at this
old established House. Th» rooms «r*
Mnmh. Atitr. 21, 18.11.
lower to pleae*
r .tllUJtif—'J'hi? Niibscrlbur w.ll 'collect ull
! ‘p^h»ion> f pnyubli* »vt tho Ajjene.y in f?w
qttired. WM. MOREL,
rtavnnnnh. Nov-7, IS51. •
flcvR'ffenmce. J. Khowler, Homr, On.
o A.’
. 10C,
rloitfi St’^nre/SO tlhiU. (air and choice
Jirtno Su^iir, DO d*>. St. Cioix and Porto
■ eugnr, ifiO -Uhle, Crushed, powdered
wliolointc Grocery They
r slock cfGuutiy Bagging
JOim.-brought to in 11 outlie Afitlt nt
S»fU hoy lf-22 or23 ydnrs * Id, dark eons-
exlon, Wtfighs about l«u or 70 pounds*
Tlio ou'ftfr U luqitorted to 701110 forward
pny cbarguN, or he wiU
' ?tououih«*r 4th. lSfil.
Stable, Corn*crib and
;no<l gurden. lie also
inside nnd painted well, with two good
..fireplaces, with n Convenient Kitchen.
o pu
Hbmei Gn.i No?. 24th. 1851 {t.
[Gif Hoot andttlioe More.—'I heaubucri*
1 her would rcrpcctfufiy announce to tba
ig ol gentlemen’s water-proof and
ota Indies bootauiid shoes, nnd every
nriety of boo^ ami shuei for children.—
As fie sej
He also lias on imnd'nn extunsive supply of
He will continue to
i AUOff W. HARSHAW having pennnrn-m*
\ ly located in tho City of /iuine, is pre-
red t 6 exCcute work in the above line, fu
kiyie that ennnot f.iit to plotisc tho most fe**
lions. ^He has »n his possession tc*timt/*
mny t
II, thn
country who huve houses to palpi
one on ns good termi*. and witk
ness ond dippntch by me aa it ea»
ny body clso, North t-r 8ouU».—
corringe and sign painting, n±r
f kipdV
clou* *
Men, l deem, it
ig u.nrv a* ta ms i
l only nak a IfiaL-.
IpOUil monthsatterdato application willl>c
JP mAdo to’ tho Ilbnoa* bio the Inferior Couii
of Floyd County wbeii Sitting as a court of
Ordinary, for leave to sell all tho real o*ta,ie
belonging to Samuel Robert M. Jolm Tho
mas J.. AirandaSarabAnn George,W. Jjmsci
M. Martha Nancv and Williamll. Ii Can-
1 non children of James Cannon.
MA.iHvfcfiO TL’LEGRjkW. .
■ Ml E STOCK efthe «• Rome*
C nstio Telegraph,” will given <
he. litst Monday in Decvpiher-next, s
Vtiirl ilou-c*. between thr hdUra ftfi-(
.’clork- •‘‘ubecrlhers wfll be frMtrejti
.la. either in itumey or noira.'
tuna nut 'Vi'l be 0oUecta : I hy4>^iif j
Per W. H..
Nov 91.18M - * *