Newspaper Page Text
y<n 1—MI
*, the adtnnri g d-m-wiide of foe public twee. Il
tee ever 1. vu foe object of the |.nblislnr TO
• TAKE THE l.l'.AD among lire popular Mn-
-gutlm-a nvfo\» ,reumry;tmtl foe bust of iln'nn-
t«ji»-who have i cm following—-
, , •* lulling sflr-r him in vain"—ire sulfielrllt to-
. -attest his hr liinr.t suet-res- The primijilrir.p
■ I Willi whhh ever) in w- idea tlitit he sngsi-sta l«
adopted tu others, i- n reason for liia
• l being very explicit end react in hie promis.
eetl what is yet to come- Ho dues not wish
tolay nut plans forr.lhetrto follow. Il'iltitl*
Celt-ill, however, to wry that nil the existingpo
pular featuresofilu- Lady's Book wills- re
tained,nnd many new rues, |oml-nlnrlv nt.
- tractive in n Lndy's Book and Family Mngn-
inc, wi.lbc introduce J. The useful nnd the
' alegnm will always be kept in view-
To tlie Magazines nlonr w e inurt look for the
: effeiinmAf the mneitriuintla of Literature. ]t
i* unelen lopubll-htr tin: of names—suffice It
Is any, that we have | ubMicrl nrticlea, nml
have oil era to publish. I Mill A i.L THE BEST
Os.'ey'j Lufy’r Book /or JjiMani, 16-"2
will contain In addition lu the must bronilfiil
c nnd numerous Engravings—three of which an
colored—an mldiiionnl <inantiiy of reading by
American aulhots. There la no qucslinn nhut
the fact,ami the tenaof thousands of notices
that we hove from the contemporary preaa will
eatabllsh it, that it is .
t*momt*ti»irictSTroaloDic*L in
Thepubliaher willgive IS Nos. for I8i-?,tlm
' r let,dm Alls Union would be proud of,and
ait price iaglon year.
It observed that the Lndy's Book
eaten to the taalr ol the American Louies. It
farttiihei them teilh every thing that con Inter-
-, eat a f.mly—nml among oilirta is ilir fo lowing;
re.„t„„ oj'..,u, tv..)/,,* plain Monthly I
__ t irsldes ehit-i-hot upon
. urta every iiionih giving full exploit-
'ationa of every thing new in the Fashionable
Our Model Cottages.—Tlilr ia a department
pecullaily Our own, olid thr-brauly and ill.lily-
*f our models h>a everywhere been nckuowl-
* t *5br lU La ■lies 11—We have undouhted Re-
eeipis. Model Collages, Model Collage Furni
ture. Pnttcrna for \\ indow Cunnine. t’rochrt
' Wotk;Knitting. Netting, Patchwork. t’rochrt
Flower Work, Hair Braiding. Ribbon Work,
Chenille Work, Lnce Collar Work, rhildr n't
u d Infant's Clothes, Capes, Cap*, t'lreinisfiea
—indite, every thing that ran intereata Lady,
will find llanptiropriaie place in her own took.
TEEJIS—Unit la Mvaarc.
One Copy one year, $1. 3 copica one year,
$3. I copy two yrnra, 03. 0 copier one year,
910. 1 ropy five years, $10. JO copies one
year, 930, and an extra copy to the petaon
Binding the clnb of ten. Address
L. A. aODEY.
1111 Chranut Street, Philadelphia.
Oodey’t Lndy’a Book and Arthur's Home
TBeIoil of the with for"mu
I N Mny. 180U» a number of Blunter* living
ill Georgia nml Alnbnmn, met in Colum
bus, Ga , nnd formed tliemseWes Into nn
Agricultural Society. The uilvnntngev of
lueh nn nssoaiiuion were lit once apparent,
•ml with tlio view tq cciitributo a« much as
possible to ngrioulturul improvement, it was
determined, at n aiming ol the Norit'ljr in
J January, cstnhliih im Agriciiiturui
Journal. As the result of that action
v “ The Soli «f the Sonth” made its ap
pearance in the binnth of Marph lust. It
was united with tmiverxul approbation, ami
from that day to this. It has steadily and m*
pl tly incrsaien in circulation nml public (V
11:. ho decent great Fair in Macun.
On., It was by a unanimous vote m the mein*
- Leri, recommended to the patronage of Sou-
thern Agricuttnrajists, nnd elected to be the
Organ of the Southern Central Agribultural
It will hereafter bo published under the
AUsbiees of that association, and will ho tlio
medium of communicating officially, all in*
tellfgonce pertaining to its interests nml ob
jects. By n resolution ol the Executive Com-
mitten, the publisher is inithorisod to cemJ
;V ifeopy oftho pnpar gratuitously, to all Agri-
cultuial Societies in the South thnt will send
their address toihn office o( publication.
. The columns of The Suit of the South will
•s heretofore, bo devoted to’ the discussion
of all subjects pertaining to tho interests of
Agiionhuro and Horticulture, Domestic and
Bural Economy. It is intended to make tho
;paper essentially practical, nnd nt tho snmo
limo eminently progressive* in its olmracter.
embodying ns far as possible, all that is vnl*
unbio, ns well in tho practice n« the scienco
of Agriculture. Iu its instructions, it will be
the constant aim of those who write for Its
tiolumns, to adapt themselves to the pecu
liar climate, soils and crop* of tho South —
•lift short, no effort and no reasonable expense
will be spared, to make Tho Soil of the
South nwottby nnd instructive Journal o(
_ Southern AgntmUnro.
T*HM—'The Soil of the South is publish
cd monthly, ench number oontn ning sixteen
large nnd handsomely printed pages, and i
furnished to subscribers promptly nml regu
larly nt the low price of One , (Alar per an•
»tmi 6 copies will bo sent )2 months for $4,
- •The money tnu*t in nil enses accompany
the names or tiie paper will not be sent.
(fcJ*All communication!* must be uddiest-
*d (post bait!) to tho Bublishcr of the Soil of
Jho Boutfc* JAMES M. CII \MBEKS.
,'. . Agricultural Editor.
" , , Horticultural Editor.
t)cB. 10, ISM. Publisher.
IncrrgK- of Rending Haller. IT gta, Fin* Cunly.- To He Sheriff ef
'I1E LAl'Y'S BOOK lor tlio .nettingyear, I saift Cflunly— Orcrtivfit
will preset iiinny mirrl festur. tsuited to j Tho Central B'k of Georg )
vs. > AfSumpsit.'Vc
Thf Western B*k of Georgia. ) -
The defendant i- Itereby required perapanlly
or by nubiney tube nnd nrpenrat the next
Superior C am. to lie held in nnd for said
coutlty, on thn thlrdAlmulnyin ;l«n niy next,
then uml there to nn>wcr the plnintlHV de*
tuoml in nn action of ns umpslt. &p, ns in de
fault of suoli appearance *nid CoiUlWill pro
ceed n« to justice shall appertain; WfnssB
the Hono.nlile John II. Lumpkin, Judge o
•tiid Court.
This Dili day of October, 1851.
A. B. BOSS. m.
r^EORUU, Floyd Coanty.—Wherons IU-
VJ lev J. Johnson ftp]dies to tno fbr Letters
of Administration on tlio estate of John Ward,
late of said county, deceased—
These nrc therefore to eito nnd admonish
all and singular the kindred and credltm* of
stild deceaseil to lie nnd apficnr nt tny offico
within the time prescribed bv law to show
cause If any they bavo, why said Letters
should not lie granted.
dlveil under tny band, at office, this fllst
day of December. 1S52. '
/ jEDItlllAi Floyd lounty.—Wiieasis ilob-
v J ert Ware anplles to the for Lottcrs of ad
ministration on the estate of Thomas Middle
ton. late of said county deceased—
These are therefore to cite and admonish
all and singular the kindred nnd creditors of
said deceased to be nnd appear nt my office
within tho tlnio prescribed by law to show
cause, if any they have, why said Letters
should not be granted.*
Given under tny band at office, this 31st
dav of December. 1852.
JRB8B L AM BERTH, c. c. o.
r ^EOHGII, Floyd County*—Whereas, \V.
A M. Burke applies to ico lor letters of
rdimi-liip. to itm person and property
of Doctor Franklin Boswell, orphan of Itich-
nrd Boswell, lute of said county, deceased*
Those nrc thcrelbro to cite .oid ndihoii-
ish nil null singular the kindred and
friends of said orphan, to be nnd appear nt
iny offico within the time prescribed by law,
to show cnii«e (if any exist) why said letters
should not b * ginnted. Tills the 4th day of
December, IS' 1.
f"1 EOllftIA* Floyd Connly.—Whores, l)nn«
vJ irl 8 Printtip applies to me far letters of
Administration outlie • state of Timm rtf* C.
llnckctt. late of rn'd county, decease! •
These ate thetefon tT cite nml admonish
till nml sinaulnr, the kindred and ered lorn of
•oi l deceased, to he and appear at my office
within the time prescribed by law. to %hmv
cause (if any exist.) why said letteis should
not in* granted. Given under my hand and
official Signature, nt office. This the 11th clay
of November. I*31.
fMiKOKGIA* Floyd County*—Whereas Mn-
VJ thew V. Kilts and John Baker, apply tome
fur Letters of Administration on the Estate nf
Jo.-huu A. Walls late of said county deceased.
These are therefore to cite nnd admonish all
and singular the Kindred nml creditors of said
deceased to he and appear nt tny office within
the time prr-enhed by law. to shew cause, if
any exist, why said letters should not be grin-
•eri. Given under my hand nnd seal nt office
tnis lbth day of Nov. 1*51.
JK*RB LAM BERTH, c c. o.
Nov. 21- IBM.
■^OTICE*—Tlio undersigned respect I i.lly
-L v begs leave io
Inform his friends, und
the trnvelliiiK community, that
Hna nnuurgouu « tlioruuul, n-novutlon nml ,
extenalon, anil la now in uotn|>lete enter, Car Ing Materials Including Ty|to Furniture,Ink
tii|>lett! enter, for
>Uf or tmnait-nt
utifully littvd ti|>,
tlio n.ccimnodiitiuii ol' t-tt-nd
l,onrdor»ltl«tronnisttn-lio«uii ,
mid every po 'alltle ntteiuiuii will bo ptiid to
tlio oomlurt itml i-o-vonloiicu of tlio-o wlto
In'vor tko Iiouku with tlioir pntromi,t-. Thu
tithlu Is regularly lurni-littl with llto beat
ilmt tlio Southern und Not them mnrketcnn
ufiord WM, 1>. CLARK,
Om Proprot-or of the Puvillloii,
Stivitnnnli, Nov, 7, I Mil. , ’ ;
nonilM STORE.
S O. Veil*.—Bacon, Lard, Corn, Finer,
. When!, Bugar, Coflre, S-alt, and Molaaea,
Domeatle Yarns,Cloth, Shoe, and Leather,
Dried mtr, Beef and Pith.
Pure Pori IPtnr, and Pale Oiard Brandy,
Porter and Lemon Byrup. A ainalt lot of
fihnoton cottKignmrnt.
A few young men can be accommodated
witli Boarding.
Vaiukd IIoi-se, Depot Square,
March ft, IHSl,
L ATEST -lylo -ir,,\v Bointot,, UibbouK,
Tab*, Floworaand Ftqinmv.
H ATS, Capa, Itools anti Shoes, Fur Mm,
IJuilt and Children.—Willi a complete
itK.urtiiH-nt of Lndlo, uml Mi.w, Hilts, .hot-«
ami gloves, Tranks, Curprt lings, Station-
ttry r.nd l-'uney Slntloiinry, BOOKS In great
variety, (’A l( I’ETIVCr, very rheuji. Piano
Kprti'S and Mii-le, with it gient variety o.'
other articles, all of winch will bo sold til fair
Booksordcrcd in the shortest possible lime,
Rome. Fapt. 33,1VAI
Tnonis WILLIAMS, ProBrieter.
A, II, UARTWELL, Superlaleadeat.
Litnl a’ I), p-irintriit under ihe oharge of Mr„.
.Inniea, foriiieily of Ctiluiiibua, and favornbly
known to the tramll ng pnbl.c. An Omnibus
will always hu in readine-a for the eimvey.
mice of pas-eitgera to nnd from the Hotel.
OCh The Alligntor Line of Bing** to Florida
tilia its Macon t tfiiee at this Hoti-I.
Va. Hagar, TypJrounde^ S8 Cold at.
Between Fallon and Mn streets. N Y.
XT AS constantly on hand, and will furnish
XI at short notice every description ofprlnt-
eriala including Ty|te Furniturc.Ink
alley* i In short eveo'thlng that may
,aUe (hr the complota establishment of
NewspapeiSTitidWob' O&ooa, of any site or
amount desired. Tho typo manufhetured at
this establishment is believed not to bo sup-
passed by that of any other foundry. In the
country. Tho proprietor being a practical
type founder, th - manufacturing department
la under hhown immediate supervision -, and
it has ever been Ids aim to suffer no typo t(
leave the estoblish-nont, not porfbcUy correcl
In every particular. In probf of this (hot. he
lias the honor of referring to hundreds of tho
trade throughout the United States, who can
testily to their accurary and durability.'
I3T All otdera attended to with prompt
ness and a liberal discount made for cash.
A new Specimen Book has recently been is
sued containing all late additions of new Ihoes,
fhney letters. &o.. which will be furnished up
on Application by printers, gratis.
J«l2 1882
1 npi KEGS Nulls,assorti'il. Fortale low,
J. • eJ whole sale and retail, by
Ian 9, lHfid M. ALLEN.
10 BALES Factory Yam. fot Mle low by
1 ITT Rctelrtd on CBailgnment, lbs.
J Bacon ami €00 lba. Lard for aale fur Cash,
ULACK (ILK*—Superior Black .“ilks, very
X) wlilu for Mantillas, with black silk laces
3, 4, 6, 7 und it incites wide, nt the
plAtl CLOT*.-100 PIECES Gras cloths
vJ —just recrlvedl
BY 8. <1. WELLS, '
J S now* opi*n m* ii priviuu Bonnlitig Hoihp.
There nn* goml Mock** ol goods kept in the
lower story und biMeinent
Travellers can find the Vernmln Uott«o
near.the Depot wit'iour mossing Brond street*
Bonn*. * Vmhi.r HI. Isr»|.
llntiihiirg Depot to ‘ hnrlrston* will be*
until further, 73 cents per bale. This
Company w.ll also receive Cotton at he Geor
gia Itml Road Depot, hi Augusta, pay the
toll nnd drayage, |£| ct«., ncross the Augoata'
Bridge, nnd deliver it in Charleston at 0j|
c^nift per bale.
W. J. MAGRATH. Agent.
Nov. 14 no6—tf.
GEORGIA, Floyd County. WhrrntaChris
tian WhuMlbnker nnd Georae A, Keller, apply
to inv for Let ten of Administration on the Es
tate of John R. Ihley, lute of suid county,
These tire therefore to cite and admonish all
and singular the kindred and creditor* of snhl
decensed,to be and appear at tny office within
the time prescribed by i iw to shew enuse, if any
they hove, why said letters should not be g»nn-
tod. Given under my bond at office this 24th
Nov. 1-31/
Nov.28. JE8BF, LAMIlERTH.y.c.o-
‘tllST RECEIVED*—A lurgc and extensive
«tock -of lAndfet^mirt- Umts* Uirws goods,
newest spring styles ; also a very large stock
of stnple dry goods boots, hbors, hats and
clothing,saddlery,carriage trimming'*,springs
and axles fur buggies und two-horse wagons,
shelf and heavy hardware; of every style and
price, smiths' tools, sheet, hoop and bar iron
nnd steel, hoes, clining. iVc. Also a very
large and general stock of Groceries, Atlanta
•team Mills flour always nn hand; together
with every oilier article wanted either for
city orcountry use, all of which will be sold
as chenp as the chon no*t call nnd see.
April 3.1831.
\ RE now receiving a Inrgo and extensive
i V stock of heavy goods nt tlio Now Brick
Store oppo silo the Rail Road Depot, con
sisting in part, of Sugar, Coffees, Teas, Li
quors, nil kinds Rone, Ongoing, Salt. Don,
Molasses, candies. Nails, Soap, Starch, can
dies, Negro Blanket* and shoes. Rice, To
bacco, Segars, Anvils, Vices, Bellows, conk
ing nnd Parlor Stoves, nml a thousand other
articles which they invite Merchants nml
Planters to call nnd sec ns they can pur
chase Goods nt Augusta prices with freight
Rome. Gn.. Oetohef 17.1*51.
1/urn Hurt*, Ctinlrf* Pannelltoors, Hla-
r dott-Snsh, Bllndif f(c*—The uude.sigti-
ed beg Icava to Inform the public, that they
have on hand nnd are constantly manufactur
ing. every variety of Cubinet Furniture of the
latest stylo nnd k»t quality, toother with
Pannel bums, Door und Window Frnmes,
Window Sash, Blinds, aVo &c.
Having been at veiy considerable expense
in procuring and fitting up new and improv
ed mncltitieiy for doing the above kinds of
work, they confidently appeal ton generous
public to sustain them in the enterprise, pledg
ing themSelves to furnish any article in their
lino, for Inn money than it con be made fot by
hand,or laid down 'or from m*y market
Aug 2v, IS5t,
(ft-Shop opposite the Presbyterian Church,
BioadSirect, Koine, Ga.
Ware-If ootmt onu door tibovu "LanbV*
nnd ntmnrin- Sullivan, Gnbot f'o
Mil. STOCK of the •' Rome Branch Mag.
netlo Telegraph," will be given nut un
the first Monday III December next, at the
Court tlnu-e, between the hours nf 4 and 5
o'cluek. b'ubscrihers will he required to set
tle. either In money nr notes, otherwise the
amount wl‘1 becollectcil by I wen I Proerss.
Nor 91,18.81
['• ReM.—'1 'he commodious brick 8:on*,
L immediately tinker tlie Choice Hotel, ad
joining Bnltey's Drugstore An excellent
stand. Apply to T. J. VERDKRY, or
Col. D. 8. PRIXTUP.
Sept. 1^, 1831.
tj4 | HUL8. Hupeitlne ami Extra family
(ftl/ flour, for sale by, F. M. ALLEN.
JEHNE LlfltShiil || It CD*
G coflrmcn's Furnishing Sturt*— WE
would respvcVfttlly Invltethe nttuntionof
our cuitomiTM and the public generally tu
our hlwk ofGooiL for Fall und 'Winter wear,
which we have jm*t received nr.d are open.
Ing. Gents bl'k und colored Rock* drew and
suck Conts,
Black nml colored Tweed and smtinett and
frock conts,
Cloth and Blanket cloaka.nud Ovor-eosm, -
Colored Cuss, Doeskin* Tweed and Sutinett
Black and colored silk, sniln, plusli, cash*
more and merino Vests,
L. B. shirts, colored shirts, merino nod cotton
undershirts, merino und cotton j hose ; Pock
et bd'ks, cravats, scarfs, gloves, suspenders,
collars, drawers Arc. Men's youth’s and
Buy’s hat* nnd caps, iu great variety Men's
fine coll clress Boots Men's flue water-proof
Boots And u Inrgo and complete assort
ment of Men’s and Boy's Boots and Shoos of
evety qualit> nnd p ieo.
wo have also for tho Ladies, velvet, silk,
satin and straw Bonnets j Satin, Lasting and
morocco Gaiters half Gaiters and Buskins;
Ties Slippors and walking Boots and Shoes;
a full npsortineut of Misses and childrens
rimes of all kin.ts.
N.JL \Vh w.-uld particularly invito tho at*
tendon of Planters' to our stock of Negro
Aline*, whhrii VerV full
*M»ja mortgage sale tsr i vuraur),
TIT ILL be sold on thcflrst Tuesday in Feb*
v V runrv next .before the Court llmiv <ln •,
(Late Atlanta Iran Foundry.)
T HIS new COMPANY is now prepared
to do work on short notice, oi heavy ond
CARRIAGE HA5CFACTORY* j light CnsMngs (tom the latest improved pat-
THE subfcriber grateful for tho terns of Iron, Bro.-s or Composition, all of
many and repeated favors be-1 which will he warranted. Tuining, Boring
•towed upon him "forlo these many years." j nnd Drilling done t*» order. Also, screwcut*
-just rvcelvedby
Hamburg, 0:1. 29 18&1.
1000 LU8. of superiitr
’ eelvrtl nt
F.b 31
HALF bbli. No. 1 Mnckrrfl for sale
'by G. SHAW.
FVr the cure of Coughs, Colds Hoarseness Bren-
chilis, Whooping<ougk, Croup, Asthma and
Inofferinfto the community lhi« justly eric-
braird remedy for diseases ol ilit throat nnd
Inngs,h la not pur wlsb to trifle with the live,
nr health of the ufillcte l, but frnnkly to ley
before them the opinions of dialingnlilied men
and some of the evidences of lie aucccss, from
which they ten judge for themMlvea. We
incerely pi dg« ourae e. to mnke no wild ee
iertlnnaor false etatemente of it. efficacy, nor
will we hold oniony hope to sufferinghoroonl-
fo which fact, will not wimnt,
. Many proofs ore here given, in e 1
n we pitbllah,
feeling .sauted they will find them perfectly re,
liable, und ihe medicine worthy their beet con
fidence uud pationtge.
From the distinguished Prefcssor lit Chemistry
u end Materia Mtdiea, Botodoin College.
Dun Sm—I. delayed answering the recent
o onr preparation, until 1 nad unmppurtunliy
if witnessing iu effeott in my own family, or
u thefamllleaof my ftlend*.
This I have now dnne with a high degree of
sotisfoetton, in case* both of adults end child
Iharsfoimd It, ae Its ingredients show, *
powerfd temedy for colds, tml c ughs, and
pulmonary discasrs.
Bnciuwicg, Ml., Feb. S, 1847.
From an Overseer in the Hamilton Mills, in
Ms City.,
owill, Aug. 10,18.71.
Du. J. C. Am—1 have been cured of the
wotet cough I ever had in my life, by your
*' Cuxkry PcoToaat." nnd never fall, when I
hive opportunity, of recommending it to others.
Yours, respectfully.
T, B. BMEH80N.
BTRead th. following nnd see if this medi
cine is worth • Iris! This patient had become
very feeble, and the effect of the medicine was
untnlitnknhly distlnst:—
UitrriD Sixth Hotel, Sai.itoox Snt.ita,, \
July 3,1849. \
Du, J. C. Avsn—Sir: I hove been ofilicteil
with n painful affection of the lonuo, nnd all the
symptons of settled consumptitm,for mote than
.year, I could find no medicine thttl would
reach my case, until I commenced the use nf
your “ CnsEEY Pier, axt," which . g ive me
gradual relief,nnd I hove been steadily gnlnlpg
my •treitpth t il my health is well r.igh restored.
W hile using your medicine, I hid the grati
fication of curing witli It my reverend friend,
Mr, Truman, nf Sumpter District, who had
been suspended from Ida parochial duties by n
severe altt ck of bronchitis.
j have pleasu -e in cottifying the* ■ faots to
you nnd nm sir, Youis respectfully,
J. ' CALHOUN, of South Carolina,
STSol by Baliry. Rome U.i. t Sommers
,Y Brother Kingston t John A. Erwie, Ones,
ville ; J, W Rolihina Cave Spring: J J. Hop-
yklna,Summerville ; J. L Elliot, Cedar Bluff,
V R0.1 W. UARHHAW iutviiig puMininent.
Iv locttled in ttio City of Route, I* pro-
pored to execute work In the nbove line, in
n style tlmi ennnot fall toplensu tlio most fe«.
tldloua. Ilu line in Ills possession teetltmi-
nlnl, from innny different perse", wliolmvu
tried Ids skill, llmt wi.l sutisly every one who
wish to reftr lo them. Thn-e in Rome <u,i| the
surrounding country who hove houses to paint
con have It done on os good term-, nnd with
a* much neatness and dispatch by me os it eon
be done by anybody else. North or South,—
Having quit uarrihgr Tipd sign pointing, my
whole otlentlon will bo given tri the nbove
brooch of the business. Groining done in first
rate style, ond mode to represent any kind of
wood or marble desired, -a I have done a
great deal of work llrtll 1 * port of tlie rnnnlry,
specimens rf which mny be seen, 1 de ni it
unnecesrsrytnsny nny thing more as to rnv
nbility o do good work, hut only usk n trial.
May'»9, IBM.
A SAFc and certain cu,e lur Coughs,Cold*.
Croup, Asthma, Consumption of the
. . Spilling Blood, Bronchitis, Hooping
Cough and all Polmonnry Afiectiuns
A Lately Y.nng Lady cared ef Cei
Tho following is trom the pen of \Vm., H,
Ledeon.Esq., the distinguished editor nf the
U. 8. Military and Nova! Argus, under date of
New York, January 96,1870. What could bt
more conolurlvc I
" It is seldom we permit ourselves to occu
py u space In thete columns ,o spenk in pro vie
ol my article in the patent medicine way j but
when we ere the life era fellow creature saved
by the use of any medicine whatever, we con
aider it u our rigid, if not our doty, to gin a
vltnplc statement of fact* that others may in
like manner.bebenefitted. Tlie ease which
has induced us to pen this, article was that ol
u yonng lady or onr acquainbtnce, who by
frequent exposure to the night air, contracted
a Cold w Ich settled on the I.uliga, cfore lie
ravages could be stayed. (This o .currrd two
veats (go this wittier.). Various remedies
were used, but with very little effect or benefit-
The Cough grew worse, with copious expect!
ff BALES Hieached and Hruwii lintue-
LtX spun* from 3-4 to 6-4 wide, fur sate
low by Jnn 9. F. M. ALLEN.
1)0 CASKS Men's U„ots and 81,o s for
mU sale low by F M - ALLEN.
Jan 9
iisy tlio citizens ol Roms nnd vicinity, woul.i
.atiUeolloitacontinuance of tlielr patronage,
nnd a visit from nil persons linving buslne,.-
in his line. He mny bo found at ilia same
OLD ESTABLMHMEXTon Brood street,
A Doors West ol R- J. Johnson's Corner.—
Within the Inst twelve mouths be tans grent-
lyenlnrgeA Ills shop, and mmle mnny ond
important improvements in almost every
branch of Ills business. His materials ore
goudr.nd abundant; his workmen faithful
■ and competent, and be Hatters himself that
bis Carriages, Buggios, find other vehicles,
■will favorably compare in benuty, style, fin
ish and durability, with any similar esta
blishment North or South.
. ^Cqunected with bis Carriage Estab ish-
ment, be Ims an cxtciisivo Blacksmith -hop
at tlie head ol which Is nn experienced
workman Who Is nlwaysof konte, nnd'lmld,
. himself In readiness to hammer and have
hammered, Lou nnd steel to order.
, The citizens of Georgia und Alnbnmn who
inland purchasing carrinyes or buggies, nro
cordially invited to enll nnd examine bis
work. His pricer will lie regulated to anil
the times, nml cn'sli in bund will nt airtimes
. command the. very best bargains.
Rome, May 30,1851.
N. B—Repairing done at the shortest
oticp'pmictunlly and effectually.
Northern Work will be kept eonsinnl-
on band, u liich be will sell on necommo-
Uingterms. W. W
First rote article of Tobacco nnd Cigars
u always kept at SHAW'S
>b 20
ting of 1 of eet or under, ol tiny sized thread
required. Iltnvy and light furg'ng of wrought
Iron or Steel dim* in superior style.
Particular Attention is called to their pat
terns for Mill Gearing, lor Merchant ond
Custom Flouring and Sntv Mills. Gin Gear
ing ot nil tits usnnl sizes, nnd Bntk Mills all
wavs kept on band. Wo are nlao prepared to
build stationary Engines nfith the latest im
provements nil of which will be sold low for
cash. Copper nnd Brnsa tiitcn in exchange
for work at cash prices.
John McDonough.
P. P. All of the nbove eotnpnnv nre prac
tical Mechanics, nnd give their undivided at
tentton totbebnsine,.. net 9. 1P5V
ritvry next,before th» Court House do .
in the City uf Rome, within thy legal boon of
sale, the following property, to wit:
Three Mattress, four Bed
steads one walnut table, aud one mettle clock;
all levied on os the property of James W. Geer
to sautiy n Mortgage fi fa from Floyd Inferior
Court iu IhvorofSInimniiadc Gill va James W
Geer. Properly specified in said fi fa.
Dec. 5,1851.
At ihe same time and place vrill be sold,
One Stove nnd Pipe, two Tin Cans, one
oue slnbnnd mailer, one email oil can, one join
ter plane, one act of new planes, one set of old
plonrs, three hand saws, one tmnont saw,
eight socket! chisels, one steel square, one box
gouge, three drawing knives, three rules, 10
firinerchisals.revrn gouges,two Trying 8qnarri
one rabbit plane, three hollow augurs and one
bit, lour common augurs, one spoke shave, one
hand h miner, one rivit hammer, three work
benches, o w glew kettle, one grind stone, one
oil -tone, and one carriage body; a I levied on
as the property of George Bone to satisfy a
Mortgage H fa from Fluyd Inferior Court in
favor of Win, Wlmper vssaid Bone. Proper-
specified in snid fi. fo,
VTEW Boat and Mlioo More.—'lln-sub-ori-
-Lv herwnilld respectfully announce to the
cititenn of Rome apd vicinity, llmt he has
just received and ir now opening tt la gu nnd
splendid assortment nf mill Ml tilts
consisting ol gentlemen'* water-proof nnd
dtesa hoots ladies boate ami shoes, nnd every
vnrlety of bouts and shoe.* for children —
Also, n fine aesdrUiioiil of strong course shoes
und hoots for common wenr. As hu selected
his stock in < liarls-ntaii u illi grenl
tutro. he enn confidently recommend it to
his friends and patrons, nnd willrepnir sny
rips without charge.
He also has nn hand nn extensive supply of
ttemock Bnlttmoru upper and sole leather,
fine call akin,and a gcucrninisortmentofmn-
teiials, In his line which, together with bis
boots ttnd shoes will be sold as cheep as can
be bought in •hismnrket. He will continue to
manufacture kaota and ihbeo na heretofore to
order, on reasonable terms.- Thankful for past
/) fnvott, he cordially invites Ills frisnds and
ncqusintancrs nnd the publio generally to
vehimneiilL P. ‘
gIJnn-19, KM
E xecutor's Sole,— - grrt-nlily Uj un order
of tlie Imnornlde (lie Inferior Court of
Floyd county, when fitting for Ordinary
purposes, will be sold on 1*10 first tuesdny I
J arrant y next, before the Contt House dor
on the City of Home, within tin- usual bolt
of sale n trnet or pnreel of Land, containing
one hundred ami eighty acres of Land
knownnsihe pi-rewberein Willinm Cham
pion, docensed, formerly lived, lying on Big
Ct'dnr creek. Sold for tl.t* benefit of llto
heirs nnd creditors of said deceased.
M. L. C’OLbEIlT, Ex’i
On. 31.
JOHff 8. AADERS03,
5ive his prompt attention to thr sole
innds. ond the establishment ofdU-
Lnml Claims, fit eastern T xns.. Ho
so do a Genera I ..collecting business
‘ "nos: moderate terms.
Marshall Harfieot: County I'exaf.
. U'i'titwjaa>.
F or hate «Y R*»L—The Subscriber lias a
gontl brick store-hause, four doors below
R. J. Job- son’s corner, Broad Street, nnd also,
• good dwelling with seven rooms; n Negro
House, Smoke House, Stable, Corn-crib and
Cnrriago ll-t se, ond good garden lie also
hna a very nice residence lor a small family.
The dwelling house has bat two rooms, plus-
tered inside and painted well, with two gooc
brick fire-places, with a Convenient Kitchen,
d-e.—together with three or four unimproved
lots, all of which Ins will aell low sad on
good time. Those who wish to purchase will
call on the subscriber. W. B. JONES.
Rome, Gn., Nov 14th. 1871 't.
200 .Men.
March 6,1851.
W holesale k Retail Clothing Stare.-
MKUSONfe HtilOT, No. 1» WM ta
ker •tract, -Savannah, l.nvecontinually or
hand n largo anil well wlecied ftockof Ilea
dy.tnude clothing, nml GenU* Ftmiirijiiig
Gooili*, to which *he. invite the attention of
Merchants nnd the public in general,
nov, 7, |y
H OT air vontillnting cooking Sloves, which
does away with that objection moat of|>eo-
plc have to bread &c. baked in Stoves. Please
call and cxamlno and buy something to make
cooking eaay and good eating; at
Dec. 12 1861. F. Mr ALLEN.
Ktuilk nml Li*hMlmwi, Lad e*Color
ed.nnd Illnck ohnlr Pie-nic, and childrrn>
Lisle-thread nnd cotton Glovo*.
W C» DE.VSO.V, Is* now receiving tt fttll
# supply of Dry Goodjfmni Groceries
to whim. l.»- would invito the ntteniion of
his ctutomen Mini tho jinhlio generally, na
in determined to sell ns low ui any house iu
the city.
t UiSI5ESS*—The xubscriber would
X inform hi» Irietid* nnd tht puhliu gen-
eniily. lliAl hei«jiow engaged in the manu
facture of -I in* Wart* i.i **v«ry klnit.
,A-Ibo every dreuripticn of fheet iron, llis
•bop io on Uroad street nearly oppoai e Wim
ptJo’ft.l'Uage,factory* where he hopes by
jjiompt nlftffttion to orders to receive a lib
*C(\\ ahare oftlic puDIjd patronage.
* L TV fi, MERCK.
1I3ST RECEIVED.-50 Sacks fresh Buck*
tl wheat Flour; 60 Boxes prime Cheeso. For
salo by W. E. ALEXANDER dc Co
- Dec. 19 1861.
13li(ltll£S«—Ft 'Uit superior Boggien, well
U made nnd well trimmed, and a splendid
set of Harni-M with mclijor sale at a Sore-
Bin. DENNIS te HUNT, 28,1831.
N OTICE.—brought to jivIF oil the ittth oi
November I lift, a Negro Boy. by the
- *1EN|(Yi who nnys thnt he
Knmhellot Miurnycount*
name .
belongs (6 Kol)t*?t
ty, ruunefseo’
Sn!d hoy \i 22 or 83 yenrs r.hl, dark com
plexion, weighs about |6*» or 70 pounds 1
The owner is requested to lomo fotwanl
nnd prove property, pay charges, or he will
be dealt with aco irding to law.
D. D. DUKE, Jailor.
Deoember 4ih. 1851.
F REE A EASY.—Call nt Ihe Fret Sc Easy
House,*! doo-s brlow th- Choice lictal, you will find a gvnrrnl n.snrtment of
Confeciionsrlvs, Fruits, A-c., of the very best
tlistoverbss been,and ns gomlitsevvr can be
offered in Rome. Sold low for caeh.
Feh. 30,1-71, GR<>. SHAW-
HT’Mcule firwers, Successors to A
H Well* Ss Go. ut llto old smud, Alb. 198,
Bay Street, Savannah. Ga. They have an
hand nml lor sale! -lOObbt Domestic Gin,
Brandy nnl Ruin, 75 bbts Monongnhelu
Whiskey, 60 Hull Pipes, Quarter anti Eights
best Fr'ch Grundy, 7ubhls 1'ort, Medtri sml
Malaga Wine , S Pipes Holland Gin, 4 Hhds.
St. Groix and Jamulcn Until,9 Hbds. Scotch
ami Irish Whiakey, 311 Boxes Spanish and
American Segars, 90 Hhds. luirund cltoiee
Louisiana Sngnr, 60 do, St..Croix nnd Portu
{ico sugar, ISO Bbls,. Crushed,,powdered
nml clarified sng*ir, 39 Boxes Loaf sugar,
SOU Kegs, Ini Ives nnd quarter gun puwdor,
80i>Btigs Buck nnrt Drop tltot, 41190 Lb
Lend, with n complete assortment otartirlei
usually kept in n wiioloialo Grocery- They
will lutvo a bouvjr stock cf-Gttnuy. Hogging
und Hemp Bale rope for tlie Fall demsnd, all
of which will be sold ou reasonable term..
Savannah. June 35, ISM-
|l« David's or Hebrew plaster— The
Amt teased!,
For Rheumatism Gout, Pain tn Ihe Side H'p
Baele. L’mbs an l Joints Srorfnla Kins's
Evil mile Sir Uiugs Hard 'P.imors Siff
Joints and all Fije t Point irhairrr. When
ehis Plaslrr is applied. Pain cannot exist.
T HESE l*l isrors po*a a* the mL a mugs if
being put up in itir llglu br see—lisoer they
retain their full vl. lues in nil ciimatrs
Hare non friends gains I" California 1 By
• II m ansadvi.e diem In Ink- idling it s ipply nf
tlds platter. It may rave them hund-rd. of dut-
iors, II not ih'lr lives, ns the expo-tnes which
the yhsve to rttunre In the mines 'is sure In
bring on disease, which might lie easily cured
by the use nf this celebrated plaster, fur the
want of which mnny hnvr In-eii obliged to quit
their 1 tbnni nnd Ihll Into the nnnds nf the phy
sicians, who. by their extravrrgsrlly high char
ges, at nn take itway the hard earning* rtf the
brsvrst I dialing man. By sleeping In tents nr
on the ground, llheniiiat sm, .'pitn-l I lineage ,
Stiff Joints, Lame Bnek or sale, ml n’ I like
diseotri, are sure io trouble them, rind mnny
times entirely lay them up, when th- simple
nppliention nf this plaster would give thrnt im
mediate relief, nnd ennnletheui :o pro teed with
their labors Without delay
Ithaa been very behefids line oiks of weak
ness, sunlr os Pain anil weakness in the Stom
ach, Weak Liliths, Affection- of the Spine, Fe
male Weakness. See. No femaje, subject tn
pain aud weakness in the bark or side, sir raid
bewilkout it. Married ladies, in delicate ai>
tuntinns, find great relief from constantly wear
ing this Piaster.
The application of this Plaster between the
shoulders has been found a certain remedy for
t ‘olds. Goughs, Phthisic, and Lnng Affection,
in their primary stages. It destroy! inflamma
tion by perspiration.
The following commendation is from nn
agent residing ot Trenton, Tennessee :
TggXYon, Gibson C. Tenn.,Oct. 7, ’49.
Mxstxs.Scovia A, Mud—Gentlemen: The
Hebrew Plaster is becoming popular in this
section. There is a lady in this county who
•ays she would not be without this plaster for
five hundred doilsrs a year. She was nfflictrd
for some time witli an enlargement of the
spleen, which gave hern great deal ofpnln—
The •wellingaml pain had extended up nearly
to the armpit,and occasionally she could scarce
ly breathe. Sne war confined (or a considera
ble time, during which rhe was attended by
some of our best phytlclsns, but they gave her
no relief. She procured a box of the Hebrew
Plaaler, and it relieved Iter almost immediate
ly,and now ahe keeps a supply of it on hand
constantly. These facta yon are at liberty to
u» as yon think proper—they are substantially
true Respectfully, yours, -Vc.
Beware of Counterfeits and Base Imitations!
Caution—The subscribers sre the only gen
eral agents in the Southern States for the rale
of this truly valuable Plaster; and, in order to
prevent purch aen being imposed on by a coun
terfeit article, sold in this city and elsewhere,
for tho genulno. they invito particular attention
to tho following mark, of the genuine.
1. The genuine i. put np in smooth, engine-
tamed hot omed box- s, shouldered in.
9. The genuine has the engraved head of
Jew David on the directions around th- hex,
with accompanying record nf court to E. Tay-
or, Rochester. SCOVILL Se MEA D.
I!3 Chartorsst. N. Orleans,
Only agents lor tho Southern States, tn whom
all orders and application, for agencies must
invariably be addr.-wed. Sold alao by
Battzy Rome Georgia.
S la Ban, Kingston. - •*
Jonn A Eawttt, Cnaville, *•
T.T. Hr non, Sommerville, <•
8 W. miasms, Gave Spring, "
Q. L EtstnTT, Cedar Bluff, Ala.
Dec. 12, 1-51
oration, and thr sunken rye, and pale, hollow
cheek told plainly that pulmonary disease was
doing its worst an her delicate frame The
family physician was consulted, and although
he would not admit to the young lady that (he
really had the Consumption,yit he would give
no encoungemeut as to a cure. At this crisis
her nidiher was persuaded to make use nfn
bottle of Dr. Rogers' Comnnnnd ey np of Liv
erwort and Tar, and we are happy lo state she
was perfectly cured In less than three months
by this medic ne slone, after even hope was
destroyed. It is useless tn comment on taeh a
esse •• this, for the simple truth will reach
where polished Helton never can. Ifany doubt
the aulhentlelly or this statement, let them end
at this office.— V. S. Military and Haval Ar
gus, Ho. 19, Chatham Street, tf- F.
TntkMak* of Ike Sew York Prera.
From the New York Courier, Ant. 19, l*-50.
I)n. Rooms' Svnt'ror Livsrwoatand Ta»
—We have heard of several Important cures
recently effected by this excellent medical pre
paration, sndln one Instance that came under
our observation, we can speak confidently.—
One of nut employers, who had suffered severe
ly from a long standing cold, daring the past
week commenced the use of this medicine,and
hi-Cold has entirely disappeared,
From the New York Mirror, Sept. 9,1850,
Liv. nwoST and Tau —or the vittursnf Dr.
Rogers' Cough Medicines prepared from the
abate arilclee, it is necdl-ss now to speak ; its
efiicray in speedily curing Coughs, Colds.ami
other lung complaints, which loo frequently, if
neyle t-d,result in Crraaiunpilun. ia Ion well
established in public confidence to need eulogy
From Ihe N York .respotch, Aug 23tb I8l9i
We have hereto torn taken « ca.ioti to give
our testimony in invor uf the curative proper.
Ilea of Dr. Rog r«’ Compound Syrup uf Liver-
wo,land Tar, und would here repeal ilu- ml-
Vice already given, for nil n«ia<ras who nre nf-
fllul-a Willi - onsumptloii, nt nnv nf'the-pro-
tnoiiitury symptoms, tii make a trial of Dr. Ro
gers' prep tntiun The genuine issignetl > N
nucw Rooms, on the steel pi He rngravetl
wrapper each bulll,-,atid is sold v hole-
sole and retail by
113, Charter* st.. New Orleans.
Sale general ng nt- fur the Stans, tn .wham
all orders an-l appli.-ution* for tigeucies mast
he a tdr.-sK-d,
Sold hy itArraY,.... ...Rome . .Ga„
'• Sdmnzrs ,C Ban. Kintislun, '•
!' John A. Eswin. t asavflle, V
„ -, 'p/p HrrsiNs, Sinnnu-n'e' 1
a '* S. W. Rr»:i|NS, ITa .sprillY."
' “Q i, Ei.i.iott, Cei|. Bluff, Ala.
I) n. II. 1851
T HIS l .Miration will be opened for foeaS
tniMion ol Cadets, on: Monday.lh
Tu the Pfilruij and Friai !) of On Southern
Cultivator. ,
)..«>• fb no.
• Macon, Georgia; Sti
Y OU cannot hu
Old established
1 at this
. X od.dea 11 _a nA jto,. «
■*j i 'jiwssa** lor s '^v-‘ w/ii
VTOTICE.—'ilieelibeoribor w II culleut nil
J-v pensions phyiiblo lit'the Agency in 8a-
vnnnali. nnd remit tho s»mo n. may bed,-
reeled, lor one dqllnr: each application not
exceeding $360, and .send a blank form if
required, ' W.M-MP.REL.
Snvatmalt.Nov. 7,1851.
J?* etfr ncn, J* Knbwlej*, Rmito. Gn.
TahlMi k W##4, At the Mamie Hall
•I Huilfting, aro now nceiving dirret from
tho New Ybrk' market« a Inruo ttook of Now
Goods of nlinoftt ovory description. Cloth.,
enssimerit, »ntinetf, Tweed cloths, jenns, and
nearly every description of domestic nnd
staplo GooiL ; kerseys, blnnkf*ts, wool, fwr
and moleskin Huts; a large assortment of
Men's nnd Boy> enpn; heavy nnd fine bools
and shoes; Lndicr’ he kid onller nnd nil
kindt of h^nvy shoes; Eddie** fine dress
T r b»»cnni-« if*V n:**l:uu*li
MO'iiift* 1) y iii th ittli •*•.
K«t «l»li*hmcnt of tlte CSronitl »f» N >»?»»#/,
in which was aUo puhlirhed the Southern
Cultivator, wns entirely consumed by "Arc.
with •i-nrly its whole Vsnte'nt*, on Tne«diiy
utalito the l^th inst.
The lire origiimted in the hug** three ?tory
brScia Intdiliiig n«ed iid -» ('uhinet knciory by
I'htt, by the neiridiMitni fnllbiji di »*,
I Klip into some notion, whh*h .''»'»** cnmmil-
nioHti*d .with’my l'rintihjr- KstnliHj*hiiieot.
h-tmlsome four sto.v brick btidd ng, 23 J*>"
lee’, jiiri llii'.-h' *l. im!eed from .whicii t!»«‘
last''shhvhigs ol’tlii'V bn lifer Unit only t!.'"
tiiortiiiig been swept out. So rapid Wnk ill •
provrres- of the Himes, th«»t ] only in veil'n
timtli Job Press, it sm til ijinntity ol type,,
some pnper, nnd srimt sin II articles of com*
pnmtively little value, .My Ims buz tint-
bean between 13 unit 916,000 mi xvbtltli there
was no In.nrnnco. My counting room, bc-
iug in n different building my book, nnd
ticconut. wcr. nil .nvt-il,
TUli tll»a.trous nil.unity will prevent the
l..uu of tin-1 Htccmber. nutnbr-r of tin- Culti
vator with the iicuompnuying Index, nt a.
cnrly a tiny a. wn- nntloipnted. Tt will, how
ever, be {railed iu tliec-ourae of the iriohtti ntpl.
f iromptly forwnnlcd to nil Subfcribeni. na it
• already nently In type, wnlch wo luqra
will prove .nti.fnvtory.
The Heir Ytto**,—Permit mo. In coqclti-
.Ion, lo .ny n word n. lo the lu-w volume t
Arrangement, bad previously born mode for
enlarging and improving the piperrnud new
typenudolherneo-isary material, bad been
ordered. Tlio contemplated improvement,
will not bn effected by my late disaster; blit
the inuoofllin January number mny be de
layed a few day., In consequence of the de
struction of both my Inrge powor printing
presses which will compel ut to work tr on
n band press.
The now volume will be issued in n Inrge
Octavo farm of tblrty-two pages, the same
sizo as tire Albany Cultivator, on handsome
white paper, nnd will contain quite half as
much ngnin matter a, the present form,
Fricwl* of Ssntkom Igrkmkare,—A
this is the first journal established in the
Cottonqtrowing States which is exclusively
devoted to tho interest, of the Planter, may I
not hope, that as xro-A have stood by, fostered
and sustained it In
not now In it. hour ol tidveraity nnd revere
trial forsake It. Its destinies uru In your
hnnds, nnd you may by a generous and com
mon effurt, ronuer this heavy mlslortuno not.
only n benefit tn tlio pnpot, but a blessing to
the countty- Will you do It 7
«< It* 8Mb Word as FalL”—'There Is •• no
inch word ut fill, In my vocabulary," I
have benlth, strength and the will to walk
on, und work ever, nnd 1 am determined tu
repair the Injury, II life and strength Inst,
and my thousnudinf friends and patrons do
not wholly forsake mo. 1 have already (Ffl-
dny the 31st) white the ruins are yet smok
ing, commenced t> clear up the rubbish pro-'
pnrutoty to putting np a new building on
the same spot, and expect within ninety dny.
to bavo another tour story brick building
completed, witliSktain Engine l'owci Pres
ses, Jfc , ns complete as they were on Tues
day last. To do this will require tlinut-tnd.
of dollars, ami I rely with great confidence
on tboprontptuiid efficient aid of my friend..
Term of (be Cnlllraler.
One copy, oiie year, 9 1 10
8ixeopic«, 8 00
Two’ve copies; .11)09
Twenty-five eopies, ’ 20 00
Fll'y copies, ' 37 60
One hundred copies, 75 00
Always in advance,
09-Genllemen who abtqin .ubsorlprions,
will plen«e forward them &a rapidly and M
early as possible. 5
09-All bills.of -fieeie paying Banks re
ceived iit par—and nil money sent by mail
will Ire Ot my rtsk W. 8. JONES.
Augusta. t!n.;'' ., .1*61,
, . ... Monday .tlie 7th af
July, 1,31, , ,, a , v ra-
Tlie Ipsliration la owned by Stockholder*,-
and liundri the control of n Bonrd of Trus
tee*. .
The Faculty elected, consists of Maj. A. V,-
Brumby;Gen. JamesW, Armstrong,'Maj. D.
H, llill nml Thontba Stewsrd.-on, M. D.
3 i Superinlemlsnt, Mnj. Brumby, is a
ale oi'West Point. He cotni-s to ua with'
,t recomtnendolioiis liotn the Academic'
Stuff of thnt Institution j nnd,til-o, fro the
Facility at the University of Alnbnmn, whet*
he taught Mathematics nnd Civil Engineering
severer years.. -Gen..A-mslrung and Maj.
Hill are alio graduates of West Point; at,if
are experienced lenebera. The latter Is at thls-
The course of 'instructlon', regulations and 1
discipline of theU. S- Military
fir as (hey nre applicable to n Slate 1 tt,ration
have been adopted, .nnd will be pu lilhed in .
pamphlet form.
The Institution is organised upon the tlshal
plan of hair Collegia.e Classes. By relerencu
tb the following syn pals of studies', Parents
and Guardians con, st once, sec the require
ments for joining either,closs,
Arithmetic, Algebtn, Grom, tty, English
Grammar, Geography, Coniposftlon and De
clamation, French.
Trigonomery.Mensurntion, Surveying, tie-
script,vc Geometry »tid Its appl.cntlons. An-
alytieal Grotnotry, French, Drawing, Comtio-
allion, Rhetoric, History.
Differentiri anil Integral Calvuins,.Natqnl
and Experimental Philotophy, Astronomy,-
Chemistry.Drawing, Ev'drnceaof Christiani
ty, Moral and Mental Philosophy..
ond Prnctlea of Artillery.
No Cadet will. bp Ad nltipd who it Iras
military duly.
The Cadets will he otvupird o' out one hohr
aud n hull' ea.-lj dny lit iiitlitury exercises;
but at such times us hot to inter fee leith their '
rrgu/ur studies
ralftrm FsntUarr, be,
The Uuifuriit eniisl-ls nfn Itglil gray cloth '
coulee, trimmed with guilt convex bttttone '
nml block doM—while Vest,undwlulC Itps-
siundrilllng pnntnlnons, wlthmittrliuniings,
fur stllllliter. For it inter, grnycloth vest und
pnutn|nops, trlinmetl tn sit It the coat—blnt-k-
stock, white gloves nml while belts—Mpn-
Me sluu-satul ., Forage cap Ho other dre s 1
will t r. worn ; nor u-ill t’ndeis be whlrcd is
kit/i olhrrvh,thing fit their rooms.
Enuli CaiK-t front n 'tllstiiiioo ntusi prn-
vltle lilmselrwltlm umitrass unit berliliug
fur a single bed, umtlrnss-cover tijid bi-rl-
strap—nnt-truuk, run- elnllu-s line nml six
towels. Eneli ''inlet w-ll uuiie with lit.
mum-,mules iu-ptirolin-itig far .their com-’
uinn use, m.e pine table, one looking glass,,
.mo wash puli, ram pull nml (fue liftiont.
In view ,n -tire InPmvIiig regulation, pair
nml gunriliniis semliufe dlleir tons nml
eurils to this Inslriuiinu, tire nilvlr-nl tn du- •
; nsil with the t-uperilill- illnut. nr with
-nine Irleml til M.iriett ., a -tun nf inniiry
■-UllioiOnf tn purchase tire above nrtir lee, ami
in cover all tiei-t-v-ury • xprns-s fur one Si*,- -
sum ; »| Ili-Siitu-rlirti-mlutil sImuld bouii-
tie,, ,-,d. In ir, it ing. tn iillow the <.i-dit.fn.
.make up iit eminl or.rr sptrijiul sum. Tiro
■•i-irillnllMi' reft rieil to i-ire inllnus, vir.i— ■
"Every t'lidet sliull keep „ -mull blank
bunk, hi wliielt sliull lie flmrgtul every ur-■
1 tide be may pinelnree. . This lee k sliull be
lunieil over M tin- I*u| er,mei,dunt fo-his-
n p ’,'iieTl ut tlii-'i ml nf, v,-,y inuntli Any
'•inlet who -li'ill e,iutrtt'-t n d- lit w itlihlH per.
nil sm,, ut the SutVerini: ndunt, o- l-e fii.uiih-
e.l with tiny uvtl,-Ir w-hnt v r, l-y anv-stoie-*
kvepe .or.i’ilui utrstui, wlihuhi siieli'permls- •
•ini, --r who- p. r nt - r giinrrlia'n -!, It Stify"
uhy riel, 1 e.tnli,let d 1 y lit-, durtl-ghi-rei,-
rrtliHi With till-ItniUBt . unit In '
this irguln im. shall he ilisimtse .
Tallinn, RouiH. Washing. IVI, Lights,,
Field, und.all other eutitingrpi ext ent-
ea [per Sessionpffivr.jnnnjhm] SIU9
Tull nn oltitie, (for resilient Cudns.) per
Field Miisie anil nthrr enntlngentt-X|*ens,Sc.
Any Cad. t enter.t;g ilia lintitute ul it tke
e'ninineneemrm , f .,'srs-inn will I c'elintged
iff prnpnrt'on t 'tlis*nl'r-t r” 3t:\sr star
g-s roust hf jjnii/ iu nitvimrit ftit ull rzpcrnra ,*
exeept tlie fgt- fur ti-ition. E,r ,y eidet [guy.
Ip.- tlie LiSlIlll e he,me the the
|u- ithl Ibr whjeli In- hit- n.tale nil mlvhnce,.
shall leee ve lire unexpended bnli.lrei-.
. ’I he Ed tnrof nny newspaper In Georgia,„
Souih Carolina, Florida. Alnbnmn, bid,sip-
pi nr Tennessee l,v Ina -rlfnJ this ndvertisr- .
meat in Ilia paper, and sen Inga copy tegular-. -
lytn the Georgia Military Institute,” shall lw
entitled tn tu.tlon for one Cadet,-or his 1 draft
at foe rat • of twen y-five itollura rrer uesilon,.
pnynhle In tu tion, nnd in' favor of nuy Cadet,,
will be accepted. » HiS(| -
fly onler of the Bonrd of Trustees. •
President Board Tru-levs.
<| HOR38 J. lEKUEKY, H<xt /to r below
I Sloan and Hawkins Invites the nttenthm,
of the citizens of Rome aud the curtounding-
country ton Fresh Stock nf Goods consisting:
in part, of tlre following articles, viz. Sugar-
—Crushed, Powdered, Refuted ; Portoriro,
New Orleans Se Rubs Mnlasaks ; Georgia Se
New Orleans Svrup, Coffee Salt, Cigars, U-
quors. Iron, Nslls, Bagging, Rope, TwinsI
Hardware nnd vorioua other article! which h
am prepared to acii nnd will.aell, on aigodo.
terms as they can be bought in Rome.
C*)l und examine for youtsolvrs.
Home,Oct 93d I85U
TBF »te*»,a co„ Next door beloso Suli- ,
J-vAs eon, Cabot rf- Co, Respectliiily an-,
hounco >o tho'cltlzens of Romo nnd tbe tur-.
rounding country, thnt tliey hare just return-,
ed from thn Northern Markets, with the lar
gest stock of good-over brnuglr
Consisting of nil kluds of Retidy-mado cloth-,
ing ; lints, caps, boots nnd shoes, tranks-
carpet bags, Fancy Goods nnd Jewelry, nnd
evory other article usually kept in Dry Goods.
Storres, together with many extras too mi-,
merout fo mention. Call und examine be
fore making your purchases, lest you loss a
bargain. v --A-
RomeJOctober 17.1961,
good, for winter nnd Fall; figured midI strip-' XT®W 8BlliY*l«-Tbe undersigned begs
i N leave to Inform the citizen. bfRonm, its,
CJTOYE8,—^Tho undersigned have on hsnd.a
LJ good assortment of Cooking Stoves, smang-
whlch there is one Very large size, suitable for-
Tavoranse; also o few Parlor 8toves, Which in
offered very low. *
Jgstth £ * m
1300TS UD SHOES—Gcnis. Fine sewed
calf I mots, thick lined unli water-proof
and klb nml cow liidrdo., wjth brognns and
all Myles Ladles', Misses* nnd Childrens'
shoes and Gaiters. DENNIS8s HUNT.
ryUYMC AND BOITIYO,—The undersign-
AJ (d respectlblly infomts the citizens ol
Rome und its vicinity, tint I they have entered
intoCo artuerehipforthe purpo-e of boating
nnddrsylng Tlrr-y h -ld themselves in readi
ness to hnve Prothtce, Merclraiidtse, Sce. k
conveyed to nny pa. t of the City or Ccrunti
and tn furnish trom their woodyard on ,fi
OoMonauIn River, nny qanntity of good oak
aud hickory wood. They have excellent,
feame,nnd will he thankful for the patronage
oftln-ir fr.enris and lire public.
Jan 39; 1851. JOHN H; WISDOM.
QTE3M ■ILL,—The Homewood 8 rerun Mill
kJ force m. lea from Home, on the Calhoun,
Road is i oper.rtion, nnd th - subscriber will
receive corn on tollj and -otton at the usoafi
rates nf rail. JOHN HUME.
Rrtpe and Bagging furnisher] if requited 1 '
watered brocade, thin nnd'fignred nlapnqas,
black nlepacss and canton oloths, and thn
ny other styles not here meptidned. fljnck
ntnmUhi_ slilt,': fine bispkjfod figured dress
silks, nil colors innntiihur. visettes .V slmwls.
Also, a heavy stock or Groceries—su;
ooffee molasses, c* “— *“'* '
vicinity end foe public generally .that he has
test patterns and finest style, Hiefricnde and
■VT*Hc*r—Tlib Copartnership existl
rHUfore between Ell be W.‘ G; 3
bavin# Infer*; dlsHOivec) by mutunl
the busiqcw MgUJ^Lo continued -«
10B ana gtlind,
to give bu ,|,
, who