Newspaper Page Text
iltmurtucontly httvo become
nmon, that they ate hardly recorded by
the press.
Wo extract the foregoing from the Chatta
nooga Gaxette of the 21st Inst. Whether tho
Legislature, and Cot. Cobb have acted as
promptly In correcting the evils complained of
by the .Gazette as the public interest and safe
ty required,'wo are not prepared to say. One
thing Is certainly evident, unless a change for
tho bettor Is soon medo, tho State' Road had
better suspend operations. A gentlemen In-
fbtiucil us the othoriUy tliat m. car arrived In
this'- city In fiee' months after it reached tho
Stato Road. This Is wonderfol speed. That
tt rwr arrived, is a llttlo remarkable.
Hovel Doings.
A correspondent ot the Knoxville Whig gives
quite a graphic sketch of a discussion which
recently arose In the Tennessee Legislature,
upon the Introduction of sundry resolutions
approving of tho course of President Fillmore;
and acquiescing in the compromise, os a final
settlement of tho slavery agitation. The min
strelsy of Mr. Bugg, must havo produced
quite a buss and forms a now feature in mod
ern legislation. That gefitlcman must be a
genuine bum-Dngg. We glvo our readers the
following edifying extract.
“Col. Guild went Into a history of tho con
test of 1840—told several smutty anecdotes
about white anil black- children, by the same
Mother, and applied them to “Milly FiUmeirc't
—spoko of Coon-skins and Polk-stalks, 'and
cabled on the Whig sido of tho House for a
Coon song I " Mr. Rugg, a sterling Whig rose
up, and responded to the call, in his own pe
culiar stylo, ami sung off a Whig song of 1810,
tho two first vorses of which I wrote down, as
"The nomtneos are on tho Hat
How could they well bo greater 1
Van suits the Abolitionists,
. And Dick tho Amalgamators. v
A glorious era has begun—
The plans are fixed and fixing,
Van thinks tho freeing might bo done.
And Dick can do tho mixing 1" .
Mr. Buohanan and his Admirers.
This gentleman seems to bo tho flivorlto of
the Southern Rights party In Georgia. Some
of our Dillon friends have also expressed for
him a preference lu the next Presidential elec
tion. Now there Is no accounting for tastes.
It Is, Wit presume, known that Mr. Buchflnnn
is In favor of a protective tarifi', whilst his fed
eralism was once proverbial. Hut what Is
still more objectionable Js Ills free-sollism.
Many years ago when tho Missouri question
was before Congress. Mr. Buchanan ottered ut
a public dinner In Lancaster, Pa., the follow
ing resolul Ions:
“ It solved, That tho representatives in Con
gress from this district bo, and they are here
by, mdst earnestly requested to use their ut
most endeavors, os members of tho National
Legislature, to prevent the cxlstcnco of slave
ry In any of the territories or States which
•may be erected by Congress.
■ Resolved, That, in tho opinion of this meet-
■ing tho members of Congress who at tho Inst
session sustained the cause of justico. human
ity and patriotism, in opposing the introduc
tion of slavery Into tho State then endeavored
tifbo formed out of tho Missouri territory, nre
entitled to the warmest thanks of every friend
of humanity."
..- With these resolutions before us. wo arc not
tat all surprised that Mr. Buchanan Is (as a
democratic friend expresses it,)‘'rather ton
dor footed ” upon tho totality and finality of
tho - Compromise scttlcpiont. But what Is
.jnost omuslng and extraordinary, Is the (het
that so many fire-eaters are ready to devour
him as the Northern man with Southern pfjn
clples. Wo hope they may not find In liitn
- another Martin Van Burcn, who will stick In
i .their throats.
|3TIn reply to our worthy Chattooga cor.
respondent, wo will say, that so far as we are
; .Informed, tho Southern Rights movement at
’"Mlliodgcville In December last did not in the
'slightest degree affect tho harmony and integ-
; rity of tho Union ranks. On tho contrary, wo
<• bellovo that mournful farco disgusted many
"of the Southern Rights men themselves.
t For the Courier.
It has been said that -‘ men are but chlld-
lndccd a ludicrous con
ception. That we, who set out at the very
commencement of our government with ; the
safo doctrino to keep aloof from all interfere
enccs and entangling alliances in tho .affairs of
other nations, arid havo subsequently declared
that the European governments should not
interfere with our affalns here, should now bo
induced by any one to advance tho Idea that
to us it is given" not only to manage things
Wikr Ohio Dc room mess
At a Convention of tho 1 Democratic Party
of Ohio, to select delegates to attend tho Na
tional Democratic Convention at Baltimore,
the following among other resolutions was a-
Resolved, That the people of Ohio how, as
they always have done, look upoh slavery as
hn evil, and unlhvorable to the frill dcvcl
opiuentof the spirit, and practical benefits of
free Institutions; and that entertaining these
hero, but alto to controul tho aflhlrs of all the jntU'hohW; they ''‘HI nt all times focllt to bo
Transatlantic people, Is.urelya chimera « KSBg 1
oxtraragant usurer entered tho erwed Una- ! it*increase to mitigate, and finally, to cratft*
glnailon of Lnmnnchn’s Knight, and that tho ' catotjpi evil.
Magyar should find an audience who will pa- " Intervening eventi" promise to upon very
tlently listen to applaud and sanction such rich and edifying.
wild vagaries of Ihncv. proves such aui^gra to I PanAOoaue.—'-Bill Tomkins,what’s a
possess the weak credulity. If not tho vorystn-1 wldowT"
pldity of tho Knight’s very simple and con
fiding Squire or something fariworeo. That
such men ns Van Burcn, Benton and "Blair,
should attempt to tnfluenco tho populace In
Now-York and other places to join In this lu
dicrous force In order to catch the foreign
votes for Butlor Brsomc other pnppet for Pre
sident to bo controlled by them Is not to ho
wondered at. they, aro only laboring in their
Dili.—'A widder, sir. is a married woman
thathaintgotno husband causo lie's dead."
Pcd.—“ Very well—what’s a wldowor 1"
Bill.—' 1 A wlddcror Is a man what runs ar-
tcr do wlddora and sometimes gals.’ 1
Pcd.—" Exactly, my son; you can now take
yorir scat,"
Last wonns or a man.—A few
weeks ago, wo chronicled tho death of Gen.
-—.Happy Mary.
:The Influenoe.of.a drsryojiAx.frjfnjl,whojM^
home conduct was a beautiful illustration of
the faith that worketh by love,is .tiros describ
ed by an eye-witness. “She moved about the
house like a sunbeam. I heard her singing as
she passed to and fro, and her mother heard
her too, and said, with a fond smile, 'Ills Mary.
8he la always thessine, alwayshappy .1 do not
know what I would do without her-' 'I do
not know what any of, us would do-without
Mary,* reposted hereltfcst daughter, and, the
rest echoed her words, . ...
“Her Youngest brother leof a violent temper,
and is always qusrrelllngjelth somebody; but
he never quarrels with Mary, because she will'
not quarrel with him, but elrivee to turn aside
his anger by gentle words. Even her very
pro,erii-e has an influence over hth£" ' "
vocation. Norts it surprising that they should Tarver, tho wealthiest man In Georgia. He
find such tools ns Walworth, " Boutwoll somo j was moral, benevolent, temperate and unlver-
mllitla Colonels and Majors of Corporations, snlly-cstecmed. Yet Ills last words aro said to
to aid them In exciting a populace to Join In have been as follows:
what to mosl of them Is a mattor of fun and I « Aftornll, I have spent my life t* no Im-
frollc. Nor do wo wonder that such crazy | purp0#0i Inlho pursultofunsubstan-
aholillonlstsas.lhoso who have lately mot In tla , lhlngfl , fI hait to , lvo over again, u
convention In Ohio who aro not only willing ,i, ou id bo devoted to tho etudy of tho Blblo-
to meddle and interfere with tho European to prayor-to preparation for tho lift to como.
affairs, but with tho institutions of tho South- J Thc things of Oil. world will do to live by,
bnt not to dio by."
People who don't believe In purgatory,
may go farther and thro worse.
VS"' Jim. my covcry, toll tho biggest lie
yon over told In your llfo, and I’ll treat to tho
"A lio I I nover told a lie In my llfo.’’
'•Draw the cldor, boy.”
iar a teacher, one day, endeavoring to
make a pull understand the nature and appli
cation of a passive verb, said:
"A paasivo verb Is expressive of tho nature
of receiving an action—as Peter is beaten.—
Npw, what did Peter do 1"
‘Well. I don't know," answered the boy,
:hing else that should
not concern them. But Iftho Hungarian be
lieves that the demonstrations of tho aspirqnts
for office is any thing but heartless, hollow
and hypocritical claptraps to catch votes, or
that there aro any sane persons In the United
States who seriously and honestly wish or In
tend to mcddlo with the affairs of Europe In
such manner as he desires, and shall act un
der such belief, will prove him to ho the most
credulous dupo of tho ago. * Why, to make
such a declaration as be desires, and to mako
it any thing clso than ridiculous bravado,
would require that wo should keep constant
ly on foot a standing army of a million of men,
with the appropriation of five hundred mil-
Komk, Jan.,28,1862.
COTTON-Since our last, the transactions
In our market .have been limited, anA'.the
amount coming In small. Tho last advices
from Europe have aomowhat depressed tho
mnrket, and wo quote extremea to-day at 4 a
0| cents. A choice article wll| bring 7. Tho
embarrassments in sending forward are also
against holders.
Produos Market.
Corn per bushel
Cora Meal per bushel, (scarce).
Butter, country,
Flour, superfine,..... .1.... .'1
Lent. ..... '. I.
.60 0.76
.76 a 80
.18 a 20
Lard,.,, ,s..- a 12k
Pork, pickled,......v..,,,..«10
.-V.i...ft.4l« 6
b »60“ none.'
Cbaulcston, Jan. 24,1862.
COTTON—There was an active demand on
yesterday for Cotton, which resulted in the
sato of 8,700 bales. Holden were free seUen,
at prices ranging from 61 to 8) cents.
Aoousta, Jan. 20,1862.
COTTON—Business has been almost en
tirely suspended to day. Wo could lepra of
very few sales of Cotton, and the prices or
yostorday were barely sustained.
Savannah, Jan. 23,1862.
COTTON—The total sales of the weeks-
mount to 7.700 bales at from 6 to 81 cents.
ho HOME GAZETTE, through tho Erfl
or> untiring efforts to produco a weekly faml
ly paper combining the highest degree of In
terest and Instruction, with an entire freedom
from vulgarity, low slang, profanity, or any
thing that can corrupt or deprave the mind, has
already gained a wide circulation, and won
tho fullest confidence of a virtuous and dis
criminating public. In announcing tho ’ros-
pcctus, for 1852, the publishers have llttlo to
say beyond ivhat has already been said. They
have given to
entire control of tho paper. Not a lino goes
In without his supervision; and ho Is there-
foro.resiMinsibie for all thnt nppears therein.
So that just tho same confidence leit in him
by the public as a sound and .safe moral teach
er, lnoy bo felt In Ills “Home Gazette,"-which
Is emphatically a supporter of Religion and
Virtue, and the conservator of good morals and
social well-being,
In tho original Literary Department, no
magazine In the country Is bettor sustained
than tho • Homo Gazette. Besides d regular se
ries of at tides from many of the best writers In
tho country, nearly all the Editor writes will
appear first in the “Home Rosette."
In ordor to keep the columns of our paper
lorfictly free from all that may injure cltiior
iody or mind, ail Medical Advertis.ments will
be excluded; and also, all advertisements of
bad books, or any thing that can do harm.
Tho Homo Gazette is printed on white pa
per, ')lth largo clear typo.
Terms of Arthur's Home OaSelte.
One copy, per annum, - - • 82 00
Three copies, " .... 6 00
Six " « - ... 10 00
Ten " " 16 00
Fourteen. “ - . - . 20 00
Arthur’s Homo Gazotto and Oodcy’s Lady’s
Book, ono year, Four Dollars.
Where a club of six, ten or fourteen copies
aro sent, an extra copy will bo ftirnishiKt to
tho postmaster, or other persofi, who makes
UD tho dub.
Address, post-paid,
No. 107 Walnut Stroot, Phil.
Rkbei without Wlars.
An Original Nouvcllctte by T. S. Arthur,
will bo commenced with tho New Year In tho
Homo Gazette. The title of this story suffi
ciently Indicates the Important lesson the au
thnr proposes to teach,
lions of dollars allot tho entire disposal and pacing n moment, with the gravest counte.
under tho entire control of tho President, glv- j nanco Imaginable, “without ho hollered.”
ing hint in contravention of tho constitution ! flu?" Rho pnosont length of tho railways of
the entire war making power. Can ho bo oth-' different counties whnuld exactly encircle the
■r tl>nn a madman who believes this will be globe I
done 1 And yet such Is tho unprincipled j Th® Courts in California-
means Which aspirants may resort to it may Thomas C. Humbly, Esq. formerly of
be possible, nay I think tho exhibitions al-, York, Pn. but now n resident of California,
ready made render it probable, that a doc- ; innlettertoihecdltorortheYorkRepublican
trine so urtcrly at war with common sense,! speaking of a professional visit to the town
. ..Jen pf a larger growth." The truth of the
remark, has been strikingly Illustrated in most
. of the receptions and banquets given to Ivos-
._ suth—In the speeches mado thereat by him,
and the repllos tothoso spooclics. It has been
~- thought that if Jonathan lias a weak [mint in
! his character (mid some believe ho has several)
v tho emo most conspicuous is his vanity and
* consequent love of being flattered. This be-
' ing the case, and os he Is quite liberal In his
nature, and scrupulously holds to the adoge,
j.that "ono good turn deserves another,’’-and
r:also holds it a point of honor, not to bo out-
■* done In any thing, hols sure to useall cndea-
* voreto administer to thoso who gratify his
propensities In that way quite as much lauda-
j tion as thoy bostow upon him. It would seem
that the Hungarian was aware ol this before
his arrival on our shores; honco, after being
disappointed ofan opportunity of trying his
hand on the French gascons, he at once turn
ed his attention to John Bull, who he know
Jonathan was somewhat vain In recognizing ns
Jiis'anccstor, and fortunately finding as a so-
. journor with John Bull, an cx-sccrotary of the
" Atrcasnry.ohd some other djgnl.tarlcj front the
* land of Jonathan, and knowing John was not
I'- ‘much disinclined to'licar himself praised a Ut
rillo, and especially Wlion such praises wore in
i'' itersperscd with some invectives against Rus
sia, which for certain good reasons of policy,
dim has long viewed with a jealous eye, he
iwith began to laud John and all Anglo
:nn blood for all tho mighty things thoy
performed, and especially for tho glory of
>v|ng,produced such a wondrous offspring os
-Jonathan. Having thus prepared Jonathan
la advance to expoct a full measure of flatte
ry so gratifying to his vanity, he In due time
arrives at New York, where tho game or" you
tickle mo and I'll tickle you," is sot about in
earnest, and Is still being carried on in
irlous quarters of this hind of Jonathan.—
io three might bo amusing, wore It not that
being ridiculous, makes it disgusting.—
How niust"It appear to the “sober second
jilt" ofall dispassionate observers, that
•n Individual, who it must be udndttcd has
shown himself to bo In possession of great
powers of Rhetoric,and of considerable adroit
ness in moving the masses, and by somo con
sidered When great statesman, should'linvo
lived the idea that tlio government of tho
lilted States or thcpeople, could be induced
the declaration he Insists upon, and
pledge ho requires, namely, thnt nufl-
all other people should at all times
■ ' ’what ho calls " (hlrplay” in
itions as they may
o' i^ytbHsU-
will be attempted to be made an dement’ In
the Presidential canvass now about to ho open
ed. This -.orlodlcal election of a Chief Ex
ecutive Magistrate is like the fal'lcd Pando
ra's linx filled with all manner of evils; but
unlike it in this that I much fear It is without
any well founded hopo '.' at tlio bottom.'.’—
From tills fatal error in our organic laws, ari
ses all the evils that beset us. These evils
grown and thickenedcd upon us, until
linvo become, and are now " thick as nu-
tuninnl leaves thnt strew tho brooks of Val-
lambrosa " an-l arc ofsuch magnitude at pre
sent Ins that the most sanguine may well (bar,
thnt the fato which has befallen all other na
tions who have tried a like experiment, will
become our flitc at no very distant day. Let
not tho circumstance of our having withstood
tho dangers attendant upon this periodical el
ection of a Chief Magistrate for a considera
ble time deceive ns Into tho belief that wo
shall continue to da so had we remained such
a people as were thoso who framed this gov
ernment wo might have dono it; hut wo are
not. and ho Is but a poor observer “ of tho
signs of tho times, who does not see reasons
to apprehend imlnent dangers to arlso from
this source. For one, I believo that Intrigno,
corruption and inordinate thirst for office and
power, havo grown, and aro now growing so
rapidly, that wo may not expect much longer
to continue such elections and retain our lib
erties and continue a united people. Bonus
other mode muit ho adopted or wo must bo
ruined. I protend not to dictate as to what
wonhl bo the best method of creating a Chief
Magistrate, bnt have no hesitancy In believ
ing that periodical elections at short intervals
is the worst that could bo deviled.
For the Courier.
Mn. EniToa—
I was highly gratified in perusing the last
number of your paper, to nottco yoitr posi
tion nnd views upon tho subject of the Balti
more Convention. Tho suggestion- of (lie
Mncon Mcssengor nro too degrading to dc-.
servo tlic least respect. As nn old Union Do.
inocrat of '82 nnd '62—ns a native Georgian
With a Southern heart I -enter my yo’iemn
protest ngnlnst going Into alliance's with frcc-
soil whigs or democrats.
A Coup D'Etat.—Tlds <crm having como
into gei oral uso ns tho only one which can bo
applied to tho late movements of Louis Na-
iroleon in France, mnnv persons Inquire wlint
is its precise meaning. Literaily, it mnnnsa
stroke of Stole, but that, according to an able
French lexicographer, it is a measure which,
though useful to till) Stato, Is contrary to the
rules of lmmhnity nnd justice—in brief, a
measure of violenco, or an arbitrary measure.
Tho Yorkvillo (8. €.) Remedy says, that a
company of twenty young men. and the like
number of negroes, from Burko and Catawba
codntios, N. C., passed through there a f jw
days ago, cn route for California.
Tin: Alabama fiivnns.—At last accounts
tlio Blgbeo was falling with a rapidity seldom
equalled. Reports fr om tho Warrior glvo un
favorable anticipations as to its navigation.
Up- The following lines, writton'on the en
velope of nn unpaid letter, which passed
through tho Portland postofllco the other day,
may servo as a hint to correspondents to pay
thofr postage, on tho score of economy:
“ Tho post an extra gats has mado
Because your last was not prepaid;
Tho same is true with this reply—
Yju'vc lost tico cents, and so have
55?" Tho Montgomery Journal says that
the meeting in that city to appoint delegates
to the democratic convention was composed
of from ten to fifteen persons. It Appointed
fifty delegates. This tho Journal thinks is
not so good ns tho meeting of twenty-one In
this city which appointed twenty-five dele
gates.—Mobile Tribune.
|3P*In the prlbtlong-ofllcoof tho Harper
nro eiffyloycd over foiir hundred ‘'hands,''
mon* pf tlleitt yobng girls,
jar Alcohol ivds first invented and used to
stain too cheeks of the ladles of Arabia—'J50
'ears ago. it Kill redden portlons of ,thp Uu-
Jaek-on- in Calaveras county, says:
Two courts were in session, the eounty
nnd tho district courts. My ease was in
tho enumy court, before Judge Smith, and
was disposed ol at, I believe, the very table
on which Collyer, the eounty clerk, died who
was sliot by this same Judge Smith, a lew
weeks ngo, perhaps very cxouiably too.—
The counsel apposed to me, Gen Andirson,
a fine looking old gentleman was armed
with a huge Bowio knife, that hung like n
brand sword by his side, and I was perhaps
the only unarmed man In the body.
The Judge hnd Ills Colt revolvers buckled
on—the sped tors hnd theirs—the grand
jury, fee. nnd as I sajd, the sheriff and bis
assistants theirs. In fnot Colt's revolvers nnd
raw brnndv nre n part or every day's
dress. The county court was held in the
ale'rk’s office, ns the district court occupied
the court-house' The latter wns Unlit o*
posts set in the ground—no windows—tho
collar benins a few inohes higher than my
heed one end of tho house entirely open, and
no floor hut the enrth which wns trampled
into n deep dust) ezoept four or five board
or the Judge to sit on-
The building wns nboutSt feet long nnd
nbout 6wide. Yet intbisslmple building
tlio most perfect order reigned. Every thing
ranspired with dignity, and the law looked
ns much, if not more majestic, than in brick
nnd mortar w-tli grnmite pillirs lu front.'
Rail Road Mooting.
Rosin, Ga., Jan. 21,1852.
At a meeting of the Corporators named in
tho Bill incorporating "THo Cherokee Rail
Road Company," heid this day nt tho Rome
Rail Road Depot, the Hon. Jo|m II. Lumpkin
was called to tho-Cliairniid John R. Alexan
der. E-g;, rcqtii.-kled'to'nci as Secretary. '
Tile Chairman : Uted the' object of the
meeting to be to accept a Charter “ranted by
the Legislature of tills State-til its recent
session for tlio purpose of building ft Rail
Hoad front Rome through Cedar Valley to
the H'.ie, in tb.c, direction of Jacksonville, Ala.,
and to inko such stops as may be noccssary
for the organization of a ■ ompany.
On motion of Mr Alfred Shorter, it wan
Resolved, That tho Corporators named in
tho net, will nnd do hereby accept tho charter
granted to them upon tho terms and condi-.
lions therein specified.
On motion of Col. IV. 8. Cothran, It was
Resolved, That a committee of five persons
residing In the county of Polk, nnd a (iko
committee of fivo persons residing in the
county of Floyd, bo appointed to opon Books
and solicit subscriptions for Stock in said
Rail Road Company In shares of ono hundred
'dollars each, aecordlng.tq the provisions of
tiEOKtlll, Ft*y4 <MMy.
To all whom it play concern.
Larkin Barnett, on the first Monday in March
next, to the person and property of Cherokee
B. Talbot, omhan of James .Talbot,,deceas
ed, unless sulHclentcatue to the contrary ho
shown, on or before that time, Wformi of thi
Law. Given under my hand and official si,
nature, at office, this 27tlt January. 1862.
GEORGIA', Floyd ootraty,
W UERFAS, William L. Funderburk ap-
pllea to mo for Lotten'of 'Administra
tion on the estate of John Funderburk, late
of said county, deceased— i. •
These, aro therefore, to cite and admonish
all and singular tho kindred and creditors of
said deceased to be sod appear at my office
within the time prescribed by law, to show
oaUMi lOjnjrexlsts, why ssld Loiters should
Given under my hand and official signature
at office, this 18th day of January, 1862.
JESSE LAMBERfH, o. o. o.
Council Chamber, Jan, 23. 1162.
O RDEBED, That all persons having claims,
prior to tho 20th Inst, against the City
Council of Rome, be requested to present
them to the Mayor as .osrly as convenient;
and that this order bo published In both tho
City papers for one month.
True extract from the Minutes.
AKTMIR'H HIMIE GAZETTE, FOR 186*. rilRpm. H'ultt,
Thu HOME GAZETTE, through tho Edit- J.
TtST Received,—A fresh supply of t
or family flour, from the Eaglo, nnd E
Mins, for sain, low for cosh, at
PHILLIPS & CO'S Family-Grocery-Storc.
Romo. Jan. lfi. 1862.
fTIIIE exercises of this Institution vht com-
JL menco on Monday the 1st of Fobruary.
The scholastic year will comprise two torma,
each of five months. Tultlon'os follows, viz:
TTTILL plvsso taitii notice, .tjiat, Letter* of For Orthography, Reading and Writing,
W Guardianship, will be Kfanfod. unto y^Stle,Geography,EngllshOramV °°
mar, Composition, with doclaraatlon,
nnd Travelling hags, a
imuiiihictureis’ prices, by
Marietta, Ga.
rrvilE second Session of this InstlMfjn cora-
1 indices on Monday, the 12fn or July,
Tho Institution Is organized upon tlio usual
iilan of four Collegiate Olusses. Tho follow
ing is n synopsis of tho course of atudlea of
each class. * _
Fourth Class.
Arithmetic, Algebra, Geometry, EngHsh
Grammar, Geography, Composition and De-
clamatlon. French.
Third Clan,
Trigonometry, Mensuration. Surveying, Do-
scrlptfvc Geometry and Its applications Ann-
S I Geometry, French, Drawing, Compo-
, Rhetoric, Ilis’ory.
getouh Clan.
Difibrontlnl nnd Integra.’ Calculus, Natural
and Experimental Philosophy, Astronomy,
Chemistry, Drawing, Evidences of Christian
ity, Moral nnd Mental Philosophy.
‘ First Clan.
Natural History. Mineralogy, Oeology nnd
Phylosophy, Political Economy, Law of Na
tions, Civil nnd Military Engineering, and
Civil Architecture, Infontry Tactics, Scleuco
and Practice of Artillery.
No Cadet will ho admitted who Is less than
fuurtccn or more than twenty-flvo years of age;
or who is afflicted with any disease or infirm
ity which would render him unfit for military
The Cadets will bo occupied nbont ono
hour nnd n half each day In militant exer
cises; but at. such times as not to interfere with
their rrpular studies.
Tho Course qf instruction, regulations a id
discipline of the Institution have been pub
lished in pamphlet form and will ho forward
ed to any person desiring more minute Infor
mation, by thoir addressing tho Superintend
ent, Mqj. A. V. DrumM^
Each Cadet as soon ho is admitted, and be
fore lie Is permitted to join hluclass, In tho re
citation rooms, must pay ovor to tlio Super
intendent the sum of S100. for which a re
ceipt shall bo given him in full for tuition,
board, washing fuel, lights, field music, and
all other contingent expenses, for one ses
sion or rivE months, and for each succeed
ing session. 8100 in advance.
Cadots from a distance must provldo thoir
bedding and room ftirnltura. There articles
edn bo purchased In Marietta upon reasona
ble terms.
By order of the Board of Trustees.
Jan, 10—6m Pres. Board Trustees.
Mrs. J. 1H. Butts Radish Branches.
Prof. JOHNR. SEALS, Piano; Onita
Harp. Flute and V#»_
T HE next session of tills Institution mil
commence the 2d Monday In January,
Students chargeable from the time of entering
at tlio following rotes:
Board, Washing, Lights and Tuition, *126
per annum.
Pupils boarding at other places, -ttli Class 20
“ “ 3d “ SO
Junior and Senior Classes, 40
Lessons in music and use of Instruments, 46
The French, and Latin and Gieek Languag
es arc efficiently taught as well as the usual
branches of a Collegiate course.
Cedar Town, Ga., Dec. 16th U6I.
no ll-2m.
O ILS, Tailuw Grease, iM oth Rjierai
FaRR—1180 Barrels Machinery Oil. Prise
76 cents per gstlon; 2600 gallons do. fr, tasks
of various sixes, do ; 10U barrels boiled Paint
Oil, 66 cents gallon; 60i'# ip Dons do. in casks
ofvnrioussizei, do.; J50 bsirels Tni ners Off,
various kinds ami qualities, fron SO tool cn.
per gallon ; 1600 gallons in casks of various
n.'zes; v-riouskinds and qualities, from 3. to
5(1 coats per gallon; 60 tons Tallow Grease, for
heavy hearings, nnd eoarae machinery, in bar
rels or disks, of any cnneisieney required :
price 6 cents per Ih.i 160 tons Ohio Mineral'
Palms, In barrels, nt the fowesl marker prib>.
Machinery Oil, warranted not to efiiil in me
coldest weniher,and perfered by those using
it to Sperm Oil. Boiled Palm Oil oilier ihsn
lor white. I nrn constantly receiving largo
supplies of the above limned articles, and my
motto it," Small profits and quick returns,"
60 Ivnur Street, (under the Pesl at. Ileus
NiwYokk, Dec. ‘8,[New Varlct.lT
'1T7‘ILL leave tlio Rome Depot from and af-
Vv this dato, at 8 o’clock, A. M., daily, cx-
cxccpt Sundays, and arrive at Kingston Vi o’
clock, connect witli both trains on tho State
Road. IV. B. TERI1UNE Supt. Trans.
per term, 10 00
For History, Natural, Mental and Moral
• Philosophy. Rhetoric, Chemistry, with
Composition and declamation per term,12 00
For Mathematics, Latin, and Greek, with
Composition and declamation, per
torm, 16 00
Strict attention paid to small children. Pu
pils chargod from timo of entrance | deduction
mado only In core of protraotod slcknosa.
Tuition payable at tho expiration or each
term. J. 0. McDANIEL,
Jan. 14,1862. W. E, COLLIER.
A dmluIstratov's Bale.—Agreeably to nn
** order ol Ills honorable tho Inferior
Court of Floyd eounty, when silting lor or
dinary purposes, will be sold at tho court
house door In said coun'y, on the first Tues
day in February next, the following property
benefit of the heirs nnd oreditors. Terms
niude known on the day of sale.
B. H. LAM KIN, Adm'r.
Nov. 8, 1S.1I.
the act of incorporation.
On motion of Mqj. IVm. West, it was
Resolved, That when said committees shall
hare procured subscriptions for stock to an
.amount sufficient in their judgment to author
ise tho organization of the Company, that
thoy bo requested to call a meeting of tho
stockholders at some' convenient time and
plnco, for tho purpose of electing from their
own body, a Board of Directora to manage
tho affairs of the said Company.
On motion of Air. Clark, it waa
Further resolved, That In Bald election for
Directora, those entitled should have' the
right to vote by proxy If thoy were not pres
The Secretary was directed to correspond
with the President of the Selma Ball Road
Compapy, and tho citizens of Jacksonville
and Benton county, Ala., upon the subject of
building tho Road from the State line to
Jacksunvillo, and such other subjects os were
connected with the interests of the Company,
It was ordurod that tho proceedings Pf the
meeting he published In tho Bohie newspa
pers, and the newspapers of ‘Jacksonville,
Tli'e Committee appointed td procure stock
subscriptions for tbo county of Polk, are l
Muj. IVm. West Wm. Peek, William Janes,
William F. Gibson, and Dr. W. H: C: P-yor.
For the county of Floyd. Hon. J. H. Lump
kin, Alfred Shorter, 0. M. Pennington, Wil
liam Clark and Johb B. Alexander.
John h lumpkin, Cb-n.
L. A. ALUI, Airtloneer.
WILL bo sold at Public Auction', on Satur
day night 81it January, and on Tuesday 2d
February, at 10 o'clock, A. M,-at tho
New York Store,
A very large lot ofMiyGoods. Ready Made
Clothing Hate, Caps, Boots Shoes, dec., dec.
Terms, Cash. . :f;
" Flayd OherM’i Sslri for harsh.
W ILL be sold on tho first Tuesday in March
next, before tho Court Utilise door In the
City uf Btinte, within tlm legal hours of sale
tho following property to wit;
i ighty acres of being tho South
half of Lot No 30_ in tho 2111) district and 3d
section; levied.on as the property ofWm. H,
Culpepper, to satisfy two fl. fas. loaned from
bi- ’ f Con»tn-
Jan. 28. • T. G. WATTERS, Sh’ff. ■
At the same time andftace.
F. M. Coo)icr’s Interest In'arid to Lot of
Land No. 77, In tho22a d It trial and 3d sec
tion; levied on as the property- of F. M. Coop
er to satisfy a fi. fa. issued frqm a Justices
Court of Madison county Inlkvbrof E.Hsrdo-
man vs. Francis M. Cooper. Levy mado and
returned to me by a Constable:
Jnn. 29, T. 8. PRICE- D. Sh’ff.
r PHE undersigned exiioctlng to Icavo Romo
I lit February, respectfttlly Invite all those
indebted to them cn note or book, to call and
)iay up. Oh 1st February all our notes and
accounts will be placed in the hands ofan
Attorney for collection.
Jan. 22.1862. DENNIS &.HUNT.
A LL persons indebted to mo by nnto i
account, aro hereby respectfully Inforra-
account, are hereby
ed that necessity compels mo to colloct what
is due nu> in tbeahortest manner, passible. I
very respectfully solicit from'alfniy debtors,
a settlement before next-return day for. Jus
tice Court, or I shall certainly have a bill of
costa added to their dues- Those Indebted to
me for the years 1849 and 1860 will bo shown
. . ' n t ntinrim
A LARGE and valuable MULE will bo
sold at Auction on Sale day in Feb
ruary. L. A. ALLEN, Auctioneer.
Jan. 16.1862.
FTMIE subscriber offers for sale, tho plnco at
X which ho now resides. It Is within two
mllos or less of tlio city of Rome, and con
tains forty ncrosrien of which nro cleared and
in cultivation. The remainder Is woll timber
ed, dwelling house, kltelieq, garden, stable, a
well at a convenient dlstanca from the houso.
A most agreeable location and'os healthy os
any In tho ontiro country.
Terms low for cash. J. 0. McDANIEL.
January 2.1862.
■rage Inre Eaterarlse,
A Boatkera Family Jsnrasl,
T HE "Homo Gazetto,” Is published week
ly In Augusta, Ga., by Robert A. Whyte,
Editor and Proprietor,at tho low rate of 82 00
per annum, in a.ivanco. It is a Journal of
tho larger size, printed on lieautlftil paper
with clear type, and presents as fine an ap-
pcarandu ss any of the boasted Northern
The "Home Gazette” Is devoted to Litera
ture, Art. Bcionco, Education, Goncral Intel
ligence and Southern Intoro-ts, and Is ueutral
In politics and religion. To thoso who de
sire a paper for the Fireside and tho Homo
Circle, the Gazette is offered with every as
surance on tho part of tho Editor, of a act''-,
mlnatlon to afford satisfaction to his • *‘‘
Ho earnestly appeals to the tv; ', -If ™",.
.{font •«>» tf’ 0 bellof that they will
auora it , n0 | r prompt and generons assistance.
Augusta. Ga.. Jaa. 6 186-2. '
no favors.
Jan. 22,1862.
norship under the style of Nbbet R M*J
for the purpose of conducting the business of
ture of Machinery in. all its branchqp, They
will be prepared, on and after the 1st of Jan.
tutry, to execute all orders In thoir llhe with
despatch and in a style equal to any work
done In the 8outh. Having an abundance of
means, no'palns or expense will be spared to
give satisfaction to their customers. They
have on band a One assortment of patterns of
Steam Engines, Mill Gearing 01 various sizes,
and other patterns usual in their line. The
publie are invited to give usaeall.
Macon, Jan. 22,1862. 0. P. LEVY.
FpHE Copartnership heriSSfort' existing he
x’ 'tween Alfred B. ConllCrand Wm.E Coir.
Her, Is this day dissolved bjr 'mutual-consent.
Jan. 16,1862- A.-B- COULTER,
"a*OriWIritS!onthe’wfiOtb:District, G.
M. Tolls before mo.-J, L. MoArver, a
Justice of the Pcaoo in snd for said, County,
two Fillies, ono abont threo years Old, both
other about two yeara old. appraised at twen
ty-five dollars, both ap
Barkor and Green Cm-,.. . # - .
of said county, thlsfi4d*^^f^»^» 1 Yj l|
A tjito^urtr*ct frorit tie Bitray thb
By;.fr«ep|t 0. than the one to whom it was oth,
larker arid Green Vnalnghaitt,' free holders ed as I believe. Wlshlhg to obi
D ISSOLUTION. —The cninrtnurahtp hereto.
fore existing between Dra. Jones & Ran
som, was dissolved by mutual consent on thu
9th of October last. Thoso Indebted to said
firm would do well to come forward and make
Immediate payment, or they will find their
accounts in the hands of tiro proper officer for
collodion; also those indebted to Dr. Jones
individually trill please notice the above as
applicable to their own cases. Bo ye also
ready, for the day ofatbatid.
Romo, Ga., Jannary 6.1862. "'t?"
T HE upper portion of tho House on Broad
street, occupied by 3:3. Cohen. Itcon-
talns four rooms, is situated, in tho business
part of tho city, and would make a very com
fortable dwelling for a family. Apply to
Jan. 2,1862. J. W, BRADBURY,
X have oiicnod in thin Chy, one door lie-
low N. J. Ombcrg's Clothing Store, at PRI
VATE HOSPITAL for tho treatrilRit of
Surgical and Chronic diseases—whether of
negroes or white persons. In sricli nn estab
lishment the expenses of patients are much
less than under ordinary treatment, and tho
chances of cure materially increased.
Rome Jan. 9. 1862. ly
Romo, Georgia.
iron,, ro I Ool.N.L.HuTcniNs, Lawrenccville,
Refor to j Hon Hine , HouTi Columbus, Ga.
Dec. 20,1861.
TU8T received at Battey’s Drug Store, di
al rcct from tho eolobrated Gardens of J. M.
Thorbum Sc Co., Astoria, Long Island. Our
seed this year are put up In papers ot double
the old slzq, at tho came very tow price, and
will bo warranted to produce more healthy
plants, for tho money Invested, than any
other seed sold In this market. A trial Is only
Onlon^ets and buttonsfbeans and peas sold
by tho quart. Cabbage, boot, radish, turnip,
cucumber and squash seeds by tho ounce, for
those who buy in quantity.
Merchants supplied at Charleston prices
without extra charge for freight.
N. B. We have made many valuable addi
tions to our former extonslvo list of varieties,
among which will be found a full stock of the
Seeds of Garden Herbs.
January 2, 1062. '
H AVING bought tho Lot of Land No.
AD, 22d district and 2d section, lying In
Cass eounty, drawn from tho 8tato of Georgia
by the orphans of Simpson Fulton, of Cowe
ta eounty, I have .ascertained that the plot
and grant were taken ottl of the Secretory of
Stttcifoffleo In 1847, by some _ person olhej
and grant, I afn Induced to offer the above
reward for its prtssesslon. Ariy one possessing
information of It, will communicate, with mo,
MthfopMOO. _ J B. ROLAND.
'M- ‘
FalyG BkerHTi Sales far Febraary.
W ILL be sold on the first Tuesday in Feb
ruary next, before the court house door
in the city of Rome, between the legal hoars
of sale, the following property, to wit:
Lot of Land No. 82, In the third diet, and
fourth section—levied upon ss tho property
of John 0. Coleman, to satisfy a fl. fa. from a
justice's court, In Ihvor of John C. Harris, bear
er, vs. John C. Coloriian.
Postponed Sales.
Lot No. 24V, in the 24th district and 3d sec
tion, and Lot.number not known, whereon 'he
said John Cox now lives; levied on to satisfy
a fi fa from Floyd Superior Court In favor of
James M. Gordin vs John Cox and John W.
The undivided third part qf Lot No. 11, In
the 4lh district and 4lh section; levied on ns the
property of Beverly Donlel to satisfy two fi.
fas from a Justices Court in flivor of Bradley
Thomas vs Beverly Dnnlel.
At the same time and place.
Ono Cow nnd yearling Calf and a part of
tho running geer of jt four horso wngtm—Le
vied upon as tho property of Gcorgo W. Ful-
lor to satisfy a H fa from Floyd Supt-rior'Court
In flivor of Sarah M. J. Moore and John L.
Trammell vs Gcorgo W Fuller nnd Jnbus
Floyd.^ rroperty pointed out by ono of tho
* Also, 23 Law Books, ono arm chair and ono
small trunk and contents—Levied upon os the
property of James P Perkins, to satisfy a fl
fit from Floyd Superior Court. In favor of
John C McDaniel vs James P Pbrkins. Pro
perty pointed ont by plaintiff's ntt’y.
Also, one hundred and. ten a; r o3 of Land,
i -8 ip . tho 24th district
? n<1 1 'Jjy section—I.--, |C g u ,,o n ns tlio proper-
v ® f f "Jkt* I ':;,tvn to satisfy 2 fl fas in flivor
or hob--,, J. King vs Elislin Brown and Joel
.Vuninct security on stay df Execution. Pro
perty pointed ont by the defendant levy
tnnd'o and returned to me by a constable.
Also, ono hundred and ten acres of Land,
bolng a part of Lot No 28 in tho 24th district
nnd third section—Levied upon ss tho prop
erty of Daniel Cnlpopportb satisfy 2 fi fits In
Ihvor nr Peck & Mayes vs Dbnibl Culpepper
nnd Wm. n. Culpepper security on stay of
Execution! Property pointed out by plaintiff
Levy mndo and returned to mo by n constable.
Jan 2. 1851.
1 AA BAGS prime Rio Sc Lnguira Coffee,
1UU 16 lids. Muscovado and St. Croix
10 Hhds. New Orleans Sugar,
20 Sacks superior Family Flour.
20 Bbls. Mackerel, Nos. 1, 2 and 3,
Fresh Raisins boxes nnd half boxes for sale
low by W. E. ALEXANDER Sc Co.
Deo. 12,1851.
fTNIIE undersigned have just o;icncd, oppo-
X site tho Post-Office in tho house former
ly occupied by Dr. Dickerson, a largo and
well soloctcdstockof Drugs Medicines Chem
icals. Surgical Instruments. Paints, Oils. Dye-
Stnffs, Varnishes. Putty. Sash Glass. (French
and American) of almost any size, Brushes of
every kind, Spices. Perfumery, Fancy Soaps,.
Adamanttno and Sperm Caudles. Pearl Starch,
Burning Fluid. Physician's offico Furniture,
Stationary, Scotch. 'Mncaboy nnd Rappee
Snuflli, Fine Chewing Tobacco, and almost
overy other artlcio usually kept In such es
tablishments. All warranted to bo fresh and.
genuine, and for salo wholesnlo nnd retail.
Romo, Deo. 12,1851. 8m
’VTotlcc.—Tlie Copartnership existing he-
!> n-lnlbre between Ell 5s W. C. Denson
Imving been dissolved by mutual consent,
ilia business will bo continued nt lha old
Stand, by \V. C. Denson, who will seal the
business ol tiro Firm: ELI DENSON.
Rome. Oct. 23, 1851.
CJHAWLI—Bay Stnte and Empire State
IO Long Slmwls, nt low rates, nt tho
TJtROSI tlio houso of a friend on
-T tho 6()i lost. In Chattooga countv
Ga- a small bay maro about eight
or nine years old) said nag Is woll built and
paces mostly when travelling; has a small'
lump on her back caused by tlio saddle, and
somo collar marks on tlio shoulders; both eyes
good, nnd without shoos. Sho has recently
boon brought'from Hamilton county, Tennes
see, nnd wl)l llkoly ranko her way back.—
Any information In relation to said nag com
municated to mo at Romo. Ga.. will lie very
thankfully received, besides satisfaction for-
trouble. R. J. JOHNSON.
Doc. 12,1851.
MRS. GIBSON informs her patrons
and tho public generally, that the fifth
Term of her school will commence on-
tho Third Monday in January. As
sho intends having a select and limited num
ber of pupils, early application Is rcspectftilly.
Dec. 20 1851.
f^EORGIA, Cerdes Ceeuty.-Whcreos E.
VJ P. Howell applies to mo for Letters of
Administration on tho Estate of Ptifflp Mein--
tiro late of said county, deecssoif..
Theso nro therefore to etto nnd admonish ell"'
anT singular the kindred nnd’ creditors said
dcceashrt. to bo and appear at my office with'
In. the timo proscribed' by lMv to show causo,
if any exist wttr said'lbttore should not bo
granted. Given under my linnd and official
signature, this T4tN Dec. 1851-
Deo, 20.. W. M. PEEPLES" c. c. rt.
T he SteiHtoat Company 6c*ryU
Run the following Steamer*. n« nbnve js
1)AYIDL. ADAMS, (Iron) TI10S. S. MET
Wlileh.-witli tow-boats nnd lighters, nfford.
unequalled or fnoifties of' transportation of
freight to the Interior of Georgia, South Ca
rolina; Tennessee nmi Alabama, in connee*
tlon'wlth tlie-Rnil Hoads.
The elegant steain-pnckef D. L. Ansfts
will- connect Willi tho slemusjiips Florida
nmt Alabama—landing ftelglAr them In 5
days from New York to AsigaJnK
Freight, (now taken at reduced rdlos,)
will be'forwnrded free of commission.
t)if-In order to prevent detention or tnitrSfr
riage, billrol lading should ho addressed to
SAM’E. M .PONT), Pieiidct, Suvaanaht
Mcrclmndfso from tho interior to
JOllN A. MOORE, Agent Augusta-,
Jnnn 20. 1611. '
gl’ERM nnd Star Candles for rale riy
Feb 20
1~\RAYUG AND BOATING.—The underaign-
iJ ed respectfolly informs the citizens ol
Romeitnd its vicinity, thnt they hove entered
into Co nrtnrrshipfortlie purpo-c of boating
nnddrnyiug They hold themselves in readi
ness to have Produce, Merchandize, fee.,
conveyed to any part of trie City or Country,
nnd in furnish from their woodynril on the
Oostnnnala River, uny quantity of good oak
and hickory wood. They have excellent
tennis,and will be thankful for the patronage
of their friends nnd thu public.
Jnn 30.1851. JOHN H. WISDOM.
QTEAH HILL.—The Honiewood.Stenni Mill
kJ three miles from Rome, on the Ciilhoun
Road is in operation, and the subscriber will
receive corn on toll, and -otlon at the usual
rates of toll. JOHN HUME.
Rope and Bagging furnished if reqasled
M STERN, R CO., Next door below Suli-
• ton, Cohot <p Cot Respectfully an
nounce to thu oltlzeiis of Rome nnd the sur
rounding country, that thoy have just return
ed Ironn th« Northern Markets with the lar
gest stock of good-uver brought to ibis place.
Consisting of al' kinds of Rendy-made cloth
ing ; hats, Caps, boots and shoes; trunks,
carpet bags, F mey Goods nnd Jewelry, nnd
every oilier nrtlcle Usually kept in Dry Goods
Storrcs, together with many extras too nu
merous to .mehtlon. Cull and examine be.
fore making your purchases, lest you lose a
Rome,(October 17,1851,
S TOVES.—The undersigned have on hand a
good aasortment of Cooking Stoves, smohg
which 'here Is one very large size, suitable for
Tavern um; also a few Parlor Stoves, which are
offered very low.
Nov. 28.
F actory Yarns.—White and Striped 0SI1H-
burghs. for sale by the Bale nt Fa'o'ory
priaea. Merchants are invited to exarii'Aie
the goods
Aug. 01.
F. bi. Allen, Aaent
— ■ Removal. ;
D. 8. JONES, H. D.
i^VFPIOB ntay be found in the lower part of
U teWn, a fow doors above .the Jlilbum
House, where ho may at all times be found
G UARDIAN'S iAtlra^-Agreeably to an order
of J>e Iionornblo the inferior court of
ChattOs’ga eounty, when sitting ns it court of'
ord1nniy,will'bo sold before the Court lldnse
door in tbe town ol Summervlllr, in said
comity, on the first Tuesday In January next,
within tlio legal hours ot kale, the land
whereon It A. Story formerly tesUled; it
being a part of Lots Nos. 90, iWD, 117 nnd
118, i'll in the0th district, nnd 4th section,
t-ontnining 00 neres. more or loss; n1*o, Lot
No 154, in the Oth district ami 4tli fcction}
nito »lrree-fif»/is of Lot No. <54, in the dth
distcict und 4th section. Sold ns thu pro
perty ol K. A. Story. Lunatic, for the l»ei»*
efii of said lunatic. , C. C. CLEGHORN, ffuettd-
"VTOTIOE —Ail person.-, i idebted io the Es
i-N tale of Bryaiit Allen, late of Floyd coun
ty, decensed, nre requested to make imlhedlnle
payment, nnd those having demands againit
said estate, will present them duly nnthehtlcn*
led within the time prescribed by law.
Nov. 23. NANCY It ALLEN.
Qualified Executrix.
/^.EORGIA, Floyd 'County.—Coar/ of Or-
VX dinary. July Therm. 1851.—1‘reseht their
Honors WimiXm Joh'Scm, F. I Sum.ivah
and»« T. Phi t, JiSifiies ofmild Coort.
To all Whom it may Concern.
WhefeSo, Jesse Lm inherit I, Aiihntitstrntornn
(lie Eetsle of JohnRuynolde, late of said conn*
ty, deceased, applies for Letter, of Dismis
sion ftom The AdmirilsTraliOh ttf eaij estate—
Therefore, the kindred and creditor* of said
deceased, are hereby cited und admonished to
file their objection's (if any they have) in my
office, in term* of The Law, otherwise Letters
Pifr.iirsorV will be grnntra the applicant it the
Jnnunry Term. Minutes of the court of Or-
din ary for said crimpy.
By order of the 'Court.
.Jnl'y.7th. l9ll. e ;
"VrOTHEr^hercby given to all persona Iro
debted to me by note or account, that
they irtust make immediate payment, or i
cessiljr will compel me to place them out
collection. Debts that have been due fl
will be sued on, and no mistake.
Dec. 56,1851. R.J.JOB
rn.L.J.FN'k, willc-