Rome courier. (Rome, Ga.) 1849-18??, December 18, 1855, Image 3
STORE 8TASB FOR SALE!! i r offers for sale, bis Plantation miles from Romo on tbo Van has 400 Acres, about 100 There are comfortable " Dwellings place, a good Gin House, fine on the and . v*ch Orchards, good water and other con veniences, in all making it one of the most pleasant p’acein the country. _ , ALSO A STORE HOUSE. This is an excellent Stand for selling Dry Goods and Groceries, it being ten miles from Rome, thirteen miles from V&u Wert, and twelve miles from Cedar Town.not sold before the first of January, this Store u ill be offered to rent, deel I 'm JOHN JOHNSON*. rsr. TTHK ntc.ic WRESMRiMrMt F OR WRITING without pen or ink, copy ing leaves, plants, flowers,pictures, patterns for embroidery, marking Knew Indelibly, ftnd manifold writing. This article i* absolutely the best portable inkstand in the known world, for a small quantity folded and placa.l in tl pocket constitutes a traveling inkstand, whh cannot be broken. No pen Is need. Tor any stick sharpened to a point, writes equally as wall as ihebestgold pen in tlfomrtvbwe. For draw- j iw.iijiimrpcnsable. It is, indeed, the whole art of drawing and painting-in one lesson.— Any leaf, plant, or lower eon bo transferred to the pages of an album, with a adnata and dis tinct resemblance of natora. With equal facility, have received the highest cnloginms from the fair sex: and indeed a more testefitl present for a lady could not be produced. This Magic Paper also murks linen or other articles, so as to remain perfectly indelible.— AH the washing in the world foils to bring it out. Any child can use it with perfoet eo*#.— With this Mngic Paper, likewise one or four copies of every letter written can he secured without any additional labor, whatever, making it the Cheapest and most convenient article ex tant. It is used to great advantage by repor ters of the public press, telegraphic operators and hosts cf others. Bach package contains four different colors black, bine, green and red, with full and printed iastiwetions, tar all tease, and will last sufieieatly to obtain ivo hundred distinct impressions. II Is put np in beaatifaUy -enamelled colored envelopes, with a truthful likeness cf the proprietor attached. Baoh and W|j package warranted. Price—$2 per dosen, or tea for $1. Single Matisd to all parts of the world i of the above price. Address, C.HCBBELL, 161, Broadway, N. T onxioxs or van mss. r ey»e Impression Paper.—We refer to the advertisement, in another ug forth the merits of this pleasing i invention. The cheapness should 1*811 to give it a trial.—{Phil*. Merchant. ‘-It is unsurpassed for neatness, utility and Should meet the »le it riehty d*aerv«.-Tril»»e. •‘Just what the public has Ibog desired, and i itself to every individual of taste it.-—Jour, of Commerce. [decll3m f1 EOKGIA. Chattooga Corner* BFhorsas.Bon- VT j*ca>n Moyers. Adtainistratoron the Estate of John F Gray, deceased. a: ;■lies to ,,w for leave to sell all the real estate of said deceased. Those arc therefore, to cite and admon- fah alt and singular, the kindred and credit ors of said deceased to be and appear at my office within the time prescribed by law, InslMm wpe. M any , tlbi^r have, why snob leave should not be granted unto said ap- m|ip>nt. Given trader my band and official aignatcra. [decllj F A KIRBY, Ordinary BROWVWOOB IXSTTFCTE, SEAR UOUSSS.SA. FAC CLTY. KC HOOTEN.A M ) Principals a I F. C OS, A. HL J Proprietors. — —to he supplied. Tho scholasticyearefffois Institute will begin on the second Wednesday in January next, and •dose on the first Thursday in Oettfoer, with a vacation cf one week, at the expiration of the Spring Term, the last Tbnrrday in June. Superioriodneemeeta are offered to young men desireas of obtaining a foeroagh practical -education and those who wish to enter on ad vanced Class at College. The facilities consist of an extensive ; Mathematical, Chemical, Phiio- ar-i Astronomical Apparatus, a well Otbin^r of Minrrsls, Fossils, Jcc.- AWMtiTiHlIrv. Ac.' rxrnssK*. String term Tuition ::::::: z : ; ; $33 00 ■io do i ? rI, ledgding* washing ;: 75 00 do do Chemistry, {ineld’g chemicals) 15“00 Fall Tom Tuition : .17 00 ^ do do Board i - : t : rift 00 Students are required to fnrmisk their own limits ,sdl»«tU,udio the winter months a small ehnrgc hQaade for fneL Payment is required woe half in advance, and the remainder at the dose of the term. 5 ~ For farther information address HO OXEN A CON, La Grange, Ga. dec!12w IMPROVED HAVANA PLAY LOTTERY. (By authority of the State of Georgia) FORT GAINES ACADEMY LOTTERY 11 I PRIZE TO EVERY 10 TICKETS 1 FOR DKCBMBBR-CLASS TEN WILL BE Drawn December 24, in tbo City of Atlanta, when prises amounting to $30,000 will he distributed according to the following INIMITABLE SCHEME» CAPITAL PRIZE TEN THOUSAND DOL’S SCHEME: 2,000 are 600ato 350 are 110 are Ware 60 are 60 are ^|0are ♦#re 1,000 prises amountina to ONLYTKN THOUSAND NUMBS™, _ , Tickets $5; Halves $2,60j Quarters $1,24 ¥J K ,^ Y 4 HARkIN f' In Staple a SAMUEL SWAN, Agent and Manager, Sjiff "7 Atlanta. On. HAf AHA FLAB LOTTERY. JASPBR COUNTY ACADEMY LOTTERY! (By authority of tho State of Georgia.) MACON, QA. B B UT IF U L SCHEME. $12,000 FOR $61 $30,000 WILL BE DISTRIBUTED AT CON- cert Hall, Macon, Go., December 16, 1865, ac cording to tho following-mmgnifioent and unpro- codootsd Sohemo, under the sworn snporinten- doneo of.Col George M Logan and James A Nia- bit, Esq. CLASS H. CAPITAL $12,000 Dm 16th, 1865. I Prim of $12,000 1 do 3,000 l do 2,000 6 do $500 are 1,000 1$ do 100 are 2,500 75 do 60 are 3,760 130 do 84 are 3,250 18 Approximation prises, 600 261 Prises amounting to $80,000 Only 10,000 Numbers. Tickets $5; Halves $2,50; Quarters $1,24. In this Schome ifyou draw anythingoven the lowest prise it will bo five times tho cost of the Tieket, Prises paya ble in foil without Deduction, and every Prise is drawn at each drawing, and some person must get then}- Orders strictly confidential.— Drawings sent to orders. Registered letters at my risk. Bills on off solvent banks at par. Address JAMES F WINTER, Macon Ga. Office Ron R. R-, l November 20, 1855. J the regular Triweekly afternoon Train will bo discon tinned, [deed] NLA. STOVALL, Sop’t. FARE FOR SALE. . The subscriber oSm for sale < s Lot of Loud containing 3D hull llldawd, weB fenced and under a'kigh state of enfeiratioa. There is a good Orchard on the place, comfortable Dwelling -mad Out Buildings, and two Wella of unfailing r. TuL farm is on the Kingston Road, JJ miles from Rome. For further particulars, npplre f i:c43m} J.H. WISDOM. A SMART active hoy to attend in a store in upper Georgia—and of good family, and who desires to eontinne at tho burin ese. an as wfosiyi of un doubted veracity. Apply by letter to iec4tf . A. B. C., Rome, Ga FOR SALE. _ Boy 8 or 101 ’or particulars enquire m CEL C. 3C8KY * COXPA5V, PBOPP.IETOBS. THE DAILY AHERICAY ORGA.V, every &fr-:rtiOon, (except Snn- i corner of Louisiana avenue and reel, and is delivered to city subscribers fito the carriers) at 6J cents per week. _ Mail subscribers, $1,00 per ► for 6 months, always in advance. mssiinw. ' . .. one insertion twentyfive each additional line, five cents. , half of the above rates. ORGAN every Saturn ay, on tho following • 1 copy 6 months $1 00 5 copies 6 months 5 '00 10 copies 6 months 8 00 BATES or ADVEETISIXC. line for each insertion. f on business connected directed to the«A»er- C^^db.pojgd. >E COLLEGE, OEonciA. this Institution will ary Mtb, 1856, un PIERCE, aTm.’, Professor English and Latin Literature. BASS, A. B., Professor Natural Science. < MOSELEY, A. M., Professor Mathematics. ROE O. TAYLOR, Teacher of Harp, olin. Crayon and Oil Painting. ROBINSON, Piano, Guitar, Singing, *"ater Colors and Penciling. “ABET If. SHERMAN, Principal Department, and Instructress in Embroidery and Wax Flowers, g including Lights, Fuel and Washing in Literary Department, 50 No extra charge for Vocal Music aud the Lan- (Latin and French.) First Thursday in July will be Com mencement Da}-. jes containing particulars may bo lication to any of the Faculty. 5w W. C. BASS Sec'y of Faculty. WOOD & BRO.» TTTOULD moat respectfully Inform their W friends and customers that they have moved abont ten feet into their new store room between their old stand and Wto H White, and that although behind every body, efoein getting in their New Goods this fall, they-are now in store with all tho advantages tbst purchasing late in theseason secures to them. J We have now in store— ■ - KERSEYS, common,* and*best Ga Plains ; NEGRO SHOES, home-made; WAX’D SHOES, for Men, Boys and Children Calf, Kip and Kid BOOTS for Ladies ; GOAT BOOTS for Ladles and Misses r Cloth GAITERS; Calf sewed BOOTS for Men ; « nened “ ' “ “ ^ « Boys; WOOL HATS, home-made ; Span Cotton; Leather; Axes, SamT Collins ; “ King’s; Hoes, Planter’s Nos 1, 2 and 3 ; Trace Chuns; Paper—Cap, Letter, and Note; Silk Hose, white j “ “ black; Cashmire Hose, black; “ “ white; “ u asserted c<d’s; Cotton K white Ao; Half Hose of various kinds ; Gloves, of « " Calicoes, a large lot new and pretty j Ginghams, assorted; Furniture, prints ; Damasks; -Xlnsoys; ' ' w ... - - Checks and Stripe* ; Dress Silks in Great variety : Blk “ Marciline Silks; Florence ** Ribbons; “ Velvet; Black Silk Velvet; White Satin ; Dress Trimmings; Embroideries; “ Handk’fs; « Collars; “ Sleeves; . u Chemisetts; Alpaeeas,Plain and Figured; “ assorted col’s; Bombasines; DeLains; Marinoes; Cotton Flannels ; Wool “ Homespun, Bleh’d A Brown ; Paper Cambrics Jack “ Muslins, Swiss and Nainsook ; Thread Cambric ; ; Licces; Cambrics, assorted eol’s; Black Doe Skin; Fancy u ** North Carolina Ac Tweeds ; Jeans; Drillings, Bleach’d A Brown C ol’p; Holland, “ “ Wool Net Shirts; Silk « “ Trunks: Tin Wsxe ; Crockery and Grass Ware ; Locks; Tobacco; Toilet Sosp, Shaving Soap; Pepper; Soda; Ginger; Copperas j Indiao ; And many other articles .too tedious to men* tion. All of which we will be pleased to show and sell on reasonable terms. ' Nov. 27, WOOD & BRO. r f pennanee to an order of the Honorable the Ordinary of Floyd eognty will be sold at* the Court House in the city of Rome, on the 1st TnesdaylnJanuary 1856, tbo following notes and fi fos, sold as the property of the Estate of FOR SALE OR REST. Store Room and Building at present oc- hy Wood A Brother on Broadstreet, 6 U-Ci. V.t .fi JWDonrln’s Note $165 00 N Sjms 44 20 00 WH Brazils 44 171 45 Cr. for $60 18th Nov. 1850 A Stephens Note 45 00 AStopbens Note 19 30 6 W Venable Note 14 55 8 W Venable Note 70 00 RJ Jobnaon Note 30 00 Thomas Patit Note 25 00 HM Turman Note 75 00 A Alexander Note ' 4 75 John Floyd ^ Note 26 00 LittebayHuff Note 9 09 A. Copeland Note 61 00 A* W Copeland Note 15 50 Wm Smith Note 117 00 N Sim* Note 2 00 A Stephens Note 20 00 A Stephens Note 174 66 Cr. to July 1859 for $100 M G Jones Note 20 00 J P Dovereon Note 5 00 Hndrtngs * Morrfas Note 22 00 Cr. 19tb Jane 1652 for $13 00 H F Sharp Note 8 Off J L Ilufon Note 2 00* J D Dickerson Note . 12 70 Bd-Sbarpo.. Note 5 Off LittebuyHaff Noto 27 34 F M Loy j-. . Note 7 00 Fi fa, va M Gilham Noto 35 00 Fife, vs WJ McCoy Note 100 00 At the same time and place will he hired, the Negroes belonging to said Estate. BUSINESS DIRECTORY A W. CALDWEL, Manufacturer of Tin Wore, Copper and Sheet Iren. Guttering, and Repairing done to order at tho place lately occu pied by Wm B Jones. 20,000 lbs Rags wan> ted. novBlyj A M. KERR,—Carriage Manufacturer. * Repairing done with neatnoes. Orders flrom abroad promptly filled. novl.Sly A P. NEELD-—Merchant Taifw. Broad-s^ •Rome, Ga.; will HU all orders with prompt ness. Work warranted to suit customers [novlS T) LAOK A COBB, Warehouse and GeumUaton Merehaou, Etowah House, Rome, Ga., will give their personal attention to foe Interests of, allwhb confide business to their management. 1 Thread and Osoaburga by the bale at Faetory prices. They are prepared to extend the usual niclUties. \ Gao S Black, II W Coaa > novOly W OOD A BROTHER, Merchants, are sup plied with the latest stylerof Fancy, Plain And Staple D*y Goods, me., during foe seasons; store opposlto Ramey’s stablo and next door to Wm. White. novWly W M. JOHNSON. Dealer in Carriages, Rook- nways, Ruggie% Ac.. Repository next tor it building west W ILLIAM 11. WlilTE—Dealer in, and manufacturer of Saddles, Bridles, Har ness, Leather, Calf-Skins, and all kinds of Car riage Trimmings. , novlSly IlfMK. ALEXANDER A CO, Wholesi VV Retail Grooera. Opposite Rail Depot, Rome, Ga. Wholesale and Rood novfily ‘^S’eal ’ W L W. SHARPE, Professor of Vocal anp Instrumental Music, also teacher of Brass Bands, Rome, Ga. (novl31y QLARK ACOOLB1 of Bread and Oostaniula streets, nov201y rsnnd Commission Merchants, dealers dnee: Also agtats and ufactured Tobacco and Havana Ga. ( Wm Clark, Miltox A CooLar”) novfily pHOICB HOTEL, Broad Street, Rome, Ga.— v Wm M Roberts, Proprietor. [novl31y C P. CULVER, resident Dentist, Rome, Georgia, (novfily) D R. KING, informs foe public that be may be found at his residence at all times ; at foe two story building, corner, nearly opposite the Bnena Vista Honse. D ANIEL R MITCHEL. Attorney at Law, will attend courts in Floyd and adjoining eonnties. >'* [novlSly D R. GREGORY, tenders his professional ser vices to foe eitiaens of Rome and vicinity ; office four doors above Norton's store at foe plaee lately occupied by Champa a Kerr [novl3 D ANIEL S, PRINTUP, Attorney at. Law and Agent of foe Bank State of Sonfo Car olina, Borne. novlSly TpTOWAH HOUSE, Near foe Depot, Broad J-J street, Borne, Goo ; J. M. Roach, Proprie tor. [novlSly E TOWAH STABLES.—Rome, Ga. Near R R Depot. Horses and Vehicles bought and sold. Conveyances of all kinds for Hire, novfily WM RETCHAM. PORT A HARGROVE, wholesale and retail A. dealers in Groceries; always well supplied with fresh articles, sold on foe best terms. Lo cation at tho corner foom Oostananla bridge, old “Exchange.” nov!3ly F RIED A BRO.—Dealers in Fancy and Sta ple Diy Goods, Hats, Caps, Boots, Shoes, Clothing, etc., Broad street, Rome, Ga- [hol31y H arvey a Hamilton,—Attorneys and Counsellors at Law, Rome, Georgia. ftblSly . ■{ R P HARYKT P B OAXTLTOS }• H ENRY a. SMITH.—Bookseller and Sta tioner, Rome, Ga., keeps a general assort ment of School, Theological and Miscellaneous Publications. Also, a great variety of Station ery and.fancy articles. [novlSly H ENRY A. GARTRELL.—Attorney at Law, Rome, Ga. Office over the store of Berry A Harkins. [novlSly H ARDIN A SMYRE, Merchants, offer on good terms Fine, Fancy, Staple, Plain and Heavy Dry Goods, Ac. Store just under South erner office. - . novlSly J ONES A WILSON, Dealers in General Mer chandize, Broad st., opposite Choice Hotel; Borne, Ga] BF Jones, J M Wilson } novfily J P. HOLT A SON, Mannfaetnrers of Bro- • gans, Boots and Shoes, and dealers in Lea- iker, Broad-Styea T L. LOGAN a CO, Dealers in Groceries, d • Grain and Provisions of all kinds, Rroad street, Borne, Geo. ’ nov!31y J P PERKINS, Scente, Banner and Ornamen tal Painter, Rome, Ga. [nov131y J A EVANS, Fashionable Boot Maker, on Broad St. Terms Cash, Shop novfitf. J M. QUINN A, CO.—Dealers in Groceries, •Grain, Provisions of all kinds, and Staple Dry Goods, 2 doors below the Post Office, Broad Street, Rome, Ga. [nov!31y J J. COHEN.—Wholesale and Retail Mer chant in Dry Goods, Groceries and Hard ware. Wanted.—Produce of all descriptions. Also Agent for’thd Paper mills. Rags wanted. nov!31y J J T. McCONNELL.—Attorney at Law, Ring- .. ’ •gold, Ga. [novl21y J W. HICKS A CO.—Dealers in Medicines, •Drags, Paints, Oils, and Glassware, No. 39, Broad-street, Rome, Ga., 3 doors below Sloan Hawkins A Co. [novl31y J R A T W ALEXANDER, Attorneys at Law. Rome. nov271y ■fiJTILES W. JOHNSON, Dealer in Fancy and JlL Staple Dry Goods, Ready Made Clothing, Boots, Shoes, *c, Broad si, Rome, Ga. [novl31 y M MARKS.—Dealer in Dry Goods, Ready -Made Clothing, Hats, Caps, Shoes, A Boots. He solicits the attention of the public to his well-selected assortment. nov!31y N DUDLEY, Manufacturer, of Carriages, Bug • gies and Waggons ; he also attends to Blacksmitbing in its various branches. Shop near the Bnena Vista Hotel. [nov!31y P A. OMBERG, Manufacturer and dealer ia • Boots and Shoes; genteel work done to order. Broad st Rome, Ga. [novl31y R OME STEAM ENGINE WORKS, Steam Engines and all kinds of Machinery Mann factored. Also Castings in Brass or Iron of any size made to Order, novfily J48. NOBLE A SONS R OBERT BATTEY, Druggist and Pharma ceutist, Choice Betel, Rome Ga. Physici. ans’ prescriptions compounded with caro.[nofily R T. McCAY.—Wholesale and Retail dealer •in English and American Hardware, Broad street, Rome, Go. [nov!31y R J. JOHNSON, dealer in Groceries, of~ • which he keeps a fresh and various supply. Store next to Wood A Brother’s. [novl3Iy E S. NORTON, Dealer in Staple and Fancy • Dry Goods, Ladies’ Dress Goods, Trim mings, Embroideries, Linnens, Bonnets, Hats, Caps, Boots, Shoes, Clothing, Crockery, Ac.— Rome, Geo. [nov!31y S ANDERS A MANNING, keeps on hand a well selected stock of Prib ts, Sheeting, Shir tings, and other dry goods, and a few groceries, sold low and. on good terms. Stand nearly op. poslte postoffice. [nov!31y QTERN A CO., Merchants, dealers in Fancy O and Staple Dry Goods and Ready Made Clothing. Store one door above Omberg’s [no]3 nov2730 CHAS. PRICE. ' Adm’n A GREEABLE to an order of the Ordinary of Chattooga county, will bo sold on tho 1st Tuesday in February next, tlio following property to n it; Tcnar, a girl 13 years old; Gracy, a girl 10 years old and John, a boy 10 years old. Bold for the benefit of tho heirNof Alexander Manning, deceased. Wtt.R.MANNING, Administrator, Dec.* with tbfi will aur»9*e4 S LOAN, HAWKINS A CO.—Have always on bond a fall assortment of Groceries at their old stand.. Also, a splendid stock of Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, at thoir New Store, one door above—all at low prices. Calls from our friends are respeccttiilly solicited. novl31y QTANFORD A PITNER, Dealers- in Dry O Goods, Groceries, “ Ac., Ac. Hardware, Crockery, Shoes nov!3ly A UNDERWOOD, Attorneys at Law, wilt practice ill foe Courts of Floyd and the neighboring counties. CHABLF.B n. SMITH. I /. W. II. UNDERWOOD. Jan 16,'64. S G. GUERINEAU—Guttering and Piping done to order. doc. 5 ly.. QULLIVAN A BARRETT, Dealers in Staple O and Fancy Dry Goods, Groceries, etc., Broad StreetRpme, Ga., Corner of Bridge and Broad streets. [novlSly TUIOMAS J. PBIIRY, Agent for Charter Oak X Life InsnranCo Company, Hartford, Conn., Rome, Gd. [nov!31y TTNDERWOQI) A STARR, Physicians add U Surgeons. Offieo noarly opnogito the Post Office, jjorlSty JlnsjjuilU ^ncrtiatnicals. CHURCH ANDERSON, IOLKSALE GROCER, PRODUCE Deal- ER, COMMISSION MERCHANT AND DEALER IN FOREIGN and DOMESTIC LI QUORS, Iron Castings, Hides and Solo Leath er, Corner of Front and Broad Street, Nashville may81y WOODS it CO. flTFACTURERS OF LARD OIL FAMILY LARD. Tennssee 55 B. 3. WELLER, D EALER in Copper, Brass, Tin, Sheet Stoves, Grates, Hollow Ware and New seed and Agricultural Depot. No. 35, Upper Market Street, Nashville, Tenn, may 1 ly. H S FRENCH- -J C FRENCH. H. 8. FRENCH & SON, G ROCERS, Commission Merchants, and Deal ers in Bacon, Bale Rope and Bagging.— Corner of Market and Clark Streets, Nashville, Tenn. - Having Agents in St Louis, Louisville, Cin cinnati and New Orleans, wo are at all times prepared to transact any business entrusted to us at tboso places. H 8 F A S. may8 'Hy MORRIS & STRATTON, TITHOLESALE;Grocers, Produce and Com- VV mission Merchants, and Dealer in For eign and Domestic. Liquors. Corner of Market and Clark Sts., Nafoville Tenn. may 8 ly 18541 1855! FALL IJIPORTATIOT! JHM’CLUNG&CO, Broad Street, Rome, Ga., -- s; • Have just received from the Northern markets THEIR FALL AMD WESTER STOCK ' >^ —C OI’BB IS IM G 1C T .li & i* .. . v Ladies elegant Dress Goods, Handsome wrappings, hosiery, gloves & embroideries. B.EADY MADE CLOTHING FOB MBX AXD aors.. HOUSE-FURNISHING AN ©.PLANTER’S GOODS OF EVERYDESCRiPRION. HATS, CAPS, BOOTS, SHOES, BONNETS, TRIMMINGS, CARPETS, WALL PAPER, WINDOW CORNICE. ALTOGETHER COM PRISING THE LARGEST ASSORTMENT THAT WE.HAVE EVER OFFERED. HAV- ING'TAKEN EVERY POSSIBLE CARE IN THE SELECTION OF OUR GOODS, WE WOULD INVITE ATTENTION OF ALL PROMPT PAYING OR CASH CUSTOMERS. THE USUAL DISCOUNT OF 10 PER CENT MADE ON ALL CASH BILLS OF $5 A OVER J H McCLUNG, [ ( O B WARD. Rome, Ga Sept.25th CHEROKEE FEH.tLE WSTITCTE. npiljfi gBMiu li luvirod to attend the annual JL examination of foe pupils of the Institute on foe 5 th A fith Inst: Tho fourth term of this Institution will open foe first Monday in Sep tember next. Tuition reduced to auit the time«. Scholarships, for the year with the privilege of the whole rango of studies without extra charge for Frcnoh, Drawing, Latin or Greek, as here tofore $50. There will be hereufter four De partments with the following studies and Rates of Tnition. Pent art Department.—First rudimonts, rea ding, spelling, defining, primary arithmetic, primary geography and primary history, for the Spring term 21 weeks, $15; Fan term, 16 weeks $10. Second art Department.—Primary branch es revised, geography, English grammar, Arith- meticand history of the United States in addi tion, for foe Spring term of 24 weeks, $18; Fall term 16 weeks, $12. Tertiart Department.—Secondary branch es revised with natural philosophy, chemistry, general history, algebra, botany, Watts on the mind, rhetoric with the principles of syntax ap plied in a course of reading of the best English classical writers, for the Spring term of 24 weeks $21; Fall term J6 weeks $14. Senior-Department.^—Revision of foe Ter tiary branches, with geology, moral, Intellectn. al and political philosophy, logic,' geometry with foe Latin and Greek languages, for the Spring term of 24 weeks $24; Fall term 16 weeks $Ifi. Music, French »nd Drawing, each *extra, at he charge of the Professor. S. FOUCHE'. BACON! BACON! BO 000 ^me Tennessee BACON for April, 17. tf W E ALEXANDER A CO It. S. NORTON, I S now receiving his Fall and Winter Stock of Goofy which will be offered at a smaller, ad-, vance than nsnal. You can satisfy yourself by c ®U*ng and examining Goods and prices. Rome, September, 25,12o5 R S NORTON HISSES* BOYS* AND CHILDRENS* S HOES, Hose, half Hose and Gloves of all si tes. [sep28].. R S NORTON ’ LADIES DRESS GOODS, T7NGLISH and French Merino, Thibet Cloths, -LJ Delaines, Chally’s Poplins, *e. Also an as sortment of small patterns for children. Rome, September 25th, 1855. R S NORTON WELCH FLANNELS, TY7ELCH, Shaker and German Flannels at [sep25] R SANCTON'S WOOL YARNS, QCARLET, Orange, Blue, Mixed, and White, Oat [*ep25] R S NORTON’S ife. BOIHIETS,' 1 • ” Q A TIN, English- Straw, Florence.- andNespol- O itan—Ladies’ and Missses’. R S NORTON E1IBROIDERIES. C AMBRIO and Muslin Inserting.* and Edg-» ings, Bands, Collars, Sleeves, Chimizetts and Handkerchiefs. Also Thread Laces. sept.25 rs Norton ARE YOU INSURED? FIRE AND LIFE INSURANCE AGENCY. P. M. Sueiblet, Rome, Ga. FARMERS AND MECHANICS’ FIRE, MARINE, AND LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY, OF PHILADELPHIA. CAPITAL $30 0, 00 0. Amount seonrely invested in Bonds and Penn sylvania stocks, $200,000. CHARTER PE It P E T U A L Edward R HbumboM), J / Hon T B Florence, Secretary,, (, President FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY Of foe Valley of Virginia, at Winchester, Vo. CAPITAL $3 0 0, 0 0 0 0. S. Frakk, Sec’y J* S. Oausox, Pres’t. Penn Hutnal Life Insurance Co. of Phlla. ORINGINAL CAPITAL* 300,000 ACCAMULATED CAPITAL $884,307 J. W. IIouNon, Sec’y. }- •{ D. L. Miller, Pres’t, Tho rateb df prenriums areas low ns a just regard to inntual safety, will allow. No effort will be spared on tho port of the agent, at aH times, to protect foe interests of those who may patronize his Agency, and any infor mation on tho subject will bo cheerfully given upon application in person or by letter. [ocI63in jones & wilson; Broad St. opposite Choice llotelp H ave just received and opening AN ENTIRELY NEW and Heavy Stock of FALL ASD WIATF.R GOODS, which they offor the publio at low rates, and only ask an opportunity to show that they will do a good part by all who may favor them with their patronage: BLANKETS, KERSEYS Ac. Heavy sevt Blankets Mackinaw Blankets, Whi tney Blank ots Railway Wrappers Crib Blankots Georgia Plains Heavy Flannols W clcbFInnuols Domestic Flannels Ex Uvy Twill do Tweeds assorted Green Flannels 8adle Blan kets Grey A White Wool Plains Bine Gray Brown Blue Green opera do —Cloths— Css- itnero G ray BlkSat- i n e t s Foy Cas- imerts Blk Blue* Various Cloak M i x Lfnd Vest- lng» Mix A Blaok Casslmoro French Doeskins olive Cloth ool o r s Cloth, Tweeds s e y s ton. ipos Fine yarns Goods £. ■ Silks Blk S i 1 k i Circassian. v. Al De Spun Silks . 8 cas net Cas _ Bom Fob A . M ar 1 nSf-v all Wool do Printed and opera Flannels Velvetlne Austrili’a . Wool e n s Dimity, Persian r * Twills Cloth* VelvetR’bons 2 Bonnet do ? S a t in .Ribbons LinA n g Si 1 kg, i Crap* 1 hi Qw Swiss Moire Antique Dress Satin : Stripe a f ’/ -mint 9 a Id sing Fringes, Rach- Black ” .he 1 *col’d~ But’ns, , But, ” Linen to^' * Cot ns. < t on o Floss, m Beregb, ; ' m Swiss '"’al Muslins M te.d Flowers. . WBdjg- 1 *11**4^ > ing, Oil *e,*c. Silks tiff* Silk's Belts . Scarfs ' Cloaks - Shawls Gloves H o a o r y , Yams, * Collars Top- s i os, Prints, Skirts, Slopes < MO REE tdVelvets 1 eo. Jac’net .< ft K o E-i Eh © * Swiss Mus- , 1 i-M SJ 5 C a m • brief Linens Silk * - Linnen ndk’ft, G’gbams, 55 O Eh EH © o w ■ © i H ft Fr., .Ladies’aCalf and Kid Boots Blaok Gaiters Jenny Linds R a e b o l’a < Broadways, Lol a Montes, Fancy Ties, Kipheel Boots, P a r o dies , Highlanders. R n;b kerY Slippers. Ankle Tics. Ladies ExtraFox'd Gaiters CORK SOLE BOOTS, Brogans, Rnssets, Sli ppers, San dells, D a nei n g Pumps. ', Lace Boots, Calf Boots, Pegged A Sewed Baskins. Patent A Wholesale Bar.Furnishing. _ MAGNOLIA BUILDING, ALABAMA STREET, J. VALENTIN I: & WHOLESALE DEALERS IN LIQUORS, WINES, SYRUP3, PICKLES, CIGARS, . Tobaeco, Ac., keej> constantly^^on.hand foe fdlHwing'a, tides s brandy; RUM, St Crofx, Jamaica, New England. WINES, Port, TOBACCO Smoking 1 chewing, <3|wj§S WARE, Wm oMt DcOgnters 1 ,.. _ Flnsks i p’t, to2 p’ts, - ' Tumblers. - M'j,; SYRUPS, Lemon, p’t or gal, Raspberry, :} Strawberry. ii;,g nnr j r ; ee) * Sardines, ^ ^*** t ^?*‘ Pickles, Campagne.Cider,. Broker; Bitter* Porter Ale ’ St'rangleton “ ClGAltS, Ess. Peppermint, Spanish, Curacoe, American, Man.-=cbinsr, German— Anisette, v . L a very large assortment. Absybfog, - Cbrp^ CjSirld. «*** ***'■■ Madeira, . p. Sberjy, “ ' Malaga^ ^ Muscat; Claret, ' t Campognb. ’' ^'Hcnnospy, Rochelle, Peach, Pt«i« fmt • Cherry, >■ « * s Blackberry, '■ ’ r Apple. . • v X'i t 4'c „s V':f GIN, y-.- l. vRjf* V to.’? Holland, ;• ,. '' ' American. c : -r - WHISKY, • i ; ; • - i,. ; Bonrbon (old) ' i Monongahela, rtv.m Irish, t . *'■ 'en '..Scotch, . }■ F-*.. Doans, - Dexters, , f Pikes, . ‘ .Gibson’s (bottled) - . . - Ac., Ac. . Ac., Ac. LgfreIf t R« . We intend keeping on hand all articles neededby Bar-k^epor-', and will obligato Jdrjl^ve^rto sell fine Liquors.'and Cigirt,.lewer than they can he bought in any market South. t ’ at W. D. EIDSOIT, r r r ED, SHARP, J. VALESTISE, MAT 22, 1855, 2y N E tV GOOD S! t D. W; iOB.TSOS - • - " ~\\T OULD call foe atte n tion of bis frieoJs and JT customers hlslaraeand well selected stock of New Goods.- He ha* just returned foom New York with a large :supply of FALL & WINTER GOODS, Consisting of all the kinds font are usually bought or are suited to this market. A large sortment of CASSIMERES, DELANES end ORSTED PATTERNS, varying in price from 25 cents to the highest.^ Tress goods and » variety-pf Ladies' Winter Goods of evory description. . -Also a large assortment of Goods suited to Misses’and Childrens’wear.: . . ALSO A. SUPPLY OF LADIAS' CT.OAKS^F THE LATEST STYLES, AND SWAWLS of various descriptions.. Also Silk and Vn?rs;ted Hosery^of various sizes abdqaaltties atlow prides Also Sph abd Worsted Hosery of various sizes and^uaBtibsjailpwnrices. Fpr.gehtienlcn’s wear a lai^e~iupply ; of Btotei. Good* ih Bolts, and READYMiDJE QLOTHIN.G, £ Mins firw „•> .. > u.s -T ■ » - n . aftill supply foatean be bought at,fo<x. lowest , -pricesgoing. • Also a-goed assortment of ^1; BOOTS ASD SHOES . of all sizes, styles and quantities.'. Also a large sttpply of KEOBO GOODSFOR WISTER, con sisting of Blankets, Lindseys, Kerseys, Bed Bfankets, Ac., Ac. -Those who will call and See for themsel ves can bay Goods so as tp'be sad failed with Styles and-prices. I ' octl64m II. J, OHBEUC, RLUtliAM TAILOR, TTAS jnst received from New York a larger -QL Stock of GOODS, than be has eve offered in this market before, consisting of every vari ety of Goods for gentlemen’s wear. Cloth of erery variery and color. Every descrip- tion r of Cassimers. aD over stock of Vestings, Velvets. .Silks, S=ttm«. &c., &c . of all colors and prices. FURNISHING GOODS ofeve ry description and variety, consisting in part of Woolen Under Shirts.* Drawers, Collars, Cravats, Stock*?, Ties. Suspenders, ail sorts Of Gloves, Half Hose, Ilats, Caps, &c. &c.— A complete stock of '> v***«4»*& ^ READY HIDE CLOTH ISC, which is manufaemred?siA;bis own establish ment, and by some of the best houses in New York. -The Superior workmanship of which he will-warrant also Clothing Tor children and Youths, The entting and making of garments.of all kinds done with neatness and dispatch as heretofore. oct‘Jiy; .C.WAMPE fit KERft. BROAD STREET ROME G A, . Tha Public will please hear in mind that, the above'named Firm keep' constantly, on hand a fine assortment of CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, VESTINGS, FURNISHING GOODS etc. A S THE'limit of our copartnership 'expires foe firstOf-January, weintend at that time to close out entirely. Wa are now offering a choice lot of FRBSH GOODS in our line at ve ry reduced rates. Cash buyers will save from F LOSS 'terentyfive-to-fifty'per-eent by giving us a call soon. This fa no- common advertisement^'we mean just" what we say. -• CBrAMPE & KEItRf. . N. B.—Those who have not' settled foelr old bills, had better fio eo fct once, or they will he favored ..with a call from Sam. £oc$] C.4K a £ « S' rm **3. Leather Sllppert> a La Toilet-.^ ( A Large* As good var an d iety -| perfect op® a lot of BooS Shoes ts-S ft scan be found Q i n a n y '■ ftp Houso in W[os up c’ntry ►iq Towns which' t vmo| have tRSnoq B»*q • • ' ! - COMBS Ferf- umery hon’y Sns’fr- Hair Sh’vig Razor Lilly Col- Spec* B lac- Bnt- Bras hair Pencils. Sdaps, as do. Oils, Soaps straps White, ogne, tacles, king, tons, hes, pins Tobacco, Teas, £o g A Superior S article of of OQ o" Tea, ’and T 6 b a eco, © a Some of the 3 ijjf* “Nutmeg o r o n o oo” of 1 W a r a n ft t> 00 ted out o f © Pur e ft © I Port Wine Cigar a, ” all ofsuporl .•< or quality.^ And in fiwt every thing usually kept in Upper Georgia Stores, and would like to call foe Attend tion of tho invalid Community “aid those who doslre to” bccomo so,” to a very superior article of Double Diamond Schiedam Set nnpps, which hiis been prononuoed very sunerior toW olfe’s and inforior to none. Also a little Premium Cham- palgne equal to foe best, nota hcodacho in a Hogshead of it. Come and see and by so .doing oblige yourselves and yonr friend*, BENJ. F. JONES; Rome, Ga, Nov.6 2m JAS. M. WILSON. CHEAP CARPETS, T APESTRY, Brussel, Ingrain and Hemp Carpets, IM’and 12*4, Drugget,, Floor Oil Cloths, Ac. for sale by J H McCLUNG A CO ““ HATS OF TOE LATEST STYLE, TUST received and for sale at 0 (novfitf; J H J^oCLUNG A CO’S WOODLAND FEMALE COLLEGE, CEDARTOWX, GA. The Trustees hove made foe following arrange ments for the next year: J. M. WOOD. President. J. D. COLLINS, Professor of Natural Scien- - > . ces And Languages. JAS, A. ARNOLD, Prof, elect o£Mathemat ics, Moral and Mental Science. -SeaclHft ,9fttem$ {to he supplie.] JOELH.TERRELL.Stewart, if Sessions and Yaeutions.—Spring Session, frbnt; the 2d Monday in January to ; 1st Wed nesday in JFall Session, Ahm' 1st Mon day in Angnst to la^t Wednesday in Novem ber. ' The intervening time will be vacation. Expenses.-—Washing rand boat'd, (candles not excepted,) $8,00 per month; Tnition in tbe CoUege Coarse $40.00. per' antinm; Tuitiop'ih Music.' §10,90 per annum ; Char ges for Books, &c., so” as to .hover' cost.— Settlement will bo required at the close of each session. ScholUirshTps are offered at fhe following rates: /The payment off $7.0.00 will secure to a pupil the .privileges of,-the Literary Department for two' years.. $100, three years': , $120, four years.. $40Q .will secure a perpetual scholarship. By this ar rangement, a pupil can be boarded and ed ucated for $110 a year, a less, amount than is paid for board and washing stf most insti tutions, and nearly a hundred dollars less than is paid for the same facilities at other places* These inducements are offered by an outlay of money from other sonrces than Ihe income-of the school—a gratuity fo-thfi,public. _ .... Faellltfcs.—-Tho- Faculty is composed 'of able and experienced teachers. They have good Chemical and Philosophical Apparatus at their command.- The''boarding honse is to be managed by a good Stewart and lady, who will guard the -health and morals of young ladies. Pnpils will be required to attend Sunday school and Preaching every Sabbatb. . Suitable provisions will be made for. music and for primary scholars. Regulations,-—Rules for the government of the school are such as we deem necessary for pnpils and the Institution, enforced in kind- nesa; but; with fir.mness. Persona wishing to enter pnpils or purchase, scholarships, will plea so sgddreM thel Ptesi dent. . T , By order oftbe-resident Board of Trustees. jV . J. M. WOOD,President* ,»A«t '■•** • . E *H Richardson, GRATIS ! JIST PIPLIiHED: A -NEW Di jcovery in Medicine!—A few words xL on the rational treatment, without Medicine Nervous Debility, Low Spirits, Lassitude/ Weakness of rhe Limbs and Back, Indisposition and Incapacity fo r Study and Labor, Dullness of Apprehension, Loss of Memory, Aversion to Society, Love of Solitude, Timidity, Seif-Dis trust, Dizziness, Head Ache, Pains in tho Side, Affection "of foe. Eyes, Pimples on the Pace, and other Infirmities 5 "j . Fromthe French of Dr JB De Dancy.—“The important fact that these alarming complaints may easily be removed without medicine, is In this small trace, clearly demonstrated; and the entirely new and highly successful treat ment, as adopted by foe author, fully explain? ed, by. means of of which every one is enable-to cur* him self perfectly, andat the least posrible cost, 'avoiding thereby all the advertised nos trums of the day.” Sent to any address, gratis/ and'post-free: by remitting (post paid) two pos tage Stamps to Dr. B. De-Laney, No 17 Lispeto ard Street;. New York City. ect. 2 6m ■* na s—: md$ — . . . V hEir BOOKS TUST received at the Book Store of Henry A O. Smith:—Travels in India, China and Japan by Bayard Taylor ; The Lands of foe Saracen, do; The Two Guardians, by the author of the Heir of Reddyffe; The'Castle Builders, do; Maty Lyndon'or Revelation of a life; Captain Canot, or Twenty years of an African Slave ; Stray Leaves from the Book of Nature, by De vere; The Great Red Drngon, or the Master Key toPopcTy; Ramblt* in Iceland, also in Brazil, by A R M Payne f Nathalie [a novel] by ChasReade; The Hidden Path, by the au thor of Alirbe; The Deserted Wife by Mrs South Worth ; Fifcy Years Exile, bv Mellville; Cum. ming' by whole series uniform edition Rome, Georgia, November 6th, 1S55 ss? OATS AND POTATOES. t f) Bbfa prime Irish Potatoes for Planting- \ u 350 bushel seed Oats Jnst received and for sale by Feb20 W S COTHRAN A CO. ja:^ jc'jwc k: !! Q A Boxes Fresh Lime [Hewards] Ov/oeivCdand for sale by Jnst re* Feb 20 W S COTHRAN A CO. GROCERIES! GROCERIES I I Q A Bags prime Rio Coffee. OU 20 Bbls Stuarts refined sugar. 50 bis NO Syrup 20 his Gunning rapping, old importation. 100 boxes Tobacco,-various brands and quali ties for sale by W S COTHRAN A CO. Feb 20 : . . ; . 1S55, tf.- If E W TON FACTORY. and Yarns always on hand and for sale by . - .5 ssrr ifT Tf Feb 20 W S COTHRAN A CO. Agent. W S COTHRAN & CO, Agents for Etowah Iron Works. Have always on had a large supply of iron castings Ac., of every size and description. 'Orders filled proper ty- V--. ’ ...X They will also purchase wheat at the highest cash prices Feb. 20. tf. E.Dver, Wm Nkwton, • C H STiniiWECn, E D Chisolm, ’ A F Kino, D S Anderson;- T H Sparks, Wm Peek, Col S Gibson, W O'B Whatlet. .W E West, L W Battle, C H SrVRKs, A Darden, A N Verdery, W A'Mercer. Joel H Terrell, W P Wood. •g [nov202m] 1856. 1856 r- GEORGIA - FEMALE COLLEGE. - FACULTY.- >li G E O R O R ■ Y. B R 0 W N, Pb bsid bst. p. LOUD. Professor dt* Natural Science. B. B. it ALL ARY", Prcf. of Bello Letteres. J. R. Seals,* Professor of Music. The Collegia to year for 1866 will begin on Monday-January 14th; - CommencementAvill bW'held in October. Pnpils from the low : c<rant¥y will thus Spend th’eir sickly season in nhv sklnbriftnsdlfmate:* ^ OalalOgties oontatning fnrther information may -bfr obtained by apptyitig to either of the faculty. [nov207w] R' D MA^GLAltYy Seo’y PAJNTING ! P .AIN AND ORNAMENTAL.--JAMES P PERKINS WOULD INFORM THE OITI- zfenffcof Romo and vicinity, that he la now execute Jobs in Plain and Oroa mental Paintmgi Be would call particu lar attention to, and .invito examination of bia speoimenk of TRANSPARENCIES, Banners, Scenery and Landscapes. Ho now ekpects to devote bia entire attention to this businws und has confidence in his ability to «xeonto orders in GR AINING and Marbling as well as Plain Painting, in a stylo not surpassed by any ono in this section ofcountry. Those desiring work in his “line,” are respectfully solicited to <riv*c kimaqtll. ^V". - RoracNov20tf ; - SALT! SALT!! I f)f| A Sacks Salt large size, in fine order 1 UUv/just received, and for sale by Feb 20 W. S. COTHRAN A CO. DAW & WASilBlRY, SnenoMors to Wosbburu Wilder A Cffil-. - Factors and Commission Merchants, SAVANNAH, GA. Jos Washburn, Fras. G. Dana, John R Wilder, II K Washburn, Special .Patners. General Partners Will continue the above business at 114, Bay st> s East of the Exchange* Orders for Bagging, Dope and other supplies filled promptly at lowest Cash prices. "Savannah, August 1 uly316m FOR SALE OR REM. T HE undersigned has several very desirable and pleasant Houses and Lots situated in Rome which he will sell on advantageous terms-, or if not sold, will rent. These Lots are ink ploasant part of Town and convenient to the Cherokee Female Institute. Ho also offers fdt sale two small Plantations; one four miles froth own, foe ofoer,12. .(novBtf) JOB ROGERS NEW STORE!—JONES & WILSON. G ENEAL MERCHANDIZE,'Broad St, op posite Choice Hotel. Wo beg leave to apprise foe public of the co-partnership'we haYO formed under the stylo as above, for the trans action of a gencrel business in Dry Goods* Hardware, -Clothing, Boots and Shoes, Hats, Caps, Ac., and would be glad to recoive yoWt patronage. The goods and prices will be found to compare favorably with any in the city. Your ob’t servfs, BENJ F JONES. RomoOotOtf JAS M WILSON NEAV ARRIVAL OF TOYS AND FANCY “MOTIONS.—I am now receiving the h.tod i -L * sornest selection. ofToys and Fancy Notions ever Offered In tho Romo Market, comprising ih’part China Figures, D.olls, Watch stands Per futnery Bottles,. Yases,. Paper Weights, Ink Stands and Sufi'Boxes. Also a great variety of Itublu-r Toys, Britannia and'China Tea sdfts, German Toys of every conceivable cbaxaxftSsr, Pupie Macbe, Ebony and Mahogony WWk BoX c?, Reticules, (furnished) a largo variety, also gentlemen’s Rosewood and Mahogany Portable Dosks, etc, etc. The public .patronage is most respectfully solicited, (novotf] H A SMITH Wmsm m v E % ftBWtfti’ F. M. EDDLEMAN & BRO. Atlanta, Georgia. Keep constantly on hand and for sale on the lowest cash prices, a large assortment of. BOOTS. SHOES,LEATHER,LASTS, PEGS. CALF LINING and BINDING SKINS SHOE-MAKER’S TOOLS, Ac. *c.. Jan ‘(j 1855, *• " ty