Federal republican advocate, and commercial advertiser. (Savannah, Ga.) 1807-180?, October 08, 1807, Image 1

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VOL. 1] THE ADVOCATE is Pur.Li'itr and ry MOND-iY Aita THURSDAY by JOHN CARMONT &('o on th* bay, OPf .site the EXCHANGE, at DOLLARS PER. annum, PAYABLE HALt’ YEARLY IN ADVANCE. *f* Michael Fallon, begs leave 10 hi* friends, uu i the pub lic in general, that he ■* a.Cinuiulnte for tbe ©ffhic of COtIONtU, lor ClAthaiH Uoun ty ; and solicits their suffrages ;vt the on ailing Election. A"gii"t 13 ® * ** We arc authorised to state *hat Mr. MiCIUFJ. |j a candidate for the ofhw* of CO RON* ■. f f T ♦he- county of Chatham* at the Bnsutt.j, election. J, QT> TJ V r o pOO TANARUS,, ~ rr/ .1 v/p AMERICA, Asaabam Nicuom, FmJ? . o receive - e.u£o Immediately', nd having 500 hairs ofcmud. engaged, dispatched ‘vlthofit delayi- toe is 10 fiim order, htv ng thoroughly repaired m. Liverpool—3oo b des cotton are wanted to fill her up Apply o MEIN. M At?K A< & CO. ’ I’OR SAI.E, 4000 bushels Liverpool ROUND SALT 15 bales Cotton R A GOING • 20 ba es low,priced Welch RE''INS lo crates assorted G.llOi ALL 150 cask” London liotlb'd POillF.fr Thi* p r *>port , will bo sold low, it taken from on board immediately. ... • - - ‘ to < • LOK LtV ER K >‘OE, Alex an der Hamilton, Wi liam Ca It ah ah, Maftri A oust'd 1 able part of her cai go is engaged ai tl will'b-sunn dispatched. For ircight of the remainder-, nr passage, apply f -d the mist’ r, or JAMES DICKSON & CO. October I. 20 l’ OK i\ i W A •>;< K. J The fill failing iliip RUFUS, ‘ f \sUsetejipr. . Jo: era Ar.nolb, Mftrt Is h..it to .tied, and wilt s.ni on 1 oursdav nest. For freight of 10c) bales Cotton, or passage, apply on buNid or to BENJAMIN MAURICE. ry p,b-< ; s. ■■ . 21 a C. BROOKS, HA?X yusr RFCKirZD. f 4 , tit Holla, capi Barnaul, from New-Yu**, ’ 0 l ;*-P efc M uld Uw"™ f BRANDT. 4 ditto N piles ) 3 halt (jpes old Madeira WINE ii hogshead* > LOAF-SUGAR. $0 btnHs 1 8 Ur £f, H,,<J \ ehents HYSON TEA J 2 rma] I ) £.5 bags’PEfM'Eß - &0 b Xi'i Doolittle’s SOAR I box h An LINT..N, and 4l> barrels SUPi'.Kv IN’F, FLOUR, not more 1 hart 15 din s (teat the nr,lf. Wltic'Mhey will sell their u>unl low prices. Sr.pt. i’ll 19 HUM and MACKcARLL. 40 lilicN New Kng'aml HLJ VI VJ barrels j nine M ACKAKi L Hoceived bV the brig Drake, from'Boston, V YORSALE BY SAM'.. & Cl! A*. HOWARD. August. 27. 10 REMOVAL.’ ~ THE subscribers have removed to tho large none building, on Taylor K. 3c\RBR unit's w'hiitf; where tliev arc *w receiving a principal part of their Fall Supply of Goods , By the. America, cepU'n NlcHots, and tin* Alexander Hamilton, captain Cal -lAMAN, Irom Liverpool, and'for sale, by JAMES DICKSON & CO. September u 19 FedeVal Republican Advocate, COMMERCIAL ADVERTISER. Prt.o CKCOt ET LEOE—PRO ARIS KT FOCM. ’ ‘ v savannah, (Georgia,) Thursday, October s, 1807. ANDREW LOW & Cos. Jiairr received per ship* Gs. ‘Rgta. Ro bert BoLtjn. and Dupatcti. from Liverpool, nnd fron Glasgow via Charleston, IN -ADDITION TO FORMER STOCK, IVhifh noxv mules it ‘very complete: Ladies elegant work Loses,, with medallion tops Cambric Dimities Cnnimflo ditto Hum Comm ('ambries >*o. ded Vein ditto ,: *l>v:<i Cnmljrie* alid Giugh~.ms Thread Edgings and Liiccs Cotton ditto ditto N oilingbam I ‘ices ibitcnt and Coat on Lace Veils and Shawls Hook and .bicouyt Muslin . Term and-lbcijnet ditto ]*. risitui and Net tiitto Wli,--rp Net data Y ;url Traf.*lgar d*ua S-viled CoUvuid-’ Lent* duto Short find Lnt'V Ctrcnssiau Robe* U<no Shawls, 1 Veils and Ttnpot* Spanish Cloak* nnd Mantle* |,v;oo nnd L-v'c Cap Patterns !>o. Habit S.iirts and Tuckers Ladies Sdk Ghv.-es and Mrtts luce and P'.v N-i: ditto Cotton and Silk Lace Sk'f.ves Silk Sbav.-ls and Handkerchiefs Ca 11-'* fVG'-m ’iL-manVAb k . c6ttn hosiery I us'riiii'.s am! Mantua* n <an> ?. ens and C apes Liifens and Loiig Davits Tub!* Cloths and Dupers & 4 Irish Sljectirtg. ‘Cotum Shirting Rtid Slit-tving . - omen and Coiron Handkerchiefs Madras and INillicat Handkerchief* Brown llolUtrid and Dowlas Os’iaburgs Rnd Cotton Bagging N-uikeonet and Cotton Cassitairos Giaiidarctisand Jcamntr Corduroy* and Velveteens Printed Ji ansand MurseillMA i'urkov red, b.uc, gretn and yellow cotton Yarn Adelphi Cotton in balls Sdk and Cotton Braces Siik and Cottoi’ Cords Ditto ditto nnd TaseU Ladies Para<ol Silk and Cwltnii Umbrella* Superfine Clot ha nod Fine VVelcb F’Hnnrls Pi:i3, Bodkins Threads, Tapes ami BebU ns CJeul l< ntcu’* and YouilkS Hat* L.rdits and I'.ns ditto D atiuanh Leal her Cap* A1 SO, Fr9'n rCr.tv York per 5, !, -ip Louisiana. Fi>'iu:h Rttd Italian t.uMfiogs Tula ditto French Silk Cloves * Imperial and Gnnpo'vdiJf Teas Souchong and Hvv>** and tto Hnuihiiuu, I.Lttrt .nu! Yellow Nankeen* All. of which* will be sold low for CA M, p;.oouCL. or good acceptances in town, ■August *<). , - 8 Fiiiocn Do]’sirs He ward. r-.-;—-v. . A I’PCONDUD shot*! Tt 1 ty. ij £\ wt f l,.'* agi, u negro inan l j mnltcd JIM, he is u stout ! fellow, sinoo'h 1 -iced,his eves large, about 5 lent li’ inches high had A-4 T r—-. ~n w beu he went off, n tu*- tfan iackef and overall*, a biark hut audit white shirt —He pretends to bu something of a Mtdor, ntid ittav proUibly a.iempt to get olVm sonic* veS-cl ; masters of ves-ols are ilin fore cautioned against taking him oil* T ie above: reward will be paid to any per son who will licenre him in aiw gaol in the state, or 111 lives hut) ty the'subscriber ; and 5 dollars will br paid fur inform it ion iha; will lead 10 see.ere him. GFCHIGL I'.NO". ikp'.ttiib;i 1". • 1 COALS. A quantity otexcellent SEA COALS, FOR. SALE FY S. & C. HOWARD. Sept. 24. fi |g iGO barrels Superhne Itichinond FLOUR . no hogllieads prime MOLASSES. For safe by - THOMAS LAWRENCE. Aii\nijfc o bait, Crockery ware, Porter, &c ft m fkfit DisrATcn, fnm LiVisroot, AM> ilia -At.f. BY THE SUBSCRIBER, 4SGO gr or ad SALT 100 t rate* affartea EARTHEN iVARB 4*oo Stone JUG* and jAtCS £© li<>Tv Neg-C PIVR* ** Mflfc* Lon. toil bottled PORTER r J ton Canal COALS RFAMkMIN MAURICE. WHO K4t ON HAN®, H'.-d,. Retailing M">LAS*nB So Pu ietientu IfV Sc 4ib t>r r >af NR R WJ4 *5 Piie* 4th proof BRANDY ’ 3 ?i j* H lUd OIM a Pij*..n( t Madeira Wl** II \ilplk. Mtlfrorado SUO ARI 7 ri?rtrL,oi( Ditto 9 Toft coi’ntrv A: Sw and ‘t IRON fi C'neft. freA- Hx-f-.-n TEA I*F>M WACKAR'L. So Do rt-lme BEEF & BORIC. 8 Ha}#a oommon Writiug PAPER 9 Cnlks Cbret WfNE I7 CrjitwCrtien & 80 ~a fcudift* ground SALT A ago ft 10 j Received per the Roll a, 40 Wes man,d CANDLES • 2() ditty St V.A'-*-; /vs K. Dt.ulittle*s make y ditto nf N. England manufactursd NEGRO CLOTH FOR SALE BY JONATHAN MEIGS. SrpL 18 19 iSherift's Sales. On thefrst Vuveday in October next , at the court howe in Camden County* be • txvcen the hairs of ten and three eVcttf, Will b‘Sold, PART of LOT No. S together with the Houses, outhouses, Buildings ancl Improvements thereon, levied on as the pro per tv of Jos.'Judson, and to b* sold by virtue of an execution obtained in favor of John Jones against the administrator* ! of J or. Judbon. ALSO, l Part of Lot No. 3- one hundred feet in | front, with a house thereon, levied nu as j the property of James Vincent, to satisfy a l judgement ob .uned in favor of I S. D. j rtloruru -1 1 in, against the administrators of ! Jair.es Vincent. Conditions Cnsh. JOSEPH CREWS, and. s. c. c. i st. Mart *s August 31 12 Rum and Molasses . j li hhds 3(1 proof-West* India RUM !4 diito .MOLASSES, fit for retailing ! Jb barrels fresh FLOUR ;?3 boxer Dn-JiMl#*, SO AP i 14 liiiJ* SUGARS. FOIL SALE EY - E. WAINRICHT. ! Sept M 19 Sheriff ’c bales* - On the first 7 ucsdny in November next, ; | WILL BE SOLD, ; At the court house in the town °f 7*J* r y n ’ f Curndetl county, between the hou>s of ten 1 and three oV/tdf, the following property, I vit. JIM, Cndim-v Frederick, Will, Frank, Samba, Violet, Jnba, - JVr*, Sallv, Ma | rv, Dta-r, Lydits Mawtta, Yhbiiiu* Com. I siissa, CJiasliv, Mubita, Cooly and Corn j niissa ; levied on and sold as the property of Mr. Martha W. Nightinp*. on a Mnrtgig duly for ('closed in favor of Rich ard O’Dniinci, 251 th May, 1807. Post, potted from August sales. Condition* of Sale 01. i>- G. JONFiS, S. C. C. Su|)t4. 1 No. £2. Late ‘Foreign News 5 Received bv the Mary, ('a|>t. Stokej, 3t • kiv- fronj GrvfnccK. CONFERENCE RYTWEEN THE KING OR SW*. DEN AND GENERAL BRUNE. TO THE EDITOR OF THE COURIER. Six, The following i*x tr’nftuiou ofthe corverfxtion which parted between hi* Majesty the Kin; *f Swrnxs and General B*cthx at Schlatkow.on the 4th of June, a published !>y command, at Strtlfund; and if yow think it will be ro your Readers, you'zre welcome to int’ert it in your Paper. GUST WUS BRTTNVMARK, Chaplain to the Swedtlb Legation at the Court of Sf. James’*. The original publication begins thus As an incorrect article has been in* ferted in the Hamburgh and Abona, Papers, concerning his Royal Majefly's confereift:e with the French General Brine, at Schlatkow, on the 4th of June, 1807, kerns now high time to put this conversion in i's true light. When ihe French General came to the King, he began, after a pause of a few moments, bv faying—-I present my felf here in coufcquence of your Msja ty'i command. The King, —l have my felfwifhed t<r speak to you, General, in order to ren der unnecefTary all further explanation on the article added to the conciufion of the armistice at Schlatkow, as I wilh that every thing fliould be clear and diflinQ, (o that no. mifconftrutftion can arise. My Governor General has al ready in consequence of my order, told you in his letter of the 14th of May, that I do not acknowledge any other agreements, except ihofe ettabhfhed in the armifftye ijhtf—-od I now repeat to you, that that is the only ad I look upon as binding, The Gen.—Does your Majcjly per mit me to speak, or is it yout Alajejlf i pleafu'e to explain your thoughts your felf on the fubjeft ? The King, —No, you may speak. The Gen.—Your Majesty, 1 mention an instance in which I was roy lelf concerned, for 1 have concluded a litnilar ajmiilice in Holland with the Duke of York ; and 1 had thought that the additional article pow in question ought 10 have been as sacred as the atmulice it felf, when founded on the honour of both .Commanders in Chief. The King.—Yes, it is exaftly on the fame principle -th-.* I acknowledge only the Armiltice at Schlatkow. Buo naparte has betides made use of a lon, which I might also urge, when he laid, that he htmleif commanded his ar* my, and ordered General Monier, in cale the additional article fhouid not be acceded to. to breakoff the Armifiice. Now since I have taken thecomraand of my army in per.fo:i, I might have had a fufhetent reason for putting an end to the Armistice, as I would not acknowledge the additional article j but I have not done it. When General Brune be£an to speak about the ancient alliance between Sweden and France, and abofft an U* nion between the two Nations. The King answered.—Yes, certainly, I wilh as ninth as you, that this alli ance might be revived ; but the French Nation is no longer the fame, and those happy times are puffed, when a close alliance contributed to the political ad” vantage of the two Kingdoms. The preknt flite of affairs prevents it. The General—Your Majefly, the French nation is always the lipne. It has acquited much honour and power, France has made a great progreft, she has ‘improved her agriculture and her resources, and if in other times your Majelly had an opportunity of going thither, it would, perhaps, be inteieiting