Federal republican advocate, and commercial advertiser. (Savannah, Ga.) 1807-180?, October 26, 1807, Image 1
Federal Republican Advocate, • A; N D COMMERCIAL ADVERTISER FRO OREGE ET LEOK—PRO Aftlj ET FOCIS. VOL. I ] THE ADVOCATE is published eve ry MONDA Y and THURSDAY by JOHN CARMONT & Cos. on the bay, opposite THE EXCHANGE , AT Six DOLLARS PER ANNUM, PAYABLE HALF YEARLY IN ADVANCE. FOR LIVERPOOL, AMERICA, Abraham Nichols, Maf.tr t Steady 10* receive a cargo immediately, and having 500 bales of cotton engaged, will be dispatched without delay. She is in fine order, having been thoroughly repaired in Liverpool—3oo bales cotton are wanted to fill her up. Apply to MEIN, MACKAY& CO. FOR SALE, 4000 bushels Liverpool GROUND SALT 15 bales Cotton BAGGING 20 bales low priced Welch PL AINS 05 crates assorted CROCKERY WARE 150 casks London Bottled PORTER This property will be sold low, if taken from on board immediately. Sepfc. 28 . * 19 FOR LIVERPOOL, J*” TAf remarkable fafl failing Jbip %s&!M&sllex a ndt’r Hamilton , _Sg*S33EL. ‘WiIIMMCaLLAHAN, Maftr; A eonsiuci able part ot her cargo is engaged and will be soon dispatched. For freight es the remainder, or passage, apply to the master, or JAMES DICKSON & CO. October 1. 20 r *"” ‘’ “ rr 1 ■’ 1 ‘ 111 “■ FOR LIVERPOOL, T The well known fast sailing ship Josfph Starks, Will be ready to receive her cargo on the 12th inst. and will be setii off with all pos sible dispatch. For freight or passage apply on board, or to TAYLOR & SCARBROUGH. October 8 22 Loaf Sugar, 40 hhds. first quality LOAF SUGAR, received on consignment, per ship Eirza from Liverpool. And tor sale bv TAYLOR & SCARBROUGH. October 8 22 ■ ■ ■ ■ - - ----- ■ • ■■■’ 1 o llerty And possession given immediately, The Wharf and Stores known as Anciaux’s Wharf, in this city. If not Tented by the Ist November ensuing, it will be sold at private sale, on easy terms. Apply to WAI. DAVIES, El- October 8 22 JOO bariels Supeifine Richmond FLOUR. hogsheads prime MOLASSES. For sale by THOMAS LAWRENCE. ro REMOVAL. THE subscribers have removed to the large stone building, on Taylor & Sc-Arbrough’s wharf; where they are now receiving a principal part of their Fall Supply of Goods , By the America, captain Nichols, and the Alexander Hamilton, captain Cal lahan, from Liverpool, and for sale by JAMES DICKSON Sc CO. September 28 c 19 B. & C. BROOKS, rr Ar* ytrgr arcsrren. tH free. Holla, capt. Barnah*, from Nf.v-Yp*x. ft pipes real old (Jogmuc } . wnv 4 ditto Naples f BKAINUI * 8 half dipes old Madeira WINE 2 hogsheads J LQAF SU G \R. 20 barrels | 6 large and) hestsHY y oN t£a 12 small | 2 bags PEPPER 30 boxes Doolittle’s SO \P 1 box Irish LINEN, and 40 barrels SUPER FINK FLOUR, not more than 15 days from the mill. Winch they will sell at their usual low prices. Sept. 28 19 SAVANNAH, (Georgia.) MONDAY, October 26, lßoy, By the ships Alexander Hamilton andELizA, from Liverpool, . Meliss, Taylor & Cos. HAVE RECEIVED inpart, their supply of Winter Goods, And by the ship Mary, daily expected from Greenock, they are to have the re. nuinder, which, together will make a very great variety and extensive assortment Q f a , WELL SELECTED GOODS, 1 35 ,iav ever came tc this ma.ket—beiim every arttcle of them selected by one of the Partners, residing in Britain, who is posses, sed of every advantage of procuring Goods on the best terms, which will enable then to make sales at a verv low rate. Among the Goods received, will be found THE FOLLOWING ARTICLES, viz. White x Green and . Brown ) London Duffle Bristol ditto ( BLANKETS. 7 4a 12 4 Bose ditto ) White \ Blue / Red > WELCH FLANNELS. Scarlet and i V eilow J O le bale Louden Dressed Super. N fine Cloths and Kersey meres / For Two cases London made Hats of > Retail, the very best quality and king, newest fashion ) ° One case newest fashion London Straw Bonnets An extensive assortment of Yorkshire Su perfine CLOTHS and KERSEY MERES Ditto ditto second Cloths And ditto Kerseymeres Yorkshire Narrow Cloths “Blue Strouds—Napt ‘Fricfea Bath Coating-Fearnought And coarse Cloths, of every description Patent Cord, ‘ n Toiienet, f VEST Worsted Marseilles Quilting ( COATING Swansdown ) Benets worsted ami cotton patent Cord Cotton Cordurovs Velveieens and Fancy Coals of all colors ami prices Men’s & Yofl'h’s Wool, Ditto, ditto plated JITATS, in rftn . Ditto ditto fine, Tvement boxes Ladies ditto ditto, Ftor country Youth Ike,hildrens plated j stores. Servant’s Glazed Leather” Hard ware, done tip in well assorted casks, sot shop keepers. Buttons of all kinds Guns and Gun Locks Knives and Forks Pocket and Pen Knives—Spectacles Packet and pound Puis Needles —Horn and Ivort Combs Ladies elegant ornamented hair Combs Cotton Hosiery, of every description Worsted and Lambs Wool ditto ditto Calicoes k printed Cambrics, new patterns Silk ( liambrays, of an elegant stylo Cotton ditto—Dimities 9 8 and f> 4 Cambric ditto Plain Cambrics, all widths Elegant figured ditto Cambric Shawls •Damask and other silk ditto Black Barcelona, and various other silk Handkerchiefs A complete assortment of new fashion Ribbon, Cotton Counterpanes Rotnal and Pullicat Handkerchiefs Durants, Calimancoes and Shalloons BomU iZctts and Bomlnizeeus Satin Peeling White and biatk Persian Black silk Florentine Ditto Satin Ditto Vlode Ditto Crape Ladies Pic Nic and oihcr silk Gloves Ditto ditto Cotton ditto Ladies and gentlemens siik Hoso Sewing Si*k and Twist Tlnead Laces and ditto Edging Cotton ditto ditto ditto Huckabacks — Fancy I) i,a pe r Fancy Towels —Table Cloths Cotton Shirting—Table Covers 6d, 8,1, lOd, 20 J, clasp head Nails Crockery Ware, in well assorted crates for retailing Glass Ware, in ditto, &,o, October * ?* Salt, Crockery zvare. , Porter, &c Lantling from thi Jhip Dispatch, from LivtltPOOt, AND FOR JiAtE BY THE SUBSCRIBER, 4800 buflids ground SALT too c rates afl'ortetl F.hRTMEN WARE 4SOO gallons Stone JUGS and JARS 50 boxes Negro lUFE.S 29 calks London bottled PORTER 15 ton Canal COALS BENJAMIN MAURICE. WtI&BAS ON HAND, V 4 Hhds. good Retailing MOLASSES o Puncheons Ift & 4tb proofN. E. RUM *5 Pines 4th proof Oogniac BRANDY 8-Pipes Holland GIN 2 Pipes old Madeira WIMF. 12 Hhds. Mnfcovado SUGARS 7 I'iertesLoaf Ditto 5 Ron country & Svr des IRUN 8 Chelts frofti Hyfon TEA \2 BbL. M \CK \Ri L ao Do. Prime BEEF & PORK 8 Bales common WriliugPAPEß 9 Calks Clsret WINE I7 Crates Green & Blue edge PLATES Sooo Builiels ground SALT Augnft 10 g Rum and Molasses. 14 hhds 3d proof West India RUM 14 ditto MOLASSES, fit for retailing 2o barrels fresh FLOUR 25 boxes Doolitth’s SOAP 14 hhds prime SUG ARS. FUR SALE BY E. WAIN RIGHT. Sept. 28 iq Received per the Rolia, 40 boxes mould CAN DLLS 20 ditto SOAP, of E. Doolittle’s make 2 ditto of N. England mauufactored NEGRO CLOTH FOR SALE BY JONATHAN MEIGS. Sept, is’ 19 RECEIVED PER HIE AMAZON, , 4 pipes country GIN IN STOKE, 1 00 bngs GK F. F. N COFFEE NOW OPENING, 9. hrdcs 1!0 A 1 INGS, various co lours, suitable (or house servant*. For sale by JONATHAN MEIGS. October 8 22 —~ - --- - ■ Southern Stage. T~*HE haring become proprietors t>f the a S L iGhf on the line from Savann.ib to St. Mary's, refpeAfully inform those who may here occasion to travel to any pa'"t < f that route that they have at great expence procured NEW STAGES, GOOD HORSES, and a CAREFUL DRIVER, for the accommodation of PAbSENOLRS A Ifo an excellent fafe and well manned BOAT for w.trrcoirveyance. They intend running the Urge, twice a week, be tween S<Aiar:nab and Dori, r , during the winter, arid -will keep a light EXTRA ST.-'GEfor the accitnrao datum c! PRIVA :E P \RTIES, or others who'may he d.f ippoiuted ii: the MAH. STAGE. They will aifo carry PACKAGES of GOODS, on moderate terms, and be refponhble for their delivery an dire>sled, any where along the line (nnav idable accidents cacopted.) They rruft th-t their exertions to serve the PUBLIC, will meet with support. M. SHF. ARF/R, W. A. DUNHAM. Savannah, O'Aober ij. 54 Factor and Agent . M. SHEARER, INFORMS the Planters that be ron'.i mies to sell Produce und other Proper i y on Commts'.ion, ami has plentv of proof Ware-house Rouua, on Bolton’s Wiiaiif. October 15 24 For Sale, SEVERAL valuable TR \CTS of LAND iii MJntosh, Glen and Cafnden Coiui ties. A prime gang of Seasoned NEGROES. An exrtlient House WKNCH A complete schooner rigg< and Planter’s BOAT, of easy draught of water, sails very fast, Sk will carry 50 bales of Cos ttn. Also, an excellent Cypress CANOK. M. SHEARED, Bolton’s Wharft October 15. 24 v Nonit, NINE months rtfter date, application will be made to the honorable the Inferior Court of Camden county, for leave to sell about seven hundred acres of land, lying on the head of Crooked river, about two hundred acres of Wh : t Oak, md a number of Lots in the town of Jef ferson, in the county aforesaid/ apper. mining to the estate of William Jones, deceased, late of the town of St. Mary’s, lor the benefit of the he irs and creditors. D. G. JONES, Administrator, St. Mary’s, Jan. lj, 180^. LANDING ■From the brig Amazon t John F.. Copp p matter, from New-York, ‘‘ ISO pioet. BAGGING 15 hhds. SUG AR, superior qtialitY 25 quarter casks M A LAG A W INK -GIiEAT COATSfn-bales BLANKETS and NEGRO CLOTH3 hollandgin in pipes, &c. &c. For sale, low, by A.t S. RICHARDS & CO. October 8. 2| 1 ■■ ■ 1 11 ■ ■ in Exchange Co(fee House. HI -HE Subscriber respectfully inform* ,JL his friends, and the Public generally mat he has taken ail those Reoms itx the Exchange, that were occupied by the late Mr. H. Reynolds, with an inten tion of making it a permanent establish” tr.'-nt—and hopes, by his efforts to give satis faction to- those who may favour him. with their company, to merit a share of poblic patronage——Rooms will always bo kept in order for the reception of Societies and Clubs who may honour him with their meetings. Hit Bar Room wifi always be supplitd with the best Liquors that can be procured—and Newspapers from mfferent parts of the United States, are taken and regularly 4iled for the amusement and convenience of those who favor him with their custom. He will alsolceep a regular marine list, containing the arrivals and clearances. OYS TER SUPPERS will be furnish* ed ter any number, on giving timely no tice, and parties accommodated with se arate rooms. ROBERT LESTER. October 8. 22 £>herht’s Gales. On the first Tuesday in November next, Will be sold, At the court house in the tozvn of jtjferson, between the hours of ten and three o’cloc&, ALL that lot ot land, ly ng and being in the town ot St. Mary’s, known by No. 20, containing four acres in the whole ; to satisfy a ‘judgment obtained in the superior court, for the county of Camden, in favor of John Hay , against James M. Lindsav, and Peter W. Green. Tint same to be sold in lieu ot part ot lot No. 23. the purchasers not complying with tiie conditions of sate. Conditions ca-b, in half an hour, or the pro perty to be sold again at the purchasers risk. JOSEPH -CREWS, D. S. C. C. St. Mary’s, Sept. 23. 20 . Sheriff ’j Sales, On the frst Tuesday in November next, WILL BE SOLD, At the court house in M'lntosh County, be. tween the hours of ten and three o'clock, THE FOLLOWING VRi-FeRTY, viz. One likely negro man nam* * and Smart, levied on as the property of Charles Dicks, to satisfy an execution in favor of Edward Stebbins, pointed out by plaintiff’s attorney, ALSO. A likely negro woman nam ed Sally, and two children, levied on as the property of James Fowler, to satisfy ao lexecutiott in favor of Joseph Bevau, point ed out by the plaintiff. ALSO, One tract of land, contain ing six hundred acres, by re-survey. Ivmg in the parish of St. Thomas (now Camden county,) levied on, as the property of John M‘ lntosii, to satisfy two executions against him, one in favor of Janies Hamil ton, the other m favor of Martha Melvin, pointed out by the defendant. Conditions cash, on the dav of sale. theod. montfout, s. m. c. October 1 20 Sheriff's Sales* / On the first 7 uesday in November next , WILL BE SOLD, At the court house in the tovm of ‘f offers on, Camden county , between the hows of ten and three o'clock, the following pc r operty x viz . JIM, Cudjoe, Frederick, Will, Frank, Somba, Violet, Juba, Sere, Sally, Ma j ry, Dierc, Lydia, Manna, Yatr.ma, Coin- I aiissa, Quashy, Mabita, Cooly and Coni, j uiissa ; levied on and sold as. the property I of Mrs. Martha W. Nightingale, ou t I Mortgage duly foreclosed in favor of Rich j ard O’Donnel, 29th May, 1807. p ust J poned from August sales. Conditions o ! sale Cash. D. G. JONES, S. C. C. i Skpt 4. i<} No. *7.