Federal republican advocate, and commercial advertiser. (Savannah, Ga.) 1807-180?, October 26, 1807, Image 3

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PROCLAMATION. Ifliied on the rtth August, at Zealand, by admiraf Gambler and lord Gathcart, commanders in chief of hi* Britannic majerty’s force* iiy sea and laud, em ployed in the expedition. W hereas the present treaties of peace, and ihe changes of government and oi territory, acceded to by To many powers, have so far increased ihe influence oi France, on the continent of Europe, as to render it impoflible for Denmark, though it desires to be neutral, to pie fe ve its neutrality, and abfoiuteiy ne ceffary for those who continue to re, fill French aggreflion to take niea!ure> to prevent the arms of neutral powers from-being united againil them : In this view, the king cannot regard the prelent petition of Denmark with indifference; and bis majetty has lent negociators with ample powers to hi Danish majefly, to request, in the molt amicable manner, such explanations as the times require, and a concurrence in . *fuch measures as can alone give Security again ft the farther nijlchiets which*, the French meditate through the acquifi lion of the Qanifn navy, The king, our royal and mod gra cious mailer, has therefore judged it to desire the temporary de, pofitof the Danifli ships of the line m *jnc of inajefly’s ports. Thisrdepofit Teems to be so just, and so indilpenfably necefiary, under the relative cireumftances of the neutral and belligerent powers, that his majesty has fuither deemed it a duty to hitnfelf, and to his people, to support this de mand by a powerful fleet, and by an army, lupplied with every preparation necessary for the moft deter mined enterprise. We come, therefore, to your shores, inhabitants of Zealand, not as enemies, but in feif defence , to prevent those who have so long difiuibed the peace of Europe from compelling the force of your navy, to be turned again ft us. We ask deposit-—we have, not look ed to capture. So far from it, the nioft so lan n pledge has been uffeied to your government, and is hereby re hewed, in the name and at the express command of the kmgourtraliei —that if our demand is amicably acceded to, every (hip belonging to Denmark shall, at ihe conclusion of a general peace, be restored to her, in the fame condi tion and Ifatc of equipment as when received under the prote£fion of the British flag. Jt is in the power of your govern, men:, by-a word, to (heath our lwords, tnoft reluOantly drawn against you; but if, on the other hand, the machina tions of France render you deaf to the voice of reason, and the call of friend ihip, the innocent blood that will be fpilt, and the horrors of a belieged and bombarded capital, mu ft fall on your own heads, and .those of your cruel -advisers. . His roajefly’s Teamen and foldicrs, when on shore, will treat Zealand, as long as your conduct to them permits it, on the footing of a province of the moft friendly power in alliance with Great Britain, whole territory has the misfortune to be the theatre of war. The persons of all those who remain at home, and who do not take any hos tile part, will be held sacred. Property will he refpe&ed and pre fer ved, and the molt severe difeipiine will be enforced. Every article of supply fur-niflied or brought to •market, will be paid for-, at a fair and fettled price-; but, as imnoe -diate and conftairtTupplies, especially of proviftons, forage, sud and tianfports are necessary to all armies, it is well known that reqnrfmons are unavoida bie, and must be enforced. Much convenience will arise to the inhabitants, and much confnflion and Infs to them will be prevented, if per sons in authority are found in the feve rai diftnbls, to whom rcquikiions may be addrelled, and through whom claims for payment may be Icttled and liqui dated. If such persons are appointed, and difeharge their duty without meddling in matters which do not concern them they will be refpeded, and all requdi tion., shall be addieffed to (hen-, thro’ the proper channels and departments of the navy and army ; but, as forbear- ance on the part of the inhabitants i; effentia) to the principle of 1 befe ar rangements, it is neci Ifary that a!) man ner of civil pet sons should remain at their refpe6live habitations; and any peasants, or other persons, foupd ir arms, singly or in final! troops, or who may be guilty of any aft of violence, mull expeft to he treated whh rigor. ” The government of his Danish ma re fly having hitherto refufed to trea; this matter in an amicable way, part o the army has been dil’e.tnbarked, an> he whole force has afluined.a warlike attitude ; but it i-s as yet, not too late Tor the voice of reason and moderation to be heard. Given in the Sound, tinder our hands and seals, this jt.dth day of Au gull, 1807. G ambier. Cathcart. LONDON’, Sept. 7. Extra £l of a letter from an office’ u Hcreole, off’ Copenhagen, Au. guff 20. “ We landed 18 000 men on S 1 why August 16, about fix miles f r oni Cos perrhagert, without any loss, the Danes not being aware of their landing. The convoy of too fail of transports hove m fight the fame dav’ in the afternoon, from the south, with the German Le gion.; there being little or no wind, the enemy began to sue on them, and ih admiral received a flag of truce flaring, hat if the transports puffed the crown batteries a: that place, they would fink the whole convoy, At five ©’clock’ the admiral made signal to weigh an chor arid (land further in, and for a l! boats to return to thru refpeflive ships. and we cleared for a6ion, with fpring on the cable; we perceived the Theft flying among the transports from nine* until eleven, wiihout doing any nrnf, chief. “ On the i7>h, at-9 o’clock, we dis covered t 8 ol the enemy’s gun boats making towards the tianiports to cut, them off, al! the boats in die fleet wcr-S manned andamted, and Tent after them. The enemy took pcfTcffion of one vef fd belonging to Liverpool, but .feeipg our boats advance, they set tire to her and’ made their escape—all hands were saved from the wreck. “ On the rßih a flag of truce was font from Copenhagen 10 the admiral, for leave for the royal family to quit the place ; which was granted, In ihe afternoon the gun-boats approached along shore to annoy ihe army, but was tepulfed without doing any mis chief. In the evening they came out again, and a very heavy fit’ - commenc ed between them and <>ur frigates, which did them much damage. A) daik they returned with eight boats cut of the fourteen ; those were obiig td to be towed in. “ The army is now about a mile in ihe rear of Copenhagen, fltirmtilling with the advanced guard, who are fly ing m all directions. Aug. ig We are now pretty quid, the army seem enjoying thcmfelves, boiling iheir kettles, &c. we are for.ear that we can hear them give the watch woid; a fkiimifh tux k place’yefterday in which our men took 40 baggage ano ammunition waggons, Sec, aitd one Danish general, leveral vveie killed anc wounded; our iofs was one captain oi artillery and a few privates. Signal is just made for all our large boats tr urovidc thenifelves with mortars, arci a flag of tiuce is feni into Copenhagen 10 warn a!! neutral ships to -quit th port or run the conicquence. Vvc begin, it is frdd to bon.baid to morrow ; the (hips in front, and the troops in the rear of Copenhagen. We have now 28,000 men within a mile of Copen. ha gen, and hope to fend you good new soon. Wc have four Danish frigates in our fleet taken.” The Com us, ol *4 funs, took a Da nifl) frigate, after an afction ot 40 mi nutes, wiih great {laughter on the enc my’s fide, but none on outs. A part of our at my which landed on the back of Copenhage n, ftolined a battery ol ten guns, and took 960 ptilomrs. without any lots. Such art the out lines of our proceedings. It has tea. reported that the bin es have cap tin l&tcd), but this new* warns coiTmha lion. Ck Hhbctate. . Savannah, Oct. 26, 1 807. Our Subscribers are respectfully re yested to need to the office for their papers, or a few data, the Carriers being sick. fURTHP.R RETURN OP ET.VCTIONS. t dwin Smator, H. Carlcton— Rtf’ t/mfjtivt, A- Franklin. BmiocK- ftnxter, John Rawls— Wtfrtftntitlvi, Cl aries M CaU Cl-ARK— Senator,XKwr)Hc\i-—R'frrf:nlativt) l P Rail ilotpS, W. Clark, Z. Cook. F.i BKT—' Senator, C. Clark— SeprtJeKtatlvttt B Jeter, S Pofcy, A. Daniel Framimn— Venator, J. H. I.lttie— Jifrefentativn, J. P. Carnes, A. APen, M. Wilcox. CtuxjNE— Seitattr, E. \‘dr\ti~~K:fire/entat!vej, R. Greer, A. Herd. O Potter. HAN'CQCt— Senator, ——- Herbert— R,prefcntativn, D Adams, —■ Blonnt, Chandler. r.tNCoI.N—R. Wa'ton— Prfrefintativu, S. Fleming, W. Gretham MomToomeut—■ Senator, P. M-GrifF— Rrfi-’fcnlaiiniei, G O. Gaines, H. Fulehtnan. Or.LlTKOltFE— Senator, G. Moore— fhprtjintatlvii, G. Phillips, G. Hndfjieth, G. Jone^. Scrivin— Senator, C. I.anier— Rrprefcnitiivu, L. La nier, M Gross. Tatna-i— Stnatir, J. Etnbre —Rcfrefeutttlv •, A- Lott WaRREW- Seneter, Hert— Pefrefintatimti, J. Hardier, J. Gray, —— Nufnm. Wix.krs —St eater, D. Tjile-—cliprefentativei, F Gilbert, E. Cummins, J. Park* Wasuimsi^.in —Stna'or, J. Rutherford Pejiri/entta fttet, —— Collin, T. E. Dawfen, —— Childers. A letter from London, August 12, fays, ct Sir John Nichols ‘ fthe British King’s Advocate General) lias deli vered his opinion, that any attempt to search a government fliip of one na~ tion by that of another, is a iolation of the law of nations. 7 ; —lt adds, ‘ Ad miral Berkeley is recalled; and I trust all that can be reafonahly required, will be done in the cafe.” —Boston -Gazette. The fliip Eliza, (of 500 tons) Caot. fames Cook, arrived at Salem, from Sumatra, with a full load of pepper. Touched at St. Helena, where recent intelligence horn England had excited apprehensions of an immediate war between that country and America, so hat feme intention v?sj manifefted of detaining the Americans there, until fu.thcr intelligence. Captain Cart wright, oF Nantucket, who was ftiere m a JBoflon Tchooner, was To alarmed at this intimation, that he set fail, with, out permiflion, and was fired at from ‘he fort, but got off clear. Capt. Cook failed from the iflaud the 26th July ; left no Americans there.— io. In commenting on the trial of Col. Burr, the Norfolk. Ledger remarks That the a ecu fed may merit punirh ment, is fubjetl we shall not enquire into, but if his crimes are ten times greater than the bitterest of his enemies alledge, we hope he will only fuller as he law dite£fs. If once the law is made subservient to motives of policy, 01 what is worse, to suit ihe views of party., we may hid a long farewell to aft our boafied freedom. We are not politi. ally nor perfonal’y attached to Mr. Bun, nor are we of that number, who to punifb him would desire all the fa ded principles of the eonftitution and the laws to be violated.—T'he judg does not make the laws, he expounds them, and is hound to fee that the trial be conduced according to laW ; such we believe has been the conduit of thf court upon the present occasion, and uch we hope it will ever be. The judge who permits rcafons ol date, or . popular opinions to influence bis judgment, would be a fit member for a Star Chamber Court, ora Uevolu / nonary Tribunal, but is wholly urqua j lifted for a judge in a court which has been tftablilhtd by the conflilution anti 1 iws ot a free and independent nation. Capt. Howard, from St. Thomas, j informs that the day before he fallen a Briiifh government brig captuied a Danish packet from Si. Croix.; anti ■ hat a Hiiitfli fotce daily expellee hom Tortola, to capture St. T homas C’cv Anew pamphlet has made its ap. pearance ir> Kentucky, entitled, u A view of the lTefident’s conduct con caning the conipuacy of ißc6 Jiy Joseph Hamilton Davies, late attorney of the United States oi Kentucky'. “fttfpafpches have been received by government from our ministers at Lon don. We are informed that it is the opinion of the Prefidsnt that the state of affairs between the two countries does not present the mo ft asyreeab'e afpeft.— \tfajhingion Felcrulijl Obi. 8. Two gentlemen, who were cLout* and from the state of Ohio, to visit the In. dian nations, and to difeover if ihrir intentions were hoftilr, have returned—* They report, that the nations they vi fi ed, declared in their foiemn meetings, that if their white brethren are going to i war, their red brethren are determined to interfere no wav, but to fit {till, and mind their own concerns. T'he prophet whose talk wss publiflied fome time since, and which va-re and ;o him, and cla ed the whole to be fa!fe and unfounded^ and Teemed to re font it as a slander.— City Gazette. PORT OF SAY A \ r }7A3. ARRIVED. Ship Edward, L-w* Livernnr^ Mancliesrer Pack- 1, N. York Schr. Rising Sun, Cummings Charlcstou Two Brothers, Lesley do CLEARED. Brier Luna , Starr Now York FOR GREENOCK, rSTirw. T he new and fast sailing ship EDWARD, mcel with early dispatch. For freight apply to J AMES JOHNSTON ft CO. October 2§. Exhibition Gala. T’he public are respectfrillv informed, that •Mr, RANNIE, Will Exhibit THIS EVENING, AT THE EXCHANGE ASSEMBLY ROOM, Wl’en he vail! ghc a Dilflay of h’s unparalleled Pervert es VENTRILOQUISM, PHILOSOPHICAL AND MAGICAL OPERATIONS. These performances are so singular, that they have never failed to g’ve general satis faction iti Europe ami the metropolis of the United States ; and Ire doubts not but it v iji afford a higher degree of enter'ainmen t than an v ever offered for publicapprobation. He will exhibit ’hat miraculous operation of CUT HNS OFF THE HEAD OF A LIVE GHirKFN, AND THE finger OF ANY PERSON * H AND, AikJ 10 lire astonishment of every b odder, will put them on again, without creating any pain—-also, that surprising man uvru of swallowing a nnmb‘*r es real Knives, f orh r an and razors. lie will burn a bank bdl to sh< s, and re instate it the same as ever, and will pound a number of gold or silver watches into pieces, ami restore them sound and whole as ever. It being a long series of 16 years that Mr. Ranine has devoted himself to the stu* dv of this species of entertainment, it 14 presumed it will eutiile him to a preference in the opinion of ail those who are capable of forming a just estimation of merit. Tha Room is m ample order for the reception of all who may honor the Exhibition with their company. The Public may rest assured liiat great Care will be taken to have every part conducted with the utmost and corum. Ihe performance to begin at seven o'clock precisely. ‘ Tickets to be had at the pUce of performance. October 26 800 I S SHOES. By the Luna, from New York- The subscribers have received, 111 addition to their stock on hand, SUWARROW 800 I S Men’s SHOES, first, second & third quality Morocco BOOTS, —and Men’s LAC!’ D SHOES Morocco SLIPPERS, &c. T’AYLOIt 6i SCRIBNER. October 19. 2.1 For Sale. A VALUA I BLE and . yjjf 11 Jj'® 4 atiun on Turtle River R R Glvnn County, contain- j=lL.-MdSJLIL m ng by old survey 600 ‘d , res . on the premises •i- „ v, i V comlortabie dwelling house, otton Gin house and Machine*, with every ecessary out building- The largest pro . iruon of this tract is well adapted lor the nit lire of cotton, and a part tor Hue, with ite plantation may he lured for one year l2or 20 prime taskable hands, Fur terms , ppfy to Mr. 7 homas Lawrence, Savannah*, or to the subtetiitwr ai Jekyi Island. ALLX’K. c. wylly. September 10 14 ll ’.