Federal republican advocate, and commercial advertiser. (Savannah, Ga.) 1807-180?, November 09, 1807, Image 1

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AND COMMERCIAL ADVERTISER. VOL. I.] THE ADVOCATE is published eve ry MONDAY AVO THU US DAY by JOHN CARMONT & Cos. on the bay, Opposite THE EXCHANGE, at six dollars per. annum, payable: half YEARLY IN ADVANCE, for grlenock, rJi Al-V- The new and fast sailing ship EDWARD, meet with early dilpatch. For freight apply to JAMES JOHNSTON, Jua. October 2s. 27 FOR LIVERPOOL, *Tbe remarkable fafi failing Jiif Alexander Hamilton , JggSsSSb* Whhak Callahan, Mafttr } A able part ot ii€f caro is eitgaged • c? s-.jrn dispatched. For freight c r- < o? passage, apply to the &ftl* :v. • DICKSON Sc CO. k v*. C".- * , * ik... ii.rjw i fast sailing ship Josfph Starks, Master; Will be ready to receive her cargo on the 12th inst. and will be sent off with all pos sible dispatch. For freight or passage apply on board, or to TAYLOR & SCARBROUGH. October 8 22 FOR LIVERPOOL, AMERICA, , Askaham Nichols, McJUrt Ready to receive a cargo Immediately, and having 500 bales of cotton engaged, will be dispatched'Vitbout delay. She is in fine order, having been thoroughly repaired in Liverpool—3oo bales cotton are wanted tc hil her up. Apply to MEIN, MACK AY & CO. FOR SALE, 4000 bushels Liverpool GROUND vLT 15 baler Cotton BAGGING 20 bales low priced Welch’ PI MNS 15 crates assorted CROCKER i )\ ATS 150 casks London Bottled PORTE This property will be sold low, : f : >,er froai on board iiimi ad lately. Supt. 28 ] o Loaf Sugar . 40 hhds. first quality LOAF SUGAR, received on consignment, per ship Eiifca from Liveroqpl, And fcr l r v -• TAYLQt>.L..;V 1 ’ r j- V ~ .--v. * ■’ 4 Cg. * •’ *'■ 4nJpowefi'iion gWE: .-■> rdiatc’tt, The Wharf and ‘ • }\nov; i as Altos ill Sl* ; Wharf, i:. ;! oi renr< •! c Nov :• v nit u . 4 v * **■ sA’ , ■ , i htv to ‘ and i ‘ ~ | 3, October * ’ o, r . tt'.bscribc-. s ha-r . i tc- di^ .A. lav,*-tone ‘'inkling, ■ ~ylor & cARBRnt:,,.. * •” barf, v .j: e they are now receiv:, t a principal part of their - Lull Supply of Goods, 0* the America, captain Nichols, and *!< Alexander Hamilton, captain Cal t ahiw, from Liverpool, ands >t sale bv jAM E $ 1 ) l C KS O N & CO. September 23 c to oysteriioose: 5 .pHT. Subscriber respectfully informs bis T friends.and thy ptibbe. that he has opened an OYSTER HOUSE in Brough, tor. street, next door to Major Brown’s; :rid begs Icevc to solicit t-share of their patronage, which be will Use 1 is utmost efforts to deserve. Having engaged . ;<<.eU*nt COOKS, ho fi liters himself lie will be able to give satis ; action to those. uijo honot him with their company— The Rooms will be aluuv: rcadv for the reception t f conipam , and OYSTERS ot BEEF STEAKS, furnished <"i ihe shortest not iie, THOMAS I.IND-SEY'. Oetobarvs I SAVANNAH, (Georgia,) MONDAY, November g, 1807. B. & C. BROOKS, Having taken Mr. DAVID STEVENS into capartr.erfhip, wifi in future be engaged in the - tcc c . jAC cue: Css ion Business , On WavweY “YHAjiT, under toe firm^>f B. & C. BROOKS & Cos. They are now receiving the following GOODS, which will he dtfpofedof for cash, cotton or ArpaovED papkh, as low as they can be ohtainei in the city. 150 pieces cotton bagging 2000 bushels ground ) o , f . r 1000 ditto St. Übes ( VILI 2C hogsheads Ty/iiscovado t 30 barrels ditto f 2 hogsheads leaf /SUGAR. 25 barrels ditto \ 25dittolump , } 20 cheats hyson A }5 quarter chests >TEA 7 ditto Cbuluii j 2 e i pipes Holland } 5 ditto country SO ditto Brandy 10 hogsiieads Doston _ 2 uitto Charleston I “ ’ .Swedes [-IRON 1 ditto country j 1 ditto olotigh moulds 1 ditto si tot assorted 1 ditto bar lead English and American gun powder Casks nails, and trace chains 50 bags coffee—2o bags white race ginger Bags pepper and pimento Crates crockerv ware A few cask., old Sherry of excellent quality Madeira wine tn half pipes & qr.casks 2 half pipes drv Lisbon 5 qr. casks do. do. 50 boxes Doolittle’s Candles 60 do. do Soap 500 pair Negro‘Shoes 50 bags manufactured Tobacco 10 boxes assorted Saddles, Bridles and Portmanteaus 10 boxes Cotton Cards No. 10 1000 do. Sheet Iron 50 do. Negro Pipes 5 do, English Mustard j 3 bales Hiunhums 1 bale low priced Yorkshire Cloths j 1 box iiats, willbc sold at a low advance 20 barrels Pork [ A few casks old Port,bottled (5 doz. each 5 12 dozen low priced shot Guns Beer’s warranted Axes and Hatchets | They have large and convenient i stores lot” the roc option *>f every kind of j produce, and will continue their services as FACTORS. Novembers 50 i’“ j ~ i 2i> ?< '*V” ‘•••-. : rival* from New York, ’Kr. s ees-LY < r : C ShCiS ‘ I'UR VI rURE, \ W.tr.RAVTt OOF TSir FIRS’! cm: ‘ ITV* Ar ->st which >• c— '. “Ah'; vy-rious c , , HI St’ . i a LOOK „ASES I\VrR I) !< ; e. > > “■* idJI Nti ‘!* A MLF.S, with J? widtotit |LE AT A BL£3, CAll D ditto | High and b >v post BEDS TK ADA ; Bison and c .vadle S LANDS f <rcy gilded and common C HATRj a in 5 •. bKTIEES. PORTABLE DESKS, a few an MA HOGANY CLaIRS Ao extensive assortment of PIER e.l .TOiLE l voLASSE S With almost ei civ ariicle in th^ CABINET LINE, i Now one nine an* 1 , for sale, <u\ reason* ; ble tetnu, at 1. 1 irate Romr., tn Bull s'.reet, opposite the Exchange. JOHN SCOTT. I fc!?’ Cabinet Furniture made and it. 1 paired as usual. Novetubci 5. do . Landing , From the brig A M ap. n, [ohn E Corn, v: aster, ft'cm Nfv; \okx, 150 R \GGING i> bhc*s. SUGAR, sup: * <• j <a!itv V'> j i tner en-k M \l..\ .Vs iNE i t'.P.AT CO \ TS tn bales A Kr I’S and NEGRO Cl <)1 Us i.L \ND yitN in pipes, 3te. ,< e. *r .10, ItiyV.bt A ft :i. UICIIARD & CO. Oeiobet 8 22 PRO ORLOP. ET LEG?—PB.Q AfU'. EV FOTIS. jßy Ae ships Alexander Hamilti ’.nd ELrzA, from Liverpool, I Me liss, Taylor & Cos. 1 HAVE RECEIV ED IN r ART, THE JR sU i 1 PLY OF Winter Goods, 1 And by the ship Mary, daily expected from Greenock, they are to have the re mainder, which, together will make. \ -y great variety and extensive assortment ot WELL SELECTED GO, |** • :i ‘ * ‘ ,or came to this m ! every article ot their, selected t > | Pat tilers, rcMutng in Britain, who -s * 1 sen cver )’ advantage of procurir.g Goods 1 on the oe.st t< :ns, which will enable tliem ’ to make ‘• alls at a very low rate. Among ; j the Goods leceived, will be fouiid ‘ 1H P FOLI DvVIMC Aa,TI<sLE&! Vls ; whif *\ !Hi " e > PLA™* - - “ ; Green and L 1 LA ’ Brown ‘ 1 Lot.do*’ ’> “ I I'ristc! ditto f BLANKETS, j 7 4 a 12 4 o--c ditto ) • White N I Blue 9 ! Red j.- WELCH H. ANN ELS. j Scarlet and V ; clh'w J j O ie bide London Dressed Super-N j fine Cloths and Kerseymeres / For j T'.vo ! uses Loudon made Hats of V Retail tlie very best quality and king. 1 newest fashion “ J One ease newest fashion London Straw | Bonnets jAn extensive assortment Yorkshire Su | pertine CLOTHCanu ALT. SEYM Ell Lb 1 Ditto ditto second Ci° | And ditto Kersey - ! A r orksiurt N-iri | Blue Strouds— . •:- i Bath Coating -:h: ! • . And coarse v.iotiis of ev6n description I Patent f'ord, x Tcilenet, t VEST Worsted Marseil'esOui! ipg T COATING S.vausdowt! j Benet;'. worsted and cotton pa.ent Cord j Cotton Corduro.s j Velveteens aud fancy Cords of all coicrs j and prices j Men’s & A outh’s Wool, | Duo dito plated /HATS, in con : Ditto ditto tine, boji^s { i .ad.a. onto ditto, l “for country Youth Aeltildremt plated \ stores. | Sci vant’s (>lazed Leaibt t i ilaulwa 1, Oetic np in well assorted casks, ! fu- shop c:,.- r :k? . L Ii C- l.ct E .in Knives—Spectacles 1 Pas iu t e 4 pou ’ti P 1 j Needles—Horn ‘ |v >r\ Combs La.lies 4 Dg. •,r > 1 inir Combs j ‘ • t’ si- : ,of every description ‘ . Wool ditto dilto * i 4 - ’ v bries, new patterns ik Chat.. o> a , am style | t ton ibtto—lN j ? <;:ivi A 4 Cambric ditto Lai 1;i i.im..; nil width* ; ‘-yci’.t l;g.ureo unto 1 l A. ‘lii to . .V. !-• - , ( D invisk and .-..he* dii ; Bun], i;-.,cfc!ona and .u>j* i.ir st'.i, ; Hundkcuciiieis ! A complete w sovtirent of ti w fasliion ; Ribbon. | < otu ti Countert.-a | Rmn.d a: i Pnliu.-v G.ndk’ • lliefs 1 Du mu , C at ini. cent-'-’ and Ni.nicOES h-'Mn ‘Zt-tt,. and i>cic:'o.!zecus ‘■bithi Peeling j White and black Persian | Blrcl: st.b i idv.li.t c i D . oSuim D tio Mode D ti*> Ci ape { t.;idiis Pic Nic sod other j,ilk Gloves ; Ditto ditto Cotton ditto | i allies and gantiot; eus si'.k 110.-e ■ Seeing silk and Twist Thread i at cc and ditto Edging | Cotton ditto ditto uitto ! i1 ’ ck.b a ks—-F anev 1 iapei j F.tnev Towels—'Table ('lotfet ! t’ott su shin trig —-Tab! Cov rs fid, l’d, iyd, 20*1, clasp head Nails j • ‘-Oskci r ‘A'are, m welt atscried cratce for re* tiling :(< e.* V.'...< ,in ditt(i,-fcc.'&c. ; f>.tuber 8 £2 IRISH LINENS. The fubicrifccra have received by the la’e arrival*, I AN ADDITIONAL SUPPLY Os 3 4 Brown 7 S White [IRISH LINENS; 4,4 do. very fine) 7 8 do. DOWLASS, and 5 4 do. SHEETING Which they offer for sale 6n. advantage ous, terms, by the piece or package. JAMES & JOSEPH CAIiRUTHERS. j November 2. 29 . V_ • ■ ■ a'V j Crockery ware, Porter , £&?■ tbrfiip Dim;cn,/i.-< Lrvuraoi, A *f **/!? -ale by r . “seiußer. J , . i” . o-. ground * ~ • i*-’ •i-'-.ruC - .*l*4 ■* . • / J- -L'e, “, - rj& f s ti <>’ ---to BEN r ~ . VSO HA 84 Hhds. good Ret;’ - • ‘ o Pu icheont 1 h £c 4f * i-UIT 15 ?ipe 4th tjroof Coen- ‘• “"fC • t> rti.p I-. . . , t t PlpHeWMa Ci.,. “"[Xlj tl Hhrie, SU(i 7 Tiercee Loss Ditto. Tor.-caaatfy & Sw fi C.-est- fraik Hvfon TEA ti Bob M \CK aR’ L jo Do.-Prim* BEEF & POPK S Ba’es coiwien WrirragPAPEJt 9 Caflt* Claret WINE ! 7 Crates (Jreen & Blue edge PLATES •S-co Bu4.e!i ground SAf.T Aug-ift to s j I Rum and Molasses . 14 hhds. 3d inroof West India RUM 14 ditto MOLASSES, fit for retailing 20 barrels fresh FLOUR 35 boxes Doolittle’s SO AP L 4 hhds prime SUGARSh FOR SALE BY E, WAINRIGHT. Sept. 28 to Received per the Ho La, 48 boxes mould CAN DLLS 20 ditto SO AP, of E. Doolittle’s mnke 2 dino of N. England manufactured NEGRO CEO TH FOR SALE BV JONATHAN MEIGS. S-Tt. 13 I? RECEIVED PER FHE AMAZON, 4 pipes country GIN IN STORE, 100 bag- GREEN COFFEE NOW OPENING, 2 hairs COATINGS, various co lours, suitable for house ♦.ervants. For sale b% JONATHAN MEIGS. TVptijher 8 2? Soutbe’n Stajje. ‘j ‘liK.. r e ‘'.fc’-iber’ h*vi-!£ ! prrprietor* n’ *!.e * F oa the ‘i;ie frem Sg-oamtib to Si ‘ 'myi. rrfpcitf'jfty infQim tfioTe wild n-.ay I ave occafv’ • tn travel to any pa’t of ih.U rou e, th it they hive at v;rc.ie v~ anee procured NEW .’ F4GES, GOOD HOB L'. , 0 REJL'L IVf R, for the aecommod:. 1 i. m f j !’A 8>.'32U5 Also an .’ic-llen: Gfe aid well :iud j L0.,1 f.:-r water eonveya.'cr. They intend running the Huge, twice a week, he tween Savannah <nd fl.itUn, curing the wj.atr, wilt keep a light hJC* F. V ST \G'i for the aeeontn'o'- on oi FRIVA :E P RTIES, or others who m.:v ! c Tfrpp-int. ‘ ..the MAIL STAGE. They will Vlfo ..rv FACS ChS O’ GOODS, on u-rmi. a dbe refpor, b f t rheir aelive-. diredte 1,” am WuvJ* a-o-.g i, v -i iaVi! *vrt ;ti exc. r't<? J lUy cr-It th r.. clous i fe;re the FUHLIi will vuvt with . - ‘i H SHEARF.R, and W. A. DUNH AM. Sivauuah,Odiolier :$■ jj Factor and Agent. M. SHE \K £K, INFORMS the Plaktlas Mat he cn lUiVt. to se!i Pr.oDDCE and Other Prop : . ty oil < oumiissio'i, and has plentv of ii proof Ware-hcusu Roam, oil Boli> - Wjiaiif. October 15 21 For Sale, QW.V.F.R O valuable TR \ CTSof r ..A'’ O iii MHutoslt, Gk'ti and CumJcn C<, ties. A prime gang of Seasoned NKGROf , Ar exrellent House WKNCIi. A complete schooner Plant. ‘ BOA l , ot easy draught of water, sun-, very fast, 8t w ill cr.rrv 50 bales of Cos 11- r-. A.SO, an excellent C. press CANOi,. M. SHEARER, Bolton’s Wharf. (icr'hqr 15. o.j iSlierilFs Blank Titles Yor fait o! ihii Office. No. ;i.