Federal republican advocate, and commercial advertiser. (Savannah, Ga.) 1807-180?, November 16, 1807, Image 1
Federal Republican Advocate, .:, ; j • r . wi ; . an and v; cG M M -E-R CIA L ADV E R TIS ER. / , ‘ ”* 1 PRO GRBOE ET I.gG'l—PRO AR*S ET F0C1. 3. - VOl. <T] - ** T M L ADVOCATE is published! eve ry MONDAY ansj THURSDAY bv lIN OPR SITE THE EXCHANGE, AT SIX :c I'J.i : DOLLARS PER ANNUM, PAYABLE YP/ RLY/IN ADVANCE. ‘ . ” Hill in | | ||i || hi , FOR GREENOCK, 1 he new and fast sailing ship V&S&y EDWARD, Will meet with early dispatch. For fxeight applv to JAMES JOHNSTON, Jua. October 26. 2 7 FOR LIVERPOOL, J* P-t Yfc* remarlahlt fafl foiling fvif> A lex an der Hamilton, TBSSSBSL. WIILIAM C.VI.LAUAN, Mdfisr; A i-j ‘Able part of Uer cai go is engaged and will be soon-dispatched. For freight of the remainder, or passage, apply to the master, or . JAMES DICKSON & CO. October .1.20 FO\ LIVERPOOL, ► wellknown fast sailing ship yYHSv- Josfph Starks, faster; Wn be ready,to receive her cargo on the 12u mat. and will be sent off uuh all pos sible dispatch. Vor freight or passage apply on board, or to bit. Taylor & sc aii bro xj col October’B 22 for livek pooi:r As* tUAM NlCoOli l-fafter f K* kl’ receive a cargo Uunv diuUl\, an<i having 500 bales of cotton engaged, will be thsi>ajpßMMßM>MßW. She is in fme uruer, having been thoroughly repaired in Liverpool—3oo bales cotton are wanted to fill her up. Apply to MEIN, M ACK AY & CO. FOR SALE, 4000 bushels Liverpool GROUND SALT . i.5 hales Cotton BAGGING 20 ba ts low priced Welch PL'INS ns crates as-sorted CROC KERY WARE I JSO casks London Bottled PORTER This property will he sold lew, it taken ; from on hoard ‘immediately, K-nr. 2S t| j Loaf Si:gar. 40 lihds. firsi quality LOAF SUGAR, j received on consignment, per ship Eliza ! from Liverpool. And br sal by - TAYLOR & SCAKBHOyGH. j October 8 22 •a —*<■■■■■ ■ -> ‘ • ■ I o Kent, And possession /Oven inimetlia'e’?/, The Wharf and Stores known as Anciaux’s Wharf, in thiscitv. If not Vented by the Ist November cnsui**g ; it •will be sold at private sale, on easy terms. f Applv to WiW. DAVIES, E<o. rcjo j ■ REMOVAL? “ | f T I f| F sobsef ibers have removed to the s'* one building, on Tavior A ; Scarßß iUCUS M 'b!vi ; “ here they an | -tio.w leceiyi'.g a piß.C'pol pari ot their Fall Supply cf Goods, Bv the :Abs,m'ca> c>ii|atii Nichols, anti ; tin* Alexander. Hamilton, captain C'al- j LAHAN, from Liverpool, and ter i',;df*. b v ] J AMES DiCKSO Nik CO. September 26 o Id ’ oYSTERTioys’C j npilK. Sub'Si.r'dp'i respectfully ittlorriuj !.>i v 1 JL fri.’tidh amJ the public,'that In: I’ e opened an OYSTER HOUSE in‘Bfbdgli . I ♦on street, next door tu Major Brown’s ; | and begs leave to schci* u .share <1 their j patronage, vlncti be will tot hts ‘utmost . i llorts to desert c. I Living eng.tgiY excellent Re flatters lnmsuif he wdl be ab : v to • /*Vs salt*. * faction to those who honor him with ibv y | rompnnv The’ Rooms will be always wad for the reception of eemp.m v, lied I OYSTERS or BEEF S I’Ealv ‘., tatuLhcd j oil the shortest notii e. THOMAS LINDSEY, f October *3'. 28 ’’A'SAVANMAI?, (firm'd f.) MONDAY, Novemkhk 16. 1807 j B. &C. BROOKS, f Having taken Mr. DAVID ST K VF. VS f iwo copartnership, wili in future be cug'age.i in’ the G / ocerytf Commits ion Business, | On WaymrY wharV, curb r the firm of I B. Sc C. BROOKS & Cos. ; Th**v are now receivin'; tr.< f?!!owitif GOODS tV'fleS ! wi'.t W difpofv'dof iu. •?'}! fus, • * -.riuwi* mu. is lowas tuef can be obtaiu*d iu ihca:” 150 pieces cotton baggino* 2000 bushel*, ground K f LOGO d.cto gt. Coes f ‘ ~ L 20 JmgpT.a&d.j Muscovado * *■’ SO barrels . xlitto f 2 hogsheads loaf VSUGAR, j 2S barrels ditto i 25 ditto lump ) 20 chets hyson > IS quarter chess- >TEA. 1 ditto Chilian j 24 pipes Holland 5 ditto country | 1 < 20 ditto Brandy v~ ]0 hogsheads Boston ) pr ., t 2 ditto Charleston ) 10 tons Russia h S ditto Swedes >IRON 1 ditto country j 1 ditto plough moulds I ditto shot assorted 1 dijto b;:r lead English and American gun powder t L asks nails, and trace chains 50 bags coffee—2o bags white race g".'g?r Bags popper tint! pi'mcnfo Crates cnockerv yar*. A lew cask J old Si.trry of excellent quality Madeira wine in half pipes L .or^asks 2 i'-aT pipes <ji;r Li<l;n:i 5 qr. casks do. do. . 50 boxes Doolittle’s, Candies 60 do. do S;>t<p 500 ps:r Negro Shot r 50 bigs manulaetured Tobacco 10 boxes assorted paddles, Bridies and Portmanteaus 10 boxer. Cotton Cards No. 10 1000 do. Sheet Iron 50 db. Negro S-'iper, * ds. linglish Mustard B bales HiinililßlK 1 bah* fyw priced Yorkshire Cloths 1 hpx nats, wfllbe sold it a iow and a-.ce 20 barrels pm-k ; A few* ca-k'vufd ! > oft,b.>ttl*‘d , 6 #i)si.utsc!i ! 2 1-2 d-o'zsh lo'v pne and shot Gis ,: B “ Beer’s warranted Axes a*-*i rI at rnets They have huge ai.<! eonvtnh'i.t j stores for the rorepiion if cverv kind j product*.,and will i.o.iiiime then service* ns | FACTORS. Not’Pritii ‘V 5 rp THE SUBS CR IB Ii R * U'4*a! Au Cu. I Aift Jlrrjt.'4i!s f t ]vl p VcTtt H! ‘ f Ml. bU \* FLY \j Y CABIME r FUENI CURF* WMiF.Avrrn o> Ttrr. p:rst qu.vnrcY. xvnkh are SI Dii TU) AK Do, varioua patterns i H *i ! R SOT’.vs i S-l'/C if 8T A! {f KS’ and i> O O K CAS E S I \V A P DRONES | K INITTG !'A ItLF. ’, with Sf without cuds ; TEA FAULKS, CARD ditto j Hign'wnd Idly rust Hi t>S INvA l)j j iiasun and Candle ST AN DS ■ Fnpcy ijddeit and co*uiif*ou TiIAiE.S and SR 1 1 Elt.S. i l s OH’i’'A iIL.’S DflSivS, n lew setts MA HOGANY CHAIRS 1 AnestensKe cWortment of ITKR L“d TOiJ.L I LLAbiiKS With n'lmi’Si cvei \ tu iich: in the CABINET LINE,’ I Now epueing rhd for s.i!e v 6n reußcna. i hie ter in*, at his. Ware Loom, a liuii : sli cct, <. f public the i* x< iianr,' 1 . I ‘ JOHN .SCOTT. j r!..T’ CaI!IS : "V i'UKMTd R matle lU.il re* I r. t Vi 0’a r .'uf U!tl’. Novctu-ht I- 5. V>U LA NDUvN Yitm tna fVrq” .Am a z *n, F.. CoH l f, f(\n Nt'V \ or.K, ’ i'sf> pfcys RAGGING 15 !>h s !-..SI'G \R. sit;u u'' T q-'nlit <• j g W'pr.no.i i asks Al M.AG t \* IN .!•, ,-Giif'. \T'< ‘<) \ I -kin b'ie . p.f \NKT: I'** md VHillOVl OTHC l!‘.'s,L \M) I.TjN m pipe.*, T>. i>r. i Voi sail , low . .iy j A IT s, RFCHARDd o. CO. V Osttolfur #. p.y the slips Alexander Hamilton and Eliza , fiom Liverpool, Meliss, Taylor & Cos. I HAVE received In PART, their SUBTLY cf I Winter Goods, • I . A’.tu oy the ship Mary, daily expected from Greenuek, they ate to have the rL rn under, n hicli, logetiier w ill make a very ] g rc ‘t variety anti extensive assortment ol as I w£L L SF.LECT£D GGODS, £rj ha*, l* ever came to this market—being i ‘ v -7 ar-ticie of fiicttn’selected by one of the I Laitncrs, residing in Britain, wild is posses, I SCL ! °l ever y advantage of procurmg Gdotfs ( on the liest terms, which will enable then: I to-make sales at a very low r?,ie. Among the Goods received, will-he found THE FOLLOWING ARTICLES, viz. White \ ; Cueen. and r PLAINS.’ Brown j London Buffle ’ S Bristol ditto [ BLANKfeTS. 7 4 a 12 4 Rose ditto j White A Blue / Red > WELCH FLANNELS. Scarlet and l Veltoyv j (V vc bale London Dressed Super-N j tine Clot hs and fvcrst-vineres /For 1 Fv.o cases I ominn made itais of > itetail j the very best qn-ality and ling, j newest fashion ■ ’ ) •j One vase newest fashion London Straw Bonnets An extensive assortment r.-f Yorkshire So per fine CLOI IIS and KERSEYMERES Ditto ditto second CioiEs A.!id unto Ibrsevmores 1 Yorasiure Nnrio.w Cioihs _j Blue Stroud: N;:pt Tii.jo j.Rmh (J<i.ii 1 ‘•{*—— t’e.imonghi Y G i ! And coarse Cloths, ot every (irscription j Jhuont Cord, *v | ‘Foil- net, f VEST | Vs urst ;>;l Marseilles Quilting C COATING j *■ .vau.itpm n y ! Bcnem worsted and cotton patent Cord j Cotton Corduroi s 1 \ eivoieens and i'ancy Core’s of all ccior? ao i prieas | Aim’s & YOlll h’s Wool, . ; i.) no, lii io plated / HATS, in con j lE’ io ditto firm, (. voment boxes j Indies (Utio iliito, f lor country i 1 miih Aviiildrens plated .j stores, j Setv.i-iuY Glazed Leather'’ ; Hatuware, done op iov.cll assorted ras’m., | bn shop hi epers. Bui fops ol ail kinds | Cans miu Gnu Lacks i Knives and EorL ; I‘oikuf any* Pen Kim*.— Specfades ! Thicket and pomp pins ; Needles— if ~:, and Ivor; Coo hs j -L.i!h)s : cU gani 01 iiameiuci: h;i Cooibs ! Colton limit ry, • Lever*, description ! W'ii ■>:ia! am! (.ambs Wool ditto tlirto ! Lalicoys i'< piinud I .miiirn s. in a ~.:tc* r.s S.|k Chautivtavs, ot an elegant *. l. | Cotton din'(j— ! ;hm;u*s j 0.3 and e 4 Can ! r ic v:ift> i Ihaiti f ambries, ad iviuma i Elcipe-.t fioured diu-.* j Cambric Siiaw’s I Damask find oilier >d!< Join ; Bi.n.k IfHrcclona, a.M lat ices riik j ILuelkoi 1 inefs j A complete as-sentnout 1 • new ‘ isluori j Ribbon. I Cotton Com tore; ivs j Romai and Rnliu'v.i HaiuiKevchlefs ; Diiiaius, Galini'aiieoe..* and Eh.;boons 1 Bomb <2 tt. avd Loaib..z.e;K ; Satin l‘teiin,i I ’White ar.tl black 1\ rsiaa Black si'k Floi vuui a lfilti.) Ediiti Ditto ivied a L>iuu ( i a]:c LjmU?& iiq Nic and oilier Fiik Gicu cs 1 ’''l° tnttu Cotton di. 1 j , I H'.ftcs and gemlc.tv.eDs shk Ilcae t c i”-*'U'g Siife an ii TwKt j l mead i aoi :> ami tinto Fdjjinfj I Cotton ijitio ilifto ditto ■ 11 u< ivCoac !,s—fancy Diaper i'4i".’\ Towels-—Totue violhs 1 hni't'i Sinn mg—T.ihh- ( over?. . -Cl. s I, p.t.l. ;’od, c la:,p head Nd-’s iv uci y \\ are, ;u weilaxsorteu crates JYr j retti’imo Di.iss M'.mt, in iliite, See. ike. ; D-. ‘.coal o f2 ‘ IRISH J.INEMS. . Ti.e fubfcrisers hsvcrercivcil by the !,vc tnira AN AUDI TiGN’A L NUFi’LY < 8 4 Brown S .7 s white MKISK LINENS 4 4 do. very fine ) 7 8 ~ do. DOWLAS^, 5 4 do. NHEin L'vG W’liicii t’ncv offer for ruic* on advanca •>u3 icCiics, bv the yrici.fc or paG-age. j AMES Ik JOSEPH CARHUTHEI November 2. 2 Salt, Crockery zvarc, Porte- * < Landing frtm tl;Jbip Dll F.VTO.'I,_/> LiVIP POO , AND Foil .Ai.E BY THE SUBSCRtiiLR 4SOO fcufheli ground SALT ico rrates assorted EARTHEN WARS 4SOO gallons Storfc JUGS and JARS jo boxes Negro PIPES 29 calks London bottled PORTER 0 IJ ton Canal COALS BEN J \MI N MAURICE Who HAS ON HAND, 24 Hhds. good Retailing MOL ASSPS ao Puueheons 1 ft Sc 4th proof N. E. RUM aj Pipes 4th proof Cogniac BRANDY S Pipes Holland GIN , ‘ 2 Pipes old Madeira haTNF 12 Hhds. Mufcovado SUGARS 7 Tierces Loaf Ditto 9 Ton country* & Swedes IRON 8 Cherts frofh Hyfon TEA 12 Bhlj. MACKAREL 20 Do. Prime BEEF & PORK 8 Bate* common WritiugPAPEß i 9 Cfks CUret WINE 1 7 Crates Greet) Sc TllueeT.;e ELATES So 10 Lumets ground SaL T Aagnlt to Rum and Molasses. 14 hhds. 34 nroof West India RUi 14 duti). fiixor tcuiii 20 harreis fresh FLCUR 25 boxes Daolitli -’s SD \ p i4 id ids jirirATC SUG AitS. 1 foK -BY li. WAIN RIGHT Retet:ret-/nr tfopttuhg; 40 boxes moii.d (’ANi)LKS 20 dmo soap, of l. onuiittie’s rl 2 Potto of N. Kng.and manufaui NEGRO CLO l ii FOR NA'.-F PY JoXAT KA N M EIG S Sept. IS _ * t RECEIVED PER THE AMAZE. 4 pipes count! y GiX IN STORE, 100 bag- Gt* F.t*; N COFFEE NOV/ OPENING, 2 bales CO A TlNGfi, various j lours, suitable for house servants. For sale by jO N .Alii VN Ai EI Q. J Ortobf-r <1 J Southern Stage.. j “’''HP rnbfer’bcr having become prep:ieror? r j A Sl’ tO £.* untiit line from to St ? A j rei'peiftfuliy inirnn thufc wpo may nave- occa.:.g j u;.vei loa-iy p:‘.*t cf th .trou e. iU*t they have ru I expence procured NEW STAGES, GOOD' HOI j nj a CAP J'.FUL DRIVER, ‘.r the ajctmimpdfli j PASsENGERS Aifo ao eacelieu: Lte and weili ; BOAT for witcr ci isvcyaoct. } They intend running the a vrcrV ! twer.j irsii<.Me .mi! /'<•.•*. dining the vriyt'; * keep a- light FK7 RA.ST .GE fbr'Tlie acc • iWii’. it PRIVAiE P tRTtf.S. arotbi*rs -w'ic rr ! Hpf i reef in the M.V.t. STAG.S. They v.; ! | c irt v P.ACM ’CSS of GOOD-, on m idejutr ; til and e rel'iv.mhbje for their delivery a* tiirec;: ! ■ >., .i.re .dung tii. iin*, (uii?. .* uahL accidents cx .5 j Vhcy ertirt :hv.t thturexertlri-j tj Itf.e thefJ r J r.il mcc: r. i.ii >port. M. SHIG'BF.R, ny!. C • A, 1)L ;N ! favarmu’-., Odcober if. Pic tor urd zlgent. M. SI I LAKER, ‘I’NFDRMS the Blan-tfas that Lr* c X 11.11‘S to 9u PRODUCE ami other Bit 7 Y on Comniissto'!, and has plenty of proof V/aie-hoEse on lul'. Wtivr.F. Drt.ihov 15 • * t-*- n-iiri ti 1i n -a, - ■ mm >> ■ m „ , ~, „ . , For Sue, QF.VERAL rnltmblo TR ‘CTS r-f i kkv in M*i.'U.sti, C.h.ii and Cuu.dtu i.‘ UCK. A prime fc.'ti,’ off f-ascrirt! NFGIIC, An t-xet I'eiu House WENCH. A complete schooner jigged Rian BOA 1 , of easy draught of wafer, . cry fast, & will urn 50 bales <>: i .. Also., an e.xoeliunt Ciprcßa C.\ f! (j M. Shit Aif Kit., bultoi.Y \\ ii.; October 15. 6'beriti*s Bhnk ‘j iiKs Vor fait at this Offer. No. 13