Federal republican advocate, and commercial advertiser. (Savannah, Ga.) 1807-180?, December 03, 1807, Image 3

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    Congress of the United States
Thursday, Nov. 12.
AFier the prelentaiion of various
petitions, and the receiving of several
reports, all of which were either of a
private nature, or of ‘inordinate im
portance, the House rtfolved itfelf into
a committee of the whole Mr. Ball'd
in the chair, on the report of the con
mittee of EleCbons. on the conceded
election of William M‘Crcery, when
a long and imereil ing debate ensued.
until the ui'ual hour or adjournment.
MefTrs. Kindly, St urges, Smilie, j.
Clay and F1 lie. advocated and MdLs.
Sawyer, Randolph and I). K, Wil
liams opposed the report, which is in
favor of the fitting member.
1 The committee rose, reported pro*
grefs, and obtained leave to lit again.
It is observable that the prefidsut in his
late message, speaking of the attack upon
the Chesapeake, states thac “ several of
her crew were killed, and four taken
away.” How does this statement com
port with the repeated publications which
have heretofore come from the govern
ment, in which the men taken away were
uniformly called, with an emphasis, “ the
three seamen.” Great pains were taken
to ascertain the nativity of “ the three? 1
and the proofs wete published by the go
vernment. But not h word was heard of
auy more. Mr. Jefferson, in his procla
mation, did not mention the number of
men taken, but asserted that they had
been previon ly ascertained to be “ native
citizens of the United A’tates.” To prove
this as ei tion, depositions were published
respecting the nativity of three, two only,
of whom turned oyt to be natives of the
Untied A cates, Now the president in
forms us that four were taken cut, but no
semblance of proof has been offered to
show that the fourth comes within the de
scription g.ven in the proclamation. On
die contrary upon the trial at HalihMC, he
waa proved to be a native Briton, adc-
Ac 1 ter and. a routineer.
We blush for the honouref our coun
try when we see siich shufStng, such pre
varication in the cabinet of the nation.
Mr. jstfVrsoc ac first perfectly well knew
the number of men taken ; .and if any
thing had be^n-previously ascertained up
on the subject, it had beer, ascertained
that the men were tic*, that is, were not
all, native cittz ns. indeed, this L not the
worst of it. The words of the proclama
tion are, speaking of the enormity of the
outrage : “ That no tcircuinstance might
** she wanting to mark its character, it nad
*’ been previously ascertained that the
*■* seamen demanded were native cniziens
*• of the United States.” But upon a fur
ther investigation of the matter it has
been mcontrovertiblv established that none
of the torn .demanded were native citizens
of the United Stale*, except Wtn. Hill,
born in Philadelphia, wiio voluntarily en
tered on board t ie Ht.lifax at Antigua,
And who was not one taken out.
Tl>e iron demanded, were dese. ters from
,tbe Halifax : namel) Kichard Hubeil
born in Liverpool, Henry .Saunders, born
-at Greenock, Jeakin Ratl'crd, born in
London, George North, born at Kinsaie,
.and William Hill, bom at Philadelphia.—
These hau all entered on board the Che
sapeake ; but part of them had deserted
from her previous to the attack. Upon
.searching her only one of the teamen de
metnded was found on board, to wit, jen
|kin Katford ; but three uea nA demanded
who had deserted from the Melumptfs,
‘Were found and taken away. At will be
seen, therelor , thac the government, mi
-4erpre.cncc of ejtabl shing the tacts stated
in the proclamation as to the nativity o:
the seunun demanded, have exhibited
prools of he nativity of ihese men who
were never demanded ; but have been a*
-f.ilen as tlit grave as to the only one taken
who had been demanded. Indeed, so
cautious have their papers been, in speak- 1
ing upon Lite subject, thac the first iatelli.
pence which we received respecting the
only seaman demanded, we icceived not
from our own government, but iioui the
Wruc credit can the government expect
to have attached 10 their official state
ments, when they cany upon their very
face such evident marks of prwartca.
t. y n ! U. b. C 1.2-
Extracts from Calcutta papers, received at
the office of the Register, bu the ship lien
gut, captain Simula Ron arrived at this
port from ('.nirytta.
V um the Madras Courier, Match 5, 1807.
On iViinday last HI lived his majesty’s
ship Caroline, Titer Rainier, Esq. ac
cotppanicd by lier prize, the Spanish Re
gister r.hip St. Raphael, captured if'/rh
•iuoo.tr), ip the Airaiis of At. B rnadint,
wiu.jn a lew miles of Manilla. The A’pa*
ni.udi had nearly succeeded in running
the ship ashore, when she was taken aback
by a oi which captain Ilutuiu na.
mediately rook the advantage, and the
Raphael soon found herself under the ice
of the Carolin-.
The enemv whose vessel is onlv 450 ’.ons,
and ICO men. cither from temerity t r .Spa
nish pride,maintained a ctonfl’ct with the
Caroline for 10 murines, and s>ruck her
colors—having previously lust 2 7 men in
killed and wounded, amongst the latter
was the Spanish captain, who received a
grape shot in his arm, and was much hurt
in the face—an IS pound shot also earned
away the skirts of his coat. We are con
cerned tosav, chat the loss on hoard the
Caroline, war seven men wounded, of
•vhotn one has since died. Oir brave
tars however, will be consoled in their
suffering? bv th booty thev have acquir
ed, the St. A’rphue! havintr on board 500,
000 dollars, and to the value of 500,000
more in bars of copper. A'he sailed from
Luna arid was bound to Manilla ; and is
said to be tile ship, formeily called the
Nancy Grab, which was built in this coun
try. Aince her capture sOe was severr.l
limes separated hv bad weather from the
Caroline, tor a day or two together : how
fortunate then it is that she was n-.c re
taken, hut th tt she should have arrived in
safety in a British port.
From (be same Feb. 25-
3 y fir Edward prilew, B.irt. reir admin! of the R-d,
commander in chief of lik majesty’s fliios and Vcfiels
ia the B;tft Indies.
General Mem.
The honorable the governor of At. He
lena, having transmitted to me the under
mentioned deposition of the late com.
manderand officers of the hon. company’s
hip Warren Hastings, captured bv the
French frigate La Pieclmontaise, of 44
guns; the attention of the respective con
tains and commanders of his majesty’s
squadron under my command, is hereby
especially cahed to the statement, in or
der that the ferocious conduct of the first
lieutenant and part of the crew of La Pi
edmontatse, may receive the general re
probation of his majesty’? naval service.
Given under my hand on board his ma
jesty’s sh’p Cullodcn at sea, 14th Febru
ary 1807.
(Signed) E. PELLE'V.
Bv coamsal of the cammsuder in chief.
(Signed) E, M. I.O.CKER,
Sec. to his excellency.
Deposition sworn bctorc the worship
ful Robert Patton, esq. governor ; fames
Coc?C3, esq. of council ; two of his msjes
tv’s justices ct the peace, in nr,cl for the
sa'd island.
■After the ship Warren Hastings had
surrendered to the national frigate La
Piedmontatse. Charles Moreau, the first
lieutenant came on hoard the Warren
Hastings and stabbed captain Larkings,
vvhe.r passing to go on board th? frigate,
io the same manner Mr. James Bovcn,
midshipman, was also stabbed by Charles
Moreau :—and Mr. John Wood second
officer, Mr* John Barnes surgeou, and
John Bail Boiusw.iin’s mate were seab
ed in different parts of the sh’p, by other
persons belonging to the frigate after the
surrender of the Warren Hastings.
Awora before us this tfithofSep 130®.
(Signed) JS.OttF.RT PATTON Governor.
COCKS Sitting Jufticc,
(oigiied) f, LARKINGS, Comm tittfcr
1 COXTf.b, lit officer
I WOOD.idoffi cr.
E D VVIS. 3<i officer.
row. TO OSS AIM r, 4th officer.
J. BARNES, ‘iirgcnn,
True copy, (%aei THIS. I! BROOKE
Sec’y to Oovcnment
Respe.ctfullv informs his friends and the
pnliiic, lit.li In- ir s receive-ti bv the laiear
ri\uls irom New York and Liverpool,
Saddles and Bridles,
And Saddlery of every Description;
among which m
Elegant Saddle*, shattered all over
Ditto ditto knee-puff
Ditto ditto plain, with patent liars
A handsome assortment Ladies Saddles, of
the first quality
8 boxes completely assorted Saddle®, with
plated and common Bridies, which will
be sold remarkably low by the box.
Plated Bridie-Bits
Duke Bills, fast and loose rings
Portsmouth ditto ditto ditto ditto
Snaffles, assorted patterns
Snwarrow Spurs, ami Stirrup Irons
Curbs, single mu! double, strong
Saddle Nails, elegant patterns
M* rungair hooks, A. Buckles for neck-straps
Half Buckles, witinullcia for plated bridles
Cantlo Minding
Inch, halt inch and quarter inch steel
roller and inlet Jacitias, lor gtrihs and
Tinned two barred Stirrup irons, No 10.
Best men’s Saddle Trees
Best girth and s'raining Wet)
VV,tl> puny other articles in Ins ‘’-na of
business, winch will bo sold low. for cadi,
or approved credit, at ln> shop, opposite
Miiiss, Taylor and Co’*, svnyi .side and re.,
tail siorv. Dew. and
Ck xJubosate.
mmernmmmm mMwm,annimßnTJKjmHxanmm7u*.ir*mmßm VAMsaraaftm*
Savannah, Dec. 3, 1807-
The treatv made between the Commis
Ridncrs of tliis state and North Carolina,
relative to the eomitv of W-dton, hi® not
met t lie appiubitiow of the Legislature,
aiyl new CommisdonerS areto be appointed!
A BUI has beep brought into the home of
Representatives, to prohibit reading, after
y < ar 1810. tuiv British statute or autho
rity, in any court of this state.
Ilxtr ,!<■ , letter from Milled Seville, rbted Muv. !!•}.
“ I hive just riifU'Tied from attending the funeral of
our refjicdted fri-rd tUDOE STITH,’ vi-lio died I*B
evening. Meffrc. Fisanio? and John Forfyui, are can
did lies s o iupply the vacancy.
“ Many tnemheei are quire indisposed, and fome
have died, vi 2. Mr T”• Walter Drane, of course
hufincf* ha* prnj*re(fed ffiie/ly.
“ It lia* hrcii mentioned Sv Tome cf the nimhers to
adjourn until fine lime in Fchrnarv, or T.e rft of
March next- and llmuki so m;>ny eoatinue lick, I be
ticve it will be touud neccflarv.”
To a lotrpr received at Ade n, from the
Mediterranean, is mentioned the m issacre
at Constantinople, of 15,000 Christians, by
the Turks.
Elisha Matihevvson, Fsq. lias been ap
pointed >*v the Legislature of Rhode Island
to represent that state in the senate of the
United Skates, vice James Fenner, Esq,
elected Governor.
r i lie schooner Two Anns, capt. Ruther
ford, has arrived a t Ncwbiirvport, in 28
da vs from the Miami of Trinidad. A gen
tleman who came passenger in the schooner
and uiio has arrived in this city, informs
us that American produce was very scarce
at that Island. Flour was selling by the
cargo at 20 dollars. Lumber of every kind
excepting pitch pine boards, at u very ex
travagant price. The season was very fa
vorable—!Da n v had commenced their crops.
iVexo Tork paper.
General Virnurn. who in the absence
of Mr. Macon, has been elected speaker of
thehouseof Representatives,is from Mas
sachusetts. iVlr. Varnumis the person
whom Mr. Randolph has sortie three or
four times, at former sessions of Congress
sarca-ticailv lashed as a kind of back-stair
and ear wig gentleman, in some executive
business, which was aot very agreeable to
Mr. R. Now whether Mr. R. was right
or wrong is very immaterial a3 to whit 1
im about to say—-Mr. Varnum is .Speaker
of the House bv one vote, and bv way tt
seems to me of wreaking a iittie revenge,
he has excluded Mr. R. from the com
mittee of Wavs and Means, of which he
was for several years Chairman. ’i is
pitiful. Why should the tittle enmity ol
Mr. Varnum deprive the country, in the
Committee of VVays and Means of the be
oelir of Mr. Randolph’s gieat talents i Mr.
Varnum can have no adequate apology tor
the exciusion, and I am sorry to say that
st the opening of his new function he has
deliberately placed himself in a situation
from which an enlightened mar. wouldim
mediately ToihCd:lien.
ExtraFl [ran the Journal of captain
Rarbcr, of the brig Eliza cr? Mary,
of Charle/ton, arrived ar. Pica) York,
fro'rti Mag ad ore.
* 4 On the s/th June iaft, the Jews
of Mogadore, were, hy command of
the Emperor, all ordered to leave the
town at an liopi’.v warning ; the order
was immediately enforced by the go
vernor, ana the poor unfortunate jews
to the number of about 7000. were
obliged to evacuate the.r own houses,
and feck refuge from the burning rnv.-
of the fun, under the outer walls of the
town, ients, flieds, Szc. An heart-felt
fcenc of confufion and dill refs was the
immediate consequence. Men, women
and children ; the lick and the infirm,
in whatever critical flotation, were alike
iiurned irom their houses and lick, beds
and exoofed upon the hot lands, fur
ronnded by hundreds of fcoffing
Moors, ey ulting in their dill refs—after
walking n few hours among them, and
beholding with horror their pitiful con
dition, l thanked God that I belonged
io a country where no Emperor’s or.
ders were to be obeyed. As loon a>
the jews had all gone oui, their houses
were appraised by the Emperor’s
agents at about one eight ot their real
colt and value ; which futn was nnme
diaiely paid them, and their houses ta
ken pofkliinn of by the Moors. Alter a)
had been ( .i;us leuled, the Emperor mull
gradually alligtuM them a spot oi
jtouud on which 10 buiih jgatu.
r he renfou apfjgned for *hts op
prriiive was, that die Jfws
cottupred ‘He m'oralilv of the Moors,
by living with them, but themo'e pro
bafalc cauic was, that the Empe or wiffu
ed 10 take from them a large ffiare of
their property, and not having anv
i’ll* foundation of complaint, adopted
‘lie f*Hnve as a nretex f tnoff likely to
go down with his std jcds.”
(i Here's your beauth"■ of J. r hste r s ”
flics.*, v\ ip) sea- bass, cod and Mack fidi
(Utitj.ing aiivc in Htidsmi marker, afford
quit*- a daintv tn an epicure |;*o miles from
toe ocean. Thev arc bromrlir Imre in tiie
‘■te*!?* heat, arid sold iu the brick market,
fresh a*i‘l in pood order, everv dine He
lives iiom New York. Hudson paper.
T ne re’. o!uti*)i> which has just been ef
fected here, so far from being finished,
seerm to ecommence with the most ti r
rdde svmptorns.—Almost all Asia rehir.es
so acknowledire the new Sultan
On every ~Ve is reared the sfaodard of
rebellion. Cidi Bascia. the brother-in-law
of Sultan .Selim, having arsen.hied all thu
(li*bande<| troops, who formed part of the
Nizami-gedid, menaces the capital. Cos
sail C’gion, Karo Osman, and Jitssuf j/gs,
have likewise assembled a great number
id mal-ctmients and are marching in arms
to Con tantinonle. The number of rebels
amounts, it 13 Hai.j, to near 100.000.
They have seized and carried cf? to
their camp, the Dervisc and the Patriarch
r.l Cofjn:, the pretended descendant of
Mahomet, the only person who can r J ori
rhe Rcvmetar of *he Grand .Vigniw, arc!
proclaim him ha leg timate cvcrei(rn.-
Three thousand cavalry have deserted,
during the night from the capital, and
passed over to dsia, to join the rebels. We
are at length on the c v ’e of witnessing the
must tremendous scenes. It is to be
feared that the sultan Selim will perish by
command of the pie&ent .Sobana Valid’S
in which case **e may luL.k Tor the effu
sion of rivers of blood.
Ship Union, TillinghJft >.V*vpr r t
Chari**, Attwetl Lirerpoo*
Georgia, Pearce ditto
Schr M .ran4a, HoaJley Chailetloi*
in'erprife, Cow ell Beaufort N. C.
J’llia Ann, Chtvelier St. IVfarv’a
Sloop Naucy, Gorham Cfcarleftoa
Brig Eliza, Coffin PhiladelpH*
Amazon, Copn K*w York
fcchr John Henry, Childi Chavlcfto*
Columbia, Hawe, Boiioa
From t?ip shin Purrs, from New York*
to pipes Holland GIN
10 ditto Cnuntrv ditto
In chrfts Hvfon TEA
$ qr. calk* London Particular Tcoerifle
SO half quarter calk* M okto
8 tiei ce and 2 ? hays COfI £E
10 tons Swede* IRON
S ditto Count-y ditto
12 ba : e* heft R-.-ffia DUCK
So bqi. Prime BitEF — 2o ditto POPK
40 ditto Pilot and M>.idlh<e BRE.-iD
40 huadic* Half, for lale by
I'hhds. VTufeovado SITG4R
5 tierers double refined Loaf*’itto
1-; pu-icheoaa tft proof N. RUM
10 ditto 4th ditto ditto
io d.tio st!i ditto W. It di.i ditto
1 pipe and 1 qr calk Madeira WINE
6 bale. Writing PAPER
80 crutes affi ned HarCaea WARE
December 3 3g
Fresh Fruits and Wines.
Jars fresh Grapes
Boses bloom and muscatc! H d uint
Bags soft shelled Almoi.cj3
Ditto shelled sweet ditto
Ditto ditto bitter ditto
Boxes French Fruits
Ditto Ptunes
Champitigne | WINES of a very aupe-
DUI Rhenish J riof quality,
Vei m tcelli
50ulb. C irrants
Pickles. Anchovies, Gherkins, Olives,
Capers, fee.
♦T,OOO best Spanish J’egars in amuil ba c
Hogsheads Jamaica Rum
Pipes Cognise (fraud/
Pipes Holland Gin
Brown Yugar in barieU
Casks Malaga
Old Madeira, )
Muscat, f WINES, of a very good
Tetteritfe, f quidkt.
Port \
Claret, *
lrsorquion, fur sale Oy
December 3 “9
SheriiFs blank Fitlcs
Forfait at thii Office.