Federal republican advocate, and commercial advertiser. (Savannah, Ga.) 1807-180?, December 07, 1807, Image 1
jH p and prp I [R? pn 11 I'll 1 1 co ?i Arl ‘ q tc* AN D : • COMME Rc IA L ADV E R TIS ER. • PRO GR EOF. P.T I,KG ‘I—PRO ARTS BT FOCIS. VOL. I.] 7’HE ADVOC \TE is published eve ivy MONDAY an o ‘THURSDAY by JOHN CAR MO NT & Cos. ov thf bay opimsixe the EXCHANGE, at six COLLARS PER ANNUM, PAYABLE HALF r 2A P LY T N AVVA VC K. ,YDB>r:r “iMrww *■—* ■ . % m. FOR LIVERPOOL, ... Ff*(~ . Tbe Ttntarkabit fafi feilir.g skip Rtiexander Hamilton , Vf'hlUM CAIIABAH, -W after; A (.oosiUwable part oi her cargo is engaged “Riid will 6a soon dispLtclicd. For freight of the rvtnainuVr, or passage, apply to the master, or JAMES DICKSON & CO. October 1, 20 FOR LIVERPOOL, rJTT^ we *^“°' vn sailing ship ELIZA, *&m*r*&f**r~ Josfpk Starks Master ; Will be ready to receive her cargo on the 12th inst. ami will be sent oil with all pos sible dispatch. For height or passage Apply on board, or to TAYLOR St SCARBROUGH. rvfr, ! >, neg FOR LIVERPOOL, ‘‘Ti-T'V. The fist sailing ship LIVERPOOL PACKET, lu >mas Pars jNs, Master ; Having a greater part of her cargo readv to go on board, she will have immediate dispatch. For freight of 250 ba t's ut Cot ton, (a proportionate quantity or Rice) or passage, having excellent accommodations. Apply to OGDEN’S & BAKER. 125 bundles HAY. for sale, received per Liverpool Packet, apply as above. November -iO 37 FOR KING 6 I ON, (Jamaica,) •>. JT‘‘2'“V. Ttse fast sailing schooner SARAH, •jßWßww*rv-Ffavmg elegant accommoda tions nfr passengers. For passage onlv, apply at Mr. Benjamin iVJaukice’s store. November so 37 FOR bOSI'UN, ‘ The Schooner Wtm COLUMBIA, *•**“**“■****” Thomas Haive3, Master; Will have immediate tiispaten. Fur ireight or passage apply to E- CP ’ NF., pm. Nov. 19. Lord C Hull's •wharf. Received per the Rolta , 40 boxes mould CANDLES 20 ditto SO A P, of E. Doolittle’s incite 2 ditto of N. England inauulactored N LGUO CLO 1 ii Foe. sale by JONATHAN MEIGS. Sept. ?S to RECEIVED PER THE AMAZON, 4- p ;>es country GIN IN STORE, 100 b.iy‘ ghef,n C; > F ff.e NOW OPENING, 2 bales CO A 1 INGS, various co lours, suitable for house servants, For sale by JONATHAN MEIGS. October 8 22 LORD fc? HALL’ JOKES’ WHAM, HAVE FOR SAL S, 20tuid>. .Jamaica Rum lOdiiso 4ih proof N. L. do 10 pipes btaiuiy JOObbls. f Muscovado Sugar. 10 nhtis. Loaf ditto 30 quarter cadis Malaga Wmu 10 liiiii rill to diiio S’O quarter casl s Corsica hi.to H lull Swedish Iron 3do S air ‘Moulds 40 banrls ) „ . SO ha-l do} l U'sl‘l',oUr -200 b xes Clicese 30 bag ; (’off c 80 pi. es Sacking m !• Madeira Wine 1 2 hail do. i I’sT} bags (.’orks 2.0 pipes anker Gin 50 boxes Snap and <\,i dies 2<J ditto pu ‘-• \ t (I F> uOj 20 baskets Oil Ijoveinber 26 3b SAVANNAH, (Georcia,) MONDAY,’ December 7. 1807. ! wAN TE D IMM EDI AT FI Y, | From Bto 12 Field Negroes, I lobe hired bv the year, on Cotton Plain ation, (or whom hhei-il wages will b.<- j given, ami if required, one I nil Rent’s j wages para in Enquire at this ! office. November SO 1 o Rent, And fassertion q/veti imm*diatcti{. The \v harl and Stores known as Anciaux’s Wharf, m thiscitv. If not rentni bv the Ist November ensutvg, it will be sold at pi i ate sale, easy terns. Apply to WM. DAVIES, IGq_. hvilf , Crockery ivart, Porter, &c Landingfrcmfbe flip Disr ATCH, frem Limra., AND For SA: > BY THE &ÜBSCR-M3Eft, 4 SCO buflitb ground SALT roo crate* assorted RARTHFN WARE 43o‘J l lon- rlto.-.e TUGS and Jn.R.ls So bare, Negro p!iK5 2q i-.ilies London bottled PORTER i£ ton Canal COALS HKNJAyiN MAURICE. WHO KAB OK HAND , 2-1 Hhds. ?oou P,•■taping MOLABSPS to Puncheon* I(t 8t Ith proof N. i 7 RUM 5 Pipes 4th proof Ccgniac BRANDY S pipes Holland GIM * Pipes old Madeira WINE I* Hhds.Mufeovado SUGARS 7 Tierces Loaf Ditto 9 Ton country & Swedes IP ON 8 Ciieft- frediHvfoti TEA It Bhln. MACK AREL t?o Do. Pri me ‘BEE!’ & POPR S Bale -ommon Wr i tiug PA PER 9 Calks Claret WINE 1 7 Crates Green & Blue edge PLA I'ES 3000 Bufheis ground SALT Angoft -o r Ij / ‘six >. • from the Ad'-ni A Georgia from N. lork b* hhds. tVI' I -co’ ado ,r 18 rhestß H’ sc-n I'ca 4 Sales Paper 30 keys F F. Powder lOOOlbs blister .’ Steel 10 pipes Nev f in 22 ditto and . a!f and quarter casks Corsica Wine 30 qi. ca-ks M-jJaga Wine 20 half nit‘o dirt-.,* ditto 30 h<>xes Soap 22 fii kins best Goshen B'.itter 29 bbls. Loaf ati! L -rnr.’ Sugar IN STuhN, 50 MM,. New Rum VO bb's. dlf'o ditto 6 ! hci.v, 3d ft 4- h proof famriica Rtim 7 dit o 3d ditto West india <Jo. 6 ditto and to bob, {drown Sugar ’/ p : pes Jtdirdan Gin, excellent 6 ditto •+ ‘i proof Cogaiac Brandy do. 1 1 tirirtsl a; 6 barrel;- t Dust Greta Cofite. 100 bags J 30 bbls. Markar r i I 1 ditto Ale wive# 5 ditt'i fierr Qpu 40 ditto prime Reef and Pork so ft; kins Boston Butter, in small kegs j 1000 bushell Ground Salt 0 kegs 5(1 c ut NaiL i 15 on, bet Waggon l'uc | 10 diti.i Old S lid 10oolt>s. Germ UP Steel SO sets dry Me.i,iiic;s 1 bale Gustos ~500 \ rds • -,v erirati Manneacturco Negro Gh-th o{ a superior quality (>OO dnto imported di'.io *0 pieces Cotton Bag ing i i - : ditto low pi iced ‘.viiiie Flannels 2 bales Slop Cluihfng. ar.ij a general assortment ol ( irocuries at retail, . or bji tgauig are o{h red (or sale whole*’ i sale ci reduced pi ices. J(J Ijti A M .Vi F i l l S, Rouen's (laic CLzgsj wharf. November 30 ‘-7 NO i K l. Subscriber torinds all persons, ■*• iVi > tu ‘his date, to give any uedu on Ins account, wiibcui a written o:our llOUi Hiol. J. A MO ‘inIGF. ! A ni-il It , : •****'^-*'‘* ,fcW * l *•>■"***+• m - ■■■IIWIWHI L * • * ■ !i 'c ■ t r-t/ . 1, /.. r ‘’H A1 a tim e\pii ~i;eo rd nine month? j wi. irom tilt date i; *■■ 3 1, applicittiou j will be made to re ! t.Ol a’ !:- <he In. feiior Court ol (diPOMn* County, ft I h ave to sell the f Cow ing 1 r.irt of Land ! •hi tin- County of Suilo t 1., c < m rning five | In mired acres, sulioining land of F. ]{. s \ 1 er, fm ihe benefit ol the heirs fit Credi ‘ lors ol |otm A . i'.ii ick. MAC \ F.IhICK, Adm'x. j Ay it ti. s . F 1 * vt.ii j 00 DE NS & B AKR ft, i HAVE RfCFiVr.D BY I.ATE ARRIVALS, HEART YALLTH ‘ 3 SU'Pi yop i IF inter Goods , j .< }'. hrr wtrh ♦orm/'r stock, cofßj>ri€ a very | EXTENSIVE AND GENERAL AS.3OR FMENT, Otfer tlii’ir .iou f | lo . puu 1 ic, the ■ fotlcwng and a great Variety of other i STAPLE and fancy ARTICLES, for sale on 1 libera: term, ; London suuerhtio Cloths i orkshirc ditto | binge Ai.il donole utdled K‘Tscv-jnc :r 5S ; I'oatings, Flannels, Salisbury ditto | Whue and colored Plains, Blankets ! Swansdowus, Toilinetis Fair.in <>r-!s, Marseilles Quilting And a variety of Fancy Vestu-izs M orated and Cotton BennetN Cords 1 eiivuens and Faney <litto uish l.mens, Long f aiviw, Cambrics j Ditto German and ilimia Sheering Diapers, Red Ticks, (l2nabu v giis ‘Dowlas, Apron afid Shirting Chocks Cambric and common Dimities 4-1, 6-1 and 6-4 Cambric Mus! ; n ti--4 and 3 4 Book bz Jaconet ditto Ait elegant assortment ol Lace and Fancy M itslins I’aiiii Shirts, Tuckers, JR.il Boris ) Cap paUerus and I ace Sieev es j 1 4, 1 2,4-4 nd 5-4 black 5t colored Crap’-s Luiestimgs, Mode, Sarsenetts, Florentines Bnmb izets, BombaKe-ns, Shtllcjns, feu. Calicoes, Gtnghaia-i, i urnitme Ciimu j Silk aid Cotton Chnnibravs ! GoU.jii and i'iiruati Laces and F.dMngs •'■■'iik, ( olton, V\ oisled, Lamb’s Wool and A. pom Hose La bes Sdk, Leatlift, Pic Nic Habit and Lnor; Gloves Men sSiik and Leather Gloves ( h-i Iren’s Ii nrn Boot Shoes Mm’vl:, fit Handkeichicfs,everv description Ladn-s ornamented Tortoise Shell and Horn Combs Stfv.’ing Siiks, T’vi?ts, Threads Tapf-jand Bobbins Ad.-lphi Louon in varnished boxes U m 1): ol Im s, Parasols - nk and ‘0 or ion Braces Carpeting. Humhums Saddles, Battledores, Rand Bo'int’f Papers and Writing Pq-er Imperial. n)*'Oi) and Gun i'ovvder Tea, in Sib. Caddies An elegant assortment of Leghorn, Sr.’iit S ra v. Plosli, Willow, Chip ai.d FANCY BONNETS j M'-n’s I leaver Hats i 10G pieces CotiO'i Bagging j Also, per ship Mars n Covsigrtmtnt of i Handsome Looking Glasses , . s O 7 Gi!t and nlahogany Frames | 20 barrets of Le Breton*a Aibmy Aie November 30 S7 LaND’NG Ersn the brig Amkms, Jokv E. Cory, master, from New •York, 3 50 pices BAGGING 15 h'-Js. SL GAR. superior quality 25 querre: uaskt M.AL \G.\ WINE G iIF AT C ’ > ATS fd bat?.*s BLANKETS and NKGKO Cf OTHS H(TLLAND GIN .:i pipes, fiic. Cic. | For saie, low, by A.fiiS. RICHARDS & CO. October 8. 22 Rum and Molasses. If bi'ps 3d proof West India KLIM 34 unto MOLASSES, lit for rcuiling 2o barrels tresii FLOUR 2 -1 uoxes DooiittleL Si) \p 1 nifis prime SUGARS. EokSALE BY l- WAIN RIGHT. | 28 ]9 : “^iWhTixensT ■ Tlx fubferiher* liavcre.rlvfd by the late arrivals, ! an A DIM l'lO.\ AL SUPPLY OF 3 i Brmvn A ” White MRISII LINENS. 4- 4 do. i orv bn. t *? * ’ do HOWL ASS, and 5 f dm SHEETING M’luch they offer tor vale on advantage ous terms, by the piece or package. J A M FS th JOSEPH C AIiUU l HF,/iS. November 2. gg \v wir i NO \PPHKNITCES 10 THE Printing Business. A)>7 at ‘. u Oiiix . from the fu ter Slates Gazette, French Blockading T^ecpee.—By the arrival of the B'ig Sally Barker at Dolion from Bordeaux, wehaverccejv* cd the unwelcome,'though not unt x peMed intelligence that Mr. JefFerTon’s doiighttul vihons of an exception in our favor to Bonaparte’s blockading iecree, have vanished snro thin air.— In it moll age of ihe Proficient of the (f.h Teh. l.Jt. congress were gravely iiiiormed, that aff.irances had been officially received by our tninilter in trance, “ that ihe iinne'ial decree lately puffed was not to afifett our coai. merce which w r ou!d iiiil be i4 governed ** Py the rules of the treaty eltabhfhed “ between the two coontnes.”—The minifier of marine and of the colonies, however, upon vliofe explanation this ‘uT-rtion i& made by the j elident seems not to confider himlelf as Jpeaking of hc-ia'lly, or pledging his government to ael m conformity with his explanation. On the conirary, his letter, upon the very face of it, appears to be nothing more than theexprcffion of u mere in dividual opinion lor at the clofeof it, ne lei's ot;r mmifter, that if he wilh.es for in official explanation of the decree, ** it would be proper that his excellency (hould communicate with the rnmif '* ter of exteriour icla.ions.” The excellent Mr. Armlfrong, how . ever, and the equally excellent Mr. Jefferfcn, chose to rest fatisfied without any such communication with the pro. per authority; and placing full conG dencc in this unofficial opinion of an individual of the French cabinet, the prehdent, in his nieifage to congress ai the opening of the present ielnon, congratulates Hirnfelf and the country j upon having dtlcovered fome reason to hope that the Spamth decree iilued ?.ga nd neutral commerce in conformi ty to that o.‘ the French government, would be conformed to that, “ in its ‘* conjirufi.an cr.J application in rcla -44 iicr. to the United Stases." —We now ice ptainiv enough how much we have to hope from such a eerftruftien and application. In fact. Mr. JefFerfon pvrtittly well knew, at the tune of exprtfling thu flattering hope in re. gard to ihe Spanilh decree, that the American hiig Fair Manhattan had been condemned at Aigeziras, and that ihe lenience ol condemnation exprefT v It a led that ii was in cor.fequence of a violation of this very dectee. j We fee, therefore, that so far from j our commerce being exempted from j thde embarraffme ts w hich are from ume to lime impoled upon it by the c:*ntinen:al powers, under the dilation ol ihe Fiencii delpot, contrary to the law of nations, it is likely to be totally annihilated; for ii is not to be expetWd (hat England will remain an inactive fpcclator, of this mode of prosecuting ti.c wariare against herfelf. She will u..dc übiedly adopt measures of retalia tion, unlels ihe finds this country dll', posed to make a firm (land against luch unheard of aggredions; and in that caie our commerce will be fvvept Irom the ocean. Such a retaliation is doubilefs the principal object which the delpot of the eait has had in view in adopting this fysiem. He experts that the resentment which will be ex* cited in th.s country against England, in consequence ol lftmating his policy and in conlcqucnce cf her superior power to carry the fyftcm into effect against u<, will induce us to throw our. ietvcs voluntari'y inio his arms lor piotecftion. 1711 iif I T*u mwi iiii<mi ■ urj Sheriffs Blank Titles F or sale at this OJfcc. No. 39.