Federal republican advocate, and commercial advertiser. (Savannah, Ga.) 1807-180?, December 14, 1807, Image 1
AN D C O M’M ER CI A L ADV E R TIS ER. VOL. I ] THE ADVOCATE rs published eve ay MOND.tr anc> THURSDAY by JOHN CARMONT k Oc. on the bay, OPPOSITE THE EXCHANGE , AT SIX I> OX. LARS F£R ANNUM, PAYABLE HALF Y*ARLY Ilf ADVANCE, FOR LIVERPOOL, _T’ II M-v 7b, rtrtlariabit /aft /ailing /tip Alexander Hamilton ? ‘WtLt.t AM C,\tLA All, Krji;, ; A consiueraW* part ol her cargo is engaged and will be soofi dispatched. For freight of the remainder, oc passage, apply to the master, or JAMES DICKSON <5: CO. October 1. £0 TUJfc LIVERPOOL, £JT”j*"> w The fast sa'ling ship LIVERPOOL PACKET, Thomas Pax3aN3 t Master ; greater part ot her cargo ready to go on beard, she will have immediate dispatch. For freight of 250 bales of Cot don, (a proportionate quantity of Kice) or passage, having excellent accoatmcdations. Apply to OGDEN’S £c T AKER. 125 bundles HAY, far sale, received per Liverpool Packet, ippiy as above. November SO 37 FOR LIVERPOOL, The staunch snip ISABELLA, A'prime sailer ; will receive immediate dis patch For freight or passage apply to the master, or S. & C. HOWARD. Who have received ly said vessel , 200 tons Liverpool Sa lt, Which will be sold on good terms, it re ceived on board. Dec. iO 4U FOR LIVERPOOL, “ 7'he well known ship MISSISSIPPI, ‘Mop*s Kstsc*, Master; (Lately comraaoded by Capi. Drummond,) having the freight of tier lower hold engag ed, will bo despatched immediately. For freight of Cotton between decks, or pas sage apply to the master on board, at Howard’s wharf, or to S. & C. HOWARD. December 10 4j For Freight or Charter, Capta'a Wood, Is ready to receive a cargo. Apply to the captain on'board, at Wallace’s ivharf. or A. &t S. RICHARDS xCO. December 10 40 Received per the Roll a 40 boxes mould CANDLES 2o ditto SO AP, cf E. Dooiutle’s make £ ditto of N. England manufactured NEGRO CLOTH for sale by JONATHAN MEIGS. Sept. 18 j 9 RECEIVED PER THE AMAZON, 4 p*pe3 country G, r N IN STORE, ICC bags GREEN COFFEE NOW OPENING, 2 bales COATINGS, various co lours, suitable for house servants. Lor sale by JONATH AN M EIGS. Outcher fi o. M ACKARKL. 40 Parrels Boston inspection, of an excel lent quality, tor sale by lONATHAN MEIGS, Pa/ton's (late Clay's) IVheirf. December lo 4^ Brought to the Gaol of Cam cUn Countv, on the 30th of October las', a Negro man, who says his name is March, he is an Afu<*->n, and can speak very little English, i;r about .s tee: 7 or 0 inches high, ijd appears to he about 20 years ot age. I. he owner . f said Negro is requested tc prove propei tv, pay charges aod take* him awftj. JOSEPH CREWS, G. C. C. Si. Many'-, December 3 40 PRO GRFCE FT LEOE—PRO ET FOCIS. SAVANNAH, (Georgia.) MONDAY, Df.ck ‘IBf.K 14, 1807. LORD £sf HALL, JONES’ ft'HARE. HAVR FOR SALS, , 29 hiid.j. Jamaica Hum 10 dust# 4th proof N. £. do 10 pip?s Brandy 10 hints. 1 ~ . loot, bis. f Sugar. IQ hhds. Loaf ditto 30 quarter ctuks Malaga. Wme 10 half ditto ditto 20 quarter casks Corsica ditto 7 ton Swedish iron 3 do Share. Moulds 30 barrels “) r , 30 half d©J Fre * hfiour ' :> . 200 boxes Cheese 30 bags Coffee 80 pices Sacking 2 half do. } Madeira Wine 150 bags Cories 20 pipes anker Gin 50 boxes Snap *n<! C*ndle9 20 ditto preserved Fruits 20 baskets Oil November 26 2s L AN DING From the shin Purus, from Ne w York, lo p'p* Holland GIN Xo ditto Country ditto lo ch-Lti Hrfon TEA 3 V- London. Particular Tcens WINE is half quarter ca/kt Malajr* oito 8 tiarecs and 2A bag* COFJHE 10 tens Swedes IRON S ditto Country ditto x ditto SHARK JVTOULD3 12 bale., Rest Russia BUCft 2o hql,. prime BEE?—So ditto PORK. 40 ditto Filer Snd Middling BREAD 40 bundles Hay. For file by ‘ aKNJ A iVJ f N MAUme E. ALSO IN STORE, XOhhds Muscovado SUGAR 5 t>erce3 double refined Loaf ditto lo puncheons ilt proof N. HUM XO ditto 4th ditto ditto SO ditto 4th ditto W. India ditto J Pipe and Iqr cask Madeira WiNK <5 bales Writing PAPER. So crates afif rted Earthen WARE December 3 Brandy and Fruits . 4° pipes Cogniac BR ANDY 5D boxes I'i’Ui rs, preserved in Brandy. Jufl received per fchr. Thetis from New York Yor (ale by LORD <k HALL. | December 7 -to ♦ W 1 for sale, 4000 bushnls Liverpool GROUND SALI j is b.tie-! Co;tou Bagging 2'j bftios low prii'pj \V>lch PL ‘INS 75 cr irt s assorted CROCK FRY WA RE | 150 casks London Bottled POUTER This property tvji’l be sold iow, if taken from on board immediately mein, MACKAV, £< CO. 3Vpt. 28 Fresh Fuller. The Subscriber has j*Mt received, per late arrivals A few icegs of the lirst quality Hu L I’Eli. j New \ r ‘ii Corned HFI‘F, fresh y:t up. Pickled Salmon, llams, Crackers, Cheese, Brushes. An assort in.un of the oho cest £■ I-QUtiR '* .vsu WINES, Bts: LohJou Forcer and Pniiatielnbia Li'cr, Sugars, Tea, Chocolate. H veet Oil. And sundry other article, ; Q the GROCERY LINE. All u wbn.-ti be will keep a constant sup pl\ , .it his .tore in Bov Lump, opposite the Exchange. JOHN BIG AH.. December 10 f 40 Loaf Sugar. 40 hhds. first quality I.OAF SUGAR, receive,l on consignment, per ship V.hy* > from Liverpool. And ior sale fey TAYLOR & SCARBROUGH O Unher ft —*-W For SaU\ A valuable tract of Oak and Hickory LAND, coot v.'iiog 202 1-2 acres, draw n in tile late I md Lottery, hv Patrick Gribbin, and known b\ No. i.’.-'-HUh iii - tffet, W ilkmsun County. The terms will be mod,-ate Apply :it this office. W A NTED I\l \ IEI> l ATELY, From S to 12 Field Negroes, ! To be hired by the w ar. cm a Coitem ; Plantation, tor v herr liberal vvngr* vill be j given, and it reonired, one half year'* | wages paid in advance. Enquire at this I ofti-e. Naveiiuei 23 3o Salt, Crockery zvare, Porter , &c Landing /rurn tbijtip Di3l?atch, /rum Livsiu-OOc, AND fun sAi..H BY THli SUBSURIBEK, <BOO i.ufhels ground S ALT tOC r rr.trt iffotteu EARTHF.M WARS 4Sc J g’ki >r. Stour JUGS and Jaßo So boxes Nrg-o PI PES 2j -silts London bottled PORTER i.5 tea Cacai COALS BENJAMIN MAURICE. WBO HAS ON H \KP , Hl.dt. good Rirtailiag MOL VSSFS 50 f'um hcoa* 11 Sc 4tb uroof N K. JtU,’ f *5 Pipe. 4tli prouf Cogiiuc LA ANDY ■*. ib;>fi PL.liand GIM s Pipeioid Madeira WINE U Hhdt Mutcovado SUGARS 7 time* Loaf Ditro L ron counter & Svtcdes IRON s Cheft* frarti Hyfon TiiA , ‘ n PM#. MacKarf.l 20 Do. Prime BEE? & PORK i Bale’ common WritingFAPoP. , 9 Cafit* Claret WiHE 17 Craie* Green & Blue edge PLATES ac ’o I,utt.el* ground SaLT 1 0 Eert, And pcs session riven irr.nediatelu , r Y * Nf fVt ’ ■ x ■“ e vv *iarr and Stores known ; ilc;aux’s Wharf, in this eitv. If nnt : re, ;;t J D >’ the November ensuug, it i “ lil be SOK * * l private sale, on easy terms . At - {0 wM. I) a V IF s. F CQ. 1 landing From the A don 1, y Georgia from X. York i<< hrtds. iMurcovado SR cb<*nt3 Hvt?ori ‘i'ca 4 bales Paper 30 kegs F. R, Powder IGOGiSo. blistered Steel 10 pipes New Gin 22 d.tto and naif ditto tmj quarter casks Corsica Wine 30 qr. casks Malnga Wine 20 half ditto ditto ditto 30 boxes: -Soap ‘ .. •>— 22 iirktr. best Goshen Butter ill cbis. jloa* and Lump Sujar 2X STORE , 5C- hhds. New Kutn 20 bbis, ditto ditto 6 hndj. 3d fe 4th proof Jamaica Rum 7 d'.t.o 3d ditto West India do. 6 ditto and 10 bh!t. Brown Su^ar 7 pipes Schedam Gic, eicelient 5 ciito 4'h proof Coguiac Brandy do. 11 tierces 1 6 barrels |> Ocst Greeo Coflee. 100 bags j 30 bbis. Mackarel li du:o Alewives 5 ditto Herrmgs 4C> ditio prime Beat and Pork 50 C'kiiig Boston Batter, in small kegs 1000 b.csheL Ground B.vlt 6 kegs 5d cut Nails IS” tons be-.t Wajggon Tire 10 dijuo Old Sabie ..lOuOlhjA, German Sfetl fcO sets d.-y .Measures 1 bale Uuitas -.‘500 y.,ru Amencic Man 11 fnc;ur cd Negro Giuth of a superior quality 6U3 ciiito impr-.rtc * ditto l f Jp>iecra Gotten Bagging 1- si'ito low priced wtiite Flannels j. bales Slop Clothing, and a general assortment cf Groceries at retail. The foregoing are offered for sale whole sale cr retail, at redoceei prices. JONATHAN MEIGS, holton s (mic Cld-fs) n’karf. November 39 37 NO i ICE. f f^f l . SuuscriDer fovtittis aJ! persons, a. from this date, to give any credit on !>is account, without a w ritten oidut troni fntn. J. A MORRICE. April 13 44 Notice:* hereby Given. qj S HA rat the expirauouof nine month* from the date hereof, apj>ii v ruiou wihbe made to the Honorable the In, fericr Court of Chatham County, foi leave to 3ell the following Tract of Lane n toe County ot Mulloct), containing fivt hundred acres, adjoining land of F. Rest o, toy the benefit of the heirs 3t Credi io; of John A. Kirick. MARY El KICK, AdtrOx. April G. 41 iam pm Vv AN I'FD, T YO APPRENTICES TO the Printing Business. Ap’y at this Otf.ce . No. 41. Fresh Fruits and Wines. JUST RECEIVED, Tars fresh Grapes Boxes bloom und roueatci Raisins Bags soft shelled Almonds Ditto shelled sweet ditto Ditto ditto bitter ditto Boxes French Fruits Ditto Prunes Champaigne } WINES of a very supe- Oid Rhem.sh J tiorq jaiity. Vermicelli 50pSb. Currants Ptckits, Anchovies, Gherkins, Oliv'es, Capers, &c. 47.0.10 bes; Spanish .Sugars in small bas kets j . . OMHANT7, Hogsheads famaica Rum Pipes Cogniac Brand/ pipes Holland Gin Brown ,/ugar in barrels Casks (Malaga Old .Madeira, } M uscat, ; Vv INF.S.of a very gesti i'enenffe, F qualtt). Port 1 Claret, CONFECTIONARY of every description, for sale oy ’ C. H. FISHER. December 3 38 . OGDEN'S & BAKER, HaVK RJtCJJIVF.D BY I.ATR ARRIVALS, NEARLY ALL THFIR 3U? LL Y OF IVinter Goods, Which together with former rtnek. cowpeifi* a rerj £XT£KSIV£ AKD CJFNSRaL ASSORTMENT, (Jtft r theur friyrids and the public, live folloviiiig and a great variety cf other staple and fancy articles, so; sate tm ii.ber*i£er*na - - London sup'erfine Cloths Yorkshire ditto Singe and double uvi'ied Kerseymeres Coatings, Fhititiels, e.ai’.sburv ditto White and colored plains, Blankets Swansdowns, Toiiinctis Patent Cords, Marsoilles Ouijting And a variety of Fancy Vestings Worsted ar.d Cotton BennetL Cords Veiveteens and Fancy ditto I r s*i L .ens, Long Lawns, Caiiii>rtci> Ditto German and Huss ; a Sheetinc* Diapers, Bed Ticks, Qj'uaburghs ° Dowlas, Apron and Shirting Checks Cambric and common Dimities 4-4, 5-4 and 4 Cambric Muslin 4 4 ar.d 6-4 Book & Jaconet ditto An elegant assortment of Lace and Fancy Muslins Habit Shirts, Tuckers, Ribbons Cap patterns arc Lace S.eeves Iv, IE, 4-4 and 5-4 blacks colored Crapes Lutestrings, Mode. Sarsenetts,Florentines Bomb izets, Bombazeeus, Shalloons, &c. C.* ic.>es, Ginghams, Furniture Chintz Snk and Cotton Cnambravs Cotton and ‘I bread Laces and Edgings Silk, Cotton, Worsted, Lamb’s Wool and Angola Hot l adivs Silk, l dither, F,c Nic Kabit and Long Gloves Men’s Silk and Leather Gloves Children's Yarn Boot Sh.ys Snawls Ck Handket ciiiefs, every description Ladies ornamented Tortoise Shell and Horn Combs Sewing Siiks, Twists, Threads Tapes jtul Bobbins Adeipln Cotton m varnished boxes Umbrellas, Parasols ; ilk and Cotton Braces Carpeting, Hum,hums Saddles, Battledores, Band Boxes Bonnet Papers and Writing Paper In peri;*!, iqtsou and Gun Powder Tea, in 2-b. Caddies An elegant assortment of Leghorn, Split Straw, Pitrsh, Willow,Chip and FANCY RONNETS Men’s Reaver H its ICU pieces Cotton Bagging Also, per ship Mars, a Consignment of Handsome Looking Glasses , Gilt and Mahogany Frames 20 barrels of Le Breton’s Albany Ale November 30 37 ieo bariels Superfine Richmond FLOUR. so hoglheads prime MOLASSES. For saiE ry THOMAS LAWRENCE.