The Southern patriot. (Savannah [Ga.]) 1804-1806, January 28, 1806, Image 1
THE SOUTHERN PATRIOT. VOL. IL No. 23.] EDUCATION, G$J IT r HL for the otetitigubh- j td Attrenage he hat experienced ! j. establishment in town- i Mr, GRF. EN. with dejm - ~, r , informs flis friends and the pui/ithat the Ladies Literary dkcvi, oPri the Grammar and Mathematical Slicoobs lire still , .■■dli --cd by him an the same ex • :oe plan as at their committee- M rid. Ti r course of the Schools, tn. Heading, Grammar, Elo c-i'itn and Rhetoric. Writng in nil and e us,fu! and ornamental hands. Arithmetic, Book-Keeping, ct -,<-lingto several systems, Gea * graph , the use, drawing ft &. r t;in% f Maps in differentprojc#. ‘■mu. The elements if Astrcrufty, use of the Globes, Tel kricn History end Chronology. In the mathematical department the pap tie will be carefully it- A rutted tn Algebra, Geemttyy, , Triconmetry, Conic Sections and r iixions, with their application to t'.t business of life and the imm tigtriait ■ if science. S <xtCcv years experience in his -'■o fatten end a sacred and ur.rt t sear a'.tertian to the metals . *• ml improvement of hit pn, ,*• s !■ be hope*, contmui to him f or. a liberal and enlightened, pub. he, a share o f that favor w Arch he ’-■d. hitherto experienced, ftps Is ad dm it ted without En~ r till the Ist of tiie emu its Tunary. | -l Dancing Master es rptirence lx ill aUcndSihoel. To JLZaSC, A limb tma very fertile r acre LOT, well calculated for s garden, (iuiattd between the f Mr. Willy’s p : ™£vr terms enquire * >ikRY ejrick. ’ ; Jf ?*• mWk 5- g . Tff : A Ne|v> Man tO’jhlre. tog- i*e us abm Lawra* *. tyk 1 County. X... . -T, the -o:-,r. -/.liif in the city of Monday the ictit yf February ne v/, precisely A Q'+sT i ‘Ay ILL b; Leafad to the ‘I bid ier, *il that I.OT matravs, iatcly occupied .lied ly John Bow me r bn S Tiith, ec. coicisn •‘or a Tan-Yard, with ts, Buildings in corn "■air for the accomtno’ a h .idly, with a well ■I v- ter in the yard, T ■ Vfertile Garden, coo* ’ ape trbor 3 Fruit- T dec. ■if , ./ yc: would b£ p rr a'lde to * per (on e l inning bu. -*■ be ‘eon upon ’ aims of ‘the u: - known on ■wi x CrdtnarH willl E, I Jisc i 1 v ‘.9r } I ‘ ‘ t t x *** ‘■- ~* ‘ 1 To Let TfTE Sfpß* prefect pc -1 my isd hv Mr. ; ame.i Mr.r ----• dial!, ppfie(iK>R will be given on the hrd of January next, i fkc ft ore and dwaliihi aos ft* : nUpnt nceo no recommend; ;;- ; or', being weil known For ! particulars, enquire of S. SHAD. Or in his absence to Capfr in J. Y. WHITE. Dec. to g 2awtf For Sale, At t ie subscriber's 3Tors , west c r the Market pv <v, o <*/<.•• sign 6; the ftfcAß, the folk- ‘lUg .. GOODS., Vrhish he will dispose of cheap for L AIH. ‘'•unernne Cliratzes, JDo; Pisibs, 1 bale Satumporei L<Vid coloured Genoa CoMi 1 -lack fancy t)o Ohve Vcivc-t Corded Unnhies 10 p ; ucm fine hafral Coarse*, Black patent Cord ..MLxtiJ Do. Jinperftie blue bread ciuH Br.t Irish liners Men ard •.!; sliws iiiiiViia I>ER Tlta FKTP tCb I'A 1: \ ( 1 Ca*e of Irish iineiia 6 p'ecs ; of toHinetß H 80. wide apron cbecko 1 Bale oanaburgs 2 niecas fancy thicksets, I Do. olive velvet t? psiecs fancy cords arid rslvats to Do. Ciiliiamneeea i Dozen Bordered cambritk 54 Do. tine black bordered Do. -Per the Brig U aeliHii^tcn. 2.? pieces superfine plaids, * pieces 4-4 Cancbrick muatifts, .5 • -cue? 6"f o. Cpieces cor J and uiir.i'ie?, 4 Dozen cott.oi; suspend . rs, tfoze i< doi.iiie sin ii air. ti Do. iirlk Do. ALSO, ritnnica rum, Cogninc brsndy, Country gin With a general assortncct of HARDWARE, i. TtiUMPiWK. Tr'-z,17. 13 ts T U LL r, T7OR a Term of years, the p?:: K mice* at present Occupied by Mr. William Ghcuvin, as a Dwelling house and Grocery Store —A prof cubic Lc.-.ta o( this v<-rv Valna!,.?c Store mav be had, anand | dav , feta tuudcriAc advance in ! Fv t. j E r ptrt!ctUrs apply to. ’ Hon. !ee Stfnheii®, of G■ . • MitJidi. * ILL 1 A.M MILLS 83th Antrusc, 4 so;. | For Sale > j\ T I KELT young V/TITCH, { about :#3 years ot age, a >l! i’rai washer, irone*', cic-ar ■'■'•L., itt; excslLiit W'lriS v‘ * • . i.g Ac * ■ a . 15 a. .and :it • 1 1 > ’ t ‘l 4 ’ , bili.i ... it crich vs about 16 c : • A tvr.’vasb, iron . u ■. ■ via iidaucy 1 1;- •Ae m teachit g c< • sobtr -t.. ... i’d cook C f ■ i, ir Chatham, •?*■( 1. ‘ ’ -maioer . T U E S D A Y. Tanuary 28, 1806. | Chatlram Jrii. A NGROtn;n vUe calls Em- C\ self DEVONSHIRE, he is : of a black compaction, 5 feet. 7 j inches high, about 3u yea:• of : age, says h# belongs ts n air. : llattiblctoo Moi t, oi St. Mary's, ‘ A was formeriy the property of j Dr. Harral of Savamtah. j Also—A young idlow bv the j name of JOHNSON, of i bhwk cwm'jU'ctiOi:, b test 4e. i inch** hig’n, about 20 years es ayt~-he sometimes says he bsionpa to a Mr, Davis 00 the Oluropic, and at other times says h is a free mat) from Metv-York, hut he has noph per* to shew h’s freedom. W 7 m. PINDAR, G. De c, 8- 7 ts ATTENTION! ! ! Trie Company Musters which were to take place in the Erst Bat t.Lou, Chatham h'egihtvtrt, On Monday the Ci.h inst. (its tiitsse qnence of the meeting of the Su perior Court) is nosipcned until the Pfondav u this month, when the parade tv'll cuke place at iiie i.sual place ami hoar. By Order of Major Doyle. G R. L'wit., Adfti January 7 17. THE i’ubfcriber has a fm?.n BOY about ik yeai ,: of age to Hl R L—he is w.-T, ac qu iirtic i with Iloufe work A; cat;. Cook tokrahle wdi. RICHARD WALL. January 7 17 TO PLANTERS, npHF Subscriow finds it nscec- A. sarv lo call, iht'.> pul iieC up. O ‘ all those vtuo arc in ■.■■- ZH -, ic him, to come forward a* st.eedsi) us possible, and pay up ineir re spectsve. balancer, as he is anxi ous to discharge those clainv a gainst hnuselt, Which have pr> halve! p.MitJoai tlitcigii VT&TitS Ol tnU’SCJ Fil'd L/L”if- •■! nf J certainly has u right to “dchlutc up"*)’liberal pry3 tents t/ii s y. as o’rovidcsice has, in general; been very bountiful to the culti, vators oI die soil.—all dHauliers -'■s’ the !L ,t day of. j.t> o, next nr.a; expect to find their Bonds notes, and accounts m the hauda oi u itorney’s at law. The subscriber also thirks pro per tr; ’tt-c ‘ill ■ h;jt: ■ dice,‘that s- ■ , Sally sc liable of the nume rous aisadvautag ■$ resiuttng froiri the practice ol tn.ikiug advances j ci;rc.;t!y, or iric .-cc'.iy responsible j for and oa dccooo.t vt • arsora vvLa 1 *';-.v** jtot.:, >, ole u'vcszcd him 1 wish * out.-., cr any property that | will rpeetliL raise funds sufficient I to cot.npciisi.ic ran !W- r the amoant | he advances or bet .mcs re-pun*. „ | bh* lor—he doc!’.nos for the future J ext api in a Few cases of tv .■if. ii:dtvi.lic/!s', who have in all truss, actions widj him, observed the *'f:ctcst puuct- nduv; the orhtjfi. ah. c at : * prat’ i.::. The fsab&arsbcr •< i.'L kevore.-, in cases, when V'nxluce is put in his possession i ihakc, if reCjtm ed, li'ueral advances, and wilt be i g-au fui, ty the Futitcra >•; gtir.e- I ... J .... I * ; i : I 1 Nr. it.* 1 • ‘ • v . : ... :! i-r.:■ it’ ‘l't I fi}*C o’ hili hi’ ** dSiii i t ■ *■.:.llf, j and. .* nn ‘er.erL't::- fh.tli be epareci, > 1 & ah, <Kiis t* - .c , may . and x ■, i .11 j tiicir'ni’-. He still conducts the FACTORAGE jf COMMlkhl ON lIUfeINF.BS, Go Morel’s Witai'i, bv e>erv advantage v.iuch the sum.; : po ivssecl whir'll ■ .ami'd on under ! . jc firm ol ll tlliuir r-U O’ aicrcl. JOHN P. WILLIALM'N. .vav*.ii!iah, -*c.c. 3. 6 a., .v ;\i * t M I Cj y A tf.i gerv.lcWen rsp b-. I be ..dec by .he v r . nh,* Ter Sale. THE fubferiber offers for sale his LEASE, with the build, ing and improvements thfrcwi; tin* situation ineligible for business be*i ;io so convenient i ) th* mar ket. Terms will be made easy— to on ire vt A. B MCALLISTER. Nov. 2g. 4 ts Fo the Friends of Agriculture. WANTS EMPLOY. fTr A matt who is perfcfHy ecquainu-d v. iih the reclaiming of land tn every of its branch es, bo ISI in Europe and Amr • vci, ti\ particular TlD't- LaN D, Lopping of creeks, earring cvurls, & z. N. B. He will engage to ex ecu';- above on the moll its proved and perrornent plan, and wH tuvßnrke buhneL in any part of*the Union—For paructi’avs apply a l , this Tf hce. Ncv. s6. 4 & E M O V A L, VIVION U HOWARD, BEG leave to inform their friends, and the public in ge ne; M. u v u tfcvsy have removed tiie'.- Itock of goods from S?~ vannah to Darten, where they intend keeping a constant fnpply of Dry Goods atid Groceries, which will be d:f poled of or. the lowest terms. SmarmAi, Juki 24, -gOS. _— ■ 1 OR SALE, 4-G A likely NEGRO BOY Apply at this Office, or to f. U P. Cu v.’.LTflw. fyllT At a Regimeucal C;>uri of Krti>.irv, u*i r'vgt-it of May, !-V2 it as t'Cadved, that ti„- tiri.t 1 1 .tanc.'i, ‘ g itocse and artiliery, cLiniid parade on the fallow)days, viz. : Mi the first Monday in Novem btr, by jO A. EL dami ary stud Morcb, and on the first day of f.Tay, unh v* jt should hup pc-ii on Sunday, and theft tbs pu redc hitii Ue on tiie dav follsw-. in^. Extract f'im the Minuted, G. 11. DUKE, C. C, E. Octnlier i&. 3i . I —■——— THE SUDBCHIBRUS, j T Ts Ji6UJ.SiG to direct t.ileir I V Y teauon towards tlite coilee tion Hull .%eu:cf >©■ tyf deles d’.:e ts GIVE NOTiCIf, ton on tile 3J„t day of JJv.einber next, they v.. 11 decline the Re tail Business ok eredif; they <i<*. sire tlwrcu,r.*, ihut ill those in siel'-.tii to th. n, cnc Kobkkt <!• Je Koi-rojt, v.'ii* imihediHtely Ki.ika ji r. vuevt, or oUierv/i st ---lc ro tn;ir sattsG lion. From the short collectjori*. tvm'e tl'Le two years oust, the c.cbi > to then bare accumulated beyitnd theu* and 1 hey* ■■■te soSc'eudv j br •’ ■■■ -- fui’. a j • •- y-npraitsv.{-, • CUF" '* * ETON tx C, ■>. | T.iw rcwvirni; .vSTOCIC on j ; Imr-j, whieh it nut intended tb b* j ” , ~i u so!u by V/llC'O - t'e or rcta* 1 . mi - p-y terms, for Gash, Produce or Town Notes. November. tb 1 if For Sale I AT THIS OFFICE, The Georgia (A Sbidi, Car- !*;•. REPUBLICAN A T T \ /r A A x A ! l .‘ V j h A “ 1 ,L -S..P i J. ™ J. }• ® I .oi Vtic VL AE-of Oni-Oit 1-, *1 i ! Coottirsum —f ‘ : ■:> [Whocs Numser 119. Runaway negroes, Tow csvfined tn Cl.a'bam co v '‘ ty goal , iiavannah. PItiNGZ of a ycHotv com pleQion, pitted with the fm-* pox, about ,5 f eet 6 inches hig fays hs belongs t George Cherry ct South,C roiins, near the line North Carolina, from ao 50 years of age. JACK, a mulatto cor pledton, Header made, a bo 1 5 feet to inches high; an favs his maker’s name 13 Get. Hob, refidiog in Oglethoj county, vroft 20to zx >w of age, L. XVM. IN DTE r Nc*v in Chatham pR _ tTf'SCIPIO, .of a black Gn plection, about five feet right £7 or £.3 years of use, belong* to a Mr. Thomas Sc; ♦, South-Czrcrluiis, cn the bait Rlt rl ers William pin as r. c November is rHO $, FOR SALE, A Likely NEC:-? FELLOW, who Is 2 cm. ; -, housk sertract and . at ting p . fit long used to o r ■■ —ev 7 11 ire s.t this O Sice. 0 C-™. .1. „ . . To be Sold j or l’ r On reafonablc t tarts ‘-jPHE Subscriber’* TZJ ’ A. INGS, in Oglvtbt . fronting Indian *trect ■ ■ *. .e 1 coiisist ng of Five’i'C'u. a corrftnoiiio F'.ore.. , v.-.!l id edfor a persos it? th.t Ur.’ Line—Out building? - L,’ The lot is one h-"nd;.d IT . front, and’ ninety, five t ■it ‘ in which there is s.ifiL’ n , rooK, ffzdajivfe ■ v2sP't For l-..f . ■ pajtlC-T'S n; if . <i ; TANARUS, N . lb: ■ . fHE lub-tlifc-. 1, ‘ll!’ parted on Telfi ir’s V/lu.rl of FRESH lIV.SOM i which he c leirs fa t- . <sasb. ALSO, 30(3 i'u. Slit hi E T the boat qu-litv. „ TH. DOLL) Nov 20. Ihe Svfbscrb HA J T At Set it his Score Bitj JL the ) t> than: Cogniac BrartMy, * ‘.males Rmr. N Rn 6, L ordials, o-*.v-j li: A. ’ L'jsMO l ongues, Porter R.vd fic&t.d /'! ; r .- il t-s. *.ho-* 1 chest Irish cL -pn 1 .";oap *"i.l Gxu'l^Tir * <*• Lai f first <r:uity l ,Y * ar.c ■--'■ co ‘ : M - - 4'!<*orsu% St* t Sit ii-XilT ■ F t . tt:, Creek Goods, S.e. All of win! V ; For Ca: ri. Kt lik—'’* ** * <■• v.'iio have h;;. ♦(; * v i.h “ call and ts 1. day t .Le... sv.ll bt r. ■ and rvf’ D’ r fc.i. .‘A o A- * X