The Southern patriot. (Savannah [Ga.]) 1804-1806, January 28, 1806, Image 2

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Foreign Intelligence. LONDON, November IS. flu- from Germany bv Hamburgh mail, bring the ‘it* of the campaign in Ger* to (he same point .. (ha Feencli official bulletins, i, -ar that ttie Austrians-and it-.'Miv did not find it advisable cii nd th* Inn, and, tlrerefore, r dto W tls. 7he crossing and” /tin Jay the Firuefa i* coll ar Gome accounts say, that i’ iicfi army is 130,000 strong, t are persuaded tint it i, i Sgu a,ion by 60,000- Tim ti the Russian* and Auutri tated ac IUO,UOQ, which is > an exaggeration—The * :e al retreat, in the pre ’ curnitanccs, is unqiiesunn le. lie nap true seems to be 10l- A’in- neaily ins former plan of ts Murat, with thirty thou "• len, forms the left of the iet i and follows the left hank Aauube. Among these are 1 he general Buraguay D’ ;li ’* dismounted cavalry, a. t ig to 13,000, winch have lountid on horses taken ” Austrians. Bernadotte oust, loirr, the right wing, o n, y with the Bavarians. They erimidy upon .the Salza, It 7 p-” *ft tuoro and more certain, wt h inadotte intends to attack lie oo:i bined Austrins and Rus •""* with almost ail his forces ; tnd the be again will try to enr olled inert/. lie has accustomed .ps to pei form such extra- - V marches, that, notwiih ig the start they have got, ,iects to outflank then* - a£T will surely he cm his against this, and.will com- ! , ’tost any fault but that bv Macit was destroyed. re,.t ilea] will depend upon rVomenU of the second Tin*. ‘* we slr< 4 ° rr y f*'yt * are |k> satisfactory , ‘* it* Jf'ear. approach, i ‘< t from TOirsaw, of the J t say?i, th.vtgeneral had aeribed there to rt di <rc)i of iJie advancing, one nuder and ©I baron lammivsetj, * to pass through Sifesia, u the otlfer under count ‘ *t Sitcsi.a <?lso, : way ol Cracow. Thus s that neither of these oui.l possibly arrive at ice the h. ad quarters of *’ • ’ vr “iM are, till the : nr ,Nember at the “ this ’ <l;cv, deci !!!: Itav.v taken place, .-v id Prussia, in one me present moment, be to conceal front Bo ‘he determination she till efe.ry thing i* strTe the blow.—But if - ’Tit’ long, it may ‘be • he. last intelligence ’iii f the .sth, at which j c * 1 V‘V is, that armiv ’ ”• Vv estphalia, and TT- ! -oa with the t-1 c- j :t,c -ad Lower S x . ! at ... viy v/j . -o be e<- i I er iliuiv ‘ i‘- %ai:sL‘..iu. TANARUS., -i hr * VHTngTJa- | 7 -ic precaution _ : ' ipurtei. ‘■W *'•“ move • ’ ■ A be‘-. pre '• . which the ■ A t n- eagerness of j n u violate, un- I •and b‘. force. 1 •an take a:,v ; ) ;parte, a :cor • dii iiy, will have ii he suc *> -T n :• i.\bia have, ■ nii t firat re t cil aftvr ported, Is tgoi :fi ’ •$ on T- If ■ia ■ > * aft’ vr. convention for thoinetfirafity of Naples being agreed to by Prance. Tins is not improbable ; or at if is not iui|>robable that t<> siiciigi hen IVirts-scua Naples should for the moment be evacu ated. Nov. ri.— has bejn recefvttl r.t the attempt which it was supposed was about to be made on the port id Boa- Itjgne. !i seems generally believ ed at any rate, that tbe troops which liave suili-d from ‘bo Downs arc gone Noflhwanl, -'id are not to be employed m av at tack on theL tench Coast. I hey are gone to join the Kusainus and Swede* in the Nmth. the third victory. Weekly Mesttnger Otjke, Monday 1 o'clock. Wa jost k-arn that on express has arrived at tiiu admiralty, with the important imcUigenec that admiral Louis bad falbn in with the Rochefort squadron, and that after a smart action, Six more the\cremu's ships oj the line struck their ic!o>'s. ” The important and comirwid ing situation in which Prussia stands has thus been recognised fay the unexpected visit of the emperor Alexander. But this is nt all. The archduke Anthony', brother Ho the emperor of Ger many, ha* arrived on an extraor dinary aiissiou at Brlm. His object doubtless must bn to stimu late the king of Prussia to those measures of vigor which toe em peror ol Russia had in person been laboring io produce. .These are flattering tesumur.n-s ol what Prussia could do. it is a recog nition of her holding the balance of power, and the fate ol nations in her hands. And how has she gained this distinction ? By hav ing acted With prudence and ad dress— bv having reserved her strength for useful exertions, and her interposition for favorable occasions. By having acted in a manner tiic very re verse of those ministers in other stater, who have done nothing but offer sub sidies for absurd, ill concerted attempts ; who by having with an abuse of their advantages in tErferoii a tori tin (ravers, have been driven altotf -rhcr almost out of the society ot European states. Prussia, on the eoutrary, has placed herself in the inevitable situation ol being courted by all, of being impioteii by emperors and princes, of being subsidised by such ministers as Mr. Pitt to pursue her own interests, and to maintain the independence of Europe. Whatever resolution Prussia may adopt, she has mud: m ht-r power, and dv- owes the pre-eminence, sli*.tn|oys to the caution and systimatic adherence to her neutral policy, while her neighbors shew ed nothing but a precipitation which exposed them to greater evils than they had stifiered, which resembled more an ebui: ion of hot-headed in surgents, than the wise, vn 1! com blued efforts cf independent na tions in a great and noble cause. Lord H-rro ,by arrived at H apt burgh on the 3th. He will make the fourth imperial applicant to thu court of Pn ssju within tl<s mo >'.h. The t’tnjieror of Bu>sn pci stn, the Arc!: inkc Anthony of Austria, Lord Hairowhy, and general Duroc, have all been uig ing their suits to the king cl Prus sia; We have examined every thing nt i I'bi.c occurrence wbicii could ecable ns to form a judgiMiicut ot the intentions of the com t ot Ber lin, whether far war or neutrality, but thete still appears roam for doubt. The Prussian troops now In complete po--e*dor of HaniYtr, with the exception ol the fortress of Hanicin, here me French r.r- preparing to < i>- l>nd themselves. It i* said that |coi<vcntion has been executed, <y which 50,000 Prussians tire to \rt main in possession of the Htm 'overian dotniniftns, two thirds of | th. ex pence of which rre 1 paid bv Prussia, ;uid one t-, idMMP •,?}!. “ever. d'l'VaWjl -1 ■. 11 Hhss'i .ns Lvtm? ft*.; ’>*: of Hiut'Xtei ii 4H vfr, fir-'rrrd evpr i Ryxsiati*. have, tneced, ! >t° the territories of Mecklenbui'gh- T v° ’ tlioitStUirl bad arrived ;it I.auetv ; burgh, put none have yet enter- | ed Hanover, almost all the points I of. which are row occupied by the Prussian*. j-’ j Gen. 1,/uroc has left Berlin.— 1 Before his departure, lie raceiv ’ t-d a valuoble snitff-hox, v : with ; I dianmndii, with the king’s pic- j i Hire. He carries to his emperor I the reutli of bisnegoriutioir,; and 1 i hat may he no less i/nputiaut, of his observation*- HAMRURGH, Nforember 2. Russia and Sweden have made very considerable di niands of money on the seriate of (Hia town, of Bremen and Verdun ; but it is asserted that the latter have de cfaitd tlxeir incompctency to de termine on such a demand, which must necessarily be submitted to the decision of the citizens. Besides the Prussian troops al ready arrived in Hanover, the re giment ot Frmce Louis and a uother, the name of which i* nt>t mentioned, arc expected there. The omperor of Russia has quitted Benin. He had received i a courier from general Kutusow, yvhojthey say, asked new instruc tions of his majesty, nftilr expres sing to him the surprise he felt upon arriving on the theatre es war, *t meeting only a remnant of !6 or !8 thousand Austrians, instead nff,o thousand yvhich he was to have found there. It is said that these dispatches, and lomeothers received from Vien i|*, have hastened the departure of the Czar. 11 goes directly to Prague, and from thence to the army of general Kutusow. Jicppwam that this sovereign has been unable to shake the re solution that the king of Prussia iid taken to prcsi i ve peace to his subjects. This may bt-judged 0 f bv the last rescript published in Franconia. It having bocn ru moured that his majesty the king of Prussia wNLed to take an ac tive part in (he war, all this legal authorities are enjoined by this rescript to make known to the people that the military prepara tion* es Prussia have no other tA jece in view, but the maintenance of the ncuMnlitp j ttlHl the measures hitherto taken arc only intended to secure its g Ua . rontee, and no Other construction should be put upon them. It is doubtless in the same lir-ht that we are to look upon the oc cupation of Hanover by i’t ussian ‘ troops. The wish of the whole north ot Germany will be accom pii shed, if by the negotiations be gun ..'Km the court of Berlin a.,d the cabinet* of f. vi - * r,-.A }V tersburgh, this electorate be again compr.sed in the iimiis of the Prussian neutrality. People be gir. to fiatier themselves \ha\t it j win he ao j and at .. tiiouglit that ■ his m;.j u.t’- has taken possession | . of Hanover only to keep'.from the i J Russians and Swedes the pretext j ! that called them to it. The ! | French are shut up m Hameln, ! I it it is thought that the Russians ‘ j will uc.l advance bejoad Lavcn- 1 : Ull rg. Nov-*t;“ r s. I 1 lit ‘ Rjxstan y>: edi-’h j I .-y, vih ch is now tiossing the countii ot M e*klenhury, i* on !y tv, , ruy Lhousaiiil men strong ; but it is a.-sorted, tliat it will be rein iorced by seme more Russian fc ! Sv.cclisb re rimems. One of the ! fiist that was emlmifi-d ac Kovel i u. .. , k ,y gi cat to. ~ vJ ‘ t4 i vessels, Lden wuh cossacks and houcs, iouudoiod • not a single man was saved. The Hanoverian legion, cl about eight thousand men suong, has al o landed .- tt v. as at first to have passed thro’ Use bound to .epai: to Strakauad ; but in Consequence af the anangements mat have beer. on, it is arrived m the elec’ ol Hanover. A great num muskets unit ocher nrmsha landed for tltv ancient Ha . e H. r>-lnfm .save • : r. : am, it is now will known that she j will maintain hos system of rieu • tra'itv : ail.the insinuations whi< h w era lately made at Berlin, to ui- I v.-rt h r from u, have proved 1 fruitless. R E R LIN, Noverr. her 5. Vvii-ile th-c ru-jieior of Russia was at there wits ob served a great conformity of cha | icter between that prince and ■ our monarch. Both of i hem p/e ----! Icrroii tlie moat simpK: j mwits to the poinp and brilliancy of courts. Doling the whole time the emperor was here, he vv .is not invited to an entertainment at the caside. Tha two potentates contented fhnnsrlve-* daiiy with a tumii) dinner and sujiper. 7 he parting of the two princes was • tally affecting. Happy the peo ple, (-ay* the Berlin paper) to whom *uch monarch* are united by the ties of real friendship. E ven on the night of his departure, the emperor of Rus-ia made a vi sit to tiie vault where the ashes or Frederick the great are de posited. He contemplated for s considerable time, in an attitude of-the most profound reflections, the monument of that tut mu rod monarch. ’MMMaaMMMu; NUREMBERG, November 5. Vve learn from Bohemia iimt getwral Koliowrath, who is en trusted with tbe command of that and vision of the army which is -sea t!Oßt.d in this kingdom, is em ployed in lormiiig anew coins, made up of the wreck of pritice Eeruinand's troops and tile scat tered vagabonds from Fgra. .Some of his cavalry, joined by the regiments of Gemnrnigaii and Hohenloe, and several battalions of reserve, have invaded .the up per Palatinate, where they exact conti ibutjons and commit every kind ol excess, i'hey shew them selves fioqi time to time as lar oo as the bunks of the Naab. A body of French troops, which passed die Danube at lugoisiadt lias marched into the upper i’*l:t r tinate, to protect die inhabitant* of that country from the incur sions ol the enemy, ami to cot|>el them to march back in all points to Bohemia. A short time since, there ha# aH.sen a dispute ol c. very particn tif. nature. General VVarnecfc had concluded and signetj a ca pitul ition “with prince Murat, at Trochteifirtg .i, near Tordiingcn, bv which he acknowledged idui self a prisoner ol’ war, and ail t!ie troops under his diieciion, and that of the general count de Ho henzoliern, who with his corps, tvaa under the ctmmaml of gen. Warnt-ck ; but he h.tJ not person, ally signed the capitulation, hav ing ran off in the course if a night, and rejoined prince E'erdi- HAud in the marquisute of An spach. It is said tile prince posi tively fortiade him adheri/ig to the terms of the capitulation. Flii* over, the count <Jc H-dii p.jpllt-rn rcireuteti into Ro he...ia, Ikia itig previously had his share in the skerrrushes on the 1 rentier of the city of Nuremberg, t mice L#.inn’i. case was tiic ?:n ie * It is certain that Prince . r.acl sinnmomd ‘.Hem Lath so faifi! the obhgafjons they had previously agreed to which had nevertheless been refused. It is said, tint prince Miuat had per socially address’ and he archduke E crdir.and, and time he had f-o’r j about mutual good uade ita,, d’ j ing i'. the subject ai* on c> Bie Austiiaa gt.ia-.uJs, They lu-a ’ < , , .nisi in i cii.ntiig the . sen:, insistit gt; at the * i,, tion does not involve ‘T terms and circumstance:-. •assured that general ia on his trial before :• liul. that lie may < ... Ccssiiy oi rev a of hi* proc* .ii” to , ide -M * ki. tbs electoral prince v t; ,V fd. Lieutenant g-nerat l ,l’ >- -commanded them in person/”, p. marched on foot, amen/ tnz-ips, ;,>K> gave ample p,-„,jf s f(t - Uio movt (lv*crminvd hrav. r. reuciv. and a wound, l ite u;i,j r h ;t-rs, d.'tcl and wounded on t, i I b'Ciod.v day-, amomiis to tfii * I -i ilc AuStiLr.l Hoops who w ,, i i bmad in toe ; .Hreeciiments 1 Lefer, were ah’ put to the Oil the -A’ it in-t. the deftly btrub were io oc lu.acke .1 b ‘ regiim-Hi# of Pressing and u,’/ ra.vsizkis. ; T he corps of French and !•<-_ vat /au troops, on the side of ; rol, have pus .essed thcmseE ‘ f the fortresses of Cahtem s ; Mchaantt7., which command entrance into rfcat province. 7„ e report is, that marshal N. vh:., marched bevond Inspru.k, a i has fixed his head quaiu-r s i,. u c I capital. I PARIS, November :6. >1 lithe midst of the. hurv anil cares of a camp, the emperor !i?.s I signified his intention io aurii v I rate the condition of pri - uner ol I war ; and ever since the opening I o? tiie campaign, he has been an-,.1 iotts to turn the victortis of armies t(.> t!ie advamage ol i,o N I cu.tut-e aid commerce- fiis oi- I ders have bt n punctnalß <s o . I cuteci. Aireanv it>,OOJ AnMrii.a I rs are m France, th-u ; , c I I tverv ‘vhvre wished for by .fie I ptef. et>, and are even where re- I ceive.l wiih that aUemion whiVn mnortunate brnverv inspires. A heir good order is every wh.Ve admiicd. and ui every place rhyj experience comfort and con ui -j tion. Indeed, they arc pruofj that timpt/g the French a vauJ quishtd enemy aiuy become J | i.l- lni. ■ i A regulation of the Tniy stcr 1 1 ! war >* dira'es tl.e mode to be Jo 1 -* lowed oy ‘tnt- riniuihic'ure. ::r ; fai mei-s, who may bedcsii. of ; employing the prise no* s ; j w *)’ ol labor. Such a* <m.<) io | want oftlieui .slyedd apply 0, j district imenda/iL, statu | number ol prisoners win <> j ioCt c. AVOlk tie .It: , . | played ji., . • ire.f, r whiui they u ,j 4 p JljfcUJ. ;.J documeuvo - the proper ii forms tin nature and .rfuiarWuce ?,-,<• bor required, % 1 stst-i’ t ■ cur icy for a coi.rpiia ici , terms on the footi'ig j and good cbaraclci'. : .... | r s as shall he nut in , ~ to .have a ticket sir* - :- toiidant, nnd by the Mr, deputy, u ( the ti s wfilch tl.c-y .s!’,.tJi be labor. 1 ’ti e-.e rne jnsure public order 7 qudiiy of iftdivitU soners ol war, wins ,; a ’ be exemplary, wf ;c! e ck an hoaarable a .ism, such only v. ; !i {- . : <> rent ember they 3 war, who uoßo 1 ; dttti , a rtel . s 11 —■( ... j their eng.-getat s.— ! 11/Vl -, • j Ere-yrtcr/ , ! cai rvir> - y i” ] tallied Her j ty. Ghe \ j aiT bo i 1 j. ;*do i iAn> . ’ on ; t be