Newspaper Page Text
VOL. 11. No. 77.]
■ he Commissioners appoint -
1 )v the Legislature to sell and
I iose of the fractional sur.
Is, of the counties of Wil
-1.011, Baldwin and Wayne
lierehy sj v■■ notice that the
Is will conim'nce on Mon*
I the 27 1 of iugust, next,
I continue from dav to day,
Ihe following manner, an.
I ,ie whole a**e solJ.
I ofe the first district,
I: 27th August next, and
ue fro n da/ to day,
avs excepted, until the
September inclulive.
oleos h .-lecond disttict
e 3 1 of September, un.
16t 1 inclulive.
liofe of the 3 1 district on
ih Septetnber, until the
lose ot the 4th distiicton
nth of September, until
■ 3 h inclusive.
liofe of thXgi.h district on
>s’h of September, uutil
17 h inclusive.
liofe of the Ist district, on
I Bth of September, until
lad inclusive,
oie of tne 2d diftri£L on
3d of Septeinbei until the
lose of the 3d district, on
it of October, until the
He !’ the 4th on
l> : h of October, until tne
| cluiive.
hole of the 51 h dillrict, on
oth of October, until the
hoTe of she ill diflrictt on
In of OctoDer until the
fe of the 2d dillrict, on
h of October, until the
ie of the 3 I did ic*, on
hos October, until the
Tins of Sale.
the puvehafers bond,
(proved personal lecu,
irthe amount of pur
money, will be requ 1-
| n four equal instalments,
| p paid in gold or silver ;
irst payment to be made,
t’e months alter date, in
lion to which a mu ‘gage
he premises will be teqjtr-
■ Commissioners.
Wy 7. 69—2 aivtf.
Sheriffs Sales.
\'L HE SOLD on the firit
luesda j in August next , at tne
‘urt house, between the hours
lu and 3 o'clock.
tract of land containing fom-
Ired and thirty acres, bu til*
I; more or less (did suoo )
I **g the south part of ine o.
It house plantation, well ting
si with pine, and a considers
>ortion adapted to the culture
IrUonand provisions, having
itl vantage of a good nav igati
this city. Levied on a-, thr
■erty of Emanuel Kengiil, at
vit of Edward Lewis, potnt
■>it by the defendau,
postponed from July sales.
WILLIAMS, U. s. c c.
JJaip 7, (t'J.
Sheriffs Si as.
On the Ist Tuesday in Aug. next
W ILL BE SOLI), at the court
house in this citv, between the
hours of 10 and 3 o’clock,
A negro MAN named llac
hus, taken under execution as
the property of William Bar
nard, under sundry executi
ons, pointed out by the defen
tiant. The former p nehafer
not complying with the terms
of iale.
JuK 3 68
Sheriffs Sales.
On the 1 t f'K-sd i- in V ig. next
WILL BE SOLD a th court
house in this ~it , between tht
hours nt 10 and 3 o’c'ock.
The following NEGROES,
V i Z
Zedock, Betty, and her two
children, I'iiihp and Edrno id:
seized by virtue of a force 1 >
lure of mortgage, a. the, pro
pertv o f | "bn Baiiiaid, jon
to fatisfy |hn P. )M,
Poll poned
Savannah, Zd July tßOfi
Sheriffs Sales.
On the first Tuesday in August
next, will be -o’ iat the co ir
house, in this City, between the
hours of 10 and 3 Pel ck.
ALL .that Lui of Land in the
City of Savannah known tv .he
No. 5. third Tv Utg iLyn-jlds
ward, conciriuii'.gfio Cu- t in width,
an I 90 feet i:i depth with the ini
prowmets theron, bv virtue o,
a foreclosure of mortgage, given
ij\r the? L irs aa-i
lives of John Haupt Deceased *u
Ciirisinut Disbar.
A N< gro nan named Dick tak
en lind r execution to s;,u,iv
John Giomett pointed out by ibe tiff.
i’. KOBE RTS >N, S. (j. C.
S ,v ?. 7
Alien a s o-i ica•
On viie hist sue i\ in August
next, ai tiie C ire Io ise iu >ne
citv, Detween tne hours ol Isl
an I 3 o’clock, will be old,
Th Island <>i oss vb v,
•eiz< and under execution at the
sun of Mary l.’ovd, against tne
executors of Jo,m Morel, sen
de-ea :ed, p> n- 1 <> it b th;
p aintiff, a t urnev. P’” pun and.
r. KOBi.ii win s c ■
, JuK 3. 5
dfieri f 7 )iies.
At the uo u't-lloit i the 0< y ql
S'iv in null, on the first i -v
D \Y in logos: ne rt, bet ore
the hours of 10 a ></ > o’eto/c.
A \egro Woman
named Sarah t ,k<n under <xe
ru too as the p ope .v of Jolii
Pooler, at the suit of Rogge rt and
Man. field. ,
T. ROBERTSON, s. c. c.
* Savannah, July 3, 18U6.
From the lubfcnber, on the
2510 ja.iuai, tali, a negro fel
low caved jack, lie is a:u>ut 5
tret 8 mcnes high, Hun made,
and bow legged ; vie nadon
when he went away, a blue
oatec, a straw hat, and white
it.gro cloth pantaoons. it 1
relieved he is concealed at pre
ieni on ooard of i’ome v: (I*l in
tne river. Masters of v lid*
are therefoie cautioned against
harboring nim, or ca n ing
u.m away, a.s in (rich case they
wt:i be dealt, with as the law
Jithou Dead, April 21, U,
M O N D A Y, August 4, 1806.
Sheriff s Sales.
On the first Tueftiay in Oslo.
her next, between the hours
of ten and 3 o’clock, of that
day, wil? be fold in the town
o( Jc Her son.
A negro Man,
named Bristol, (eized as the
property of joliah Baker, to
fatisiy the amount dufc on a
mortgage duly forecloled in
f:vour rtf Levin Gttabv.
I iS’i. Man’s, June
) ) 1 )il Slid I* I ALL,
Li t . removed into Si James’s
S paare. rnrar the residence ot
die late General \i‘lntoih and
oetween I. Wood, esquire’s
.ige building and the comer
betiseof theeilateof |us!us H.
Scb über, at present occupied
‘y Oliver St urges, esquite.
*• J uiv 7 3 .
Comnussion Business.
THE lublciiber has taken
the wharf which has for fome
time been occupied by Melfrs
Havens id Bilbo , on whicli he
has convenient and fafe Stores
for the reception of Produce,
and will be happy to serve his
friends and the public, in the
above line.
February 13,
tl AIR 1) “. L A -La
Lately from London.
OFFERS his lervices to
the public in his Branch of
inlinefs, as he perfectly un
derttands trimming hair in ihe
handfomelt tade, a !a tit us Sc
J a Legiptieune—he daily ex
i pefis from London an a (Tort
ment of HAIR, with a varie_
1, of at tides of Perfumery,
fie has opened his Shop on
1n -• Bay, contiguous to the
Patnot printing G'fice.
Jo will wait on the Ladies
wtin will honor him with their
i y Prentices are wanted.
’ “ 7 -V bp
j.lMlfß L ANGLO Is
MGS F Relpecifully in
forms his friends and the pub
lic at large ; that he has mov
ed to the houic adjoining Mr.
Rubers, uppolite Mr. John
Dillon’s llote, near the market
.square, where he v/tll attend to
the cotmnasjds of ttiole who
may honor hint with then
cultom, with^iTuctuauty.
The price of cutting hair
12 i.i
Do Shaving 6 1 4
Do Dressing 12 t-t
June 53 3t.
Nine months after date, appli
cation will ha made to the hon
Inferior court of ESugbcci coutr
ty for leave to seli a tract of
Lnd in said county, containing
100 acres, lying on the Suobury
Road, for the beiieilt o. the hens
nd creditors.
E. CABLE , Admr'x.
June 16. 61. iaw ts. t
Ctl M’ II M ti n
January Term, 1806.
Christina Dasher , ,
vs. i Petition
‘I he heir, and re- - fit’ bo'eclo
presentatives of i .arc.
John tlaupt. dec, ‘
01 ‘ON the petition of Christi
na Dasher, praving t”
lot closure of the eq.iity of r*
demotion on the following prenti
ces :
ALL that lot of land in the
city oi Sivanui, ka s . nov’ she
numaiber live,third ty thing Rev
nods Ward, containing si xt. feet
in wid;h and ninety feet in depth,
with the improvements thereon,
mortgaged by Elizabeth Haupt,
now Elizabeth Dowell, Robert
Bolton, and Justus Hannan
Schenber, guardians of the per
sons of the said John Haeipi, aad
trustees of the property of the
said John Haupt, by virttseof an
order ot the hon.the superiorcourt
of Chatham County aforesaid in
the sai.t Christina Dasher, for the
sum of eighty pounds steri ng,
equal tothree hundred and fm ty
two dollars eighty five cents se
ven mills and one-sevenllt tuonefi
nl the United ‘States, on the sixty
day of May, which was in the
year one thousand seven hundred
and ninety-nine, pad on motion ot
Mr. CUYLEK, AitoruiijJar the
COURT, that the principle, in
terest and costs <lu upon said
mokgaged property , bi paid in o
Court within twelve roonih, from
tins date, and unless the same t>e
to paid, the equity of redemption
sh !I thenccfwdi be Io r.uu td
and other proceedings take plat t and
pursuant to the act ot assemble
an such case maue and nrovniey
Arid it Is further ordered, in
pursuance of said acteh n tui - nue
he published in o ie of the BuUiie
Gazettes, of tins at lease
‘'■nee in every hiontli until tile
time apooinied for pavmcni, 01
served on the M x'tgag ru or thtur
special agent, u i ’.ist ,ix months
previous to the tihv. the sai i mo
ney is ordered robe paid into
Court as aforesaid.
Extract fron the minutes,
J. klwlloch, Clk.
Feb. 29, 1806.
GEUilblA, ( Wiierc-
Chatham County. J a, :,,i a
bupoiTor Court, held i . and ;ol
ui._ county alotes.tid, on the lutii
day 01 jauuaiy i.,st past, jury
Was bwoin 10 ui<)kc-‘ 11 tic luuutst
vA tHe ouppOhuU useheateti j>io
petty of Juan tViuxiu.n ja>.e oi
Chatham county, pawner aecM,
reported to nave uitd ‘.vstiiuat
uni m wiiituot hens, and to nave
pusses ed at tiie tuns; ot death,
tne following property, \
due Lot iu me e 1 ty of ftavaa
-lu.ll. v lUI a aittgie story iiou.-e,
calculated tor tuo leneiucuts.
Ulie uvegto iellow, anu Donas
and tViortgago, upon i c u) cstno
•■vitiun llte satd city tot aooa
1700 dollars.
rind whereas the said jury con
fit tiled Lite I upon Oi tile iauit,uor
and no person appeared to gaiii
>*\y LitC iiurlrt,
lliOueaie tiierefote to nnti'.y
-*!l and singular t‘*e juntaed oi
heirs who may tiimu under ms
said Join MoxhvrigaeLtascU,uiiu
is supposed to have been a name
ol U<c kjugdi/in oi Great-iintaiij,
brat he Urea on or about the oth
hay ol beptsmbs r, 1601, and v. a .
a citizen of the l/rmed htaus bi
America, and tout if no per un
•■hud appear to make right and
tnle to the said property within
dre dine limited by the at *. ol the
general assembly, pasrt-d a h
Dec. 1801, tile same will boil
real and personal, lie tlcclaied t-s
cheated to, & vested in said state.
Given under my hand and seal
in the citv of Savauah, tiie 26th
day of February, in thr year of
our Lo:d, 1806, aud, ip tbv 30,-,
f Who 1 e \ u .lii.-.s 1 7
ve n ;>1 1 1.- 11 can ln.l-ppn ■ nce
■: >\V \ ‘{ !) ‘VHI rK. IGcnpir ,r.’
A I HVll I ’. #
7 TANARUS) \ ~~~
* Uvj Asjrj. 1,
L in-. Ex: 11-iny , >is liL-
L- ■Hi ( ,0 ei ~1 an ; j„n
iU “-Ie- 1 1 1 lief of \
and ,avv m-h s S nt.-, and of
the V\
\V ‘ 1 "• ■•‘v
’ ‘ a 1 !’ and the < 11h
I's-nruary ljyj, .-rmiticu *‘ vrr
G:t ru rev.niaic h : ene-afi
‘‘ EEriious n <hi s Sum . and
‘ J t<> aptiomt u,c- ti ne of ,j ie
* 4 ‘-Heune of the Gene ,1 \|.
lin■■ ■, it is uixio a )thcr
” * <u-clarcd : Vivt all
wilts ol t*<etiions io |- t .. \a
can,les ill,ii may hupi eu for
4< members c f the G t.aal
st scmfily of this s;, . c
Houle t ! Alrpioh nl.?!!. “1
4i l!u ’ Unifd S: .As, (I,;,:. ; t
“ to if.f juihet-,
1 ■ ■? -'Beiior ( otuts ol ig*
” ‘rffp.e<:iivecon nlies, who oe
“ required to gj v , ~ü b *jc
titc 1 oercof, arid cauie Oie
fame to be held m ni on r
niio .or -: and hru-i,i fn-'ote
pni r;(i our, agrceaijjc to
“ Inch w it.'’
/tad who ten a vacancy fa h
h pc r, tl i,i the Houle ol Rc
! prt'leu., tivts of th l ; uni
S, by ft .doll ot Ihe -eMg
nan ui of the Hon nab: ■
* ph L v an, wn.i Was . letted
and comiß Mom and .to k- - • ~s a
j in.v.i .a tlu-n-ui. for dus jlr;.^
1 lliiiii the f. uni) u s \- A , t
” “ I have liiereiorc -li.Br
P ro P er 10 ifi'*f tills my prod u
m lam, In ieh) noitivi ig, di
i- Ctnig ami (.■ dei lug the. jus
tices of the Inf. hi >, Con-1 -,f
thv lelpecttvc-c--un ie- in |is
Ita.c, 10 conlider tfic ia-.ui va
geite- and writ of t ; non | ... fill,
me the aforesaid v c m v ,J
luO lie;by chain itqnue
the lai.i ju ft ices ro give ti.ic
notice, thru an election ‘or ~ e
|jui i;ofe aforesaid, wf! be- fi c |d
in he ie peciive eoundes, on
MO \ u Y (fie fi ,s t dav >f
SE!’ LM L R next. Gull
do hereby iu.diei rvqnin t. ■ ,t
Inch leur-n? of iapi eh-do „as
ine a furcb’ id act o nu, ; )c
made to the Kx cu-ive De
partment within the tunc ute-
Given unch-r mv ha-i I and
the G-eu f3 a! ihr ;., ; .i t , <;t
the dia.'e-i lon e in v -” ■
this twentt-eighth g-v ~ j
in the jt ar o! o r
tl.-mi ;d eight hunur . |
and l if tlit* L7ni ,-j <u iui
Aim ■ c - c .
Jolin a.iiied i r -y.
By tern -
’arhiiry, Secretary
of the Slate.
Moses A olyrtss
fi.,.. pi 1 rectiv and,
Btrtlie H ida \ Ann, w • ■■ 4 , 7
Y .ik. five ti,.nks <-i
Exeei/en tad Web A :<• r,.4
s II 0 / f.
Ciiuntry .vi id., .3 nl | )e M , D ,
“i< don ih c .1 -i. i. O , K a;i .i
mi the mo,t reian ...hi e k ii il 4
ALSO gn h VNn,
V. tew K-.m/s ee-elle-t Vinegar
I*l*o Clr try Bon ce
Ditto Mint CoruiuL
July lu.
BkF Apprentices Jr.dej u,,
v Die 8l UuiS Office.