Newspaper Page Text
VOL. 11. No. 78.]
Mys THE F/i iCTTOyjL
■ t |, e Commissioners appoin‘-
j i, the Legislature to sell and
■impose of th-J fractional sur.
■ cUl of the counties of Wil-
Hjnson, Baldwin and Wayne
Bi)here K y give notice that the
Hjes will commence on Mon
lav the 27th of August, next,
Id continue from dav today,
|, the following manner, uti.
liltnc whole are sold.
Iflvjfe of the first district,
Ihc 27th August next, and
Hi Hi Iron dav to day,
■days excepted, until the
■of September inclusive.
I’iiofe of the second district
■the 3d of September, tin.
■he6m inclusive.
■Thole of the 3d district on
■ Bth September, until the
■h inclusive.
■Thole of the 4th district on
■ itth of September, until
■ :3th inclusive.
■Thole of the sth district on
Itslb of September, until
■l7 b inclusive.
■Those of the Ist district, on
Hlßth of September, until
■ ud inclusive.
Ihol'e of the 2d diftritl, on
■ 23d of Septembei until the
■1 inclusive.
■Thole ol the 3d difiricr, on
■ ill of October, until the
| inclusive.
■Thole of the 4th difiricf, on
■ 6th ot October, until the
■ inclufive
■Brule oft he 51b dilirict, on
■ toth of October, until the
■1 inclusive.
■Those of the tit diffrictt on
■ 17th of October until the
l<h i iclusive.
■Those of the 2d dilirict, on
■ 25 h of October, until the
■h inclusive.
■ Fhofe of the 3d diffrict, on 1
■ 28. hof October, until the
111 mclufi v e.
Terms of Sale.
Oi the purchasers bond,
ii approved personal ‘ecu.,
i, for the amount of pur
de money, will be requit
i M four equal instalments,
be paid m gold or silver ;
f> r st payment to be made,
tv e months alter date, m
c "ion to which a mortgage
l; ie premiles will be requtr-
J u! y 7. 69—2 awl/.
‘ 0:11 ibe (uhfcriber, on the
January tail, a negro fel
* r:) ‘*ed Jack, he is about 5
1 mchcs high, Hun made,
bo - v legged He hadon
f ile away, a blue
’ a stl 'aw hat, and white
J v ° doth pantaloons. It is
‘-■so ne is concealed at tire
’ ’.>ard of foine veflel in
r asters of vefTJs
1 no cautioned against
. “'g “bn, or canning
, - - ,ls l!1 ftich case they
0 d-’dt with as the. law
L, n - v NIEL J. COOK
iWa April 2i. if.
Sheriff's Sales.
On the first Tucfday in Octo.
her next, between the hours
of ten and 3 o’clock, of that
day, will be fold in the town
of Jefiferfon.
A negro Man,
named Briltol, seized asthe
property of Josiah Baker, to
fntis'y the amount due on a
mortgage duly forecloled in
favour of Levin Guabv.
Nt. Mary's. June
doctor shes tall,
Mas removed into St James’s
Square, near the lesidence of
the late General MHntofh and
between I. Wood, esquire’s
large building and the corner
house of the ellate of Justus H.
Scnuher, at present occupied
u ) Gliver Sturges, esquire.
J u! )'7- 3 £
Commission Business
I HL lubfcriber has taken
the what 1 which lias for Tome
time been occupied by Meffts
Havens O Bilbo , on which he
has convenient and lase Stores
tot the reception of Produce,
and will he happy to serve his
friends and the public, in the
above line.
February 13, 23. ts
M r . CABOS, ’
OTTERS his services to
the public in his Branch of
Business, as he perfectly un
deritands trimming hair in the
handiomeft taffe, a ia tit us &
a I.egiptieune—he daily ex
perts from London an assort.
merit of HAIR, with a varie
ty of articles of Perfumery.
Me has opened his Shop on
the Bay, contiguous to the
Patriot printing Office,
He will wait on the Ladies
who will honor him with their
Prentices are wanted.
J' ll 7 4t 6q
James Tang lon \
hair dresser,
MOS T Ref petit fully in
forms his friends and the pub.
lie at large ; that he has mov.
ed to the house adjoining Mr.
Roberts, oppoiie Mr. John
Dillon’s [fore, near the mat ket
square,, where he will attend to
the commands of those who
may honor him with their
cuitom, with punctuality.
The price of cutting hair
Do Shaving 6 1 -4
Do Dressing 12 1. *
June 23 3 Ci
Nice months after date, appli
cation will be made to the lion.
Interior co-u’t of Effingham coun
ty for leave to sell a tract of
I arid in said county, containing
100 < res, lying on the Suren,ry
<L?ud, tor the benefit ot the heir-.
11.1 creditor**.
L. GABLE, Ailinr'x.
i H UkSD AY, litresst 7, it'c6.
January ‘Term, 1806.
Christina Dasher,
.... Vs - / Petition
Ihe heirs and re- > for Foredo
pT€s€)lt(2tlDCS of mSUfe,
John tlaupt. dr c. )
‘if J PON the petition of Chriati-
Lv na Dasher, praying the
foreclosure of the equity of :e
----demption on the following premi
ses ;
ALL that lot of land in the
citv of Savannah, known by the
nirmmber five,third tvtiling R.ey
nods Ward, containing sixty feet
in width and ninety feet in depth,
wit h the improvements thereon,
mortgaged by Elizabeth Ilnupt,
now Elizabeth Dowell, Robert
Bolton, and Justus Hartman
Scheuber, guardians of the per
sons of the said John LUupr, and
trustees of the property of the
said John Haupt, by v.rtueofan
order of tiro hon.the superiorcourt
of Chatham County aforesaid 111
the said Christina Dasher, for the
sum of eighty pounds sterl ng,
equal ‘othree hundred and foitv
two dollars eighty-five cents se
ven mills and one-seventh rnoneh
*1 the United States, rathe sixty
day of May, whicli was in the
year one thousand se\en hundred
and ninety-nine, and on motion of
Mr. CUYLEK, Aitsrneu for the
Petitioner ,
COURT, that the principle, in
terest and costs due upon said
mortgaged property, Ire paid into
Court within twelve months from
this date, and unless the same he
to paid, tiie equity of redemption
shall thenceforth be foreclosed
and other proceedingsjake placed
pursuant to the act of assemble
an such case made and provide)*
And it is further ordered, in
pursuance of said aetthat this rule
he published in one us the Public
Gazettes, of this state at lease
once in every Month until tile
time appointed for payment, or
served on the Mortgagers, or their
special agent, at least six months
previous to the time the said mo
ney is ordered robe paid into
Court as afpreskid.
Extract fron the minuter ,
Feb. 29. 1806.
GEORGIA, (Where-
Chatham County. j as at a
Superior Court, held in and for
the county aforesaid, oti the Istii
day ol January last past, a jury
Was sworn to make true inquest
of the supposed escheated pro
perty of John AJoxiiam jute of
Chatham county, planter dec’d
reported to have tiled withuut
will & wihtuot heirs, and to have
possessed at the time of hu death,
the following property, viz.
One Lot in tue city of Savan
nah. with a single story House,
calculated for two tenements.
One Negro fellow, ami Bonds
and Mortgage, upon real estate
within the said city for about
noo doiißis.
And whereas the said jury con
firmed the report of the Lsche.uor,
and no person appeared to gain
say the same.
These are therefore to notify
all and singular the kindred or
heirs who may ciami under the
said Joiin Moxham,deceased, who
is supposed to have been a native
of the kingdom of Great-Biituin,
that he died on or about the Bth
day oi September, 18u-L and was
a citizen of the Uni ed States ot
Amenca, and that if no per,on
shaii appear to tn d;e right and
title to the said property within
the time limited by the act ol the
general assembly, pagfcd sth
Dee. 1801, the same wi ll both
real and personal, be declared es
cheated to, & vested in sail state.
Given under mv hand ant! seal
in the citv of Sava i.ui, the ‘doth
day of February, .11 tiic year or
our Lord, 1806, and in tue JUtir
yearof American Independence
EDWARD WHITE, Escheator.
March f 3
by his Excellency JOHN MIL
LEDGE, Governor and Com
mander in Chief of the Army
and navy in feijis*State, an J 0 f
the Militia thereof.
•a* Proclamation.
W iiERE US hi and by an
’ * puffed the l u h
February 1795, entitled “ An
Aft to regulate the General.
“ Elections in this State, and
“ to appoint the time of the
“ meeting ofthe General Al
i% fembly, it is among other
“ thing* declared : That all
“ writs of elections to fill va
-46 cancies that may happen for
“ members ofthe General As
“ sembly of this state, or
“ House of Reprelentatives of
“ ,he United Stales, {hall be
u di retted to the J till ices of
“ the Inferior Courts of the
“ refpetlive counties, who are
“ required to give public no
“ tice thereof, and cause the
“ fame to be held in manner
“ and form and herein before
“ pointed out, agreeable to
“ Inch writ.”
And xuhaecs a vacancy hath
happened in the Motile of Re
prefentatives of the United
States, by reason of the resig
nation of the Honorable Jo.
feph Bryan, who was elected
and commissioned to lerve as a
member therein, lor this Hate,
until the fourth day of March
next. I have therefore tho’t
proper to issue this my procla.
mation, hereby notifying, di
retting and ordering the Jus
tices ofthe Inferior Courts of
the respective counties im this
Hate, to confider the fame as a
general writ of election for fill
ing the aforesaid vacancy. And
Ido hereby charge & require
the laid Ju ft ices to give due
notice, that an election for the
purpose aforesaid, will be held
in the respective coumies, on
MONDAY the first day of
SEP TEMBER next. And I
do hereby fun her require that
Inch rearns of laid election, as
the aforelaid aCt points out, be
made to the Executive De
partment within the time pre
fer i bed.
Given tinder mv hand and
the Grea’ Seal ofthe State, at
the Slate-House in Louisville,-*
this twenty-eighth day oT June ,
in the year ol our Lord, on -
thousand eight hundred and
six, and ofthe United Sates of
America, ti/e thirtieth.
John Miliedge.
By the Governor,
HMa rh u ry, Secretary
ot the State.
Moses A Roberts,
Has just received,
Per the Hmda ee Ann, Irom New
York, five trunks of
Excellent and Well Assorted
SII O /-. .
• Country \\> r'hanis u iij !?u mie
n! 1c and on the shortest. uoii<e aid |
on tile most TANARUS: d)!e t'-m fi
A few barrels excellent Vi :rgat
Ditui C hen v Boa ce
Di to ’■!lot (.01 amis
Juiv to.
Apprentices !* : -
Isr lalfc at this Oii;* c.
[\Vno l e Numb f.r 1 74.
Sheriff’s Sales.
A ill be fold, on the firft
iXjES DA Y in Septemlier
next, at Ihe court house in
this Cibetween the hours
ol ten and three o’clock,
THREE negroes, viz _
Celia and her two Children,
Baiah an-J Vpm, undivided
property, taken under fnndry
executions againlt Ihoiiius
Mills and Robert jourdan,
A L S O,
Jonr. and his wife Catherine,
together wilh their children,
Charlotte, Juliet and Harry,
taken under execution, Edwin
Lewis vs. Emanuel Hengiil,
pointed out by the defendant.
A N ]),
The House and small Build
ing, adjoining the lot No.- —,
o[)[>oliie William 11. Spencer
and occupied by William Par
ker, taken under execution at
me In it of Ralph Jacobs vs.
William Parker.
A lib, Lot No. 1, (one) Tyr
coneD Tubing Darby ward,
with the improvements thereon,
or so much as will latisfy the
(axes due for the year 1804, by
Vv i iiatn Mills, pointed out by
the defendant.
Conditions Cafii.
H. \V. William'!, ds. c. c,
Augull 4. 77.
On the fit It Puc'day in OCto
ber next, at. the CouVt*l>ouf e
in th ■ city of Sav.iflnah,
At the usu /! hour:;.
FOUR negroes viz. Syl
via. Jc nncy, HcCtor and Su
key, T ized and to be iold
under and by virtue of an
execution grounded on a
mortgage, John Pei poll, vs,
James Smith.
11. W. Williams, and. s. c e.
Augull 4. 77.
That on the fifteenth day of
September next, at the plan
tation of Jacob Taylor, late
of tin ike county, deceased,
All tl e oerfonal properly be
longing to the ellate of laid
AtigtiH 4. 77,
THE Farm on the M/hiie.
bluff toad.. <. K’ as: ; 1 quarrel
mi lei lr : 1 i,: < ;•- . contain a
twelve acres .a- ‘nd : -
ocen- led by Mi, Oates- I
the piemiles -ate a cn ivenn
v.* liof-v l oul. . v hirh la*•- I
n e’er went a thorou.dn repair
citfiit lx-u!e, i f ••ib.h* and a
large out hon I • ; \Ho x ia: g
-•-'dr.'ii, wc'l Hocked v iih liu
rce and irulent vegetables
The vicinity of .he house 1
■ •.’ rr.-ad X. < ‘her . 1 rtin H:
ci", Will :*'apt it to the pu
V i : c>f a pili-UC houit-l—-io.
tn 1 *.icu l*. t s* aoply Vo-,
June 26 oy tl