Newspaper Page Text
—ar\iinirwv*TtirrMna<ivi nnrn ■ ———a— —mi hi i— ii. ■ ■ -- ■
VOL. 11. No.. 80 ]
if the Fit ACTIO HAL !
■ .( lt lS|minii< > uers appoint
-11, the Legislature to sell and
’ ) )H : of the traction and sur
,;S, of the co tncies of Wd-
Baldwin and Wayne
i hereby give notice that the
| f< will commence on M >n
tl tile 27 h of tugiiat, next, j
! I continue from di to dai , |
h- following manner, ud- j
I t ie whole are -oU.
’hole ot the first district, j
be 27th August next, and
f, u fro. n Jrz to la/,
iJays excepted, until the
0 f September mclulive.
‘hole of'.h ■ second district
the 3 i of September, tin.
ie6 b iuduiive.
‘hole of the 3 district o
8;h September, imttl the
l inclusive.
‘hole of ti e'4-th district m
nth of Se,..ember, until
13< h inclusive.
‘h-ole of th 5-. h district on
of September, until
17 h inclusive.
rhofe of Ihe Ist district, on
18th of September, until
22J inclusive.
‘hole of the 2d diftrief, on
2}dof Septembei until the
h inclusive.
rhofe or the 3d didrict, on
dt of October, until the
1 mein live.
rbole of the 4<h diffrid, on
6 n oi Odooer, until the
i .c Alive.
rfirffic of ihe sth didrict, on
10th of Octoner, until the
3 inclusive.
rho r e of the lif cliffrict on
17U of October until the
th inclusive.
fiiofe of the 2d dillnct, on
2j h of October, u• iril the
b meubve.
Thole of the 3 i tiidi ic;, on
28th of O ‘tobci, until the
lmei ali e. .
Terms of S lie.
Oi the p.ircltafers bond,
!i anptoved pcrfoual lecu,
, fur the amount ol ; -ur
lie monev, will be requi *
in four equal instalments,
be paid in gold or silver ;
first payment to be made,
■ive months after dare, in
; i:ion to which a mot’ gage
the premises will be requtr-
Patrick j ack,
fuhj 7. 69 — 2uwtf.
Sheriff's Sales.
!LL HE SOLD on the first
Tuesday in Sept, next, at the
Court ho:rr between the hours
if 10 and 3 o'clock.
ft undivided fifth part of
tract of land containing four
wheel and thirty acres, h r the
a® more or less (old mrvev)
ning the south part of die or
■in house plain ati- r, well time
r,, tl with ntm-, and a c>m;idera
J portion adapted to the culture
cotton and provisions, having
advantage of a good imvign
‘li to this cm Levied on as tht
Opcrt \ of Final uel Hengdl, at
fsiutot Edward Lewis, point
out by the defendant.
Postponed from August sales.
H- W. \\ l L LI A MS, ands. c. c.
.August 7’
Shcitf’s Aales.
On the fr a fueluay in Octo.
ber next, between the hours
of ten ana 3 o’clock, ofAha
day, wild be foid in the low.
of ,h ffe; lon.
A negro Man,
named Briltol, teized as the
property of Johan Baker, to
fatisiy the amount due on a
mortgage duly foreclofed in
favour of Levin Guaby.
At. Marv’-. June 3c, 1806.’
> -J •
A N 0
Commission Business
i ll E jublct tber has taken
the what I which has for fotne
time been occupied by*Meifr.s
Havens & Bilbo , on which in
has convenient and fafe Store.’
or the reception of Produce,
r.ud will be happy to serve his
riends and the public, in the
above line.
February 13, 28. ts
1 Mr. CABOS ;
HA Ik o li >SLi
Lately from London.
OFFERS his lervices to
the public in his Branch of
Bufmefs, as he perlectiy tin
dei Hands trimming liair in the
handlomeft ufle, a ia tit us Sc
a Legiptieune—he daily ex
pefcis from London fin assort
ment of HAIR, with a vane
ty of articles of Perfumery.
He has opened his Sh..p on
ihe Bay, contiguous to the
Patriot priming Office.
He will wait on the Ladies
who will honor him with their
f” Prentices are wanted.
JwE 7 4t 69
AN 1)
wig m aker.
MOST Hefpettfully in.
form, his friends and the pub*
lie at large j that he has mov.
ed to the houle adjoining Mr.
Roberts, oppoii e Mr. John
Dillon's Ifore, near ihe market
square, where he will attend to
the commands of thole who
may honor him with their
cuflom, with punctuality.
The price of cutting hair
12 t. *
Do Shaving 6 1 *
Do Dressing 1212
June 23 3t.
N 0 TIC E.
Nine montits after date, appli
cant) 1 will be made to the lion
I ilerior court of Effingham conn
tv for leave to sell a tract o
land in said county, containitiQ
100 it’ res, lying on • Ihe Nunburv
t o acl .‘for the benefit of ihe hen
nd itors.
F j ijj ) \f WEIGHT. Aidin'or
f . rI R IF, Adrir x.
ALL per Tons indeht
ed to the ftibfcriher, are ear
, lf .ft| v r-q ‘e.Bed to make im
nv. |ia• c n men', as he is tin
able to give longer •ndtj'genro
I H Ulf S D A Y , August 14, 1806.
CllArilA M sUPoidllJß
January Term, 1806.
Christina Dasher, ,
vs. I Petition
Ihe heirs and re v for Fotcdo
presentatives of V sure.
John iJaupt. dec. 7
T 7 POISi the puiiion of Christi-
L’ na Dasher, praying the
1 otclosure of the equity of re
demption on the following premi-
L'eS ;
ALL that lot of land in the
city of Savannah, known uy the
nutnmber five,third tythmg Rev
nods Ward, containing sixty feet
in width and ninety feet in depth,
with the improvements thereon,
mortgaged by Elizabeth l-laupt,
now Elizabeth Dowell, Robert
Bolton, and Justus Hartman
Scheuber, guardians of the per
sons of the said John Haapt, and
trustees of toe property of the
said John Haupt, by vtrtueof au
order ol the hon.the superiorcourt
of Chatham Cb unv a fo esaid in
fie said Christina Dasher, for tile
aim of eighty pout id s sterl ng,
equal toihrvte hundred ami lb 1 iy
two dollars eighty-five cents se
ven mills and one-seventh inoneii
of the United States, on the sixtv
day of May, which was in the
year one thousand seven hundred
and ninety-nine, and on motion of
Mr. CUTLER, Attorney for the
Petitioner ,
COURT, that the principle, in
terest and costs due upon said
mor gaged property , be paid into
Court within twelve months from
this date, and univss the same be
to paid, the equity of redemption
shall tilt-ace forth be foreclosed
and other proceedings take placed
pursuant _to the act of assemble
an such case made and provide)-
And it is further ordered, in
pursuance of said act that this rule
be published 111 one of the Public
Gazettes, of this state at lease
n nce in every Month until the
time appointed for payment, ot
served on the Mortgagers, or their
special agent, at least six months
previous to the time the said mo
ney is ordered robe paid into
Court, as aforesaid.
Extract fron the minutes,
Feb 29. 1806.
GEORGIA, / Whe:e-
Chatham County fas at a
Superior Court, field in ami tor
the county aforesaid, on the 15th
day ot January last past, a jury
was sworn to make true inquest
of the supposed escheated pro
perty of John Moxham late ®f
Chatham county, planter dec’d,
reported to have died without
will & without heirs, and to have
possessed at the time of his death,
the following property, viz.
One Lot .11 the city of Savan
nah. with a single story House,
calculated for two tenements.
One Negio tellow, and Bonds
and Mortgage, upon real estate
within the said city tor abou
1700 dollars.
And whereas the said jury con
firm and the report of the Escheator.
and no person ai>pearcd to gain
say the same.
These are therefore to bothy
all and singular the kindred 01
heirs who may claim under the
said John Moxham,deceased, who
i-. supposed to have been a native
of the kingdom of Great-Britain,
that he died on or about the Bth
day ol September, 1 804, and was
a ciiizfcn of the United States ol
America, and that if no per>on
shall appear to make right and
title to the said property within
the time limited by the act ol the
jreneral assembly, pas r ed sth
Dec. 1801, the same wi II both
real and personal, he declared es
• heated to, & vested in said state.
Given under my hand and seal
the citv of Savanatt, tile 26th
l;.y of Febrtmrv, in the year of
oar Lord, 1806, and in the 30th
year of American Independence
EDWARD WHlTE,Esclteator.
March H
By hi-. Excellency JOHN Ain,.
LEDGE, Governor and Com
mander in Chief of the Armv‘
and navy in this S ate, and of
the Mi I iti;; 1 hereof.
\\ 7 H ERE slO and bv an
* V act pu{fed the Inh
February 1799, c.uitied An
Act to regulate the General
“ Elettionsin this Stale, and
“ to appoint the time of the
“ meeting ofthe General Al
“ fembly,” it is among other
64 things declared : 44 Fhatall
“ writs of elections to fill va
-1 44 cancie:, that may happen for
44 members of the Gcueial As
44 sembly of this state, or
44 Houle of Reprefenuttves of
44 the United States, shall be
44 directed to the julttces of
44 the Inferior Courts of the
44 refpeClive counties, who are
44 required to give public no
“ tice thereof, and cause the
44 fame to be held in manner
44 and form and herein before
4 * pointed out, agreeable to
44 (uch writ.”
And wheieas a vacancy hath
happened m the Houle of Ue
prdentatives of the Utdted
States, by reason of the iesig
nation of the Honorable [o*
leph Bryan, who was elected
and commissioned to serve as a
member therein, for this Hate,
until the fourth day of March
next. I have therefore ho’t
proper to issue this my procla*
ißrttion, hereby notifying, di
reding and ordering ihe Jus
tices of the Infenoi Courts ol
the relpeciive counties in this
Hate, to confider the fame as a
general writ of election for'fill
ing the aforesaid vacancy. And
Ido hereby charge Sc require
the said Just ices to give due
notice, that art election for ti e
purpose aforesaid, will be held
in the relpeciive cojymies, on
MONDAY the day of
SEP I’EMBER next. And 1
do hereby further require that
Inch returns of laid election, as
the aforeiaid ad points out, bt
made to the Executive De
partment within the tune pre
Given under itiv hand and
the Grea ; Seal ofthe State, at
the State-House in Louisville,
this twenty-eighth day of June ,
in the year of our Lord, one
thousand eight hundred and
six, and of the United S.atea ol
America, the thirtieth.
John Mi Hedge.
By the G >vernor,
H: Marbury, Secretary
ot the S tale.
Moses A Roberts,
Has just received,
Pet the Hulda . Ann, from New
York, five tr. nks of
Excellent and Wcl! Assorted
S fl 0 L S.
Country Merihants will be c ltp
plied on the shortest übtiee and
on the most reasonable term-.
A few barrels excellent Vinega-
Ditto Cherry Bounce
Ditto Mint Cordial*
July 10.
if- -Apprentices Indentures
for lal; at this Office.
[Whole Numbeix 176.
Sheriff’s Sales.
Will be fold, on tic Ur ft
I UESDAY m September
next, at the court houle in
this city, between the hours
of ten and three o’clock,
Gelid and her two Children,
and font, undivided
tiro petty, taken under fundty
executions againff Thomas
Mills and Robert Jourdan.
John and his wife Catherine,
together with their, childien,
Charlotte, Juliet and Dairy*
taken under execution, Edw in
Lewis vs. Emanuel Length,
pointed nut by the defendant.
A N D,
The Iloule and fmafl Build
ing, adjoining the lot No.
oppoh e VV illtatn fl. Spencer
and occupied by William Par
ker, taken under execution at
ihe fmt of Raij h Jacobs vs.
William Paiker.
Alfb, I.ot N’o. r,[one) Tyf
conell Tubing Daibv ward,
wit h the imp 1o v ements thereo*v,
or so much as will famfy ihe
taxes due for the year t 804. by
Wiiiiam Mill?-, pointed oat by
the defendant.
Conditions Calh.
11. W. William-, ands. c. c.
Augull 4. 77.
On the fii ft l’uefday in Ofto*
her next, ar the Gout t-hou&
in the city of Savannah,
At the usml how s.
FOUR negroes viz. Syl
via. j.uney, HeClor and Su
key, seized and to be fold
under and by virtue of ati
execution grounded on
mortgage, John Pei poll, v,
James Smith.
H. W. Williams, and. s. c. c*
Augull 4. 7;.
That on the fifteenth day o
September next, at the plan* 1
tation of Jacob Taylor, latA
c r Bit ke county, deceased,
All the personal property he*
longing to the eltsie ol laid
Augull 4. 77.
RO >i )) E R Y
ON Suntlav night last my simp
was broke open, and the following
articles st'ol- n therefrom viz :
\ very laige pair of brass barrel
Four fowling pieces,
(ine stfiooth bond ride Gun,
< Inc Bim h of Keys, §tc.
I will give a reward of ten do!.
Lirs to dhv person that vv U re
-itore tin- above aWrcles t m , &
.'ty dollars on ptosecuting the
biitd or tni V*s to conviction.
Jn!> 31 ts
! o be hired by the
A likely Is < gib Mari.*-
neptire at this Office.
J■ V 3!. 76 ts
%flr Two anruentites ai
ranted at this Office.
August I:-