Newspaper Page Text
|oL. lL No * 31 -]
■ t he Commissioners appoint
B'v. the Legislature- to sell and
H.p.-te of the fractional sur.
■ets.ofthe counties of Wil-
Knct, Baldwin and VVa\ne
Ho hereby give notice tha. die-
Hits wilt commence on Mon-
Kv the 27. it of lugii't, next,
Hh.i cemft viue troai da to da ‘,
Hi the fcMowtng manner, uti-
Hlthe whole are sold.
■"nofe ot’ the first district,
Hhe 27th August next, an 1
Htiutie day to lay,
Hdays excepted, until the
■of September metufive.
H iofe ot .be I’econd district
Ithe 3d ot .September, un
n?6 h inclulive.
■We of dire 3d district on
■ 3th September, until the
I’ Mclusive.
■ iiofeofthe 4th district on
1 1 uh of September, until
I jg h inclusive.
■Thole of the sth district on
■ 15th of September, until
■ lj'h inclusive.
■Hmfe of ihe Ist district, on
■ 18th of September, until
H inclusive.
■Thole of the 2d diftrift, on
, ■ Ipi of September until the
H' 1 inclusive.
, Hfhole oi the 3d didrict, on
r Hill of October, until tlie
: HmcluKve.
■ Hi'hole of the 4’h diftriQ, on
’ H sth if Octooer, until the
H • :be fj h dlftrict, on :
■ or of Octoo r, until the
H inclusive.
■Those of the llt district on
H 17th of October until the
H'h inclusive.
■ Thole of the 2d dillrict, on
H 25*h of October, until the
H:h inclusive.
■ Those of the 3d district, on
H 28th of October, until the
Hfi inciulive.
I Terms of Sale.
■Ol the purchasers bond,
H approved personal lecu..
Hy, for the amount of pur
Bdi money, will be requir-
B- in four equal instalments,
Hhe paid in gold or silver;
H r st payment 10 be made,
H'r“ve months after date, m
H-hiinn to which a mortgage
H’the preintfes will berequir-
I Pa trick jack,
I Commissioners.
H July 7. 69 — 2 axvtf.
V <!Sheriffs Sales.
B ILL BE SOLD on the first
II I uesday in St pi. next , at the
■ Court house, between the hours
I *f 1 J and 3 o s clock.
B n undivided fifth part of
■ tract of land containing four
■undred and thirty acres, be the
■ une more or less (old survey)
■ming the soDtJ, p a rt of the or
■'wn house plantation, Weil time
■fred with pine, and a considera
•ld portion adapted to the culture
■, Cot ton and provisions, having
■f c a< lvantatre of a good uaviga-
■ |fj n to this cits'. Levied on as the
■ ro perty of Emanuel Rengill, at
■ e suit of Edward Lewis, poiut
■e out by tire defendant.
| °stponed frem August sales.
IH. W. WILLIAMS, ands. c. c.
“... August 7.
She’, ill’s
On the first f uelday in Ohio,
her next, between the hours
of ten an 3 d’clock, rtf that
day, will be lold in the town
of Jeffetfon.
A negro Man,
named Br.UM, l.eized as the
j property of Josiah Baker, (o
i fatisty the amount due on a
mor'gige duly (oieclofed in
favour of Levin Guaby.
Joseph chews, b s. c. c.
At. Ym v’s, June t' - , 1 806.
fc ro (AGa,
Commission Business
THE fubfenber ha* take •
the wharf which has for fotftt
time been occupied by Me If s
Havens 6? Bilbo , on which he
has con venient and fafe Stores
for the reception of Produce,
and will Ire happy to serve his
friends and the public, in the
above line.
February 13,
an a
B \!<BER,
Lately from London.
OFFERS his imvices to
the public in his Branch of
Bufmefs, as he perfectiy un
derltarnA trimming hair in the
handioineit taile, a U titus &:
a Legiptieune—he daily ex’
petts from London* an afldrt.
ment o c H A IK, wnh a vane
ty of articles of Perltimery.
He has opened his Sh >p on
the Bay, contiguous to the
Patriot priming Office.
He will wait on the Ladies
who wili honor him with their
l~f- Prentices afre wanted.
July 7 4t 69
MOS I’ Refpeclfutty in_
form* his friends and the pub.,
lie at large ; that he has inov.
ed to the house adjoining Mr.
Bobers, oppolite Mr. John
Dilion’s itore, near the market
square, where he will attend to
the commands of those who
may honor him with theii
cullom, with punctuality.
The price ot cutting hair
ii i.e-
Do Shaving 6 1 4
Do Dressing 1212
June 23 3c.
N 0 rIC E.
Nine months after date, app 1
cation will be made to the hon
Inferior court of Effingham conn
’tv for leave to sell a tract oi
And in said county, containing
!00 a’ res, Ivtng on the Siinbur
R u ad Afor the benefit of the lien
rd creditors.
VILLI l ’/ IV RIGHT, A/bn'or
E. CABLE, Admr'x.
rjpy- ALL pet lons ind,ebi
ed to the fubferiber, r^ r2 car
neftly leq lefted to m?ks im
mediate payment, as he is tin
able to give Jyngft indulgence
M O N I ) A Y, August 18, 1806.
January Term, 1806.
1 Christina Dasher, .
I _ Vs. j Petition
Ihe heirs and re- > fur foreclo
presentatives of Vsure,
John iluupt. dec. /
if I PON the petition of Christi
na Dasher, praying the
loeclosure ot tlie equity of re
demption on the following prenti
ces •
ALL that lot of land in the
c’ty of Savannah, known lay the
nummber five,third tythmg (ley
nods Ward, containing sixty feet
in width and ninety feet in depth,
with the improvements thereon,
mortgaged by Elizabeth Maupt,
now Elizabeth Doweil, Robert
Bolton, and Justus Hartman
Scheuber, guardians of the peM
ot the said John Maupt, and
tiu>tees of the property of the
said John H tupt, by virtueof an
order at die hbn.tlie superiorcourt
of Chatham County aforesaid in
the saiil Christina Dasher for the
sum of eighty pounds,
etjua ! tdliiree hundred and forty
two dollars eighty five .cents se
ven iniils and one-seventh moneli
f ihe United States, on the sixty
day of .Vlay, which was in the
year one thousand seven hundred
and ninety-nine, and on motion of
•Mr. CUYLER, Attorney Jor the
Petitioner ,
C.QUHT, that the principle, ii>.
terest and costs due upon said
mor gaged property, be paid into
Court within t’velve months from
this date, and unless the sanie be
to paid, the equity of redemption
shall thenceforth he foreclosed
and other proceedings take plaeee
pursuant to the act of assembly
in such case made and provided
And it i< further ordered, in
pursuance of said aetthat this rule
be published in one of the Public
Gazettes, of tills state at lease
once in every Month until the
time appointed for pavmeht, or
served ‘on the ’Mortgagers, or their
special agent, at least six months
previous to tlie time the said mo
ney is ordered robe paid into
Court as aforesaid.
Extract fron the minutes,
Feh. 29. 1806.
GEORGIA, j Where-
Chat ham County. Jas at a
Superior Court, held in and for
tlx countv aforesaid, oh the 13tli
day ol January last past, a jury
was sivoru to make true inqnest
of the supposed escheated pro
perty of John MoxKam late wf
Chatham county, planter dec f d,
reported to have -died WithiJ*it
will tk without heit'3, and to have
possessed at the time of his death,
the following property, viz. %.
One Lot m the city of Savan
nah. with a single story House,
calculated for two tenements.
One Negro fellow, and Bonds
and Mortgage, upon real estate
within tne said city for abo'u
1 700 dollars.
And whereas the said jl'.ry con .
dirtied the report of the Eschea . or
and tio person appeared to
say the same.
These are therefore t 0 notify
all and singular the fcjudred or
heirs who may cla m u „ r j er the
said Jo in Moxha^n^dectsased,who
is supposed to nave been a native
of the kingdjmuf Great-Britain,
that he on or about the Bth
day oi September, 1804, and was
1 Cll !zen of the United States of
merica, and that if no person
.ball appear to ni ike right arid
title to tlie said property within
the time limited by the act ol the
general assembly, pasted sth
Dec. 1801, the same wi 11 b'oth
real at id personal, lie declared es,
heated to, rested in said state.
Given under my hand and seal
n the citv of Savanah, tlie 26th
‘y of February, in the year of
our Lord, 1806, and iu th* SOth
yearof American Independence-
EDWARD WHITE, Escheator.
March 13 if,
By his Excellency JOHN’ Mil,-
LEDIiIC, Governor and C om
mander m t I lief of the Arm
and navy in this State, and 01
the iVliJitia thereof.
WHERE \S tn,aud by an
att pafltid the lith
February 1799. entitled “ An
Att to regulate the General.
“ Eleclions 111 this State, And
“ to appoint the fine of the
<! meeting of the General Ai
“ fcmbly,” it is among other
“ things declared : “ That all
li writs of elections to fill va
“ cancies that may happen for
{t members of the General As
“ sembly of tins state, or
“ Houle of /jeprelentn lives of
“ the United States, (hall be
“ diretted to the Juitices of
“ the Inferior Courts of the
“ refpeQive counties, who are
(i required to give public no
“ ticc thereof, and cattle the
“ fame to be held in manner
“ and form and herein before
“ pointed out, agreeable to
11 such writ.”
And whet cat a vacancv hath
happened m the Houie of Re
prefeiitatms of the United
States, by reason of the resig
nation of the honorable Jo.
feph Bryan, who was elected
and commissioned to lerve as a
rtlemoer therein, for this (fate,
until the fbarih day of March
next. I have therefore thoT
proper to iflu- this mv procla.
mation, hereby notifying, dt
reding and ordering the jus
tices of the Inferior Courts ol
the reipeclive counties in this
date, to confider tlie fame as a
general writ of election for hit
ing the aforesaid vacancy. And
Ido hereby charge &: inquire
the said Juitices to give due
notice, that an election for the
purpose aforesaid, wili be held
in the refpedive counties, on
MONO \ Y the first day 0 f
SEP ITIMBER next. Ar j( j 1
do hereby further require t hrtc
such retu'iis of laid elecTi on) as
the aforelatd act point 4 or t ‘ g e
made to the Exe CU tiv e De
partment within :„ e - lU nc pie
CBvcn umjer .. ov bartd and
the Great ?,, a l (>fthe Swte> at in Louisville,
this tMf'-ntv-qsighth day ol Juiir ,
in th e year of our Lord, on,*
thousand, eight hundred aid
six, at\d of tlie Untied S.atca of
America, the tbirtictn.
John Milledge.
By the Governor,
Hi Marhury, Secretary
of the State.
loaf aUG vKS.
Have just iccetvcd on c<n
(ignrnent (torn Fnjiadelphta,
( 2b bb's. Zo-if Sugar,
which will be fold lor c. m. o;
on a 111 >rt credit. They win
ende'avonr to keep a con<tadi
supply of this at tide.
A try i: * 14 8 •
Moses A. Robert:,
IIAS lately received per
the Brig Georgia, one trunk
of fdfhionable Su warro v boots
which he will fed Ve;y tov/ f, r
August 14 Ba,
[W'hole Numbkr 177.
Sheriff’s Sales.
-Viil be fold, on the firfl
- 1 LjES i) \V in September
next, at the conn bottle in
this citv, between the h >urs
of ten and thru’ <. k.
THREE negro; S, ViZ
Geliaa id ner two Clnidi n,
harnh and I undivided
noperty, takcri/undet fuhdiy
execu ions againd EtioinaS
Mills and Rontrt J,nrdan.
A L S (>,
John and his v: fe C uh rine,
together with chud.en*
Charlotte. Juliet arid Harry,
aken under eJcecutfon, Ed vny
I. vs. Emanuel Lr-ngiiti
pointed out by the defendant.
A N D,
f be Hoirfe and small lltfiUj
ing, adjoining ihe lot No.
oppoli e Wiliiairt 11. S py.icer
and occupied by Wiili. a , r ,
ker, taken under execution at
‘he liitt of Saiph Jacobs vs*
William jfhitkcr
Ado, Lot No. i.,/one) TyiT’
coned I \ thing Darby vnj,
wtili the miprovemems iheifcoK
or so much as will fatisfy the
taxes tine Er the year 1804, hy
Hi tam Miffs, pointed out by
the deferiugnt.
C.mdiaons Cafir.
11. W . William. , A s. c. C
AuguH 4. ?7
On the fit U Tuefßiy m
ber next, at th> Courr-hduQ.
the city of Savaui, a hj
*"-l the usuil. hovrrt.
FOUR negroes viz. Syl
via. J coney, Hector and Su
k?v, seized and to be lold
under and by virtue of an
execution grounded on a
mortgage, John Lei poll, vs.
jarnc'i Sijiuh.
11. W., William,, ands. c. C.
Angud 4. 77.
T hat on the fifteenth day o
September next, at tlie plan*
tation of Jacob Taylor, lat®
of Burke county, deceased,
All the oer lona I property be
longing to the eitaie of laid
Attviiff 4. yj’
l ,) j ;> l Ii i •
ON S'indav tiigln my simp
was brok ■ opt-n, and the fallowing
articles stoh-n therefrom viz :
‘_' _ wry la.gc pair of bras* barrel
four fowling pieces,
One siuootb bored ride Gut),
One Bun ii of Kevs, &e.
I will give a reward often dol
lars to <nrv person that w Ii ie
'true the above artrtdcs to me, &
li ty rbjilars on pio,ecutHig tile
tnict or tiri v s to conviction.
July Si ts
i o be hired by the
A likely N gro Man.—
Enqui:e at this Otfice.
J ity 31. 7G. if
£~/r Two anuretitices are
wanted at this OfJice.
Almost I I.
1 < t a(c at ‘Ms < t;: c
Blank Manifests, cg