Newspaper Page Text
L. 11. No. 85.].
■he Commissioners appoint
■v the Legislature to sell and
■ose of ttio traction.u snr
■,ofthe counties of Wil
■ i>, Baldwin and Wayne
■crehy give n nice that the
B; will commence on .VI >n-
H the 27th of August, - next,
| continue from day to dav,
|he following manner, un
|ic whole are sold.
■oleos tiie first district,
I 27th August next, and
line from day to jay,
Bays excepted, until the
| September inclulive.
|ofe of the second district
|e 3d of September, un.
16.11 inclulive.
[|iofe of the 3d district on
|| 1 September, .until the
[|iofe of the 4th district on
||ith of September, until
|3’!i inclusive.
Biofe of the sth district 0:1
■sth of September, until
l/tb inclusive.
[lhofe of;the i<t district, on
[■3th off September, until
[■2d inclusive.
[■hole of the 2d diftritt, on
Ifcjd of Septembe. until the
■ inclusive.
■ hose 01 the 3d district, on
lift of October, until the
■hose of the 4th district, on
V6th of October, until the
■hose of the sth district, on
■to'np.f.October, until the
n kiclipr/e.
||'hofe pf the ill district on
III 7 th of October until the
IK) iaclniive.
[■'hole of the 2d district, on
II 25th 0! Octooer, until the
[|h inclusive.
|l'hole G r the 3d district, on
jiSi-h 0 Octooer, until the
It inclnfve.
I Terns of Sale.
|l)f the purchasers bond,
||h aopro/ed personal (ecu.
18, fortlii: amount of pur
[|ie mdrfev, will be requir-
II in son : | 11! in . -ihn eats,
■be paid ;n gold or silver ;
| first piyuiem 10 be made,
[■e>ve months alter date, in
llition in which a mortgage
I the pre titles will be requsr-
111 id DICK. SIM VIS,
. Commissioners.
I f 7 I’ 69 —3 axutf.
I ■ S>'OLD on the first
I ii ’ri j'.i Sept, next, at the
I rt] * j's between the hours
I u | tied fifth part of
f m an containing four
|i : “eihS jlVliirty acres, b tin:
| v nwi fcr less (old survey)
I iig d| |>mth part of the or-
I -u lilt® lam at ion, well time
I ‘*<i with, pi ie, and a consider a
I* \ ‘don a apted to the culture
|< -Citnn o ‘ provisions, having
|p advaiiail of a good naviga-
I ‘-I 0 th’ ctV • Levied on as the
I’ ->*'ty i l rnanuel Hengill, at
[ *at o. Id “aril Lewis, points
l(- defendant.
[ P"9poi|2|; Iron* August sales.
I H. AMS, d.s.c. c.
II 1 *'l. „
Sheriffs .Sales.
On the first Tuefiday in Oslo
ber next, between the hdurs
of ten and 3 o’clock, of that
day, will be (bid in the town
of Jefferfon.
A negro Man,
named Bristol, fe.zed as the
property of Josiah Baker, to
fatisfy the amount due on a
mortgage duly forecloied in
fa vour of Levin Guaby.
6b. Mary’s, June 30, 1806.
A N 1)
Commission Business
THE luoferiber has taken
the wharf which has for fome
time been occupied by MeflVs
Havens C3* Bilbo , on which he
has convenient and fafe Stores
for the reception of Produce,
and will be happy to serve his
friends and the public, in the
above line.
February 13, 28. ts
1/rc i Yh
B A.• > E
Lately from London.
OFFERS his iervices to
the public sn his Bra ich of
11 u fine Is, as he perfectly un
derltands trim hair in the
handiomeft taife, ala titus Sc
a Legiptieune—he daily ex
pects from London an affine,
ment of H AIR, with a varie
tv of articles of Perfumery.
He has opened his Sii p on
the Bay, contiguous to the
Patriot printing Office.
He will wait on the Ladies
who will honor him with their
Prentices are wanted,
jui* 7 41 69
MOST Helped tuily in
forms his friends and the pub.
pc at large ; that he has tnov.
c.d to the noufe adjoining Mr.
Roberts, oppolite Mr. John
Dillon’s llore, near the ina kec
square, where he wiii attend to
the commands of thole who
may honor him with theii
cultoin, with punctuality.
The price of cutting hair
ia t*2
Do Shaving 61-4
Do Dressing 12 t• 2
June H 3t.
- Nine months after date, appli
cation will be maci.- to the non
Inferior court of ( Effingham coun
ty for leave to sell a tract ol
land in said county, containing
100 acres, lying on the Sudbury
Ruud, for the benefit of the heirs
nd creditors.
E. G ABLE\ Adthr'x.
ALL per(ons indebt
ed to the fuDfcriber, are ear
neftly req idled to make irn
mediate payment, as he is un
able to give longer indulgence.
f. FILLY:-
WANTED to hire
by the month or year, a negro
bov from 12 to 16 years of
age. Enquire at tins office.
June 30. if.
M O N D A Y, September j, 1806.
January Term, 1806.
Christina Dasher, .
vs. j Petition
Ihe fairs and re- > for Foreclo
presentatives ts l sure.
John Haupt. dec. /
Ui’ON the petition of Christi
na Dasher, praying the
for closure ol the equity of re-
Jemption on the following premi
ses :
ALL that lot of land in the
city of Savanna 1, known by the
nummber 6ve, third tveiling Rev
•iods Ward, containing sixty teet
10 width and ninety feet in depth,
with the improvements thereon,
mortgaged by Elisabeth Haupt,
now Elizabeth Uoweli, Robert
Holton, and Justus Hartman
Scheuber, guardian> of the per*
sons of the said John II mpt, and
ti-ttitees of the property *f the
>a;J John Haupt, by virtueaf an
order ol the hon.the s.mniorcourc
of Chatham County aforesaid in
the said Christina Dasher, for the
sum of eighty pounds sterkng,
equal <o:hr • * hundred anal foitv
t v’o dollars eighty-five cents se
ven anils and one seventh raonc 1
ol the United Stares, on the sixty
day of May, which vyas in the
year one thousand seven hundred
and ninetv-nine, and on motion of
Mr. CUYLER, Adorney for the
Petidoner ,
COURT, that the principle, in
terest and costs due upon said
mor gaged property, be paid into
Court within twelve month : from
this date, and unless the same he
so paid, tiie equity of redemption
shall thenceforth be foreclosed
and other proceedings t tke piaeee
pursuant to the act of assembly
10 such case made and provided
And it is further ordered, in
pursuance of said act that this rule
ini published in one of tile Public
Gazettes, of this state at lease
once in every Month until the
time appointed for payment, or
served on the Mortgagers, or their
special agent, at least six months
previous to the time the said mo
ney is ordered robe paid into
Court as aforesaid.
Extract f'ror. the minutes,
Feb. 29, 13US.
GEORGIA, ‘.Vue re-
Chatham County. (as at a
Superior Con'., lield in and tor
tile county aforesaid, on the 15cu
day ol Januasv last past, a jury
W'.s swon ICo make true inquest
of the supposed escheated pro
pen) of John Moxham Lie ®f
Chatham county, planter dee’d,
reported to have Ted without
will ot without heirs, and to have
poses-ed at the time of ills death,
the following property, viz.
One Lot m the city of Savan
nah, with a single story House,
calculated for two tenements.
One Negro fellow, and Bonds
and Mortgage, upon real estate
within the said city for abou
1700 dollars.
And whereas the said jury con
firmed the reporUof the Escheato/.,
and no person appeared to guie
say the same.
These are therefore to notify
all and singular the kindred or
heirs who ntay claim under tine
said John Moxham,deceased,who
is supposed to have been a native
of the kingdom of Great-Britain,
tiiat he died on or about the Bth
day ol September, 1804, and was
a citizen oi the United Stales of
America, and tiiat if no person
shall appear to make right and
title to the said property within
the time limited by the act ol the
general assembly, pasted sth
Dec. 180 t, the same wi ll both
real and personal, be declared es
cheated to, & vested in said ktate.
Given under my hand and seal
in city of Savariah, the 26th
’ day of February, in the year of
I • Lord, 13CG,and iu the 30th
year of American Independence
EDWARD WHITE, E.-cheator
March 13 -?fi
Georgia, ~
By his Excellency JOHN MIL
LEDGE, Governor and Com
uiander in Chief of the Arm .
nnd navy in this State, and o:
the Militia thereof.
WHERE A s m and by an
palled the 11 th
February 1795, entitled** Yd
“ atl to regulate the Geneva .
44 Elections in this State, and
to appoint the time of the
44 meeting of the General Afi
l ’ (embly,” it is among other
44 things declared : 4t That all
44 writs of elefciions to fill va
“ cancies that may happen for
44 members of the General As
44 sembly of this state, or
■ 4 Houle of jßeprefentatives of
44 the United Stales, (hall be
* 4 directed to the Justices of
’* the Inferior Courts of the
44 respective counties, who are
44 required to give public no
4 * tice :hereof,| and cause the
44 fame to be held in manner
44 and form and herein before
44 pointed o2t, agreeabie to
44 Inch writ.” ,
And whetcas a vacancy hath
happened in the Houle of Re
prelieniauves of the United
States, by reason of the resig
nation of the Honorable jo.
feph Bryan, who was elected
and commissioned to ierve as a
member therein, for this Rate,
uuui the fourth da;/ o. Mutc.i
nvxt. I have thereiore .hot
proper to issue this my procla.
m.non, hereby notifying, d<
resting and ordering the ju,-.
tices of the Inferior Courts oi
the respective counties in that
date, to contider the fame as is
general writ of election K/t hb.<
uig the aforesaid vacancy. .V- cl
I do hereby chaige Sc require
the laid J a dices to give due
notice, that an election or t.e
purpose aforesaid, will be held
in the respective counties, on
MONDAY the first dav ot
do hereby further require that
fitch retuMis of faiti election, as
ihe a fore fa id ad points out, be
made to the Execuiive De
partment within the tune pre
Given under tnv hand and
the Grpa r S.-ul of the State, at
the Stale-House 111 Louisville,
this twenty-eighth day of June,
in the year of our Lord, one
thousand eight hundred and
six, and of the United S.ates of
America, toe thirtieth.
John Mi 11 edge.
By the Governor,
H: Mar bury, Secretary
at the State.
ALL persons are lurrbv for
warned from trading for or pur
chasing a certain note of hand
drawn bv Dani< i Daylv, for on.:
Hundred & hiiy Dollars, & madt
• jayable to the subocriber on 11ir
rat of Jan tarv 1 804 as the above
otc has been lost or mislaid.
J. P. O iFES,
August 25 3i
I o be hired by the
A likely Negro Man. —
Enquire at this Oifice.
July 3 1. 70 if
I'w > a “>■>. e.iticws
wanted at mis Oiiice.
[Whole Number ibi
Sheriff’s Sales.
Will he fold, on tie fi r ft
i UESfj \ Y in Sepi ember
ncxi, at the courl u%
this city, between the hours
of fen and thiee o’clock,
Celia and her two Ch drtm,
and lorn, undivided
, 'toper: v, taken under luodry
c.ecu l ions agaiotf Fhomas
Mills and Ronert Jonrdan.
\ L SO,
John and h-, w*f- Catherine;
together with iluir chidh.-n,
Charlotte, J diet and Ha.ry,
aken undo execution, Edwia
vvis vs. Km ,unci Uengiil,
pointed out by the defendant.
A N 1),
The House and fm-rll B >jlci
ing, adjoining the lot No. —-
opuoii e William H, Spencer
and occupied by William P .r
----ker, taken under execution at
ihe suit of Ralph Jacobs vs.
William Parker.
Alio, Lot No. 1, (one) Tvr*
conell Tvthing Darbv ward,
with ifie improvements theieou,
or so much as will fatisfy the
taxes due lor the year 1804, by
William Mills, pointed out by
the defen ’ant.
Conditions Cash.
H W. Williams, ds. c
Augult 4. 77.
On the fiiil I'uefday m Gtlo**
ber next, at the Cout t-house
in the city of Savannah,
Wild. BE SOLD,
At ike usual hours.
FOU t negroes..viz. Syl
via. Jermey, Hector and Su-
Kev, Liz 1 and to be loid
under ami by virtue of an
execution grounded on a
mor 1 gage, John Per poll, vs.
James SiVlith.
ii. W. W 1 1. L1 AM ‘, D. S. C. C.
Augull 4.
That on the fifteenth day i.f
September next, at the plan
tation of Jacob Taylor, hue
of Burke county, decenfcJ,
All Ihe >er(bnl property be
longing t 0 the elf ate of’ la,<J
Wm. TAYLOit,
Augud 4 77.
■t J :i ft i, i\ i
ON Sunhav nigb: la-,; ~v ...
■<’ or °k iptm, ,md the f
article.-, stol .ii th.-refrom viz :
A very Luge pair of ban b*sre
Four fowling pieces.
One smooth H;,r and ri(L Gun,
• >n<> Run •! ol ki v., Sj
I wilt give arc var-t of ten dof
ars to ant person that tv .s ie-
r tre the above amdes tm, At
ity doil.iT on prosecopnv Jie
liiici orpoev s to con victim.
July 31 ts
For Le.ise or tfe it,
I. A. very Heganr hand,
--.vilely situated hou-e ‘n E uert
‘Ward, sui'able for the r< ce'turn N
<f a genteel bimilv* (or the coit
v.-nience of which, therei> n the
premise* a good krch- , • k - o-
Veil, aucl a stable larg • . uoagh to
contain six horses, ogcihcr with
- ore rooms, carriage house, &c.
For terms, apol v 10
August 25. 88. ts.