The Southern patriot. (Savannah [Ga.]) 1804-1806, October 23, 1806, Image 1

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THE SOUTHERN PATRIOT. yOL. II- No. 90. J ■ r f o the Public. ■ The Subscriber, ■HAVING purchased the Ktablishment & materials of the ■ pews-napcr entitled the ■ soUTfiERNT PATRIOT, Brill continue tile priming there- Bin this city ; and respectfully Beits a share of public p itro- Bgc. ■ His plan is to give all the L’s impartially ; to insert pie.. Bj of information, and innocent Basemen* ; to avoid the bitter- Bsof party: and to print with Blitv and dispatch ai! adver- Bmcnts Stc. committed to lii's Bthe present subscribers to the ■P. will be respectfully served litht'te paper every Monday and Bursday: unless they please to Bgnify otherwise. ■ Every exertion shall be made Bgive reasonable satUlaetion to Be who may be pleased to lion- Br him with their patronage, ■emu six dollars per year, half liable in advance. I’ JOHN DOUGHERTY. I Savannah Ist Oct. 180 - ■ The Pattons of the Sou ■her-'J Patriot, ate inform. B that from this day f° r ’ Bard, it will be conducted by Jr. John Dougherty. Thole who have by pecu~ jury, or literary aid advance c*the interest of that paper, nH please accept the grateful banks of the late Editor, and hpfeifi arrears from the com nencement of that estabhfh cent, will be good enough to tiake payment as speedily as lossible. October 2. ~Wm. WILSON, Was received per the .s hips Ehza and Volant, a large part cj hi? Fall Supply of Goods, Which with his stock, ttlore on hand, makes his as sortment wry complete. Amongst as great a variety of articles, as are commonly set forth in lengthy advertisements is a large quantity of White & ccbred Negro CLOTII. As this article was purchaf td last Winter for cash, and as a moderate advance only, Mil be now exacted, it is con wived that it will be an objett Worthy the attention of Plan ters, and ethers, who wish to purchase by the piece or pack’ ®ge. Payrrent will be expedl fd in Cash, Cotton, or ap proved town norei. . Savannah, Sept. 18, 90 ts E &J. BOLTON. have for sale , Sweeds Iron assorted, Brown Sugars pr. Elogshead, hoaf do. pr. barrel, Inferior Cotton Bagging, Crokery Ware in Riates, Eortherd Rum, and other ar f tides from Bolton. Cologne Mill Stones 3 fcei diameter, “heked Stone Lime. September 29. 8. be hired by the * year, A likely Negro Man.— inquire at this Othce. Jll| y 13. ts. 76. The Copartnership of Thos. and ycis. Beggs, \ N D R. Nicholson Groves Under the fir on of Beggs and Groves. will be continued as heretofore by James beggs, and K. NICHOLSON GORVES, A tL persons mdepted to the 1 jL late firms of Thomas £>? James Beggs and Bergs C Boyd, are requested to make immedi ate payment at the compring house of Beggs Ed* Groves, No. 10 Coffee-House Wharf ; as every account will he placed in the hands of Messrs Davis & Ber rien for colleccfion if not liqui dated before the 16th day of Ja nuary next; and those who have anv claims against either of the said firms, or the estate of Thomas Beggs deceased, are re quested to render them for pay ment. JAMES BEGGS, Surviving Copartner. Savannah Octber 14. 96 lw2w. FACTORAGE AND Commission Business THE fubferiber has taken the wharf which has for fome time been occupied by Messrs Havens & Bilbo, on which he has convenient and fafe Stores for the reception of Produce, and will be happy to serve his friends and the public, in the above line. RO B FRT M’ DOUG AT L. CHEAPNESS, Combined with Ee gance and Utility. By the late arrivals, from J.IVEII POOL and GLASGOW , Andrew Low and Cos. Have received the largest and best selected, as well as the cheap est assort mevt of GOODS , ■ which they have e ver offered for sale. C OM PRISING Womens and Mens Cotton Hois ery Ditto ditto silk dilto, Boys &. Misses cotton ißsilk ditto Cotton and silk Gloves, all sizes Men’s linen thread Stockings Patent White and biack Laces Cotton and thread Laces and Veils Footings and Trimmings Habit shu ts and Caps, cotton and laco Patent Garters Black embossed and coloured Velvet Silk and cotton Fringes Velvet net Trimmings and orna ments Bracelets, Beaufont Buffs Ribbons, velvet ditto Rich Sarsenets, Modes and Lut strings A few rich India shawls Late Cambric arid Ltno do. very low Leno and Picquet Veils Plain Muslins, ail kinds Figured and colonade ditto Figured Cambrics, Cambric Di mities 4*4 linen and cotton Checks 4-4 Apron Checks, very good Children’s Leather Caps Children and youth’s Hats Men’s Hats, common and fine Bomba-fines and Bombazetts Black Cambric and Book Muslins Black Leno and Picquet ditto Black l ice Shades and Cloaks Komal & Puilicat Handkerchiefs Fine linen pocket Handkerchiefs Children’s ditto Printed Calicoes, ofevery descrip tion Dimities, Muslinets White and coloured Marseilles I li U R S D A Y, October 23, 1806. Tlncksetts, Corduroys Velvet teens Fustians, Jeans, Nankenets Cotton Kerseymeres Cotton Chirrings Cotton Cambrics, every width and price Cotton and. Silk Chambrays and Lu tires Handsome plaid andcorded Cam - bries Clouting, Toweling and Table Cloth Diaocrs Coarse and Trie Sheetings 7-Sand 1-4 ‘.mens, Huckabacks Long Lawns ad French Cambrics Britannias and Plat'd as Brown Linens and Sheetings Parasols and Umbrellas Fans in,great variety Adelplii thread •, ,i paper and var nished boxes Marking ditto Ounce and Lisle threads Coloured, Stitching ft Oznaburgs ditto Best White Chapel Needles Paper and pound pins Sewing silks and twists Button moulds and shirt buttons Matk in g Canvass Fashionable plated and gilt but- j tons Ditto pearl dlito j Marseilles Quilts, Counterpanes ] 3edtick Furniture fringes and tassels Silk handkerchiefs and shawls Coloured Cambrics A lew dozen fleecy hosiery, for invalids Pavillion Gauze, white and co loured Best Fin x and T v Osnaburg AND JUST OPENED, India I jitsrrings, Bandanna* and j il umlmms Hyson and imperial Teas lue Cottons, &<:. With many other articles not enumerated. Merchants, who find 5’ convenient to purchase for Cash, or orders upon good people in town, will find these goods worth their attention. Mya 2rf. s€, Confectionary More. C. IL FISHER, Bay lane, near the Ex chance. AG Has received per the brig Sally, an assortment oj Confectionary, IVhick makes his assortment com plete, among which, are PRESERVED GINGER in jars and bottles Various kinds of French pre* served Fruits Pickels; Dried Cherries and Prunes German Barley Softshell Almond? ON HAND Martinique Cordials Noyan, Ann deed, Gloves Cinnamond, Ralpberry, Va. ml ia Citron, Mint, See. ■ VI ‘Jill PS Lemon, Rafpbeny, Vinegar, Orgeft. Capilaire, Gurtova, Milk, &c. —JELLIES— Guava, Pronss, Apple, Eafp. beiry, &c. all fresh. WINES. Madeira, Muscat, Claret, all of the fin it quality Confectionui y o) Sugar of eve ry delcription, all of which will be fold low for Cash. SEA SIDLES. Tut up at the Immeft no tice, and on reasonable terms. October 15. 97. 31. fOl laic at this < Jihct*, Blank Manifests , dc. List r.F Defaulters of tax RETURNS, IN THE COUNTY Os Chatham for JBO3. A. Allison James, Ashlers John, Arnold Joseph, Anone Francis, \skir Fleming, Alfonl Win Alter Peter, Alter Benjn. B. Buts Thomas, Beach Adam, Brant Jonathan, Bartle J. Bartle N. Brooks Benjn. Brooks Sc Dun ning, Brooks Charles, Bridge Joel, Burroughs G. li. Bull Har sis, Brownjohn Sami. Bellinger B. B. Brant Samuel, Box Thos. R Box Wm. Beatty Mrs. Ber torrj John, Brown Patrick, Best the Revd. Bates Wm. C. Cadet Cap*. CrofiVii.l i >hn, Carr.ior.t John, Campbell VVm. Courtney E. Car-'others Joseph, C; tnpbell Joseph, Cox John G, “*oit James T. Clark Thomas. Clarke Joseph, Coqu'Uion, F. *. Christie Wm Cabghan, Crew* James, Curthbert Janies, Clay Reved. Joseph, Carruthers James, D. Dotson Mathew Dotson Wm. Dennis AT aria, Dougherty Thus. . Dunn Wm- Drummer Jacob, Dolour A D ‘dieneaux 1 hos. Duly on Isaac, Delyon Alnam, Duffv Pat. Dagget It, Dominic, Dremarra Mons, Dougherty Walter E. Ellison James, Elders James, F. Ei’enimino - F. T. Ford Mont ford, Fabian j nies, Firch j >s-pb, Firmer jeremiah, fisher David, Favurd Poier, Ford Brantu/. G. Germour Mons, GofTnan Jam’s, Gunee Peter, (Godfrey, Win. Gill J Crimes. Sterling Grimes, Dr. Gildon Gribbon John, Galash Mrs. Gregory Kaidy, Gardner John, P. H; Hills Arthur, Hammow Cap*. Muddy Htihlock, Howsell, it ;;-h- Wm. H id Henry, Huff man Jacob, Hiils James, Hub. bard Prosper, Hall Thomas, Haig Est. of Harrison Cath. Hat per iho’s, Holcombe Rev. H, I Sc J. Idler Jacob, Jacobs Ralph, Jenny “Wm. Jenny E.- Jeckina Tho mas, Jernegan Ezekiel. K. Kirk Thomas, Kerby Moab, Kein Reuben, Keller John, A. L. Lewis Jane, Leader Polly, LTlomaca Mons. Lamb B. S. Lebeau Wm. Leroy J. B Long, L.unb Wm. Lord H. & Cos. Law r encc Alexr. Lane Vv m. Lavender Benjn. Long worth Joseph, Long.voith Jabez Ler.ene, E. M. Mars jolin B. Mill, r and More head, Muikv Robert, Maik e—— M’Guire (. lias. Mi r- itt S\ Ivanus, Morris j. a.’ M’K y Hemery, M’Clagan , M’Millt-.r. jcbn, Marshall Benjn. M’Leod.Murdoch, Morin Peter, M’Doweil A. Mau rice Benjn. M’lniosh M’Km nee jos. P. Moore Robert, Melvin Mrs. Merchant! Lew is, Marqoand G Paulding, Mein Wm. Miller James,Miller Thomas,Mills Wm. McKonky David, JVJ illedgo Phi lip,Morel Bryan, Morel Peter li. Mathews David, Monet Mons. Moilet Model, Millen Godiip, Al .l rsii Ilenery,Mossmaii Jus. ins tate,Momaiet Mons. N. Nelson Wm. Nichols G. W. Newton Francis, Newall Cun ningham, Nongiieer llenery. O. Onion S. Oliver James, Ozcal Isham,‘Oglesby Moses, Oglesby Win. P. Peacock A. Peck James, Pi quet Alexr. Pratt C. Port Geo. A. Parker Dr. Wm. Petit F. 1). Page John,Page Thomas, Polock j David, Purdie John. K. my mold & Lockwoud, Bin, f Whole Nu.aher tq'q. haw Mrs. Robinsos \V m nirh. Ah A bm. RichairLnn tCchd. K roasds Silas, ross Hugh, Rupel an 1. impel Isaac,Roberts James, ’read Jacob. $. Stebblns Rebecca, RrefTidd ATrs. ‘'crivner A. Shaw john,So cv An y e w, Store B mjn. Shade,— T’eet G. D. Sawver Wm. Stack hous * s. H. shellman John, siisby’ t'.. stark James, stua> t Thomas, pane Michael,strain John, smith solomon, stuart jam.-s, ateele ( has. Stafford Archibald, scott fieorge,small Robert,slurp John, sheftai Benjn. T. Thompson Robert R. Turner Lewis, Tioppin j bn, T rpv i). f oroy P I ippins Augustus,Tuy. ’? fay lor Philip, Taylor Thomas, Thies Jacob. V. Viner Jacob. W. ‘.■Roods Daniel, Woodruff Abner, Ward Dr. jr. Wilton E. Washing, t u james, VVyllv Rickard, Will. ie.TYis 1 nos. I'. W iilinms Stephen, ilson Joseph, VcYdiriini samuel, ‘Vlnte Wm. White steel, Wi.ite & More, Wbite EJw, Vffood* b-idge W. W'att Mrs. i-xr. Woodbridge ‘i’hos. M. Wood -'de W!m lev Michael, VV hippie Oney, Wiight Win. VVebbj is. Williauison John P. UMiy Mary, Whiteficld Rich, aid, Webber Frederick. Y. Ygonet Mons. Young F. Yarnel ILzekiah. Z. Z lchiii v John °. TliOaLVi WHITF,FIELD, October 13 1806. R. Tr.c <t THE aboie defaulters are no tified, that their returns will received by me for thirty days from this notification, and that the digest will lie immediately de livered to the I x Collector. j. BULLOCH, CIL Octobar 13. *h Sheriff’s Sales. On the fu st 1 uesciciy in November vert, at tie Court-House in the town of .li ferson, Camden County , bet ‘ff en the hours 0 ten and three o'clock of that day. Will he Sold. A part, of that Tract of Land laying on she river Little Sattiila, in laid countv and known by the name of Black Hammock and lately fold to Williford ami Cook, by Wil liam johnlton. Containing acres, more or Id. , fold to latisfy a Judgement in fa vour of T. jHondeubail aguitill Williford and Cook. A L S 0 . ALL that undivided moity of a Tract of Land adjoining . the Town of Jefferson, con*’ taining in the whole thirteen hundred and sixty acres, the one half of which is seized as belonging to the eflate of fohr\ I’attcrlon,’ to faiisfya judge ment obtained in favor of (he executrix of Ambrose Got* don. Conditions Cash. D. G. JONES, S. C. C. Sr. Mary’s, 26 ‘'Ypr. tiled. jY CJ i ILL. Nine months after date, ap„ plication will he made to the honorable court of ordinary of ‘i’atnal county for leave to fell attad of land containing 190 acres on the Aitarnahaw river* in laid county adjoining Mar in Harden, alio ?oz i-i u cres in Wiikinlon County, in t he fccoud did rid Lot No. jio, the property of John Sharp fen. deccafed, to be fold for the benei.t of the heirs and creditors. JOHN SHARP, Acui.iiistrator, Sept. i. %j.