The Southern patriot. (Savannah [Ga.]) 1804-1806, October 23, 1806, Image 2

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.■? ■ n-;n pm*>w ‘.i*wmwynt!Jß'*au-T* j. iliOM ‘HIE AURORA. $ ~ .i I’bfe Symptoms (if Peacf 1 r All the symptom* appear to I Lave been irUmkef by our quacks )in politics—the rc.*4 symptoms of I peace are to be found only in j three cr fctir year’s continuance of war, and thm Europe will have pt ace for half a century. The oligarchy of England is the real boron: iter of the politi” cal atmosphere- —they feel none of the afflictions, nor the horrors of internal war—while this oligar chy retains the government —or while the petiole tv ho alone suffer, pay, amd fght have no share, nor influence in tire determination of peace or war—England will ne ver have peace hut the peace given by a conqueror. Grenville is the lord of the ascend ant, It he is for an army sufficient to keep power in the hands of l, ’ at oligarchy—that power wifi he Lp-c, while cash or credit can be had—because the oligarchs have no chance from a peace greater than from a war —and while the paroxysm of war prevails they have a better chance than in a pi ace, when, fibber reflection and the absence of present danger would give to those who super /W, and light their due seer:dr n fy— l iolde rs of -coffee and sugar be war* of evil counsellors.— i'armcn (here is a good niailtct for your crops, upwards of three million)'of bushels of wheat were imported into England only :n one year —Home jiJamfactiV ers pursue your industry—Friends of American happiness, while you drj'lore the niisenf A brought upon Europe l>y the gold and in* trigues ot England, be ‘.warned by her fate, and against her ad herents and emissaries'—-for fwdve years they have been !:r ----bnrirsg to reduce you to the hu* rorbating condition in which En gland now is—he wise—love _your country, and your liberties and prosperity will centilitre ior ages. Upon the arrival of lord Ea derdale at Paris, he was request- I <dto present, along with his ere- j dentials, Ids project for a peace ! —he proposed in return io meet i a diplomatic character; :.r.d nr ‘ this manner tour days elapsed be- i lore he had an audience of the | minister lor loreijßa’Saifs. ’J his delay may be supposed to 1 hare been created toafoul time for tr.e final t-erminaiicnof the ne gotiations with Buaftta, id which lord Lauderdale advised was at the ‘first interview. He there fort must have with r held his project, that he might consult his court on tire new as pect, which the partition cf Tut- H} between France and Russia piesepted,as it immediatejy in* I volvedthe sfcority df British A’ ! s a— -f n evening paper contains j the following additional fac F s . j ** Ru&sia or.d Prance have a- ! gmd to divide the Turkish do minions. ‘1 his has determined Great Britain to continue the war at all bayards.—The Portuguese government is to be removed to Brazil lord St. Vincent was or dered to carry ir into effect by repairing in i:is flag chip to Lis bon, twii he on board the prince | ivgent. ” “ ’T'he translation of ihe seat j cf the Portugucs government from Lisbon to nrsail, was first courtmpPicd under the t alien of the marquis de Pem ba”—ai and is now resorted to, ag iiie only means of preserving its most valuable ires sene ions: It . must be evident that Portugal is < destined to share the fate <4 the minor powers of Europe, by be ing gtvi n to Spain as an in<u m intV for the four provinces to be vtik'd to Prance. “ The British fupds are said to have fallen sivtn per cent, c.n tlie | ro’ p< ct yl the war being continued.” — 1 —mo :0 — 1’ rein the Lomu a •’ tor, of the tut sii-jtust. England ;nd America. — V\ hue etiaiia \et hang in painful svs peubibtunteu *ih Leontiy ta.d France, we are happy to he able. .annirunce, that Lords Holland ar.d Auckland, are named Pleni j otentiaries to treat and sign up j on he suited of the Difficulties 1 which lrave arisen between the l United State* of America and | Great Britain, with Messrs, j Pinc krtCy ar.d Monroe, appointed I for the same purposes By cqn i gress. In these nominations j both countries must receive and | fi.*! ihe highest satisfaction, j ‘J’he appointment of the nearest j relative to IV! r, Fox. most de -1 scrvi.dly possessed of his fullest corridence, arcl that of the per son who of all others is allowed to be most conversant with the commercial relations and inter,, j e-us of the British Empire, to i this arduous duty, must be to A mer’ea the best pledge of ihe sin cerity of Englrml, and the value the latter place* upon her friend ship. To England, the nomi j nation of two of tire most rt-spcct ■ stbli:,"well informed, and tcrape* i rate, oi the citizens of the Uni j ted States, must be matter of the ■ greatest satisfaction. Unfit r ’ such auspices we look with con fidence to the restoration ot a good understanding between the two countries, and ol such ar rangements as may consolidate that harmony and mutual good will so essential to the interests oi both. THOM THE MCNITIUR of AUg. 13. “ We esteem ourselves fortu nate it? having obtained the in fer matron necessary to put the public on their guard against the rumours which are at pr esent in circulation, and which we are authorised to communicate. “ All the difficulties which ex isted in Germany have been re moved. Austria has acknowledg ed the ( onfedcraiion of the Rhine ; and the title of Emperor of Austria confers upon this Hcuse a title equal to those oi other Imperial Houses. “ Prussia has acknowledged the Confederation of the Rhine as well as the late arrangements in German} - . “ HE Majesty the King of Prussia has appointed hi. do Humboldt ids Mmist ‘r Plenipo tentiary to Naples. lie has a:so appointed Ministers to tho King of Holland anti to the Grand Duke of Clever, and lerg.” “ Tire Emperor of Austria has also acknowledged tire King of. the- ’Two Sicilies, “ The orders are prepai~ ing for the staff lor the return oi the grand army ; and the Fetes, on account of the peace, will take place a’ the end oi Si plumber, as we before mentioned. The affaire of the Continent are in a state of arrangement ot present, that it tv.ay look to per manent tranquillity • Geld and corruption would be sown in vain; there is no: a Prince who wotrld he willing to sell the blood of his subjects. AMSTERDAM,-Aug. 8. The following are understood to become oi the conditions of the Peace concluded between Russia rrd Frjtnce. The French to evacuate Ra g'l'ax and that Ac public robe a gain placed under ilia protection of the Porte. ‘1 he Emperor Napoleon, and his tw* brothers, to lie acknowl edged hv Ruda as Kings of Na ples and Holland. The integrity trnd indepen dence of the Porte is guaranteed by both powers. ‘I be Russians shall evacuate the seven Islands, and the lonic Republic, be placed under the protection of the Porte. T his tarnation shall take place at tbe same time that the Fit-ikh army shall leave Ger many’ ,• hud that army shall retire within three ninths alter advice bus been received at Paiiv, of the tv.knaiu.u\t Cauaro. Klrg ! ert'inand shall receive for tin u.ih n nficarion* the Bal earic islands Major ca, tutd Y\ lea.) PHILADELPHIA, Oct. 1. Extract of a letter, dated St. Pierres, (Mart.) 1 Oth Septem ber, 1 So<l. “ This -morning presented to view, a moat distressing sight— at day Rght the inhabitants be gan ro assemble on the beach, to view the wrecks of seven vessels, that hd drove on shore during the sight—-two Americans a mongst the number, entirely gone to pieces, the others drrg gers, some of which may he got ! of. Last evening the wind came [ in from sea, which always’tauses i a ground swell, and it was feared J by fra any that if it increased, i some, if not all the vessels nfust j corns ashpre,which hi part has | proved the case, and the others ; are rtot yet out of danger.- —The J wind has not at ar.y one titne, been very strong ; and for my part, I cannot the surf run high, but I atn informed the holding ground is so bad, that a little motion brings the anchor I home, and the vesscia lay so ■ near, that they have not room to pay out their tables before touch ed- The following American vessels are among that’ injured : Schr. Clide, Taylor, Poston, totally wrecked, but little cargo in ; schooner Harvey, ICerrison, Savannah, ditto, with upwards of KvO hogsheads of brijf Sa'ly & Betsey, logorjcll, Bos ton, carried away thehead-of her ntairi'inast, with other damage, by being run foul of. BALTIMORE, Sept. 27. ’Extract of a letter from an Amer ican gentleman at 1 unis, dated July 9, 1 ooG. “1 am now on the rj t- of the ©nee renowned Carthage— where Scipio fought—where Hannibal conquered—where the ittCjtil ohl Bellisarius himself drew out his legions, and bid the light of heaven lor 5 7 long days, with the smoke of that noble ci ty, deflagrated by his own hand. About oue mile from where I now sit, stands a stupendous archway 5c gat’fc, tlie only entire surviving monument of ancient Carthage ! This was the south- . t-rii ctstrancP i*UO 0e town; and in its vicinity are a number of ‘mutilated cisterns, ami part of the aoueduct which brought water from the celebrated mountain of Zowen (within si fit t) which is more thru fifty miles distant. Till within ? few years there re mained, I think, seventeen entire arches of tTs admirable memw rial of human lai-isr and persever ance, which were near on hun dred feet high, supported by co lumns about sixteen feel square, and thirty apartbut his supreme excellency, the all-powerful and’ magnificent Mahmond AIR Bey, his present worship, ti ought proper to build two or three pal try batteries to grace the risiny grounds near Tunis, and cautcu a!! these hue arches to be pidltd down, to furnish stone for that nailer purpose. 41 Thu cisterns (about sixteen or SO remain to be traced) are in deed admirable specimens oi” the ingenuity of the ancient C at tl a genians. They are about fifty yards long, ten wide and fifteen j deep, all under ground ; and I ! imagine would contain sufficient water to supply Carthage five year*, admitting two hundred thousand gallons used daily*’’ NEW-YORK, Sept. “9. We are informed by the captain of the ship Joseph, from New-Or- Irans, that in cons- quence of the j intrusion of tire Spaniards in crossing the Sabine, ami the hos tility evinced by their seizin* up on an American pi>s f , a few miles front Natchitoches, with an avow id deteniihmuon <4 maintaining an encounter with our troops there.', that goy. ( laibome liad I sent mi an ex {Mess, ttlfich preduc | ed. an <der lor the immubate i li \y ol tbe militia v. iso in ccmtri j with the r guhus, were ready at a uioment’b itotice to march and 1 oblige tinm by force, to tx-cruss the river. the patriot^ ST VAh SAH, Oct. 23, ISO 6. The United States Bomb-Ketch es /Etna, Lieut. Jones, and Vesu vius, Lieut. Leonard ; with Gun- Roars N0,2 Lieut.Batr.bridge,EL). 12. Lieut. Dexter ; sailed, mi the Ist instant from Boston for New- Orieans. Times. Just as our paper was going to press, we were informed oy a geu tleman of respectability, that capt. Sparks, with a number, of men, was taken bv a party of Spaniards and that Col. Cushing, from Mat shitoches, had been ilispatched after them. Cincinnati paper. Miranda again. By Ere arrival yesterday of t!i3 sehootic-r Pearl’, capt. Gold, from Pi r:o-Rico, tve understand tlrat acccujrts are received that Miran da after havif g experienced the partial defeat mentioned in a late paper, re-embarked Iris troops at Coro, stood further un the river ..•id rfl'eeted .a second landing ; At that on the 2jih of August he had been joined by 1 <S,OCQ Spaniards. Such was the news at Porto F-'.co, when Capt. Gold sailed. Evening Post, A daring atterrint to ro’o the mail between Ncw-Ybrk and Philadel phia w*as made on Tuesday night, by a gang of riiiians, with whom tiiere is reason to believe the dri ver was in league. By the spirit ed exertions of th& passengers, cue of the villians together wiU the driver, was secured and committ ed to the enstoty of a magistrate, V/e forbear at present, to detail the particulars furnished by the passengers, under the expectation that a regular statement of the outrageous transaction will spetdi ly be laid before the public, Philadelphia Gazette. Gforcf.-Town (Col.) Oct. i. This day, in good health, the President of tire United States re turned to Washington City, The Secretary of the Treasury arrived at the Seat of Government yesterday, NATC; I F7, Sept. 9. Extract of a letter from Natch > to. dies, dated August 30, 1306- <s Or- Sunday last his exeeSlen i t governor Claiborne arrived at • nr-, place, accompanied by colo nel Henry Hopkins, adjudant ge neral of the territory of Orleans, and a handsome esc .rt of gentle nirn of the county of Rapides ; no intcll of his excellency’s coming was received at Natciuto che , until a few minutes before his arrival 'h announced by a f* derui salute I oar b’ort Claiborne. ‘lhe governc■•r’s arrival has the most favorable impression oh the iihnd’ of yli tome of the inhabitants woo are attached to the interest of ‘he United States ; who saw a l.iig” arnv-d force advancing with in h- e i agties of Natchitoches, euft.rr.i-'g an hostile disposition, already mpr.,-oning cl transpoit ing ur'u tlto,dominions of Spain, no less than five citizens of the United States, who hud never of, ic! ilnt diem ; cutthig down and taking ttv ay tit? flag of the Unit ed States irem the Caddo nation which country was acknowledged w ithin our ju'isdiction, and car rying the flag through the couu„ try, exhibiting it as a trophy of victory and superiority ; an ann ed party of upwards of three hun dred cavalry and mounted infant ry, opposing and turning back a scieiiiinc exploring party, ascen ding lied river by order of the President of the United brutes un der tlie direction of major Free man and captain Sparks ; harbor ing and protecting slaves abscond ing from their masters together with reports of suil la-g rein iorcetiiei.ts advancing io iom them, “ i his situation of affairs will probably prolong lor some time hi> exet lieoiy’s stay here for the put pose of organising and putting himself at the nead ot suiii of his militia as may be proper to call in on tbe occasion.” Extract of a letter frer.: Liter pet’ dated ring, 23 “ A;sudih n depression of rp e funds, in cons* qtn rce if she pr ( . nects ler peace hi ii g ui derstood to have become unfavorable, l )a g produced a greater itagi;ation in he di niands for ooitbtis, ihan lir,* been known for a tnnsiderable time past ; and tlie Colton sold since ihe 16th inst. including eve rv description, does uot amoui.t to 100 bags. Such being the situ* ation of the market, it is iinpesd. ble at present to give any quota, tion of prices ; and it can ore v remarked that the holders, ei t . couraged by the reduced state of ! tlie stor ks on hand, have been |jt, ! tie inclined to give way a!llu) U qj| the expectation of peace is ratine still further diminished than other wise. In the event of war, a j-p, ductron is certainly to be expect, cd cn the quotations of cjr last advices. 1 Sales of American Cetton since 16th August- Upland, 44 bags-—Sea-Island L bags.” Next--Orleans, August 29. Extract sf a letter from a gentlr man at fort Adams, io his friend in this city, dated Au. gust 25. As to our warlike affairs ng the Red River, nothing hastrani pired since my last.—Governor Claiborne, and his adjutant gene ral are gone to Natchitoches, captains Lockwood and Ruins, left this place this day for that'pet, A Ctrl. Kingsbury with the troops will follow to-morrow, our anht;* are mustered and under drill:'’ -*rar: ‘ IIMWHIi—I i|>Wl FOR SALE. A HOUSE situated at the cor ner of Jefferson A St. uilui Streets, with a small shop adjoia* ing; the house is at present occu pied by Peter Mihard. ALSO. A smart active negro bov uscii'utrj house work, shaves and dress4sl tvell for particulars enquire oil G. sco rx, On tlte premisses. j October 23 U 2^ Wanted to Hire, j IMMEDIA TEL A. ‘ A Smart acctive Negro wench,l who can took, wash, iron, and! come well recommended. Fell whom good wages will be givenj also, j To HIRE tv ths MO NTH J An active Negro Gir! about i.‘| years of age vrlto can take care vtl a child and attend a table. J Enquire at this cf'-e. I October 23. ts ‘U A removal! JOHN EOFF3, I ESPECTFULLY I Informs the public, that J has removed to the corner oB Jefferfon and Bryan StrecnJ in the house formerly otcupi-B ed by Mr. James Piatt, wher® he intends carrying on d.m Eoot & Shoe making Business I as formerly, and hopes toms® rit a share of the public !>*■ tronage, ■ N. i?. Two apprentices r>^ f ® ed t® the above bisiness. ■ October 20. 3 r . SHERIFF’S SALES’ I On the fiift Tuesday in next, at the Cotnt-huulc!® the city of Savannah, ■ WILL BE SOLD, ■ At the usual hours. 9 c.'^l FOUR negroes viz. : W via. Jenneyj tied or end Si 9 key, lei zed* and to be !'’9 under and by virtue L*9 execution grounded ( > n 9 mortgage, John Pcvpoil, i 9 James Smith. B H. W. Williams, and. s._ c, 1 August 4. V’ I