The Southern patriot. (Savannah [Ga.]) 1804-1806, October 23, 1806, Image 3

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W 1 Chambers, 20th J OHN H * MOREL, a. S. BULLOCH. BfARO } ELF^ IR oer,jre the Court receipts and payments of the county funds, ■jug with the 6th day of December, 1803, and ending with the toth instant, which were Hiined and contained in two accounts, marked Numbers 1 and 2 with a balance due the I : to the credit ol laid county, and now in the Bank, the sum of one hundred and twen ■ollars Sc (evenly-seven cents. Whereupon it is Ordered, that the accounts current Xum Rd i, he entered on tne minutes and that the Laid accounts and vouchers be filed in the R) flier. mred, that thesccotints current, numbers, 1 and 2 together with the order of the 18th 13, regarding the Tax Collectors, be published in two of the City Gazettes. ■ receiver of the 1 ax Returns, is directed to furnifh a ftatentent of the amount IntyTax for the years, 1757, 1798, 17459, 180 c, 1801, ißo£. That the several Tax Col | 0) on or before tne hrft day of November next, render an account of the receipts and | 3 !'the county Ux and by each of them, or execution will immediately thereafter iii'ue fcch defaulter. Extract from the Minutes , 9.oth o etcher, t 806. * I • JAMES BULLOCH, Cierk I No. I. [The County of Chatham, in adedunt with the Justices of the Inferior Court* Cr ■ Ia .if n*- fc. _i. n f—. A L’ rr. 1- , n i ** > w. Hec. 6. To warrant on the Bank. M. Willson, No. 1. g 300 April 26. Ditto Ditto 2. 200 Hijy 8. Do. John P. Oates, Htler, 3. 62 2 Do..T. TheisMo. 4, 15*2 13 9 io. Do. J. Clay due Atate Dr, Young, 6. 56 Air 11. D®, J. M. WilLon, 3. 200 Act. 3. Do. J. 1 Heiss, in full. 7. 50S 87 A 20. Do. James Habeirsham Ad George Millen, S. 200 Aor. 6. Do. James M. Willson, 9. 200 ■ Dec. 8. Do. Db. 10. 200 Riccsuut of Bank balance, Ii 16 9ts I 5 3226 RfeVy. 14. Warrant favor James Hi. Willson, overseer the poor, 300 ■torch 8. Do. favor James Haber ■him & Geo. Miiien, to complete ■be bridges over Little Ogechee 200 I 12. Hewitt and Ansley, per Irsrrant, 30 ■April 2. Do; James Bulloch, ba lance of his account, 3S 75! ■New account of Bank for balance, 1023 25 I Sls9® 98 I Examined this 29th April, 1806 | I No. 11. The County of Chatham, in account with the Justices es the Inferior Court, Cr. I May 27, To cash paid J. M. I Wilson, overseer of the Poor. g 200 I July 16, To do. do. T. U. Chariton, attorney general’s opinion, 25 30, TANARUS do. do. the com position in part of erecting It Induing the county Goal. 2,000 Aug. 6, To do. do. J. Hely printer his account; 16 25 19, To. do. do. Samuel Demcron, late Goaler in full, 35 Sept- 2, To do. do. J. M. Wilson, overseer of the poor 20§ Oct. 16, To do. do. M. She full, now do. 200 Nuv. 7’ o do. do. do. 300 11, To do do, Jas. Bulleeh his account, 56 62 Dec. 30, To do. do. M, Slieftail overseer of the Poor 150 Jan. 3, To do. do. Lyon & Morse, their account 21 Paidjjohn Harris Grave digger, 27 SO 10, To do. do. T. U. P. Charlton attorney genera!, 25 U, To do do James Hely printer his account, 21 50 26, To do do M. S'nef tall overseer of the Poor, 200 April 2*, To do do do do 240 May 15, To do do do do 200 June 23, To do do do do 200 March 7, To do do do do 100 July gs, To do do do do 300 To de do James Hely prin ter in full 29 25 To do do !VJ. Sheftall over seer of the poor, 200 June 10, To do do Edward White, house rent for the poor 100 Oct. io, Balance due the County in Bank, i? 9 T 7 g 5026 89 • The Count v of Chatham, for monies placed in the hands of the Justices of the Inferior < ourt, arising ‘of a lottery, which could nt be carried into suit effect, and paid into the hands ot the commissioners pointed to erect a Sea-maids Hospital and Poor House, in Savannah, in the following order, nz. Lr. April 28, To cash paid the com missioners, by a check on the Haul;, 746 65 March 11, The note es R- and I.* Bolton, 745 65 Interest thereon, at 90 davs, 14, To Jhe note of the same, at 13d days, H 6 5 2 Interest thereon, bl % 2X7* I'* 1304. Nov. 10, By James A!g<-r, on ac count Tax, 1801 and I*o2, {>7o 19. By James Belcher, ditto 1803, 700 Oct. 2, Do. do. do. moo I*o3. Feb’ry. 1/, By Cash of J, Clay, *56 $ 322a 1804. Nov. S3, By balance per bank book, - 1146 1805. Jan. 7, James Belcher Tax Col lector 1803, 250 15, James Alger, do. ißol and ISO 2, goo S 1596 §8 ISOS. April By account cf Bank per Bank book, being the balance of the County funds in, the possession of the Court, io2S 23 CHARLES ODINGSELL, Foreman, 1805. April 2, p,y Cash on hand in Bank, __ $ 1028 23 June 28, do do of James Al- f gcr, tax Collector, 100 July 24, do Peter Deveaux do 1500 Oct. 3, do do do 500 Dec. 3>, do do do 350 1806. March 7, do do do 100 Apr:i 12,d0 do do 100 23, do do do 148 66 May 15, do do do 263 38 June i3,do do do 253 62 July 2t, do do do 500 Oct. , do do do 200 g 89 1803, April 28, By cash of Messrs. Boltons, 746 65 The note of 14. & 1. Bolton, at 90 days date, I^o Interest thereon, *4 75 The note of the same, at ISO days date, YS-6 52 Interest thereon, 19 5, £ 2574 14 ment, with the vouchers— Ori/er-ed, [re entered on the Minutes and that the fame with the vouchers, he lued, and that the sum of two thousand two hundred and eventy-four dollars and fourteen cents, be carried to the debt of the laid commissioners appointed to erecl a Sea*mans Hospital and Poor House in the city of Sitvannah, thev to be accountable. Ordered, That Wm, Smith and A. S. Bulloch, Enquires, be a committee to inspect the accounts exhibited by tiie fail commissioners, and make a special report thereon. Ordered , ‘That the fame, together with the account cunent, be published in two of the Gazettes of this City. Extract from the Minutes, Savannah, 20th October, 18 >3. JAMES BULLOCH. C/&. Chambers, Court of Ordinary, 521 st Oct. 1 Sob. Present, their honors, Wm. Smith, J. H. Morel, A; S. Bulloch. EDWARD TELFAIR, laid before the Court, the recripts and payments made in virtue ofa special order of court, by which it appears that tne sum of eighteen hundred and eighty-two dollats and eighty-three cents, is now in the Bank, and after being duly examined. Ordered, that the Laid account and voucher, be entered on the minutes, and thtat the account current be filed andipublilhed in two of the Gazettes of this City. Dr. Court of Ordinary, in account with the Jufliccs of the ” Inferior Court, ißg6, April 26, Cash paid f- U. P. Charle tors, attorney-gene** ral, for a law opini on, regarding the powers veiled by the Legislature in the court, *9 June 30, Balance due the court, 188* 83 Dolls* 1907 83 Extract jrdm the Minutes, ED. YV HI l£, clerk Court of Ordinary . NOTICE. THOSE indebted to the sub scriber, are informed, tharin the course of this anti the ensuing week, their accounts wiii be ure sented, by Mr. James Hulen, for payment, who is duly authorised to receipt the same. Such ac counts as arc hot discharged be fore the 25th instant, will he placed in the hands of an officer for collection. JAMES HELY. October 3t 97. To Lease, THAT well known Farm, situated within a mi!e and a half of Savannah, the residence ofihe late Robert Dillon, efq. There are on the place a large and commodious dwelling Housjt. a kitchen, stable, finoke house, corn house, anti other necessary out house?, toge ther, with several negro hou ses. There is a!fo a large Garden well laid out—the greatest part of’ which is em ciofed with a ciofe fence, and having in it most of the per manent vegetables failed for a market garden. The advan. tages attached to this place, as refpefls the city of Savannah, ; added to the acknowledged : futility of the foil are such as render it an objeft to any per son who may wish to have a residence not only near he city but profitable also. Per mission will be given if requir ed to ciear thirty acres moret of new ground on condition of its being encloled and cultivat ed. Further particulars may be known by application to Thomas Whetefield, Esq. and by a visit to the place. Possession to be given the firft of January next. HENRY - JACKSON, October 13. 96. ts. mn ice. “ N’in# months after dati,npplh cation will be made to the lion. Inferior Court of Chatham coin: j ty, for leave to sell a tract of 4 5 | acre sos land in said county, ad- I joining Mr. Butler and Beliur\ { lands, on Little Ogechee, for the benefit of the heirs aud creditors WILLIAM WRIGHT, Jdw’.c. Jr GABLE, Admt’ ißos. June 15, Cafii the estate of Deatks, 251 43 Do. es Bowmar and Smith, Dolls- 1907 83 TO LEASE, for a term of YEARS, 8CI” THAT vaiunble traft of oak, hickory tjnd rice land containing 300 acres on the Louifvilie road, well known as the 8 mile house, one of the belt Rands for a public house; ALSO, That plantation 16 miles from Savannah, late the pro. pc:-;y of Jofcph Clay, dec. at prefect occupied by captain Andrew M’Lcan. A L T O, Two valuable irad.s of oak, hickory and rice land, or any part thereof, adjoining the a hove, and the plantations of David F. Bourquin, Esq. Mis; Fox, dec. See. ALSO, That plantation and trafl of land, on the Great Ogechee road, twelve miles from Sa vannah. well known by the name of Radick, late the pro perty and residence of Mr. Wm. Fox, deceased. For further information, please ap:, ply to ‘ FRANCIS COURVOISIE. Who offers for Sale, A Bargain, and on easy Terms. A valuable traftofland, on the Satiila river, Glynn cdunty* containing 1000 acres, adjoin., ng lands granted to Stephed Darayton and Miles Brewtot. of South ‘Carolina, late th^ 9 property and granted to W'ai. Telfair, F.fu. .1 L S O, An undivided moiety of a 5,000 acre tract of Land, o*,i the Alatamahaw river, origi nal ly granted to Mr* Chas. W. M’Kinnon,adjoining lands of Joss. Gibbons, Ma*y MeL ton, Butler, Maxwell, See. A L S 0, Two tracts of Land, on O gechee riverWafiiing on conn, tv, cont aining 287 - acres each tracr, originady granted to J. i’eaty and James Allen.