Georgian for the country. (Savannah, Ga.) 182?-1822, August 08, 1822, Image 1

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NO. 130
B-j George Bobtitaon, 3r.
At £igln Dollars per annum, payable in advance*
Is published to meet the arrangement of the
mail, three times a week, ( Tuesday, Thursday
and Saturday) at the OfUccof the Daily Geor
gian, and contains all the intelligence, Commer
cial, Political and Miscellaneous, including ad
vertisements, published in the Daily Paper,
The Country Paper is sent to all nart^pfihe
State ami Union, or delivered m the City, at
five dollars per annum, payable in advance.
Advertisements are inserted in both papers
At 75-ceuts per square, of 141 lies, for the first
Insertion, and 37J for every succeeding publi-
cation. -•
Notice ami Caution. •
W HEREAS I keen informed that John »nd Peter Mitchell of this ei.
ty have by sundry deeds recently mortgaged
ami uaignetl tn diver, persons cither their indi-
oidiwl creditor!, creditor, of the Into firm of
Carnoclian ti Mitchell, or others, all or sundry
the property shd estate, both real snd persnnal,
of the laid firm, as well as their own individual
property and estate, consisting together of
houses, lots, lauds, stores, wharves, negroes, ho.
in Savannah and Darien in Georgia, or the
neighborhood thereof, and elsewhere with their
interest or share in the stock of the lower
cleam mill near Darien, and sundry shares in
the United States llsnk and other banks, at well
as sundry debts due to them in various places,
besides lands, lots, negroes, he. in the territory
of Florida, and particularly one large tract of
land bought of Forties Si Co. lying between
the rivers St. Marks and Apalachicola in the
territory of Florida aforesaid.
Thescare hereby to caution the public against
purchasing any purl of the said properly or ea.
tate ao conveyed, or uny other property belong
ing to the said Cnriioolian li Mitchell, or cither
of them, ns I hold prior mortgages on the great,
cat pari thereof, which are on record in the re
Kistry in Savannah and Darien aforesaid and in
Charleston, S. C. and equitable lcins on all the
properly of laid John Carnnchan u I Peter
Mitchell. WILLIAM CH11UST1E.
June 8 t 12
Georgia—Camden County.
Dy John Bailey, Clerk of the Court of Ordinary j
for aaid county.
llTllERGAS, John* Bailey, executor of the
" estate of Jane Taylor alias Jane Camp
bell, late of said county, dec. applies to the hon-
In Council,
Manrn 27. 1833.
A Communication from the Medical Society
was laid before the Board and rcnjJ, bearing
date January 19, 1822.
Whereupon resolved, That the cnaimunica-
orable the Court of Orainary of Said county v for I tlnn from the Medical Societv of this Hty In re*
to be diachargcd from hia executorship on ftaid lution to the act of the last Legislature, for the
«atate. suppression of Quaokery, be received, and that
These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all the same be published, as is required by law, in
and lingular the heirs and creditors of said es- all the gazettes of this city.
I—Ia tn ll 1 nil 1. ... „kl nntinnn /If kkn,. 1..Mn\ I a «A .
be received from mid society but one of >bsn-
lute compliance under oath of the president or
*7 cr .°! ,r ^. ! wllich return shall be filed in the
clerk s office within five dtyi alter the appoint
ed days. On fsilure to make such return, the
judge of said court shall, in vacation, award a
judgment of forfeiture of the charter, upon ap
plication as aforesaid, and execution shall issue
for costs aforesaid.
4 .1. And be it further enacted, by the author-
ity aforesaid, That if any person shull be reins
tate, to iilc4thcir objections (if any they have)
in the clerk’s office of the court of ordinary on
or before the first Monday in August next,other
wise the said executor will be discharged.
Witness, the lion. William Gibson, one of the
Judges of said Court, this twentieth day of Jan
uary, 1822,
(L. S.) JOHN BAILEY, c c o c c
jan 26 30f
Attest M.
[ To establish a tribunal to enquire into the qual
ifications of persons claiming to practice Me
ed a certificate, he or she may again apply for
e » Xa »7 1 i nH *' on H ^ er * * H P fte of *•* months, and it
shall be the duty of the said society to receive
any number of applications, and to conform on
- - , . each application to the provisions of thieact, and
dicinr. Surgery, mid Midwifery, within the I subject to all its responsibilities, provided the
city of Savannah, aiu\ to grant certifi ales to | interval between any two applications be not
the same, if found properly qualified. I less than six months.
Whereas, it appears by a menurUI of the 1. 4 4. And be it further enacted, by the acthor
Mayor and Aldermen of the City of Savannah, I *ty aforesaid. That if any person claiming to
~ . «. ^ | that the good people of aaid city, and especially [practice in the said arta, or in any two or one
Georgia LanidCIl County. I the poor and illiterate people thereof, have suf-1 them, in the said city, shall presume to do so,
W HeJiKAS, Mrs. Louis. C. Slltw, Execu- M' 10 ' 1 h * retofurc lm, ? K «vll from the ivont of onetily or covcrlly, not having obtained ncer-
trix, applies fur letters of dismissiun from I P ro P cr l*ws to regulate the practice of tifir.ate of qualification, it shall not be lawful
the estate of General Nathaniel Ureen. .leceas- eine ' ,ur 8'7' «ml midwifery therein, theelm- J»r such person to recover in any court of law
ed Tln>e are therefore to cite and admonish 9c .f “l»eh vuA has been the Indlserl- Or equity in tin, slate, Ins or her fees or charge,
all and aingular Hie kindred and creditors of "»"»(» «"d arrogant pretentions and undertak. services done within the said city of S.v.n-
said dccelied to be and appear at my office, on I *n|T» oF m»..v unlearnwt and; empirical persons I I nor shall it ho lawful for any company or
nr before (lie First Monday tn JanaatJ neat, and ,0 P™ol'« therein in theaanl arta: And where- copartnership ol uncertilioated persons, ami
shew can* (if nny) why mid letters should not f 5 ' “> ,nd P° 1,0 >' T'J k ! T°P er ro K iml fo1 ' "? 1 1’" 80 " !! luli l,c nioreovor liable to prose
be granted, in terms of the law. healths and lives ol life educes ol a commercial c "' 10 " by indictment in the court of common
Given ijnder my hand and seal, this 32d day f’T l,ol,s > cit V. require that the le. P 1 """ and oyer and terminer of aaid city, at the
of June, 1822. ' 1 gislature should guaW against aucli an evil lor I ‘nalance oftlio mayor and aldermen- or the said
[l s] JOHN BAILEY, c.c.o.c.c. the future : I cily, or «rmiycoininuii infoi iner. llnmlaol pro-
j u |y 1 I 4 1. Be it therefore enacted, by the Senile I scent ion shall he given mh in other caaea arising
*- - - - . - I ®wil House of Representatives of the stale of I under the penal laws of this slate j if at the In-
I Georgia, in general assembly met, and it;«I •{•"«« of the mayor and aldermen, the bond
vJCUr^ltl LmllUlCU t/OUIliy. I hereby enacted by the authority of the sarjie, I be K«ven by some person acting under
IGIvGAS Vllllll Alilinl.H Jt-Mt.i-A ,.,Imm1 I I hut list, OrtAKIein If#.,]!-,.! Qlkni.ll ., Aalul«li.,ltn.l I tiifMt* RflllPltllll n H „|,|I| M .I, . - .1. • a -.
To the Public.
J CARNOCHAN and 1*. MlfCHEL are sor-
• ry to he again brought before the public
by a second notice of Mr clmalie’a, who hus un
doubtedly claims against them, which, when
finally liquidated on the decision of the suit
now penuMsg. they will try to sntisly as suun as
possible tltcreailnr.
The deeds under which Mr Christie claim!
■n exclusive right to all the real and persnnal
estate of Carnowan & Mitchel, are considered
as infurmal, unjuat and illegal. Hence they
bave been brought and are Hill before the court,
and other decils have been executed and re.
corded, conveying the property for the use of
all their creditors, Mr Christie included, with
out any trust or reservation beneficial to C. li
M. or their families i and if this be not agreea
ble to that gentleman, it must nevertheless ap.
pear fair ami equitable to the public and all who
Dave a sense of justice.
The Trustees under the late deeds are anx.
inua to sell the Lands in Florida, alluded to in
the notice of Mr Christie, and to apply the pro
ceeds to the immediate payment of part ol hia
demand, and deposit a sufficiency thereof to co
ver all hia claiin, anbjeot to the decision of the
Court—Jiut hia omios.tinu to uny reasonable aale,
as ope interested in hia own right, whilst injur
ing all parties concerned, must be burne until u
aale can be made under an order of court.
June 10
Editors of papers who Insert Mr Christie’s
notice, will please insert the above until his is
withdrawn, and forward their bills to tile Savan-
li Republican Office, where they will be
promptly paid by J.C, UV. M.
Superior Court—Chatham
’ County.
J Chambers, 20Ih November, 1821.
Tttomai B. Smith, Complainant,
Susan M. Smith, Alton Pemberton,
William Callaghan and Amelia his ^In Equity^
wife, Samuel Stocks and Elizabeth *
his wife, Probart and Mary
his wife, Defendants.
On reading the affidavit of Thomas B. Smith,
complainant, in a Bill in Equity, in the Superior
Court of the County of Chatham, stating that
Alton Pemberton, one of the defendants in aaid
Bill, resides in the county of Burke in this state;
that William Callaghan And Amelia his wife, also
defendants in said bill, reside at Newport in the
■tate of R. Gl ind; and that Samuel Stocks and E-
lizabelh Ins wife, and Probart and Mary hia
wife, also dt-fondants in said bill, residewin the
kingdom of Great Britain—It is ordered, that
publication of^hia rule in one of the public ga
zettes of this state, weekly for two months from
Hii^date, be considered us sufficient service to
cornel the appearance of the said Alton Pem
berton 5 that publication of this rule in one of
the public guzettes of this state,weekly fbr three
months from this date be considered a sufficient
service to compel the appearance of the said
William Callaghan and Ameliahis wife, and that
publication of this rule in one of the public ga-
*xcttes,of this state weekly, for eight months
Rom this date, be considered ns sufficient ser
vice to compel the appearance of Samuel Stocks
and Elizabeth his wife s and Probart and
llary his wife. And it is further ordered, that
at the expiration of the respective periods a-
foresaid, the said parties, respectively, do ap
pearand answer to the Complainants Bill.
Extract from the Jh utet,
nov. 26 f 8 m
Warranted Articles,
TU9T received, per ship Corsair, a fresh sup-
ti ply of
Perfumery and Spices.
For sale by
Druggist, No 8, Gibbons' buddings.
Ipril 26
W l!KlklSAS, Elihu Atwater, esquire, odml-1the Georgia Medical Society, established I ■•notion nr authority, otherwise by the
nistfator, applies fbr letters of dismission I in the city of Savannah, shall be invested with, I ®ommon informer j and upon the first convic-
from the ^states of Colonel William Scott, de-1 a '»d possessed with full power snd Authority to I t,on » accused may be fined by the court in
ceased, John Campbell, deceased, and lluvens I examine:, enquire into, investigate, and deter-1 * BU,n n °t exceeding one hundred dollars, and
Waterman, deceased. 'These are (herefore to I wine on the professional qnalificatibns, attain-1 *»n,eacli subsequent cohviction, in a mm not ex
cite and admonish all and singular the kindred j Stents and capacities of all and ever)' person or I c ceding two hundred dollars, besides costs of
and creditors of said deceased persons, to be I persons claiming tn practice within die limits of | prosecution in cacti case ; one half of (lie fines
and appear at my office on or before the firai I said city in the skid arts of medicine, surgery I 8 hall be paid into the treasury of the city of 8a-
Monday in January next, and shew cause (if any) I midwifery, or in any two or ojle of them, j v *nnah, or to the common informer, and the
#hy said letters should not be'granted in terms I to grant certificates of qualification under I Jther half shall he equdlly divided between the
of the law. I the common seal of the said «ociety,br, if there I Union Society and the Female Asylum 8oeiety,
Given under my hand and seal, this 22d June, | h , e no common seal, under the signs manual of For the benefit of the orphans and children of
IU*I I tnnir ni'Daiilnnl isiv,I a.aKi»aM. I Hill ■nrin#!aa 1
[t. a.]
July 1
JOHN BAILEY, c. c.o. c.c.
their president and secretary, to hin, her, or I **‘ 1 ' *ocicties,
tliein so Claiming and making application there-1 ♦ 5 - And be it further enacted hy the an-
lor, If by a ma jority of said society, te, she, or Jjlority aforesaid. That no part of this act tlndl
the) shall be deemed duly learned tsid qiudifi- he so construed hs to nfl'ect any jicrson or per-
ed, And it shall be ttlsduty of the numbers of 8 “us now practicing, nr claiming to practice In
tlie said society, when application shall be mad. *ne said city, in the said arts, <ir in any two or
T HE firm of Rockwell W Hepburn is dlisolv-1 b y * n y person or persons, for his, her or their one of idem, anil now residing in the said city
ed, in consequence of the death of J.J.. I examination to the end aforesaid, to convene at " r “ ho shall he engnged in the practice of the
Hepburn, Esq. their customary place of meeting, and to decide I *»me, or of any tivo or one of them therein, on
The subscribers have formed a connection in U P 01 ' the applicant's petition, witliii ten days I or bel'oie the firai day of February next,
the Practice of Law, under the firm of ROCK- Mtcrthey shall have been summoned jo convene 4 6 - And beil further ensetedby the autlior-
WELLA MORGAN, They will attend to pro. I bv their president, or in his nbsenct, sickness, ll y aforesaid, That if the Georgia Medical So-
feasiona! business, in the Federal Court, In the or nlllcl ' inability, by the person or persons dis- mety ahull communicate to the executive de-
Ocmulgee circuit, and In those counties where-1 oharglng hiadutiea, or If there be not any such I partment of this state, ou or before the suid
in the late firm of llockwell li Hepburn prnc- persun or persons, alter they shall have been day of February ncxl, their acceptance uf
ticed. summoned by their secretary. And it shall be ‘bis act as an act additional to their charter,
Their office is in Mdledgev'dic, corner of Jcf- ‘' le duty of the said president, person ar per. »"d that they are willing to he bound by its
ferson und Molntoslvstreeta, where one of them snna performing his duties, or secretary, to sum- conditions and requirements, this act shall from
may be fuuudat all times, when noton the oir- m, "> each and every member of the said society, thenceforth cummcnce in full and cumDlote
8. HOUR WELL. by a written citation, ex) rcutng the object of operation, but otherwise shall be totally null
A. A. MORGAN. ‘he meeting, the name or names of the appli- »nd void: And be it also enacted, tlmt the saiil
Milledgeville, June 10, 1822. cant or applicants, and the day of the eiumina. society shall, before the said first day of Feliru.
j title U linn, within ten days after the applieatipn shall *'7, give notice of their said acceptance to the
lluve been made to him or them : Pretrial a l- mayor and aldermen of the aaid cily ofSavan-
T HE pprxons whose Names are hereunto an I Ihat prior to the examination ol iny and I n ®l*» whose duly if-shall he to make suid acccp-
nexetl, ure natives of Liberty county, in the I every uppheant, the member» of the sad socie-1 Giice public by advertisement in all the public,
state of Georgia, have resided in uuid slate from severally take a solemn oath, u bo ad- J gazettes of the said city, three times a week.
the time of their birth j and have had their
names registered in my office m persons of co
lor claiming to he free.
Tirah attends to farming on Mr. Thomai Mal
lard’s plantation ; she is 5J yearn old.
IVmce, a son of Tirah, a carpenter by trade,
is 24 years old, and resides on Colonel’* Island
Heller, a washerwoman, resides at Uicebo-
rough, and is S3 years old.
Katy, u daughter of Beller, is 12 years old,
und waits ou Mr. William Baker, at Gravel Hill,
Abram, a carpenter, is 35ycurs old, and re
sides at Mr ltichurd S lluker’s-
E. BAKER, c j c t c
July 4
ministered by the mayor or any aldermai of the *or the space of one calendar month,
city ol Savannah, well, truly and imperially to § 7. And he it further enacted by the author-
examine and decide upon the att&inmeits and '♦y aforesaid, That in the event of the accep-
qualincations of the applicant or appiicu»ts,and ,l »nce by the said society of this act, agreeably
togrant certificates of qualification to him, her *« afore>aid section, (his act shall continue
ni.t . i x. . .. until the first dav of January, one thousand
Effingham Superior Court,
December term. 1821,
The Trustees of the Germuu"
Lutheran Church at Ebene-'
John Freyermuth and several
parcels of Land
or them, if in their iudgmvms, he, she,or they
shall he found duly learned and quulfied to
practice in the suid arts of surgery, mrdicinc.
uud midwifery, or in any two or one oljthemT
And provided also, that in their exam nation,
the aaid society shall be restricted and confined
to the investigation of professional attanments
and capacity alone, without regard io iny for.
meror present professional or moral rep itation,
and shall not at any time require as a test of
| qualification, or any degree of evidence thereof,
tpat any applicant should have obtained i diplo-
inafrom any medicttl college or univetsity, or
should have studied thereat, or elsewlurc. •
4 2. And he it further enacted, by the author,
ity aforesaid, 1 hat if, after applicator shall
eight hundred and twenty-six, and no longer
Speaker of the House of ItepreienUitivei
President of the Senate
Assented to 25th December, 1821.
JOHN CLARK, Governor
Appeal to the Public.
A YOUNGER brother of the subscriber, nam
ed William Exmcott, a native of Armin'
ster, in Devonshire, left England in the year
parcels or i,au. , | 7 ft 1«
r|N the petition of the Trustees of the Ger- delay tiff after the timlf heretofore nranribad r “ W ' W °'i- <J ll f . n " , ' t 5 ra,lfi 1 F 1 <l fur »"y '"forma-
G man Lutheran Church at Ebcneaer, stating to issue summonses for convening thjmtmhan! ly reward any per-
that the said John Freyermuth on the fifteenth
Editors of psnera tliroughnut America ire
humbly required to insert the above.
“oiWirr -W-—Willi-
,,..v, t ., Q ,^ J r?,s cOTT -
bounded by land of I’f ter Arnetolftt F. Brook, damages against him or them, in his or their in-
ners, at the nine ol survey granted to Landfcl- dividual capacities, for his or their refusal or de.
der; also,another tract of land situate in the sev- lay, or improper appointment. And if after be-
enteeth district of the county of Baldwin, eon- ing summoned to convene, the aaid society shall I TRlfTflR I L'pifl
mining two hundred and two and a half acres, fail tu do ao on the day appointed in the cits-1 lull LEG B
known by the number (104) one hundred and tiun, ur afterwards on an adjourned day, but a I PATENT NEW LONDON BIL(.10U8 FILLS
our, with the appurtenances, to secure the pay. day within the lime heretofore prescribed for Prepare,! only by Samuel H. P. Lee, Phyrician.
inent of a bond or obligation ofthe u d John, their convening, or if, having convened, they AVio Jamilan, ( Vmn.J Member of the Me,li.
bearing date the day and year aforesaid U pray shall severally tail to take the oath aforesaid, or I cut Society, and Pctlm yf the State Medical
mg the foreclosure ofthe suid mortgage. It ap. having taken such oath; shall foil to proceed to
pearing to the Court that there la now clue on 1 ,h< * -« — »* * ••
the said bond and mortgage the sum of two hun
dred dollar9,4fith interest st six per cent, from
the fifteenth day of April, eighteen hundred &
eighteen. On motion of Wayne and Cuylcr, at
torneys of the petitioners, it is ordered that the
said John Freyermuth, his heirs or representa
tives, do pay into Court the amount due as a-
foresaid within twelve months from this date,
otherwise that the equity of redemption of the
said John and his heirs, in the saiu mortgaged
premises, be foreclosed, and that such funner
proceedings take place as are by law directed.
It is further ordered that this Rule be pub
lished once a month for twelve months in a pub
lic gazette of this state, or be served on the de-
fendant or his representative or sgent six
months prior to the time appointed for the pay
ment of the* money into Court.
Extract from the Minutes.
dec 11 re$
Poor House and Hospital.
V ISITING Committee for July and Jlugust,
ANDERSON. Attending Physician, Dr. WM.
JOHN HUNTEB, Secrctiiy.
July 4
. - . - --— — — r —-w | Convention.
the examination aloreaaid, and to u decision | T IIEHEltY CERTIFY, That Doctor Axsox
thereupon, or if the said society shall in any re* I X Fahbohs, of Savannah, ia duly authorised
•peel violate the provisions of this act, it shall I to vend my Genuine Billions Pills, snd that he
be the duty of the judge of the superior court [ is regularly supplied with them direct from my
ot the county of Chatham, upon the petition off dispensary, accompanied with this certificate,
the party injured, setting forth any such failure I signed with the same script type signature
or violation, and supported by his affidavit off which is affixed to each bill of directions, and
the truth of such petition, to grant, as a I undersigned with my hand writing signature.
matter of right, a writ of scire fac as, direct- —
ed to the president and members of the said
society, requiring the said society to shew
cause at the next term of the said court,
why their charter or act of incorporation should
not be deemed forfeited. A copy of this writ
and of the petition shall be served upon the
president or secretary, and if the allegations be
denied, an issue shall be joined, and the facts
be tried by aju y empannelled and sworn as in
other cases. If the allegations of the petition
be found to be true, or if they be admitted, and
S. H. P. LEE.
JVVw London, July, 1822.
dj* N. B. Just received a fresh supply pf the
above Pills from the Patentee, snd for sale by
th\ subscriber. ANSON PARSONS,
Druggist, No 8 Gibbon’s Buildings.
july 23
Lost or Stolen,
F ROM a house in Abereom atreet,. red mo.
rocco J^rBCWK ^ntainingHire.
the court to adjudge the charter forfeited, 'ami I hunJred b *"J "°JV J 1 **™
to order execution to issue for costa against any were “J* 0 book, two note, of hand, one
property of the said society. If no appearance f"" eighty and another for fifty dollar., together
be tiled on the first day of the t.rm, o?if having “'"’"T* 1 ''“J!" °£"? T,,* 0 P er '
appeared, good cause be shewn lor the forme? ? on ^ ut , t \ e !j wncr * « he bl !f ,! 1, 0 / on ®
failure of violation, it shall be the duty of the hundred dollars,, and il such a one should be of.
court, upon application oi the party injured, to f 5 red ’ li’rfT^NI-^DOI .LAm'wiK^m
appoint a day not more remote Ilian tendaya,on I A reward of 1 MEN Ik DOLLARS will be paid
which the society shall convene, and conform I £ or l 1 " re^recy of t 1 '" •>«“J 1 * nd money. Fo-
. in every thing to the requirements uf this act I ^ llrt irr *PP . V It the office of the
I and to the order for ihia purpbK no return ibid I Georgian. July 2,
To Wft C. Di.i.ti, Chairman of the Commit.
’ f tee of Dry Culture.
# Savannah, July S4, 1822.
S»n-I i»ve ctrefully inspected and
examined the following plmtatiooa sub.
jeoled to the dry culture system. Thu
?1?-hi sx M SU r,0 ‘ ,d i or dr y cul, t»re by
vVillism C. Wayne. Esn. remains as lust
reported by me. The plantation belong,
mg toThe est.le of Gen. James Jucksoi.
occupied by-Cspt, James Hunter, has it,
dams ind dHclies very foul; Mr. Hunter
has commenced cleaning them which he to deplete st soon «t possible.
Uio trunks are in good order—there is
but one tHf^m hit banks—one port ro.
quires ran,ug—the surface of the land is
SZ v J"' i "gJhe plantation ofMr.
James Bilbo, I found about hill of the
banks and main ditohis clean ind a part
ol (he great drains m g„ 0 d ortler-hi,
negroes were then engaged in cleansing
ho remaining partnf tin .plantation. The
trunks were In tolerably g00l j oide,-^
tlier. was no particular defect in the
dams-the surface of the land was dry
FhJ . '‘.“‘'H" vi, '! in K " ,e P'wUMion of
Ebenezer Jackson,Esq. upon Hutchison’i
Island, all the banks and ditches very foul.
The ditches wanting vent-the firfece
diy. Hie river banka over grown with
briars, weeds, 8tc.~the trunks were it
good order—the dam on the buck river
impassible. r
Alie lands nr the estate of Ward Imv.
hod milhing done to them since iny Inst
report—it is impossible without risk o(
lile to make a nimble survey of this plan,
tation—so overgrown is it with briars,
weeds, cones, (he. A part of the back ri.
ver dam is washed away—the trunks aro
vary much out of repair-the tide passes
freely in and out—the surface ii wit and
lhe old part cf Mossmon’s plantation,
ontracled lur dry culture by Mr. Wm.
Mein, now the property of Thomas SpaL
ding E»q. has 1 ils daiga and ditclie,
very loul. There is considerable stag,
mint water in t|e ditches. It w a9 itnpo*.
xiblc tor me loesumine lhe dam on'Sa.
vimnah liver, owing to the great growth
ol shrubbery, 1 saw no defect in thu damn
—Hie trunks are out of order— the surface
of the lands dry.
Since these lands have come into the
possession of Mr. Spalding there has not
iecn sufficient time to put them in ilm
condition required by the contract between
the city and Mr. Mein. 1 had the pro.
mine of Mr. Spalding’s manager that h*
would sooo plsce them in good order.
The luxuriant growth of weeds, briars,
<kc. rendered it impracticable lor me to ex-
amine Ualeys-point. Mr. Spalding’s ma
nager informed me that there was about
tilly yartla ol the dam on the back river
washed sway by the tide—the title flowed
in and out lieely—the trunks were out of
repair—Ithe surface wet and boggy.
Mr. Ih^les has four squares ol his land
subjected by contraot to the dry culture
system io cultivation and three that are
not—the surface!of the foursquares un
der cultivation are dry—in the daini of
these squares there are np breaches. In
the dims of the three uncultivated square*
'here are aeven breichea—six on the river
dams and one oo the dem ol Musgrove
Greek—the aggregate breathes in the
river dams are eausl to an extent 340 feet
at high water—the breach in lhe dam on
MusgroveCreek is about 20 feet in ex-
lent. The sui face of these three cultivat
ed squares tre wet and boggy—they lie
nearest the ciiv—one of these, ihe town
square, ia used as pasture. Mr, Stiles'
people are now engaged in stopping one
of the breaks on tne river dam.
Nothing has been done since my last
report on (be lands st the west end of the
city contracted for dry culture by Mr.
Wm.Scurliroiigh, agent for a company.
The surface is wet and boggy—the dam*
nhd ditches in very bad condition—a*
(Iso one of the trunks—Ihe tide floss iU
and out freely.
Respectfully yours,
U.ROWELL, i. », o.
(Q“ The following Persons
were summoned at a Justice’s Court to serve an
Jurors* and made default* namely, Joseph Kop.
man, Roger Olmstead, Oi ran Byrd, snd Charles
Cannon. It is ordered, that they be severally
fined ih the sum of tliree dollars each, unless
they file sufficient cause of excuse, on oath, in
in my office on or before the 20th of next month?
ju»y 23 pf 18AAC RUSSEL, j. ».
Executors' Sale.
By J. B. Herbert § Co,
On the frit Tuesday in September next,
Sk^/iLL be svld at the court huuse in tl • ity
V## of Savannah, between the usual hour*,
26 head of Cattle, 2 Horses
2 riding Chairs, 1 Jersey Waggon
30 Bee llives, 3 cotton Foot Gina
Plantation Tools and Household Furniture,
belonging to the estate of'Thomas G. Davis, und
sold for tne benefit of the heirs sod creditors,
july 20
Pure Holland Gin.
pipes pure Hulland Gin, on acc<
ing terms, lor sale by
SI a hhds freak Flour, ju.r received—for sa]a
(/©by J. 1). Co.
august l