Georgian for the country. (Savannah, Ga.) 182?-1822, October 15, 1822, Image 4

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Georgia—Effingham County. 1 Geneva! Ttrug wji Yamttv I Fink ."Zi ■nuKHcnii ooiiur. Medicine WatcYiauae. bltbhwh court, Devttnhtr Fen*, 1831. Hit Tnw’ccn or Hit German"! Lttthimn Congregation «t j Kbenearr, >ltou Kill. ~w. ( The Heirs fc Mepresetimivea) orMiekiel Mock, deceased.J O N the petition of the Truateea ortheGer. man LutheranCongregutlnn»t Ebenexer, praying the fnreclnaure of the Equity of 'tc. dempliun ofellthet tnot or parcel of land, • i- Uining two hltndred acrea, lying.»ntl being in <he county of Effingham and state aforesaid,but- »ing and bounding north-west on John J. Gro- venatine. norUi-eaatward on Jolmllttmdd, aouth ea«t on John Udle Uvttner, 8.E UavidUnaeld end are vacant atthctinie oflhelurvey thereof, originally granted to JJfoHjring Mock, dcoeaa- ea on the second dijrof April, ono thouiand seven hundred and aecure the poy ment of the (mm of eighty doHara, on the fourth day of December, liundred and three, with interoat at the rate of six per cent, from the fourth day of December, eighteen hundred enfltwoi end it appearing to the Court that there ioltow doe on arid bond and mortgagethe turn of a'txiy doltara witli interest from March tweldy^jth, c glUaeu hundred add fix per Cent. ... On motion of tvavne awl Cnyler, Atmrmei for the petitioners, H ia ordered that the amount due tin raid bond and mortgage he paid into Court, with info rest, uithin twolve months. olh- erwiae tltc Equity of Redemption of the heirs end representatives of the said Michael Mock, be foreclosed, ami that other and further pro. xeedinga bo had thereon, pnnuant In the stab ute in eueh cases mode and providedi and It is further ordered that thlaltule be published ones *t month for twelve montha in one of the pdblic gastttes of lhia state. Bxtraclfrom the Xmttei. JNO. CIlAKlaTON, Clerk. deoil fre Notice. \ T^ytNE mdnths alter dale application wilt bo J3I made to the Itonorabtt the .ltdHfoa of the Inferior court of Cnnuleq comity, foWpwe to sell ell the lands In aatd county belonging to -the C itato of JoImJlinff, late of Effingham county 8 AH At I KING, mtm’rx, April’8,1823. §a* • Clark county, Ga. annifr 1... . , -Notice. YMTINE ritont'iAfter date ohplicillon will he - i.v made to the honorable tho Justioea of the Inferior court of Ulyntt eounty, lor leave to sell ■U the lands In said comity belunginfto theeif late of John King, latu of Effingham onunty. SARAH KING, odiu’i'j*. April8,1833- la", 'Clark county,Ga. april 6 , . . Notice A T the expiration pf nine manthsfrom this date, I shall apply to thedimiorablo the Jus- tinea of I lip Inferior court of Clmtlmm county, for leave to tell the following rrnl am! |lfcrian*l proagty hold by the late It. J, Uuiisnmjn trust, via AN80N PARS0N8, Ak. 8 GUMia* Bm'utingt, R RSPECTFUIXY informs his friends end customers in this iutc and Bouth.Cnroflna rtneruuv, tfmt he hM established himseli in the unify Line, on his own Individual aconunt, end is opening at this time an extensive and general assortment of warranted fresh imported Drugs, Chemicals, Perfumery, Gentlemen Physicians, Country Merchants, and Planters, and all who wish to purchase at wholesale or retail, c*q be supplied at this K*. ubliriimcnf on the most accommodatingternw. CATALOGUE* Marble Morten ; Composition do iron do Ivory Injection pipes Ivory Syringes Syruiges, quarts in boxes do pints, do 4 pints do male and female Congress^ spring water Lemon acid Soda powders A Salts of Lemon Cologne water Wish balls Windsor soap Transparent da Liquid Antimony crude Afbohol Aloes soct do he pat Arrow rodt # Annin seed AssafuEiidu, Allum Angelica root Angostura bark AquaFortis Antimonlal witto Arsenic Acid Muriatic do Nitric do Nitrous do Tartaric do Sulphuric Bark yellow, do red do pale, do iu quill Sals do Canada, do Peru do Tolu Buibadnes Tor Borax ref'd Burgundy Pitch Bole Armenia Beeswax fellow do white Brimstone roll db ref’d Cedar Grove plantation, containing upwards of 1200 acres, situated in the district of White Ode Trsot of'Land, containing 30 acres, near the ablifOe , , . May Island, containing 400 acres, more or fivhcr^Sulph less, situated on the attires ef Little OgtchMj “ Also, between (is and ftfcSltvcs. ‘ . PAT. HOUSTON, May 13,1823. Qthn'v, Ji. J. Houston. Camphor ref M Calomel mi CuMharides, do pulv Cumomile flower* Canclla alb. Cafaway seed Cardamon seed Cu3curti(a burk Cassia, Cinnamon Castile Soap, white do colored Cloves, Cochineal Colombo root do pow. Chalk prepared Coriander seed do AowM Oowiten Cream IUrtar, pulv Corrosive Sublnnfcte Carmine 4 Conserve Rosea Caustic Lunar Uragnns blood Digitules Dovers Powders 'psoni Salts, ling. Low’s porflimes do 1 Naples da Pomatum in stjbks do in pots aswrted Rose water, UktoiulerRo "Fancy Vials ! Essences asa*<J 'Sal Ammonias db Volatile do Soda Uochcll, fo Tartar do Epsoih, Glauber do Nitpe ref led Castor Oil, American Golut Arsenic Fowler's do W. Iiittia Sp'K AinmnnU . Castor, Russia do llurtshora do -La-venjlemoMpnM do Wine, dobaiuphor do Nit. Dulof ' Sausuij'un bark,' Sarsaparilla "Sponge fine, io coarse Saffron Spauim do Eng do America! Savin, Senna Alex Spermaceti Snake root Vrg, do Bcnclca, fluullls Storax, SaUaliutaliorn 8ngur lead Syrup Squills, (to simple ’Part Emetic, Tapioca Tinct Aloes cilmn'd do Myrrh, do valerian may 1 S *• Notion A T. the expiratlon%f nine months IVom this ilatvjl ahull apply to tho honorable the .!«»■ tioca'bf the Inferior oo«rt of Chathtun county, for leave to atllllte following reul iiroperly of sthe eflalc of It. J. tlouaion, via t w Ono tract of 884} aerca of Laud in Bryan bounty, situated oil Itod ll rd creek. Qnc undivided %urlh part of 1450 acrea of Xaim lit Mclutosli county, situated on the Alata- inaha riyer. Twelve Lota in tho toon of Brnniwlok, Glynn county. . PAT. IlOUS’l'ON, May J3f|833. atlm'v. Ji. J. if. .f. I.,, "" ■■■— Ergot Elder blnsaoma EmeryflotP do No 1,3 and 3 Elixir Varagorio du Vitriol Extract Gicuier do Gentian do (Juassia du Lead Hour Sulphur du Ucnximi Flaxseed, Fennel teed British Oil J ilings steel, du Iron ' Essence peppermint "EftCitarngfe & CommVaaiim BUSINESS. TITHE trifletslgncd have this dsy entered Into JI coportnetsnip in the above line under the firm of Sronass (J Hoa ran—«nd solicit frum their friends a .hare of business—Their Count- ing Room lain the weal end ofBulluch'a Budd ings. They will he enabled to make auitable advance, on produce deposited for tale. - OLIVER STURGES, WM. V. HUNTER. SavanhMt. Ore. 1, 18*1 * Cheny Hill ior Sale. A Valuable Plantation in Bryan county, rit ; Ai uated on the aouth aide of tho Great 'Ogechoo river, about $ miles below HilFa Bridge, and 30 miles ft-om 3avannah, contain ing two hundred and ninety ecres of river *wamp of the first quality, on an eiodleiit pitch of tide, tiro hundred of which are cleared and under dams j aaM three hundred end fifty seven' ’high-land of mixed qualities, one bun. dfifty of which ere cleared and Icnced, are'ddVH^rawitilt on thls plantation, • of cot,tou and rice, by the appearances of dtthe qualities of the'ltnds under eultiva- •ay be estimated. . “ There are a large and commodious barn, ma chine and machine house, cotton,corn and gin -houses, lit nearly new s an oOerseer’a house,, comfortable dwelling house, .tablet, -chair house, he. negro houses for the accommoda tion ofi>om8U to no negroes, and one of the first springs of water In the low country. There ll also attached to Cherry HiU a tract of five « mdred scree of pine land, from which all the mber, rails, staves, Wo. to be tued'ou the pbioe, may he procured. A Wat of the above land mav be eeen at the .office of Use eubseriber, in the Exchange, 8a- . wannah. Far terms, apply to Mr. James 8. Bondi Ds- giett, to U- F. Uct-iere, Rscj. Bryan county,or to Tauu^m.uc aug 21 £f *. ipeinler^PosCT « AVF. moved their store to the south-west comer of Jefferson and St. Julian street, woera they sell all tfxue artieles which are usu ually enfisperatcdin tho long ajvertiaetSKnu of Apothecaries. ’ As they reside m tlmxsmq [ advertis prj their oust . . . j —I, t where they carry'on titeir business, they can at all tithes, day or night, accommodate their sMstomcrs They always keep unhand a complete assurfi .eont of'wairanted GARDEN SEEDS. Also, Garden Tools and FlowerVota. sep It do Snake rust do Aasufcalida 1 do Uunxnin cnmpM du Ciuiiliaridcs do Senna do Rhubarb -do bark Htixhnmtt - du Peruvian bark " du Opium, dn Uastor Oslo Muriate Iron do Colombo root xlo Kitto, (hi Jklsn du GuidiiC,(l(i'Val(-rian do Geiitluit comp’fi Vinegar djatdtcd do Squills K Valerian root Vitriolstcd Tartar Vitriol white, do blue do green 1'atent Medicines, £fc. Tluteman’s drops i r rankinicn3o Glauber suits Galls Aleppo Galbamnn, Ginseng Gold Thread root itlmotiy Ginger Ituce do powdered Grains Paradise Gum Amtnunittc do Senegal do Arubio do nowd, do kino do bensoia . do Trugscsnth do Guao do Myrrh do Shellso do Copal do Mautioh do Gamboge do Scamony Hcleborc black do white Hiera Wen Honey, do iquIHs Hofisnana anodyne Isinglass Ipecacuanha orTItppo Epsom salts,' Stougqton’s hitters Godfrey’s cordial Sierra Upodeldoo Turlington, balsnm Daibeya Carminativo Duffys Rlixer Harlem Cil or msdeca- rnentum Oil Wofmsel'd Pills, Lcca N. London Pills, Lees Windham do Anfleisona du Hoopers fr " ■do enhnnel, do opium COLOURS, Lie Prussian bine, 1,3 & 3 Pig lihia. Kings - silo* Drop Lake, No. i V 2 Flake white, Carmine Ivory blaok, lamp black Indigo Spanish Black lead, red do Litharge Terri do senna its vtjis, "Ess. Cinnamot do Lavender do Bergamot do Lemon I Calc’d Magneaa • •*« Pearl ashes Pearl barley Powdered tin Plsster merouqsl do Burgundy pitch do adhesive do strengthening do dreohlyon do gum do blistering Quassia do rasp’d Quicksilver Rhubarb root do powdered Red precipitate Rose water, llosln Rust oflron Gum elastic, Spatulas Seales smV'weights Vial earko,' bottle da ’ Waa tapers Nurembergh do Wsrtn Uaengei Patent Lint Thnmb lancetl ds common do Clewleya crown doi do Evena'a Spring lanceti Tooth Instruments eas’d Bougies, Gallipoli Macaboy snuff Liquid blacking Black sealing wax Bed do Bed wafers, assorted do Tooth brushes, common do silver wire, 3 end 4 rowa Cupping and Xrepanlng Garden seeds in boiea, Instruments asuorted -Male and female silver Holm Quito Catheters Churches cough drops,White leather akins for coughs, colds, con-English mustard, by the sumptions, asthmas, lb. in can'stera Uc. Wc Ground Ginger, racq do Seplfalic Snufl', for ta-Cloveo, cinnamon tarrha, Mace ficutelhiris, lateriflora, or Scuficap, SIIIl’MAN'S GARDEN SEEDS, Assorted in Small Boxes, Well tabulated for Plantation use. Together •aith a g enera! aitorment of Surgical lijstruments, Shop Furniture, assorted Phials, Ac. • ALSO, Saratoga and Ballston Mineral Spring filers, wilt be kept cbnotahtly on hand in as select state as cun be imported. ANSON PAUSON8. dec 3t tp MEDICINE, SURGERY, I •dat'd cfBatbadoea, with notes by Ruah AND CHEMISTRY. WILLIAM T. WILLIAMS Hitt' 8 SYRUP OF PALMETTO. D octor bkhthbIvOt leipeciruiiy in. forma the public and his friends, that he is aupplied in bin store with u laip.e quantity uf thnt elHcucious Medicine culled the Syrup nf Palmetto, whicii in/celebraied for Its extraordi nary virtues in destroying WOHMU, which* so generally aillict children in this country. It ban been generally acknowledged all over the West, Indies and the United States. This Syrup be- in# of an agreeable fluvor, children will take it easily without that disgust which ordinarily at tends tl< * uae of other Medicines employed for the aume purpose. Those persona who will use this Syrup in the above cave may he certain of a radical cure- Directions to uae it will he given by the iub-‘ acriber. J. B. BKUTHELOT, may 31 Notice anil Caution. J fmrtfttKKAS 1 have been infdVmed that John ?v Carnocltan and Peter Mitchell of tlus ci ty have by sundry deeds recently mortgaged »nd assigned to divers personseithertheir indi- vidtial creditovB,- creditors of the late Armw Ournodmn £* Mitchell, or olhern. ull nr sundry* the propuity i*nd estau*, both reul and personal, of the siutl firm, as wclbas their own individual ftropert) and estate, consisting together of 1 nousen, lots, lands, stores, wharves, negroes, kd. in Savannah and Du ieo in Georgia,, or the neighborhood thereof, and elsewhere With their interest or share in the stock of tlfe lower sieum null near Darien, and sundry shares in the United Stales Bunk and other banks, as well ui sundry debts due to .(.hem in various places, besides lands, lots, negroes, &c. in the territory of Florida, and particularly one large tract of land bought of Fishes U Co. lying between the rivers St. Murks and Apuluchicola in the, territory of Florida fcfereiaid. These are Iteyeby to caution Iho public agai Plirchasing any part of the said property or inte sd conveyed, or any other, property belol ing to the snid’CaniycfiAA'-Si Mitchell, or either, of them, us I hold prior mortgugF* on the'great- est pari thereof, which are ort* record in thfe re gistry in Savsnnuh and Darien aforesaid and in .Uliarleston, S. C. and equitable leins on all the properly of said John Carnochan and Peter Mitchell. j«ue*d tfl2 •WILLIAM CHIUIST1E. Jalap , Jumper berries Laudanum Liquorice root do powdered do balf^v do reflned Lime water Lead’do Magnesia lump . do powdered do smalt square do oalcincu Manna Sake, do sorts Merercon, musk Mustard seed, mace Nutmegs, mix vomica do Turpentine Opium, orange peel Caiomel Oxymel squills Oil Vitriol nubarb Peruvian bark Cheltenham sap Henrys calc’d Magnesia Stomachic bMcta ' Castor Oil Perscroric \ LauuKnuin Antimoniffwine Tinct rhubarb do aSsafeetidt Sals Capeva Sweet Oil 8pta Lavcnd com ao camphor do Hartshorn do aweet Nitre do Tansdy do olivet do Peppermint do apearmint do satin do Rosemary do Peneroyol do Origanum dot Chmamon do Worm seed do Lavender Annieaeed do Juniper do Cloves 'do Ahxonds Ointment mere do Basilicon do cerate do simple » do red precipitate do Spanish flits -Jalap ** ' Tartar Emetic 111 'eCTTLXS. '‘Wine Bitters 'Snts Hartshorn do sweet Nitre do Turpentine Sweet Oil, castor Oil 'American and W. I, SwruHet. Spanish whiting Rotten stone 'Pumice do Powdered blue Copperas Vermilion, Chinese do. English Verdigris, Irish Ghie Pat eh t spring Trusses common dt Durable Ink Red ink powder Black d«j Pill boxes To ttie Public: ' J CARNOCHAN anil I*. MITCHBL are aor. • ry to be again brought before the public by it second notice of Mt Christie's, who has un doubtedly claims against them, which, when- finally liquidated on the decision of the suit now pending, they wilHry to shtltfy as soon as possible lluneaftt r. The deeds under which Mr Christie claims an exclusive right to all the real and personal estate of Carnochan & Mitchel, are considered, as informal, unjusts and Illegal. Hence they have been brought and are atm before the court, and other deeds have been executed and re corded, conveying the property for the use of all their creditors, Mr Christie included, with out any trust or reservation beneficial to M. or their fiuniliesi and if this *be not agreea ble to that gentleman, it must nevertheless ap- tear fair and equitably tathe public and all who live a sense of juatice. The Trustees under the 1 late deeds are anx ious to sell the Lands in Florida, alluded to in tb« notice of Mr'Christie, and to apply the pro ceeds to the immediate payment of. part of his demand, and deposit r sufficiency thereof to co ver all his claim, subject to the decision of the court—-but his opposition to any reasonable sale, as One interested in his own right, whilst'injur ing all parties concerned, must be borne until a sale can be made under an order of court. June ID Editors of papers who insert Mr Christie's notice, will please insert the shove until his is withdrawn, and forward their bills to the Savan- h Republican Office, where they will be promptly paid by J. C. (J P. M. Georgia—Camden County. W lfEKEAS, Elihu Atwater, esquire, admi nistrator, applies for letters of dismission IVom the estates of Colonel William Scott,de ceased, John Gsmpbeft, deceased, and Havens Waterman, deceased. These are therefore la cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of said deceased persons, to be and appear at my office-ott or before the first Monday in Jmuary next, and shew cause (if any) why aatd letters should not be granted in terms of the law. Given under my hand and seal, this 22d June, 1822. ' [u ■-) JOHN DAILEY, c. c. o. c. c . j" 1 * 1 For Sale, 'Few bamb APPLES. Applyio aug 37 p NICHOLAS (J KEff. great Variety of Works on tho above eels, among which artt— Obaervationa on the Nature, Kinds . |fid Prevention nf Insanity, 3 voli. Rd. (Hhnrv’i (Sir Wm.) on tho extraction ol'tlie Ca TUrsct, a. usually performed, with the des cription of a Series of New mid Improved Operations, 5 T8 ' Adam’s (Sir Wm ) Practical Observations on Entropium, or eversion of the Eye Lids i on the mndea of forming an Artificial Pupil, and on the euro of tho different species ol Cataract, 4 35. Adam’,(Sir Wm.) Treatise on Artificial Pupil, with an account of the morkid stutes of the Eye, 3 50* Ayreon Marasmus and Bilious Disorders, g3. Accum’a description of the process ofntiumfac- luring Coal Gas, for the Lighting of Streets, Houses and Public Buildingt. plates, 9 so. Accum’s l'reatlse on Adulterationa of Food and Culinary Poisons, 831 eta, . Bancroft’s Essay on the dtseuse called Yellow Fever, with ottiervations concerning Febrilu Contagion, Typhus Fever, Dysentery and the Plague, g8. , Do. do. do. with Noter, by John 11. Davidge, Professor of Anatomy in the Uni- vetsity of Maryland, jp4. Balfour’s Illustrations of the Power of Com. pression and Percussion in the cure oflthcu- matiam, Gout, ami Debility of the Extremities, kc. in promoting llealthand Longevity, 4 35. Blackall’s Observations on the cure of Drop sies, 4 80. « Bampfield’s Practicsl Treatise on Tropical Dysentery, 4 28. Dew’s Opinions on the Causes and Effects of Disesses In the Teeth tnd Gums, with co- , louitd Engravings,7 80. Bell’s (Charles) Essay on the Blood i being an examination of the difference of the motions of Fluids in living and dead vessels, 1 80. Bell’s (Charles) Syatem of Operative Surgery, founded on the baaia of Anatomy, 2 vols. 88 Bell’s (Charles) Letters concerning tire diseases of the Urethra, 1 50 Bell’* (llenj.) System or Surgery, 6 volt. 8'®- Dell's (Denj ) Treatise oil Gonorrhtea virulent, and Luca Venerea, 84. Hell’s (Beni.) Treatise on the theory and ma nagement of-Uieers, 83- Bell’s (John) Principles of Surgery, 5 SO. Beil’s (John U Charles) System of Anatomy,- 2 vols. 88. Bell’s (Charlea) System of Dissections, explain ing the anatomy of the Human Body, 2 vols. «6. Diclmt’a Treatise on the Membranes in general, and on different Membranes in particular, 83 Barton’s (W. P C.) Treatise on Marine llospl- tali in tite Uoiled Stutes, and Ol) the Medical departments of the Navy, 1 f5. Brcra'a Treatise on VerminouB Diseases, pre ceded by the natural history of Intestinal Worms, and their origin in Ute Human Bo- dy„83- Baillie’s Morbid Anatomy, 1 50, Bree’a Practical Inquiry into disordered respir ation, distinguishing the species of Convulsive Asthma, 82. Burn's Principles 6f Midwifery r' including the diseases of wbmen anil children, with im provements and notes, by Thomas C. James of Philadelphia, 2 vols. gfi. Burn’s Anatomy Cf the Uravhl Utcrui, with practical inferences,-relative -to .pregnancy and labour, 3 75. Burn’s popular directions for the treatment of Women find Children,'.gl. BovcriB Lectures upon tho diseases of the (Bones, plates, 4 75. Brown's Elements nf Medicine, 2 75. Brande’s Manual of Chemistry, to which are added notes and commentaries, by Wm. ’James Macncven, g5. Clutteibuck’s Observations nn the prevention and treatment nf the Epidemic Fever, 3 30. Copeland’s Observations on the diseused Spine, 2 -50. Copeland’s'Observations on some (if I he prlnct- pal diseases bf the Rectum aud Anus, 1 25. Cullen’s first litres of the practice of Physic, with notes and Observations, practical and explanatory, by Chxrlos Caldwell, 2 vuls, 6 50. Cqllen’i Treatise of the -Materia Medioa, with Urge additilffia, including many new articles, -by Benj. Smith Barton, 2 vuls. g5. Crichton on Mental Derangement, compre bendings concise system of tUt Physiology and-Pathology of the lluoisn Mind, 2 vols; gt2. Crichton’s sccmtnt of-some experiments made witli the vapuur of boiling Tar, in the cure of Pulmonary Consumption, 1 SO. Cheseldtn’s Anatomy of the Human Body, 250. Cuvier’s Lectures on Comparative Anatomy, 2 vols. gtl. , Coxe’a.American lJispenaatory, containing the natural, chemical, pharmacauticat and metli- cal history of the different subatancea em ployed In medicine, 4 50. Chcy lie’s Essay on Hydrocephalus Acutus, or Dropsy in tM Brain, 1 50. Cheyne on the Disesses Af Children, 2 vols. g3. Cleghorn’s Observations on the Epidemic of Minorca, from 1744 to 1749, with notes by Rusli, 1 25. Chtpman’s Element!. ofTherapeutics, and Ma teria-Medics, 2 vols. g8. Chsptal’s Elements of Chemistry, 3 vols 5 90. Do, do. do. 1 vol. 3 78. Do, do.. do. witli additions and improvements, by James IVoodhouse, 2 vols, gS, Comstock’s conversations on Chemistry, in which the elements of that science are fa miliarly explained, 1 75. Duncan’s Observations on Pulmonary Consump tion, 3 50. Dprsey’s (John Syng) Elements ofSurgery for the use of Students, 2 vols. g7. Douglass’s comparative description o' nil the muscles in a man and a quadruped, g3, Ewella’a Medical Companion, with s Dispensa tory and Glossary, g5. Ewell’s (Thos.ypLin discourses on the law* and properties of Matter, containing the Eltmeuts and Principles of Modem Chemistry, gd. Elliotson'a numerous cases illustrative of the efficacy of the Hydrocyanic or Tivmc Jlcul in afiecliuna of the stomach, 2 75, Kdinboigh School of Medicine, 4 yon. 10 50. Farrete-Easay on Malfonnationa of the Human Heart, 2 50. 1 Foqtana’x Treatiae on Poisons, 2 vols. g8. Faithorn’s Obaervationa on Liver Complaints, gt 50. ' Foureroy’s ElementsofChemistry, and Natural History, witli notes by John Thompson, vols. gl2. .Gilman’s Dissertations on the bite of a Rab.d Animal, 3 50. Gallup’s skftchea of Epidemic Diseases in the State of Vermont, from its first aettlemcr.t to 1815, g3. 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