Savannah Georgian. (Savannah, Ga.) 1822-18??, October 22, 1822, Image 1

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K Jjj X r SAVANNAH GEORGIAN t *7 * NKW SEUIE3—VOL. I. sjy.ixxj: , TUKSit .r Motumeo. October si. is22. KOj ICft. *p TUB DAILY GEORGIAN, 25 EDITED JHD PUBLISHED IS THE CITY OF SAVANNAH, Gfco. TAobcrUou, Jr. At gS pereonum, p.y.blein advance. TIIE GEORGIAN, • for tiib country, la published to meet the arrangement of the naiL three time, a week, ( Hieaday, Thursday red Saturday) at the OKoeof the Daily Georgian, and containa Ml the m. tetlieence, Comtnerdal, Political and Mia- cellaneous, including ad ertisementa, pub- blushed in the Daily Paper. Tire Country Paper n sent to all parte ot the state and Union, or delivered in the City, at Hve dollara pur. annum, payable m advance. , , . Adrertiaementa are inverted ill both pa- pen at 75 cent, per square, of 141 nea, Tor the first naertion, nnd 37J for every sue- eeeding pqbin.tion. ^ NoticS. T HE firm of Rockwell O Hepburn i. die- solved, in consequence of the death of J. I. Hepburn, Eaq. , The subscribers have formed a Conner, tine m the Practice of Law, under the firm of ROCK YELL R tlOIttvAN, I hey w ill attend to ptofesstnno! bnsinrsa, in the F- * deral Court, in the Ocmuhree circuit, and in those counties where in the late firm uf Rockwell ti llepburn practiced. The e office ts in M lledgevdie, corner nl Jefferson and McIntosh st eels where nm ot tlicm may he found at all times, wheu not uf! the circuit, g ROCKWELL. A A. MORGAN, llifledgeville, Jnne ltf, 18*2. jnne 14 NOTICE. T he .mount of seven and sit per cent Stocks authorised to be subscribed by the first are ion of the apt passed the doth April, l*ii, entitled " ; *n act to authorise the Secretary of the treasury to exchange ■ Stook bexiing an inlet cit'd live per cent, for certain nocks bearing an interest ot sis sind seven per cent,” not g been su >• ser.bed. the prnprietnra i f six per c f"' atoe.ksof X81?,T813, 1814 red 1815, end ol n*ve i per cent stock ol 1816, who ina sv'sh to avail themselvea of the provision, of die tiiird section of the act, arc here by n ,1'ined, that books have been opened at tlie Treasury for receiving subscript tio..s pursuant thereto, and will continue open until the first of October neat. * The subscriptions way b:* wade by proprietors of the stocks specified, either in pinna tip by their atterneye, duly au'hnr. Ised t<> make Hie subscriptions and transit r the stock* to the United States, the certtfi cates d which are to be surrendered at tlie Treasury at the time of makug lie subscriptions. aiqi 27 Irn Notice. N OTICE is her bv given that the enparf* nersnip heretofore existing between Fidward VVilliama - f Savannah, und Abijah F„k of 11 islon, under the firm of K. nil- ti'imi U Co Savannah, Georgia, is this day dissolved by mot ial consent. All persons having demands against the said firm, are requested to present the same for payment ‘end ail persons indebted to said fi"m, are ’called upon to make payment to Edward "Williamof Savanncb, by whom the bus.- Bcss will be hereafer cart ted on A FI IK. EDWARD WILLIAMS. Rimm /nne Id. 1812 augfi TO CAl’l I'aLiSTS. 4 VERY superior SUmjh Sw Mill has been recently eretiteij i i tbo vicini y of the J CITY 0¥ D.UUV.X, as the m 'Si eligible situation for a busi ness the kind on the Atlantic shores nf • lie United Slat* s. Piwesmng all the ad vantages of an in cihuu^ bte supply ot the finest velhiw pitch Pine ami C\ press Tim ber, I nit on a fine bluff, with thirteen feet water ctnse to i\pAiid s natural cove for the MOB; ti m of logs. I he present owners not having it in fhrir power to bestow that attention to it winch a concern of such magnitude r« quires^ are de8tr«Mts ofeeliing the vriwle, 01 a part at‘their interest in it, and now offer it^or vile »t a very lots valuation, and much less than such a ttnicture could bo coinple- ted fjf. There hns just b*M» added to it a very superior Dice Pervtding Machine, capable of discharging at least 5U tierces of clean rice pe< day t and n Corn-Mill, all set io motion by the same engine. The Paw-Mill is upon a new principle, by the late renowned Civil Engineer, Mr. BENNIE of Condon, who sent out one ot s best workmen to superintend itsercc tion. It c;»n now cut with 48 saws, and may • maOe todrivt twic* that number. The Steam Engine is pet bans th<\beSt the United Pin'es, made by Messrs. 1)01. TON U WA IT* of Soho, near II*r mingliam ; and erected under the inspec tion 01 their best Tinman, sent out express ly fur that pm [tose. A wonderful expencc is saved in fuel, as the saw-dust from the pitch pme istound o answer instead of fire-Wood, and in turr.ed to the mouth of the furnace from the jiit-by elevators now in use. 1 no Rice Machine is also on a new prin ciple qnd found by experience to answer better than any yet in use. The quick ness and regularity ot the movemem, pro ducing it of a superior brightness with- out blinking the grain. The mill s situated on s fine Cieek, oalleil Cat-Head, on a branch of the Alta malm River, and only about half atnile from Uurienw Sea VeS3el*, whose draught of water en ables them Io go to the wharf at Darien, can load at the Mill, only a short distance .iff, w th gnW facility ; as an encltned plane from the mill, will enable them »o re ceive th 1 ? lumber imo their bow* pots, almost without expence : and the mill, as now in operation, can furnish 40 M. fee» ol plank per day, which increased il fo md necessary s tlie power being amply sufficient. The limber sent from this eslablishme u sine-, it went Into operation fins been al lowed to be stjperii r in quality and regu laruy in sawing t he commissioners of the Navy of the United States have approved of . the ship planks, furnished from it, and it is highly probable will give it a preference in future contracts. It bus also been seen and justly admired in New-York aird Philadelphia. The prospect of a renewed intefcoure with the British West India, run- i this establishment a desirable mode of investment—offers, in that basing been made from esse, JAMAICA ALONE, for about half of all the produce of tHeraw-miN. The present owne rs nave no objection to continue interested in it to a certain ex tent, but their other avocations preclude their personal attention to it.. For terms and other particulars, tpply peisonallj or by letter to JOHN 1VNIS1I, Savannah. (yj N. R. If not disposed of soon, the mill, with all its privileges, will he rented for s term of years. -■'?/)/>at above mav 1.1 , Georgia—Chatham County. Te ai'( whom it Concern. Vf El BAS William Morel has sppli- ed to the II mourable the Court ot O- unary of Chatham Ctninty lor letters of Gutrdiansiftp of the persons nnd property of Ann II. Roe, Eliza C- Roc, and Louisa D. Roe, orphx s under the age of fourteen years, children »»r Alex S. Roe, deceased. These are therefore to cite and admonish til and sin pilar t <e kindred of die said de- leased, to file their objections (if any they h tve) lothe granring of letters Guardian* •hip as aforesaid, to the ;<p licant in tlie Cierk's Office of the said C nirt, on orbe* ffot-e the third day of November next; oil) erwise letters of Guard.anship will be grant* Witness the Honourable Thomas N Morel one of the Justices of the said Court, tlics<*co:id dav of October A. D one thousand eight hundred and twenty two. S. M. BOND.c c oc t Georgia, Camden County To all whom it may concent. liniEKBAS! Clark, F.«q. «p YT plic, to tlie llonomable tire Court ol Ordinary for Letleta ol Adrnihi.tralion on «.ie crate of Uaiticl Gracia, late of said Co laty, decraaed. Tliesu are tlierefore to cite ind admonish all and lingular the Heim mud Creditors of said deceased, to file their ohi -ctioni (if any they have) in the Clerk’s office tire Court of Otdinaiy, on or betore the firat Monday in Novctnhrr next; otherwise letters will be granted to the knplicant- IV lines* the Honourable William Gibson. one of the Judges of vaiu Court, th<i i -21st September, 1822. JOHN BAILEY, c. c. o c. c, ,ep S8 f Georgia—Camden Count) W HEREAS, Mis. Louisa C. Shaw, E' ecutrix, applies for Utters ofdufni!- • .n fio-n the <»tme ofGene al Nxthaniil a *eu, deceased These are therefore to Cite and admonish all and singular 'he 'kiadrerl and creditors of said deceased to be#t)d appear a» my nffic-.;, on or be tne tiint Monday in Jiiu-iy next, and *h w cause (if any) why said letters should 'net k-?-granted, in terms of the law. oiveh under my luud and seal, this 22d day ot June, 18V.\ [t. ».J BAILE'a c. c. o. c. c. Notice and Caution. W HEREAS 1 have been informed that John Camochan and Peter Mitchell of this ci'y have by sundry deeds recently mortgaged and assigned to divers persons either their individual creditors, creditors of the late firm of Carnrchan C/Mitchell, or others, all nr sundry the pmperty slid ••state, both real and personal, of the said firm, as well as their ovfrn individual pro- pertv and tsta»e, corststing together of bouses, lots, lauds, stores, w h.rres, negroes, 'to. in Savannah and Darien In Georgia, or the neighboihood thereof, and elsewhere with their inlcrcat or share in the stock of the lower steam mill near Darien, and sundry shares in the United States Bank a ul other bunks, as well as sundry debts flue to them in vinous places, besides 1 nds, lot*, negroes, T;c. in tlie territory ot Florida, and particularly one large tract of .,»ml bought of Forbe* U Co. |\tng he tween the rivers St. Marki and Apalachi cola in the tertitory of Florid* aforesaid. These are hereby to cuuti f, n the public a- gainst purchasing any part of the said pro perty or ca.ate so conveyed, orany other properly belonging to the said (’srnor.han IS Mitchell, or cither *f them, us I hold pri or moHguges on the greatest part thereof, which aro on record in the registry in 8a vnnnah and Darien aforesaid and n r.ha;’- leston, S. C. and equitable leins on sll il|e •roperty ol said John Carimchnn and P ter Mitchell. WILLIAM CHRIS J IB- junc8 fl2 Geoj'ir n, CaAufen County. «il ipu<»u i( mow concern. AYV'lEltEAS John Daclilott, Junior, ap- pli"s totha Honourable tht* Conrt of Orcfinirv fir Letters of Administration on the UH'-administered psit of the estate of David Tucker,.lato of said County, deccas tfd. Th ,, ae are therefore to cite and admo nish, all and singular, the IB in and. Ci edi tors of said doc-eased to file their objections (if any they have' in the Clerk's office in • he Court of Ordinary* oP or before the first Mnday in November next* otherwise betters will he granted to the applics*»t. Witness the Honourable William Gib son, one of the Judges of said C >urt, this 21 at September. 1822 JOHN H AILEY,c. c. o. c. c. -j- To the Public. J CARN'OCHAN and l*. MTTCHEL are • sorry to be again brought bef re the public by a second notic.; of Mr Christie's, who has undoubtedly claims against them, which, when finally liquidated on the de cision of the suit now pending, thev will tiy to satisfy as soon as possible thereafter. The deeds under which Mr Christie claims an exclusive right to all the real and per aonal estate of Camochan ft Mi’chel, sr< considered as informal, unjust and illegal, Hence they have been brought find are si ill before the court, and other deeds have been executed and recorded, conveying the propci tv for the use of ill their credit ors, Mr Christie included, without on> trust or reservation beneficial to C. WM. or their families; and if this be no> agreeable to that gentleman, it must nevertheless appear fair and equitable to the public and all who have a sense of justice. The Trustees under the late deeds are notions to sell thcLandain Florida, dluded to in the notice of Mr Christie, and to ap ply the proceeds to the immediate payment of pari nf his demand, and deposR a suffi ciency thereof to cover sll his r claim, sub ject to tli6 decision of the court—but his oppos tion to unv reasonable sah», as one in terested in hi*, own right, whilst injuring all parties concerned, must be borne until a sale can be made tinder an order of court. June 10 Editors of pipers who insert Mr Chris* tie's notice, will pli axe insert lha above until his is withdrawn, end forward their hills to the Savannah Ucrmblicsn Office, where they will be promptly paid by J. C. U P. M Interior Court, Chatham County Chambers, Oct 2,18*22. O N the petition of Josei h Dclchimps, stating that he is in jail, tor debt, at the suit of Peter lluringer, that he is in solvent, but willing to surrender all lus es tate for the benefit of his creditors, as the law directs, and praying for relief under the insolvent acts of tins state. Ordered, •||ir.t the said Joseph Delchamps, b brought up, at the court house in Savunnili, on the third day of Di ce Tiber next, at 10 o'clock, to be heard ; and that notice there of be given h s creditors, igreeuble to law. Extract froln the minutes JOB T. BOLLBS, Clerk. oct 3 r f Francis II. Nicoll, *) and Co. Case Circuit Court United Slates, Dis trict ot Georgia W. Scarbrough and j others. J Chambert, \ 2th September, 1822. P ROCESS having issued in this cause, retti nable to the term of this court in December next; and it being ret re sented that John Hadett, V* •Ilium S Gil- lett, Samuel Yales, Andrew Low, and John Bogue, defendants in the sanl cause, reside without the limits of the District of Geor- gia: It is ordered, that the said John Has. felt, William S. Giilctt, Samuel Yates, John Bogue and Andrew I.ow appear at ihe term of this court to be holden at Savan nah in the term of December next, to an swer to the plaintiffs on tho merits of their said petit-on, and that a copy nf this or der be published in one ol the garottes of this sta'e for three months, and that the nlunrifis have leave to take such further proceediiigs &s are prescribed in the rule in such case ma le and provided. J CUYLEU, District Judge. True extract from the minutes. GEO. GI.EN, Clerk. Savannah, Sept 13 NO'llCE. 4 Y«u*g Man who has had a good edu cat on, writes a good hand, and having been long accustomed to active business, a dniid^rstands well tlie nature of account* and book-keeping, wishes employment in sorre respectable hlirinestT in-this city; ho can c me well recommended, and a r employnTcnt is his object, he would rot re quire mueli of a salaiy. A line addressed | to A R. through the post office will b*» at. 'tendedto. qc-S af Georgia—Liberty County. By Elijah Raker. Clerk of the Court of Or dinary for Liberty County. W ILMA M OSGOOD applies tor letters of adminislruti in, will) the will annex ed on the goods and chattels, rights and credits w hich were of Mary Anu Fiaser, late of said county, deceased. These arc, therefore, to cite sml admon- sh ulland singular the kindred und crcdi- ora of the said deceased to tile tlici oh jections, (if any thev have) in my office si tlicchnrbugh on or before the first Mundaj in November next, otherwise letters nf ad ministration will be granteihto the said ap plicant. Given under my hand and scul, this 17th dav of 8e[ tembei the year of our Lord 1822. “ S ] E. UAKLIt, cco t c M i<) proposals, For publishing. bytuhtcripUan.ln one volume, a collection < f Fugitive POEMS, MOnAt, SENTIMENTAL & SATYRIOAL 1 nr HKii.Kcic usnoa.x T HE author of the pieces which are ti compose this volume, never anticipated fame or profit; he meiely followed tlie im pulse of the moment; ami in no instunce ver wrote, as a task, ant thing contained in the proposed littlepuhlicatioii; no mu- nuscript, and few printed copiea were e- r retained; and in n any coses these pro Ructions were forgntt-n by the author, un* til recalled to his mind by 'he public prints, which have often gratified him by flattering notice‘t hut which have also frequenCy anngyed him by mutilations, which were extremely mortifying. The last cnftfideiajiun bus inclined him, during several years,* to attempt the fro- posed collection, m order to correct the errors of others, and rest tipon his merits or demerits. Disinterestedness is not pretended; the author conf sse*- that a liberal patronage would afford to him much pecuniary i lief; nnd he is the more encouraged to expect this, from the spontaneous notice, in the papers from Alabama to M un-*. of his advertisement in the National Intclli gencer, notify ng hia intention. 'The author confides in the tried xeal of his friends throughout the Union, for the promotion of his interest in thisc ase; and trusts that such as are so good as to act agents, will look to the responsibility and punctuality of subscribers. This volume will be neatly executed, and issue from the press an soon as possi hie, at theprice of One Dollar—with usual commission to agents- Proposals deposited in Philadelphia, and within fifty miles thereof, should beretu ti ed withi^ one month after they are exhibit ed; those at agveuter distance, with all possible promptitude (fj* SubtcripHont to the abovo received at the Officeoj the Gkoboia*. oct 10 1 MIE persons whose names are hereunto . annexed, are natives of Liberty coun ty, in the state of Georgia, have resided in xrud state from the time of their birth; and hare had their names registered in my office as persons of color claiming to be free. Tirah attends to farming on Mr. Thomas Mallard's plantation ; she is 53 years old. Prince, a son of Tirah, a carpenter by trade, is 24 years old, and resides on Colo* nePs Island. Belter, a washerwoman, resides at Rice be rough, and is 33 years old. Katy, a daughter of Heller, is 12 years old and waits *r.t Mr William Baker, at Gra vel Hill. Abram, a carpenter, is 35 years old, and resides at Mr Uicbard 3 RsVcr’$ E BAKER,cjcic juiy ■* Georgia—Camden County. W HEKEAS, EMut Atwater, esquire, athn nistrat'er, applies foe letters ol dismission from the eslaftes of Colonel Wil liam Seat?, deceased. John Campbell, de reasrili and Havens Wutemian, deceased. These ai* therefore t«t eito and admonn«l all and si igulsr the kio.ired and ereditur** nf said d« -eased peM.o»w,*to be and sppes" at my office on or hi f**re the first MihuIhv inJuuiMi next, and alicw cause (ifany) why said letters should not be granted in terms ofrilii* law. Given Vider »ny hand and seal, this 22d June, 18l'L (us] JOHN BAILEY, c. c. o. c. e. hW Fifty Dollars Ilcward. .P^AllAII frflni |ltc .i.b-culirr in IF., .5 • Im. >ttvn min mined Cl EM. vim ‘"".tllmn c. I. I m.relf l.m. Ilr li mil « ii:tic yrlln.i.h cr.m| I. ci, <1, ■nlHn u.nkn. to .t n.ply. |, P j a „i|,„ in4 *»'•« ml ,0 «tl,l,cr. II- „ .b- i.l S Itrl 7 or F If'Chri T.i,l>. ,nd 2J ir.reold 1 La.n xri" Hot ,*t hr lu« Atgud* •r nkt.ntiuh,,, l.c hu, hern no v-vi'-i-r In’M-r.l and i. vrl! ,rni,..ITrtl in n^ll* (day, If ukrn up in riihrn'f ,ho In F.quily, Oc'.ober Eeaaions 1817. Eftinglmm tSOperior* Court, Decftnlierterb, 1821. The trustees of the Gee-’Y man t.uthcrun Cliurok j Rm-t Ntsi ‘ at Ebeneexer (On Eoreclnsure ft. f pf Mortgage John Freyermutli nnd se I vend parrels of Land J O N the petition of the Tnisltpea nf the German Lutheran Church id Vibe nek. er, stating that the said Jehn Fr«-yermtitfi on the fitieen'h day of April, eighteeirhun* dred ti fifteen, mortgaged by deed under L#b i, naffitd places, xml'drhveted m' hie** si si to Mr* petitioners, ull those tracts »<f y denied so that I get him, the aborf’re! land,containing three hhfldred acres in Ef* i » r tl of F ft> Dollars will he giirm if *i rus fiugliHin county, state aforesaid, on a small re.I in tree nf l|»o low er connth-a, \ j Ml8 cir-i k adjoining Judidhih IVeitma.a Kellv't *»<Jdirrtt>dto n.c so that I K ct him n rawaril and Garrison's land; also another fifty urresj /-Twent; Dollars will be yivenaid It tih situated and being m the ffiUrict of K,s Jir op In Ute in igrbarliorul, *1 rh i)»>ilars bnu*zer, houndedbyUr.d of Frier A 9 fyj LAND .n il» a.l totf Jf< f. Broakners. at the time nisliivey of noMstm. eooniy, No 148, wi'liu ronu granted to Landfeldcr* also, another tfUdll ny«i«:ir on cabin built on •», mtjsc-nt to ari of land situate in the seventeeth distr'ul r/t cells 111 spring, the Ijiml stcotu) qnafit)* the county of Baldwin, containing tyrt I dial 1 would rent for % term of |, 2 three hundred and two anti a Till* acres, knoNn I yems, the person renting roclear rml put by the number (104) one bundretl And I undn agm-d knee 10 nrrts the fi ri i\t*t our, with the appurtenances, to seciyji the - -b ac> ea the second year, and the rabid payment of a bond or obligation *•’ the 1 ~ * ■*•*• •* “ Vl - said John, hearing date the day ard year aforesaid U ATay ing^he foreeloside of the said mottgaff. It appearing to.-he Court thr.t there is now due on the sailbond and mortgage the sum of ttvo hundred dollars, with interest St six percent.from t!»e fif teenth duy of April, eighteen hundred £S eighteen. On motion of Warne and Ctqler, attorneys of the petitioners, it isoixleied that the said John Freyernnth, h s heirs or representatives* do pay into Court the amount due ns aforesaid within twelve mont).3 from this date, otherwise that the equity or redemption of the said John and his heirs, in the said mortgaged premises, be foreclosed* und that such further pro ceedings tike place as arc by law direct ed. It is further ordered that this Rule be published once u month for twelve months in a public gazette of this state, or be serv ed on the defendant or tus represent at iv« or agent six months prior to the time ap pointed for the payment of tlie*monty into Court. Extract from the Jtinulei. JNO CHARLTON, Clerk. I.rlt r,.< lu the Circuit Court of tlie United States, In and for tlie District of Pennsyl vania, in the third Ciicuit, BETWEEN , Josqrii lllrt and Joseph^ Marx and George Marx, j citizens of the stale oil -Virginia, wtl« sue iirr wt It in their ou n names us in behalf of such ot her I cr anio*,Stockholder* nf the lute Bunk of the Unit* ' ed S.uUs heretofore named* »a shall cmne in and become Parties hereto, contributing to Hhe Expenses of this Suit —Complainants. AND David Lenox, F.liasBou* dinot, Robert Smitli.Jiis. C. F dier, Joseph Sims, Archibald McCull, Paul Sieman, Siuroel Coates, • Ilenry I'ratf.GeorgeFox, Puschbll llollii.gsMortli, Jubii S ille, 'I nonius M. Willing, Horace Binnt )*, George Harrison, Ah.jali Hammond, William Hay ard and Oliver Wol coll, citizen qf the State of Pennsylvania, Tins tees of die late Bank ol United States. ND now, to wit, thistweft)y-third day ol April, one thousand eight hun dred and twenty-two, this cause caftie be foie the Court, on a Mandate from the Ho- notable the Supreme CoU't of tlie United States for further proceedings. Where- upon it is ordered and decreed—That the holders of N»»ti*s of the late Bank of the United States, bring them in for payment at tlie late Bunking House of said Bank in the city of Philadelphia, before the cle venth day of April. A. D. 1823, and that on that day this Court will make a final Decree for Distribution nf the funds re served in the hands of the defendants for payment of said Notes* and it is further ordered and decreed, that the Clerk cause this order to be published in one public newspaper in each of the following places, to wit 1— Philadelphia. Boston, New York, Baltimore, Norfolk, Charleston, Savannah, and New Orleans, st least once a week, for. t ine calender montha, before the said ele venth day of April next. A true copy. D. CALDW ELL, Clerk Cir C. The Edit ora of the Boston Evening Ga zolle, at Boston, cf the New-York Even- mg Post, nl New-York, of the American, tl Baltimore, of the Norfolk IRu-ald, at Norfolk, of the Charleston City Gazette, st Charleston, of the Georgian, at Savannah, and uf the Louisiana Advertiser, at New- Orleans, are requested to insert the above n their respective gazettes a week, for nine calender months, before the 11th lay of April, 1823, and to forward their •fills, as soon thereafter as may be, to the subscriber, accompanied by to affidavit proving the publication, conformably to '.lie foregoing order, rnavb n rAI.nWF.LL. Clerk Or r. Laurel. Hi.I l oll-JVlill. JTVIE Toll-Mill on M;s Ancrum’s plan- d tat on Im been completely repaired lately, and is now ready to work ms well as any other mill on the river. Tlie rough- rice that will be sent to the mill w II he kept separately in dry und safe stort ?, ape shall be beat with the utmost can* and economy, and the barrells will bealwaisde- livered in good Order. Empty bat rubs made of prime boated staves, will be furn ished at the mill when uquired. The terms for cleaning Rice will be'lM^aaine as at the other toll-mills. Those planters who will engage to have their erm s beat at that mill, and keep lit r atmplitd, will have 200 tierces, or as much less as they please, heat alone turn. Applications con cerning ihe mill, to be made to Archibald Bn-hucr, on the Plantation, or In Savan nah, to PETIT DF. V1LLEIIS. sep 10 rpf Fictor, Mongin's wharf. q 1..lit ty the Jd yi-sr W || i.|am yi.L|c. M; G, I.njMcera, BaUiu in county oci 8. net 15 p - N other. N IKE mnn'li. «l'ti i i|.p d.Fr of il.w rn. lice, .piihc.tiim vi .11 hi- ..... 1r i|.„ lli.nor.blc tlie .tnnli—, <<| t|, r e-lift or Liberty Cutin v. for pern,.. q tn.ell the real .ll.t. .,1 t eili |; h n, r c.n.ed. fur the h, mlii ,f ,h ( lie'ri'.nd cteil.iou -I tin «>nd I.IGII I TOHTisKM), AJmV. »"g'l fy. lilt III V IMI'ORTANT Ami interesting News r fllllM VAl.lvJ 11113, Fmhfreur tl- Fmi-r de Wi •m ur, With let ting, ..I (I... nn n pr, fr.umi •1 .peer, inninincri to the c,iii-n. nf 8,. ' •I'n.h.tlial lie ha, re'tirne.i fW.m the Nnrth,, paulng the-ren.iir.irr of the ,p,,nn .mmtg th. m fur their r,peri,I he. in (it s rm hil-ntly rel ingt.pnn .contimi- i,.cn nf that lovitlty „.! Ktl.-IMy winch <t . hi, pride and plr.MiI. to nrknnwlrgo h,vs cvi-f diitinguialted II,em. He ha, thepl-t- lurr lolr.lonn them, tint fur tire i. hrtTrr re. ccptranandorenminmlation, he h>, rnl.-tv. etl In, imerri.d hrivl qua t. r., In ■ manner »• to enitip, il.eir ennl'ort „ d r. n. venirnce. in. at) lr nrrt.Iinr to I'.imif lf, .ml v here he will at all time- be loppy to teccive the Tint, . f hi. IHernl, 1.1.,1 all Ihnaewh.-ie neciaaitie, require. Il'e rmo. vutingiiillutiice if Ills hi, lit.lil.-nikpir n.; rarer,! N. I). I.r.dir, and G-ntlemen who with ttri^. e their .rrangeti by Pari,, u II he attended ,t ’ l .- ownhuuacby tbeir r r let, u ahoy.. I*. 8. Il.tlauu i-uiu taken at par. oct 8 r Low’s Superior Perfumed SOAPS,. Dirrrt from /.dnrfotr, Low’s Emolicnt Compnuiui < Do Oriental Compound Do Musk Do Olive Do Rose !)•» Palm Do Vernacular Do Vegetable 1 Do Abissinian .Pto, the real English XVinitsnf ^c*ns For sale by ANSON PARSONS. Druggist, No 8 Gibbons’ build ng oct 15 T HE Life of the Rev, Thomas Soft, p D. Hector of Aston Rvulford Rucks, including a narative drawn by himself, and copious extracts of Ids letter*. Ry John A. M—1 Scott, vol Rl 50. Letters to ftichrml Uehef, F.fq con ♦ainrng critical remarks mi the series o' novels beg lining wiih Waterly, and ar< attempt to ascertain their author. . Commercial and Notarial Precedents- By Joshua Mont»fiere Forgery Defeated^- for sale by S. C it J. 8CIIF.NK oct 10 The Subscribers wfelrtQ purchase a prime NEGRO WENCH, hnfc exceeding 30 or 35 y ar* of age. h first r^te Cook, industrious sobrr, and f gotfd t< rh- per.; for such a liberal price in Cush will be paid. A} ply to J. B. KEBSEBT L CO. oct TO Twenty Dollars Reward. R ANAWAY from Ihr .ubactiher on the eveing of the 9th itl»t a Negro Mann»m.d HILL. Iteia. short thick «et negro, .bout 5 feel 3incl.eh1>igh very bljct complexion; stutter, much when q-je«- rjoned; hid on whi n he wen* .way, a long black coat end black silk pantaloons, aut os he ha, takes other clotliiog. he may probably change them. The above re ward will be p.i.1 (or his apprehension and delivery in jail, or lo W. B. nOLUSD. oct 13 ♦ At ol asses. JO HUBS, and 9 Tie'era prime Mn lasses, landing from sctir. Oppotitiutr, for sale by HALL Sc HOYT. ort 1 In Council, SAVANNAH. 17ih October, 1822, The following persons were drawn Citw Constables for the ensuing yeak, as follows * F r Heatlicote Wird Donald M'f.eod Reynolds Wm. p. Hunt, r B r own Darby Warren Franklin Liberty Percival C/glethcrpe Anson Jackson Decker Washington p Lire, Reed W'mK. HoTired Wm Robinson George Miilen A. M. Tailor Richard Gorlmm Ftn C. Mills >Vm 0 Way re Wm Enpinger I*. DuflVe S 3. Williams Greene and Columbia Isaac T Strwart New Franklin. . Wm May hew A true extract frohj the minutes, tVM. MO ULL* c. c. pro tea. b.t l? ’ 'Wil l I IMS’ Literary nnd Commercial RKADINU DOOM. R ECEIVED per Ship Georgia* Mdgs« zi'its for Bernembt-r. Bell’s Court and Fasliionable Msgsslne Ackei man’s Reprsitory of Arts, Liter* aiurc, ThtshioiiS, Un Pompton's Annuls of Philosophy Re| ertory ol Arts, Manufactures and A* gricuhure Til loch'll Philosophical Magazine Edectje Review Evangelical Magazine and Missionary Chroa nidi! ' .ornton Magazine New Monthly Magngine and Literary JouN nal British Review and London Critical Jour* n*l Sporting Magazine Mwefapete Iron London and Liverpool Septemb r 7th. oct 17 her Mrs. Krr’s School. M RS. HER ribpectfully inforrA* friends and patrons* that bsvi-g r *'« i rued to tills city, she has re-opetlrd he 1 ' School in Maikct st opposite the brick building of J hu Hunter, Esq where she so. licits » continuance of the fsvois vhichf ihe has had heretofore to prknowlege. 'I he following useful bran, lies ol edtt* -'aiiona' e taught in her semintry * Reading; Writing, DsilliiTon, .... | Grammar, * Geograpliv, Pliiu .nil Ornsmcnlii Nikdi* 'Vung. PiimtA on Veli/?l. The French Language is also ttnght t<s hos* 1 Who are ilesiious of learning it Mrs K r can accommodate, if rb'iirsb e, a i> w scholars With Beard, on moderato term*. Parents am! guardians who entrust their children or wards with Mr* Ker, may de- (lend upon their receiving finm her every attention; and the most unrim ’img ioi« hi.ty on her part to advance them in theii Studies will iuways be paid* oct 8 \Varratited Articles. J UST received per ship Cotton PI ml, A fresh siipi ly of Drtimt, Chamcufto Perfumery, Spiae, Dye Stujfi, Uc. tor w|t bv 4 ANTOV PARTO'JS, Druggid* No 8 Gibbous* building# oct 15 WHISKEY. J U S T received p— tluun Snun, ISO (up. rcji \Vhi,kry. Fur we on .ccommo- dating teMU by J. B. BKHBEAf k CO. rep 12 Cotton Bagging. * £>'|V PiecttCuttun B-ug" r, for atle hf l. B. Ux>BB£BT U OVi test