Savannah Georgian. (Savannah, Ga.) 1822-18??, November 21, 1822, Image 1

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SAVANNAH GEORGIAN NEW r-K.UtS—V\ll, |. S.lV.IXA'.tl’, THU USD. I .1/f MOT, JS'OYlMDER 31,1828. NO 181 SWANN AH: V F.DNKBU' Y MOHtNINQ, NOV. 20,1822 Bv the brig Messenger, from Hshin yesterday, »f received the paper! of llial ci y to the 14ili ioif inclusve. of -o Ltrfgntiw of Qeorgui.—Extract of a let. ter ft 1 ** Milled,jevi9c, dated on Thuradu) last. The Committee to whom waa referred ao much of the communication of the .Gov ernor, as relate! to Col. Hammond’s case, net yesterday in the Representative clum ber, after the adjournment of the House, and made choice of John Abercrombie for Chairman-—after whioh the committee ad journed inconsequence of the absence some of the members. Another meeting will (wobnbly be held to-morrow afternoon or neyt day. It is expected that much warm and animated discussion a ill arise in the house, on the Report of the committee, The Bill to reduce the fees of all the state and County -officers, was this day ta ken up in committee of the whole—after passing the committee, it was taken up sec tion by section, when a further debate en sued, and upon niotion of Dr, Brennan it was laid on the table for further confers- Sion. 1 feel confident that it will nut pats—at all events, an endeavor will be made to except Chatham county frum the operation of the hill. A bill was reported yesterday in the House of Representatives, subjecting free persons of Color to be sold foi the payment Oflheir debt!—ahd to prevent their carry, ing on buainesa by purchaae and aale of goods, wares, and merchandize or cattle, ATew York Election -Prom the returns Which have been received, of tile late elec tion la New-VorJr, it ia probable, says the American, that Nhere will be but two fe deralists, Messrs, Van- Rensselaer and Strong, and one Clintonian, Mr. Craig in the representation of this atate ip the next Congress. As to our state legislature, th. whole senate, of 32 members will be re- publ-can, and ofthe Assembly, consisting of 128 membert, not more than nine can b.- tfoderagind peseibly there-may be three or four Cliotomang frum Orange. Exports from Charleston, for the week ending nti Saturday last, 2791 bales Up land Cotton,. 16U bales SeaJslHnds. The death of Major *1 Glassin, who was recently appointed U- S. factor in the Ar kansas territory, in the place of Matthew Lyon, deceased, is announced in the Wash: iugton City Gazette. A letter from New-Oi-lcana, of the 16th, Ways, that at that period one half of the tin acclimated population had died, and stran gers were daily arriving, A bill has been reported to the Legisla ture of New Jersey, to incorporate a steam mill company, with banking privileges,— the whole capital to be 7 i.OOJ dollars, 20, 000 to be vested in the mill, and 30,000 in banking. j A heavy failure is said to htrve taken place Jgjjia Fredericksburg, Va. to the amount of ' 200,000 dullars; much consternation has been created at that pluce in consequence A nest tof Counterfeiters hasbeen broken up in the borough of Wilmington, (Del) Hive who wire caugh', named Lyman, Tinder, Itance or Hanson, aud Heath, and a female named Maria C. Bryan, have been committed to jail, in Newcastle, to await theirtrwd. Ma ty nftheir implements were found upon them, and about $50,000 conn- teifeit note* saved f-ooi a fire into which they were thrown- The notea were of the Washington, Brandywine, and New Brunswick B inks, and the Pi anklin Bank of , Baltimore—20’s, KJ's and 5’a. ; V —— Importation of Sour at Kingston, (Jim.) from the 15th to the 27th October, 528 bbls. exportation 3S8 do. Africa—Intelligence from Africa to the 3lst August, hat been received in Bouton The American Trade on the Gold Coast had been almost done away with, by a pro. Clamatioo ofthe Governor Genera', which, however, was not expected much to bene fit the 'Jdtiah interest, and it was thought the importation of some articles would be allowed. The American settlement at Cape Mesu ratio waa beginning lo thrive, but the pro tection of an armed force was wtnted. The Ycanam, a Spanish vessel, prise to the fphigeoia, British frigate, waa totally lust in the early part of June—nearly 400 slaves, and 16 of the crew of the lphigenia perished. Capt. Leak.-, of the British man of war Myrmydon, miraculously escaped With seven seamen, from the wreck ill boat, aud were afterwards picked up. LAI ESI' FilOVI ENGLAND. By the arrival of the brig Cumberland, we have received London and L verpnol papers, the former to the 26th and the latter to the 28lh September. We do not per ceive that their contents are of great in terest. We are alto indebted In the eVnsignee o' the ship llo-set, arrived yesterday after noon, fur a file of Liverpool papers to the 26th, and London lo the 24lh inclusive. The .Liverpool Mercury, of the 27tli Sept, gives the following prieei:—Cotton, Bowed Georgia, 6d a 8jJ i New Orleans, 6jd a ltd i S.-a-I.linds, good to fine, Is i-1 a Is «d ; ordinary to niiddling, tkl a lldi Wea India, 6jd a 8Jil!i Il-irbudoes, 7}d a Hfd i Demerara, 7jd a 104d i Pernambuco 9| a lOf i Marunham, 8j,l a 9fd; Bahia, 8f ; a 9f d ; Surat, 5jd U7}| Bengal, Jfd 6}Jj Kibe, AmbricaOsjiirrwt. lSa-s Ids 6d. The grain market Was d ill i Ameri can Flnitr, sweet, (in bond) 28s a 30s per hbl of 196 ibs, net i new, (in bond) JOs tu 32s t sour, (out of bond) 31a to 35s. GREAT BRITAIN. The Duke of Wellington had left England to attend (he Congress til sovereigns. The Duke had been for some time in a bad state of healih, which ia variously accounted tor in tile different papers. In one his indispo aitiun is attributed to an operation performed on his esr—lor some com- plsinl in that member—in another'he is said to labor under a severe de pression of spirils attributed to his concern for the fate ol Lord London derry, and his regret tlist perceiving his indisposition he had not been led into stronger representations and pre caution; aud the Courier exclaims— “God forbid that this illustrious per son should also become a marlyr to public duly!” The seitlers at the Cope of Good fiipc are said to suffer severely by the profiigary of the colonial government. Oneofhis Majesty’s ships la obollf to be partially emitted with wool in stood »f oakum by way of cxpciimeni —anotheri- tube fi led with an iron foremast and bowsprit. The Glasgow hankers in future charge only 4 per cent upon cash ac counts as well as discounts. Capl. Scncesby, arriv'd at Liver pool on the 20lli Sept, from Gieen land, where he hits made a series of observations ivw—tho-sgengraphy ant- natiouol history of the long lost eas. iern cast of Greenland—about 800 miles of which lie has surveyed. The result of his tli-coveiiea is lliat the whole country is an assemblage of island*, and not a part of the cnnli. nent as heretofore supp st-d. The real siiu .tion of this land ll tf.-ra 13 degrees from what it is laid duwn in the harts. Several vessels bound to Honduras, were arming at Liverpool as a pro tection against pirates. Lieut. Besson, 90 years of nge, fhp oldest officer but one on the list, died at Greenwich on the SOtfi <3rpi. A shock of an earthquake was ex perienced at New Castle on the 18th riept. GREECE. The affairs of the Greeka are still involved in obscurity but the evidence, .» lar as we perceive is in favor of the account of a victory oh (lined bv them over the Turks. Let ters received in Loudon from Corfu, dated the 7ih and 19ih August, assert that Chourchitl P ichn, hail been forc ed to reiurn toLiriseu with only 3000 nut of- his whole force of 40,000 nun It is also reported that the Greek* had obtained soother naval victory off Zrote—taking six or seven small Iri gates soil sinking others—six of the IVkiah ships look shelter in Corfu and the remainder at Zante. FRANCE. Bories, Gouhin, Raoulx, and Po- mier, have been executed in Paris fur the share Duty took in the Rochelle conspiracy. They met their fate with firmness and resignation.— An im ffeclual attempt to escape suitl to hsye hastened the execution of their sentence. At Grenoble, at a banquet of one of the regiments after the king, &c. one of the toasts waa “our brothers— of the army of the faith"—which i- cnn.itlerrd at another pi oof of Ihe ex cellt-nl disposition of the troop*, A train ot field artillery it is saii^ is embarking at Nantes tor Bayonne. The Brotherhood of the Cross has been re established under the petron ■ge of Louis. A grand parade took place at which the relics of the cross were cirrinl, and it waa followed by the entrance of about seven thoussotl Christians into the order. The Duke ol Welling on left Paris on the 20th Sept, for Vienna. The English company of Cnmcdi- ians at Patis, having advertised the comedy of John Buff, were wailetl up on with a note ul the minister of pn lice requesting that some other might he selected. A letter from Lyons states, that a Masonic Lodge at Pylala, had beet, seized with all ifa papers, &c. by or* der of Ihe geverumeut. Lillirngraphlc prints of Grit, lien ton, ate selling in Ihe picture shops o Puis, and are bought with great av tlity. SPAIN. The king of Spam has convoked Ihe extrao-dinary ('ones to meet on the 8 It of Oct, Tlte accounts ol actions and Ihe movi-menta ol the roval laciion in Spain are contradictory and amOn them it is impossible to find th* truth A letter from' Sept 9. aa “There is nn indication nt any thing to interrupt Ilia public tranquility the Capital at present. The enthu«i asm lor the new system increases in proportion to the obstacles which are rai-etl against it—and neither the pro gress uf Ihe Royalists in Catslunia which cannot be disputed, nnr the re ports which many persons take plea sore in spreading, of an approaching foreign invasion, can diminish this enthusiasm, and the determination to support the new institutions.” Sir VVm. A’Court the new minister from England to Spain arrived at Bn yonne from Faria on the 15th Sept. The apostolic junta of Navarra has returned to France, from which it ia Inferred that the royal party hi) dislodged from the mountains of Na varre with the exception of a corps ol 1500 men under (rati. The Royal troops under Qneaads, have been tlefeated in (tin environs of J.ica, It ia reported that he has been put to death by his own troops fur treachery. Gen. Elio was executed on the mor ning of the 4tb Sept- by ihe garotte (strangled-) He was tried by a court martial, the 2nd of June, and condemn- ed to the most ignominious tltalh- He wss strangled on a ac iffiltl at Valen cia, erected close to a delightful gar- den he owned when all-powerful in that town, that his M agical end might be marked by a circumstance calcula ted to make him regret life. RUSSIA. The Russian empire is said tn lie sufi'-ring most severely from the inter- ference of that government in cum' otercial pursuits—starvation and mise. ry amongst the majority of the people have been the certain consequences of uncalled lor restrictions and prohibi. 'inns iu their intetenurse with foreign national The commerce in Engtidi articles, it is added, is very much litni ted. I'he corps of the Russian army com mantled by Count Woronenw, remain rd close to the Austrian frontiers, to • wait the result of the congress of the Great Pacificators. TURKEY. The plague which broke nut in Tur. kisn Albania has-’Xtetttleil into Kpiru* and the Moreu—Juonnini is deserted, and it has been introduced intoD.rivi no. The Ionian islands are placed under a quarantine ul fifteen days with respect to Cm fuc IRELAND. A considerable quantity of farming property, gnin, ha>, See. has been dot troyeil in the county uf Cork by in centliariei. In Limenck similar acts uf outrage have been pet petrated. GERMANY. The sovereigns uf Russia, Austria, and Prussia, have assembled at Vien* tta. and only wait for the Duke of Wellington to proceed lo busiuess. From China.—A letter from an American in Canton, as late as the (Otis of May last, statea that an en* quiry has been inslituled by order of the emperor, into the qgnduct of the mandarins in the neighborhood of Canton, and to report correctly the nature uf their traniactiuna with the English at Linten, our own affair si Whampoa, and tlte measures which have been pursued with regard to the introduclion of opium. Thirty man darins were already imprisoned, and more, it was expected, would share the same fate. The writer adds. “ I may venture to assure you, that our troubles in China ave but commen ced, and ynu may hear of important matters before long,” ft is hinted (hat that the total expulsion of foreign era and interdiction of foreign trade, tuay be the result of these enquiries. LATEST FROM THE BR AZILS. Baltimore., ATov. 13.—To Ihe politeness of Mr. Barnes, a passenger in Ihe schooner Blucher, and to our atteotive correspondents at Rin, we are indebted lor files nf Buenos Ayrean papers to the 7th, and Rio papers to the 23th September, inclu sive.—Gazette• The Prince Regent is to be crown ed Emperor of the Brazils on Ihe 12th nl October. Preperations were making for that event as well as lor. the defence against Portugal, in case of any resistance offered by her to the new order of things. For the Hi st purpose, subscriptions were to be raised to erect triumphal arches, djv.. and for the second, government had already borrowed 400,000 tniilreaa from the merchants About four hundred European Portu giiese had I iken paaaaga for Europe, nu l were expected in sail in a few day*. Matty was supposed, tvira'd follow in a short time. Kigtit innusatul troop* bail already been raised In and about the city ol ami government was impressing constant'y to increase the nomorr. Two vessels of war were fitting out, anti all the exposed points no the coast weri about to be fortified. Air persons, whether Europeans ur natives, in nppnsitinn lo the new government, receivnl oitleit depart. Those from the uspnri* were allowed thirty days—thuse from the interior sixty. LATEST FROM THE SPANISH MAINE, Laznira, 15.-.-” Thinking the news (ruin (lof part of t(ie world he acceptable,tp,you, sn ondortiinity i Bering, by the way ,1 Philadelphia I suojoin a ssratnary of wlfat ia stir ring. “ The news by express this morn in g, is, tbit Morales islanding fit teen or sixteen miles below thi. place, all Itis troops amounting to 1500, and an immediate attack is ex pecti-d at Caraccus, Which place they can resch in twelve hours frum theii landing- This pluce will be hit ulti mate design, there b-ing no troop, here,prut Caraccas. A lew days ago he tusk Maracaibo, and gave it up to -tlundur ; but learning that General Paozwat aiTruxillo, a place within 30 miles of hint, he precipitately eva cuated it. Morales having the Naval supori ority, gives him the advantage nf dis embarking at any point lie thinks pro per. He lyts a frigate, a brig of 20 guns, and eghttran-ports. Toe pen pie here are very much alarmed, as they will hjve to Ry, and that by wa ter, as theif retreat into the interior will be cutoff,by the enemy having possession of the capital ; in which case we shall have tn remain here Ipr the purpose of taking off lire A mermans. Col. Todd wss received here aud In the capital with every demnnstrplion of respect, anil great cjoicing.' I accompanied him lo the latter place, where ho now ia, but i/ the rumour afloat prove true, he will be here 14 day or to morrow, end we shall land him at Carlhagcna, whe-ce lie will proceed by water lo Santa Fee de Bogota. " Wo look Cot. T. out uf she John Adams the d ty alter we spoke the »chr, Alpha, ef our port) and brought him and his Secretary to this place — The John Aoaro* proceeded to Ver.i Cruz with Mr. Poinsett. The U. S schr Alligator, left this place the day before we arrived. The Cyane ia now here—*Capt. Spence is at Caiacca.*, but will be here to night. There are four Ainencan vessel* in port, two b-longing to New York, one to Phi ladelphia, and one to Baltimore, no der the command of Lieut, Nichol son, front this vessel. Tho Columbian squadron are also here, consisting nf lour Brigs anil three Scltnnnera, withe few Flecher as jtliey are in daily expectation nl seeing Commodore Daniels, when they think they will hive the superi ority at sea t however that may be, they must have some very different men frum those they have it pr. sent; they being the most miserab 1 -- look ing fellows I ever saw.”—f’urfalk Beacon. qtiolalinns, as there has not been any ictivc business in the article. Chluf that is doing is tu the trade. The -tuck in market is nut heavy, bat pur chasers can suit themseives Iron Ijrinie to Inferior without much dilll rutty. Richmond, 6 a 8 cents ; IV 'araburg, JJ a 6 Kentucky, S a A j Ninth Carolina Sj a 4) ; Cuba, 20 30 St. Domingo 13 a 25. freights to Liverpool hive declined (’sitt»n, square aud round balea per lb 3 Stint. Prior, Current At Cinrteiltn, A tv. 18, Cottons. — l'liere has bttvu const durable activity in Uplands (hi* week Sever il vessels have been despatch'- lor Europe, tnd many more are loti-, mg- A high rate ol Eichange at, vi-ty low freights have been great it duccmenta to purchasers to go in - Jim market pre.tjy freely. T.m r. ling prices for new Uplands haYeltfit' 'll to 12cents -the Inner beinggivei •or fine porcelain sq-ru-e bale*; smal tula of priim-qu.ility h ve brought I2J lor Northern tnsnufac'miea. O- Upland; bring front 7 to 10 cent# | Se.i Islands are without dt-uinml—prior being nearly nonunsl from 17 in 2. cents, for Ihe gnod brand — clioit qualities are held much higher) but untiling worth notice has been dona in them. /fice.—Fine new Rice has brought $3, and i. m some request | Old goes off slowly at 2 87J to 8 23. Tin ransectlons ol the week have been trilling and no export, Cutton Bagging.—Holden have sold at a reduction ol prieei, 42 inch has passed off at 32 tu 35 cents, uni the artidn may he considered as e falling one in the meiket. U ri Uanjt Shares, I07J a 108, ’■ Notice. JTiirB'SytiicrllK-iV f.tH.g Machine at . isiiow m reanlayas to «. -'«&« ™<"iD6t«*%n.*«i0it.p,ci<«i. ilsA I’rinltioe received uu SWeiirc i so. “7 tf> Steven I’arr, at the machine, or , K. k J. HABERSHAM, nov 20 ; n U. S. Bank Slock.—At Philadel phia, Nov. 11 —— 104 this lurenuon. It- New York on Suiuday IU3J to 10-1- Mr. Robertitn.—l received the Nat I o nn 1 intelligencer of 25th September, on the evening of the 16tlt November; 1 should ,ike to know by what route it came, to hav< been so long coming to hand, tlm tin e be- ig 52 days. Jt Hubtcnier to the AT tnIcll g neer. DIED, In this city, on 9 our,lay the lGilt Inal- For Providence, Th* Hthonnor SALLY, ' Cnfitam Atattheeoe, Having put </ her eargo enga- mmatmler nr passage, apply on beatd at Johnston (J Hills' wharf, in to ■I i 8. MAN'I'ON, •** 2b a Itlce’a wharf. ' 1 ' White Velvets, r R FAINTING, for aale by JOHN H. REID U nov ID 105 OO. Old Rice, O t s rood -Qisli-e, at #j fiM •94ilia. Pn-»aleby - B. It J, lUBBItS rtov r ms. per UBBItSIIAM. Corn Afloat, O V bitml tho Nchooiier ISO, it Bot- lon** wbtrf, in lata to «Uft purcrnsen. For N.tlu Ijf R. b J. IIAIIER8HAN. nnv ?0 -4. Sugar Flour, V, hiskejr, Ac* H Sugar SW 100 UbUfroh Flour *0 do Whiikev 7S do Anpie Drnndjr lu kfigN Fimily Uui * 15U boiniN* l, 8o»p SO do 8m trior Mould Candles M bbli Met* n. ef IS liluls N E Hum 3u bbla do do 1U do Limeed Oil Tending from brig Mvaten/rcr, and foe ie Uy DANIRL CARNEY, Jr. nov 20 u llunUi’n building*. .ilr. Jmiuci 8pmk, uf lltfien. Ur. »gud 22 — » nttive of Arbroulb, Bcoliand. At St* Aug'inhne, on tlte Ini intt. of a bi limit fever, (iupt. K iplmx Udlct, Into nf 'Jew-Hivi’ii, (Conn.)} uitcl on Sumluy, of i iie fame i.iver, Mr. Ahalit’l Udlet, of • nut pluce. They belonged to the schooner John, Intel) from 8 ivannali. l.ETTRR BAGS fleniaininr? nt IVillimnt* Liter ury and Ctfn- mercinl Heading Hem. Ship AtnericB, 8 U Pm it nan, Liverpool, to nail Dec. 1. MARfVK. Just Received, 4 BALK Stout Dial* I'Liuk. m . i It blue 1 1 bale Blue and White K 1 1ieyh, t«r Ne gro clolliing. Apply In DOlHiLASS U SOUUBL. Who have m Wore, 50 Iiari Ui ten Coffee lb lihdM Mufiuovmla .Sugar 15 bum'll I .out Sugar 10 pipes Colmemi Wine ' « Window Gluni, iiHinfled 0>i Clmh Carpela, Ike. nov JO p v Com ai d Lard. .tinv landing andlnrral, hy . P it.MES U HOE, nnv20 p Rnliuii’a nil nf. 1‘UUT UF Oji > .J.v -i.i. Review of the Markets for the Past Week froth the Nntt York Daily advertiser of Aov. 11 Colton.—The import of tho week was 520 balea ; Total 1st Jan. 1822, 104,781 Export IViihi 1st Jan. to 1st N-n. 1822; Sea Is lands 1188 bales Foreign 493 ; Other descriptions 7-1,243 ; Total export 79,92?' bull’s. About 1700 balea ol all enrt* were taken out of. Market, nf which 500 were of the new crop Upland at 13 i 14 ct*. Tlte aales of old crop were chiefly of the lower qualities «o> export, at 10 a 10} Cents for Tennes see, Alabama and Uplands. Several hundred bales were shipped by the holders. Uplands, New 13} a 14 els; Louisiana, old crop 13 t 15} ; Uplands, do 9 a 14, Alabstnt, dn 9 a 12 ; Tennessee, do 9 a 11 I Sea Is land, do, 21 a 25. Flour.—There haa been t fair de mand during (lie werk, anti the mar ket has rather improved. We quote New York aupetfine, 6 50 ; Do. Wes- o rn, 6 50 ; Richmond City, new, 6 75. Salt.—The supplies have been large, but the demand ha) not been so extensive as tlte preceding week ; l urka bland 55 els. ; St. Ubea 54 : Isle of May, none ; Liverpool, ground, 49; Do. fine 45 ; Cadiz 52 ; Lisbon 53. Rice.—We hear of no aales of new Rice, nor of any in market. Balea are making in small lots of old at our quotations ; but there is but little do ing in thearicle ; Rice, mold ing to fair 2 75 a,3 25 ; Superior 3 37} ; Export from lstjau. to 1st November 10.480 tre’s. 'itdtacco —We cannot alter out AltlllVF.D, Br «hip Dorset, Dixon, Liverpool, 54 days, with rm», nuuturt, &c. to .!. GhIiiis. ind others, to A L Muly iichiix, consignee. Panengevi, M *s*r* Molynesux and Balfour Bug Mt’snenger, n*<tsett» Unl'imore, 72 hours, writ an assorted cs'gn lo D Ganiev jr. Patten gen, Mihn K '; Vicenis, Mesa-x Ino Ci* u'litTs, J Lidcbmham, D Cdiiifv jr. W D Judah, and .fno Mar-^ay. bpoAre iff Gape Horn -tin. sclir Msrv-Aiin, from Bl Mary's bound lo'New Yo-fc—liavhig expe rienced severe weather in the gulf, ami getting short of wuler waa going into Charleston for a supply. All the outward bound Aeet, except thi Ceref, for laiverpool, and Gorsair and Su perior for New Yuik, got to sea ynteUay. CLXAain YOB Tills FORT, Ship Prince Kutusidf, Woodhousa, at Bustnn, 8th inMt| nchr Giunills, Woodersun, 'lot sloop Caroline, Delano, at Baltimore, 13th inst. | ship Howard, lioldridge, New* YorA;,9lh ttul. ur roii Tins fonTa At New \ovh, 9-Is mat. sn’ip Augusta, D Wood i Bohr Ohio, Beers, lUth inst. At Fiiiudelphia, UtU inst. ship Dela ware, Hamilton, 20lli inst rites THIS WltT. At Philadelphia, on the lltki inst. sclir Laura, Butler, 7 days. The U. S. schr Sh *rA?, Lt Perry, sailed from Havana on the 6ih mat. ill purituit of three piratical vessels. On the lltli infct* the ahip Wilhtlmlna of Alexandria, Capt Wilson, went onshore on Dubny Bur, sustained Considerable da mage, with the loss of rudder, Oo. but fits since got off, and is now lying inside uf the bar. For Liverpool, Tue ah p ATLANTIC, Robevt L. Tuyter, Matter, Well known as a Packet sli p between New Yorfcand L'verpopl i copper ed and copper faateued, and in every re sped a first rate vessel i she is of fcood di mensieos for stowing cotton, can load ai town, and having commenced taking in, will sail on the 5th December. Fur freight of 200 balea cotton or passage, having ele gant accommodat ous, apply to captain Tay lor on board at Hunter's wharf, or to SAV1UBL WIIaOUT. nov 29 105 Situation Wanted. A YOUNG gentleman is desirous of ob> tsimng a unis'ion at Ulei le, in a count ing house, or he would be wlllu gto go to nnv pajt of the countr) as Tiuchcr of a private family or public lchonl i terma will lie moderate. The most satisfactory refer* fliers can be given. A line addreaani to 5 Y* snd left at tl» Post office, will receive mnit d'Hie atteutiun, nov 20 r Boots and k\\o?8. — — THOMAS DOWELL & Co. Corner of Hioughton and Whdukur »tr< rts, opposite Col. Sliellmitn'i* Mansion house, Have received per attfb Savannah from Wen-Ycrk, Ladles black and color'd prunelle Clipper* Do do do do Boots Do morocco Boots, .shoes nnd rhnetref Do do RllhpftN and Grec an 'l ies 1st and 20 quality (l EI.I-INGTON Boots Men/ oilskin .1 efferatin Ties and Shots D i nmrocco Shot, and D.ncinx Pnntr-a black and coluted Moroacu Boot* ahd Blippera Bnyi line and Ooarse Shoes. Ohildttfr) morocco and Li-alher Boots AMO, A Urge aaiortment Id'ttalr Trunks, with s vnriity idothrr alines, all or which will oe anli on reaaonable tepns. nov 20 b 'I’wenty Dollars Reward, F >)lt my Negro wench, named pLK.A* BANT; who nn away the 9fcl PehMa- -y last j she Is a abort th<ck wench, promi- ient smooth face, aedate iirapnearonce and nest in her dress i was in the habit of aelU ing small vyarea at the Exchange dock, for ieveral year* i was the property of Peter Gucrard, Esq —probably Is now in Augus ta. I’he above reward will be paid on her lodgment In anv J*»f In thla State i a fur ther reward will be paid on proof to con viction, of bar being harboured by a whit# P ‘ r *“ n ’ GARDNER TUFTS, nov 20 p '■ Caution and Notice. R II. PBlilOHEW, Esq. having fdBcn • notice hi the last Georgian, tliaT no person has a right '» pot <i»o H«MO t»* Imiging to the citato of Juhn AiuleisOD, I - h " eby,iVe NOTICE, That I will rent the house and premtsel oik half Lot No. 9, 2d Ty thing, Reynolds ward, formerly the property of John Andeiaon, (which,! presume. Mr. Pettigrew ’ has re. lereace tu) to any responsible tenant, at a moderate price, and will guarantee to said tenant the undisturbed possession agaiuat klr Pettigrew 1 ! claim, tho subscriber bold- ing legal Sheriff’! Tttiea. 0.H, UA.VDEN. #*r» |