Savannah Georgian. (Savannah, Ga.) 1822-18??, November 21, 1822, Image 3

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ID N. II. IIART 'll » live to acquaint liia F icnds and e Public,lie hia removed to Gneranfs Jlni J "gs, Corner i f Hay l.ane and H int. •*«.« st. where lie Iim received and open ed mi catena-v» and general assormcnt of tJIUJt Jt, Glaus, mid Earthenware; Also, i handsome asmrment of Cutlery, Ja- pail, IMnted, and It ass ware, too mimcroua to enome at-, all of which he will dispose of at hirfitinul low prices, for Cash, br town acceptances PLANTERS AND Counlty ex chants Visiting town, to lay m supplies, will do well to visit this establishment, where they can be supplied with every article in the above line, on satisfactory terms, nov 8 Q95 AVhite Plains and Blankets fflHB subscribers have received by the I- Ship Oglethorpe from Liverpool. White Plains and Duffle Blankets, witii a Varie ty of ottVer articles suitable for the present fnd approaching season, which they offer or sale on their usual terms. JAMBS ANDERSON & Co. nc f fi Missis MEG IE & HOULT, fi\ V their Store Corner of St. Julian and <3Xmk Whiwifc r-streeta, opposite to Messrs F. GVIet 14 Co. have just opened a f esn us- Mt muni of goods of*the latest full fashions, wncreeverv dele in the MILLINERY AND Exess Making lAnc, will be hi. uished, and mude up 111 the most Fashionable style, nov 19 p A Refutation CALUMN IES C IRCULATED against the Southern iVestern Stutes, respecting the Insli* *tuUon and Existence of SLAVKIiY AMONG THEM. To which is added, a minute and particular account of the actual State and condition of their NEGRO POPULATION. Together with Historical Notices of all the INSURRECTIONS lliai have taken place since the Settlement of the country “Facta are Stubborn things.”—Shahpeare. Uy s South Carolinian. The above work is for sale at the Rook- stores of W. T. Williams and S. C. U J. Schenk, nov 16 102 INSTRUCTION ON The Violin and Tlnte. M lt. HKNUY, first Violin in the aavan nail Theatre, intends to give Instruc tion on above instruments He will be found at the House of Dr. Louis II. Furth. nov 19 I .TVME8 ANDERSON Co. TJJ!'VEwCfi.rd by recent' from CJ England and France, * eery choice art cion of Vivnc^ ani\ ftto\»\c Drj Uoiuie, CRUHITI-O |N FART Of Superior Brussels; Venetian, English In* grain and Scotch Carpeting, with Health lings to much Blue, green, and dsmsak Table Covers Iticli furniture Chintzes and furniture I)i- mity Rich dsmask table Cloths and Tea Nankins A beautiful assortment nf black and colored Hombasctts, plain and figured Extra fine black Bnmhazines Elegant Bobbinet Veils and Lacei White and yellow narking Canvass Infants* Capa and Frock Bodies, elegantly •worked * Elegant sewed muslin Ifdkfs. Capes, Col larets, Tippets and Frills, new patterns Do sewed Spencers and flounced Muslin Robes and Bal Dresses l)o indenting and jcolloped Trimming and Flounces 1 Fashionable Head Ornaments Rich dotted and sprigM book and mull Mus lins and Lenoes Extra quality white and blacfc silk Hose Fleecy cot it soles-and gauae Stockings White, black and c lured SilArs and Satins, and Bliick Mode Rich figured ink Shawls and llan&ercliiefs, all sixes .Rich figured Sa'in and ^string Ribbons Black, white and colored French C ape Dresses Black, white and colored French Crape Shawls and Scarfs Ladies' superior Paris made long and habit Fid Gloves Ladies* superior castor, beaver and silk Gloves Elegant merino Shawls and Scarfs, a few with lead colored borders n White Velvet for painting Biack Italian Levantines and Sattin HlacF Nankin Crapes and Crape Dresses Du figured Grp* de Naples and wide vel vet Ribbon Swansdown for trimming and tippets Strip’d and check’d Kalian Silts Best London superfine black, blue and fan- eyClotln Best London superfine black, blue, scarlet, buff, white, and fancy colored Caasi meres Together with 0 large variety of other Goods, which mnfce their present assort ment very complete and extensive, and which will be sold on accommodating terms, nov 11 fli ■ The Subscriber R espectfully inform, the inhsbi. tanta of Savannah and its Vicinity, that he will open a School for t he reception of young Ladies and Gentlemen, on MONDAY the 18 th of November, In which will be taught all the requisites of • correct English education, together will* the Latin, Gi-eefc, French, and Italian lan guages. He has taken the room occasion ally occupied by the Union Society, in the West end of the Academy. For Terms of Tuition and other informs- tion, apply to the store of Baldwin i4 Huy. •ward, u few doors wps} of the City Hotel. FAUWELL JONES. nov 1.1 99 Kpanish Segal’s, I N whole, half, and quarter Boxes, of ve ry superior quality, received from Ha vana, and for sale by JOHN II. REID & CO. nov 13 99 REMOVAL. * palmeTw roe S TAVE removed to Uolton’. whirf, se L cowl Store above the Exchange doc*, fere they offer for .«lc, Corn, Oats, Hay, and Groceries a. usual, nov 13 |t DRY GOODS At very Reduced Prices. ^QO J|1ECKS White, Blue, and Mixed 50 pieces London Duffle, Biistol, and Point BUuFets 300 pair Rose RIsnFets. a great sacrifice 96 pieces White Slid Red Flannels A few pieces Real Welch do uncommonly Fine 35 pieces Green Bsisc, some very low pri ced 45 pieces Mlxt and Blue Cloths for Ser vants Superfine Cloths, Oassimerea, and Vesting 13 pieces Patent Cotton TicF Counterpanes and Marseilles Quilts, great Bargains 20 pieces 6 4 Sheeting, very fine 27 do Furniture and Hair Cord Dimity 41 do 4-4 Linen, suspiciously cheap 86 do Towelling and Table Diaper IVom 3-4 to 18-4 wide, at leas than sterling cost ! 200 pieces very I.ow priced Calico 56 do 6-4 Columbia l'lalda 30 do Caroline and Clan Plaids Figured sud Plain Bombazetts of every de scription 200 pieces Russia Diaper, and I ttt ih Rolls 1 bale very low priced Carpeting B00F, Mull, Jaconet, NainsonF, Batilla Cambric Muslins, figured and plain Muslin Dresses, Flounces, Trimmings, and Tippets, nf the latest fashion 460 dozen bilF, Cotton, and Woolen Ho- sery, we|l assorted 93 dozen K d, Castor, Beaver, Doe, BucF, and Dog-Fin Gloves 10 pieces Norwich made BlacF Bomba- seen, the greatest bargain ever offered here ‘ 1 BlacF Sarsnets, BlacF Canton Handler- chiefs, and Fancy SilF Shawls and 8carfa, new style These goods were principally selected in Europe, by a superior judge, or purcha sed in this country at auction, so that they esn and will be sold cheap at the GOLDEA BALL, by THOMAS WALTON. nov 5 1m FALL GOODS. GEOROE W COE, H AS removed to No 7, Gibbons' Range, near Whitaker street, where he is opening an extensive assortment of Fresh Goods, suitable for the season, consisting of White und bottle-green Plains Mixed and blue do London Duffil Blankets Point and rose do White tt’idred Flannels Im| eria'- Caroline Plaids Plaid Italian Silks Real Tartan Plaids Super Furniture Chintz Printed und plain Caritaere Shawls Furniture Checks American Negio Cloth*. Blue and mixed Sattincitl Russia and Irish Diaper Figured ( rape Robes Merino Handkerchiefs and Shawls German do ( Figured Crupe Handkerchiefs Carpeting and Hearth Bugs Fashionable mixed CasimercB With a variety of other Goods, all of which will be sold low for cash or town acceptan ces oct 22 lin English and American Cast ings. /ID TONS English Castings, consisting ilCf of Ovens, from 9 to 20 inches 1 Pot:, from 1-4 Gallons, to 30 gallons, from the Canon Manufactory. —ALSO— 8 Tons of American Castings, cons'stiog of Ovens, Spiders with covfers; Fi e Dogs and Wuggou Boxes. For sale by P. M'DERMOTT. nov 12 Be Old 5th proof Irish Whiskey 4 |W u superior quality and excellent tU-, vor, ill Demijohns. For sale by ' WILLIAM CHOTI1ER3. nov 13 Hunter's Buildings, Notice. [\ LL petsons in arrears to the City In- spector, are hereby notified, that tin- hs all arrearages are paid before the first next month, they will indiscriminately s put in the hands of a Justice for codec- 1111. SAMUEL M MORDECAI. nov 9 n , 4 JOHN P. SETZE rtriAS received by the late arrivals from w New-York* a great yariety of CLOTHING, Which, for beauty and quality, excel any that ever was offered in this inaket,— viz. Blue and Black extra fine Dress Coats Second Quality do do Blur, Claret, and Brown Frock Costs Drab Box Coats Youths Fine Coats Blue and Gray fine cloth Coatees Valencia, Toilinets, Swsudowns, and all o< tht r kind of Fancy Vests Extra fine White Maiseilles do Black Florentine Cassimerc and Cloth do Blue Cloth and Cass mere Best Single and Double milled Cassimere Pantaloons, of all colours and sizes Flannel Shirts and Drawers Knitted do do Sup. Plain and Frilled Cotton and Linen Shirts. Superfine Cravats Scotch Plaid Cloaks, of various sizes and prices < Short and Long Lnmbswool Hole Gentlemen's Beaver Glove* 100 Dozen Woolen do Silk Umbrellas of all Sizes , Lion 8km Great Costs Servants Coatees and Pantaloons Men's and Boy* Suit**, very cheap Pea and Monkey Jackets Red Flannel, Check, and Striped Shirt* Striped and Spotted Guernsey Frocks Flag and Blue Bandana Handkerchief* Drab und Black Hats 1 London Duffil and Point Blanket* * ALSO, Superfine Blue and Blaci Cloth Do Double milled Cansi mere ofal most every colour Vest Shapes Black Florentine, Valenti*, antj Toilinet Vesting* Extra fine White Marscilus Fine and Common WhitilFfaanel 30 pieces Heavy Lion Skill 24 do very good qualify Blue'Plain* -Scotch and Tartan Plan Is, from 62 cts to gl Having just received the latest N. York and Philadelphia fashions, he will he ena bled to make up the above gdods to suit his customer* oct 31 |rb Ilay and Butter. rfySN'T, UUNDLB9 prime Hew H«jr 20 (i kins first qimlity Fresh Butter Landing IVom ship Charlotte at Tay lor’s wiurf. For solo by, C. C. GRISWOLD. nov 13 99 CANNEL COAL,* F on -ale, by J. F. WILLIAMSON. uct ;9 HaxaU’s Richmond! Super fine fresh Floitr.. aAA UARItELS) litrecei^ed.indcon -UU 8 t.nt supplies will cclitipue to st rive. UaAers and families cm be accom- mudated with any quantity, they rosy will, to purchase. The qu.lity of thi. flour U teemed very superior. Richmond Manufactory CUT NAIIS. TUide of Kusaia and Swedes lion, 8tl casts f, om 3d up to 3Ud. For sale bv FON’CE U MACKENZIE, nov 13 |re For Liverpool, •X T e ship > ATLANTIC, Robert /., Taylor, Master, Well known as a Packet sh p between New-YorA'snd Liverpool i copper ed snd copper fastened, and in every re spect'* first rate vessel; «he is of good dl mensions for stowing cotton, can load at town, and having commenced taking in. will sail on the 5th December. For (Yeight of 2u0 hales co’ton or passage, having ele. gant accommodations, apply to captain Tay lor on board at Hunter's wharf, qr to SAMUEL WRIGHT, nov 20 105 For Liverpool, ~ The new packet ship AMERICA, 7#throp Turner, Jr Master, Has commenced loading and will be dispatched. For freight of 500 bales of Cotton, which will be taken very low, or passugc, having elegant furnished accommodations, apply to Capt. Turner 00 board at Wallace’s wharf, or to 9. B. PARKMAN. nov 15 1 For Liverpool, The well-known ship BLUrilRR, R. J /'often, Master, Will be dispatched immedi- —ly. F07 freight or passage, app^y to Captain Patter on board, or to A. RICHARDS. B ho has retivedper said ship, j 19 casks l oiuion Porter > 8 bags of Nails N. B, Neither the Consignee nor the Caniaai of the ship Blucher will be reason- *ible lor debts contracted by her crew, not 14 100 FRENCH GOODS jit wholesale:, iHK Subscribers have just received new assortment of French Dvtj Goode fij Poxfumet^, imported d'rect via New-York, which they offer Wholesale on liberal termi, among them are, White, Black, and Bed 7-4 and 8-4 Merino Shawls Do do do 4-4 half and square Merino Handkerchiefs Block Silk Velvet and Mode Black, White, Olueand Pink fjatina Do do do do Florences Plain Lustring and Satin Ribbons, No li to 12 Pearl Edge do do No 1J to 18 Rich fig'd Ribbnna by setts, Nob-16 9-22 , Black Velvet Ribbons, No 4 to 100 White snd Black Silk Braids Black, Plain, und Striped Silk Galloons Plain und Embro dcred Silk Hose While und Black Silk Gloves Black, White and cul'd stiperf. Kid Gloves do do do do BuuYerdo Silk Suspenders and Garters Fancy 4-4 Bilk Handkerchiefs Black ami colored Sewing Silk Dandy 4-4 "ilk Handkerchiefs Superfine Gill edge Puper Pins Antique Oil, Pomatum Fine Wnse Soap, Honey Wnt» r Very Superior Cologne Wuti r, Uc. BLANCHARD, BROTHERS tt CO. Anderson*s Building on the Bay. nov 4 91 For Liverpool, “ The hut sailing ship CHARLOTTE, George Sims, Jr. muster, ■ mi — Is intended to meet quick dispatch. For freight or passage, having good accommodations, apply to Captain Sims on board at Taylor's wharf, or to C. C. GRISWOLD. nov 13 99 ANDREW LOW (4 CO. a AVB received, by the ships Georgia, Oglethorpe, and other recent arriv als from England and Scotland, the greater proportion ot their usual supi ly of Full 6? Winter Diy Goods, which thev offer for sale at a moderate ad vance for Produce, or on their uhuu! accom modating te. ms for approved paper 1 and by the ship Emily, daily expected from Li verpool, tliey will receive an additional us sortment, together with casks of London bottled Porter, in quart and pint bottles, Crockery, Glassware, and some other bulky articles. Now in store, and offered for safe, a few pieces of besi Baltic Hemp Cotton Bagging, 42 indies wide, oc; 19 GEORGE UELPH H AS received from England, by the bliips Richard Plasket, Oglethorpe, I'uiIub and Georgia, an extensive and gene ral uBflo tment of DRY GOODS, both of heavy staple Woollens, and Lon don tancy Goods; all of which were se lected by himself with the great< st care and attention t amongst which are a few real Tartan Plaids and Plaid Cloaks, and a good assortment of Servant’s reauy made Clothing, which can be sold very low. om 17 Blankets and Bagging. GEORGE \V. COE Offers for sale by the Bale or piece, and 4 Point BLANKETS S4 ^-4 and 7-4 Bristol Duffic Blankets 8-4 and 9-4 Heavy London Duffie do 4d and 42 inch Baltic Hemp Bagging ■“White and Blue Plains With a variety of Goods suitable for the season, at JVo. 7 Gibbons* Buildings. nov 9 lm TORTOISE SHELL, Ivors and Worn Combs Ingrain Carpeting, Sfc. t3~f)HE Subscribers offer for sale by the •UL dozen, an invoice of Tortoise Shell Combs of all sizes,* Very fine Ivory Combs of ill sizes MocA.' tortoise shell combs do do 4 bales Ingrain Carpeting by the bale or piece * 2 bales Domestic Plains do do —AIM— 300 lb Sewing Twine 2 cases Double and Single Barrel Gun* 3 Cables, from 6 to 10 inches BLANCHARD BROTHERS 14 CO. Anderson'- Buiidtiig oil the Bay, nov 15 • 101 For Liverpool, The superior coopered shin SOUTH BOSTON, A. U. Campbell, Master, Has part of her cargo enga ged, and will meet with dispatch. For freight or passage, having elegant furmih ed accommodations, apply to Capt. Camp bell on board at Jones upper wharf, or to Pt I ERSON. HAMMOND U CO. Who offer for sale, 1st anility Spu rn. Candles Freni Malaga Raisins in half barrels l'ict Madeira in half pipe* A few boxes Champaigns 3 b.ixes Boots and Shoes nov 12 98 For Liverpool, The liiHl hriIiiiu copper'd ship LADY GALLATIN, 360 Tims Burthen, Isaac Harris, Master, Is intended to be disputnlied without delay. For freight or passage, having good accommodations, upply to cap tain Harris, on board at Bolton* central wha f, or to HALL, HOYT & CO, nov 11 97 For Greenock, A The well known British ship > THIiEE SISTERS, James Bell, master, Wdl be dispatched on or be fore the 25th. Fir freight of 200 bales Cotton or pusuage, apply to the Captain on board,or to JOHN H. RFID fc CO, Who have fur Sale, Strelitz Tow Oznuburghs lm. Russia Sheetings 7-8 Linen Dowlas Bannockburn Tartan Cloaks ALSO, 20,000 Rest Easdulc Slates, which will be sold low, if applied (br immedi ately. oct 31 88 For New-Oilctftw, J The fast sailing brig HOPE fit POLLY, A e.ifilniM ..fimran, ZME (Well »rm. il I will mil fir. I of De cember fiir .he ibove putt. frelifh. or |»M.|fr, h.rin^ .ecuinitioil.tlani, •pply to the nkoter on hoord, or to S A. CONDY, Hice-o whmf. Neither the C.pUtn nor Con.ifrnte will p-y any debt. Contracted by the crew of uid brig, nnv 18 103 For Boston, The brig HELPER, R S. Ilubbard. Muster, _ Will «ail with all possible dispatch. For freight or passage apply to the Cap tain on board at Bulloch's wharf, or to JOHN CANDLER, .lone*' Buddings. Who has received and for sale, 50 bhls No 3 Mackerel 27 boxes Madeira Wine of sup quality 30 kegs Uttllcr, put expressly tor fami ly use 20 bbis I'utatoe* 50 bbls Apples nnv 16 102 For Providence, Th* schooner SALLY, Captain Matthews, Having part of her curgo enga- god, for remainder or passage, apply on Johnston U Hills' wharf, or to 8. MANTON,* nnv 90 a Rice's wharf t'UHLIU SALKS. By Buker Minton, THIS DAY, fllit bet. tt half put 10 oclock, in i.out of their Auction Store, A get era I aaionment of GROCERIES, Consisting of j pipes 4th prool Cognac B andy 6 hluls do Jamaica Uuin 50 bids Superfine Flour 30 do N O Sugar 20 qr ca*L* dry Malaga Win# S 6 hlids bt Croix Rum . ft 10 hluls N E Rum ( 8 pipes Northern Gin • 50 boxes Northern Candle* 1 25 d-> do Soap 10 bbls Loaf Sugar And,! hslfpatt il o'clock in ■tore; a luable assortment of seasonablt British DRY GOODS, Consisting of Superfine Blue Cloth and Csssimeres. Duffle 11 tan Art is, White and B'tie l'luina, Mac* and colored hewing bilArs, Apron cl ecks, TurArey lied Bandanas, Check Hdklk, Ir all Linens, super. I'late Calicos, Men and Women's blk and white worsted Hose, (amhi in Dimities, blaefc canton Hi.Art* cotton Bulls, Suspenders, White Muist i.lea counterpanes itlaok figu ed JtoiubaxeUn. Imitation Shawls, D niesuc Plains und Woolen*, Madiusa II Arts, White Flannel* Cham brays, broich Tartan Plaids, and cut* .on cambrics, £/c, nov 4 105 For Port-au-Prince, : V% The ship isN MONTGOMERY, Heston, Master, M , Will meet with dispatch. For f eight or passage, apply on board, or to v JOHN LATHROP U CO. novf 92 New-York, The sailing ship FAVORITE, Henry Beams, Master, Has commenced loading this day, ,and will meet with dispatch For freight or passage, apply to the Captain on boat'd at JoneS* lower wharf, or to SAMUEL WRIGHT. nov 18 103 For New-York, The packet ship 8 A V ANN AH, Isaac White, muster, # _ To meet with dispatch. For freight or passage having elegant sccom- modations, apply on board at Jones’s upper wharf, or to HALL, HOYT & CO. nov 16 102 For Providence, The brig BHL 8 E R E N O, bQiIK Captain HartKng, Will commence loading to-mor row, .»nd will have quick dispatch For freight 2C0 bales Cotton, apply to ” EDWARD l\ 1LLIAMS. nov 15 i For New-York, Tb* packet brig NATIVE, Captain Cole, To meet with dispatch.—for lre-g..i or passage, apply on board *t Jones' ipper wharf, or to HALL, HOYT & CO. nov 16 162 For Baltimore, Tllr .Innn PAUKKT, C..plain Clark, To sail on Friday next F >i freight or iiMuigc, apply on board at Jonea'i upper Wliarf, or to , HALL, HOYT U CO. nnv t8 103 Prime N O Sugar if Coffee. By J. B. Herbert <5 Co. Oil THURbDAV, 2U||| mat. at 11 o'clock will bo sold oh Andersons Wluui^ 101 hhda prime N O Suga s 150 hags prime Green C'ofiee —Also— 4 50 crates CmcWery well assorted 50 ps prime Inverness Bagging Terms—bums undei U0 u.»Si—over 200 to £500 60 dl)*—over 500 to glGGO 90 days—f v- r gl 00 4 mouths, for approv ed endorsed paper, nov 20 105 1VOOTS and SHOES. PACKAGES Ladies, Gentle- ZZpU'HJ mem and Children's Boota and Shoes, of a Superior quality 2000 pair Negro Shoes 100 Emerson's Superior Elastic Ramr Strops Also, on Consignment, 25 barrels N Rum For suh* on the most reasonable terms, it Morrison's Building, Opposite the Ex change, by TIMOTHY EVANS. nov 8 95 To Let, The Store in WhiUkcr street, Aral door front the corner ofCongrea. at reel, formerly occtt- pied by lliomns Dowell tj Co. excellent stand for bonne.., For term. apply to BI5NJ. H. BOYNTON, or P MORIN, Corner nfCengretund VYluttJboMt* nov 13 99 To Kent S TWO Brick STORES oti the Bay, the upper atory finished for Dwrl- —they sre first rate stands for bit- nons und pleasantly situated. Alao Three Teuemeutt on Bay Lane* For terms» ap* ply to HALL, HOYT & CO. nov 8 re To Rent, iTTftllE Store iivJoiiei' Buildings on the iJL Bay, next to the one occupied by Smith U Timer, an excellent stsnu for bu siness. Also several Dwelling houses and Ware Ruoma. Apply to R. U J. HABERSHAM, nov 12 (98 r I'o Rent, T HE lower part ofthe building occupied as the Georgian Office. Apply to the editor. oct 24 To Rent, T WO Stores in the building Cf posit* Penfiuld's range. also, One Tpnomont suitable fbr * DwoUIng or Boarding House, terms moderate. Ap* ply to THOMPSON & BONNEY, nnv 9 | Wtiitaker-atpeet. For Rent, O N accommodating t< rms, that large and commodious house situated on corner ol Jefferson and Ba>-streets, opposite the Washington llall. Also the house at pre sent occupied by Doctor Furth, and tmis- ted opposite White's Hotel. Inquire of 8 I'auxMicx. nov 18 103 Iiish Whiskey, ^c. a Puncheons O d Irish Whislrey, war- runted Genuine 16 bbls r* fined Loaf Sugar 12 qr casks pure Malaga Wine 3 4th proof domestic Brandy 10 obis 1st do do do For sole low, by M. HOPKINS IS r O S West comer Market square. nnv 19 b Brunswick Blacking, F OR Stoves, Coal Grates, Fireplaces, &C. This beautiful composition when applied to the above named article*, gives them an elegant and durable Black gloss, (Vee from any disagreeable smell. Sold by r B. WORRELL, Jr. Druggist, Comer of Buy and Whitaker streets, DOT 16 8 By John slack, Jr. TO-MORROW, .til o'clock, Will be sold b< f ire hit auction store, No 2 Uctnmeieo row, Sundry aril lea of GROCERIES. nov 31, lufl » ■ ■ ranli. by George SxJiIey, 10 MORROW, 3«t in.t. at n .. . look, Will be sold in front of ins su re, without r serve, One pair Elegant Caniag& Horses. nnv 31 106 Term. cash. By George Schley, On FRIDAY, 33d it,it. at 11 o'clock, will, be soldln front of Ins Store, Sundry articles of Groceries, Crockery, 8cc, — ALSO — The following FURNITURE, secondhand, but ot excellent quulity, viz t 2 Mantle Mirrors 1 Secretary and Bookcase, glass door* 1 do do wood do 1 Mahogany Bureau 9 beautiful Engravings in gilt frame* 3 Mahogany Bedstead* 1 Feather Bed l hair Matrass and pad* 1 set Dining Ti.blex 1 Grate, Shovel and Tong* . 1 set Bed Curtains 1 Settee, 1 Night cabinet 1 doft Chairs, I D/essmg Table, 1 Toilet glass, 1 Worfc Table 3 Maps, 1 pair Knife cases Sundry articles of Croi Aery fc glassware* and a Variety of valuable BOOKS. ALSO 1 good Saddle nnJ Draught Horse ik>v 20 105 Notice. r I^IIE Copartnerblup of the Subscriber* M. uii'let the Arm of Dehmater IS Starr,is this day dasolved by mutual consent. i'cr- sous bavin £ demands against the Concern are requeued to present them for set le* ment, am) those indebted to make payment to B. IV. Delumater. B. W. DEI.AMATER W. STARR. Jr _ B W. uelamtiter will cLtttinue the Gro cery Business, ut th* old stand, on Bohou'a wharf. nov U 07 Iticc Bread. T HIS MORNING at the'Establishment, Broughton street, 'o weigh threw ounces more than the assise. The suhicri*, her is now prepared to supply Groeem—* tliey msv depend upon being supplied punctually. N. D. One or two apprentice* to the bu* s ness Would be taken. P. BRASflH. r.ov 15 re A Valuable City Residence for Sale. fl^llE subscriber offers for Safe, hi* new, large, srnl commodious Brick Dwelling House in CourthoAe squs e It is so well • known, tlyat it is only necessary to say, that it has always been consi 'erod one of the most desirable residences in the city. If not sold in a few weeks it will be rented. JAMES M'HKNRY. nov 8 90 4 Rum, Gin, BA111IK1.S N K Rum 35 bbls ItidiH Point Gia 2 JO qr boxes Span sit S. 30 qr ctoks Curruit Wine, of . m. perior quality Landing from brig Hope & Folly, and for ■ale by S. MANI ON, nor 13 99 Rice’s wharf Corn Afloat, O N hoard the schooner INO at Sol ton’s wh.t f, in lots to so t pur haier* For sale by Q. k i. HABEBSHAlf.