Savannah Georgian. (Savannah, Ga.) 1822-18??, November 23, 1822, Image 3

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SLATE, O V l «)prrm q Mi) \, in In •nl> purcluuera. K t mic ai nducul )>ritc>, by JOHN fl. ItEll) fc CO, nov3J 1 7 FALL noons. FRENCH GOODS m SlOCkS. SHARKS 8learn II vt 9tnck 5 * allures 1*1 inters' Bunk Stock For shIc by * GEORGE SCHLEY; Whn'\n*L«*§ to |>urohu*<* fiat ft Wank Stack. Spanish Segars, I N whole, half, and quarter Boxes, of ve ry superior quality, received from lla- vuna, ami tor sale hv , JOHN H. RF.II) U CO. \ nov 1.1 Q'.l Notice. T IIF, subscriber, have appointed U. Dai lord to collect all ih Ina due to their late firm I’vraoni indebted thereto, will make payment to him. CIIAK1.KS I.EVlSTONES. JOHN 4ANDLK1L nov 21 p Sugar, Flour, Whiskey, b$c. II(IDS St. Croix Sugar 1U'J bbls fresh Flour ft) do Whiskey 75 do Apple ll-andy 10 kegs F unity Butter 150 boxes No 1, Snap 60 do Stq erlor Mould Candles 50 bbls Mess Beef 15 It lids N £ Rum 30 bbls do do 10 do Linseed Oil Landing from brig Messenger, snd for talc by DANIEL CARNEY, Jr. •• n 0 u Ifu'U^r’s luiilt'uury., li ay and Gutter. <6Vjf\ Av IIUNIK.KS prime New Hay 20 li kins first quality Fresh Butter Landing from ship Charlotte at Tay. lor’s wharf. For sale by c. c. gruwold. nov 13 99 For Sale, R ICHMOND Fiourot the most approved orands ; Loaf Sugar and Manufactured ^oo M rco. The last lias been in store some time. GUMMING U GWATHMEY. nov 19 ii 'File subscribers or kick rmt ^lb, A) the Store lately occupied by Messrs Scott U Fahm, on the Exchange dock, the fol- lotvi. g articles, j'ist lauding from brig 0<g«o I, <£> . Ii'ES Brandy, 4th proof >2*) 4 pipes 11 ll.uttl G.n 2 li (I-. Jamaica Rum 20 'ibis Rye G u 20 do do Whiskey 4 hbds do do So bbls N E Rum 5 qr casks TeneviflV Wine 5 qr casks Madeira 6 obis White Witte Vinegar 2 chests and 20 qr chests llysou Tea 2 boxes Impeiia , containing 20 cannis- ters Tea, 2 lbs each 1 box Gun Powder containing 20 cannis- ters Tea. 2 ibs each 1 box Souchong 24 kegs Gunpowder 4 kegs Soot assorted 7 hhtia St Croix Sugar, very superior '20 bbls dtf 40 bags beet Green Collet 20 bbls Pilot Bread 40 coils Bale Rope 10 bbls Loaf Sugar 10 do Lump do 10 hall tii k ns Butter £0 .boxes Spent Candles 2o« do Mould do 2vr bbls Richmond superfine fresh Flonr, Haxalt's Brand 20 botes Brown Soap 20 do Yellow do 3 casks Carolina Hoes, No 2 and 3 2 do Patent do 2 do Trace Chains 3 dozen Cooper's Adzes 10 dozen hand and club Axes .12 do Padlocks, assorted i MACKENZIE u HERNANDEZ. " nov 20 lu5 A Valuable City Residence for Sale. T HE subscriber • flV.i s for Sale, h:a new, large, and commodious Brick Dwelling House in Courthouse squire It is so well known, that it is only necessary to say, that It has always been considered one of tlu most desirable residences in the city. II not soUptn a few weeks it will be rented. JAMES MilENIlY. nov 2 90 Negroes for Sale. A Prime gang of 32 Negroes, that can •AjL he highly recommended, will he sold On accommodating terms, by . GEORGE SCHLEY. ■tov 21 re English and American Cast- "ings. rftpra TONS English Castings, consisting tii ol Ovens, from9 to 20 inches i Pot^, from 1-4 Gallons, to 30 gallons, from the Carbon Manufactory. —ALSO— 8 Tons of American Castings, cons : sting of Ovens, Spiders with covers; Fiie Dogs snd Waggon Boxes. For sale bv P. M'DERMOTT. nov 13 fie Tide Swamp Plantation. rpHK subscriber offers for sale that well* ^ known plantation called Ike\xtoi\ llitt, immediately below the cit> of SavaD- hah, containing 230 acres of prune river swamp; about 215 acres under good bnnfc and in planting order, and between l and fioO acres of high l .ml. Biddings sufficient I'f Mgang of a Uuudied negroes, with barns «tc i t m* arcjmmoda* ig to a good purcha- Her, For further particulars apply to Messrs ll \ J HABERSHAM, or to the aubscri- b- r in Charleston, ll. >1. HAIG. not 15 $103 okohgk #r ruK, W AS rvmnxm) i«. No 7, G nburtx* Range, near Whitaker street, where be is opening at* extensive **■»« tm* nt ol F *ah Gauds, Mutable tet the se <»on, of White and hoi tie green Plains Mm d and blue do London DufHl blankets Point and tote do White* a id led Flannels Inq rrinl Caroline Plaids Plaid Ita'ian Silks Hrul Tartan Plaids Super Furniture Cliinta Printed and plain Casimere Shawls Furniture Checks American Negio Cloths Blue and mixed Sattinetts Russia and Irish Diaper Figured crape Robes Merino Handkerchiefs and Shawla Gorman do Figured Crape Handktrchiefh Carpeting and Hearth Ruga Fashionable mixed Canmerei With a variety of other Goods, all of which will be sold low for cash or town acceptan ce* oct 22 lm IP AT HHOLKSJfiK. IE Suhacribeta have just received new assortment of French J AMES ANDERSON ^ Co TUI VVE received by recent arrivals from AM Eng* Anglnnd and France, sen etion of very choice ¥a«c^ amVSita\iVft Bc^ Goods, CKXS*8Tt.»U IN TAUT OP Superior Brussels, Venetian, English In grain and Scotch Carpeting, with lleatIII Rugs to match Blue, green, and damask Table Covers Rich furniture Chintzes and furniture Di mity Rich damask tabic Cloths and Tea Napkins A beautiful assortment of black and colored Hombazetts, plain and figured Extra fine black Bombasines Elegant Hobbinet Veils and Laces White and yellow marking Canvass 1 ifants* Caps and Frock Uodies, elegantly worked Elegant sewed muslin Hdkfs. Capes, Co). lai ets, Tippets and Frills, new patterns Do sew* d Spencers and flounced Muslin Robes and Hall Dresses Do indenting and scolloped Trimming and Flounces F shionable Head Ornament* Rich dotted and sprig’d book and mull Mus- lints and Lemn h Extra quality width and bluek silk Hobo Fleecy co'k soles and gauze Stockings White, black and o lured Si IPs uml Satins, and B.ack Mode Ricl» ft mi (l silA Shawls and Hanfcerchicfs, all sizes Rich figured Satin and lustring Ribbons Uiack, white and colored French Crape Dressea B’ack, white and colored French Crape Shawls and Srnrl's Ladies' superior Paris made long and habit Arid Gloves Ladies’ superior castor, beaver and silk Gloves Elegant merino Shaw’s snd Scarfs, a few with lead volori d borders White Velvet for painting B ack Italian Levantines and Sat tin Black Nankin Crapes and Crape Drcisei Do figured Grot de'Naples and wide Vel vet Ribbon Swansdown for trimming and tippeta Strip’d and check'd lalian Silks Best London superfiiW black, blue and fhtv oy Cloths Best London superfine black, blue, scarlet, bull; white, and funcy colored Cassi- meica Together\v1th a la ge variety of other Goods, which mwke their •present aisoit- ment very complete and extensive, and which will be sold nit accommodating terms, nov 13 ||i tir>j Goods 8} PcrfumerT, Imnortod d reel via Nrw Ynrk, which they offer NYhuleaale on liberal terma, among them ate, 50 to too Rules Wanted F r ’he whip l> ALIAS, To axil on or before 5th De- ccmbcr, for Liverpool. Ap- plyta JAMES DICKSON It CO. wov >0 toy White, Black, and Red 7 4 and 8-4 Merino Shawls Do do do 4-4 halt and square Merino Handkerchiefs RiickSilk Velvet and Mode Black, White, Blue and I’uik Satins Do do do do Florences Flaii’ Lustring and Satin Ribbons, No 1| ’ to )2 Pearl Kuge do do No 1} to 16 Rich fig’d gibbons by satis, No 6-lb 9-32 Black Velvet Ribbons, No 4 to 100 White and Black Silk Braids Black, Plain, and Striped Silk Galloons Plain and Emhi o dered Silk Hose White and Black Silk Gloves Black, White and col’d superf. Kid Gloves do do do do Beaver do Silk Suapenders and Garters Fancy 4-4 Silk Handkerchiefs Black and color* d Sewing Suk Dandy 4 4 ''ilk Handkerchief* Superfine Gilt edge Paper Pina Antique Oil, Pomatum Fine Rose Soap, lloncy Water Very Superior Cologne Water, Wo. BLANCHARD, BROTHERS W CO, .indemon's Ituilding on the Pay. nov 4 91 ANDREW LOW & GO. rtlAVB received, by the ships Georgia, Oglethorpe, and other recent irriv* la from England and Scotland, the greater proportion of their usual supj ly of Full & Winter Dry Goods, which they offer Inr.alB ,t» moderate ml- v.nce fot i’totluoe, ov oh their imial nccoin- modttin(f tc ma fiir .pprnved p.peri and by the thin Emily, duly expected fnim l.t verponl, they will receive ■» .dditioiml ns snrtment, together will, cnnlu of t.nndon hollled l*oiter in <l')«rt ami pint bullies, Crockery, Ulasawn e, and sumc oilier bulky articles. Now In store, and nlTered for sale, a few niece* ot bos' Halite Hemp t'ollon Majjiuf, 4'J inches wide. oc 19 DRV GOODS At very Reduced Prices. JOHN P. SEIZE J^JAS rectivcd by the late arrivals from New-York, a grrat variety of GLOTWIXG, Which, for b*?auty and quality, excel any that ever was offered in this maket,—viz. Blue and Black extra fine Dress Costa Second Qulity do do Blue, Claret, and Brown Frock Costs Drab Box Coals Youths Fine Coats Blue and Gray fine cloth Coatees Valencia, Toilineln, Swaudowns, and all o- ther kind of Fancy Vesta ^ Extra fine White Maraeilksdo Black Florentine Cwarimere and Cloth do Blue Cloth and Casaimere IKst Single and Double milled Caasimere Pantaloons, of all colours and sixes Flannel Shirts and Drawers Knitted do do Sup. Plain and Frilled Cotton and Linen Shirts Supeifine Cravats Scotch Plaid Cloaks, of various sizes and prices Short and Long Lambswool Holt G ntlcmen’s Beaver Gloves 100 Dozen Woolen tlo Silk Umbrellas of all Sizes Lion Skin Great Coats Servants Goatees and Pantaloons Men’s and Boys Suits very cheap Pea and Monkey Jackets Red Flannel, Check, and Striped Shirts Striped and Spotted Guernsey Frocks Flag and Blue Bandana Handkerchief* Drub and Rla< k Hat* London Duffilaml Point Blankets inn PIECES White, Blue, and Mixed ■* UU Plains 50 ph ces t.nndon Duffio, Bristol, and Point Dlai <.v»a* 300 puir Ituae RlanFets. a grent sacrifice 96 pieces White and R. *l Flannel* A few pieces Real Welch do uncommonly Fine 35 pieces Green Raise, some very low pri ced 45 pieces Mi xt and Blue Cloths for Ser vant* Superfine Cloths, Cassimeres, and Vesting 13 nieces Patent Cotton Tick Counterpanes and Mai acilks Quilts, great Bargains 20 pieces 6 4 Sheetlnjf, very fine 27 do Furniture and Hair Cord Dimity 41 do 4-4 Linen, suspiciously cheap 86 do Towelling am! Table liiaper tVom 3-4 to 18-4 wiuc, at less than sterling cost 200 pieces very Low priced CulitO 56 do 6-4 Columbia Plaids 30 do Caroline and Clan Plaids Figured and Plain Uombazetts of every dc- j scription 200 pieces Russia Diaper, and I u d» Rolls 1 hale vet*)' l"W priced Cari et i g DooA*, Mull, Jaconet, NainsooF, ltatilla Cambric Muslins, figured and plain Muslin Drosses. Flounces, Trimmings, and Tippets, of the latest fashion 460 doavn Silk, Cotton, and Woolen Ho- scry, well assorted 93 doxeu K d, Castor, Beaver, Doc, Buell, and Dog-A'in Gloves 10 pieces Norwich made BlacF Bomba seen, the greatest bargain ever offered here lilac A' Sarsncts, RlacF Canton IIsndFcr- chiefs, and Fancy Silfr Shawls and Scarfs, new style These goods were principally selected in Europe, by a superior iudge, o' putxha- sed in this country at auction, so that they can and will he sold cheap at the GOLDfiJV liALL, by THOMAS WALTON. nov 5 lm ALSO, Superfine Blue an*! Black Cloth Do Double milled Cassinterc of al most every colour Vest Shapes Black Florentine, Valencia, and Toilinet Vestings Extra fine White Marseilles Fine and Common White Flannel 3U pieces Heavy Lion Skin 24 do very good quality Blue Plains Scotch and Tartan Plaids, from 62 cts to gl Having just received the latest N. York and Philadelphia fashions, he will be ena- bled to make up the above goods to suit his customers, oct 31 Irb ItOOTS and SHOES. PACKAGES Ladies, Gentle men, and Children’s Bools and Shoe*, of a Superior quality 2000 pair Negro Shoe* TjO Emerson’s Superior Elastic Razor Strops Also, on Consignment^ 25 barrels N Rum For sale on the most reasonable terms, at Morrison's Building, Opposite the Ex change, by TIMOTHY EVANS. nov 6 95 For Liverpool, ~ ►% Ikic ah p w> ATLANTIC. ffehrrt L 'Pnytor, Misfit*, WHl known as a Packet hit p between New YoiFand L’verpnol t copper- co and ropper fastened, and in every re tpect a fimt rate vessel; she is of good di mentions for Mowing cotton, can load 1 at town, and having commenced taking in, will tail on the 5th December, For freight ot 3oOhaha cotton or passage, having cle* f pml accommodation*, apply to captain Tay or on board at Hunter's wharf, or to SAMUEL WRIGHT. nov 30 J05 For Liverpool, The fa t sailing ship CH A HLOTTK, George Sims, Jr. muster, l* intended to meet quick dispatch. Fir freight or passage, having good accommodations, apply to Captain Sim*on board at Taylor’* wharf, or to C. C. GIUSWOLD. nov 13 99 For Liverpool, The fast s*d<ng copper’d ship LADY GALLATIN, 360 T»n» Bonhen, Isaac Hanii, Matter, Is lnifiiUrd tu he tu-il wilhmit ili'Uy. For IK'i^l't or |uis,.gi' l h.viiig goixl tooommodatfons, »(iply to cup lain Iturrii, on buarj at Uoltom central wliaif, or to iiai .i.. iicvrfc co. nov 11 97 For Greenock, The wed known British ship TIIUKK SISTKRS, Jnmee Iteil, master, Will bo *lispa»dhed «m or he fore the 25\h. For freight of 200 hale* Cotton or paasuge, apply to theCaptaiu on bu*\d,ovto JOHN II. RF.ID k CO. rn«o hdvefir Side, St relit/. Tow Ozuuhuigha lm Russia Sheeting* 7-8 Linen Dowlas Bannockburn Tartun Cloakl ALSO, 20,000 BestEndul*. Slates, which tviil be sold low, if applied for immedi ately. oct 31 88 For Fort-uu-Priucc, The slop MONTQOMBRY. II ntoti. Mailer, -—— "’ill mart with iliipiteh. Fur tixnithl or pa,.sng;r. apply on hnaril, or to joiin i.atuUoi* y <-a. hov S 93 For New-York, The fi*v ^ailing ship FAVOlimt, Henry Beams, Master, ■. — — Has commenced loading this day, and will meet with dispatch Fur fi’eigld or passntf >, api 1\ to the Captain on boaitl at Jones’ lowe* wharf, or to SAMUEL WRIGHT, nnv 1R |03 * For New-York, The packet hrig Nativk, Captain C.le, To moet with iliapatch.- Fur fi cippil nr p«, apply on board at Junes’ upper wharf, or to 1IAI.I., IIOVT & CO. , *6 1 Ct* • Hlankcts and Lagging. UEOTUJE W. 130li Offers for sate by the Bute or piece, and 4 Point BLANKE TS 6-4 and 7-4Hriatol lWfH * IVankefs 8-4 and 9 4 Heavy London DufH .* do 40 and 42 inch lialric Hemp Bagging White ami Blue PI* na With a variety of Good* auiUhle for the season, at vVo 7 Gibbons* Buildings. nov 9 lm TORTOISE SHELL, Yvoy^ tu\A UoTtv OovwLa, Iiigrain Carpeting, dj*c. OrnilR Subscribers offer lor sale by the -il doxrn, an invoice of ToVtoise ^aliell Combs of all sixes, Vcn fine Ivory Comb* of ad sites line* tortoise shell c* mbs do do 4 bale* Ingrain Carpeting by the bale or piece 2 bales Domestic Plains do do —also— SCO lb Sewing Twine 2 case* Double and Single Barrel Guna 3 Cables, from 6 to 10 inches BLANCHARD BROTHERS CO. Anderson’- Building on the Bay, nov 15 101 White Plains and Mankets T HE subscribers have received b> the sh-p Oglethorpe from law- pool. H hue Plains and /infie Blankets, with a variety of other articles mutable for the present fnd approaching season, which they offer or sale on their usual terms. JAMES ANDERSON 8r Co. oct 3 CA.nNEL goal, poll «ALE, b) J. P. W1LUAMSOJJ. roi iToviUence, The new and fast sailing brig 1 O D O, Spear, Misterit Will meet with dispatch. For fielght nr passage, apply io the master on board at Moure's whari, or to ISAAC COUEN. hov 02 p 107 For New-Oi leans, JMg Tlu fast sailing brig M, IIOPK & l‘i)LLY. Captain Jlluuran, 9K (Well armedt will aa.l first of De- oeiubi r for the above port. F »r freight or passage, having handsome accuromodattona, apply to the (Router on‘board, or to 3 A. CONDY, Rice’s wharf. Neither the Captain nor Consignee will pay any debt* Contracted by the crew of said brig. nov 18 103 ‘ For Boston, I he brig HB«FK R. ^ R S. Hubbard. Master, Will sail wu h all p< ssib e dispatch F»*r tVvight or passage apply to the Cap- lulioeli’s wliaif, or to tain on hoard at JOHN CANDLER, Jones* B iddings. ilht has retd vc d and for sale, 50 bbls No 3 Mackerel 27 boxes Madeira Wine ofsup quality 30 keg* Butter, put expressly for fami ly use 20 bh!s Potatoes 50 bbls Apple* nov 16 102 For Darien, The regular n.«ek* t schooner 1 HORN, Venuird, Cluster, Will be dispatched immediately. Fort.eight or passage, apply to the on boanl at Bolton's wliaif. nov 22 p107 For i& to Coowiwntcliie and Reaurort, The aloon GUN. WASHINGTON, For freight, apply to the Captain oil boaid at 1), von purl’s wharf, Or nnv °2 JOHN EVEIHNGIIAM, Jr. p 107 Fur Baltimore, The sloop PACKKT, Captain ('lark, mmmsmms To sail on Friday next F » Ireight m, apply on hoard at Jones’* upper wharf, or to HALL, HOYT V CO. ntiv 18 103 To Let, The Store in \Vliii|ker* street, first door front the curm ■*- B l ofCongresi'street,form rlyoccu pied by I hum** Dowell A <’.*. an excellent stand fiir hurinesi. For term apply to BENJ. ||. BOYN TON, br P MORIN, Corner of Congress and Whita/ber-sis nov 13 99 To Rent, /T)HK Store In J<»nt*’ Buildings on tlu wl Bay, next to the one occupied h> dmitli U Tiu nyr, an excellent staml for bti* Sines*. Also several Dwelling houses six Ware R loots. Apply to U. U J. HABERSHAM, nov 12 198 do Rent, WO Stores in the budding oppos'd . I'cMifield’s runge. Aisn, One Tenement suitable for a Dwellin or Boarding House, terms mode rate. A:- ply to THOMPSON & IlONNEYt nov 9 | Wlutakcr-strcet. 'lo Rent, r HF. lower part of the building occupim as the Ucorgiun Oliice. Apply lo tin editor. oct 24 Fur Rent, O N accommodating terms, that Inrge nn- oonuftodioiis bouse situated on corn «»i Jeflerson and llai-sireetH, opposite tin Washington 11*11. Also the house at pi* sent occupied by Do.-toi Furtli, and situn- ted apposite White’s Hotel. Inquire of 3. PuiianicK. nov 18 103 For Providence, Th* schooner • SALLY. Captain Matthews, , Having part of her cargo enga- .... remainder or ,passage, apply on board at Johiibton <J Hills’ u liarf, nr to S. MANTON, nov 20 4 Bict’a wharf. gc*t, f Notiee. T HE Cnpartnei-hhip of the Subscriber* under the firm of Dclumatcr Starr,i s this day dissolved by mutual consent. Per- sons having demaiuis against the Concern are requ* sted to present them for set h* ment, ami those indebted to make payment to U. W. Dulamuter. B-W DEl.AMATEU W. STARR. Jr. R W. Delfematcr will coiitiy.ue the .Gru* eery Businesti, at the old Htanu, on Bolton’* wharf. nov 1l 97 Pish Whiskey, tyc. 8 Puncheons o d Irish WhisMjj* War ranted Genuine 16 bbls r> fined Loaf Sugar 12 qr casks pure Mulugi Wine 3 pi | es 4th proof domestic Brandy 10 bhls 1st do do do Fur sale low, by M 'HOPKINP U CO’ S B est corner Murkei square, nov id b Rum, Gin, &c. BARRELS N R Hum 25 bbls India Point Gin 250 q'* boxes Span ah Segura 20 qr casks Currant Wine, of a su perior quality Landing from brig Hope U Polly, and for sale by S. MANTON, itov 13 *10 Rice’s wharf NOTICE. ujpHB Suhscribcrs ure prepared to dis- <11 count promptly every day, approvtc »>u| er, nut having more than ninety dayi to run, at six per cent, and pay the procendr of such discount by Checks on Augusta, i preferred by the • fierer, GUMMING U GWATlIMEYv nov 16 re Notice. O N Tuesday next, at 11 o’clock, at the Baptist Meeting House, an election will take place fot thirteen DinxcTa&Ssxs to the Savannah Free School, lor the en suing year. A punctual attendance of tlte subscribers is requested. M. RICHARDSON. nov 21 106 'File Subscriber R ESPEC TPULLY begs leave to inform Ins friends and the public, that he Iimh established himself in the Paotofage an» Commission Business on Hunter’s wliuif, and will be thaukfill tor nny favors. JOIIN CANDLER. B'ho has for salf, 100 boxes Candles of different numbers lOo do best Yellow 9nap 30 coils of Cordage of dill crent sizes nov 16 102 Fowled Patent Bedsteads. N assortment of the above construe* iSUA tion is ready for inspeition at the Furni ure Store of the Subscriber, ii. which the long desired improvements the mode of mufcrng Uedatcad* isd< ubleaa ac complished ; it may be set up in one mi nute, and taken down in the same apace ot time without the use of tools, and does not c ntain the least harbour for bug»ordirl. A further description i* deemed unneces -a y, as the improvement must stand on its merits. The Subscriber being authrrised lo s< 11 them in this place, will receive ordets for them at his store in WhitaFor street, oppo- sitc Col. Sh-rilmanbi- J. W. MORRILL. nov 16 | 102 PUBLIC SALKS. By George Schley, '•HS BAY, 13.1 in«. .t UoVInfV,. Will lm Mild .1 Smilli’i wharf mihcul rr save, 250 Bushel* of beat Lancashire Potatoes. nnv PS MS Trrm. c«h. By Baker Minton, I)n MONDAY, SJili tirat. .1 h.lf pint 10 o’clnek, in front of their Auction Store* A general aaaortment of G HOC JS It l ES, ltd a> half past 11 o'clock in atom, a va luable aaaortment of aeasonubU- British DRY GOODS. nov 3.1 108 By J. B. Herbert fy Co. Till'' DAY, 23d insl. h\ 11 o'clock, H ill be sold before our More. A genetu! .•Kvotmcnt of GROG ER l ES, &c. . nov 23 108 3'crmv *-..ali. C o It jv*. By J. B. Herbert f*? Co. fill be sold tut MONDAY, 2i<h M.Mant^ on board aclidniter lno, l> mg at Boium’a Cenfral wharf. 1600 Bushels N. Carolina Corn It will be 8 -Id in lots to suit purchaaers. Sale at ll n’ducF. Terms cash, "uv 23 108 J. B. Herbert.^- Co. On TUESDAY, :6th inat X: ll *>*do» at okr m Will be sold i ay»W, A i r,, n'*ral assortment *V DI!V GOODS. luv 23 ]t>8 il'ein * jl'eni « CnHr l.Nh l RUCTION (TN T\us Y\o\\n and. V Yvitc. Rice Barrels, W HOLE nt 75 cents HALF do. at 62J cent*—for side by MEIGS. Mongin’s, late Bulloch’s Buddings--. nnv 11 U a Lost or Stolen. A BLUR’S uniform Jacket, with . 4 vi r Ep.ule^e—»ny person leaving m hi. OtBce .licit luformttion a. will lead t their reruvery, *U J1 be Uhcn. 1 .!/ rswudvd. nor 18 IVi lire Suliscrlher a RSPECTFUl.l Y informs the Inhabi tants of Savannah and i's Vicinity, that he will open a School for the reception Of young Ladies and Gentlemen, on MOXI)A V the 18th of Xovmbcr, In which u ill bo taught all the requisites of a correct English education, together with the Latin, GreeAr, French, and Italian lan guages. lie has taken the room occasion* ally occupied by the Union ^bciety, in the west end of the Academy. For Terms of Tuition ami other informa tion, apply to the store of Baldwin & Hay* m A*-..., o t i,r fit. U.itty ll.ttol ward, a tew doors w*-ki of the City lintel* FAR WELL JONES. nov 13 * 99 REMOVAL. Palmes & roe H ave to Bolton’, wharf, «c- cootl Store »bnve the Exchange doc it, where they offer for rale, Coro, O.U, Hay, and Groceries u, usual* n>v 15 |i. Old 5t!i proof Irish Whiskey. O K > «upeilor quality and ei. -llent 8^ v - ■- -—- ■ - - - v or, in Uem j ln»." F.irraleby WILLIAM UKOl'HERS. Uuoltr’. Umldm-h nor 13 |. *.V * ,f -7 ■wL Prime N <> Ku^ar CoHcc. By J. IS. Herbert ftj Co. On TIIUH80AY, JHih n .i. . llV'cluc* will he sold on And* ihoiis Whaaf, 101 Idids prime N O Stigma ISO bugs pi’inii* Green t'otfee AIIO , 50 ev n *i"i Fe I <• «-R ««cr i-ted 50 ps prime Inverness R igging '* ii u ■* i. ii. i k nj c.isli — over '00 to g500 60 tlxss • oti-j 50U to ijll.00 00 days—»VfM- gp 00 4inuuliis, foi approv ed endoi-std paper ALSO, 25 bbls C.fT v 15 lilids N () Rum 4th proof 7 pipes Holland Gin 10 botes white Havana Sugar 20 hhlulBperm oil rm. M H)8 Auinimp.u'utor'8 >aks. lly J. li Herbert & Co. JO tlu* first ll’ucHduy in ,ll*. nary next. ^11 I. be Bold before the Court houser hi thiacity, between the usual hum a,, our valuable slaves, v x; Loudon, Laliuh, Nelly, and lur child, I eloneing lo t|.e es- .»\e ol Samuel Evans, tlec^aed, anld by .n.rmission *»f the Honorable die Churl of Ordinary and by order of the adm mstra- t"ts. Terms cash, ii 'V 23 18 M R. HKNllY, Rist Violin in •* • * «n» uah I hea'rc, intends to givi hmc •lion on above instruments lie vii h© lound at the House of Dr. Louis II. Furth. nov 19 H limits and fc\ro**8. — WWMWA THOMAS DOWELL & Co. Corner of Broughton and Wlmuk* r s'fei t% opposite Col. Sliellmnn’H Mimsioo h«.u«e. Have received per hhih Savannah from Aew- York, , Indies black and cohn’d prunelle filippert Do do <lo> do Boots Do morocco Boots, Shoes and ‘ hutteea Do do slippers and G-ec*an Tiei 1st and 2d quality WELLING ION Roots Mens* calfskin Jeflerson Ties and bjmea Do morocco Shoes and Dancing Pi/inna Misses black and colored Morocco Buoti and Slipper* Roys fine and Coarse Shoes Children’s moroctn and Leather Boots ' ALSO, A large aaaortment of Hair Trnfiks, withf a variety of other shoes, all of which will oe sold on reasonable terms, nov 20 b , 1 .r m ' % *