Savannah Georgian. (Savannah, Ga.) 1822-18??, December 17, 1822, Image 1

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SAVANNAH GEORGIAN NEW SERIES—VOL. II SAVAJV'JS'Att, TUESD iV MOILYIXG, I)IZCEMU Eli 17,182*. SWANN Yll: MONDAY MORNING, DEC. 16.18?2. . \Vc understand, says the Augusta Ad- t<4'tiscr, that General Thomas Glasscock and Col. ZachoriaH Lamar, have been ap pointed Cotmaissioncra to treat with the Indians. CanijTwi.—Nothing of any importance has yet been transacted in Congress, both houses having been principally engaged in their internal organization. Ill Senate, on the 5th inst, Mr. Johnson, of Kentucky, gave notice, that he wonld ask leave to bring in a bill for the abolishment of im- prsfcnment for debt. The Rev. Mr. Bref Icenridgo, of the Presbyterian persua sion, was chosen Chaplain of the House. The House adjourned on Friday the 6th to Monday. A new steam boat, named the «• Hamburg” was to be launched at Charleston on Saturday, intended to ply between (hat city and New Ham burg, opposite Augusta. From Spain—Captain Hatton, ar med at Norfolk from Cadiz, from whence he sailed on the 28th of Oct. brings a report that a severe battle had been luu^ht previous to his de«' parture, in Cut* Ionia, between the Royalists and Constitutionalists, in which the former were compelled to retreat with great loss. The state of Spain is represented to be miserable aud distracted in the extreme. From Brazil.—Copt. Burnham, o! the brig Fenwick, which arrived at Roston from Monte Video and Bahia, repoits that when he left the latter place, Oct. 23d, the town was closely besieged by the Brazilian forces, who mere bombarding it with hot shot. Lieutenant Allen.—On the arrival of the melancholy intelligence of the tleath of this lamented officer at Hud- An, his native city, the colours of oil the vessels lying in the harbour were lowered to half,mast, and a similar tribute ofTfcsprct pnitMiy the steam-boat Richmond during her whole passage down the river. The family ol Liout. Allen were.distracted at the news of his premature loss, and the whole city where tin was intimately acquainted, is said to have been in mourning. No event, for many years, haa excited so strong a sensation, and produced such deep and universal regret, a® the death of this brave anJ meritorious officer. Extract of a tetter from a /dghly respectable mercantile house in Kingston, f Ja. J dated jYov 1822. "Dear Sius—At foot we. hand pri ces ol our Imports and Exports; as far as they are interesting in vour city. “ Pitch Pine Boaids, Vlanks and and Scantling, 13 t 151. per M. duty 30s. very scarce j common Boardsand Plaok, 8/. ppr M. do. do.; W. 0. Staves and Heading I7l,duty 22>6d ; R. 0. do. I2i- duty 30*; Shingles, 22 inch Cypress, 3 a 4(. duty 20s ; Cedar, pef M. feet, 16/. ; Flour* 66s 8d. per fib/,.; .Sunni’, par 100 lbs 26s. 8d. a 40s- Coffee, do. 60 a 140s ; Hum, per gall. 2s; Pimento, per lb* lOd. Exchange on London, 19 a 20 per cent. prem. or 500 a $$5(J4 per lOOi. sterling.” Court of Common Tleas and Oyer 1 and Terminer for the City of *Va- vannah. DECEMBER TERM, 1822. Charge of Judge Nicou. to the Grand Jury. Gentlemen of the Grand Inquest, You are assembled to accomplish the most important object which belongs to the members of civil society ; to uphold the laws, to prevent crimes, and preserve the rights as welluf the citizen,as of the public. 'filcue are duties, to (he discharge at wh\4b, there needs no impulse, save that Which themselves supply, Yet, as every innovation upon established usage, or ac customed institutions, is calculated to ex cite our prejudices or revolt our feelings, it may not be inappropriate to state the taouves, which induced the organization of a Court novel as this is in the jurisprudence qf the State, and to examine its. effects m accomplishing the ends of its institution. And if this examination shall lead to the persuasion, that this tribunal contributes to the peace of society, to’the preservation or morals, or of good order^or to the inter ests of humanity, it will not be doubted, that whatever of prejudice the inconveni ence resulting from the discharge pi the- duties imposed by it, may have occasioned, Will be readily surrendered. One of the important objects of criminal punishment is, the prevention of crime, bj a dread of the consequences it incuts. Bui when these consciences are slow in their event, and theretwre remote n their con nection with the offence, they are rarely, or but feebly absoctuted with the coinnvs- siunof it, aiulllu feforearesca-cely opera tive in the prevention of crime. This is •especially the ca*e in those classes of of Jeucea, in which the punishment, from its disarming punishments of their salutary terrors, and disconnecting them from the offence to which they were annexed, gave to them an imagined impunity, which, if it did not invite to, at.least did not dissuade from the pe petration of crime. And this 19 particularly the case in a community like this, whose members arc transient, are con nected to society by alight ties, are conse quently not strongly impressed with a sense of the duties it imposes, and arc un mindful of the effects of their acts upon it and who, in considerate in their temper, do not contemplate those effects upon themselves. Where an individual is a permanent mem ber ofa community, is connected to it by domestic ties, by bonds of affection, or by habitual intercourse, there grow up in him a sense of social duty, and a respect for the opinions of society, wlr'ch const rain him aa well to an obatsryai>ce of the rights of the public, as to the preservation of his own rank. There belong to him a pride of cha racter, and a standing in society, which for tify his principles of virtue, and strengthen his fidelity to the laws, and with those a multitude of sources of shame and moitifi. cation, which make him alive to the cen sures of the l.nv, and prohibit him from -ha- zauling its penalties. Rut on tnat-transiei.t population which forms so laige a portion of our community, particularly on seamen, whoso principles are too frequently a« unsteady as the tie. ment on which they roam, aml whoscTives on shore are devoted to frolic and riot, these motives, as they are unknown to th m, urc inoperative. Hence, then, the particular importance of the speedy administration of criminal justice among them, in order to give it an imposing terror, and a preventive influ ence, and to preserve that tranquility and jood order, which even a lax and dila tory enforcement >f the laws is elsewhere competent to insure. As reason leaches, so experience proves, that it is from this class of persons—those who are not attached to our society, but are only transiently among us—that a vast majority of those on the criminal calendar of our courts arfi drawn. Such persons are necessarily unknown among us, and consequently bear with them none of those pledges of \A-alth or integrity, without which no prudent man will hazard Igs pro perty -and the means of support 6f himself ami family, by becoming surety for their appearance. For what man who regards the ordinary dictates of prudence, will stake his fortune, and perhaps his liberty, oil the submission to the law of one, whose character and whose means of indemnify, ing him, he does not know ? I'he accusing, therefore, of such a one of crime, no matter how unfounded, pro. duces all the dreadful effects which follow the conviction, ami instances have occur red, prior to the establishment of this court and but for its existence would-re cur, in which individuals charged with minor offences, though innocent of them, have suffered imprisonments, whose dura- ration and severity were inordinately greater than those which actual guilt would have induced. Such a state of things was a reproach to the justice, as well as the humanity, of the state, of which it became us to rid ourselves by any sacrifice. And this is believed to be in a great measure accomplished by the organization of this Court. An individual is no longer doomed to an imprisonment of months’ duration; shut out front the use of his faculties, and an indulgence in’the charities of MV, and imposed as a burden on society, while lie should be an active contributor to its re sources, in consequence ofthe mere accu sation of an offence, which demands the slightest animadversion of the law, and of which he may be innocent. Justice is now prompt and therefore ef fectual. U no'longer, false to itself, de- .iniVnds innocent victims ; and it therefore enforces itself without an infringement i f the rights oMiununity, or the interests ofthe country, The strictest justice is now made to consist and harmonize with the inost'enlightcilcd mercy. As the administration of criminal juris prudence has been made more prompt, so is it more certain ; and it is these two qua- laties, of promptness and certainty, which give to the laws their efficacy. Crimes arc prevented less by severity of pu nishment, than by the certainty of its in fliction ; and so long as there exists a hope of impunity, particularly if this hope be cherished by examples, will individuals be influenced to crime. Indeed, it is tile certainty oftlieir execution that gives to, laws their force, amt that author'd* .» hich imposes a sanitary restraint on evil doers, nay, which is essential to their existence, and without which.they would become but a mockery. It is wise and just, therefore, as well as humane, that the laws be faithfully executed, that punishment certainly follow crime ; and this is most likely to be attained in a court like this, where trial ensues the offence speedily, and before personal reinovul, or the casualties of na ture, shall have deprived the public of the testimony ofthe witnesses ofthe crime. And as it is necessary to an effectual, so is it to a humane, ami just execution ofthe laws.. For if the public justice may be de feated, so may individual rights be infring ed, by the loss of testimony through the casualties which time occasions. Another evil resulted from the former organization of our courts, which, as it vi- sited tile severest penalties denounced a- gainst crime upon him who was confes sedly innocent, was shocking to the feel ings of humanity and the principles of na tural justice, and which was not, as the remedy applied to it by the establishment of this court proves, justified by any suffi cient motive of public policy. Individuals have been incarcerated for many a cheer less month in the common receptacle of the crime and misery of me county,where they were forced,from (he structure ofthe build ing, to be tlie associates of hardened crime, and perhaps the pupils of sinister wisdom, and thtir bodies to he the ptvy of whate ver is noisome and disgusting in nature, and where their feeling* were agonized not merely by a less of personal liberty, Jutl mildness, is not calculated *’ THiphiu the mind or .l.rm the fetw, end t|, c i r „ c |v«», but by th. ^.Siiuemly ntnose wuich have beena.- aigu r <* the jurisdiction of tins Court. j'uNt diLiuy aojjMWsi'fitio® ofthe law, mngiy to , kl|t j A view moral deformity affecting destitution uiid w reubedness, to which the objects of their flection*, who claimed from them Inc means of support, were reduced, because P - . | III. Ml. »l — ----- theft '** ,c # * ,fcl .° n * , they had been the carnal witness*-* of some tb« • -awed ww'iww «f i 1 '* thus subjected by accident to the unjust consequences which resulted from Rnpit- cd crime. But the creation of this court, If it has not removed this further injustice and in humanity, has, in a great measure, reinc'- died it. To entlrely.curc either of them is perhaps scarcely possible, consistently with the good order and well being of so ciety, since to preserve these, crimes must be prevented, and this cannot be accom plished unless punishment awaits their commission. But the certainty of punish ment is of course commensurate only with the means of proof ami of infliction, and these depend upon the guages, whether pecuniary or personal* furnished by the ( accused and witnesses for their presence. { But, although to preserve the authority and effective force, of the laws.'jind ac complish the purposes of justice, incon veniences must be-occasionalfy imposed, upon individuals, these Inconveniences should not be greater in extent or duration than is necessary to the attainment of the g reat objects in contemplation, of which lev are created, and the establishment of this court provesthat the privations nail sa. flees required under the ancient sys tem, us they were inconsistent with hu manity, were, moreover, not demanded by the purposes of justice, Nor were .these privations and sacrifices confined to individual feeling, character or interest. The public itself was a sufferer indirectly by a loss of-the, fruits of the active industry of citizens, and directly by the sums drawn from the treasury ofthe City, and ultimately from the people, to s ihsist prisoners wha were poor or un known. Those expence; are now saved to the public, aiul did not this court support it self as it doer, would be more than sufficient to defray all the charges inci dent to it. These, then, are among the benefits which flow from the erection of this tribu nal. Our humanity and justice arc re deemed and preserved, the administration ofthe law is made prompt and efficacious; public economy is maintained, and private burthens are prevented. It would be idle, if notunworthy, to op pose to these great and manifest advhn- tages, the inconveniences to which they are exposed on whom the duty of jurors in this court devolves. For what is the in convenience of serving as a juror, for few hours or even a (lay annually, and it is believed that the tour will not revolve round oftener, in comparison with the cost saved to the public, and those from whom the public treasure is drawn; what with the pecuniary loss and anguish of feeling of individual-!, whose misfortune it is to be suspected of crime or to be the witnesses of imputed offences, and still more of 'those who are allied to them by bonds of affec tion, or dependent on them by tl«s neo««- sitieu of nature; what with the saving to humanity, and the preservation ofjusUcc, pure, prompt, effective, and yet merciful? Ihil no inconvenience, no additional duty, has been imposed on any citizen by the reation of this court. The cuuses which are here referred to jurors, arc drawn from another tribunal, where, but for the exist ence of this court, the same duty would belong to them. The difference then occasioned, by the transfer of the criminal jurisdiction of this court from the Superior, is this—that while, there jurors have been and are obliged to give days, ami some times weeks, to the discharge of their du ties, here they are drawn Horn their pri vate avocations, but for a few hours ; that while there, the office devolves upon them moat unequally, since it falls upon a few in the course of a year, in a community whose members are ever and rapidly changing, and then for burdensome terms; here it rolls round among almost all the citizens, in in annual revolution, 8t therefore operates finally on all, and since the service requi eu from all is moderate in it* duration, is therefore burdensome on none. And this inconvenience, did it exist, would be more than compensated, by the relief which the establishment of tliis court has afforded in another important respect. In the Superior Court—the highest tribunal of.tlie state, is vested the jurisdiction ofthe most aggravated offences and the most mo mentous civil injuries. It was a detriment to the pu >he justice, as it was also inconve nient to jurors and vexations to suitors, that the attention of that court should be withdrawn from the investigation of cau ses, in whose decision were involved pro perty of perhaps an immense amount, und principles which form the landmarks of all our pecuniary interests, to be bestowed upon a trilling broil between malicious and iitigious individuals, or that the time which should have been employed in a Matter in teresting to the life of a fellow being, should be engaged in the slightest infringe ment recognized by the law. It was tm portant therefore, that this evil should he remedied ; and from this vexatious and dis tracting airaugeinent, the Superior Court and th. si connected witli it, have been ex empted by the creation of this court. As this court has produced a prompt ad ministration of crimmal, so has it oi civd jurisprudence, and punctually in the dis charge of contracts and engagements, aa well as a diminution of crime, has resulted fronryt. 4 In civilized society, almost all the tran sactions which re I u-..* merely to individuals, resolve themselves into contracts. These may be said to be the atmosphere ol com merce, in which it floats, and on which it depends for befog, und it is to commerce that society chiefly owes its wesfltli, its arts, and even its civilization. Thu3 vitally es sential to commerce, if is of the utmost mo- ment particularly in a country which dcrivt s from it its prosperiiy and strength, its ad vanceinent and gre.iw.ess, to enforce nunc* tuaiity in the performance of them—smee, without a punctual fidelity to engagements, no mutual confidence can obtain, ami -with out this, there can exist no other com- merce, than that barter which belongs to the rudest state of soi.icty. The observation is weheved to be gener ally correct, that where transactions be tween individuals are of longstanding, or ot laige amount, there exists tint confi dence, which in other cases is supplied old) oy the ability to summarily enforce «u., and that consequently in these it is not so essential that courts shouhk promptly inteipoir, as in those rases where the smallness o» the claim evidences a ••am of confidence, save that w hich an ability to pcedd/ resort to legs! progcw,hU»uc pro duces To thm community, therefore, which dcnench on commerce for its very being, »nd a large proportion ofthe active agents, in whose (ratio are transient, and perhaps more adventurers, having neither a resi dence iwr a fixed interest among us; a (Jourt which could promptly lend its aid to the enforcement of eoutructs?, was in the highest degxc important, particularly in those cases small in amount, which have been assigned to its jurisdiction. These positions aro not ideal, nor does the establishment of them depend on re a- son. They ara proved hy the rcc. *rd« of the con t, whicit furnish demonstrative evi dence of a diminution of crime, and also of violations of engagements since its orguui- zation. But the utility of this court and the faithful execution, talced Uie efficacy, of the law:,, depend jj (L. fidelity wuh which mag trite#«ml jurors, we who ure the agents ol the laws, ffipcliurgff our duties. Ymtrs, Clew* tlemen, are defined to you in the oath you have Ukfcn, nwd instructed as yon are, in die general nature of crimes, it is unneces sary lor mi to address you on the particu lar offences of which’ you have cogni zance, especially as it is not known that any will be presented to your considcra* tl'ii, whffch. is novel in its character, or which involves principles tiiAt are not fami liar to you, | PRESENTMEN'I^ofthh GRANT) JURY. The undersigned, the Grand In quest of tliis city, fur the present term, in couc|udii>j> the duties «t the trust them, cannot forego the expression of their approbation of (he very ubie charge delivered by his hollo/ the Judge, and the satisfactory elucidation ofthe objects embraced in the establishment of the Court of Oyer and Terminer ; and being desirous that publicity should be given to the opinions therein contained, they re quest that his honor will cause them to appear in the Gazettes of the city. The Grand Jury, in the discharge of these duties which they are solemnly bound to perform, cannot refrain from giving expression to a few prominent grievances and time ly attention to which the public weal, individual prosperity, and the sup. pressien ot vice, might be accomplish ed. The Grand Jury are well aware, that the subjects of presentment they now refer to, have been for the most part alreiiuoasly urged by their pre deccssors of the county and city, and in thus recalling attention totlie grie vances, they aie unbiassed nnd untra moiled m declaring their opinion, tha- infringement and violation of the laws, may be attributed to the want of vigilance in the officers in the dis charge, of their duties, to whom it particularly pertains to bring to pu nishment all violators ofthe law, 1. The Grand Jurv, satisfied with the fact of injury resulting to many of our bellow citizens, from the illicit proctice hy negioes of vending arti cles, in violation ofthe law referred to 1 by his honor the Judge, passed Dec. IDili, 1818, and from their assemblages in tippling shops on the Sabbath day, also in violation of tho 4ih sect, of tile same act, do recommend, that the pub lic officers be prompt in enforcing the requirement ofa ticket from all sfaves who shall otter for sale any artikle or articles, except those allowed by the (aw, and bring tu punishment thoso who violate the other provisions of act referred to. 2. We present, as a serious griev ance, the introduction of slaves from other states the property ofindividuals not residing in this, who send their slaves (generally the most depraved & worthlessjto be disposed of here. This practice is subversive of good order, detrimental to the public, und in vio latiun of a positive statute of this state; and we earnestly recommend, that the public officers be vigilant in detecting and arresting persona who have or shall introduce, sell or otter to sell.ii> this city, any slave or slaves the prqperty of non-residents of this aitate.ho that be or they may be made amenable to the law. - 3. VVe present, as a subject for the investigation of the Justices of the in terior Court, (he conduct of William Browiij-ihn, a county Cuustablc, who, from evidence before this inquest, ap pears to have been unfitted for the proper discharge of his official duties by intoxicatiun, arid has proceeded (o the collection ol an execution placed in his hands in a manner unbecoming his station, and injurious.tu the feel ings of oinr citizens. 4. We present to the-Mayor and’ Aldermen of this city, the- necessity ut mure frequent examination and proof of the accuracy of weights and measures. 5. W< present as a serious evil, that the prqvi.iona of an act entitled “ An act lupgdemciitary to, ami more ef fectually to enforce, an act entitled au act, prescribing the mode of manu mitting .laves in this state, to prevent the future migration of free persons nf colour thereto, tu regulate such lieu persons of culuur as how reside therein, and for other purposes,” pas sed Itllli December, 1818, have been lounil inefficient for the prevention ol the introduction ul free person< ut colour, generally into Ibis state f but murn parfioularly, that whiles, who are the agents or principals in intro ducing them are not reached by (h^ NO to -1 Sl/nmutof/i Fmiiitm—We are i Provision-and penalties of tlv‘ smite, i -i cunmmorn fitmilju- und recent in-t niccs,have made ibis | funned, that Mr. Jnsepli ,,, v , act fully appear, where, aa we be- I Glnplin, has eleven Children all now lievp, tree perauna nf color, ignorant I living. The youngest is about iliirty of the enactment! of this statute, haye suffered penalties, which ought injii»- tice tu have attached to the white J- Jf"ut or principal who introduced tlic-m. Wo iherefore recommend snbh additions to and amendments;.oP tlfe above referred to act, asshull eu|Hff*e the-,p«i:puaea of those wl)o framed and passed tin- act. 0. The Grand Jury, in the excur sive view of ull-thut appertains to the city, strongly recommend tot the uwi •idermion of the Inferior Gourt i|k ostah'tohinent‘of a Treading Mill'll vhe County Jail, on the saint'princi ples ta that adopted In tpo ('unitei - 'iai-y of NewJYork, and about to lie established in other northern cilice, tor the purpose of uniting useful and e labour with ctninheinent. 7. The Grand Jury esteeki it their duty to present to their lellotv ci- izeuil a stibjeclol barefaced oppression/r der the provision, ofa law pas-ed I9ui December, 1018, regarding the intro duction of persona 01 colour into this state, where a free peiwim of colour wub introduced into this city, from New-Vork, by a resident of this city, (though not a native of the southern States,) who having cause of ol- fenoe against such pri son of colour, did procure tlm confinement of tlw same, and proceeded to tako mea sures, which if carried into lull ett' et, would have operated to the extinction ofthe liberty ofsaid person of colour, who was free at home, and who we believe to hate been inenorant on ar rival here of the provisions of our statute, und, therefore, suffered its pe nalties, when the individual introduc ing flic same has not been amenable to tho law, from defect in ito terms which did not reach his case. . We request that these our present- mentsand recommendations be pub lished. TITOS, roU.W, Foreman, G, P. Cnmmtrijr, Edward C.phcc, H. F. Ih-tliu. years ol age, itj- they ovemge uptyauls of twuhundred pounds nub ! J\fw Loudon paper. A Scotch peasant being ridiculed fin his bad singing, replied "It’s a far goto' aiwcen here nnlf heaven j a’ sounds Wi-el i' the distance.” MARINE. r nut ... . >t hjU. Joseph Folker, S. hi, Williams, A. Dufhure, * . Joseph Camming, ■ Dimas Ponce. Jana Meigs, A. Sheftull. JU U. // Furth, P. Schenk, Jacob lie La Molta, hath. 1+ mt, S, C. Dunning, IVm. Parker, W. U Cuylcv. Moses Sheftqk. Summary Punish ment.—Sume'tim r since an iliuerunt nnd very poo woman, while journeying to thin town, was accosted by a strudy'.snd “dour-lnokitig” Irishman, at u Idm- ly part of the Castle Douglas Koad nod commanded, in no very gracious terms, to deliver up her moody. Th pour woman replied that she had no money lo deliver; and her story an peering a true one, the villain rudely tore from her shoulders a pretty good shawl, with which he immediately made off, deaf to her intreaties, sml regardless to her tears, fly and bve however, a band ofblythe-liearled car tors appeared, to whom the Wmna communicated her misfortune, and who, learning that the robber was hm far off, pulilely requested her to si*; into one ol the carts, that the might point out the culprit in the event of their overtaking him. This puipose by dint of smart driving, they soon accomplished. Pat, of course, denied that he hail ever seen the woman be fore; ‘-but facts aro duels that winna ding;” and the appearance of the shawl, which was found lurking in a secret corner of his wallet, shut his mouth in a moment. The carters next deiiberutdd what was to be done and, lortliing themselves into a sort of court-martial, they cond“mned the now-coiile6iingand supplicating crimi nal to the mitigated punishment '' thirty lushes. No sooner said than dune. Pat was forthwith ordered, anil even assisted, to strip to the very butt', while a carter elevatinff his Whip, "sur charged with ang-y thwack,” and, on the word being given, acquitted him self in a style that would have done no disgrace to the most accomplished Jack Retch in all the country, Dumfries Courier. Wc have observed in the Charles ton papers, a statement of informa tion said to have been written on the 11 Washington way-bill,” on the day fixed Tor the late great Race on the Washington Uace Giound, which in- lormationjs totally false. We are au thorised to say, from investigation, that nothing ofthe sort was ever writ, ten at the Washington Post Office. The endorsement on the way-bill re ceived at Clm lesion, was therefore a forgery, committed between this place and Charleston- wVat. Jut. Letter of Introduction — Dean Swift gave Mr. Cooke, a gentleman of very good character and fortune a letter of recommendation to Pope, couch ed in ij.e (allowing term.—'' Dear Pope, though the tittle feiluu) that bruits this, be a. justice of peace, and a me mile r of our Douse of Commons, he may nut be altogether unuivrthy of your acquaintance,” ARUIVKD, Slop Lycurgiis, tlakv, PorUippytli, Ntf. 24 days, with hay, to die niaaier. ' 8chv Traveller; I mvrenco, Xlarbtetienil, 12 duys, with Cub* toj Scliv Isabella,-Fairest, Uurrucou, 9 days, with fruit, to F Julineau. Schr Experiment. Si.atfdock, Darien. Hvitli 100 tier cm rim*, to ,1 if'Ntsh. Sloop It*.mlie, Uctlley, Siinbu.y, Cilnyr. Neptune, Nye, Kicebgro, 3du) b , wuh rice to order. Sloop Riainjf Sun, iWjhavv/iy, Darien, 4 days, to LtiWieiic? i<t Thompson. U.S. Revenue etitier UftlUlin, Mathew.-, from a cruize. (On Saturday.) Steam HoM Cnlumbh, Blackman, (Jhai les on via IJ unfoM, 2 (!■,»«. Passengers, f'idfp* JolniHon aiulXllnurliter, Lt.’nV W W- Hr, y S Army, MetyuG V )\ Walker, BlunclwvU, Sulms, and Dr C'uth* bert. Foie boat Sarah, Antfusln, with 745 baled Cotton to Camel iu ijf Lanur, and oilieru • Foie boat Accoiinno ! .tor, Augusta, whig 700 bull s option lo Ganlclou & Lamar, and others* AnmvArs piiom this ponT. At Charleston, Dec, 14, sloop Height, Cooper i Express, llanunet, and Suoutu Bradley. - At Providence, 29'h ult. schr Selina and Jane, Drew; 30, schr Suvnnnah, Pease. ' At N Ilavun, via Providence, sloop Ko- rct* Collu:, CLttARKn ton THIS I'OUT, At N York, 6th, ship N uj»irtii Beebe. vp rou tuib pit n r. At New*Yurlr, 5th, ship Superior, Joce lyn, to sail 12th. At Providence, 2d, sloop Rising 8un A Cooley, to Hull Bin. FROM OUR CMUt HRS PON DENT, Office qj th* Charleston Mercury, ? Dec. 15.—noon. 3 Arrived, brig Flora, Mcldrum, London,' uqd46 days from POiumimth/ tiut'c'd in co. with the brig New York, of 18 guns tit 80 men, for the Spanish Main. Qtfhe of the N. Y. Mer. Advertiser, December 7* Brig Jos. S, Lewis, Caldwell, Havana, Id days ; schrs ChcuapeaAre, Baldwin, D.t. rien, 6; Only Daughter, Hawthorn, St M.»- rys, 10. MOUNT ZION INSTITU TION. OrpilE regular ct.tme of instmetion in IX this Seminary wilt commence on tho Riot Mornluy in January, 1U2J. The public are well acquainted with the liteiury chav* cter of this Institution, and arc disposed, -i is belicvcdi to appreciate its merits. It has been for ten years in successful .ml jnrecni led operat on; and t is a considera tion peculiarly cheering to'the hearts of (hose whose repu'ation and lubourslu ve been idehtifi- d with its existence n:uX j-r ispeiity, that ag'eater number of cLs. bical sclioliirs nave boon instructed during that period, within its walls, than for the same length cftime-in any other Academy * in the stuie Fo the correctness and ut- lue of the instruction cornu ideated, tho public are referred to those ydung g« ntle- men who have received tfitir 'education either wholly or in part at, this- ioBUtu-ou. Many of them have already e .leri d upon the active profess ons in lift, who do cre dit to the place of their euucuii< n, ui.d who cannot fail, in process of time, to sus tain an honourable rank among the proud* nent characters of out State, t he acquire ments and reputation of scholars, furnish the best testimony of the competence aiul fidelity of teachers. * It has bttui the aim of the Instructor3 In this Institution to make tuoiiovoii sello uts, rather thun to ucquire an ephemeral repuiat on by teaching ** a mass ot things, out nothing distinctly’*—and thqs leaving . iho pupil to become a mere smattmer ,.t last. Those who ^wotild iorm u coirect c« pinion as to the manner m w hich the I .;»fln and Greek CiasS.cxa are taught, are ic* quested to consult the literary gentlemen who have from time to lime a tended the public examinations in these brandies of a liberal education. In the common bran ches of an English education—m the high er deput tmenls of literature and science— n composition und elocution, the exuni- nations speua for themselves. Mount Zion certainly presents many ad- ' vantages as a place for the education of youth; and these advantages cannot bo overlooked by those patents who intend to send their children abroad for this purpose. The expenses are a9 moderate as in arty- other part ofthe country—it is a place of unusual health—special attention is paidlo the conduct and morals of the students ; and there are now in the Institution a num- oer of young gentlemen, who have made considerable advances in science, and whose example fail to exert a favourable influence over the minds and habits of those who are in the incipient stages ut their ed ucation. To patents and guardians the subscriber will hold himself rcspdfosible for the cor rect deportment and honourable progress these who a e committed to his cave. C F. lit MAN. dec 16. 18 uf A Situation Wanted. O NUwlio lunue.ii regul.i(y irouglitup m . coiintini' room, employ, mem, Mul will cng.K* lo renuiu . ye»r or more, 8.tiW.ctory r. faeeatu will be go - ciii Appty el tU.i office.