Savannah Georgian. (Savannah, Ga.) 1822-18??, December 19, 1822, Image 1

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SAVANNAH &. r 1 t 4 Si 1 r / 'l< / 11 / J * k 7 GEORGIAN li.i'uihi ■BTO ' NKvV StKLUitS-VOL. 11 BAVANA'AB, TIlUUSDAr UORA'ING, VECEMBJM 10, 1824. I NO 11 8 \ VANN VII: 'WKDNBSO \Y MORNING H'.C.'8 1H-3. Bv tire new «hip Ni»g»f», C»pt. Bt-clai-. DtVv'Sltrlit Kceivctl a til*; ofNew-Yotk papers to the 11th tost, inclusive. The Northern Mul snive l vesterilsy laythii New Line from Puryshurff, in Mr. Eorlt's steam boat Carolina, at half past tow o’clock. The Ca olina left the wharf, »t the Exchange, at seven o’clock yester day morning, anil returned at the shore hunt. Congees*.—In Senate, on the 9th inst. » report from the Secretary of Mar was received, containing information relative to the Copper Mines on the southern shore ef l.a'-■ Superior, and the practicability of cxlin A*lung t ' lc Indian title to them. In the House, the bill, reported at the last session, to amend the act of 1799, to re gulate the collection of duties and tore, peal the supplementary act of 1818, was re-couiimttcd to the committee of Ways sind Means. The bill concerning the dis- bursement of public moneys, reported at the last session, was ordered to be printed l the object of the bill is to provide for the greater security of money in the hands Of public officer. and contractprs. The resolution, proposed at the last session, for carrying into effect the agreement be tween tho United Stales ami the State of Ueergta was taken up. bill the House »d- joorded before acting upon it. A message was received in the Senate stnd House of Representatives, from the President, supposed tu relate to the re- ca tit daring outrages of the pirates on our curamerce in the West Indies, and recom mending furthe. measures fur their sup pression. In the Senate of South Carolina, Major Crafts has been declared entitled to his •eat iu that body, contested by Gen, Ged- dcs. A resolution has passed the House of Representatives giving tu Purcell, the free roan of color who informed the City Coin cil, of i harlestnn, of the late insurrection, lilt) dollars a year for life, and exempting himself and family from taxation. A gentleman arrived at Charleston from Columbia, states, that upon a consultation of his Physicians, it had been decided, that the amputation of Ur. M'DulHc’s arm wa-s Vnnccessury, but he was advised not to go to Washington during the present ses sion. A shuck of an earthquake was evpe* rieneed near Baltimore, on the 4th inst. It commenced with a report resembling die discharge nf a cannon, which ivasim- | mediately succeeded by a roaring noise like a chimney on fire. The imrvv‘5 into the island of .tsmaics from the United States from the <9-h Sep tember, 1S21, to the 29th September 1829, were to Kingston, 260.1 bbls Flour; 9.1 bbls and 98 kegs of bread ; 2"4(t hints and 1412 bhls Corn anti Meal; 408,000 Shingles, and 27,000 feet of Lumber. To the out ports, 12,1 bbls Flour i 40-ibis anil 108 kegs bread; 20 hbls riee t 200 bushels Com and Meal; 40,000Staves and heading; 52,000 Shin gles, and 8400 feet Lumber, Exports during the same period to the United Slates, from Kingston 12 hhils and 5 hbls Sugar*, 7 puncheons and 6 casks Rum ; 2 bags Pimento ; and 14,185 IbjCof. fee. From the outports, 31 puncheons Rum, and 1143 lbs Coffee. The Hudson River was closod about four miles above Hudson, on the 7th inst. [third papers received at Boston, rtate that the late President at Pernambu co, who was dcpuactl by tlte people, arriv. et! at Biliia in a Bi itisii packet un the 25 i Sept, where on the demand of the govern tnent, he was delivered up, and ordered into conlincment in one of the fortresses. The Mexican Ambassadorand suite, have •tlived at Philadelphia, from Baltimore, At a meeting of the Naval officers on tl Ne^’-York station, on the first instant, it was resolved to wear crape far thirty days, •s a token of respect for their late brother officer lieutenant Commandant Anew. A rrt/orinthe Richmond enquirer,re commends .lames Madia n, late President of the United States, as Governor ofVir- ginia; and intimates his belief, that he would accept the office if elected. Enquirer is of a different opinion. Tlte Tlte following extract of a letter from a gentleman recently from Rio Janeiro, and now in Philadelphia is cnnimnnicatetl from a highly respec table source. a. “Mr. Raguet’s Notice, published in our p ipers, was founded upon a letter to birr, from the Secretary of State stating that the Portuguese Consul’s certificates would nut be required in the l)r 7.ils, • l consider them of no use, and would lint take them tvas I going there,” It is said that it is intended to ap point Commodore Porter tu Hie com r maud of the West India station for the suppression of Piracy ; for which service il is known that he has ten dered the resignation of his seat in ■ lie Hoard of Navy Commissioners. We are pleased In learn (soys the Baltimore American) that our (Jo vornment entertain such just views of the necessity of efficient efforts to put dim n piracy ; and we arc no less gra tified to learn that so able an'* so ar dent an officer, os Commodore Por ter. volunteers to quit his highly iin portent civil (rust to direct the thun der of our cannon and wield the sword ofjustine. against lawless d.-proda tors; for under lij^ command the public will feel with us a cheering confidence, that every thing which enter prize, foresight and valor can accomplish will be promptly realized. sage towards Callao, and from the time that has elapsed, we presume he will not touch at Payla. The divi sion of Peru composed of 2UU0 men, anil the batt alions ol Yaganeche and Ctvicas tie Guayaquil, are on board— We cannot say whether Bolivar will spare mere troops. “ I have just seen a let tor from Ca- won, mentioning the arrival of a ship al Pacai mayor with the intelligence nf a disturbance in Lima un the 28th hea ded by the Marquis of Torre Tunic and the Carrionea. The minister ol State, Monte Aguilo, was arrested tin endeavoring to procure signatures to support either his own coronation or that of San Martin. They accuse him of embezzling two millions of dollars, ami it is said he has declared Peru a couletleraie Republic with Columbia. I’ois great occurrance was preceded by the conflagration of the palace, ami all the papers ef the minisiera of war, revenue and slate, with only a tow ex ceptions of the latter, were consum ed. “By the post wc learnt the great discontent tnai reigned in Luna, the people publicly complaining nf the conduct of their chiels, who triim a de sire ot amassing money hud nm al ready concluded the war nor pacified the country- “The people of Lima, tired on one side with the immense weight they bore, and on the other excited by the threats of Cantarac, have been roused up, and sumo steps have been token. Cantarac has his army un a respecta ble fooling, and with the destruction of upwards of 2000 men under the command of Domingo Tristan, at Yea, he bus so much weakened the power of Lima, that in his proclamations lie al- readv offers us pardon if wu wish tu avail ol it in time. “The elections fur tlte deputies are nutv going forward ; some time will however elapse helore they are con eluded, but it clever anil usclul mein hers are elected, we believe a gieai deal ol good is yet to be expected’” J\‘. F. JJer. Adv. 9!/t inst. A suit, brought by the Post-n,aster Gc- Herat against the security of a deputy Post- Master, at Milford, in - the state of Dela ware, has been tried before the District Court of the United states, at New-Uastle, Yn which judgment was rendered for the defendant, on the ground of the suit not having been brought within six months from the l-tae the debt accrued, according to the lav?establishing the office. This decision decides severai suits pending on the same subject. The following is the concluding part of the report of (he Committe on the affair ol the G.iveroor and Col. Hammond. (One thousand copies is the number ordered to j Nieavetas, in the act of coiumittin; be printed. The editor ol the Boston Daily Ad verliser has received Bahia papers to Oct. 22- from which it appears that he supremacy of tho parent country is in equal danger from the hostility of the Brazilians and the deficiency of funds to procure supplies and sup port Hi* troops. On the ItthofOct. the Council ol Finance applied to the Directors ol Discounts far an advance of sixteen millions in specie on a pledge of the custom linuae revenue representing thnt the Provincial Treasury was completely exhausted nf money. Thp directors replied that it tvas impossible In grant the request, specie bi-ing so scarce that it was with great difficulty they were able to pi e serve the credit of their own establish ment. —•— SI.. Johns A'. F Oct 15.—Arrived on Fiid iy last, Amctiran Schr. Alfred with a cargo of Bread, Flour, Rice, Tar, Tobacco, fce. from Philadelphia, being the first vessel which has enter ed this port under the authority of the New Act. H'e understand sev real vessels are fiittihg out for this place, from different ports of the States. Norfolk, Dec. 9.—Captain Brooks, nl the biig Elizabeth Ann, in the Roatls for Philadelphia, was blockaded ai Havana several days by a piiaticul schnr. having about 70 men on board the captain of which sent him in a threat that tie was in waiting for him & that lie would have himifhe pursued him to the Delaware.—Capt. B. had accidentally met with this fellow in Havana, where he was fitting out Ills piratical vessel, and where she was manned, and recognized him as Un person whom he had once taken, off From Vera Cruz.—Extract of a let ter published in Hie Ualumore Ameri can, dated, 2d. Nov. “To add o iny difficulties about five thousand dol lars, a part of thb proceeds of my car- o which Was coming down (rum Mex ico, has been stopped with Hie whole convoy, amounting tu une million and a hall, and placed in the fiirtresss ol Pecote, by uidcr of ” his Imperial Majesty” There is about S$3-j,UuU ol Aui.-rican property in this convoy ; anil Mr. Poinsett who came out lien on a special mission from the United .States m the corvette John Adams, lias promised to make a special de tnand fur mine, and a general one for all the American property. Tiiegu- vernmont 1 think will scarcely huso u a refusal—the money will oc given up, but I Hunk that belonging to Span iards and citizens is very questions, ble—the government wants money and must have it’ 1 think the impe rial government is going to desli ac tion rapidly. The result ol the pre sent measures must be a civil war. The emperor is carrying all with a high hand, and in a short lime theie will not remain, a vest,age of ttieir transient liberty either civil or. teli- gious. lliey are at work now to get tlrt Inquisition into lull blast— and then good bye—it will lie infi nitely worse than under tlte must in tolerant bigots in Spain.” some depredation, and turned him over to the civil aulhorities of the place, who hail him transported over land to Principe, in double irones, to stand his trial. The fellow, it appear also recognized cap*. Brooks ; and it »-s tu revenge the indignity thus off-red him that lie sent him the Herald. “They (the committee) to preserve the charier cf our Itbciiics from fuitliei im*con*tn. Jion, wilful or igi»r.**ant—to aid the Judicial in giving a cdnect interpre tation—to tin-nr an additional soundness ftrouoU the la- •, and to protect individual .right, ofT.;r rcapectfuilv the following rero* lution.”— | “Un v< </, By the H.mse of Represent*, j threat.* tite* ol the Stj-e of Georgia, acting fort the people there- f # t»u»t m the opnomt-j From Peru.—The following i* an inei.t • ( S,mon Whiu«ker on the l*th,oh extractut a letter received in (hit* city the Secretary * • • • « • -* J itieitbv removing SeadirofliiU fame, John Cutk, Gover nor ef the Male to kimteU an au' given to imn by a for and ta #o*»ai interpretations cf the constitution August ian to the office ut ^Seerotso ; „ Spanish gentleman iu Fen, axj last of let joue't’’—i.'-/c6iean. near Lima, lined August 6, 1822. “Fax M Ant in srrived at Guayaquil on the 26tn July, and having hud a coolerence with Bolivar, lie returned on the 2Sth—lie is cow qn his pa Negro Conspiracy.—A Idler an pears iu the Bus on papers from i gentleman ai Port Royal, Mai Unique, dated Oci.27ih, giving mine in'Svest- ing particulars of the late inatureclion in that Island; It appears that tin first symptoms ol revolt were disco vered on tile night of the 12;h, the in- surgenlB having commenced their op erations, on the Heights ef Corbet, by the murder of their mas ers. They succeeded with three lamilies oil (lit- lereot plantations, bui before they rea ched the fourth. Hie alarm was spread and the muiderers were put to flight. They were soon surrounded by the militia and regular troops from Si. Pierre, and a slop was put tu their di abolical work. From sixty-five to seventy of the confederation hud been caught, and were under tiial. exuur The plan was to murder all the -sierffain whiles and free mulattues, and from Corbet, carrying destruction before them, to march to St. Pierre, take pos session of battery St. Martin, fi e a gun as a signal to the confederates in town to begin the slaughter, pillage Ike. when they would be joined by Hie whole island, who nine (o follow their example, t he 13th was Hie day fixed upon. A sloop from St. Bails was seized with 2HO inuakew, powder, (kc. wtdeh shewed Hiut there were cue mies out-idc us well as in, and that the insu-rcciion had been sometime brewing—This insurrection (oontin ues tlm writer) had uoi improved bu siness. Nothing wss doing, and the eunfinued heavy rains rendered tra velling, snil carrying goods to mar ket, impossible.—Com. Adv, When we announced, nn the au- thorily, and on the honor, ill the anon ymous writer, in a paper without any very etui ilile character, that Ml CRAW FORD was in league with Aa run Jlurr, we were in hopes, that we had rescin d the heat) and front nf that gentleman’s offending. We were mis taken, the same honorable correspon dent of the same veracious paper has made another divcnvi-ry, .«Iiich will ossiiiodly, if it he but credited, be the ruin of Mr. Crawtord. Tliis imlefat igable lerretrrout ot secrets has dis covered (lie “Native of Virginia,” sod Ins plans, &c the (kc. “The A alive of Virginia,” says hi- “is an old friend and eupnnrter nf "Aaron Ilurr, tfj now devoted heart (k “soul to lire eleva-ion ul .Vr. Crawford “lo the presidency.” A little further we are informed that the Nutive of Virginia,- "is the head and blunder of the Radical par ty.” W'e arc then, very properly re minded of the attempts of the Nulivt- of Virginia “to stud with thorns tire easy pillow ol Mr. Jefferson's old age.” What adds exce-dingly totheattro- cinusness of this -’treacherous plot,” is l-e tart, that Mr, Jeffeison, has a -most exultd opinion, of the idteg- iity, principles and talents of Mr. Crutvloul, and takes all occasions to giveliis opinion eunenoy. It is to he. liop.-d that the writer who has made discovery hf all those plols and rimspiracies ami has given his. "honour” as a pledge for the truth of his assertions will see the propriety ol giving the couqtry something muro substantial than his Innionr li% prove what lie lias assailed, it'll-does not all his labor will be in vain; the peo ple will mil credit the conspiracy, nor w • 11 Mr. J fi'irson, and they, and lie, will continue, to think Mr. Crawford a man -I sound Dsmocruticul principles and distinguished talents; nod under this delusion, they will elect him Pre sideut of the IJuiied Stales. If they do, and (hey seem bent upon it, how painful will he the feelings of the pa triotic and honorable mao, who, con cealing hiuivelf, would assassinate the, charucteis ol Ihu best men in the couu try tor no other reason Ilian because he hates whatever is intelligent, up fight and well principled. Democratic 2’ress, In the report of the sub committee to the Special committee, as given by ->ur correspond-'Ut at Milleilgevillc Hie word "not” Was omitted al a very material part. The passage in which Hie errer occurred corrected vliouid read as follows, That they (Hie sub committee) have, determined to recommend to the special cumuntle, that testimony be taken on (lie nlb-gations cuntaiWd in the Governor's message, which are numbered below; and lliat those allegations be considered as mat ter for examination, distinct andsepn rale, from those Contained in the re port already submitted, and as affect ing Col. Huuiimmd alone, and NOT affecting the queslimi whether the powerof appointment io Hie office nl Secretary of State ha3 been legii mately rxercisi-d'. The Sub-commit w Hie allegations, now submit ted, as matter fur ulterior and ilisuiici measures, with to the grn- Henien therein concerned. All which is respectfully submitted. “ The olden time,”—The town of Bvihlclnui, in Hie countiy ot Albany, received its name betnre Hie year 1661 for by, a patent in t"it y ar, to Au- dries Herpertsen and Rutger J .cob- sun, a certain island called Malii kander’s Island, is desc.ihed as lying about two nitles [!tqual Iu eight £ .g- lisli miles^ below tort Orange, neaiiy opposite n. Bethlehem, flip custom of wishing a happy new year”. s-< ns to be of very early date—YV. If.-klmii and others, in 16133, wished Gov. Siuyvesant a happy new year. In 16G1, Hie small pox prevailed arming Hut wuiiei and destroyed many ot them. Geneva or gin is not mentioned in Hie Dutch records till the year 1661 Qnere, when was that liquor ti si introduced among the Duieli. liiamly is li- q-iently mentioned beture 1562, It appears that ii 1662, liursea were exported to Virginia Irum New-Ain- Tl.e first purchase oflands at Bche- ueeiady was in June 1661 ; and at that early day the inhabit,mis of that place were cu'iimamled not lo trade with (he Indians—the place was writ ten “ Schanegh-stede,” but there is some difficulty hi giving the true meaning ol tliii Indian name.—Il is generally supposed to signify the end of the pine, woods. 1 incline, howev er tu Hunk, that the adjunct •- stede” is of Dutch origin sigmlying --town-” III 1664, the Dutch hud nearly 200 soldiers in the colony nf News Netherlahd and uu the 28lh ot Au gust in that year, fuui Knglisn mips war arrived and lay near Nuynck. defence, had not the' pusillanimity qf the magistrates am) inhabitants-of New Auisteidam eymptlled him to surrender. , In tort the Dutch under Cblve made a successful atiaek upon the colony, and ,retained it for about a yrar ut'or, wheiql-y treaty it was ce ded to the English, in whose hands it remained till nur final separation from that country. A faithful biography of Goverrioi' Stugvesuiit would he extremely i- ter estiug—he was undeniably a profound statesman, a brave soldier, an exit-1, lent scholar; and a great man. Ilia descendants in the city nl New York might, we presume, (Yttniaii many mi* 'erials for such a work,-and with whui could lie collected from the Dutch reco'-ds, it Wonltl prove no small ad dition to our literary shirk. N. Albany Ar,lilts. A Judge in the interior of Pennsyl vania, recently instituted a suit a- gainst one of his nrig'tbms, on ac count of the si;(finings he endured from the squeaking of a certain gui nea hen am! the harking ot a 'I- roci r nus dog ’ ’ In the ca-c of the guinea lien, the Judge gained the suit before a Justice ol the Peace,but the deie.nd sot appealed'to a Court, whence the action was finally withdrawn at the instance of the Judge, he paying the costs of the same. llmv he. Hindi-.out in the case ol Tuwsei,’ wo are not informed,but the editor of the Commonwealth, ont huv ing Hie feat of {His llonui before Ids eyes, publishes at length the notice the Judge give lo his neighbor, in which he informs him that i>y an or dinance of Hie borough in which (hey resided, 'all poultry is prohibited from running ut laiqse,’ anil by poul try is included, Ducks, geese liens and guinea loivls-’ The editor ol lhe Commonwealth quotes both law anil poetry iu favor ol Hie guinea hen and the dog. With the case itself we wish (o have nothing to do, hut we cannot refrain from asking, how it comas to pn-s, that, in Pennsylvania, men, who have not ns many qo difie.a lions a- common count- v school mat tors, are advanced to official stations of Hie first importance ? Union. P'-icci Current ol Charleston, Vec 16 Cotton—Hen Island, BO a ob( stairi- d du 12 a 14 j Santee, 16 a 18 j short staple, new, 10 a 12. JIfee—Prime, new, 2 8'J a 85 ; in feriur, 2$ a 2}, Cottons, — We have advanced our que stions of Sea Island Cottons this week to 20 a 25 cents. Several sales have been made, uuiaHy within that rang- ; although some little of inferi or quality has gone as low as 18 ctr, and one or two lots, fan<y brands, have brought 30 cents. I- the early part of the weak, there was a good dornntid for Uplands and an advance of about hall a cent was realized for the article g-netslly—towards the clo-e of the week however, the de murid again became languid, end the prices quoted (ticing the same a* las' week) weie the highest that coeld b> obtained, A lurge portion of tin Oott.-n now coming tn market, is ol inferior and middling qualities. Kice — We continue nur quotations the saute as lust week, hot the dc -nalid is limited, and sales particular ly of the inferior qualities, veiy lieu vy. Colton Bugging.—This article haa not varied in price since our lust—the stock of prime qu rlity on hand is not great, and sales are made in small Ints at 50 cents. Stocks, (kc.—E.vthangi nrt' land and France sells slnwly at the prices quoted- On the North, it lias declined a little since our last. U. S. B ut; Shares sell at 108 -the star.IrAfoul'Local Bmkshas fluc'ua ted sume-m thp course of the week. V. S, Bai k, (sales) 108 ; State C per Cent- Hi); Bills— t sight, or, Boston, New-York, ami Philadelphia 3 a 3j per cent, prein.—-hurt sight 24 a 3 per cent. p-ein -a-DO days, } percent p cm.on Vran-e—5 1 . ; lleor gio Bank Bills—3 x pet cent di»i North Carolina Bunk Bills -1J a 2 per uis. Kicliungs on England 15 per cent prem — Courier. Georgia [loyal.Ver/i Chapter.—At an an nual meeting of di^ G ,-rgia Chapter, con vened at tlifir Hall oh Mandey evening, the 16lh inst. the following companions were duly elected officers for the ensuing ma sonic year. t . Companion f. YYitcox, M. K it Priest, JmrATit .in OiM-frlo, King. StivhsN llinhi ;, 8cr be. Wm U. CurnsvuT, Captain of the Host. Jims Douoi.ass, Principal Soj. I T, Srtwairz U. A. Captaifl, A. Baix, ) Mi-eers E. Mrrcuxxx, > of L. Bin*jo.v, J tile Veils. 1-*. \V. Hm-ivmaM,Treaxwer. Ciuh- i - tlaeu.r, Secretary. J. ArnSHroN, Uontiuel Tile Companions members ot the Chap ter, are hereby notifi nl that an installation of the officers elect, will tske pises at theijr Hall, 00 Sunday evening uoxt, st 3 o’clock. I’rsnsisnl Koj id Aicli Masons are invited lo MARINE.' 1‘OHT of SAVAoVaAU. arrived, fil.ip Niagara, Beebe, New-York, 7 days with «lull cargo to Hall, Hoyt & eo. con- a-g-ei-a, j it Herbert 81 ec, 1; Gordon, F i-'Ck, N tt Weed & co, 51 Hong, Thus Loin-north, Baker tt Million, T llntler (< ro. H Gaalou, 5V .Soarbrungli, A It Fannin fc C". F. til ls,-I W Morrill, H 8 Atwmx!, * VV. T Williums, J Cnnroy, Geo N't-wliall, V. C Gpiiwolt!, T H Price/1! Gas' - - ell co, VkHki)>pitt, Miller & s Haitdimmon, .1 numu^dv, l) !J Ni* S (j Sc.lwnk, E W VanvtKiriicus, > 4 <»o» A. Govmviill, .1 J[ '• Ue»uif, T Hyutlov &. co, A Porter, J MhiNhf*‘,jQibhi ti A!i jeandfr, S It l^.rk- •’ »L’a, .1 Smith, N Kirbv, H Ciinip- bull, R hmitb, .1 Lnttii'd|) & co. J |{ YVfdc, •' h .\ Ualjcrslnni, M«vfi’s & ilamilton, J M Jarvis, S C fi.inn'mjf, 11 II & ’I'cnnuv, w ItifrllA Si t o. X ft E Wood, M \V A Miirtinc, A Morgan, and A Ncit'liuin-e. Schr Eliza Jane, Granger, Dairen, 7 days, with Mackerel to tin- master! Schr. F-tiia, I’liumey, Itk! imw,, l-rtlsys with corn lo Hall, Hoyt & no. 3 iiiisseii- gers. Hole boat Packet, AnMlfa. with 373 bales cotton lo Canleluu 5: I.Mnnr, 8 J Bourgeaux, Cuirnning tk Gwatlintvy, u nd Petersen, llkimuoiid !k co. trp ran tmir ronr. At New York, 9th inst. ship Corsair^ Porter, to sail soon j brig LcvttVsl, , lo md\ Snmlay Iasi. Al Charleston, lfith in^t. sloops ^'usan^ Bradley, lo sail 17lh ; Delight, Cooper* tobudiyUi inst. ei.';Ani:n rfiim*His rour, At NeW-York, 9th ult. brig Telegraph* Snell. AiniiTjim fiiom this roi. r. At Bostoi^ 6th inst, brig Ahnira, At wood. At New-York, 9th ult. brig Native, Colo* 8 days ; schr William, Aubens, 8 days. Al Baltimore, 9th inst. sloop Packet* Clark. At Charleston, l6th Inst, schr Volusia* Perkins, 1 day ; sloops Mfu-y, Rrown, 1 hoill'i; Kxpress, Hammett, o days, Delight* Cooper, do i Susan, Bradley, do; The schr Gips^y, Volgcr, was up at. N- York, 9th inst. to sail lor bt Mart’s next day. Five small vessels, from Kirc"dbr>!tt, arrived at Liverpool previous to Oct, 19, with Q74 bales, J broken do. and a <‘j .an- tity of loose cotton, and J 7 pi ces maelwi* ery, aived from the wreck of the ship Ma, ry and He..i-y, of Charleaton, lost;on (he Joust of hcotlani!.—Ailvertisfd to bo sold 23d, about ilXLbuloH damaged cotton, be- I'Higing to her cargo 2.ul», about do do ot same, [probably some that was not sold on th . 2od.] BOSTON, Dec. j—Arr ship Missouri* :t Ubes, 37. N15W-YOUK, Dec. 9-Arr packet ship Nestor, Lee, Liverpo 1, 53 ; brig Perseve rance, Bray-Malaga 37, PlllLADIcLPlllA, Dec. 9-8h',p Wm- Penn, Hamilton, l iverpool 50; br.g Poca hontas, Payne, Leghorn 4.:: brjg Joseph Eastburn, Earl, Pcnambuco31. CtlAKLK f’l'ON, Dee io—Arr Br brig Flora, Meldrum, London 50; Br brig Harmony, Humble, Liverpool 57. uf From SluyveisutN known chancier L'/tcnd. lor (Ici iiiuri ami cotir.ia:e, Hick e ti no I |G order wftbe M. K. H. Priest. Joubl be woulj havo a gallaat ll**ar, 8«v»t*!j'| WAHHKNTON, N. (J. FEMALE ACADEMY.| REMOVAL. J OSEPH ANDREWS and THOMAS P JONkS, Principals of the above Aca lenty, having deposed of their interc-t in he bjUding lately oc'cupitd by them, have removed to the healthy and | h asant vil* luge of WiHinrriisburo, in Granville County* N C. 18 miles west from Warrenton j where their school will open on the second Moipiay in Jautary, 1823, flic same comJJe of study heretofore pursued, will be continued und^r all tho fame teacheiii, they being member! of the I'.niily. 'Hie Pupils are instructed, not on ly in the rudiments uf knowledge, but si* o in the highest,branches of Science, evef taught in Female seminaries, including Grammar ami Faming, Belles LeUrea, Geo graphy, Cliymestry, Natural Philosophy, dotany, Astronomy, &C. The Principals p >ssesa a better Philo sophical apparatus than most cf our Col leges ; and lectures are delivered oh the lifferent subjects, accompanied with ex periments. Hoard, with tuition in ail the above bran dies, 60 dollars per session i Music* Draw- iig.and Painiiiiir, and the Latin and Greek: anguagesare also taught, and charged as lows; Music 30 dollars, Drawing and Painting 20 dollars, and the languages 10 • dlars per session amount for board and tuition is payable in advance, and •acli Lady in to furnish herself with a Co. -erlid, a pair of Sheets, Blankets, &’fow ls. New Pupils pay only from the part >f the session in which they are admitted. There are eight competent teachers* vhose time is devoted to the business of hr. institution. lYilbnmxlorouzh, JY. C. A'di/. 30,1822. dec 3 c f 1 PowleV Patent BeisteaVls. ,i\ N assortment of t\ie above construe- tion is ready for inspection at the Purnt’Ufe Stpre of tlic Subscriber, in which the long desired improvement in the unde of nrnAnug Mednend* isdoubless '.u- complislied ; it msy he set up in c ne imk mtc, and taken down in the tame space n lime wii’.out the mm of tools, and doea no! contain J the least harbour fur hoga or dirt. A further description is deemed unnccea» «ar>, as the improvement must stand on itv merits. flie gubsc.ibcr being authorised to t< II (hem iu this pUCe, tfcill receive onlers for them at his store In WhitaAer street,' oppn. I sue (bil ^hrllmanV WH 1109 d.W. MOftMLL.