Savannah Georgian. (Savannah, Ga.) 1822-18??, December 26, 1822, Image 3

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4 I Independent Presbyterian Church. milOSR Persons who purchased orfent- JAMES DICK R ESPECTFULLY Informi his friends and (he public, iliat ha liaa taken that 1 cd Pews lit thiaChiren, at auction on “""/J ‘i* bu,M l "*’ Thuriday, the 5th iuat. are requested to Swth Rutoomeruf Market Square and op. call on the Subscriber* and settle to.- tha tb J <* Meters «• Gibbons’ butldmttai where he haa on hand dee IS 15 BARER U MINTON. HAY. ’ landing from aliip Lycurgu*. at Sumun’s whtrfi will be told low if uken from the More. Apply to , H. CLELAVD, deoil |i30 On the wharf. . EATONTON STORE tubaoriber resumes the pfaetleeof *4 the Lag* in Oakmulgee district, and the County 6f Munroe, and will give the - moat tdgi.ant attention to all buaineaa in- .trusted to hia charge. C-b. Strong. nov S3 108 and ta (till opening, a handsome and gen et aseortaent of CHINA, h\us anA Eftt\.A\ei\'TjRTP, Received direct (horn hia CorreapOtidenta in liverpool. The above art idea are warrant ed of the first quality, being selected to order, and wilt be euld wAsbsnfc tr retail, as low and un as accommodating terms, aaythe city a (fords The attention «f Pimilles and Country Merchants in particufur, it requeated to ward! them, no* 30 t 5 Just Received, AUO FOR SALE, 3 Ton* Swedes Iron, ossorted 95 boies Patent Sperm Candle* J SO bbls Pilot end Navy Bread “ S caaea Fine Straw Bonneta I 8. MANTON, dec 10 13 Rice's wharf. HAXALL’8 Richmond Superfine Flour. <E»/*VTh BARRELS lauding from on ©w'Jw board the schooner Margaret, and for sale by PONCE U MACKENZIE, dee 18 Ip 20 WILLIAM M‘CREADY, 83 BROAn-STUEET, CHARLESTON, S. C. 151 AS received by the ship Isabella, M‘. 1 M Neil, (horn London, the best snort, went of first rate London Baddies, Bridles, Martingales, Vfhips^Spors, plated Spring Stirrups, Steel its, Plain do do of every pattern, Bitta and Bridoons of every de. scriptinn, Coach and Big Harness, Waggon do, Dray do. and Plantation Saddler, La dies do.; wtlh agcnrral assortment of Sad dlery «f every description, all of which will he sold on the most accommodating termi. N.B. The shove articles arehbe best ever Imported into the state of South Caroline, the Gentlemen of Georgia that would wish s first rate London Saddle and Bridle, would do well to tend their orders soon tor one, as there is at present anumber of them engaged, fee 13 trr. 15 DENTISTRY. GTOHE Ladies and Gentlemen of Savan- U nah are respectfully informed, that Mr. A. 3. Sht* i xaxr, Dentin, is now on his way from the North, and may be shortly expected in this place, when he will give due notion of his arrival, dec 19 f 21 Rum, Giu, etc. t»BARRELS N E Hum QJ 41/ 25 bhla India Point Gin 250 qr boxes Spanish Segura 20 qr casks Currant Wine,of a,su perior quality landing from brig Hope A pally, and for •ale by 8. MANTON, nov 13 99 - Hie A Wharf. Sugar, Coffee, £jc. tfVffYTVffi'h BUSHELS Com 10 hhda Sugar 50 boxes Negro Pipes 25 bbls Loaf Sugar 10 M. American Began TO M. Spanish do 50 bags prime Green Coffee 100 kegs and qr kegs of best Rifle Powder.—For sale by . L. H. SAGE A CO. dec 14 17 Telfair's wharf. The Subscriber R espectfully informs the inhabi. tsnts of Savaifnah and its Vicinity, that he intends to opqn a School fijf the re ception pf young. Ladies and Gentlemen, in which will be taught all the requisite, of a Correct English education, together with the Latin, Greek, French, and Italian lan guages. He has taken the room occasion ally occupied by the Union Society, in thi west end of the Academy. Recommendations from Captain Aldei Partridge, Superintendent ot the American Literary, Scientific, and Military Academy, from the Professors of Italian, French, Fen cing, and from a number of other Gentle men pan be given, by making application at the store of Bakhtin U Hayward, e few doors west of the City Hotel. Those young Gentlemen desirous of attaining the ar) of Fencing, can receive Lessons in the even ing, by application aa above. PARWELL JONES. N. B. Should not sufficient -encourage, ment be given, lie Would engage as an in structor in the above mentioned branches in tlie country, or in a private family, dec IS 20 Seed Rye, &c. BARRELS Seed Rye ilw 10 imif bbls Buckwheat Meal 30 bbls Prime Pork 20 do Mess do 20 do prime Beef 20 do Mess 1 do 30 boxes Sperm Candle* For sale by THOMAS BRADLEY U CO. No 2, Mongin’s Tabby’building, dec 21 b 23 A Uniform Coat and Hat, O F the Chaiham Artillery, excel lent quality and but little worn, be< longing to the indigent widow of a decea sed member, aro offered for sale cheap. Apply at the office of the Georgian dec 17 19 ORRaV TAFT OFFERS FOR SALS, ADil CASKS Naila, Spikei and Br#df aborted 50 caaks Currant Wine superioftqaali ty, containing 6,8, k 10 gall*. each. 40 bbla *1 Engla d Rum / 12 pipe* Rutenburg Gin 4 hhda Jamaica Rum 4 do St Croix do ,*» • 20 bags Pepper 20 do Pimento 100 boxes Ratlins 10 quarter coiki Malaga Witte SO boxea Claret Wine 50 bbla Pilot Dread SO Ithna Sugar 25 bbli do< 5 Ithdfc Leif Tobacco ID kegs Manufactured do dec 20 i. 22 „ CHEAP Cash Dry Good Store, IN DARIEN, OipHF. Subscriber! beg leave to inform A their friends inp the public, that they h»v% opened a very general assortment of FANCY U STAPLE DRY GOODS, at'the atnirelu'elv occupied by Messrs P. &F. S. Hurd, rinseatablishment will be constantly K Supplied from their bouse in Savannah, with . inch articles as may be wanted; by which jn< a: s, persona rending in this city and its vicinity, may always depend upon being furnished with every article of Dry Goods at Savannah price* fir Cash, WM. TURNER U CO. •dec °3 p 24 Mrs. R.' T. SHEARER R v.8HKsCTPUI.LY informs her friend* and the public generally, that.she has remov'd from bar establishment in Brought- % bn-stivefto Market squate, opposite Met* ar-i IF. Injlit U Co. where she is now open ing • new Anti elegant assortment of And FANCY Articles, . Direct ft om Charleston per schooner Mar garet, consisting in part of titt following articles, vis t 1 case Elegant Leghorns 3 cates Straw Bonnets 1 case.containing Velvet and Silk flats and Bonnets, Turbans, Caps, Fes. then, FIdwen, Ribbons, Uc. All of which will be sold on very sccom- EAST FLORIDA LANDS, FOR S UE OR BARTER, 4 PLANTATION un AmelialalsnA, ton- retaining TOO acres with a anulement (hereon, and hu been under cultivation in Cotton. A Tract of 359 acres cf Land near the above. A ealuable tract cf 1050 ceres of prime Swamp and highland, on the river St. Ms ry’a about 30 miles above its mouth. . Another tract of 500 acres of Land, on' Uawke’ea or Fleming's Island on the river St.Johns. Those lands are of the first quality, re- markabiy healthy situations, and in good good hea-t. They will be acid olteap ei ther for cash, or exchanged fhr Negroes or merchandise, or they will be let on leaae on reasonable terms t cut the proprietor would prefer to Inin any Gentleman who can furnish sufficient hands in planting the Amelia aland plantation, under hia super, intradance. Description of tbe I-andr mar be acen and terms made known, on application to BAKER 8l MINTON. des 4 8 PATENT REPEATING GUNS, R IFLES, Fowling Pieces, tnd Pistols, containing from three to twelve char ger, and more if required. Then Guns are of great importeuee to the Hunter and 8portaman, as .well as to merchant vetnla, aa a defence against Pi rates Pistole containing five or aix char ge*, will be found a complete protection lor Travellers. Guns altered to fire from 8 to 19 times, with the same safely, accuracy, and (nice a* ordinary guns, without adding any thing to the iitoumbnmoe of the poor, each charge being under perfect control, being all put into the gun at the time of loading, and djriddd by wads of leather, which, b; meanrof* sliding look that primes itaell. may be fired in the apace ol two aeeutula to a charge, nr at any lunger intervals, at the option of its p'is.eaanr. Orders can be supplied, and guns for watdi-d foe alteration at short notice, on application to the subscribers, where the guns can be examined. GIBBS k ALEXANDER, Agenta for the Proprietor, dec 31 23 PITCH PINE, YeWovj Flna & u^v**** LUMBER, son THE WEST LYDIA MARKETS. 1AIIGOK8 of the vert beet quality, and J of all descriptions ol the above named I,umber, (50 lo BO fret in length, if requir ed) can, at the shortest notice, be Airmail ed at the UPPER Darien Steam Saw Atilt, in the State of Georgia, on the most rea sonable terms. Venseli drawing not over 13 or 19 tnd a halffeet water, can load with great fkctl tv at the Mill by an Inclined plane, thereby getting the lumber on hoard clean and dry i and from fifteen to Alteen and t hall foot w*|er, can bo carried over Uoboy bar, now tendered aa aafe aa any In the United States, from the bfeaeona and buoys there placed. An abundant supply ofOypress Shingles, and Red and Wlme Oak Hogshead Staves, can he obtained. - Then being a RICE MUX attached. Rice Other 1 In whole oe half tierce*, can be had wnsrn Wanted, Ibr snorting a cargo. Order*or Communications addressed to the Agent ofthe Upper Darien Saw Mill, at Darien, Georgia. wHl be promptly at tended to. , nnv 25 109 Powies’ Patent Bedsteads. A N assortment uf the shove construe- AX tion is ready. Air Inspection at tbe Furni ure Store of. the Subscriber, in which the long desired improvement in the uiode of making Bedsteads isdi ubless ac complished i it may be set up in one mi nute, and taken down in the tame space of time without the use of tools, and does not contain the least harbburfor bugs or dirt. A further description is deemed unneces sary, as the improvement must Hand on it* merit*. The Subscriber being authorlied to led them in this place, will receive ordara for them *t hie store in tVhitaker street, oppo site Col. Shellman't. aon IS 1103 J. W. MORRILL, ie. . occ at aa JfGEORGIA HOTEL, BAPTIST CHURCH SQUARE, SAVANNAH. SrpiRS F.stabl slum nt lies lately under. *JL gone a thorough repair, and consider- able improvements have been added. The Subscriber has taken it upon t long lease, and it will be open on Monday the 34th in*t. for the reception and aecnmmn- dation of Traveler, and Boarder*, having supplied hia House with a new general as sortment of Fm niture, He is determined that his Tablethall be inferior to none, while hia Bar shall afford the choicest Liquors of every description. itT The 8tahl6s are large and convenient for the accommodation of any number of Homes, ,£D With such preparations, ad ded to the indefatigable attention which it will be h a study and inclination lo beatow he cannot hut flatter himself he will re ceive that shale of patronage and support, to which such arrangements may be enti tled. DAVID M. FITTS XaumnaA Abe. 31,1823. nov 26 to 2 Drapery, Window Curtains and Floor Cloths. F OR Sale,at GEORGE STOWS* Cabi- net Wate room, hrouyhton-Streel, 2 SuitaofBlue Moriue Drapery Window Curtains, complete 7 Suita of Elegant Chints dn. 1 Drawing Room auit of Curtains, com. plete v Large Assortments of Floor Cloths, with a variety of Blinds of all deacrip. tionai- Carpets and Curtain made up in tbe neweat fashion. ■ • iXJ" Trfo Journeymen and tn Appren tice wanted to the Cabinet Making busi- nett. dec 13 | lift 16 FOR SALE, T HOSE valuable Rice and Cation Plan tatlons, Crawford and Booden, situated between the little and great Ogeeehie Hi vers, and distant between ten and twelve miles from Savannah. The swamp and high land are of prime quality, hut have not been in cullivatiqn for eight er ten yean last. They would be an eligible purchase :o any person desirous of owing evaluable property, within a convenient distance of the city. They will be sold before the Court House in Savannah, on Tuesday, the 28th January next, at 11 o’clock, if nut pre. vioualy dirposed of at private sale.. The Plat it in tne hinds of Mr. George Schley, to whom reference may be had for more particular information. The condition* of sale pill be, one third Cult, and for the Balance, a credit uf three yean on n bond and mortgage of the pre- mises, with tbe interest annually from the date. HUGH ROSE, dee 17 Ire 19 Notice. T HE Subscriber* inform their Custom ers and the pnblio, tint they are ael- ling 80AP and CANDLES at gheatly re duced prices, At the present prices Sa vannah manufactured Candles will be ftiund (on trial,) to be the cheapest light now in use. A constant supply for sale, at their Store on the Bay, • fra dcorr H'eil qf lln City Hotel, or at their Manufactory of 8avannih Candles, 4s 5s 6s. Northern. do , do Spermaceti do W No 1. 2, and 3, Soap, in whole end half boxea ' Windsor Soap ALSO, N England Rum in hhda Northern Gin in bbla Warranted Time Pieces Butter in Firkins L. BALDWIN fI CO. dec 16 l» 18 ; FURNITURE AT REDUCED PRICES. TRUE subscriber haa received from NeW *4 York an Elegant assortment of Furni ture, consisting ot 6ide Boards -, Secretary and Book Cases; Grecian Sofas i Bureaus: Wardrob' B; French i Pillar and Claw, Card, Dining aud Tea Tables i Ex tension Dining Tables; Ladies' Dressing rabies, with glass work tables. Gentlemen’s Writing tables with Bnokcsst-ss Mahogany High and Field Post Bedsteads: Maple dot Mahogany Cribs i Wash Stands t Portable Desks; Hattruses: Feather Beds) Fancy and Windsor chain, TootSipolsi Count- inghouae Desk's. Also a Secondhand Or. gan, plays SO tunes. Furniture Made and Repaired at thn shorten notice. All orders will be gratefully received and carefully *ttendedto,by J. H. OLDERSH.\W, On the Bay, tee Je.r/rem the City Hotel; or .comer of Broughton aud W hitaker Streets. <&• Wanted, three or four Journeymen modeling tern-.a. Leghorns bleached and I , dyed in a eery superior style, having an e. Cabinet Makers, to whom tba highest w.v legant milliner tn superintend her business, 1 ges will be given, dec 17 |l 19 dco 31 Ip 33 Real Estate. arRHE iuhscriben offer at private tale U two Lota known by number! 13 ami 14, Carpenter’S ■ Row, containing 90 feet front and 151) in depth, together with a commodious Dwelling House and out bulld,- ings, Termi of Sale—-Half Caali, the re maining half credit one tnd two Yetra, with Bond and Mortgage on the premises. If tho above described property is not told at private sale, before the first Tues day in January next, it will be offtred. at the Court House at public auction. J. B. HERBERT U CO: dec 20 * 23 7 . The Subscriber TTOILL deliver good FlUR WOOD from \#Jr his yard, at the residence of any purchaser, in the City, at Five DeUare and a half, Cash, per Curd, by sending an or der tor the quantity wauled, and at Fqur Dollars and Seventy-five centa per cord, delivered at the yard, wh-cfi. ia situated bn the north end of Weat-Uioadstreet, above Wayne’* wharf. WILLIAM C. WAYNE. 0C7 Wood will be aawed at Fifty Cents per Cord, at the yard, dec 20 32 For Sale, Jtlet landirg from thip Thmae Fowler, frem Be,ton, St ttt BARRELS No 2 Mackerel (I 23 do No 3 do 25 kegs first quality Boston Butter Crauberriee, Apple* Fean and Ntils And in Store, Mackerel, Candles, Soap, and Madeira Wine in boxes JOHN CANDLER, dec 13 16 Jones’ Buildings. Wants a Situation. 4 YOUNG Gentleman who has beer <*. sometime in Georgia as a private Tu tor, wishes to engage as a teacher in a pri vate family | he teaches the English Lan guage only. Apply to the Editor of tbe Gtoaaiaa, dec 9 cu 13 For Liverpool, Thu fuM tailing j liliA 1 f lady uali'-Vhn, UlQF If iilMiia, matter on lias commenced loading, and wtll oe diS|i*tch*d without daisy, having two-thimll of her freight engaged. Fur thn reaiihte nr passage, having good *c. onmmodatiima, apply to captain Britton on beard, or to MALI, HOYT* CO. dee IS 20 The Subscriber H AS removed to the store lately .occu pied by Mosers Hnlltch tj where he contimiva to tranaact FAC TORAGE AND Commission Business* and offers for tale 50lier«ei NEW RICE, together witb the following articles i Casks of B. B. 8. Porter Whole and half bhla Fresh Fluor Barrets Mess and Prune Ueef BnaevfYesh Itsisina Hyson, Gunpowder and Souchong Teas Coffee Loaf, White Havana, end Brown Sugars Cognac B'-andy Jamaica and W. India Rum Holland Glh and Whiakny Sperm and Tallow Camllci Soap in-whole and halfboxee Sperm, l.inieeii and Tram Oita fipikrs, Copper knd wrought Nails Cot Ntils fromtdto 30d Together with an assortment of Ship Chandlery, Hardware, and Faints. WILLIAM P. BOWEN, nov 29 4 i For Sale or to Let, T HE unexpired lease of tho half Lot, he. ing the corner of Broughton and Jef. Person street!, with the Buildingi erected thereon, oon.iiting of two separate Frame Store* and Lodging*, and a Fire prouf store •nd cellars, being excellent stands for all kind of busmen. Fur terms, applv tn PETIT DE VILLEHR, Factor, Mongin’i wharf, dec 14 eu 17 CREAD Family Provision Store. 7|THF. .ubscriber informs the public that X beb- opened a Store, No. 3, in the Brick Buildings, North end ef Market- Square, where he offers for sale on the lowest terns, Beef, Pork, Butter, Cheese 8oap, Csnll'-s, ttc. Ain tmiduiR/Mk ihtp Clifford- IPapne, 40 bbls of Superior Nett ark Cider 20 bbla of first quality Itecr A Large assortment of Spanish, New. Orleans,and American Srgnra, Also s large quantity of Apples and Ches- auts. The above articles will be sold cheap for cash. Families can depend on a regu lar supply of Groceries, at the Lowest price!, JOHN SMITH, dec 10 Jr. 13 V H The Subscriber A8 the honour of announcing to hia Frletuls and the Public in general, that he haa just arrivedfrom N York (I Charles ton, with the most fashionable Gentlemen’s Hats, Clothing, Uc. Those person* wishing a good, bargain, will do well to call at the Subscriber* Store, fV« door. £«.i qf the City Hotel, tie i— Trunks fine anil extin superlative Blue, b Black, Dreas Coats Trunks Brands, Gray, Mixed, Olive, Drab, Frock, Ucx, and Waterloo Coata, with and without Capes i some with rolling oollats. , . - Trunks line and Coartc Coates's, ofvatious colours. Trunks Ulun end Black ditto, at very low PUBLIC SALES. fly Gedrge Schley, THIS DAY,34th iast. at II o'tli-ek, W ill be told at hia Aneti n room, ' Sundry articles of OHO CYiUIfcft. dec ?* 35 For Livcrpaol, The copper bottomed new fual rate shin MIN KRVA, J f,. it l.'tvo, Mueler, Will want abiuii 400 bslel tv complete her cargo. Foe freight of same, apply to WILLIAM GASTON. dee 11 14 For Liverpool, The new fiiat rate ship PIONEER. JJ. Cr.ihtree, matter, Will commence hmdi*g,fiir Liverpool immediately. For freighloiAUb b«lr*i apply to WILLIAM GASTON. dec 11 14 For Liverpool, The ahip OGLETHORPE, Chiirlrt Jayne, aiaihT, Will conunence loading this ay, and receive dispatch. For freight or paatage, apply on buaid at, Johnston’s wharf, or to BENJAMIN BURROUGHS, dee 9 12 For Liverpool, The well known coppered Uriliah thlp BLUCHER, Robert J. Potter Matter, Hu three.fourths ot hcreargo engaged, and will meet with d apatch. Fur With engaged,and freight of 350 balea Cotton or passage, ap ply to the Captain, on board, al Hunter's wharf, or to dec 9 19 JOSHUA MILNE. For Greenock, The well known III it'reh ahip THREE SISTERS, Jatnn Bell, matter, Will be diapatehed immedi ately. Fur freight of 100 hales Cutton or passage, apply to captain Bell on board, or to JOHN H. REID h CO. nnv 97 3 For Havre, The Srat class copper’d Ship HESPERUS, - Arthd M'Corktll, tauvrre, Hiving two thirds of her cargo engaged, will meet with .dispatch. Fur freight uf the rema’nder or passage, having elegant furnished eccommmta- lions, apply to tlm Captain on board at Hnn- tec's wuarl', or to ' , 8AMUEL WRIOBT. dec 6 10 — ’" ■ ■ **Mi '■ For New-York* -. The new copper iaateAe4 paclut t'ffp NIAGARA, WilSn* BeSet, Matter, Will have Immediate ditpatch. it or passage, having elegnnt *c- oommoilations, apply on board *t Jones’ upper wharf, or to HALL, HOYT U CD. dec IS 90 Trunks Fine and rdal extra super, super fine Blue, Black, Gray, Brando, light Blue, dark and light Drab, double and single miUCaaaimere Paataloons, made in the neweat style. Hunks Bine, Black, Huff, CaMmere extra quality,Abu Me twifl'd English Flora tine, Merino, Vslene-a, with Borders, Swansdown, tnd extra fine oolotired Marseilles WaV-tcoats, Trunks of extra Frill'd and end Plain Linen •him. Small packages of ready made Cravats. Bales of real Ta, tan extra large sise Cloaks, elegantly Trimmed, from %1 to 14. Bale* Linen, Cotton, Worsted, and Merino Sbiita, of various sites. Bale* Flannel, Cotton, Merino, Knitted, and Wottted Shirts and Drawers. 300 Dos Worsted, Lambiwool, Cotton, and Silk abort and long Stockings, of tupe nor qualities. Cases of 31 inch Patent Silk Umbrellai. Cates cheap 44 Irish Linen. Bales of 3J and 4 point Blankets. Bales of Kay <J Son’s Plains, No. 4 to 5, at the low rate of 63$ ctt. per yard. ALSO, A great quantity of Negro Clothing. Bpic* Kiimaroock Iftpa, g .J ; rr D< ten. Bales Out Sisea, Negro Stuckinga, gsf do. 500 Jackets tndTrowscm of good quality, Blue clutb, well lined at g5 per suit. 350 Sui t Fearnought Jackets and trow sert, ofthe largest sia-a, at pr. auit. 150 Great Coats from g6 to 8. 1200 Ited Flannel Shirts, at g!5 per Don. 12 Bales Fearnought Fes Jackets at R5 each 1300 Check and Striped Shirts, from 75 cents to &1 25. 3 Bales extra quality, Blue round Jack ets with rolling collars. A Brandt of the above establishment is carried on in Charleston, B. C. comer of the Bay aod (tueen-aireet, opposite tbe Ven due Jiange where Georgia and North Caro lina money is taken at par. PETER DREGE. oct 39 I For New-York, Th« ship CHARLOTTE, ft Captain Simt, Can take from 50 to lOObalet Cotton on deck, if immediate application it mads on board at Taylor’a wharf, or lo C. C. GBISWOLD. dec 13 15 For Providence, The packet ship GEN. CAitRINGTQN, nWitm Mu,tin, mutter, Hot half her freight eng*. ged. ami will meet with dispatch. For remainder or paatage, apply on board at Moore’s wharf, or to 8. MANTON. Wl,t ha. received per raid thip, and fur safe, 130 keg* first quality Butler 30 bbls Mem Beef 20 hair bbla Mesa Beef 50 bills Pilot Bread 50 do boiled Cider 100 casks Lime 100 boxes first sort Herring . 20 htlf bbls No I Mackerel SO six gall, keg* Currant Wine, supe rior quality By J. B. Herbert tj Co. Tills DAY. 34th ilut at 111 o'clock, B id be ..Id befetrt *«r St.<e, A general atm-tment of GROCERIES tfc. -ALSO— 10 bamls 1’otk 10 do Coffise 50 boxes Candles W bbla 011 V 10 qr casks Malaga Winn SO bbla OalonS 13 do Yintgaf, Wo. dec 24 35 Terms cash By Baker 85 Minton, Tills DAY, 34th Inal al II o’clock. An asaortrnent of SfUonttb t le Hritiith •nil American > DRY GOOpS, 5 cases 4-4 super, Irish Linens 3 bales white tqdlitie Plaint 3 flo Ann lean Negro doth* 1 do Blue doth l.eaae Women’*blk woratedVlsse 1 do real Tartan Plaids 1 do Fancy Mutlhu 1 do Flag Hdkfa dec 24 23 —■ - ...uwi at By George Schley, f"0» the frit Tuetday is February tier: YM7TLL he aoldvaMatK reterxw, nt I2u’. v v clock, in front of ihesCourt-Honsc, that valuable trust Lot, designated mtl.i plan of the city by letter Q, with the build ing thereon, known at the old Frcrhytu- rian Church, den 1* 17 Terms fr^h. Thirty Dollars Reward. A bsconded since 37th utt. trnm if* employment at apprentice to Clark and Luffbmugb, matnnx, my boy BY. or SYI’IIAX, aboutlSveam chi > a alim fellow, not very black, talkative and plausible, but not very shrewd i fund of dies*, and much cf a heuu on biiiii!n * and holidays. He had no particulsr mark a by which I could designate him- hot he it pretty well known about town. Front u>k. ing a good many clothes, I suspect hu-lm left the plaoe * C>| taint pf ves'aelx »r-i esutioned to be vigilant, that he dues nut make hia escape on board. The above r - ward trill be paid on bis delivery ih jin, or to .. - n . L. KOLLPCK. dec 7 *11 Regimental Order. A N election ta hereby ordered ,(o ( -! bald at Joatiee Russel’* Offier^on Sa turday the 28th December intt. lur ji C-p- tain, 1st and 3d Lieutenants and Epnij... to Mthmand beat Company No3. Thn Foils to be opened tt 11 o’rlnck, cud the Election superintended by two Justice* of the Peace, aud two Freeholders or a nia- iority of them. By order of l.t Col. Roman. M. W. STEWART, Act. Adj>. 1st Hcgt. G- M. dec IS 20 For Sale, T HE Southern half of Lot No 10, comer of Dray ton-street, Anton ward, upon which there is a commodious bouse, lute !y occupied by Doctor Read, immediste pen- session can be had. If not sold at private it will be put up at pubfic sale, on the firat Tuesday in January. For terms, applv to GEORGE SCHLEY. dec 14 17 For Rent, nd accommodating terma, that large and rommmlioni house situated on corner- of Jefferson and Bayuitreeta, opposite the Washington Hall. Alto the house at pre tent oeoupied by Doctor Furtb, ami situ.* ted opposite White’s Hotel. Possession giv en immediately Inquire of 8 Pnn sbick nov 00 J floe 14 Notice. Xp’lE CopirtneraUSP heretofore exiting 41 at Savannah, .under the firm ol J. hx L-riianr U Co. having been diaaolved, in consequence of the death of Mr. J. Latltrcp —the bud neat will be continued under Hie same name, conducted by Mr. Hettkinh lard, who with Henry Thomit, of New- York, and Henry Hall, of Boston, compote the company Atw-Tork, Dei. 4, 1823. dee 19 21 For Sale, “ L OT Nt 8s 60 by 90 feet, fronting on Reynold'a square* adjoining tbe red ■Hil^entt Of Joseph Gumming Rtq on a h ch wert ii a commodious and well finished For Liverpool, The anpvrior eoppnr’d British brig fcree t'ory .Brick House, with slated roof, PRINCE KUTOUSOFF, stabtei, Coaeh-buute, te. .11 of Brick and-slated. In fee simple. Far terms, Mpply to PONCE U MACKENZIE dee 18 x 30 M’ UfL Thmnt H ocithouid,mutter, Will commence loading Th a Day, and receive ditpatch, tbe principal part nf her cargo being already engaged. For freight of350 bales Cotton or passage,ap.‘ ply on beard at Hunter’s wharf, nr to JOSHUA U1LNE. dee 20 22 •For Liveipool, The remarkabl, fine coppered British brig CUMBERLAND, Captain Smith, Now reedy to commence loading. Far freight, apply to < A. L MOLYNEUX dee 23 24 For Liverpool, 4 The copper, d British brig ardlnt, /. Barnet, Matter! Stands A. 1. at Lloyd’aP—-For freight, apply to A. L. MOLYNEUX. dec 23 24 For Havre, MR Tbe fine and fast sailing bfig jft EAGLE. aftp, B, Coeh, Matter, 9||£ Having part of her cargo engaged, wilt meet with all poatible dispatch. For freight or passage, apply to the Captain on buanisl Muort’a wharf, or to DC HAMEL fc AVZB. Met U Notice. T HE Partnership lion U Hen-i between larder John- -y vf, Hil/t, and Jacob IFill- cix, under the firm of Jubnatoo U Hilla, wo dissolved on the 2a August last, by the death of the senior partner. The tubscri- bera will continue tfie butineasas partners under the firm ef Johnston A Hills. ' HENRY W. HILLS. JACOB W1LLCOX. Savannah, 9lh Dee• 1823. dec It 14' A Bargain. TMlOR tale, all that Tract of Land, In the *f county ofScrivrn, formerly the resi dence of Mr. James Platt, deceased. The tract contains about 5924 acres, well tim bered, it on Black Creek, adjoins Savan nah River, and it without doubt one of the beat Mill teats between Savannah and Au gusta : this Imnd really worthy of atten tion, to a person disposed to have a valua ble plantation, 8*w and Grist Mill. It is be lieved this land will answer all tlpse put- poses. Apply to D. M’LEOD, or , JEREMIAH CUTLER. Ty The Attpttta Herald is rafluaMed (o insert the above advertiacmenf toME.We-lra and to forward their account tathtosOM fur paymeut* dM 19 It