Savannah Georgian. (Savannah, Ga.) 1822-18??, December 26, 1822, Image 1

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I SAVANNAH fbf^f/tilt'd GEORGIAN .'i t fti.' . 'XAfticf m NEW SERIES-VOL. 11 sjrjAWjin, luutisujii morxi.yg, uecemhku so, is**. NO 14 SAVANNAH TlIUilSDAY MORNING, UEC. 26, 1822. One nf the opponent* of Mr. Secretary Crawford, who In a aeries of numbers, has rung the change* upon tvtry accusation brought against him—that is, who has made the molt of the limited ground he lias oc. I cupied, observes: I *■ In fact, the political cours»of Mr. Craw fnrd has been so indistinct and undecisive, that hit political principles are unknown to the people of this country. Ail they know of him it what they can learn from the com. mon almanacs, that he it secretly of the treasury.” The opposition mutt indeed be driven to theiriast shift, when such argumentsare ad duced for the support of their Candidate. If , .Hr. Crawford is this unknown and obscure 'individual, whence ail these rancorous at tacks upon'.his character ; why are papers established to ovorthrow his prospects and well founded claims upon the people! do they fight against shadows 1—if Mr. Crawford is only known from the 11 com mon almanacs,” why is he supported si- multaneoualy throughout the Union by the oldest, most iuHuential, and most respectable presses (though, by the way, he has never had, nor needed, the benefit of newspaper biography to puff him into notice,) I If his political principles are unknown, wily do his ambitious oppo- nents impute to him, in the imported cant of the day, tile sin of Radicalism i which, according to nil the meaning of the word in tliii country which wc have been enabled to discover, is another name for economy of expenditure, accountability of officers, and genuine republicanism / Verily, these (fitrar, these fA/ternl. of the new school, (wc conceive we have the •ante right to import a term that they have) must imagine themselves addressing a London or a Paris public. Radicalism in deed I—it iB the first time we have heard that economy and retrenchment of unne. ecssary expense in a republic, were accu. cations which arc to destroy the politician who professes them i in our mind they arc his highest recommendations. If these are the weapons with which William II. Craw ford is to be driven from tile high stand which he holds ill the affections of Ins countrymen, we congratulate ourselves cud we congratulate the people, that it is the very best means of raising him to the distinguished post which lus talents and services deserve. Mr. Calhoun is truly the Secretary at War, for the indiscretion of his friends has placed him in the situation of Ishmael, “ liis hand is against every mail, and every man’s hand is against him,” March of Improvement.—A dozen veurs ugo only, and a trip from New Yurk to Norfolk was considered an ttiitiui taking of no small magnitude, a journey ol veiy uncertain termination. Now you step on board the steam bout in New-York, and are safely tan t. d in Norfolk in a couple of days. Fut uiei iy, before a voyage to Iiuvunna, there was an invariable closing of con tracts, arranging of business, drawing and executing of wills, mournful fare wells, and letters written back by the pilot boat—nmv, it’s a neat little plea kfre jaunt—it’s hardly worth while to bid goutl-byc—just going down to llavattna. And some think we shall sunn travel over land as nicely as we do over the water. Uiiver Evans used to say, that the time was coming when a trip to l’itlsburg would be but a pleasant excursion, and when steam should supply the place of horses. [Trenton Emporium. Bppociiondria.—Of all, diseases, chronic or acute, there is none to be compared to this. Every man will ol course insist that his own peculiar malady is the most heinous, and he th»yno»t exemplary of sufferers. I have |heaid maintained us worse the beadech, tootliach, lever, dislocation rheumatism, asthma: 1 have had them all, and deny the assertions. Taken •si i'h its huge train of evils, which be siege and vanquish the body and mhid at once, there is nothing (that 1 know of) which at all approaches the terri ble “Passio Hypochondriacs.” It is the curse ol the poet—ot the wit; it is the great tax upon intellect—the bar to prosperity and renown. Other ill* come and pass away; they have their paroxysms, their minutes or hours of tyranny, and vanish like shadows or emp y dieamsibut this is with you for ever. The phantom ot lever is always about you. You leel it in the day at every turn; and at night you see it il luminated and made terrible in a mil lion nf fantastic shapes. Like the hag of the merchant Abudath, it comes fmescr milt the ntglit, in one shape Of the olnir—devit or guilt, or em itters; or it it an earth quake, nr a fie ry Hood—ora serpent twining you in its loathsome fold —or it aita on your heart like an incubus, and presses you down to ruin,—Mcmotn of a Hypo, chondrioc. Sobbing the Grave..—The) Water loo Republican details an instance of plundering a tenement of the dead, which was attended by circumstances unusualy revolting to the feeling of our nature. The particulars are brief ly these The person deceased, was buried in the town of Covert, Senrca co. on the 34th ulf. On tho ensu ing night an oblique hole >.as made from tbe surface of the earth, reach ing to the head of fho coffin, which was broken, and a cord affixed about the jatva of the deceased, whose body was in this manner dragged from the grave, and placed in a one horse wag gon. The villains hud not proceeded tar with their charge, when (as is sup posed) the horse took fright, anti the vehicle was overturned,and forsaken; in which situation it was discovered the following morning. It is stippns- ed.that one ol the persons implicated in this horrid transaction, has beet, discovered. Having been severely injured by the upsetting of the wag gon, he was unable to proceed farther than Hector, where he was ifbaudoned by Ilia companions. Perjury:— A woman, named Eli zabctli Kenedy, was convicted of the crime of perjury at tire lute Sessions in Goshen, and sentenced to the state prison for five years. This woman appears to have been a very depraved character. Site got offended at one of her neighbors, a very respectable man, though like most other men, not without enemies. She came into the village of Goshen, nnd circulated a report that this gentleman had come to bar house, when her husband was from home, had laid violent hands on her, and either committed or attempt- ted to commit a rape under the most aggravated ciicumstonces ; ami in pi oof of her story shewed several wounds which she said she had re- ceive Wn her struggles. Individuals were found to credit Iter statement and commisaen’e her case. She went before a magistrate anil charged the person with assult and battery, with intent to commit a rape; and subsequently she swore before the grand jury, that he actually had com mitted the deed. The same grand Jury however, founds bill of indict ment against her for perjury. The wound* she exhibited, as proofs of Iter misfortune, appeared to have re ceived in conflicts with her hu-band. The Jury found her guilty, without leaving their aeats, We kr.ew a dog, in this town, who every morning went round to the front tlnol- of the house, autl waited there till Isis master came out, whom he followed through the day.— Uut on Sundays, nothing could en tice him from the hack yard. Instead of going to the front door, he would lie down quietly in his kennel near the hack dour;—and this before the ringing of the bell could give him any notice of the return of the day. We well remember witnessing his perplex- ity on a Fast day, which was Thurs day. He went as usual to the. front door; waited there till the hells rang fur meeting; then went to his ken nel then changed his mind and follow ed his mas'er out—but with hesita tion—accompanied him half way to meeting ; and listened to the hell ; then turned about, anil notwithstand ing the repeated calls of his mnstcr, went home and spent the day in his kennel, Portsmouth Journal. What a country we have! The following paragraphs afford us a few ol the many IjcIs daily arriving to our knowledge, which enables us to real ize the vastnees of nur country, and the richness of its resources. The harbor described in the following ar ticle is situated on the South Western extremity of Lake Erie, and was hard ly known, bv name, until the late war with Great Britain- radix (Ohio,) Xov. 27'-The “San dusky Clarion,” of the 7th inst. con tains a “Marine List” of the arrival and departure of vessels at and from that place during the week ending on the Cth, by which it appears that three vessels entered and five cleared out from that port in the space of 5 days. The same paper contains an adver tisement giving information that a Stage, carry ng the U. S. Mail, makes a weekly trip Irani Portland, on Lake Erie, to the dataware, by the way of Mansfield, and vice versa. The fol lowing paragraph ia extracted from that pap r. “Our harbor has lately been entered by a number of vessels of the largest class on the Lake, which have gener ally passed in and out without any dif ficulty. There have been mm# in- •tancca ol a temporary detention, in consequence of not being acquainted with the channel. On Sunday last, the schooner Michigan, said tube the largest vessel on the Lake, except the Steamboat, came up to Mr. Towns end’s wharf, and went out again on Tuesday, without inconveniancc.” When wc reflect and look back for a few years to the tlay when this coun. try was but a wilderness, and then view the improvements which have been m ule in so short a space of time wo are led to believe that the Wes tern country will ere long, through the spirit and enterprize of her citizens, he second to but few parts of the U- nited States. Every day almost brings convincing proof that our intercourse with the Lukes is becoming a matter of importance.— Telegraph, In the six principal cities ofthe Un ited Stutes, the proportion of females between 16 and 45 is Very large, lie- ing nn an average about 24 per cent of the population, while in the country at large, it is only 19 3(1 per cent At the same time, the piopnrtinu of chil dren under 10 years of age, is very small, being on an average less that 28 per cent-, while the average nf the whole U tilted States gives S3.29 per cent. From this it appears tna' the census which operate to retard the in crease of population, exist to a much greater extent in our cities Ilian else where. It is a singular fact, that in every one of the above mentioned ci ties, the females under 16 years of age are more numerous than the males while in every State ofthe. Union, the fact is the reverse; end in the new Sto'es especially, the excess of males among the children is very great. Sheriff's Sales. O N the first Tuesday in January next wil/ be mild Ht the c/surt house in the city eff Savannah between the hours of ten ami four o'clock, A// the right title and Inter eat which John It. Ode//may hare »n a ta mi/y of nine negroes viz: Flora, Prissey, Luke, Huger, Lissy, Jeney, Sarah, David and Tom. Levied on by a Cnnstubfe to satisfy an execution from justice Eppin- ger’s court in favor of Aaron Morgan vs John U. and Wi/liain Wi/liuins security and returned to me. A/so, a mulatto woman named .Fane nnd her chi/d, laved on ns the property of Axhtr/ Howe, to satisfy two executions frortt Justice Russi //*<, court,m favor of John Huiipt and others, returned to me by a constable, and so/d at the risifc of the former purchaser, he not having comp/icd with the terms of sale. Also, u// the Ilnildings on lot No. 14 (four* teen) Washington ward, hounded north by a /aue, south by Bryan street, east by bit No 13, west by lot No IS, levied on hs the property of.Mm 1. Roberts, to safety an execution, C, H. Uaydett vs John I. Hu berts, iiv/>racr. A/so, UuiMingson the north corner of a 5ncre/ot, known by Ririck’s old field, /e- vied on asthe property of Henry Freeman, to8iitisfy an execution from a Justice's court in favor of John A. Eiric, returned to me by a constable. Also, /ot No 34, and Buildings, Currie Town, livied on us the property of George Mi/len, to satify an execution in favor of Win. Craig. ABM. D’LYON,a re. doc. 9 12 Sheriff Sales. On the first ’Ihfsdiyin February next, \Y ILL be sold Rt tbe Court house in the city of Savannah, between the hours often and four o'clock, All that moiety or equal half, part or share, of all tlmt lot of land situate lying and being In the city of Savannah, and known in the plan of said city, by the number nine (9) second Tything, Reynold's ward, with the improvements thereon, mortgag’d by Bernard Meynardie to Silas Gardner; levied on under a rule absolute, from tin. 1 Superior court of Chaiham county. Also the following Negroes, Bob, R»»% and L'tcy levied on as the pro perly of Henry Buford, under a foreclosure of a mortgage in favor of Joseph Cumming ABRAHAM D’LYON, s c c. dec 7 U A Good CUauco. TIIU NORTHERN BAR-ROOM, 0 "J Rice's wharf, now in compleie order for such, and calculated to embrace the Grocery business, is offered to Let for the coming season, the present oc cupant leaving it from circumstances nnd a preference to a different pursuit. To a good tenant (and to save trouble none other need apply) it will be rented low, and the stock on hand may also be had, if required To say any thing further in praise of the above, than to observe its central situation, would be superfltV is, considering that.that alone must recoil .tie nd it as one ofthe first stands of the kind in this city. For particulars, enquire on the premises, dec 10 13 t A Situation Wanted. A YOUNG Woman, recently from the North, wishes a situation as Chamber maid, or to take care of Children a private family. Apply at the office of the Geoii- auR, dec 20 22 TIIE DAILY GEORGIAN, IS ID1TUD AND ru»LISHUI> IN TH\ CITY OF SAVANNAH,* ft]j Goo- l\>oV»e,Ttaon, 3t. At g8 per annum, payable in advance vw THE GEORGIAN, FOR TUB COUNTRY, !l published to meet the arrangement of the nail, three times a week, (Tuesday, Thursday -mil Saturday) at the Office of the Daily Georgian, ami contains all the in telligence, Commercial, Political and Mis cellaneous, including ad ertisements, pub blished in tbe Daily Paper. The Country Paper is sent to all parts of the State and Union, or delivered in the City, at rive dollars per annum, payable in advance. Advertisements are inserted in both pa pers at 75 cents per square, of 141 urs, for the first noertion, and 37J for every suc ceeding publi'ition. LONDON BOOKS. W. T. WILLIAMS H AS just received from Loudon, per ship Georgia, a small selection of Splendid iryjl Valuable Works, among which are - Lord Macon's Works, in 10 vols 8vo. calf, $il( extra Heine's Translation of Herodotus, 4 vols Smith'll da of Thucydides, 2 vols HHmptou's do of Polybius. 4 volt Rooko's (la of, 2 vols. and Duocao'b do of Caesar, 2 vols. all bound to match \ calf, gilt extra Murphy's Tacitus, 8 vols Bakers I.ivy, 6 vols The foregoing form a very beautiful codec lion of lie iiios/ approved Translations of the .Indent Historians. Aniichatsis, 6 vols. and 4to. plates, calf, gilt extra M tcUell’a Translation ofthe Comedies of Aristophanes, 2 vols. being the first com- pletc translation of that Author Patter’s Translation of the Tragedies of Euripides, in '2 vols. calf, gilt extra Potter's Translation of the Tragedies of Sophocles, calf, gilt extra Aiken’s (Miss) Memoirs of the Reign of Elianbuth, 2 vola # Aiken’s (Miss) Memoirs of James 1st, 2 vols Dr. Aiken's Annals of the Reign of George lil, 2 vols Kvmaiiis of Henry Kirke White, with an additional volume, just published, 3 vols Aiken's ielvct Work* of the British Po les, 1 vol. calf, gilt extra Gramm tin's Memoirs, with .64 portraits •f the most Eminent Beauties and other personages of tin: Court of Charles 2d, in 2 vola 8vn. calf, gib ext a Roccacio's Decameron, a new edition, 1 vo| The Vicar nf Wakefield, in super royal octavo, with colored plates from Ronland- son llurke on the Suhlime and Beautiful Drake's Literary Uoursand Winter Nights, > vols small octavo, elegantly bound The Arabian Nights and Tales of the Genii, in 6 vols. with fine plates from West* til, calf, gilt Pleasures of Hope and Gertrude of Wyo ming, w itli plates front Wcslull, elegantly bound in morocco, gilt edjjes Kfiirsluy’s Sliakspeare, in 14 vols. with fi le plut'-s Dibdin’s London Theatre, 26 pocket vo lumes, elegantly bound in morocco and gilt edges Walter Scott's edition of the complete Works of Dryden, in 18 vols 8vo. calf, gilt Doctor Johnson's Woiks, in 12 vols fools cap, 8vo, calf, gilt Bos well’s Life of Dr. Johnson, 5 vols. cull, gih, elegant Pictures of London, Paris, Edinburgh, England mid Wales, with plates and color ed Costumes Dictionary of Polite Literature, 2 vols plates The Encyclopedia of Wit The Genuine Works of Hogarth, in im perial folio, containing about 160 engrav ings. executed by himself, and the only genuine edition ot his Works extant; in 24 lumbers Bell's Court and Fashionable Magazine, ami AckerniHu's Kepi sitory of Arts, Lit- raturc and Fashions, with fine colored eu- ;ravings, to -icptcmber Braude's Journal of Science, Literature and the Arts, to No. 26 —also—- A great variety of the most Eminen Po ts, various editions, with plates and splen did ’hiding, Stc. Ac. Nov 1 it Notice. A LL persons are cautioned not to trust the c^ew of the British brig Waterloo, •u no debts contracted by them will be paid by the Captain nr Consignee, dec 9 12 SLAR O F a superior quality, in quantities to suit purchasers. For sale at reduced prices, by JOHN H. REID & CO. nov 23 107 f To Rent, 2BHB Store an Jones' Buildings on the 44 Hay, next to the one oocupied by Smith tj Tu ner,an exceMM stand lor bu siness. Also several Dwelling house* and Ware Rooms. Apply to R. <J J. HABERSHAM, nov 12 498 CORN. Bushels White Flint Corn afloat, for sale in lots to suit puicitj.ttev'4, on reasonable terms. Apply to HALL, HOYT & CO. dec 18 20 Mess and Prime Pork, $c. Just received per ship .Via guru, A f\ BARRELS Mess Pork 30 do I'm me do 20 bills Imitation Brandy For sale by L B. HERBERT # CO. dec 18 20 g^.-TgannriBw^-TpiT-TT . i f n A Situation Wanted. O NH who liasbet-tt rfiT'i’.i/) brought u- in » eoM.tinp room, wislK|,vm|<6iy. meiit,.i\(l wiffMiR^cto remsinayt.r ot more, Satisfactory references wil/ bo gir. vail Apply at tins office. Administrator’s Notice. N INE mouths after date of this luillcf, application will be made to the Hun- ourahle the Justices of the Inferior Court of Chatham County, when silting for ordin ary purposes, for leave to si4l L -KNo. 245 (two hundred ami forty-five) in (tie (hir. teenth dit.n , ict nf Monroe County,' com sin* ing two hundred- two and an half acres-* being the real estate of Jeremiah i/romttt deceased, .I P. HENRY, Adminiat'rmf .1 prcmmli jh* Savannah, l#f A**-niftier, 18.'2. ' nov 2 $\ VALUABLE IMPlHt'INK9. ... CHEMICAL ANTI-DYSENTERIC MEDICINE, A Discovery in the Vegetable Kingdom of North America, by the Proprietor, J USTLY esteemed by nil who have used it, for curing Dysentery, (or Bloody Flux,) Diarrhcen, (or Summer complaint,) Cholera Morbus, Acidity, Vomiting, Sick ness and Pain in the Stomach, Dyspepsia, Cholic, Worms, ££c. tested by a successful practice of seven years, and approved by the most respectable physicians in New- Yorfr and Philadelphia} being peculiarly useful to families nf young Children, Mas ters of Ships, Forts, Prisons, Factories, Planters, Tiavellurs, fitc. Prepared with directions, as regards tbe nges of Children, Diet, Re..—Price ftl per phial, containing about 100 duxes, and (i anodynes, sufficient for'2 or 3 children in the early stages of bowel complaints. INDIAN nOT VNICAL AGUE DROPS, A Discovery by the Indians of North America, (WARRANTED,) For curing the Fever and Ague, being a certain and efficacious remedy in every stage of Intermitting Fevers, with particu lar directions as respeett the nge of cliil. dreu, Stc. and failing in nn instance of pro ducing the desired effect*—-Price ftl per phial, containing 100 dozes, an emetic, and 6 anodynes—sufficient to cure 2 or 3 ctnl- dren, with an ordinary fever and ague. Cayuga, October 14, 1831. We, the subscribers, do certify, that in the year 1814, a hospitul for the invalid sol diers ofthe United States' army was e«ta blished on the west shore of the'CayUga Lake, nnd placed unJer the care of Dr. John Vought; that most of them were af- Aided with the dysentery and camp diar rhoea: that the suceesa of his ihedc.cine was such as to restore them to perfect health, and return them all to the army, and we recommend Ins med< cine aa a va luable discovery in the healing art. JOHN HARRIS, Chief com. officer at Lewiston during the late war, JACOnL.LAR7sEI.EUE, Commissary for Gw? county of Seneca du ring the late war. RUSSEL PRATT, JAMES RENNET, CHARLES LALLlt&T. Dr. John G, Vaught.*—Dear Friend—I have prescribed thy Indian Botunieal Ague Drops for 60 cases of Intermittents, or Fe- ver and Ague, and have performed perfect cures in every instance except three, who would not follow directions. There Iiuk been no injurious effects produced in any one esse, and not a single relapse, altho’ it is more than eight months since 1 made the first trial of it. 1 have ulso found it a very useful remedy in Bilious remittents, especially when they have shown a dispo sition to assume a typhoid state. 1 have also experienced the same good effects from thy Anti-Dysenturic Medicine, in bow el complaints, in every case that I have les- ted its efficacy. !u (taste, I am thy friend, Uc. ISAAC SMITH. Lochport, Niagara Co. J\. Y. 10th mo. 8/A, 1822. Charlotte, July 24,1821. 1 was taken in September with fever and ague, and the bloody flux a ton follow ed, which left me will) a chronic diarrhava. i put up with Capt, Negus, in Uoaheaicr, anil lent fur Dr. Vought, who put me un der the influence of his Anti-Dysenteric Medecine. 1 paid all attention m his di rections for three days, and was perfectly i clieved and free from fever. I took some ofthe medecine on board of the vessel, and have witnessed the good ctlecls with all who used it. 1 advise all captains of ves sels to keep this medicine un board, and they will find it a valuable remedy In all bowel complaints. B. PEASE, Captain of the Genessee Packet on Lake Ontario. A further reference is made to the wholemle Agents, Hull U Bowne, J. C Morrison, Walter B. Townsend, 39i Pearl- treet; and J B Dodd & (Jo, 189 Broadway, opposite Joint-street, New York ; Thatcher U Thompson, Philadelphia ; Anson Far abi,s, Savannah; mid Pease and Butler, Dai- ti.uore, Druggists and Apothecaries; -re tail hy D> Johnson, Buffalo j Dr Smith, Lockporl; Dr Niven, Newburgh; Dr Hitch- cock, Utica , l)rs Mynderse & Murdock, Schenectady; Dr Mclien, Hudson; Di Uroswell, Catikill; Drs Burues and Nelson, Poughkeepsie, N Y ; II Meigs & Co, Aibu- ny ; Aaron Vark, Postmaster, Yonkers, N Y; J I. Mott, Tarrylown; Hams, Picker, U Jones, Sing-sing; and wholesale and re tail by the Sole Proprietor, Rochester, Monroe county, N Y ; and by one of the principal Physicians, Druggists or Book sellers. in most of the important towns in the United States. • This Medicine is sold bv the Subscriber, Ageat lor the State of Georgia. ANSON PARSONS, dec 24 24 MAIL AND STEAM BOAT ARRANGEMENT. Notice to Travellers to and from Savannah. UNION of sentiment having taken pDce between the proprietors ofthe new Hue nf stages, established on the north side of the Savannah nver, between Savan nah and Hamburg, and Augusta, connect ed by the Steam Bpat Carolina to.Purys- burg—and the line of Stages out of Sayan- null, on the south side of said river, *the Singe office of both will, hence forward, be kept at the City Hotel in Savannah— where the public are reeprctfu\»y inform ed that seats, on either route, ate in future to he applmd for. To illustrate the benefits of tbe two es- tnhliahmcnts, as they are to operate to the public at large, it need only be stated that, Thb old Georgia line, will arrive and de part on the^Rnme days as heretofore, and will quickeinlk puce ho as that passengera will be taken tlivo’in two days between sun anil sun, thus ufiVdit'g a pleasant and de lightful mode of transportation to Ladies and persons in delicate health, or to thofc who travel for pleasure rather than on ur gent business. The new line ill Carolina is gotten up on quite a different principle. Passenger* .ire taken from Bolton's wharfidjoining the Exchange, at 12 o'clock, every day, on hoard the steam bout Carolina, and ur<ti|un- ded at Purysburg (dining in the boat; in from three to four li<-ui» 5 . accoi cling to the state of the tide and strength of the cur rent—they are then i lured immediately in a commodious Post Clmise, and taken (by rapid drives, in the hands of sober, experi enced Coachmen, and able und gentle hor ses, the way being lighted with a largo lamp or lanthorn on the top of the car riage) through to Hamburg and Augusta, so as to arrive at those places by, from 9 to 10 o’clock the following morning ; chang ing horses on tbe way at an average distance of 14 nules, and stq ping at Mathew's Bluff, (the half way house) nnd breakfasting one change of Cavalry short of Augusta. Returning—A Coach will leave Augusta and arrive ut Savannah, at the same hours as those specified going up ; Dining and supping on the road, and hmOi fast ing on hoard the steam boat, which remains all night at Purysburg, to receive the pas sengers ul 7 o'clock the next morning. 'Tile Stage office in Augusta, for the Ca rolina route is fixed at the Planters’ Hotel, and ut the Post Office, in Hamburg. Tlmt of the Georgia route remains at the Globe Tavern. • By the operation of the steam boat Ca rolina, Passengers will be taken toand from tJlmrlesloii.N landing and embarking at Pu- rysburg, tbe contractor for carrying the northern mail, pledging himself, to run daily and constantly, cnnit'oi table four wheel vehicles between Puryxburgli and Charleston, competent to carry Six pas sengers conveniently. The Stage Office for the same, is now established ut tlu Cdy Hotel in Savannah, and av heretofore, at 1 lie Post Office in Charleston. The Darien Stages continue to op .ate as heretofore, between Savannah and that place, and the stage office for that line continues at the City H. VI. SILAS HOLMS, Proprietor of the Northern r me. LAMB & DEM IT I . Proprietors ofthe Southern route# JOHN WOMACK, Proprietor of the WeHleru Ga. route to Pierce's. ELEAZKK EARLY, for self, and DANIEL W. M KENZIE, Proprietors of the new western Carolina rotite. mm SAVANNAH. 9 0 Ulf AN BYRD returns his thanks to tho public in general and to his friends ia particular, for die pafronsge which they have heretofore extended to him, as the eslabhsher of said Hotel. After two years of servitude and unre mitting zeal to make it the great Hotel, which its peculiar situation and Its other advantages, demanded it should be—he is induced to retire back to Charleston, on account of the unwillingness which his fu- mily manffestsat leaving that place for this. In doing so, lie carries along with him feel ings of gratitude to many individuals here, who have ex’ended to him »t*eii* counten ance and support—and he takes mudli, lea- sure in recommending to the public, the individual whom the proprietor has select ed for bis successor. His time in the Hotel closed yesterday nnd Mr. John Miller’s commences this Morning. Orrun Byrd will remain in Savannah long enough to bring all his pecuniary transac* lions to a filial and complete close—and lie wishes all persons having claims aguin9l him, to exhibit the same at his Room in the City Hotel- also he desires such as are in debted to him to make immediate payment. JOHN MILLER, Late of the Pluntera* Hotel, Augusta, in forms the public that lie has taken thea- bove mentioned City Hotel in Suvunnah ; the peculiar advantages of which are more particularly set forth in the notice ofthe. proprietors of all the stages going out of the said City. lie would just say, that it is his intention to deserve the continued patronage of thu liberal und generous community which re ceived his predecessor with open arms a- rnoiig them, and extended to the City Ho tel so much ol their favour, dec 6 i 10 CITY H 0 T E L, SAVANNAH. J OHN MILLKIt list taken John P. Den ney intr Oopanneraliip t in future Ibis bstablishntent w II be conducted by them under tbe fitui of Miller & Denney, JOHN MIIXBR. JOUN-1*. DENNEY. dec 11 14