Savannah Georgian. (Savannah, Ga.) 1822-18??, December 26, 1822, Image 3

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Kills mi New-York, | VI,, 7; ALL, th e 21 J FREDERIC SELLF.CU. V X.c\U\U£tt Oil I'l' /ViileiiCL', It. I. pju SAl.E-by dec 11 1* S. A. CONEY, Rice's whatf. . Drafts on Philadelphia, A TWlUIIT.—Fur ".sic by NICHOLAS U NEFF, lire 14 17 Bills on England, JjlOU SALE, by dec 16 19 GEORGE KELPH. I BILLS O N Mw York, 1‘hiladrJ pliia, ■ Baltimore, Washington City, and Richmond, Fir. in sum, and sights lo suit Purchasers Tor sale by S. tt M. ALLEN Ik CO. dec 21 p -’3 HILLS ONNE IF-YORK, A t* 3 lo 63 days sight—for sale bv SAMUEL WIUGHT. Who has Jov sale, 15 hhtls prime St Croix Sugar S3 qr casks superior TeneritVc Wine y *«0 boxes 7-8 and 4-4 Irish Linens, ir Iiuli'i'ci d nt TVcshyterian ( hnn h. <'SK I’mmu w o,u»tln.rd ■'rmii- a. i He^i in i'.a Ci ui it, «i ni t •.ion m. "i*ila\, ilii- Ah in*t. nt-* • l, «H on the Subscribets and settle lor the one. BAKER U MINI ON. doe 12 15 ' l|l VH0nn - — • ■ — ' ■ ■ ■ — I boxes 7*8 and 4-4 Irish Linens, i - whole and hnif pieces 10 boxes Jaconet, Cambric, and Book Muslins dec 12 15 Notice. P ERSONS having demands against the late Rev Walter Cranston, are request tjd to render them duly attested, to W, II Bulloch, for settlement. MARY CRANSTON. dec 2 pr. 6 Landing F ROM ship Thomas Fowler, and for sale by the Subscribers, Coils Cordage Do Bale Hope Heavy Ravens Duck Co union do do Sheetings Russia Duck Broad Diapers, Sic. L BALDWIN & CO. dec 13 16 FIRE ENGINE. Y»aOR sale Cheap, a first rate FIRE EN- Cl? CINE. Apply JOHN PAUVIN. dj*Thc Augusta Chronicle will please insert the above six times and send his ac count to the Editor for payment, dec 19 l21 ^ Jamaica Rum. J UST received by the brig Uriah, fr^m Montego Bav, twenty-five puncheons high proof and tine flavoured Rum. For sale by WM. TAYLOR & SON. (Tj* The public are cautioned ugainst trust ing the crew of the above mentioned brig Brisk, as no dehts of their contracting will be paid by the Captain or Consignee, dec 21 b 25 Notice. OTTVIE Honorable the Superior Court of vk Chatham County, will commence its regular Term Sittings on the 6th day ol‘ January ensuing, at lo o’clock in the fore noon, for the triai of Causes civil and cri minal. Applicants for citizenship, must ap ply at my Office, before the Court, to have the papeis prepared. JOB T. BOLLES, Clerk, dee 24 p 25 Ten Dollars Reward. L F.FI* the Subscriber about b-n days since, bis negro boy MAY, about. 5 feet 5 ,iches high, dark complexion, with a scur oil lus nose : ns he had a pass to Savannah, he is probably harboured there. The a- hove reward will be given by delivering hun to meal Riccborough, or M . II. M*» Donald, Savannah. DANIEL FRASER dec 24 l 25 f , JOB PRINTING. Af\ N I.VV and complete assortment of Job Printing Type, having been ad ded to the office of the Georgian, hand and l*usi Bills, Cards, Circulars, Law arid Com mercial Blank3, and work of every descrip tion in tint line of business, will be execu ted in the bast manner, and on the most moderate terms. The Geurgian Job Printing Office, is in tfit same place in wnich the talc Henry P. Jiusseli’if office was kept. Orders lell either as the Job office, or at liio office ui tut Georgian, will meet prompt atie.iion. U-J' An assoi tmen« of Blanks is kept COD' sUntlv on hand for sale, ate 24 25 Notice. a held at the Independent Presbyteriun Church, on the first Monday in January next. Foil to open at 12 and close at 2 o'clock. OLIVER STURGES, Chairman board Trustees, dec 7 U Bools, Shoes,§ Soul Leather. E. WlfillNGl'ON H A.- lor Sale, lot) package* BOOTS ar. 1 SHOES, well calculated fur the Coun try • fade. A*so. 20UU Jb» Red Sole Lea- tlier, ola prune quality, which will be soul Low U. ins sto.t, north side oj the Market. dec ~1 u • 3 Scotch Ale. y UEUCtS dvi. each, superior J line E iinbuigu Ale ivu litre-» 83 doz. each, Pale Ldm- bwgh .Vic Jus. leeched, undfor sale by WILLIAM .CAUUROUGII. tv ilnamson’s Uuildiug. :c U M 11A Y. •F) FV^FV BUNDI ES prime Northern Hay, wslydy landing from ship L\ coigns at St.ui. u a wbail’, will be mud low if uken rum the store. Apply to 11. CLELAND, dec 18 Ui20 On the wharf. EATONTON TpHE Subscriber resumes the practice of <■1 the Law in Oakmulgee district, and me County of Munroe, and will give the must vigi.Hiit attention to all business in trusted to liis charge. C- B. STRONG. nov 23 108 J ust Received, AXU FOR SALE, Ml’ES Cape Mudeira Wine, of a su- perior quality 5 Tons Swedes Iron, assorted 25 boxes Patent Sperm Candles 50 bbls Pilot and Navy Bread 2 cases Fine Straw Bonnets S. MANTON, dec 70 13 Rice's wharf. DENTISTRY. OTpHE Ladies and Gentlemen of Savan- iA mfi are rcspectfuily informed, thaq Mr. A. J Siiymanbki, Dentist, is now on his way from the North, and may be shortly expected in tills place, when he will give due notice of his arrival, dec 19 i 21 Itum, Gin, etc. » BAHItEUS N K Rum 25 bbls India Point Gin 250 qr boxes Spanish Si gars 20 qr casks Currant Wine, of a su perior quality Landing from brig Hope & pollv, and for sale by S. MANTON, nov 13 99 Rice’s Wharf, Sugar, Coffee, f$c. mm TiXT 50 boxes Negro Pipes 25 bbls Loaf Sugar 10 M. American Sugars IQ M. Spanish do 50 bags prime Green Coffee 100 kegs and qr kegs of best Rifle Powder.—For sale by L. II. SAGE & CO. dec 14 17 Telfair’s wharf. Seed Rye, &c. 07TY BARRELS Scud Rye 10 hull' bbls Buckwheat Meal f.O bbltl Prime Pork 20 do Mess do 20 do Prime Beef 20 do Mess do- 393) X0H Sp**rm Candles For Tale by THOMAS BRADLEY SS CO. No 2, Mongin’s Tabby building, dec 21 b 23 100 doz. WOOL HATS, XUST received and.for sale by the Sub tf9 scribers—who have on hand, and are constantly receiving MAI'S of every kind and quality, of the latest f-shions; all ol which will be sold on the most reasonable terms. BUTLER k SCRANTON, Git don's building, Market -sqare, dec 7 re 11 Landing From the ship Niagara, PIPES Cognac Brandy, Signett’s brand, warranted pure 11 kegs Tobacco—For -ale by E. W. VANVOORIIIS. Also in Store at Market Square, A general assortment of Groceries and Domestic Goods, dec 19 21 Liverpool Coal, Salt, and Potatoes, T770R SALE. Also an excellent Box JL 1 Chronometer, by JMherland whose er ror and rate are accurately ascertained. Ap ply to A. L. MOLYNEUX. dec 11 14 WHISKEY. ajA HOGSHK4DS Whiskey -Oil 50 Barrels do Lauding from ship Niagara. For sale by C. C. GRISWOLD. dec 18 20 Brown Stout, £jc. (SyfFh CASKS very superior London D. stout 2U0 bushels Lancashire Potatoes 200 do Turks Island Salt in barrels for sale low, by MACKENZIE & HERNANDEZ, dec 12 11 l 15 Exchange Dock. For Sale or to Let, fl^IIE unexpired lease <if the hall Lot, be- JL ing the corner of Broughton and Jef ferson streets, with the Buildings elected thereon, consisting of two sepa ate Frame Stores and Lodgings, and a File proof store and cellars, being excellent stands for ail kind of business. For terms, apply to petit de VILLERS, Factor, Mongin’s wharf, dec 14 eu 17 NTH? PINE, \v\\ AN V\m> N C>j\VtCS8 L Li Al ti L l() full THE WES r LVHU MMUCRT8. C y vlttiOKS ol the vtrv bi«t qu mlv, and J ol nil descriptions ol the above natn d Lumber, (50to lot in length, if nq .ir. «*dj can, at the shortest notice, be furnish- ed at the UPPER Darien Steam Saw Mill, in the State nf Georgia, on the most rea sonable terms. Vessels drawing not over 12 or 12 and a halffeet water, can load with great lacil t\ at the Mill by no inclined plane, therein getting the lumber on hoard clean am! dry i and from fifteen to fifteen and n hah feet water, can be carried over Doboy bar, now rendered ns safe as any in the United States, from the beacons and buoys then placed. An abundant supply of Cypress Shingles, and Red and While Oak Hogshead Staves, can he obtained. There being a RIOF, MILL attached, Rice either in whole or half tierces, can be had when wanted, for assorting a cargo. Orders or Communications add eased to the Agent of the Upper Darien Saw Mill, at Darien, Georgia, will be promptly at tended to. nov 25 109 CHEAP Cash Dry Good Store, (IN DAUIKN,) JpHF. Subscribers beg leave to inform their friends anp the public, that they have opened a very general assortment of FANCY SI STAPLE DRY GOODS, at the store lately occupied by Messrs P. & F. S. Hurd., I'hiseslablishmentwill be constantly •supplied from their house in Savannah, with such articles as may be u anted; by which means, persons residing ill this city and its vicinity, may always depend upon being turn.shed with every article of Dry Goods at 6avaunah prices for Cash. WM. TURNER (J CO. * I dec 23 p 24 The Subscriber H AS removed to the store lutclv occu pied by Messrs liuVoch SI IJunwody, where he continues to transact FACTORAGE AM) and offers for sale 50 tierces NEW 1UCE, together with the following articles: Casks of R. B. 8. Porter Whole and half hi L Fresh Flour Barrels Mess anu Prime Beef Boxes fresh Raisins Hyson, Cunpowder and Souchong Teas Coffee Loaf, White Havana, and Brown Sugars 'Cognac B anily * Jamaica and W- India Rum Holland Gin and Whiskey Sperm and Tallow Candles Soap in whole and half boxes Sperm, Linseed, and Train Oils Spiki s, Copper and wrought Nails Cut Nails from 4dto 20d Together with an assortment of Ship Chandlery, Hardware, and Paints. WILLIAM P. BOWEN. nov 29 4 Regimental Older. A N election is hereby ordered to be held Ht Justice Russel’s Office, 00 Sa turday the 28th December inst. for a Cap tain, 1st and 2.i Lieutenants and Ensign to command beat Company No 3. The Polls to be opened at 11 o’clock, and the Election superintended by two Justices of the Peace, and two Freeholders or a ma jority of them. By order of I.t Col. Roikrts. M. W. STEWART, Act. Adjt. 1st Regt. U M. dec 13 20 EAST FLORIDA LANDS, FOR SALE OU SAUTEII, A PLANTATION on Amelia Island, con taining 700 acres with a settlement thereon, and has been under cultivation in Cotton. A Tiact of 250 acres of Land near the above. A valuable tract of 1050 acres of prime Swamp and highland, on the river St. Ma ry's about 30 miles above its mouth. Another tract of 500 acres of Lund, on Huwke’es or Fleming’s Island on the river St. Johns. These lands are of the first quality, re markably healthy situations, and in good good heaR. They will be sold cheap ei ther for cash, or exchanged for Negroes or merchandize, or they will be let on lease on reasonable terms ; but the proprietor would prefer to join any Gentleman Who can furnish sufficient hands in planting the Amelia ‘stand plantation, under his super intendance. Description of the Land? may be seen and terms made known, on application to BAKER 81 MINTON. deo 4 8 ORRAY TAFT OFFERS FOR SALE, f\^\A\ CASKS Nails, Spikes and Brads assorted jo casks Cut rant Wine superior quali ty, containing 6,8, h 10 galls, each. 40 bbls N England Rum * 12 pipes Rutenburg Gin 4 hhds Jamaica Ruin 4 do St Croix do 20 bags Pepper 20 do Pimento 100 boxes Rais.ns 10 quarter casks Malaga Wine 30 boxes Claiel Wine 50 bbls Pilot Bread 30 hhds Sugar 25 bbls do 5 hliiis Leaf l*obaCjpo 10 kegs Manufactured do dec 20 l 22 TAY.VTV.VU, GILDING, GLAZING and PAPER HANGING. T HE Subscriber begs leave to inform his Customers and the Public in gene ral, that he has removed to Thompson & Bonneys buildings. No. , WMTAKER.S'WEET, Near the Bay, where lit continues lo carry on the above business in all its various branches, on the most modern and approv ed principles. fFalls Tainted in Oil or He.ste.mper Colours, « and Ornamented in the most Fashionable European style. ON HAND, London White Lead, ground in Oil American do do do do Linseed Oil in barrels, in the best order Durels Spirit* Turpentine W imlow Glass in boxes of various sizes English Grown Glass in ciates, suitable for large Panes, Pictures, Sic. Fine Colours of all kinds Painter’s Brushes of all sizes White Wash do A great variety of different color Frosting Blue Smalts, Sic. Sic. All of which will be sold at the lowest prices. Ordert from the Country punctual ly attended to. Colours mixed ready for use, and directions given for using them, if required. PATRICK MARLOW, nov 15 [101 For Liverpool, 1 lie l.«»i sailing t uppei’J ship LADY DAL LATIN, mi.. H i tom Britton, matter r.*ta Has commenced loading, and 11 in- iIia, rftthed without having two*tliir<li of li« r Height engaged. 1 r the residue nr | no »;q;o, having g oil ac- commo<Miouv*pply to captain Britton on boaid, or to HAM, HOYT h CO. dec ih rn CANNF.L COAL, poll VALE, by _ net 29 J. P. WILLIAMSON. The cupper both med new fn*d rate ship M INEKVA, . J L. Hilton, JHaaUr, Will w ant about 4U'J bales to complete her cargo. For freight of same, apply to WILLIAM GASTON. dec 11 14 For Liverpool, ~The new rate ship > PIONEER, E. Crabtree, master, Will commence loading for Liverpool immediately, For freight of 40U bales, apply lo WILLIAM GASTON. dec. 11 14 For Liverpool, Tlir ship OGLETHORPE, Charles Jayne, master, Will commence loading this day, and receive dispatch. For freight or ; issage, apply on board at, Johnston’s wharf, or to BENJAMIN BURROUGHS, dec 9 32 For Liverpool, The well known coppered Rrifndi ship 1$ LUC HER. Hubert J Potter Master, Has three-foilrths ot her cargo engaged, and will meet with cl sputch. For freight of 250 bales Colton or passage, ap. ply to the Captain on board, at Hunter’s wharf, or to JOSHUA MILNE. dec 9 12 For Greenock, • The well known British ship Til a kb sisTwcs, Jiimet Bell, master', Will be dispatched immedi ately. For freight of 100 bales Cotton or passage, apply to captain Bell on board, or to JOHN II. REID & CO. nov 27 3 For Havre, The first class copper’d ship HESPERUS, Archd Corkell, mfittcr, Having two thirds of her cargo engaged, will meet with dispatch. For freight of the remainder or passage, having elegant furnished accommoda tions apply to the Captain oh board at Hun-' ter’s wharf, or to SAMUEL WRIGHT. deo 6 10 For New-York, The new copper fastened pacfcei ship NIAGARA, William Hi bee, Master, ,—,, jrr,. Will have immediate dispute!). For freight or passage, having elegant ac commodations. apply on board at Jones’ upper wharf, or to HALL, HOYT SI CO. dec 18 20 For New-Yoilc, Th* ship CHARLOTTE, Captain Sims, Can take from 50 to 100 bales Cotton on deck, if immediate application is made on board at Taylor’s wlurf, or lo O. C. GRISWOLD. dec 12 15 For Liverpool, The superior coiqv 1*' British brig IMUNCE KUTOUSOFF, Thomas Woodhouse, muster, Will commence loading Tins Day, and receive dispatch,, the principal part of her cargo being already enguged. Fur freight ol*250 bales Cotton or passage,ap ply on board al Runlet's wharf, or to JOSHUA MILNE. dec 20 22 For Liverpool, The remurkabR fine coppered British b'ig CUMliERLAND, Captain Smith, Now ready to commence loading. For freight, apply to A. L MOLYNEUX. dec 23 24 For Liverpool, Ttie copper- cl HnUsh brig Alii) UNT. .7. I hr. J, ___ Stand, A. 1. al L1oj--j’«.—For Ireiont, apply to A. L. MOLYNEUX. dec 23 24 For Havre, The fine and fast sailing brig EAGLE, II. Cook, Master, _____ Raving part of her cargo engaged, will meet with all possible dispatch. For freight or passage, apply to the Captain on b ar J at Moore's wharf, or to DUHAMEL & AUZE, dec 6 10 For Darien, The fast sailing sloop NANCY, Captain S. Startcvant, Will sail on Thursday next. Fur I eight or passage, having good accommo dations, apply on board at Rice's wharf) or to HALL SI MEIGS. dec 24 p 25 Cotton and Slop Brokerage. 1 IE subscriber oilers his sei vices in the . Purchase and Sale of Merchandize, ,>articularly Cotton, and in procuring Freights for vessels, lbs Counting Room is in Monjin’s ('late Bulloch's J Build.nt’t, Xo. 19, EDWIN BARTLETT, dec 13 1!il6 BOAR Hi ML A FEW Gentlemen can he Imivlsonvly . accommodated with Board; in n private, honilv, a few wtrpu from the CO) Hotel terms moderate. Apply ut tills Office, nov 27 3 For Sale, Juel laiuHejf fro 'i ship t hotnm /outer, Jio.-n Heston, (*?£> BARRELS No 2 Mackerel J & 2'2 do No 3 do 25 kegs first q iality Boston Butter Cranberries, Apples Fears and Nuts J.nd in Store, Mackerel, Cuiidir*, ii-'Rp, and Madeira Wote in him s JoHN CANDLER, doc 13 16 J<o i-h’ Buildings. Juat Received, .hut In Utort, S TS pipe, CdROiC Ui.ndy > | ipc. II I,III a do Jimlioj Hum 10 e%sk* Porter 6 keffu Lead 6 do Mint 25 kegs Harris’ No 1 Tabncoo 10 kegs I.n<li< n Twin do 25 boxes liftiftn a 50 do Cheese- For sale by A MORGAN, nov 9 104 Julies’ upper wharf. Wants a Situation. A YOUNG Gcntkmun who lint hern . sometime in Grorgiu us u private Tu tor, w ishes to engage us u teacher in a m i- vine family j he u-aebes the English L:m- gouge only. Apply to the Editor of the Gkuiigum. dec 9 eu 12 The Sii!:s"i'i!)cr W ILL deliver good I i.JM \\ OOI) IVom Ins yard, nt the residence of .tot purchaser, in the City, :ti Five Dollars and a half, Cash, per Cord, hv semliiig an or der for the quantity wanted, and nt Four Dollars and Seventy-live cents per coni, delivered at the yard, which is situuli d n. the north end of Wesi-brondslreet, ulmvc Wayne’s wharf. WILLIAM C. WAYNE. (Tj* Wood will bo sawed at Fifty Ct ut. pe r Curd, at the ) urd. dec 20 22 A Uniibmi Coat and Hut. O F the Chatham Artillery, of mi exci I- lent quality and but little worn, be longing to the mdigent widow "fu decea sed member, ar<* offered for aide cheap. Apply ni the office of the Georgian dec 17 19 Hv Cemge Schley, On th- first Tuesday in /V h< uury newt, 111. We sold without letene, ut 1J n*« » » rock, in front of the Court-House, that valuable triiul Lot, (h signaled intue plan of ilie city by Lilci U, with the build- mg Hieuon, known aa the old Prcsb^te- riun Clmrrli deft 14 17 Terms cash. Thirty DollarS Reward. A ll (ft»\l)ED aince 27|l. mt. fiom liif i n ovmci i .»;• | r.'i.tice to Messrs t ,i tk'.md / i.fiioruuirh, nihsonr, my Negro hoy Y, nr SYPII.AX, about l.i isrs old ; .1 hi m lellot ^ not Vi ty Mack, talhutive ami plans hit, but ml \i ry shrewd; Innd of ilreiit, imd much of n beau on bumlays and linli'lr, s. He Imd iio particular marks by widen I con'd deaigimto Inin- hut he is pretty well km wo about town, From tak- inga gmnl many rtothes, I suspect he has left the phut! (’"tiniiH of vessels arc ciuitioiied to he vigilant, that he tloes not make hii> escape tm board. The above re ward will be paid on his delivery in juil, or to L. KOLLOCK. d. r 7 11 For hale, milK Southern ludl ofLtwNolQ, corner *. of Dray ton-street, Ans'nwa'dj upon which tm re is a commode"is house, lately occupied b) Doctor Rend, minudiate poa- icssi >u can he had. If not suiil at private it w ill bo put up at public sal*-, on the first 'Tuesday in J tuuur\. For term*, api l\ to GEORGE SCHLEY. dec 14 17 PATENT REPEATING GUNS, I IIFLE8,‘Fowling I’iecea, and Pistols, .1) containing IVoin three lo twelve char ges, anti more if required. 'These Guns arc of great importance to the Hunter and Sportsman, us well as to mercliunt vessels, as a defence against lb- rales Pistols containing five or six char ges, will he found u complete protection for Travellci s. Guns altered to fire from 3 to 12 times, with 1 lie sHine safety, accurary, and force »» ordinary (funs, without Milling tiny ll.lnc Ynrii’, ami llrnry II,A, »f liualoni compose' i or Hum, O N accommodating terms, that largo and ooinniodious ' ottse situated on corner of .lell’erson anrl Bay-streets, opposite the Washington Hal! Also the hous* at pre sent occupied by Doctor Forth, ami situa led o| pi- .ite Wlnte’a Hotel. Possess.on giv <•11 immediuiely Inquire of 8. PiitinmcK Itov 30 5 Noticu. TOME Coparlueraiup heretofore existing sa ut Savannah, under (lie firm ol J lire Lathiii'I 1 .& Co. having been dissolved, in consequence of the death of Mr. J. LiUhrop —the uusinchs will he continued under tin? uiipc name, conducted by Mr. flrzckiah Lord, who with //«nry Thomas, ol New-. to the inoiimbrance of the pi* ce, each charge bi jng under perfect control, being all put into the gun ut the time of loading, ami divided by wads of leather, which, by means of a sliding lock that primes I’aelt, may he fired in the upturn of two srcumls to a charge, or at any longer intervals, at the opnoti of its possessor. Orders cun be supplied, and guns for warded for alteration at short notice, on application to the subscribers, where the guns can be el tmincd. GIB1H Bi ALEXANDER, Agents for the Proprietor, dec 21 23 tin* company J\vw } r ork, Dec. 2, 1822. dec 19 VI For Salo, I DT No 2, do Ivy 9u feet, fenting on A Reynold’s square, adjoining the retd, j deuce of Joc .'pli Uumming Esq on wlm li | there is a commc.rfimis and w< II finished three b.o. v llr.ek, Ho ise, with slated mol, also Stables, Uoauh house, i c. •'! of Brick and slated. In/fee simple. For terms, upply to , I’OpCE U MACKENZIE, dec 1« r, 29 Thc,Subacril)er R ESPECTFULLY informs the Inhabi tants of Savannah and it3 Vicinity, that he intends to open a School for the re ception of young Ladies and Gentlemen, in which will he taught all the requisites ol u correct English education, together with the Latin, Giee/:, French, and Italian lan guages. lie lias taken the room occasion- ally occupied by the Union Society, in the west end of the Academy. Recommendations from Captain Aldcn Partridge, Superintendent ot the American Literary, Scientific, and Military Academy, from the Professors of Italian, French, Fen cing, and from a number of other Gi nth •! men cun be given, by making application at j the store of Baldwin SI Hay ward, u few door* west of the City Hotel. 'I hose young Gentlemen desirous of attaining the art of Fencing, can receive Lessons hi the even ing, by application ns above. FARAVEI.L .TONE8. N. B. Should not sufficient encourage ment be given, he would engage as an in structor in the above mentioned branches in the country, or in a private lamil). dec 18 20 Notice. •'rJlIFi Partnewhip between James John- .1 stun SI Henry W. nib's, and Jacob Will- cut, under lliel firm of J dmston ti Hill*,* was dissolved nr the 2d August last, l>> the death of the sepior partner. The utbscri- hers will contii.tie the business as partner! under the firm (of Johnston h Hill* 1 HENRY W. HILLS. 1 .1 VCOli WILLCUX. Savannah 91) the, 1822. dr*c 11 J2L Thc Subscriber, I NFORMS his friends and the public gen erally, that since the death of Mr. Wil son, (his foreman,) He has engaged Mr. W. Nrwtok, of London, and late from New York, to superintend the TAILORING BU SINESS. His ability and expelience in that line, he confidently expects will ena ble him in all cases to give general satisfac tion to those who may favor him with their custom. Every article of gentlemen** apparel, Naval and Military Uniforms, SIc. will be made in the neatest ami most fashionable manner, and warranted of the best work manship. ALSO, Ladies Habits, Pelisses, and Cloaks, made up in a new style. He has just received in addition to his funner stock an extensive assortment of CLOTHS, Cassimeres and Vestings, OF Al.L DESCRIPTIONS. — Af.SO-— A general assortment of TVcaiVs MftiV. CAolYAng, CONSIST!NO Of Eitra super Blue and Black Coa's •1 > do Blue, Olive, Claret, and Par- sou’s gray mixed Frock Gouts Blue, Black, Grey, Drab, Wellington Mixt, and other fancy colored Cloth and Gassi- mere Pantaloons Lamb’s Wool and Merino Shirts Angola Shirts, a new article worth looking at Men and boy’s Lamb’s Wool Stockings Ladies Merino Chemises, Sic. &c. WITH X LAH0K ASSORTMENT OF Seamen's § Negro Clothing, which are offered very low for ca*l» J P. SKTZE N. B. The best of workmen, and a suffi cient number of them have been engaged Ncw-York by Mr. N. in order to be punctual in his undiitaking, dec 14 llrb 17 H A Bargain. S pDRsalr, a’l tliut Tiact of Land, in the ; county of Scrlven, formerly the resi dence of Mr. James Platt, deceased. The tract contains ahou* 5924 acirs, well tim bered, is on /slack Creek, adjoins Savan- rub River, and is without doubt one of the best Mill H'*aUi between Savannah and Au gusta ; this Lund is really worthy of atten tion, to a person disposed to have a valua ble plantation, Saw and Grist Mil!. It is be lieved this Innd will answer all these pur poses. A| fcly to I). M'LF.OD, or JEREMIAH CUYLER. TJ The JluguMa Herald is r< quested to insert the above advertisement lour week® and to forward their account to this office for pay nit nt. dec 19 21 Selling (At’at Cost. T HE subsetib< r wishing to bring his bu siness to a close, takes this opp.i rtu- nit^ to offer to the public at wholesale and .ir’ il, his whole stock of CloWung & Urjj Goods At wliok sale un extensive credit will lie given, with good endorsers or town ac ceptances, and at retail good bargains can be obtained for cash, via : A general assortment of the most fashion able Hals and Clothing, consisting of Trunks blue and black Dri ss Coats Trunks Frock, Waterloos «nd Box Coats of various colours Trunks blue, black, olive, drab, grey, and slate colour Cossack Pantaloons TrmiFs Linen and Cotton frill'd and plain Shirts Trunks blue, black and cassimere Vests TiunAs' Men and Roys’ Tartanplaid cloaka from 5 to gl2 Trunk* merino, worsted, and flannel Gen- men’s Shirts and Drawers Trunks llosiries, consisting of Silk, lambs- wool, worsted and !a»ge size Yarn Stock- ings Kilmarnock and Scotch caps Gentlemen’s Fur Travelling caps Cases Water proof Hals A variety of Negro Clothing, consisting of round Jackets and Trow sera, from 4 to $6 per suit, Great coats, Pea Jackets, Monkey Jackets, red Flannel and check Shirts Bales 3 3$ point Blankets I)o White Plains Cases extra fine Irish Linens Cases large size Silk Umbrella® Cas£s Men’s Shoes Apply at my Store,Jive do on Fast of the City Hotel. FETES DFEGE. dec 9 Ira 12 |)