Savannah Georgian. (Savannah, Ga.) 1822-18??, December 28, 1822, Image 1

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r NEW SKiUb.3—VuL,. II 8dr.ixv.ui, sdruuo.ii m- umxii, disc km mm m, ikm. NO IS SWANNAII FIllD.W MOUSING, Di e 27,18 . We are indebted to the politeness of cnp. thin bite, of the brig Huron, armed yes- ter lav from Cadiz, for a file of Spanish pa per* to the 8(li Nov. inclusive. \\ . hate not w-cn enabled to obtain translations for this day. Should they contain any intel ligence of moment, it shall be given here after, 3f<wowV.--This day being the anniver sary of St. John the Evangelist, it will be perceived, by the advertisement of the Committee of arrangements, of the Grand Lodge of Georgia, that it will lie celebrated by a p r 'Cession of 'he different Masonic Lod^mto Christ Church, at 1*2 o'clock, tv lien an address will be delivered by the Jl. W. Wm. P. Burns, Grand Secretary. The public arc respectfully incited to at tend. After a considerable debate, an ordi nance passed the City Council yesterday, Seducing the salary of the Mayor from fif teen hundred to one thousand dollars: The salaries of the other officers of the Corporation were also placed on the same footing as before the passage of the ordi nance providing for the pa) meat of their feus into he public funds. Awake! what ho! lii eves! thieves! thieves! Look to your houses, your boxes alul your baps! Thieves! Thieves!—Shaiurphark. We do not wish to alarm our citizens to too great a degree, by the quotation whic tire have used—but we would caution them to “take care of their pockets,” as we un derstand that certain #of the light fingered gentry who have performed a term in the Penitentiary of New-York, are now in this city. They are known, and it is presumed will not long huve the opportunity to ex hihit their slight of hand tricks, at the ex pense of our pockets. A letter from St. Thomas, of the 25th jN(>'. says, •• Wo have just gut news that Jdurac. ibo is re-taken.** Mr. Ellison, Charge d'Affairei from Rus- *1n to this Government, and Huron Mai- the, secretary of Legation to that embassy, have arrived at W’asliii gton. Henry Unwin iddington, Esq. has been Appointed, by the British Government, Se- oeturyo Legation to the United States of America. Latest f om England.— By the ship Ma ty n each, at Charleston, London papers to the 2.5th, and Liverpool to the 27th October arc received. They con ain no political news of importance. The Cotton Market, at Liverpool, hud experience . a slight improvement. It is stated that the Emperors have resolved to invite all the sovereign powers to tend representa tiv s to the Congress of Verona. Baron Las (uses, the eldest son of the Count, had met sir Hudson I.owv opposite the house ot the latter, in London, and applied a horsewhip to his knightly shoulders. The foiluw ng in the latest of the market : — yerpord, On. -7— We continue to have loiiuw ng /A evpoi l K- < d pri S v^iy g* cd demand for cotton and at ad- va*m d prices, on American descriptions of | per ih. during the present neck, the sales of which amounted to 2J,14U baits, V»i ut one third .*n speculation, the remain der to the trade. The market is complete ly bare of Kice. We cannot notice any sales in Tar. Turpentine has declined a- bout 6 per cent, owing to the Heavy im portations, 3050 bur-els from the qua) brought 13s fid for 2 3 soil to 14s (id for a good parcel. Prices (’urgent of .1'mericnn Produce,— Cotton, per lb. N. Orleans 7d a 1 Id ; Ten nessee and Alabumu, i>j a bd ; "Uplands, a9d, Se -Islamic, fine, lb a 22 ; do. middling and good, 12 J a 16.1; do stained -and ordinary 6 a 10 j Rice, in bond, pej cwt. old and new 14 a It’s ; Corolinu Rice noiiikrttlly, 13 a 20- per cwt. ; the market isclfK however, and the first airivajs will probably do well, Tar, by the barrel Carolina 1 8 fid a 12s fid ; Virginia 14i fid a 15s; Turpentine, per cwt. good ami in ferior 13 a 14s Gd ; Flour per bbl. Balti more, N. York and hiladelphia, 28 a 30s; lkib W ax. per cwt. 11’. a IT. 10s ; staves, per 12jo, D (J pipe 26 a 30f do hhd. 15/, a Sul do 9 a 121. St a c, a (/ imports nf cotton Jvum the \9th to 2 th Or. 1-22.—Impoi's, 2117 Pea Is lands ; 2374 K. Orleans and ’I ennessce ; J632 Mm.inliani; i'47 l>*-niavara ; 1118 NN . Incli-.. Sides, 153?) S. Island 12 a 121; 420 •tinned do, i $ a lu£ ; 8070 Upland fiA a 9 : 115J N Orleans 8 12; 14uuTenn. <>A a 8; 12jOI ernambii'o 10* a 12 ; S43u Ha- b.a9^ a 0^ ; otiuu iJaianhatn 9} a Wi ; 8C 1 inaand Para 9 t-8 a ( 180 l)en,a- ra u ,5 ; 22.') West India 67-B a ; 700 Surat 7 ; 25o Be g.d 6 a Q. Public suil 97v Laguirus 7 a 9^. Li belle Coni'ctiw.—Lorenzo T. Hall, lately ci nweted of publishing a libel on Anms Rinmy, K-q in a pa. per called the CasRgitur, and senhir cell to three months imprisonment, baa been Convicted at B is'.on ot pub. lulling in the same paper, an obscene lc tit moralizing libel, ami sentenced to imprisonment in the common gaol lot the term of mx month*, from the e x- ci'.iiiun of the foimer wcteuce. CONUUKS9. HOUSE OF ItLiPUF.SHNTATTYUS, DEC 17. Mr Golden presented .» petition ft om f,*wionce Kearney, cummuid r of the U. S. brig Eutrrpiizc, for re muneration and compens.t'iun to him self ami crew fiom the Fieaanry on account of f)»e capture ot five pirn tical vessel* and two nf tlmir prizes, which had been sent into UhiHeston, where the former were libelled fo; condemnation and the latter for sal vaqe, both which were allowed, but the costs ut prosecution were so en ormous as to amount to upwards ol 700 dollars more than received lor the «alt» of the prizes, which lie was com polled to pay. Mr. t\ also presented a petition f-nm \\ illiam Townsend, of New Voifc setting forth that, by permission, '*6 deposited the in Navy Yard at N. York, six ac'nors, valued at aconnido.i- able sum of money ; that the Raid an chors have been t emoted, without the knowledge of the petilioner; nnd he verily hr lives they have been put into service of the Navy, tuul pray com- penpal ion thcrelor, Mil Rusti«, from the committee on Military Affairs, reported a bill to coutinue the present mode of sunpW ing the Army of the IT. States, (that is, the comtnissnrist system)—-which wa twice read ami committed, The House took up the revolution yesterday moved by Mr. Cocke, cal ling upon the Frcsident to cause to b I id before the House n particulai statement of ordnance expenditures &c Mr. C. inodifled his motion ho as to require in etldition fl statement of the whole amount of onlnnnco of every description now belonging to the U. States. Mr. (\ observed thst very large sums of money werennnually appro* printed lor the ordinance department, and he wished to know how the mo ney was disposed of. information had been called lor at the last session hut had not been furnished. The con clusion, to his mind, was, that that I)e- pnrtm'Hit was, to say the least of it, a ii'tl? deranged. Tim resolve of Mr. Cocke wm then agreed to, withut objection-, The hi 1 1 ■o provide for - clothing the Militia of the U. States when to actual scvicc, was read a third time, passed, ami sent to the Senate for concurrence* The engrossed bill “concerning the di-bursement of public moneys,” (for biding advances ou contracts) was tend a third time, GEORGIA AND TUB U. STATES The House, according to the or. der of the Day, resolved itself into a committee ot the whole, on tlie. re soluiioo respecting the articles of ces ion and agreement between the (J. States nnd the state of Georgia, as af- f« ctcd by the Creek and Cherokee Treaties — Mr. Bassett in flic chair. The resolutions are itt the following words. Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United •States of America in Congress assem bled, That so much of the above trea ties as pretends to grant to the Ir.di huh fee simple titles to lands within the limits of Georgia, is a violation of the sovereign rig'U of that state H. Unsolved, That so much of the said treaties as purports to grant to the Indians the lights of citizenship, is a tinla'ion of tlv tights of Congress 3. Resolvid, That the sum of —*— bw approptiated for tlie purpose ol hnldii'g treaties osth the Creek and Cherokee Jmlians, for the extinguish merit of their ti'le to lands within the limits of Georgia. 4 Resolved,That so much of the treaty, made the 27th of February, 1819, as directs a huge portion of the public lands to be bold, and the proceeds to he vested in some public stock,by th 0 President of the United Slates, and lobe disposed of by him lor the benefit, of the Cherokee. In dians, does not accoul with the ge- eral policy nf firs government, nnd 'i.e power of Congress over the public property in the Uni‘ed States* Mr, 'Tattnall, c.f G"0igia, moved to strike ovt the three first of these re- sol vs, nod insert in lieu thereof the following . I. Resolved by the Senate |nd House of Representatives of the U. St«*« s of America in C«r.gro»s assem • bled, That so much of the several trea ties, nude between the United States and the Creek and Cherokee Ii dinr.s, as provid-s-for reserves to the Indi ans, of land* in tee simple, within the territory ceded to Georgia,is calcula ted to inteilere with the sovereign lights of that state, and is direct vio lation of the “articles nf agreement and cession be-tw^n tire U. and the state of Georgia,” concluded on lire 24th of Apr)), J8u2. 2. That it is expedient and proper that un appropriation be nude b\ Cot gross, of a sum, adequate to the ex tinction of the Indian (Hie, to the “re serves” embraced within the treaties hove referred to. Mr. Tattnall offered several r'' it*-it ks nil the object- ol the bill, null I i’s .ml ,'oiv. were ili sliovril by lin< mi mulinn of Mr. Woml, in order tu|.i( Augvlilla, I*. It. on the SUili Orl, alloiv linn* for further cxirminatiuli, Many alllnent Camill a were mlucml the commiltlc ro»e IN SENATE EEC. IS. Mr. Ware Mibmiitcd tin* fhllurving rrsolutinn: llcsnlViril. That Ihr Military Com- mitee inquire into lln* expodienry of ,rrnviilinjt by law for the final settle ment nl themilili. elaima of the “t,»io nt Georgia, Cur services renderr'ri un der the urder* of the President nf (hr U .States, durina the yetrg If9J, 1703. and 179-1. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. Mr 1'attnall presented the peti tion ol Julm Miller, late a Captain in the second Regiment of the U. S. Infantry, praying to be allowed, in the settlement of hi. nrconnts, Tor a largo sum of money of which he was rohheil while in llie discharge nf Ins dutirs as District I’ iymuster ; which was referred to the Committee of W ays and Means. Mr. Metcalfe submitted lor consid eration t Resolved, That the President be requested to communicate to this house what progress had been made in the execution of an act uf the losf session, entitled f—An act to abolish the Indian Trailing Establishments, with a report (ruin the factories re spectively, as the same may be nr,ole to him. This resolve, from its nature, Ik on the table one day of course. The Speaker laid before the house a letter I,*om the Comptroller ol the Treasury, transmitting a stamment of the balances which have been il.ic, by individuals, on account of tlie liner nal il venue, for moie than three years, fee.—which was ordered to be printed. Occupation nf Columhirt Jliver.— The House then, according in the order of the day, again resolved itself into a committee ol the whole. Mr. Campbell, of Ohio, in the chair, on the lull to nu'horiie the occupation of the month of the Columbia River. No debate or proposition b ing nfi’-red thereon the committee rose and reported the bill to llousu with tlm amendments. I'he amendments were severally taken up anti agreed to by the Mouses, and, the bill being farther amended. Mr, AVright rose, and delivered his sentiments at length, in favor of ihis bill. Mr. Tucker delivered, in a short speech the reasons why lie was Appe nd to tlie passage of tile bill. After widen, Mr. Floyd rose, and in Older to ac commodate the wishes nl some gentle men, .vim desired time to consider this subject and also because a rcsnlu tinn hail been lids day laid ou the table culling lor further information, on tin* subject, moved that the further cnnsi deration of <his hill he postponed to the second Monti >y in January- litis motion wus agtecdto; and The House adjourned. From our correspondents ill Ch tries ton, we have received some interest- tug intelligence from Havana, na late ■is the 1G It inst. The Courier and City O zecte contain copious details, lite amount of which is, thai a revolu tionary movement took pi ce at lla vans mi the 6lh iii-i. wli ch threaten!tl Iliii most seiious consequence*. At the election ol Deputies to the Cortes the spirit of enmity which has l-mg exi-ted between the natives (Oriolt/sJ and tin* Kurupean Spaniards (UnvesJ broke not, tlie latter considering them -elves aggrieved in consequence of a small'body of (he militia having been disarmed by a lew disorderly young men of the opposite party, and the try id Viva In lndipnulencia, y Muecan hi s Kuril liens! (Tluria lor Inilepcti- tlciice, and death to Europeans,!, l'ln* Spaniards immediately Hew to arms to the number nl j Ob, anil held posses sion of the city until the natives a- si'iobled in great force In the country when a treaty was signed bet went the parties, through the mediation ol the governor, and peace was .restored to poverty, unit, it is stated, that the tillaiu who ret the tile has been op prehended. from j.ammyra Philmtcbihin, ]/rc 13 — I'm* Th rer D.'Oftlitera It It Li Guayu nn tlie 224 mst under convoy nl the U. S. brig Spnrk, C-tptain >\’ilkiDsnn, lor whose p’dito sttiM.tinn, rapt Part In tv takes this pub’ic ftmthod ol* rxpreasinp; hix obli^aiinti. Parted conip.iiiy on the 1st inst. off the Soil R«uk—the Spark hiving iitso uiuKt In r convoy tho scln. Cadmus, Hcarue, of Baltimore, to St. Th'>nan, from whence she would proceed immediately to the U. St/tes M irkctsat La Guayra, very dull, and country produce ((lie new crop not having yet come in ) tcarcc and hijfh. The attempt to give a correct sum mary of politic.*d i.evvs, would be rail/ so vague and contradictory is it, and there are no many brains at work that the morning is sure to give the lie to the report of the preceding eveuing It appcarR to be ascertained that Mo ttles bus marched from Maracaibo with troops (God knows how many) toward* Coro, and many apprehend at (iHuck on Caracas. Com. Belluchc sailed from La Guira in the bug Independence, with the r ol Tonedurei, under Col. d Keimboldt to endeavour to effect hii union with Gen. Mould! •, who ib near Murrncaitm with 3iK)0 troops. Morales hai publislu-d a most horri ble proclamation, condemning to the Gallows or some worse mai hino, all strangers iound aiding in any way the patriot cause, (even as merchant*) re- Ruling in their couul y, tin which the Governor of Curacoa has remarked •vith cotiRiiierable aciimony. Commotlore Daniels i*> out on a cruize in the Corv» lte, »utjl at New- York, now culled the U>itvui/ and tin 'lo-quiioe hug had armed ut I lH Gtiayat a, wtiu the guns uf the S.ipplm * some time arrived. The Spaniah F.igale Ltgera R* d B sg Hercules are at Cunatoa repair mg , \ he sloop ol war S.iphire, ol 23 gun. putchiiseil :>y i(ie moiNfcnt fijmi ii Am erica, from tile !i Hisq H.ivoi inm iit, had arrived at I* gtur.i, and token tlv name of New ()i leans, a .month p»e\i uus to the sailing ol the Three Dmgli- lera, with 2150,000 in d mldoo s, a. d without lierarmatneiit. On the day duit lie Three Dtugldcrs R.ilrd, tho Mus queloe, brig ol war, aIho purchased Pom the British government, nnived with the artiMiiietit of the Snppliire, ami as was supp»s>ed, although the news had not tnimqiired with mote specie (or tlie I tin* t'olumbi an Govei nm iit.—Ih f’s (laz* Erratum —In tlie Charleston price c<ir- rent, pobl slovj ou Wnimujda), tor* some li ipicis arc now willing* to s* II under 35 cents," real “some holders arc not Willing 1 to bell mulct* 4a cents.** MA'.HilED, —J* Yesterday morning, bv tin; Rev Mr. Me- ridith, Mr vv’ii.i i »;«• r* n, /.aii rii C. x, of this city. to Mr*/ Eli- MARINE. ruur oh ha i ji.\ .dii. (JLKAKI.D, Ship Delaware, Hamilton, Live rpool, AVIII (iiOillMI. Ship Niagara, Beehe. New York, Hall, lit))l & C’O. Brig Challium, Dyer, Livi-rpool, .** It Parkman. Sellr. Andrew Jackson, Saumle.s, New* York. ARRIVED, Ship Georgian, Ba ley, l»hilade*lphi:i, 10 days, to Fern m Wngiit, ow ik’is, J Mialft r U Ik J llabeisli in, Miller & Fort, A K VVoo.J, T )io itilou, ^ Wood J MeN-s.) ( R C'uiii|)0'-dl, A rnWall, A Porter, Win Lippitta co, J liu Camming tc Son, J F Lloyd, • out clou and l.uinar, Duliuniel and Ausj- , P M'Dermot, T Butler and cot A Si'iii-lmiii h -'i, .1 \V Mnnvll, II s Atwi-o.l, A •> R Woo I. it uutrv Uut'suro, Uiitier and Si-ranton, i. llrvlilina>or *n, « l.ilipiit CH. n.ih.1 !i Minion', s Wii^lil V f.'lirn. wall, lii libs &. Ah-xunilrr, V Williams, A W hillock, A Ei, Eolinim-I Mild Amte, J N M'KeitAc, J W Whitli t k, R t/amplicll, J Peiilield co, | ul’i.s and ller.l, Pom e k M'Keiuie, I* Norton, II Si.-ah Ik co, J p* ''et/e J R Gifionl .1 Prest n and the inaj. ter- two j):is3i*iti;eis, fit) nolrs .4 K from Sandy H<»\)k, spoke Pr ling AuroiaofA herdeeit, houtid to NYoik, Jlst lat, ofi Jr Long 74 Ji) spoke ship Mrnnion, of und for New \ork, 98 ds\ - fro u B.fim.i. Ih ig Huron, ’J C White, I’.al.r, 42 /l.iVt, with salt iiinl merohuii(li*e, vo Mall, I la t A co. Left at f’avliz, 1 th ol:. brig Jo- Sl ‘ph, llixon. of Bos on, l<ir Ita.avi oi 1 ila\a; hrig- Cumbcrinnd; Jor<lo *. ol Poit land in quanint ne, with troops Irani Da- vaoa j brig Susan Jane, Freeman of Port. Iiuul, and brig Fortitude, Brown, of New- Orleans, both m quaruiitiin*, with troops tr.uii Havunu ; brigantine Mari;.*, of Port- laml, in quarantine from Norfolk ; tine Vermont, Dickenson, of ami fr* in New York, in quarantine. Two line ot buttle slops and a sloop of war arrived, on the Bill, from the Mediterranean, hound to Lima, Sailed in co. with schr. Uurgmt Mead, Butler, of Philadelphia, for Eliza beth City, N. G 7 poke, Nov. 12ili, oj i)U, Long 15 sellr Dolphin, of Ply mouth, Nicols, 42 days from New Yoik for Gibrultur; 23d Lzit 27 20 Long 27, Br brig Laurel, of Kincardine, 22 days from M Johns, NF for Bahia ; 27lh, L»t, 25 4(J Long 36 10 Br brig Elizabeth, of Mary port, 45 days lYoui Buenos A) res, fur Li verpool. Dec 14, L;tt 25 30, Ja/mg f>5 brig IL’Iplun, ot Newbury, from W iscusset for Havana ; Joil l/at 52 50, Long 78 exchang ed signals with a New York ship (No j2) tainting to the noithwiml. Sch Gircro, J .'mson.of Huston, Martinis Vineyard, ?0 days, with gruceneu to thu must r» Sloop Packet, Kelly, Baltimore, 4} day to Hall, Hoyt &co, and D t-arney, jr. Hoop Bxpress, Hammett, MlnirJcston, 10 hours, wilh wine, sugar, potatoes, 8tc. to l :olten, P Hill, J Coehrnn, L Uuldwin, NH Mart, and Wm Scarbrough, Patten gets, RevJ O Andrew and family, Lieut, •'ettigrew, Mesa/s Brennan, Stewart, and Collin. Steam boat Georgia, Dubois, Augusta, .1 days, with cotton to W Gaston, G Gor don, Ponce & M'Kenzic, B Burroughs, II Lord, and ot via. vr >on this rnnT, At Philadelphia, 13th insL ship Ceres, no:anii foii this cniiT, Ai Charleston, 2.Uh inst, sclir Betsey and Peggy, Mormon, CHARLESTON, Dec 25—Arr sh.p Mary Bench, Allen, Liverpool 57 ;Br ship < leveland, Goulhrcth, Liverpool, and 48 tioni Kw-iulo; French hrig Le Deu.x Fr< res Brimlijire, Havana, PI 111,A DELPHI'S, Dec. 16—Arr brig Edward I) I).miglass, Warrington, St I no mas 13 ; Br brig Aurora) Cavan, Bristol, ling. 5*>. Ojicc nf th-: Charleston, J\tcrcury% \ December 23, \ Arr Br brig Laura, Lilbu n, Belfast 60 ; sclir comet, Campbell, llavami fi. MOUNT ZION INSTITU TION. Xp’IE regular course of instruction in UL this Se.minury will commence on the Monday in January, 1H 13. The public Art« well acquainted with tin* literary char acter of this Institution, and me dLpoj ed, i* s believed, to appreciate its merits, P has been for ten years in micees-fnl and ■nv’vmitted operation; nnd it is a • ot,* ider - timi peculiarly cheering to the hearts of • hose whose reputation and labours have been Identified with its exist* nc«* and I rnsperity ’.hut n g-eaU-r number of clus sicil scholars have been instructed during that period, within its walls, tlia • for the same length cftime n nuy other A<a h*mv in the State Fo tlifc coir* ctness and ia- ue of the iiifitnicuon comuniriiti d tlu public are icfurred <o tlioa • voitng g n’le m**n who have tuceived their educa'imt either whoMy or ii*. part ut this institution. Many of them have air dy enrered upon the ac'iv«* professions in life, who do cre dit to the place of their education, Rod who cannot fail, in process of t me, to sus tain an honourable rank among tin* proiv. ncnl characters of our State The acquire, irents and reputation of scholars, iiirnis!i the best testimony of the Competence and li I lity of teachers. It Iihs been 'lie aim of the Instructed in • bis Institution to make nionnvon scb/>. las, rather than to acquire an ephemeral reputufon b) teaching " u m;:-s t tilings, but untiling distinctly”—.md tlms leaving the pupil to become a mere ematte cr at last, Tb '.sc who would form » correct «- pillion ns t » the manner n which the Latin und Greek Glasxicks nfc taught, are re quested to consult the literary gentlemen who have from time to t ine a'tended tin* public i*xamiinitious in ti.* so branches cl I'cdl'ujr,‘I Bassr/iger, F Bio s, Jaudon and Bro >ii, Hull, Ho, t &co. NY Gaalon, J Ne- a liberal education. In the common bran x itt, c;ipt Erving, \V \N Gordon, N l.uw, clies of an English education—in tlu high . . .- ... i,i • F fill, NV (J Gut illicit* E Bliss Hiidco.erlepRrtmcntHofliteratureandRciiuice— hii the election, tilt tuitivcs completely j (; i4 „ ( j IV ^ Dufrtnn, IViTv - & Green, J H I n composition and elocution, the ex,in triumphed The commissioners for the p:tcifi ration of Mexico had ariived at Hava na Irntn Spain. A daring attempt was made on the flight ol the 17»h inst. to tet out («*tmi the barber the Spanish sclir Secutido Ligera, which was Ueleated by th« hs- Mstance of a guard ol 12 men I mm the Imre, 'The same night, the schr Si- iah Ann, of Charleatoi), lying ai Re gia, was rubbed aud the mate and cook, the only persons on board, cut a/jtl mangled in a oarburous manner, An article Irom San Juan d** Ulloa, states that Y'urbide is expected a' Ve ra Uiuz, ami that it in conj -c u<cd he intends ij take his passage to tlie U. .States, with bis family and household. General Morales, it is said, is pre paring to against Garaecas. Fire at Carlo Jlico.—Twenty four Herbert & co, Bulioch ik Dunwoody f J 3c NV Harper, II Tufiper J S Itloi-, O Taft, It Worrell jr. Steurn - aw Mill, Dougla.*»s K Sorrel, 1* Houston, A Hunter, NV P Hun ter, It Denn.s, Win Scarbrough. Patten gets, Mr» Bryan and daughter, col Durand, and huly, Mis.i Fincli, capt finch, Messrs 4gnew, M‘( 'ala and Story. chip Hazard, Child, Philadelphia, 11 da)s, in ballast to tlie master. Ship I'.auklin, lLley, Portsmouth* 10 das 8, f ip c nperior Joycelin, New-Vork, 4 days, wilh inercuan iixe to Duiiamel and Auze, A Morgan, \V Lipp.t 6c co, M Mor gan, T Hur;\.w»oie, ti Ncwhall, and lo Oidtr. b) miles E N L of Ciia: ieston bar, passed several iron bound puncheon*, which appeared In be full, also several o- tber articles. Passengers, Mr A I’.ggut & lady, and col Dunham, Brig Telegraph, Snell, New-Vork, to Hall llo)t& co- with a full c.^rgo lo sun dries. Hrig Levant, Wood, Now York, 7 daw with assorted cajgo lo Messrs 11.dJ 1 loy , ft co Johneton u HdU, J B Herbert U building*, besides ievvra> small houves j ( , y j tathrop & co, soiebu ft Luuur, which were ociupicd as dwelling hous-j Cauttloa ft Lamar, Guo uordwu« Wuftaui nations speak for themselves. Mount Xion certainly presents many ad- vnnlagcs as a place for the education of youth; and these advantages cannot he overlook! d by those parents who intend to send their children abroad for lids purpose. The ex; discs are us moderate ns in any other part of the country—it is a place ol unusual health—-special attention is paid to tlie conduct and morals of the students and there are now in the Institution a num ber of young gentlemen, who have made consideiablt advances in scienc-s and whose example cannot fin! to exert u favourable tnlluence ovt-rthc minds and habits of tln.s- who arc* in ihe incipient kta^cs of their ed ucation. To , yen’s and guardians the subscriber will hold li'in*»elf responsible for the cor rect dep fitment and honourable progress ufthoie who a e committed lo his - • C p. BE.MAN. dec 16. 18 uf Administrator’s N'otice. INK tnooibs after ilutd of Hmm notice* 'pphcnlion will be made to the Hon ourable the Justices ot the Interior (Joint i ol Chatham Uuiinty, uhvn sitting lor ordin ary purposm, lor leave to sell E- i No. 213 (t^o hundred and tbrtyfivcj in ihj tliir- teemlt ilit.: t icl of Monroe (Joiiuty, coni tun* ing iwo hundred two and an hull’acres— being the real estate ol Jeremiah CrometC deceased. J. P. HENRY, Adminisi'r ol .leienuah CrouieU* A'nvunna/i, 1st November, 1U22, nov2 VALUABLE MEDICINES. im, ^iitanirs CHEMICAL ANTI.DV SEN FERtC MEDICINE, .f Disiuxrry in the Timetable Kingdom of North .-huerira, by the Proprietor, J IJS U.Y esteemed by i ll who have used ii, for cui'iq: Dysenfeiy, (or Rmody r'lu x,) Dun i’l ul-i, summer «•.mplauii,) Cholera Morbus, Acidity, \ oniiling, Sick- ii'-ss and Pain m the Stomach, IL.speps'R, Cholic, xN'ornts, Ofc. l by RNiicceHsful pra'.tice of seven years, und approved by ihe most rex; ectable pSiysichms in N* w- Yoi'k- and Pliiladelphiu; being peculin ly useful to fainilie.s of young Cild hv , Mas- iera ol’ Ships, Forts, Prisons, Factories. Planters, T tvellers, &e. Prepared with direct ions, as icgnrds t'.ie ages of Children. Di.M, fte,.~-Price 5^1 per phial, cont lining about Wo do/, s, and o ano >yues, siilficicnt for 2 or 3 children in the curly stages oi* howul complaints. I N 1) IA N BOTANICAL AGUE DROPS, A Discovery At/ the hvli ns nf VorthJim ucn. (WARRAN I ED,) For curing the F. \e< a. .t *gue, being* a certain and efficacious remedy in evety stage of Intermiuing Fevers, with paitiou* Imp directions aa respeett the uge of chil dren, ftc. and failing in no instance of p'<p- duciog the desired effect*---Price per phial, containing 100 (lores, nn crnetic, and 6 unodynes—aufiic. <-nt to cure 2 op 3 chil dren, with an ordinary fever and ague. Cayuga, Outobei 14, 1821. We, the subscribers, do certify, that if* the yeur 181*1, a hospital for the invalid sol. diet’s of the United .Slates’ armywuHesta blislied on the west shore of the (Juyuga Lake, and placed under the cate of Dr. John Vought; that most of thorn were af- dieted wit . the d)scutery and cuuip diur- rhuta: that the succtas of his mrdecine was such as to restore them to perfect health, and return them all to tlie army, and we recommend his nu dt cine as a va lurtblc difccoveiy in the healing art. JOHN HARRIS, Chief com officer at Lewiston during ihe late war, JACOB L. LAR7.ELE..F* Commissary for the county ot Seneca dib* ring the late war RPSSRI. PRATT, JAMES BENNE1, CHARI KS LNEUKT. Pr. John G. V>ught .■ -Dear Foetid—F have prescribed ihy Indian IRitaniutl Ague l)i(»ps for fit) cases nl lntermi'tents, or Fe ver and Ague, and have performed perfect cures in every iiisihi cc except three, who would not follow directions. There hna been no injurious effects produced in uny one case, mid not a single relapse, ultlio* it is more than eight months since I made the first trial ot it. I have also found it a veiy useful J’eineily in Bilious reiniiten s, especially when tliny have shown a d-spo sUion to assume n t> ptioiil si arc. I have also experienced the same good effect# from thy Ai»ti-1)>licnt.-itc Medicine,in bow el complaints in 11 ory case that I tiav< 'es- ted its efficacy. In haste, 1 am thy friend, Uc, ISAAC SMITH. Loch'port, Aiugarti Co. A, lOih tno. bt/i, 1822. Charlotte, .July 24, IBM. I was tak^n in September with i« vet* and ague, and the bloody flux n .nn follow* ed, v hicli left nie with a clnonic a. I put up with, Negus, in HdchesU r, and b< ill fori)'. Vougbl, who pm me mi di r tlie influence ot Ins Anti-Dysenteric Mi-deciue. 1 punt all attention to lusdi* •ectiona for three, days, aud was rf*' > y n hoved and free from fever. 1 lo a aomu •if the medecinc on bounl ol the ve.vwl, .mil have Witnessed the good efl’eo s with all who used it. I advise all captains - i ves sels to keep this no tl cine on b«.a.d, und they will find it a valuable remedy in all bowel complaints. B. PEASE, Captain of the Gcnesscc Packet cn Lake Ontario. A for’her reference is made to the wholesale Agents, Hull & B«iwno, J. (J. Morrison, Walter 11. Townsei d, 395 Pearl- • reet; and J B Dodd W ( 1’ 9 Hi ^..way, opposite John sire»:t, Ncu York ; 'I hatcher y Thompson, Philadelphia ; Anson Par- sot s, Sui'annuh; and Pease und Butler, Bal- i nore, Druggists und A| othecunes;—rc« by 1) Johnaoii, Buffalo; l)r Smith, Eockporl; Dr Niven, Newburgh; 1) Hitch cock, 1/tic« , l/rs Myndetse ft Murdock, Scliem ctttdy ; Dr Mellen, Hudson ; Dr (Jroswell, Cntskill; Drs Barnes and Nelson, Poughkeepsie, N Y ; II Meigs d Co, Alba ny ; A iron Vark, Postmaster, Yonkcfs, N V; ./ L Mott, Tarry town; Harris, Picker, It Jones, Sing-sing ; und wholesale and rc- t.i.l l.y the Sole Proprietor, Rochester, Monroe county, 2. Y i and by one of the |> iru.ipal Physic.L.s. Druggists or Book- sellers, in most uf the important towns in toe United States. '('bis Medicine is sold b\ the Subscriber, Agent tor the State of Georgia, AN&ON pausons. dec 23 24 0(D Molasses and Fruit, tutus p V L 0 U It. dec 24 2$ H UtltEf.S Superfine Flour, j, and for sale by UALZq imi' ft CO, landing, and for Sale by 17 tierces > Molasses of the net*' 2 b->ls ) crop. Ranannas, Pla..tiains, Coco..-nuts, and Pine Apples, on board the schr Opposition M.»riiuelli, from Havana, ut Julies’ up pee v> hart, tor sole. Apply to HALL, HOYT V GO, ilc* *S 3i i pa