Savannah Georgian. (Savannah, Ga.) 1822-18??, December 28, 1822, Image 2

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B— UKOliCl.VN. sa .NN Ml V\ n HT>\\ MORNING, DEC. 28, IS I Mr, Tiny Mu publish'd a letter inf I hr National In|clli||«*r>< or m hi« h '"•1 r«et|n»k* nil the late p»tii|.hlH ol Mr | Kclinm, in rrply In M». Uu>»»* \, j>nD- I'M I ii I > nppC’ifiii, ” he thinks limp, are aome piMn (no doubt mr intentional) both as hi iiimumm nl In f land mili. ru ot I'pininn, in r«*K »t*1 tn j the trinclion a 1 Ghent, nliPing to 1 vt» illy lakrn up and ngrr“d l«, iioi m; or hkimiksrntati vea. -tt Thi» II »u**e having taken up the ie , ,„jlhr navigation ufiln* Mis-,%-ippi?ancl j »«lu*iiin ycHlerday moved by rrruin Ithnlto claimrd bv tin* United 1 >f M.. Shulls has present'll n tnemori* tin* Lrjrialaturc of South Carolina, forai . . " . 'Mi’eHinlln tialiriicM, arid Hi 'he pan r ni|iriittnn. for im,,rav,n K ihc o»v, K ,t,nn l , j( (| |)( , b „ r , brnx-ni H.v»niMh ,n-l rh.rt. bmi - ljrfl p riim |, eH „ nirrnlivo nn Hie »ub- ing a bridge over St.pln n’a Greek, open j \ •, period more flinpitnuiH than |ng ro*ds, t-c and lor die eatthhthmcni i.l the present /o calm anil rlmtiRssiunnte a it ink. The memorial, in said, was fa- enii*-iil"rH(i"n, and uhev HiPcr call bp CONGRESS. | STATE OF THE MARKET. IN SENATE DEC. 19. I So ahhah, Di e. 27. Tin* m-oltinim, .uDimlll. .1 y.-«l- r •»'’ rc l> ">'•«= >•“ l "‘ tn » d «y hy \|r. Williams of Tennessee, •»**'!> demand for Uplands which Irnve and Mr Ware, respectively, were ae- ranged from 7 a 121, according to qualify, and in one instance, for u remarkably f >ime parce l, 1 was paid. In Sen-1*'unit* the businnwi bn? been nmx limited; sales hav been made at from 18 a 25. apprnv. cd fine braunx vv ill tiring more than our ex- triune quotation, but, nn the other hand, Mr VimhIIv received, and Wishing a bank with a dollais, at Hamburg. a law passed rntu Capital of 500,uoo no misinterpretation of motives Among the resolutions passed at the ■neeting ofllie nurcbantini Hoiton, is .me i am | rcffultft -fur raining a subscription for tliobeiu fit »,1 the inolheFand si-.tcrsoftlic late Lieutcu* qnt Alien. Fro a Below will be found some Innslatious from our c panixh papers, re. Ccived by tin? Huron. The papers to the American reader, am of hide interest, be* ing prim ipall . filled with accounts of t e aku inislns of the Royal or factious,and Con stitutional troops, which, there is reason to believe, arc go lerutly v presented as fa vorably to the latter as the state of flairs will permit, It is e\ident, however, that Hie situation ofllie country is disturbed and agitated in the extreme. The Cor- t*-*t were chiefly engaged in adopting Uu.iRiiies lOHiippress the factious parties, winch .nl become very troublesome in many parts of tin: kingdom. A u id rid article ot tin first of Novem ber, contained in the find z paper of the 7lli of dial month, «pHleban follows--"Onr let. lent Iron V" nun, l.oitdon,and I'a is have vor much discouvaged our advocates for •despoturn.. They all affum, that *the holy alliance have no intention to attack tin new measures adopted by our government, and that ol Portugal -and ns pr« uf of the fact, a great spirit of speculation in mu funds exist a, winch li.ta extended as fur as r'anklort.’* I’ vvjin expected that Home measures Mould be adopted during the «»•*■ tip'll n| the Cories, ini (he protection ol commerce m the ueightjuurhuud ol Cu ba. («cn. Min i, hud defeated the rebels tit Custelpdlit, after a ueverc engug.* mem,had taken 3000 prisoners, uud filled a large number. A pai iy ol lebels e.11eiiul Saragox i The IingiulHture of Kenfurky have repealed the ('barter nl the B.r.k of Kentucky. 'Hie lull allows ii seven year'* in wind upits alV»irs by umlorm lis noi < xceeding two per cent, per month ; provision is made for i.enii annual dividends to sfockholderH after the debts ol die «.• k me pair), end lor burning ■) pm - Ill'll "I its notes. Tim Kegitdaturp have also passed a reshluiiun compelling the C’oininon WejdthN Hank a* d branclieB, to make regulai and steady calls on the debt ora at the rate ot one per cent, a month. One million of die Commonwealth Hank paper is to bo burned on the 1st of January. An order was recently rend in the llntise of Representatives ul Mary land that any member who may be lieve the | er diem allowed him, is more then his I,dents and services are win th may have pci mission to re* turn the surplus. Lieut. Mhn.—The Canadian Cnu- rant,alMiilmg i» die death ol the gifs laid Allen, says "that he was musty murderedand expresses a sincere wish that his cnortliy will a- ve.ngc his loss, by extirpating the meivdess and savage monsters who one capable of committing an act "I such atrocity. The Cork Advertiser (Ireland) ot die 17th ()'•:. says—“ We observe that in (lie neightuiurhcod of Hindoo the insurrectionaly spirit is inanilcs- ling itself in die same way that it did tn loie the rebellion n| 1793 The country people are cutting young ash trees for the purpose uf making pike hand! s. A Idler from Pisa, in the Paris, papers, says, that “ Lord Byron has r, gone to (Jenna, lor the purpose ol on -oil (Jet. eft. iing a bounty ol 13l)i embaikiiig lor Hie United {States.'’ rtiiU and all oilier necessaries to those who would inin but they found novol- lmfeers and left the to*vu with outdo -ing any injury, »Vti<lrid Oct, —We have dates ■ffiom Viiarov ol ‘20th inst. stating that the n.di 'tial troopu, had beaten the rebels tlieic, that liny killed I JO and took, a large number ol pi ison n s. One ot the ringleaders t'hambe, having been severely wounded, had been carried t'> IMnlter in a carri -ge. A f.K'iious party consisting of 1000 »lmug having watched a lil opportuni ty attacked Estella o town in Navarre On the 13ih Oci. Col, Fernandes hav ing come to tl.cir assistance uim only 150 men, war obliged to take re- luge in a church, I»om winch be anon Imind it necessary to surrender him* fit'll ami lus men prisoners, the rebels having set lire to the church in sevc- jul place*. The tvbrlft mustered 2500 men in tho vicinity ol Kstolla on I6*h Oct. Appiehensmiis were enterUitted that (lie factious party would soon Attack JU.tgioua, in which place, they were innking hasty prepaiations (o'defctul themselves. I alette id, Oct. 19 — Last evening af 9 o'clock Mr. Joatpiiu Meyrelas, a Another work uu this country,from the pen of a James Flint, his its ppearince in Gieat Hiitain. Ii is entitled " Letters from Ameiica .; containing 0 iservation* on the Cli mate and Agriculture ol the Western Slates, the .vlanners of the People, the prospects nl Emigrants, 6cc.” Rob'jrf Stakes hasbeen found guilty in New Y *rk of cruelty to his horses, and sentened (o pay a fine of 25 dol lars with costs. Johnston, ol Louisiana, requesting the Secretary ol .’•fate to communicate cerla.n informal,.... re.pecUns; the th , v mutt , le vury R001 , to co(n , llall(1 lerntorvat tli! mouth ol Columbia River— Mr. Floyd moved so »o alter it os In iiddres the e ejuiry to the President of the (J. Siales, instead uf the Se cretary of State, Mi Jolmsion absented to this a- inend merit. The resolu ion, as amended, was agreed to. The House then took up the reso lution yesterday laid on the table, cal Ii g on the President of the 17. Status fur information what steps bad been isken by the Executive to cany into ff'et the act of'he last session, to :ib li*h th * Indian Trading Establish* meuts, which vas passed. The resolution moved yesterday caf'iiig upon the President for the laws, &c. passed in the Territorial Government, of Fb-rida, was also ta ken up and agreed to On motion of Mr Reid, of Georgia the report of a committee of the last session, adverse to the long standing claim of the Georgii militia, for aer- 20 or more. In Hire nothing lias been done, the stock on hand, which isttill moderate, is held al 2 75 a fta. ! Of Torn, the cargo prices are 65 a 70 ; it is retailing at 70 a 75, according to qua lity. M US INK. 1‘OIIT Ob' MVJiWAH. ARRIVED, Itrig Adeline, Atwood, Boston, 17days, with merchandise to s It I'nrkman. and o- tllrlfl. It rig < ere no, Providence, 7 days, in bal last to K Williams. Brig Halsey, '-mail, Alexandria, 12 days, to I Cohen. Schr Eliza Ann, Jordon, Thomustown, Me, ll> days, with lime and lumber, to 1 (johen. Pole l>oa's Savannah anil Elvira, to J Willy, with 9UU bales cotton to sundry persons, Consignees per brig Telegraph, report- vices rendered in 1792. *3, and M, and i ed yesterday, riagnorn & Basjett, j Him. the report adverse to the petition of ' ter » ^ Jud.ih, .1 .NPKenzie, A Cornwall, J (Jen. ThomaR Glasscock, were taken J 1 * lcl i5 e t T t ^. ro . , . ,, 1 ** Gaudry. A B Fannin up, and referred to a committee of the whole. Mr Little i flered n resolutin to in sti net the Committee ol Commmctce to chjpiire into die expediency of a- mendiug the laws so is more, eft’ du ally to ..flhr<l relief to sick and dis abled si*a men* Mr. Trimble off.ned a resolution requesting infonnatiun as to the ap propriaHous which may be necessary to lortily K**y West on Tlimnpson’s 1-land, and whether a naval depot on die island wou'd not serve to check the pirates in the West Indies. It was also resolved that the naval committee be instructed to enquire into the expedie. cy of continuing th*’ pension to the widow and child uf the late Cap! James Lawrence* T he bill tor abolishing imprison ment lor debt was recommitted tu a select committee. Lathrnp Shun 1 IV. of Carver, (Mas-) has been committed to j nl in Ply. innulh for mixing amnic with the water i’i die lea-kcttle with intention poison his two tl tighten*. Suic d^.— A colored fern de domes tic at Providence, committed suicide, Unltimore Dec 17—H.diia is go- veined by martial law 1 , ami under the urdeis ct the brig, geneial Miideim, who isstvled governor at amis. All -tin* llrnfeiUnn regular troops were dis armed on the 17th of February last since which mo9t of them have left the city, aril declined l »r the prince.— There is a civil government, but it i* a mere tool of the governor at of mm* The ci'il government are natives ol the country. The Brazilnn armv m near the city, and Ihc outpo-ls are dai ly skirmishing, and many lives have been tost. The Brazilians are fre quently to be seen from some situa tions in the city, under arms. Re ports say that they are deficient in of ficers. They arc s»id to be comman ded by a Frenchman by the name ol Lubatal. General Madeira received on the 30th, a reinforcement of 1200 m n, winch makes his force including sailors, about 4000, some of them sick. The nav.d force co .si-ts of 1 line of battle ship, 2 frigates, 1 >loop of war, &. co. N Smith, (i Brei inayer& co. O Taft, T Kelsey Si co, A Evans, .1 B Creamer, ,1 H Seize, |* Hill, T Bourdon, T Bradley &. co T Boiler, A Sruddcr, t*’ Denslcr, Z Day, 8 C Dunning, tin lev k Scvuntou, Douglass 8c Send Ponce 8c M'Kenzie, M J .Hull, S Hills, and Hill tc Penney. for rms ponT. At Providence, 14th inst. brig New- York, Cary, to sail 15th ; sloop Wising' Sun, Cooley, to sail 16th. A linn 41 ; FHOM THIS POTIT. At Darien, 25th inst. sloops Massachu- sells, Brightman. 4 days, Support, Bates, 2 da) a , l\ora, Briggs, 2 days. Cl/KAll Ml FOR IIIIS POflT, At Darien, 25th inst. sloops William, Chase, Two sisters, Chase ; Trader. Luce. BAI.’IMO F., Dec. 20 —Arr schr Iris, Mclcliorita, lliuunu 13; schooner Lorenzo, Young, t. Salvador 41. PltDVIDKN' E, Dec. 14—Arr brig Ro bert Cochran Brownell, Gibraltar 42. Offic 8 of the Charleston jilevcuvy,) an i I'ourio, Dec 26. S Arr line ship Amelia, Crane, New York 4 ; sloop Atlas, Pike, New-York 8. For New York, Tl»»* i cent o picket brig TELEGRAPH, Snell, master, Will meet with dispatch. Fm freight or | u'sagc, having good accommo dation*. apply to captain biiell on board, al Jones’ upper wharf, or to HALL, IIOYT & CO. dec 28 2rt For Charleston, The r» ' r "l»r packet sloop EXPRESS, Viif/tiiin Hammett, Will have immediate dispatch Foi tie glit or pasmire, having handsome accommodations, apply to the Master on hoard at Exclmnge wharf, or to ISAAC COHEN. dec 28 p 28 Just Received, And fit sale A.v OItILiY TAFT, KK(.S> find quality Butter ,»"(j pairs cattskm Shoes 350 do Nrgio Shoes 20 bbls N K Rum 100 mass Nads, assorted 10 hlids hat tobacco dec 28 ii 28 To lie Sold, PIECES London DufUe Blanket* very low charged 74 pieces Negro Cloth, miconrmiHdy cheap—bv THOMAS WALTON. 24 it 25 For Sale, BUSHELS Peas, on board the schr Illinois. Apply to R. & J. KAUltSIJAM. dec 28 e 98 Landing, From brig hevant, from A'eiv.York, BOXES Muscatel Rtnsuis 1 4 pipes cognac Brandy 15 nrk'iis fresh Butter 3 puncheons Jamaica Hum For sate by J. B. HERBERT W CO. dec 98 28 a T O K N TSkROM the House of the subscriber, Ten sJP half Eagles arid one English-Cuinea, in a metal purse, gilt. The theft was com mitted about three weeks since, as appears from circumstantial testimony, and the thief is suspected. If the money is return ed, no questions will be asked j if any of the same denomination should be offered under susp.cions circumstances to any per son, they are requested to stop it. JOSEPH CUV!MING, dec 28 fe 28 dec 24 T L O U It. BAlt ELS Superfine Flour, landing, and for sale by HALL, HOYT & CO. Cotton and Ship brokerage FIAilE aubJcriber offers his services in the Purchase and Sale of Merchandize, particularly Cotton, and in procuring Fivights for vessels. His Counting U«om is in J longin'a flute Bulloch's) IluilJinos, Vo. 19. EDWIN BARTLETT, dec 13 ||r 16 on the fi ll inst. by taking u large quantity of upturn pills, which she nb-iG armed nieichaut ships and £ brigs (.lined under a false pretence, an apothecary’s whop. Item of war, also a lew gun boats* No communication i« allowed with the country; noTi esh pi ot Lions at market; obstacle can prevent. A bank was some time since established in the Western y'oung mat) native ol Havana, commit-! (lountrv, the principal is-ues uf which , I... i,... ...i.l : i . .. ' ... . 1 New mode of Counterfeiting.—It occasionally a poor animal dies a na- appears that counterfeiting, haw an iv i turn I death, and his meat is sold in oil at a pitch in this country which nojUiarket at 30 to 40cents per lb. Fowls £ to 2 dollars 20cts each when touml. County License. RAFTER the 1st January the following Licenses remain uuexpired in Clia- tu«m county, out of the city of SivaunaU, to wit: Ann Lillibridge, William Jlrnnsby, Veter //. Hobtf, V^ Char tier, James Henson, David JJobson, Samuel Henry. Allotheis selling Rum and ardent li-‘ quors, mixtures, and restoratives, out. of the city of Savannah, are doing so without any lawful authority-—and will very soon he arraigned fov the*aid offence, unless Li cense be speedily taken out from my Oftice at the Court House. JOB T BOLLES, c i c e c. The Constables will report defaulters to the proper authorities. dec 28 p 98 HAY. BUN DEES prime Northern Hay, • uulmg from ship Lycurgu", at SiaiiUMi’s wharf, will be sold low if taken from the store. Apply to 1 H i LEI.AND, dec 18 d»-20 O " ■ WIIiSKKY. M HOGSHEADS Whiskey 50 Barrels do Landing from ship Niagara. For sale bv C. C. GRISWOLD. dec 13 20 Prices Currant at Havana, Pec 9. Since our last respects, our murke has been pretty steady. There begins to be considerable activity in Coffee, and in the couise of the month, the ted the horrible crime ol ass.issitMiing, were Raccoon Skins of $1, opossom miss N. Neiret, a young lady of 15! skins of 50 cents, mink skins at 25, years ut age, at whom lie discharged a j and rabbit skins at 12J cents. It was blunUerhusN loaded with eight bails af- j certainly not expected that this sub- ter which he loaded again and walked J stantial currencA, like specie founded to the street. The repuit id tlio piece | on its own intrinsic value, would be as I crop will be at market. In Sugars, nad at tiny time, drawn t**c attention j liable as bank paper to the ai l of those i there is scarcely any thing doing— ol some ol the neighbours, io the Hal-' whose fear of the gallows, is less than | some of the new crop may be expect- comes, he levelled his piece at those j their love ol an idle life, but it hashed in February. Provisions cantinue svho wtie looking out, fired, but did lately been ascertained that imposi | in good demand—Flour,14 a l5;Lard, no i • jury lie then went to the hcu>e td a ' tions have been practised by transfer j I6a 18; Rice, 11 rials per a robe; Hams, nuighoouring magistrate with bis loa- ing a raccoon’s tail to the skin of an 17; No. 1 Pork, 14 a 15; prime Green dvd piece,discharged at him <Jj*lelt him I opossum* Twen’y five raccoon skins (Xfie, 20 a 21; Muscovado Sugar, 1 i weltering in his blood; he then pro | (25 dollars,) were olV-red for the de- mis; Box, 8 rials; White 11 a 14; ceded to the house ot an acquaintance lection of the countei Intern. Molasses, 15 rials. Exchange on Eng- —•*—-■ land, 17 a 18 advanc**; United States, From Jiilledgeville.—We have #e- 3 counts from »\lilledg«*ville to the 23d inst. which informs us that a piotest too doz. wool Hats, S U^T received and for sale by the Sub scribers—who have on hand, and are const anti) receiving DAIS of every kind and qual'ty, of the latest fashions ; all ol which will be sold on the most reasonable terms. BUTLER h SCRANTON, Gihlon't building, Alarfcet-aqur dec 7 rc 11 Mess Pork, tyc. Funding from ship Garonne, £)(f\ BARRELS Mess Pork 2 hhds Leaf Tobacco 20 half bbls B W Meal t AND IN STORK, \ A general assortment of Groceries and Provisions. For s;de by GIBBS W ALEXANDER, dec 25 p 26 Taylor’s wharf. Moss Pork, ifc. BARRELS Mess Pork 10 do Prime do 10 bbls Beef, 30 hh!s Pilot Bread 30 do Potatoes, 10 bbls Cider 7 half bbls Mess Beef 5 casks Cuvrant Wine 4 bbls Beans, 30 boxes CoA/’*' 30 boxes Soap, 10 boxes Candles 10 bbls Ale, 200 pair Negro Shoes With a general assortment of Groceries* For sale by II. 13I.A1R, dec 27 l 27 ■ Exchange WharC For Sale, Juct landieg from ship I'humas Fowler, from Boston, BARRELS No 2 Mackerel 22 d>» No 3 do 25 kegs first quality Boston Butter Cranberries, Apples Pears and Nuts And in Store, Mackerel, Candles, Soap, and Madeira W'ne in boxes JOHN CANDLER, dec 13 16 Jones* Buildings. Notice. STM IE Justices of the Inferior court, of u Chatham county w II on the 1st Mon day of January next proceeded to the t lec tion of a cie k of the court of Ordinary of sa d county for the ensuing two years. Ap plications must be delivered to the present incumbenN- John V Williamson, j l r c p Thomas JS* Morel, j t c c c Geo L Cope, j i c c c Edward Harden, j i c c c dec 27 i acquaintance with the intention, it was supposed to • tnucdec one of bin daughters, hut while seated in the house of his friend, a young gentleman came in to inform the family uf the fate of Miss Neiret j has been entered upon tin* Journal of and bi the perpetrator uf the act, but the House of Representatives, again.-t on seeing the murderer himseii, he un the report of the special committee uiediately seized him, and in spile of in relation to the case of Hammond. Ins resistance, had him uut before a magistrate immediately, Mr. Meyselas was sentenced, in 4; Doubloons, g\7; Specie, 5 a 4 advance- December 1G—The cargo of Rice per the Marion, from Charleston, sold at &5 j; and the article will likely con tinue in good demand, as the wants fur the country the present year are grea ter than the lar.t. Hams sell well; There has also been passed by that body a vote, of censure on the Secrc-j several parcels from Boston have with- - | sary of State, fur using improper, and j in a week brought 21 cents; Lard has volenieMHi,(he 24ih (Lt to p^y 20,0001 indelicate language to the. Governor ; j declined in price. Molasses, (new) rtuU, (£2,000^ towards the support j and fur absenting himself from the 15^ i iaU per keg, scarce, Coffee, prime ol the magivnite sfamily whom he tell seat of government with- ut giving , 2l»V a 21; Rice, 85 5-8th a 5J. notice to the Executive. The report | — ot the Committee on'Finance was A colored man named Tdghmnn, before the House and would receive i was found Dozen to death in Phil#* its sanction. The messages of he delphia v.n the 16th inst. Governor in reply tortv* coimnitte**s t . on the state "f the republic and fi destitute of strangled. a prulcctor, and to be The editor of the Trenton True A,meiienn who had for some tune la bored ood«*ra tempuraray d<‘Urium,ou the 10 iiiui. swung huiuell out of the fiecmid sum v window over the lower i i|,e session, in consrquence of th- nance have been laid upon the table i by both blanches for the b.d-ture o ! w»h, and oil striking the pavement 'had bo h bones ot the right leg broke • and the larg** bone t>» the fell, lie is •aid lu be couviilcscmt lenor of ihe«u being considered incor rect, and indecoriis. 'I he legislature itdjuumcd probably on Tu**«div list. Republican, LETTER HAGS Remaining at lYit/iams' J.Ur' . ry and Com mercial Bending Itnom. Ship Oglethorpe, B Burroughs, l.ncrpool, JUtli Dec. Ship Juno, S B, Liverpool, 3l?t Dec. Selling oil’ at Cost. I VME subscriber wishing to bring his bu- . sinew to a close, takes this opportu nity to offer to the public at wholesale and jetnil, his whole stock of CAoWung &. ^ UoftvVs *, At wholesale an extensive credit wiW b* given, with good endorsers or town ac ceptances, and at retail good bargains can he obtained for cash, viz : A g moral assortment of the most fashion able Hats and Clothing, consisting of I'runks blue and black Dress Coats Trunks Frock, Waterh-os and Box Coats of various colours Trunks blue, black, olive, drab, grey, and slide colour Cossack Vantnloons Trunks Linen and Cotton frill’d and Shirts Trunks blue, black and caasimere V^sts Trunks Men and Boys* Tartaoplaid, cloaks fi cm 5 to §12 Trunks merino, worsted, and flannel Gen- men’s Shirts and Drawees Trunks Hosiries,'.g of Silk, lambs, wool, w orsltxi and ge size Yarn Stock- iogs Kilmarnock and Scotch caps Gentl-men's Fur Travelling caps Cases Water proof (la's A variety of Negro Clothing, consisting of round Jackets and 'Browsers, from 4 to £>6 per suit. Great coats, Pea Jackets, Monkey Jackets, red Flannel and check Shirts Bales 3 3$ point BlanAxts l)o White Plains Cast s extra fine Irish Linens Cases large size Sdk Umbrellas Cases Men's Sines * A'ple at ray Store, Jive doors Eaat of the City l/ote!. FRTER Dli&uE. dec 9 lm 12 u VY£ E.VCT-J IS DONE AT THE GEORGIAN JOB OFFICE, IN THE UKST STYLE. On New and Conspicuous Type, AND ON MODERATE TERMS. In addifom to Law, Notarial, and other Blanks, which are furnished ready printed, or executed at the shortest notice, ate the following Commercial Blanks .*— Shipping Articles Common and Letter -sheet Bills of Lading Foreign and Domestic Bills of Exchange Entries of Merchandise Foreign outward. Foreign inward, and Coasting Manifests Charter Parties of Affreightment Ruled Tables of Exports of Bice, Cotton, Uc. Labels for Counting Rooms Steam Boat Yard Receipts Merchant's Labels, for marking the dif ferent departments of Busmens Checks on the different Banks in this city Put roon Keceip's Steam Boat Receipts Ship Surveyor's Certificates, Statements ot Damages, for the Recovery of Insurance Muster Roll and Articles for Vessels 9enmen*s Warrants and Protections Custom-House Bonds Counting House Almanacks Statements of Exports Foreign Export Entries Passengers’ Entries Dray B lls GO* Apply at Mie Job Offlr?, the same re cently occupied by H. P. Bussell, or attbe office of tlie Grohqian. dec 28 2i Baltimore Sup. Hour. Landing from shop Ann, just arrived, , f\ BARRELS Superfine Baltimore ^ Flour, and 100 bblsjuid half bar** it is No 1 and 2 Shad—For sale by DOUGLASS & SOREEL. Who have in Store, 20 hhds White's Superior Whiskey 40 bags Coffee of an excellent quality, for family use 20 hhds Muscovado Sugar 100 bbls low priced Loal Sugar 9 pipes dry Colemenar Wine 5 pipes beat Holland Gin v arrantrd’pur^f 50 M. Spanish Sugars, in half and quar ter boxes 20 seniors Spanish LeafTehacco 200 lb first quality Chrome Yellow Window Glass, assorted sizes at Fac^ lory prices 10 casks best Philadelphia bottled Ale dec 27 p 27 Just Received, And in Stove, OIX pipes Cognac Brandy k/ 5 pipes 11 Girt 5 do Jamaica Rum 10 casks Port'er 6 kegs l.e'ad 6 do b’.iot 25 kega Harris’ No ! Tobacix 10 k'.,gs Ladies Twist du 25 boxes Raisins 50 do Cheese—-For sale by A MORGAN, nov 9 104 Jones’ upper wharft l Sugar, Coffee, ^c. , BUSHELS Con 10 hhcls ‘higur 50 bnxea Negio Pipes- 25 bbls Loal Sugar 10 M. American Be gars 10 M. Spanish do 50 bags prime Greer Coffee |00 kegs and qr kegs of best Ridfr Powder. For aide by i. IS. SAGE & CO. dec 14 17 Tel'i.1*’*. ' if Sheriff Sales. On the feat Saturday after the fr?( Tuesday in Febi miry next, ^*L so ^ al l * le ket House in : he town of St. Mavy’s, between the bui.-.s ot ten and four oV'i oc k of that d:.y, One House on piu^ „f Lot No 3, levied on as the property of J*.|;nston Paisons, to satisfy an execution in favor of Lewis Bachlott. GEORGE LONG, d sec. A?, Mary's, JJee Cl, 1822, dec 28 f 2 8 A Situation Warned. A YOUNG )Woman, recently from th® North, wishes a situation ts Chamber maid, or to lake care of Children a pnvute family. Apply at the office of the Gtnii-* QIAN. dec 20 22 Landing F ROM ship 'I homus Fowler, and tor salt, by the Subscribers, Cods Cordage Do Bale Rope Heavy Ravens Duck Co mmon do do Sheetings Russia Duck Broad Diapers, &e. L BALDWIN 8c CO. dee. 13 16 Sheriff Sides. On the first Saturday after the first Tuesday in February next, \t ^U.L be sold at the Market House in <he town of St. Mary's, between the l.-mrs nf ten and four o’clockof that day,the following property, viz. Part of Lot No 4, and the improvements thereon, containing 33A feet in front on Bryant street, and 60 feet de p. being the lot to the west of Samuel Clark’s lot Also. 1 16 part of Lot No 26, being iOU feet from the North Ea t corner the e».f f on the north side of it, ’.hence running Louth 20'J feet, thence 5U feet M rst, thence North 200 feet, and East 5‘J feet, to place of he- _ ginnning Also part of Lot No 23, being l.ldcpClKlCnt PrCSbytCriflH. Hum, Gin, etc. BARRELS N K Rum 25 bb's India Po i t Gin 250 qr boxes Span-sh Segars 20 qr Cdsks Currant Wim , of a su perior quality I.anding frotn brig Hope 8t pollv, »»,•' for sale by S. V ANTON, nov 13 99 Rice’s \\ barf. 200 feel bat A* and 55 feet front, being tin n u*th east ci.rner of said lot, Levied o*ias the property of Samuel’r. : F David Lewis,deceased,to satiafv uuexccu lion in favor oi ,1 inns Vmce- t Property ponved om bv D fendant’s Attorney. (iEDKG l.DNG, nuc. St. Mary's, Dec 26, la.2* (Jus 2« t Church. ll'IOSE Persons vv ho purchased or rent- SL vl Pews in this Churcn, at auction on I uursdav, the 54i inst. are reqmsted t» •all on the Subscribers and settle for the nme, BAKER U MINT OX. a«« is