Savannah Georgian. (Savannah, Ga.) 1822-18??, December 31, 1822, Image 1

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T / SAYANNAII i / GEORGIAN ■-» ■ "ii■LI" I .J Jffy LJ '»■■■ SArMW'&U, TUKSDJiy MORNLYQ, DECEMBER 31,1822. »"■»“? Ml NO 16 NEW Lily tb'* fwg Now-York, from Providence, l have received Providence papers of the , i^suon of the 20th, and Salem of the fJlh. FutiS Accident.—George Willis, n sea- tnan^relonging to Dorchester, (Mass.) fell i t'o„W»e main-iop-gallantyard of the brig Sercno.Capt, Harding, on the 23d inst. o« 1 or passage from Providence to this port, And was unfortunately killed, FROM JAMAICA, ipu Heath, of the ship Clio, arrived yesterday, has politely furnished us with tho k ngaion Gazette, of the 30th Novem* be and the Falmouth Gazette to the 4th Inst, inclusive. Gen. U'Evcrcux was shortly expected in Jamaica, on his way to Europe, charged with an important mission from the Re public of Columbia. The privateer schr. Sinccro, alias Gen. Montilla, had been sent into Kingston, yliaving plundered a schooner aud a stoop. yVThe whole of the crew of the schr. 0. Cctt \jof Ht, Johns, N. 1). died at Annato lta; except jjjcvcr, in the month of November ja boy who remained very ill. Mr y]i ! b r °M# the Editor of the FaU month Gat 1 '** ,lu[,Wn "P bc - fore the ^ Assembly, for a breach ofprml...,S" I uhUshln^ a libel on the House. 1A v afterwards, on petition, discharg'd. ji ^JL JCOLOMBIA. An officiu a« nullt fl ' om Morales, is published in t'. a hi"ff slon ltu >“ 1 biuette, ol'iha doth Mr, of " " cUuH with tllc Co ‘ lomhian forces, n tin' * jl '‘ u ' 1, “ l buardns do Garabava.nt ,-Ma'“ caibo > in w!,ich lhu llepublican f. roes, ^nonnling- to 1200 in- fuini j, and ldOc vnlif* lult * * our uom ! )a - rues from Curttiagena ) vvc, ‘ e i according to Morales’s arc im, ,ot.lly defeated witU thd io. r.of.all thvir »»<1 lo 0U :,v.. *jliul Jj ollicers pri- ■’.srs i kille. nul 15D wouuuCi' ?t*»o . ..ud of olors were Iso l?kcn. 1 he loss ccknow lodged on the part of Morales is 12 clfictis .net 4j privates killed, and 70 woumJio l tic tr. me paper contains the following ’spirited 'ctler from captain Spence, to Gen. Morales on the subject of his procla mation, declaring tiiat all foreigners taken in the ranks, or in any branch of adminis tration, id me Republic of Columbia, with p.uuling pre.scs, or acting as editor* of iK'v:s|iap . is. ye. shall suffer death, after a shor. military trial, and further that all foreignccs who have introduced themscheg in u country since its occupation by the €’• \be doomed to serve in the tau ^ oar3> aiu ^ proper : ; *&ndrr of this United Vf i Ibt’ an d ^ (, nior Na- RjjKest-lndieS, to | n r i ** c• r o u)» s >vTfpRT’in Chief of the Ip* c; aifish Huyal Force* on Hie Main T I nue been presented with your Ex- Money’s public decree of the 15th 6ep’p-noer U-t, a d duration ol the mo- despotic and satigunaiy nature ns* all foreigners, whose love ot glory, commercial pursuits, and peace ful occupation* may enlist in the ser vice, or detain in the tciritorics pos sessed by the enemos ol Spain recog- luz d by the United States as inde pendent Governments. u\ Manifesto so extraordinary, so hosi t o to the rights ol nations, so cits - p&ragingaiid prejudicial to the char acter id the era in which we live, mmol fail to excite aston:* tiinent, ; in a!tract the attention of all who h to preserve civilization from the icrimcninept of barbarism, or hive ighls to protect from military mis rule ami invasion. A- Commander in Chief of the Roy al Fire s. iniftectuaily employed in Vi i.i zuela, you are accountable to your only tor your proceedings against his subjects; but lor acts ol rapacity, cruelty, and nppresion eier cised against foreigners, for their illegal imprisonment, for the seizure and confiscation of their property, lor tlirir d^gradiilion under the idlbresaid I*roci. % natiou, you are answerable to the world; b. c.usc (by such nets of hostili y) you wage an indis criminate war against all Govern- inonlr, and, by trampling on the sa- cied rights ot man, place at defiance Rations who hold the laws and humane usage ul civilized society as lules ol avtii.n. War, under the mildest aspect, is a Calamity to be deplored ; but when, to it» inseparable horrois, are oiipet »<lded cruellies perpetrated without necessity,and men pursuing peaceable ei'ucijtijhi arc included iu Uie most sanguinary proscriptions, without re- fereoce or respect to the nation which owes them promotion, it becomes a demoniac scorn go, a hydra curse, which policy and humanity are equal ly Interested in arresting. Against such c course of violence as you have pro laiined to the world, in behalf of tnjp c ountrymen, i protest, and do hereby premonish your Ex cellency not to enforce, the penalty punishment, and ignominy threatened in you Manifesto, against citizens ol the (J. States, who are at present oi may hereafter be found by your Ex- cellency in the independent territories to which you refer, prosecuting their commercial concerns, under the gua rantee of laws and usages, which iuk Christian soldier, fighting either for glory, his Monarch, or his Country, can violate with impunity. The sol dier whose sword is stained with the blood of un offending men, supeiilu. ously shed, wins not the wreath ot the worrior, but the reputation ot a re creant. The blockade declared by General Morfjlo, to which your Excellency al lude, exists not, neither has it at any enterioi period been enforced in con tormity to rules prescribed by the accepted decisions of the highest au thorities, rendered valid by time and general acquiescence. It therefore has hitherto been a mare pretext for the interruption of our lawful trade, for the seizure and detention of our property, tor the abuse and maltreat ment ot our mariners, for purposes of plunder and outrage, all ot winch evils it hns produced. For spoliations committed on the Commerce of the U. States, under the sanction of that paper interdiction, restitution will be required, aud to I lie dignity which characterizes the Goverinent ot the Republic is Spain indebted for that magnanimous for bearance from reprisal, justifiable on every principle of sell preservation and defence. The Citizens of the United States, from the pacific and neutral course pursued by tlieir Government, are justly entititled to the respect of the belligerent parties, and if their enter prise induces them to reap the ad van lages of a lawful trade within terrilo lies, alternately in the occupacy 61 either, they are there as citizens of u truly neutral power, a power that has at no time afforded aid, or exercised influence of any kind in the present unhappy conflict, Between the United States and the Sovereign of Spain there exists a trea ty recently made and consecrated hy the must formal observances, the ac knowledged basis of which isgo.-d will, and a cordial spirit of conciliation. How tlion, in the lace of this pledge of concord, do you, Sir, undertake to threaten with forfeitures and igno minious penalties, with slavery and death, the ciiizens of a Republic, who have a light to expect, under this token of Headship, safety and exemp tion from molestation ? Wrongs and injuries that may ac crue to citizens ol the Union, from unlawful Leciees, whether visited on their persons or their properties, will he numbered with the catalogue of outrages already sustained, and for which .Spain must be answerable. Aza/tint all such wrongs and injuries l Protest, and do hereby solemnly call upon your Excellency to abstain from the adoption of measures fraught with most evil consequences, measures coercing a spirit ol retaliation and re-acfio», the end anJ issue of which may be conceived, foreseen, and pre vented by your Excellency. And 1 invite your Excellenty, as a lover ot the character and honour of /pain, of the amity and good faith so happily preserved between liar and the Repub lic, to annul all such reatrict'ous as tend to a violation of the Laws ol .Nations, as infringe the just rights ol Citizens of the United States, as de prive them of the s of peace, and tend vexatiously to augment to an alarming amount the account, which hereafter must inevitably be balanced between the two nations. 1 have the honour to be Senior Naval Officer of the United States in the West-1 imIum It b&kt Tii a ill Spence, The London Morning Chronicle of the fi6th Oct. says—'* 'ihe Turks are now driven once more from the Pelo- pnnncssus, and they have been beaten in a variety of engagements ” The rumor of a peace between the Ureeksjand the Turks, appears to have no foundation in fact. The London Courier appears to have taken a new stand as to the re lations between Spain and her colo nies. It uow maintains that the. inte rest of the mother country points to their recognition. Corinth had again fallen into the hands of the Greeks, who had previ ously re-conquered the whole of the Murea. The Turkish fle6t vvat blockaded by that of the Greeks in the harbor of Napoli di Rumaui. The speculations of the continental papers, ax to the meusures of the Con gress of Verona, are in direct opposi tion.toeach other. Canova, the celebrated sculptor, had been given up by his physicians, who no longer bad hopes of preserv ing his life. Major Cook has been rc-electcdkeeper of the Penitentiary of this state, and Mes srs .John Bozeman, Edward Cary, and Ar thur Givan, were chosen Inspectors of that Institution. LATEST FROM ENGLAND. We have received a proof from the of fice of the Charleston Mercury, containing London dates to the 28th, and Liverpool -tothe2yth Oet. received at Philadelphia, two days later thanjJP before received. At Liverpool ^we 28th October, the demand tor C .ton continued ani mated and extensive ; the sales tin* preceding vveeK amounted to 20,000 j bags. .Se t Islands were quoted 114,^ ' 20i ; Bowed 0 3 8 a 9 ; New Orleans ’ 8 a 12. | A report of the illness of LnuL j XVI li. nad been current at Paris, j , and had caused a fail in the t funds j —the. report was, however supposed I to be raisea by the stock jobbers. j The accounts lioin Greece are more j err o rra^ig th.*L those prevbuily rc- i ceivcd. (* legislative.—The Legislative adjourned on Tuesday last. The Report of the Com mittee of Finance was taken up in the House of Representatives, on Monday last, and passed, with the alteration of that part relating to the Comptroller. A resolution from the Senate, complimenting the Com mittee of Finance, was also taken up by the House, and passed by a large majority. On Saturday, a protest, signed by thirty, eight members of the House of Represeu- tatives, against the Report and the re solution in the case of Col. Hammond, was entered on the Journal. Mr. Aber- crombi/ afterwards offered a rejoinder to the protest, which wits adopted, 55 to 41. The hill from the senate relative to part, nerghips, was rejected in the House ; aud the bill to amend the act requiring the Judgeito meet at the seat of government once a-year, was postponed to the end of the session. We understand that every bill of importance was di*posedo< anterior to the adjournment of the Legislature. • The following are th. final resolutions of the Committee of the House ofRepresen- tatives, on the matter, of Gov. Clark an ool. Hammond — Resolved, That the language of Col, Hammond in the Executive ullice on the 19th of August Iasi, to the Chief Magistrate of the slate, was, in the opinion of this house, rude and indecorous, and nut characterized by that decorum which ougut to regulate the conduct wf the high olfieeru ol the government towards each other. Resolved, That in the opinion oi 1 this house no evidence lias been pro duccd to shew a want of atten tion on the part of Col. Hammond to the duties ot his ullice since his Iasi election, within which period your committee have confined their exam ination, and the instances in which he directed others to sign for him, were such as the afflictions of Providence imposed upon him. Congress —Nndiing of importance was transacted inCongress on the 20tii inst. Mr. Trimble’s resolution relative to fortifying K.< y West was .;il ipteij, I he act to make perpetual an act pas s«’(li:i 1817 tocontinue in force an ac further to provide for the collvc.ion of duties on imports ami tonnage, pass ed Sd March, 1815, was passed. f rhe following notice signed by the Indian Commissioneis on the part of the state appears in the Milledgville papers: The Citizens of Georgia, who have claims against the Cherokee nation of Indians, for property taken or des troyed previous to the intercourse law nf 18n2, by that nations, are hereby notified that a treaty with said nation is contemplated to be held oo the 15th January next—at the Cherokee Agon. iy. Those citizens who have claims are requested to hand them in to the commissioners on the pat of the State previous to that time, or at the treaty ground. Mr. Buckingham, Editor nfthe Bos ton Galaxy, has been declared not guilty, in the case of a libel published by him on the Rev. John N. Maflit, a popular preacher of the Methodist persuasion. I he specifications ol the alleged libel were (He in number, viz. 1st. Accusation ol falsehood—2d In fidelity 1 —Sd. Betraying confidence — 4th. Ridiculing persons who came to the al»ar—5th. Light, loose, and la* savin* • bcliat 101/r* Letters from 53t. Salvador of Oct. 2Lt state that a Portuguese fleet had arrived from Lisbon, and landed 1200 tr^ps; CothnnlMw-Vork Dec. 16—The import nfthe week was 2011 bales From N Carolina $9, S. do. 861. Geo. 795, Vir. 116, N. Orleans (ua Prov idence) 162.Spanish Main 38—.Total 2011. Sales were very largo both of old and new, the principal part ol which arrived in the last week Al most all sales were for exportation. Wc quote Uplands, new li a 13; Louisiana, new 17 a 17.J ; old crop— Louisiana, 11 a 14 ; Uplards 10 a 11 Alab. 9 a 14; 'Venn. 9 a I0| ; S Islands 20 a 25. Tho stock nf all kinds on baud is about 2000 bales. During the week ending the 2d in stant, sale9 of Cotton at N* Orleans, amounted to but 450 to 500 bales, chiefly new crop, in iola at different prices, from 13$ to 14J cents. A lot of very line Mississippi woe sold at 15 cents. AN ACT To confirm certain conveyances of the Town common of Savannah, made by the Mayor ami Aldermen, and to vest in the Inferior Court and sheriff of Chatham County, the direction of the County Court (louse and Jail. The Mayor and Aldermen of the city of Savannah, having been prohibited by an Act passed on the first of December, seven- teen hundred and sixty, from aliening or granting away, for any purpose whatever, ihan by an act of the General Assembly, the common appertaining to.the said town : and it being represented to the Legisla ture, that the said Mayor and Aldermen, to the great advantage of the Lot holders an.I with much profit to the Treasury of said city, have, ai difleyeiv time>, heretofore alu-ned, granted, and conveyed certai parts or lotc of the said common, and jus tice requires that the agreements made by ihe Corporation with the purchasers he confirmed. Skction 1. Re it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Slate of Ge rgla, in general Assembly met, and U is hereby enacted by the authority of the same—Flint all and singular, the convey auccs heretofore inane of the said town common, under the authority of the Mayor, and Aldermen, whether in fee simple or otherwise, shall be, auu they nre hereby declared to be legalized, confirmed, and made valid to all intents and purposes, ac cording to the covenants, limitation* and agreements of the same. ShxriuN 2d. A id be it further enacted, Flint from and after the first day of Janua ry next, the direction of the Court Mouse aud Jail of Chatham County, nither o un- her the supemtWndance of the Corpora tion of Savannah, shall he vested and con tinued in the Justices of the Inferior court and ii the Sheriff of said County, under the general laws regulating County Jails m mis state; and the Mayor and Alder men shall thenceforth be discharged from the rights and duties of commissioner* of ilufsuii Court House and Jail, provided ilways, Hint nothing herein contained shall operate lodepiive the said Mayor and Al dermen of their light , to sue for and re cover any monies, winch may be due to th hi f om other counties, ''tiring the time the said Mayor and Aldermen were com- -.U'baiviiK-is of the Jail of the County of Chatham, under the act hereby repealed. And provid' d further, that the naid Mayor an A Aldorm u of the City ol Savannah, Hall be,mid they at e hereby Kiithoriznl to prosecute their claim tor the recovery ot monies due in manner aforesaid, k b> ac tion of Law against the Justices of the infe rior Court of the County from which such money is due, m the Superior Court of the said b unity , and upon the recovery of judgment in siieit action, the aid justices of the Inferior Court are hereby requite lo pay Hie same out of County funds ; and if (lie funds of'any County arc insuiticieiif for luat pu. pose, the said Justices of the Inlet tor Court are hereby authorized and required to lay and collect a Fax for the pa) incut and discharge of the same. jhcrn.s 3 Ami be it further enacted, Thai ail taws ami parts ot laws, so far us they mi itale with tins, be, and the same are hereby repcaleH. ALLEN DANIEL, Speaker of the House of Representatives MA FFlItiW TALBOT, President of the Senate, Executive 11 puvitnent, Georgia. Assented to 21st December, 182 J. JOHN CLARK, Governor. Secretary ■/ State's UJfice, Georgia, ? MilleJ'gcviHe, till Uei. 1822 S The above und foregoing is a true copy from the Origin .1 Ac., deposited in this Office, wall the Seal of the State affixed thereto. A UN'Lit HAMMOND, Sec’y of State MARRIED. Oi Thursday evening last, by the Rev. Jauit s Andrew, Fuomas J iinston, Esq. to M S. lltHML'TlA BoeaaUIN, both of till* city. MARINE. PU/tT Of SA l AJVv.AjU. CLEARED, Ship Oglethorpe, Jayne. Liverpool, Sturgca is. Hunter. Sloop Nancy, Sturtevant. Darien, A RUIN ED, Ship Clio, Heath, Falmouth, Jamaica, 14 days, with ruin to L Williams. lir brig Jessie, Lyon, G cenook, 55 days With coal and free stone, to .I 11 Ueul & to. consignees. Spoke lltli inst lat J(J 32, long o4 schr ilumbird, i. olhns, 10 days from aatunuaii, Bound to liuroadocs—all Wed. Brig New York, f'ary, Providence, 5 daj a, viKli a full cargo ut rum, wine, cub r, fi di, dry goods and potatoes, fcte. to O Taft, W Ltpp U k co. It Wutenuui cm, h Green, J Whitman, A Humphries, F S Lu ther and the .Mailer. 1‘assrugen, ^ Hum phries, and W Richmond. Dec 20th, cape Fear W *s W o leagues, spoke ship 1.1 ward, from Portsmouth to Ciiarlcslon, Schr Satellite, Anderson, Fredericks- burg, 4 days from the (japes, with coni 6t Hour u» W Tujlor tit son. biuop Three Brothers, Rowland, Sapelo and St Catherines, with cotton to H J | Habersham, ami Johnston ft llilla. Sloop Regulator, Snow, Rico born, with rive to Hidloch Ik Dunwoody, and P De Villcrs. AnnivAL* vitoM Tins rotiT. At Charleston, 28th inst. steam boat Co lumbia, Blackman, 1 day. Al New York, 2Jtli inst brig Holla, Mar rington tMuvsi schr Esther, Pern , do. At Providence, 21st inst. briglddo. Cl.KAtlKO FOII THIS SliWT, At Boston, l8lh inst. brig Atlas, Adam#. At Providence, I8di, sloop Rising Sun, Cooley. rp Fott this ronT. At Boston, 20th inst. brig Reaper, Hub bard. Th<* ship Maria Caroline, Bishop, from New-Orleuus, bound to Providence, was- wrecked, on the inorningt' the llftli mst.v nt the in until f Providence river—*hip entirely lost, outgo partly saved. II. li. M. ship Scout, arrived at Havana, i the ldtli inst. had captured a pira tical her. brigand taken 27 prisoners, the rest of the crew eseapedin the boats among the tvfcfs of cape Catvacbe. A Baltimore schr from \ux Caves, was chased into Havana, oil the 19th inst. by 5 piratical vessels. I he schr Frolic, Cranston, arrived at Havana, on the 17th inst. in 12 days, from Darien, Offices of the Charleston, Mercury, ? an>t Conner, lire. 27. j Arr Br brig Thomas, Honney, Liverpool 70 ; brig Boston, Skiff, Bcrbice 22; 8arah Ann, Uudd, Havana 6. Cl£ lifcacvivWlvm, IS DON-K AT 7'liK GEORGIAN JOB OFFICE, IN TUB BEST STYLE, On New md Conspicuous Type, AM) ON MODERATE TERMS. In addition to Law, Notarial, und other Blanks, which are furnished ready printed, or executed at the shortest notice, are the following Commercial Blanks:— Shipping Articles Common and Letter-sheet Bills of Lading Foreign und Domestic Bills of Excliunge Entries <rt Merchandise Foreign outward. Foreign inward, and Coasting Manifests Chat ter Parties of Affreightment Ruled Tables «f Export* of Rice, Cotton, , Wc, Vabelsfor Counting Rooms Steam-Hoot Yard Receipts Merchant’* Labels, for marking the dif ferent departments of Business Check i ou the different Banks iu this city Patroon Receipt* Steam Boat Receipts Ship Surveyor's Certificate*, Statements of Damages, for the Recovery of Insurance Muster Roll and Articles for Vessels Seamen’s Warrants and Protections Custom-House Bonds Counting-House Almanacks Statements of Exports Foreign Export EntricB Passengers* Entries Dray B II* Apply nt the Job Office, the same re cently occupied by II. P. Russell, or at the •Hiceofthe Gkohuian. dec 28 28 EAST FLORIDA LANDS, FO/i SALE OR HARTER, ,4 PLANTATION on Amelia Island, con* /m. taining 700 acres with a settlement thereon, and has been under cultivation in Cotton- A Tract of 250 acres of Land near the above. A valuable tract of 1050 acres of prime Swamp and highland, on the river St. Ma ry’s about 30 miles above its mooli). Another tract of 500 acres of Land, on llawke'es or Fleming’s Island on the river St. Johns. These lands are of the first quality, re markably healthy situations, und in good good head. They will be sold cheap ei ther for cash, or exchanged for Negroes or merchandize, or they will be let on lease on reasonable terms ; but the proprietor would prefer to join any Gentleman who cun furnish sufficient hum's in planting the Amelia stand plantation, under bis super- intendance. Description of the Land? may he seen and tern* made Arnown, on application to BARER fit MINTON. deo 4 8 YAY.WY.VG, GILDING, GLAZING and PAPER HANGING. 1 5IIE Subscriber begs leave to inform . his Customers and the Public in gene ral, that he has removed to Thompson &. Bonneys buildings. No. , W HI TAKE R- V TR EL T, Near the Hay, where he continues to carry on the above business in all its various branches, on th* most modern and approv ed principles. Walls Painted in Oil or Distemper Colours, itnd Ornamented in tin: most Fashionable European style. ON HAND, London White Lead, ground in Oil 4 American do do do do Linseed Oil in barrels, in the best order Barrels Spirits Turpentine Window Glass in boxes of various sizes English Crown Glass in crater, suitable for large Panes, Pictures, i/e. Fine Colours of all Finds Painter’s Brush* s of all sizes White Wash do A great variety of different color Frosting Blue Smalts, He. He. All ol which will be Sold at the lowest prices. Orders from the Country punctual. Iy attended to. Colours mixed ready for u*e, and directions given for uinng them, if required. PATRICK MAULQW. nov 15 j F-U FOIt SALK, riTlOSE valuable Rico and Cotton Plan- * JL tations, Crawford and Rooden, situated between tin; little and groat Ogeechie Ri ver-., ami distant between tell und twelve miles from savannah. 'Flic swamp ami high land ai t of prime quality, but have not been in cultivation fop eight nr ten years past. They would be an eligible purchase to any person desirous of owing a valuable properly, within n ronvernem il si nice of the citv. They will be sold before the Con l House in Savannah, on Tuesday, the 28tli January next, at 11 o’clock, if not pre viously ctisiios'tti of at private sale. The Plat is in Uie bunds of Mr. George Schley, to whom reference may he had for more particular information. The conditions of sale will he, one third Cash, und for the Balance, a credit of three years on a band and mortgage of the pre mises, with the interest annually from tho date. HUGH ROSE. dec 17 Ore 19 WAMtKNTON, N. 0. FEMALE ACADEMY, REMOVAL. J OSK1MI ANDUKWS und THOMAS P JONKS, Principals id'thc above Aca demy, having disposed ol their imerert in the boildinp Intel, occupied by them, have removed to the healthy and | leasnnt viU hige of V'iMhcn.boro, m Granville County, N. 0. IH miles wes 1 from V.arrenloc, whfjre their school *dl open on tin second Monday in .lunuaiy, 182.1, l lie same course of study heretofore pursued, will he continued under nil iha same teachers, Ihey beiii); me noe a of Iho lionily. The Pupils aid inslrucleil, not on ly in the rodimeuls oi knowledge, Inn al io in die highest branches of Science, ever • duiBht in Female seminaries, iiicluding tirammav and Parsnip, Ikdles I, tires, Geo- graphy, Chymewvy, Natural Philosophy. Botany, Astronomy, he. Flu; Principals possess a beMer l’hilo- sophical r.nnnr itus tliuti moot of our Col leges; and lectures are delivered ma the different subjects, accompanied with ex periments. Board, with tuition in all tne above bran ches, 6U dollars per session; Music, Draw ing, uml Painting, and the Latin and Greek; languages are also tuuglit, and charged* as follows: Music 30 dollars. Drawing and Fainting 20 dollars, ami the languages Id dollars per session ; tin* amount foi board and tuition is payable in advance, and each Lady is to furnish herself with a Co verlid, a pair of tlheelfl, Blankets, k Tow els. New Pupils pay only from the part of the session in which they are admitted. There are eight competent teachers, whose time is devoted to the business of this institution. h'UUatntborovph, N. C, Nov. 30,1822, dec 3 cf 7. Literalivm Lottery, NOW DRAWING. S T will be remembered that the Litera ture Lottery, seventh gIhm, h.«s com} nicnccd drawing, and will be completed without delay. The first drawing will he received on Friday week, ami tickets must soon after rise Flic following Ci piial Prizes must be drawn,—a principal part »>f them no doubt to adventurers at M,LENS’, 20,000 Dollars, to,ooo Dollars. 5,000 Dollars, 8,000 Dollars, 2,000 Dollars, 2,500 Dollars, 6,’c. £jo. Tickets, TKJ\‘ DOLLARS. Apply to S. k M. ALLEN U CO. OCT* Pi'Ze Tickets will be received for orders.—Correct Lists oft he drawing kept. Cash paid for izes, and eyery infurrna- iion given fetalis. d»*c °5 2^ The Subscriber R espectfully informs the inhabi tants of Savannah and its Vicinity, that be intends to open a School for the re ception of young Ladies and Gentlemen, in which w ill be taught all the requisites of a correct English education, together with the Latin, Gieefc, French, and Italian lan guages. He has taken the room occasion ally occupied hy the Union Society, iiv,thc: west end of the Academy. Recommendations from Captain Alden Partridge, Superintendant ot the American Literary, Scientific, and Military Academy, from the Professors of Italian, French, Fen cing, and from a number of other Gentle men can be given, by making application at i he store of Jla'divin H l/uy-ward, a fjew doors west of the City Hotel. Those young 1 Gentlemen desirous of attaining the art of Fencing, can receive Lessons in the even ing, by application as above. FAR WELL JONES. N. B. Should not sufficient encourage ment be given, lie would engage as an in structor in the above mentioned branches in tne country, or in a private family, dec 18 20 Administrator’s Notice. VT INE months after date of this notice* 1.N application will be made to the Hon ourable the Justices of the Inferior Court of Chatham County, when sitting for ordin ary purposes, for leave to sell L"t No. 245 (two hundred and forty-fivej in the thir teenth district of Monroe County, contain ing two hundred .wo and an half acres— being the real estate of Jeremiah Crornett deceased. J. P. HENRY, Administer of Jeremiah Crornett. Savannah, 1st November, 1822. nov 2 Mess and Prime Pork, 6>c. Just received per ship Niagara t BARRELS Mess Pork 30 do Prime do 20 bbls Imitation Brandy For Dale by L B, HERBERT ^ CO, dec IS 29