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Cije Crated, .
A Commercial, Miscellaneous, & Literary Journal.
1* the city of Savannah, Georgia Office on the Bay.
The Times, shall be neatly printed, and issued
twice a week during six montns, say from Nov. to
Map, and once a week only the othei calender
month*. 75 numbers will be fymished in the
now'Se of one year.
The Subscription to'the paper will be jss fact
annum, payable in advance, and if not paid with
in six months, g 5. null be charged.
Advertisements, not exceeding 15 lines, will
be inserted three times for twenty-five cents for
each eubsequeht insertion, and in the same propor
tion for more squares.
jp r T-— ~
flifyin •“ * •.
Bbls prime Pork, City Inspection
50 do Phelps Rye Gin
20 do Whiskey
50 do best St. Croix Sugar -•
10 bags Coffee
20 kegs Tobacco
20 bbls No. 1 and 2 Mackerel
1200 bushels Liverpool Salt
100 qr. boxes Spanish Segars
10 qr. casks Malaga Wine
20 boxes Sperm Candles
20 boxes Soap
5 casks London Brown Stoat
25 mats Cassia
50 Demijohns.
Rura, Gin, Brandy and Wines, by the Demijohn
Teas and Loaf Sugar
Axes and Plantation Hoes
Powder, Shot, Sweet Oil and Mustard, Bcfc. &c.
At Wholesale or Retail.
_ jnne 25 h 2
Prime Eastern Hay ,
240 bundles prime Hay
30 hhds prime retailing Molasses •
20 bbls No. 2 Mackerel
For sale by J. W. LONG,
june 18 1
Mackerel , Lime ,
80 bbls Nos. 1,2 & 3 Mackerel
50 evsks Tbomastown Lime
75 kega fresh Gun Puvrtier
5o cases assorted Glassware
50 boxes Window Glass
200 reams Cap, Letter & Wrapping Paper
x 10 bales Domestics, assorted
For sale by ROBERT S. GOFF.
june 18 1
The Undersigned
HAVING associated in business Mr. James M.
Jokes, the business in future will be con
ducted by him, under the firm of
D. B. Nichols Cos.
At their new stand in Young’s fire proof build
ings, corner of Bryan street and Market
square, where their assortment of
Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Silver , Milita
ry, Fancy and Staple Wares,
Is very complete, and to which, additions will
be constantly received at prices corresponding
to the times.
Repairing will be strictly attended to, accom
panied to their guarantee.
(Ej* During my absence, Mr. J. M. Jones will
■act as my Attorney. D. B. NICHOLS,
‘june 18 c 1
HAS on hand, general assortment of Staple
and Fancy DRY GOODS, suitable for the
season, which he will sell at reduced prices—
payable in Job T. Holies, Esqr’s. Change Bills—
if specie is not more convenient,
julv 2 i 3
Ketchup ,
f|HE best Walnut, JVtushroon and Tomattus
X Ketchup, prepared and sold by
june 18 1
DURING the absence of the subscribers,
Messrs. J. B. Herbert & Cos are their
june 25 m 2
Boarding ,
THREE or four Gentlemen can be accommo
dated with Board during the summer
Apply at this Office. june 25
DURING my absence, Mrs. Goldsmith will
act as my attorney.
To Pent ,
• Several STORES in the Market-
Square and its vicinity—they are consid
ered as good stands for the retail or cotton bu
ALSO—s two-story DWELLING HOUSE, in
Franklin Ward, situated on the Bay, and oppo.
site Telfair's Garden. This house has recently
undergone considerable repair, and has bad a
spacious yard anneied thereto, with ground
sufficient fur a family Garden Apply to
iun# 25 o 2 WM. C. MILLS.
A Commercial.....Miscellaneous.,...and Literary Journal..
Extract fr&m Las Cases’ Journal.
“ Mr. Balcombe's little garden, in which
we so often walked, was superintended by
an old negro. The first time we saw hint,
the Emperor, according tb his usual cus
tom, desired me to put some questions- to
him respecting his history; and his answers
strongly excited our interest. lie was a
Malay Indian, and had been forced from his
home by the crew of an English vessel, and
sold at Saint Helena, where he had contin
ued ever since in slavery —-His story bore
every mark of truth. His countenance
had a frank and benevotent expression;
his eyes were animated and sparkling. In
short, his appearance was by no means ab
ject; but, on the contrary, truly preposses
“*********o ur meetings with To
by were always followed by novel, spirit
ed, and characteristic reflections on the
part of the Emperor . Poor Toby,”
said he one day, “has been torn from his
family, from his native land, and sold to
slavery; could any thing be more miserable
to himself, or more criminal in others! If
the crime be the art of the English Cap
tain alone, he is doubtless one of the vilest
of men; but if it be that of the whole of
the crew, it may have been committed by
men, perhaps, not so base as might be ima
gined ; for vice is always individual, and
scarcely ever collective. Joseph's breth
ren could not bring themselves to’ slay
him; while Judas, cool, hypcritical,calcu
lating villain, betrayed his master. A phi
losopher has affirmed that men born are
wicked; it would be both difficult and idle
to attempt to discover whether the asser
tion be true. This, at least, is certain,Jhat
the great mass of society is not wicked; for
if the majority were determined to be drimi
nal, & to violate the law’s, who would have
power to restrain or prevent them ? This
n TTieifTOh. hhp
py result springs from its bosom, and ari
ses out of its nature. Sentiments are for
the most part extraordinary; we feel them
because they were felt by those who prece
ded us; thus we may look to the develope
ment of human reason and faculties for the
only key to social order, the only secret of
(he legislator. Only those who wish to de
ceive the people and rule them for their
own personal advantage, would desire to
keep them in ignorance; for the more they
are enlightened, the more they feel con
vinced of the utility of laws, and of the ne
cessity of defending them; end the more
steady, happy, and prosperous will society
become, if, however, knowledge should
ever be dangerous in the multitude, it can
only be when the government, in opposi
tion to the interests of the people, drives
them into an unnatural situation, or dooms
the lower classes to perish for want. In
such a case, knowledge would inspire them
with spirit to defend themselves, or to be
come criminal.
“ My code alone, from its simplicity, has
been more beneficial to France than the
whole mass of laws which preceded it.—
My schools and my system ot mutual in
struction, are preparing generations yet
unknown. Thus, during my reign, crimes
were rapidly diminishing; while, on the
contrary, with our neighbors in England,
they have been increasing to a frightful
degree. This alone is sufficient to enable
any one to form a decisive judgement of
the respective governments.
Look at the United States, where, with
out any apparent force or effort, every
thing goes on prosperously; every one is
happy and contented ; and this is because
the public wishes and interests are in fact
the ruling power. Place the same govern
ment at variance with the will and inter
ests of its inhabitants, and you would soon
see whut disturbance, trouble, and confu
sion, and above all, what an increase of
crimes would ensue.
“ When I acquired the supreme direc
tion of affairs, it was wished that I might
become a Washington. Words cost no
thing; and no doubt those who were so
ready to express the wish, did so without
any knowledge of times, places, persons, or
things. Had I been in America, I would
willingly h|ve been a Washington, and 1
•honld have had little merit in so being;
for I do not see how 1 could reasonsbly have
acted otherwise. But had Washington
been in France, exposed to discord within,
and invasion from without, 1 would have
defied him to have been what he was in A*
merica; at least, h# would have been a fool
to attempt it, and would have prolonged
the existence of For my own part 1
could only have been a crowned Washing
ton. It was only in a Congtess of Kings,
in the piidfct of Kings yielding or subdued,
that JL sould become so. Then and thpre
aloni r could successfully display Wh*
ingtorp moderation, disinterestedness and
wisdoih. I could nbt reasonably attain to
this twi t by means of the universal dicta
torship. To thip J aspired; oan that-fee
thoughts crime? CJan-it be believed, that
to resigh this authority would ha vp beerrbe
yond tad power of human nature ? Sylla,
’glutted with crimes, dared to abdicate, pur
sued by public execration ! What motive
could “Ha ve checked me, who would have
been followed only by blessings? But it
remained lor, me to conquer at Moscow!
How njlany wifi hereafter regret my disas
ters & >my fall ! But to require premature
ly of me that sacrifice, for which the time
had not arrived, was a vulgar absurdity ;
and foi tne to have proclaimed or promised
it, would have been taken for hypocrisy
and quicker? i that was not my way. 1
repeat. jt remained for me to conquer at
Moscow!- ‘*
Literature and Scientific Intelligence.
Baron Liodenan has recently published
some observations respecting the diminu
tion of the solar mass. It will be found, he
says that the sun may have been impercep
tibly subject to successive diminution since
the science of Astronomy has been cultiva
ted. The Baron supposes the sun's diam
eter to be 800,000 miles—4,ooo,ooo feet,
or nearly 2000 seconds. We have not he
observes, hitherto possessed any instrument
for measuring the diameter ot heavenly
bodies to a second.—-The sun may therefore
diminish 12,000 miles of its diameter, or
2,162,000 feet without the possibility of its
being perceived- Supposing the sun to di
minish Cailv IMP feet, it would require
liCv o **■s•# so render tjrc ttfttdfitnion of S
second of its diametar visible.
Sir Everard Home, in an introductory
lecture, lately delivered in Londrn, ex
plained an important discovery, which he
had made on the component parts of the
blood. His new theory is, that carbonic
acid gas forms a large proportion of the
blood, and that, this fluid is of a tubular
structure. The immortal Harvey, the dis
coverer of the circulation, and Hewson iff
Hunter, who have most studied the compo
sition of the vital fluid, failed to make this
important discovery ; and should time,the
only test of truth, prove the justness of this
new theory, Sir Everard will be ranked
among the first phydoligists of the day
He asserts that carbonic acid gas exists in
the blood in the large proportion of twu
cubic inches to an ounce, and that it is giv
en oat in large quantities from the blood of
a person after a full meal, and very little
from the blood of a feverish person.
The fact of the appearance of the tubes
passing through every particle of the blood
he was led to discover by observing the
growth of a grain of wheat daily through a
microscope ; he first saw a blob, and then
a tube passing from it; the blob was the
juice ofthe plant, and the tube w.vs formed
by the extrication cf carbonic acid gas.
Reasoning from analogy, he exclaimed a
globule of blood, and found it composed of
similar tubes, which he was enabled to in
ject under the exhausted receiver of an air
pump. U. S. Gazette.
The following is extracted from the Christian
Observer for April, 1063. We had not before
known that such large portions of Churohea had
been built of iron.
“ St George’s Church is an object of con
siderable architectural interest for its
taste, and as having been nearly the first
cast iron church erected in the kingdom.
The whole of the frame work of the win
dows, doors, pillars, groins, roof, and pul
pit, and ornamental enrichments,are of cast
iron. The length of the church is 119 feet;
the breadth 47. It ia ornamented with a
splendid cast window of stained glass.—
The tower, raised to the height of 96 feet,
and standing on a hill, the site of an ancient
sea beacon, is elevated 345 feet above high
water mark, and commands one of the fin
est views in the kingdom, comprehending
the town and shipping of Liverpool, the
estuary of the Mersey, the level surface of
Lancashire, is fsr at the eye can trace the
prospect, with the craggy hills of Wiles
towards the west, and towards the north-
ieat the distant mountains of Cumberland
and Westmoreland. The contemplative
Christian, viewing so many of our church
es to us characteristically situated, will be
inclined to see in them an apt emblem of
what the ministers of Christ themselves
Should ever be, “guidek and way-marks in
the path to bliss;” or in still more authori
*et hii *
From the ktter of a geiHfomea, who recent*
(y pßcd several wtoks at Washington city.. \ ~
••Secretary ADAMS, is a man of short
pale, oiit pleasing countenance
plaiA and remarkably mild manners ami
soft voice. Some think him aukuard. I
don't think myself, that he is ; but he car
tiinly has nothing of the courtier, in hia no
pearance or manners. Others say, he is of
; oolil phlegmatic disposition— he (s nof—
look at his writing; eery thought breathes .
and every word burns. He is grave and
reserved, from habit, notfrom/eeltn^—no
man has a warmer heart. Sometimes,
when in the society of his friends, his re
serve wears off*, his eye kindles and he en
ters fret I? and with animation into conver
sation. Those who have seen him in those
moments say, he ia the most charming and
eloquent mao they ever listened to. Alt
agree in considering him the most profound
scholar, able diplomatist, snd accomplish
ed statesman that the country possesses,
“Mr. THOMPSON, Secretary ofthe Na
vy, is a tolerable good looking personage,
and of pleasing, easy and careless manners.
He looks more happy amd good humored,
than any -of ihe Secretaries.—The reason
may be, that he has not the misfortune,
like them, to be a candidate for the Presi
dency. In point cf talent# and character,
he is very respectable. Tie was formerly
chief Justice of his native state New York
—which office he filled with dignity and
. imagan how much l am de
lighted with Mr. CALHOUN, fie is the
most brilliant and fascinating man,in man
ners and conversation, that I ever met with,
lie is slim, rather talj, with an animated
countenance, and black flashing eyes. Hit
talents are of the first order—He made %
distinguished figurff when in Congress,
both as a speaker and thinker. He ia now
but 42 years of age, and has filled his pres
ent office six years with unrivaled ability.
The present prospect is, that Mr. Calhoun,
though he cannot be the immediate suc
cessor of Mr. Monroe, will, at some future
time be our President. But I have lived
long enough to find out that talents and
worth are not the only prssports to high
places. It will not surprise me. if both he
and Adams should be set aside, and tlie ex
alted station for which they are so eminent
ly qualified, be given to humble mediocrity,
or base intrigue.
• Mr. CRAWFORD is a man of gigan~
tic stature, < ather coarse appearance, and
ordinary but modest deportment. I waa
not much interested in him. My opinion
as to his capacity as a statesman, has long
been in a state of vacillation ; and it is by
no means settled yet. lie may have mer
its, and be doubtless, has his faults; but ho
is conspicuous for neither. In a word I
take him to be an ordinary man,—His ad
mirers, however, are many and ardent, and
[they think] his chance to succeed Monroa
in the Presidency is as good as that of any
ofthe candidates.
“From the Treasury Office we drove to
the President’s house ; and were shewn
into a room where we found Mr. Monroe
sitting up to his ears in papers. It waa
bis business room, here he commonly is
found, and which I believe he never leaves
to receive members or casual visitors. ’The
conversation whioh took place was alto
gether common-place topics. We remain
ed only fifteen or twenty minutes, which
is the space allotted to a call of tblnibrt
—many were waiting in an anti-chamber,
tor our departure, that they might have
their audience; only one individual or one
distinct party is admitted at a time. At
taking leave, Mr. Monroe observed that he
“should always be happy to see roe"—
which means, if it means any thing, that
your company will be acceptable at tbe
levees —to which no invitation ia necessa
ry—every body goes to them that has a
mind to. Mr. Monroe begins to show bia
age. He is much altered for the worse
since I saw Him five or six years ago. Ho
ia a good old soul, as every body
and has made as a good President,
Volume i.