Savannah journal. (Savannah, Ga.) 1851-1852, August 02, 1852, Image 1

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m ■ ur -r< aimal) (fowling Journal. iV BY J. B. CTJBBEDGE. P THOMAS W. LAN r K, Editor. f The Daily Aaper, will bo mailed to country subscribers at sl, and tin* Tri-we k)y at 82; or an num— payable invariably advance. All new ad* vertisements appera in iper*. ADVERT!SING RATES. Advertisements inserted at the following rates LOR ONE SQUARE OF Tl'S LINES, One insertion $0 50 On- mouth $5 00 Two “ 087 Two “ r* 00 Three “ .... 100 Three *• 10 00 Four “ ... 1. 2) Four “ !\j 00 Five “ .... 150 Six “ 1.7 00 ne Week I 73 One Year ....*.‘o 00 Contracts for yearly advertising may be .ade on liberal terms. CEtfT kt AL HAia„ Om Sew Arrangement for Pa.*-monger Train.* ON and after Tuesday July ist. passenger'i'rai is will run as follows: DAY TRAINS. Leave Savannah 8, A M. | Arrive atMacon6.3o P. :■]. Leave Macon 7,30, AM. j Vrrive atSuvan’hH. A. 1. NIGHi’ TRAINS. Leave Savannah 8, P.M. | Arrive at M icon 5,15, A. I Leave Macon 4,30, P. M. | Arrive atSava’h J,30, A. 4. The Day Trains connect wit ii the Macon and VV s tern Night Trains to and from Atlanta. Montgomr .y and Chattanooga, with stages to and from lugus a. from No 9, (and going east) to and from Milled o’ ville, from Gordon. The Night Trains connect with daily Steamers to and from Charleston, and with weekly Ht.vm ;/s to and trom New-York ; at Macon with the Mac m and Western Day Trains to and from Atlanta, ( - lambus by Stage iron Bartlesville, Augusta, by G r gia Rail Road, and with South Western Rail R. an o I and from Fort Valley, and by stage.- vith pois t= south westward W.M. M.WADLhV. . june 21 Gen’l.Superintends t “PEKIN TEA COMPANY.” Warehouse 75 and 77 Fulton-st ., New York. This TEA Company lias always r \ m maintained a high reputation lorj sv: , IHteTH oi the mo and tragrancy, and are warranted to giv - ~ -- action in every instance. It tiny do not prow s they may be returned Fur sale bv t ( * Agent J . A. MAY HR. mar 5 154 Broughton Street. ! J v <gr BOOTS AND SHOES. LV CASES fine sewed call skin Soots; , &\Jdo pegged dodo do: Monterey anand Boots; Ladies and Gent’s Gaiter Boots; Lad.’ - ’ Tit and Slippers ; Boys’and Youth’s Shoes, 5000 pai Plantation Brogans. Fur sale bv oct 28 S r Al. LY fc IIK N DRY Sign of tne Golden Eagle, Congress -tret t J. H. COHEN fc CO. No. 140, Broughton-st , Next to I. W. Morrell & Co’s., Furniture s t o it j: , VRK daily receiving large additions to their much j admired und Cheap -tick of DRY GOODS, “of the Newest and most Fashionable Styles,’’ac knowledged by all to be “ CHEAPER THAN THE CHEAPEST.’’ I Our facilities enable u- to keep a complete assort j Iment in our 4rne, and we are determined to make, this the •• Real Cheap Store of Sa* umial}j*by sell ing Retail at Wholesale Prices. Soliciting a cuntin- i uation of the Patronage s kindly extended us, we I’ -pectfully invite all to cuJLaud iiu.---.iti.-u and. Planters will rind it to their interest, to examine ; our Stock. No trouble to show Goods. may 28 ; VALUABLE ! MP NT! I A complete and substantial substitute for > J BLOCK-TUNG, HOUNDS, SWAY-BARS, SANDBOAdI) an KING BOLT. D. W. SEKLK\ ’S 1 PATENT COUPLINGS! For the fore'AXLES and BOLSTERS, of Spring • Blocks, or four wiieeled Vehicles ofaJ! description.-:, are justly classed in the ! it of the most valuable 1 improvements o tire age ; both for their perfect utility, economy aud durubiliy. For Farming or Teaming purposes, or light Carriages They are vastly superior to any other mode of cou pling now known or used. Though thousands ~i’ unimpeachable witness- - could be produced : j tes tify to these facts, yet the Patentee would only ask for an examination of his Apparatus. The coupling is affected by the use of two nvtalic 1 circular plates, bolted, one to the bolster and perch, Land the other to the axle, which are connected to- I ?ether by a peculiarly shaped bolt, in such a manner 11 out the fore axle cannot be separated from the body : I of the carriage without first removing one of the fore wheels, and turning the axle in a position at right angles with its working position: which, it will bo seen, brings one arm ol the axle directly un der the perch. For further particulars read Testi monials. Notice of the Press. Valublk Invention—lmportant roWAuo i‘ Makers—Mr. David W. Seely, of Ca: F?le .- .a rie County, New York,hasrecendy secu; : r,t for one ot the most valuable improvi > .. . . the ! age. It is for connecting the fore axle to the : D i or bodyof a waggon,in a firm and substantial manner and dispensing'with the use of the old fashioned hounds, block-tung, sand-board, and sway-bars, I avoiding the necessity of boring the bolster and ax e foF the kina-bnlt; making at least five dollars less ! expense lor ironing the vehicle to which it is applied and the same saving in the expense of the wood work.—N. Y. Farmer Mechanic. This improvement has taken premium- at seven State Fairs, inc i.ling the American Institute ()rdera filled nv S. Z. * UR!-1 iY. april 12 bin New York Wire Kailiug Works. rjtHII Subscribermanulactures l Wire Railing lor public and private grouris, Verandahs, window Guards and Gratings : YVf ‘“Tghr and Ca t Iron Railing.lron Columns, Iron Dorrs and Shutter.-, Iron lieadsteads and Iron Furt; lira: WjnE Fences, for Plantations. Rail Roads, etc., mtv.'oc . ’rely on anew plan, with rails and iron j (•t;.-: pi ’ces at 9,11 and 13 cents per running foot, 41 heir h ; for circulars with designs addr< •$ JOHN B. WICKERS HAM. l 240 Broadway, New Y rk. ILF The subscriber would refer to the enciu 3i;.'i . i rsyth Place, the railing and iraUery work all i'-.o Jov. i.-h Synagogue and number of dwellings in i-rr..* ih, the a closure of the private cemetery at I.Ho K.erett lanbL at For; Valley, and also to the work at Macon, Madison and other places in Geo. ia. m i‘ 4 Iv IYTKW HOOKS.-The Life and Letters of Bra il thold Geoniebuhr—pvith essays on lii.-eluir; and ; by the Chevalier Bunsen, and Prof* sors Brandish and Rorrell. Cosmos: a sketch of a physical deseriptimi ol th Universe ; by Alex. Von-Humboldt —v: 1.4 The Days of Bruce ; a story from Scottish His tory ; by Grace Aguilar. Piquinilo : a tal by G P. R. James, Esq. Viola, or Adventurss in the far South-west; by Emerson Bennett. Wilburn ; or. The Heir of the Manor; a K.mania oftheolddo inion; by Walter YVbitrnore, I q Corsican Brothers : a Legendary Romance ; by Alex Dumas. Up the Rhine ; by Thos. Hand—with comic illus trations; being No. 10 Putnam’.- Lil-ary. Apple ton’s Library—Papers trom the Quartet ly i.< view. Recollections ofaßouthern Matron ; by Cutoline Gilman. The YVigwatn and the Cabin : ‘*r ‘i’ah-- t South; by the author of “The Vatu . --Ti Golden Christmas,” Ac. “The Pictorial Brother .lonatl nil <• !•’. *- :li ■> J u KyDBS2. Also, a fresh supply of lb i t H)son; by J, p. KennedV. Received and tor . 7 juun 10 ‘ . It CUBE FIRM-: SAVANNAH JOURNAL. Ten cents a week, or two cents ? copy for either edition. .'u- - Payable to the Carriers VOL 111. bnsiness (garbs. 3>;'.£. G, ii>. SSAM.\Iv7,"’ (Lute ot New York) SURGICAL <fc MKC :AKICAL DEIST IST, Corner Congress &’ Whitaker-sts., Over Prenderga t'a Dry Goods Store, Savannah. igyNrN now prepared to execute all kinds of Dentrical Work in the most y manner. Peis >n.-suffering from Tuothache cun be relieved, without extracting, in ten minutes. „ •-/ Pi ai s very moderate. ly DR; 1 V. HEALD, Office Franklin-sqr., Bryan-st., Savannah , Ga., up - -77—is prepared to perlonn ail opera tions upon naturalTEE l ii, ami re | fYTw P‘ HCCS sh i-c which are lost, from one * ■ *-* to an entire Double Set. All work J warranted to be durable. Extracting performed with care and skill. C urges moderate. Tooth-ache I cured, examination ana auvice gratis. march 2 ly ; GEORGE W. HARDCASTLE. CARRIAGE MAKER, 200 Congress and j| ‘"> St. Julian Street, U Fi'niihlln Square. 11TOULD Return I.- thanks to his friends andpat V rons lor past lavors, and inform them, that he ; is now ready at the old stand, to execute any work 1 in the above line, and hopes by hi - untiring exertions ; to please all who may honor him with a call. Ad ; kind.- of reparing in the above business done with the 1 tmost neatness and dispatch. Wheelwright and Biarksmith work, and ali kinds j “f VV'liei Is. Waggons, Dray s. Carts. &c.. made on th . shortest noticeund on most liberal terms, ly tebs R. H. DARBY. FASHIONABLE TAILOR iV CUTTER, 11'J.} Congress-street. OFH'RShis ice., u tiieeitizens of Savannah, • 1 j'l riily a sliHr(‘ol thrir patron : ago. Uoliusuo doubt of giving aatisiactiou to all ! who may favor him with tin oraerforcuttmg or ma* I kutgr.ii n.,-r fashiunablo garmunt. dec ill ’ is. wYcoppT llOUfli it HKIMVIN I l-.K (iI.A/IKR i GILDK Corner Liberty and Montgomery-xts. I.IIN A MENTAL WORK OF J-IVKRV DKSOKII-TION 1 I TEDI.N- A STYLETHAT CANNOT UESUIiI-AsSEK. Vf.ltY description ot'. .loubing executed at tut ■-A gbttrtest notice. iy aprii 9 d.m <snnmr Ao. 7 Barnard street, A T orth, side of the Mar ket. and opposite Planters’ Hotel. BELL iIAXGLU, AK!> MANUFACTURER —OF ALT. KINDS OF— ff Iti; PROOF SAt’ tiS, t sfON itAIUSOS, LOCK; , >fco., Offers his services to the Citizens of Savan lid State ot Georgia. He u prepared it ‘\AJr fill orders lur anything in tlie abov e line, a: the shortest notic aDa on the moat reusniiahi terms. oct23 Jsn oLivek, House and Sign Painter. Gilder. (Hazier, ‘ve. Dealer in Paints, O n &, ‘Turpentine, Varnish.\V ! ii dow Glass Putty, Pain Brushes. Fe. Brough ton-street, between Whitaker and Bull. ~~ F. W. COB s. WELL, “ Dealers in Foreign and Domestic W IIA ‘ i 3 \VA 11 K AM> (’! Ti. V. il V , ‘ - And Met Tools of all kind e. Z-J No. .’O2 Bryan Street, Savannah, Ga. april 8 “IS, HEIUBERT OLMSTE4D ’ j CiBIJiET MAKER A.\!)IADER- fa ~J*r TAKER, i Corner of Ball, and Slotc-sts .> • i ■ over Messrs. S.ibbs i Davi’s, ! ) K.-spiCCTf i: I, I.V solicits a share ot the patronage -IL of th i public in his line of business. AH orders left with him will be punctually attended to. feb ~ OBUta, PORTRAIT, LANUMIAi'r. AND AKIMAL FAINTER klt. Andrew’s Hall, corner of Broughton and mar 5j Jefferson-streets. [Cm 2j T BW'’M ; Oi6IT, Sow offering at wholesale mul retail a large assortment of FANCY AND STAPLE DRY GOODS, AT THE LOWEST LASH PBICES. At Roberts : Foote’s bid stand, Congress-street, mar 20 E. L. GUER.ARD. d~r7 h . j. royall, D Ii N ‘FIS T . tfficc 12U Brouyhton-street, ncar Whitaker. Office hours from 6 to 2 o'clock, and from 3 to ti. mar 11 eom Dfi BANNING’S I M PROVED it RACE. DR. S. G. Pancost Dentist,No. 150 Broughton-st. Having ma-.e arruugements with tne manul’ac urer of thou Jove valuable Chirurgicalin:rumeut, viil supply all applicants, either at wholesale or re ad A Female well qualified to fit the Brace, will be in .tienuaiiat! upon La ires, and if uccir*:d will wait upon them at their residences, ; . J..— O.• :< r iiiUa in the country will oe prourp.y atl ndt u to. april 7 \ 4i>lh -l/* - J € mV ll> 9 i: 1 ACTORS ‘I!• *! ;SD ;N MERCHAJSTS t, . ■ . W . P.Yong. , juiy 8 V V. Odk m P. JACOBS’ -I (i. All A N 1) TOI4 A C V O ,S T Oit E , Bull-street , (Sign of the “Big” Indiun,) NEAR .71 ONU HI ENT—SQUAEK , •vivainmli, <;a. N. B.—Keeps constantly on hand ripauish, Hall Spanir-::, and American riegai's. -it wnole-ale and re tail. Ai.-u, Chewing Tobacco, Snufi, june s. mYJifXIY FACTOR, UOiIMISSIOiS’ A FuRWARDiXG M K Ji C H A N 1, Number 172 Bay Street, Savannah. Georgia, net 9 ly | a z. murphvT “ Witeclwiighttiiul RiacksiHitb, 1 Nib !)(i and 98 St. Ju'ian-ntreet, II 6, 12 side of the Market, Savannah , Gat j Carriages man ‘ and. repaired at snort notice, and a j r- price ly jan 27 I ti. REILLY, l) UAl* Elt AN 15 TAI L 0 it, ; Brwiyhton-street, next door to ihe Marshall House, Savannah, Ga. | r AVISO ON A IVGI.I. SKJ.E<'- l >- t .! .iff ALl.i.nd WIKTER CI.UTIII.nG. he solicits aslian id ;> itronage I’bos:; ot his friends j v. • , inay f. vo, liii.i vvi:., a call.willd<> vv.•!!. Owing t- i iasna.ilt :u •; .• ;•.! sellar much iigbr. rproi- Uatps.y a heavy r-nt. Don't i'.-rg tto j givt. l.uti a ill. (iarrne.T- .;<;• to order und war ranted r it. iy oct 20 ,4 * A lA'i.Olt xJ*H I■, best (jiifiliry, vvb I. sale and re ‘ail BV J.A.MAYER. h:’y - ‘74 Broughton itrcst SAVANNAH MONDAY Ai’TFdINOON, Al RUST 2, lrsg business Curbs. JOHN TI. RirriUltO, A'J’TTUKNKY AT L A VV. OOMmsm ONIi U Vl> H N j; w JE It S e V 175 Bay Street, I July l?l Savannah. Ga. E. H. BACON, ATTOIt NE V A T LA W —AND— NOTARY PUBLIC. Offcc. at the Corner of Bay and Whitaker-sts., Over Swift it Denslow’s Store, feb 9 FLEMING- & MILLED, r PUE undersigned having unite .in tJh**practice of 1 J- Law, will attend punctually to any Business on- . d’usted to their care. Office corner Bay and VVtaita k-o -ire.-ts, over .desrs. Swilt,Der:-i.nv Lo. William B.Flkmin t John M. ORDINARY'S OFFICE. < tvf.ncr of Bay aho 11 It itaher street .*. OlTice hours from !i A 2 P. M., aud Bf P. M. loti P.M. ly april 29 : CLASSICAL AND ENGLISH S€&sOOL. 157 BROUGHTON STREET. K. MALLOJX, Friaicsp^iE. Miss A. M. PARKER, Teacher ot Primary Classed aud Drawing. HENRI iiEiIIILSSE, Teachci of French. Dr. L. KNURR. Classical Teacher. Th Principal may be found daily athis School j Ro m from 3to4P. M. ly sep t:.’U [ A CARD, 2 The undersigned having re-opened with an j entire New Stuck ol DIM URS, rUEMICAJi.^ FARfC Y A UTICLES. At No. 139 South Side of Broun, ton-st., for merly Walker s Marble Aard, Is now’ ready to furnish any thing in nis Line, at the shortest notice. SmtA WATER made in his own peculiar way, sent to my part o! die city , and alwu\ s 1:o be had at the .-H,r.:, in the ! Highest state ot per lectern. Prescriptions put up with care and dispatch. ■ .Sr-The BubSi:riln*r having served the punlic long an 1-iitufully, respeetfully solicits! a share of'patronage -N&'fi mar 3 ly 4’IJ U >IAS RY V 9. v 'ON. A gent j 98 BK YAN STIiHHT. FALLAKD WI.VTKK GOODS.! GEE Fubscrincr has just received his - !ec:.*it ; .* stock of FALL 2ND WINTER i J con-I listing in part ot English, French and German j Cloth.- ; E’ gii-h, French and Scotch fancy an . black j Cased meres; also, a large and splendid variet of Vt:stings, consisting oi fancy Silks, Satins and Won-! ted, black and figured do, aud black embrodt'red do, ; which heis prepared to make to on er in the most | ashionablestyle, and unaccommodating terms. lie has a!->u recccive.i a select assortment of REA ! DY MADE CLOTH ING., for mu and hoys. Togeth- j r with a large ahd elu.icesupply of HATS and C APS ;iade upin ‘he raostlashfonabi. and to bis j ovrn oruer. PiflLlP KEAN. •ct 9 Iy JBBryan-st. : ROOFING. j P 11ll’] Subscriber is pt epared to lay Tin KooiV- on ( -S- correct principles, and from B> years’ experi j ence, feels a-sured he can give satis faction. Price I very low. Best reference given. feb 18 J. J. MAURICE, j ’ (iutters and Conductors made to order. ‘ ! DAKK ELLS CELEBIiATEU ARABIAN a’ LINIMENT—A certain cure lor all kinds of Rheumatism, Soreness and dwelling < f the Breast, Pain aud Weakness it- the Back and Joints, Sprains, j nruise?. Cramps. Old Sores, Paralysis, or loss ol j power in the Limbs, Burns, Wounds,Swellings, Salt J Rheum, Szc., a single trial • ill convince any one of j the efficacy of this truly valuable Liniment, and as a | remeuy for Horses in spavin, Splint, Galls, Bruises ! and Wound#, there is nothing to < xce it. For sale ! by HUMPHREYS & JOHNSON, june 9 corner Brought < • and Whitaker-sts. | GMR Pni 1 '! ANfM LM’INE DARBY’S | A C ARMINATIVE.— jl’ prepar .tion is without | any exception, the be. t remedy lor Children ever known. Call and giit the genuine at HU Mi ll) lEYS A JOIiNSON, june9 Corner Broughton and Whitaker-sts. , JEWBOOJyS.—LiIe in New York, or tLe Se i cret Order oi the Seven, a Romance; by the Author ofAvel Pardons, < r the Brothers Revenge Florence DeLack, etc., etc The Diary of a London Physician ; by Samuel C. Warner. Author of Ten Thousand a year. The Texas Virago, or the Tailor ol Gotham, and other Tales; by C VV Webber, Author of Shotiu the Eye, Old Hicks, the Guide, etc., etc. His orical Sketch of the Electric Telegraph, in J eluding its rise and progress in the United States ; 1 by Alexander Jones. Roughing it in the Bush : or Life in Canada ; by Susanua Woodie. For sale by July 8 J.B CUBBEDGE. j 3 >Ti i rNt ’ G OF JA. ; vlt’A Sdf GINIJER.—This iticle is elaborately prepared ! from carefully selected articles of the best quality.; It possesses in a concentrated form all the valuable properties of the Jamaica Ginger, and is warranted to be free from all irritating or other properties of |, an injurious tendency 1: is beneficially used in a variety of circumstan ces where a warm cordial and grateful stimulentis required, particularly in cases where there is a sense of exhaustion arising from excessive fatigue; or heal, a few drops in a halt tumbler of water wrli a little MUgar, will be found ail effectual and most pleasant restorative, which makes ihis Essence a highly useful addition to the traveller's portman- ‘ ti au. as weil as to the family collection of remedies. VV ere there is an unpleasant ense of weight or nausea after eating, from imperfect digestion, or where nausea is induced from riding in a railroad car, or carriage, or from the motion of a vessel at, sea. the Essence of given according to the direcii ;.s, will almost mvariaoly give relief. in ordinary diarrhoea incipient cholera, in short, , in all eases of prostration ot the digestive functions, 1 whether from indulgence or disease, it is of inesti mable value. During the summer months, and in Southern cli mates it is invaluable, particularly during the pre valence ol ep.demic choiera. No traveller or family sh >uld he without it. This day received per steara j er. and for sale by VV. VV. LINCOLN, june 25 Monument square. | TIME jfS"MoKE*V. Dispatch is a liccoinmcudution which is Im portant to Builders and Contractors. \ Subscriber is now pi epared with a sufficient 8 oree ot • o lour times the amount j of Tin Roofing, of any other Establishment in the I City of Savannah in th.- sa •• space < ! time, and j can give reference t<> iiunn rous Ro. fs laid by him, j which the Public can inspect. I can cover a Medi i uni sized Dwelling House, fin’d put up Gutters and | Conductors, complete in the space of L 0 hours. All J Roots warranted in point oi Workmanship, and j prices as low as prudence dictates. 1 am also, fitting up Whiter Works in Housse, ! which in point of chyle and Workinm ship.has never : been practised n this City. Ali work done under ’ | my immediate insp< ( tion. 1 resjjectfully ask a ■ of the patronage, ’ j which has been o liberaby 1 i stowed on me since i my comm ‘neement, of business, and will nu: ivor ; to merit a continuance of the uine. JOHN J. MAURICE. may 29 10 12 Barnard-street. i a < hi:i:n lim; i.u. i. , -!.■ tv ! “ * jnly h’ J. A MAYER, 154 Broughton-.M- THE BAPTIST FEMALE COLLEGE Os South Wehierii Georgia. r |jlJSlS. Seminary, located at Villa Norva, near ■ l-uthhert, Randolph county, was opened on the 1 Oth instant, under circumstances decide 4y en couraging. At the close of the first week, the number of pupils in the Institution amounted to .• v only. Tlie members of the faculty are. at present, the President. Rev. A. T. HOLMES, a. m, Rev. JOHN HILL LU I’llEß, a. m., Mrs AMANDA C. CLARKE. Mi-- MARY WILSON and Mi.-a- GEORGIA Pi-li)|-;. Ti. President is now cm i -ponding with Ladit - ol known literary merit, who will be employed as their .services may lie reqnn -d ; and the friem of our Colley ami of education generally, umy led assured that the several Departments will be represented by competent Lecturer* and Proies-u: s. The course ol study is divided into three Depart ments, and each Depat tmen; into two cm-ses. PHI MARY DEPARTMENT. The first class ot this department will be prin i : pally employed in Spelling, Reading Mid Defining— tuition per term, £ * 00 In the second class will be taught M< r.tal Ar ithmetic, Geography, Ate.—tuili< n p< :* 1 farm, io 00 ACADEMIC 1 )EPA UTM EN T. ! In the first class will lv taught Arithmetic I Grammar, History. &c - tuition per term, 15 00 ! In tne second class will be taught, Algebra, Rhetoric, Natural History,Ancient, History, j &:c tuition per term. * jr, 00 COLL LG I ATE DEI *A I iTM RN T. ; Intbe first class will be taught Naturd Philo 20 00 ‘Sophy. Botany, Chemistry, Mineralogy, Lo gic. ic.—tuition per term. In the second cb. s will be taught Natural Philosophy, the higher Mathematics Evi -1 denei‘9 ot Christianity. &c.—tuition per i term, * o 0 ; Pupils in the Department of Music will be charged 1 s4oper annum. I Instruction in the Greek. Latin and French langua | ges will be given without exm. charge. , Board, with lights and washing, can be obtained ■ in the village at sl9 per month. | The Trustees are determined to use every effort to j sustain a .School equal to any m the State : and they believe that the system of instruction which they jbavc adopted will secure t * the pupil a thorough I and accomplished ed ration. Tlie great object airn j ed at will be to give character to the young Indie-, : Mid that kind ol mental and moral discipline which j will fit them for usefulness in any spheie of life. The pupils of tin* Institution will be required to ; attend public worship, on every Lord’s day, but the I nisiructions of par-, nts and guardians respecting the plac< of worship, shall be observed. The next Term will commence on the third Mon ! day in August. E VV VV'ARR).N. Secretary o! tlie Board of Trustees, j march 22 is eodfi ni | [ VPidKABI/., LOCKS—for doors of any | i'ln i. which c!i-i!: nge the world to pick them, | the hero of a hundred locks” not excepted. It is !;iu- to the public that locks thus offered, should ie ! j burly teste . For that purpose the prop'-;.-tor <f • b-rs •<) dep sir Fire Hundred do Bars in proper hands j lor two years, if not sooner won—as a reward to the : I rucces-Tul operator, on the following terms. Any j person may sc.-!:!ct three locks from thirty—before ••xnrriininr th’ in—and may then examine the re ! maining twenty seven, and have the use of their | keys. Ho may then have one month to prepare his i picking instruments, when he must begin the pick j ing operation, and pay one per cent, per day on the j amount deposited, till he picks one of the three so- I lee ted locks, or abandons it, the last of which he ‘ : ■ | • .'}•■ -i ,i.i ,i teti days-. ‘-Vi-, e L,*. I il; n- P-cke , or-- luck, to the acceptance of a disinter* ; ‘ st-'d committee, he is only to prove that he k lows ’ to| cthem by picking the remaining two I lock.-- in the two following day s. to the acceptance j of tlie same committee, and take the 8500. 7 his may cerrily t at Mr. E. 8. VVoodbridge has 1 deposited in my hands a certified check oi 8500, j j payable -at. the Hanover Bark. New York, for the i purpose named m the above advertisement. J.\Mllß (J.BEACH. Payable Toller al t..e Hanover Bank. j T'fF The above Locks with 3 keys, with a varie- I I ty ot superiorfinishod Store, and HouspDoor Locks, | with and with nu knobs. Also, Carpenters Mortice, • I Btock. Closet. Chest,'Frank Pad, Drawer, &c., &c. I with Porcelain and Mineral Knobs, just lecciveaud j for sale by E. LOVELL, j june 5 No. 11 Barnard street, j r ■ ilia, for sale by ’ juir* I 4 iIUiiPIfiI.JYS & JOHNBO N ! ( COLORED TABLE CLOTHS.—Col v d, Cot Vy ton Table Cloths, various t-izes Col’d Linen and Worsted do Col’d Piano Covers, for sale low. bv J H ffOHEN &CQ, june 17 140 Brouiiiiton streect, next to! W Morreii’s Furniture Btore. 1 P> A CON .—SO M deprirae Bacon Sides ; 2b dodo do Shoulders . 20 tierces choice canvassed Hams : for sale by july 2 _ WEBSTER & PALMES, j PINJE APPLE fiIKE K.—A few boxes for sale at the Emporium, by june 14 S.GOODALL. i YFKW BOOKS, —The Wigwam and the Cabin, i’l or Tates of the South , by the author of th > ] “Yemassee.” &c. Recollections of a Southern Matron : by Caroline ! ol ‘-Tne Poetry ot Travel; Arc. june 8 J.B.CUBBEDGE. SODA WATER tati perfection manufactured after a late improved ni thud. ! with a costly self-generating apparatus, and war, ranted to be superior to any heretofore sold in this i city,served with fresh syrups and kept constantly ! cold. Also, iced Congress Water. may 19 J. A. MAYER, 154 Brougbton-st. jfYfa.RIB TOOTH WASH, w enuj V * me, just received by i jur.e 14 HUMPHREYS & JOHNSON. j jjATll BRlCK.—37asks Eng.;-: ii :h"ll.ick ■ lor scouring : just received aim lor sale by | june 14 VV. W. LINCOLN, Monument qr. A I>WAY’S Medicated Snop, genuine, torsaie 11 by HUMPHREYS & JOHNSON, june 5 corner Brouuhton and W iiitnker-sts. Sr.GAUS. —29.000 Esffieraldoes vry superior, ! just received and for sale by j june 22 PADELFORD, FAY CO. V'i* i’KiVi'lON. —It you shonld be so unfortunate , as to want Medtciim at night, you can obtain j them at any hour, by ringing the night Bell, when a competent person will wait cn you. There will be alight iu the store all night. HUMPHREYS & JOHNSON, june 5 lit corner Broughton and Whitaker-sts. | ~Pt BLIC PI IICHTsING AYD COMMISSION AGENCY IN NEW YORK, anti (lit- principal cities. iL. L. STEMS 081, Public A*;eut and C’orrespondenl, A D A MS&CO'S. E X PRESS OFFICE, No. 19 Wail Street. New York, Wf ILL give prompt and faithful attention to pur- I \ chasing Merchandise. Agricultural Implement?, Surgical Instruments, etc. etc., in Rrge or small quantities, and forwarding by the most responsible Expresses to any part o- the United States, the Can adas and Europe. r . He will also execute any other practicable, proper,and remunerative commission, either per sonal or through his Agents, in Washington City. Baltimore, Philadelphia ‘ll a rtlnrd, New iiavt n, Bos ton. New Orleans, Mobile and Europe. £ Only such letters as i-ball have been pre paid will be received, and evt ryoiiginuJapp cadon to meet wifi attention, must enclose one dollar. Orders directed to nie.ii hilt at auy ti Adams & Co’s Express Offices, veil, come promptly to hand.or they ruay addru.oed (post paid) t•A, J-. Slim sou, No. 19 Wall street. New York. ; uly 7 tOtw S a mat) v lernng Jqgrnal. ‘i ■> 1 I A 10l J.-V IO AN AmKBICANMiNISTEK. S tt. a u- • and ‘i’rieste, May 24, states that quite a •ILtinguLß- u compliment was paid to our charge *i affair*’.-, at Napalee. IJon. Edw'ard Joy Morris, on li arriv. acre that day from Athens, in the Aus trian strainer Miil'in udieli. A soon as the stea m*.*i u; ..iodised down tne guif she ran up the Du ’ .can me:, ■nd kept and Hying at her mast head • • and ie- b: and debarked The lloating of the stars arid • \ j-: rUn -tearrier. ami in an Austrian port.i.-as ex- -u re. hi ary as it i- indicative of the renew al ot iricmlly t ‘in. 1 .- toward.- th.* United .States. Lita\<;i; *-.•• l ußTi'Mt.—Some year;- age a servant ki*'l who had robbed her mistress, a miliner in Lon (ion,\va- transported t<> Eydeny for a term of years. Since the discovery of the Bathurst plaini, the ie. rriah* convict has wr’ted to her former ?nistres9 hat the coloney wn- a good pßce ; that as she now kept ier carriage, sl:e v. as ba py to return the amount winch she stolen, with iutt*if-t ; that .-he earnestly rec iM.-iided he.r ta come out and set . p shop ; and that in that case she should be happy to extend her p itronage to s lady ‘or whom sheuadso great an este< ni - London paper. [This look tike an old story re-told in anew style.) Acco.vplisifxd at Last.—lt is well known that there i no w.or : u the Lug'isli language to rynm “db ‘‘'in, id: Confiident of this, a gentleman re -11 dy i- . . i ii.’ioiig t of his friends, that with ail tiled- b .a- r. and ingenuity, there was not one o! them win. could produce a rnymeto •* month.”— \ era-. e individual present, immediately drew forth a PJ • .n.I wrote the fullowidg which, on being f cjui puldicly. 1* onght down the house, and the crave individual returned nis pencil amidst a c oud et fillet. J hey seized the soldier in Broadway, I December was the mouth] ll‘ ‘*w hi.- pistols thrown away, Vnd ::lso was hi- gun th —Hoivn away'.” / queer-looking cu-toiner ins* r t**d bis head into an miction store, and looking gravely at the “ knight of the hammer,” inquired, *•<'. !) J bid., sin” *• Gertanly. i * plie-1 the auctioneer 4 “y oucan bib.” Well, then,” sad the wag, walking ofi’,”l bid you good night.” A Kentucky paper says it is getting to be very fashionable in that quarter to end sea dollar with marriage norh-f s when sending hi in to the printer. Ago i custom that ought to prevail everywhere, dolh-rs. to twiriter and priest, No sensible man could refuse; Five dollars to render him blest. And one to publish the news ” “Father,” said a rough boy,l hope you woult buy n: > more gunpowder tea for moths r.” “Why not?” “Because evt rv time she drink sit she blows me up.” A man nsk*d act.. brated aeronaut what he would do torprovisions in his aerial journey, as there were uo hot. !- lie instantly replied that he would stop ;•£ <omc • ftheeaijtels in the air. / lILL > ET, ; “ ncor Thread Y. hit* and Drab; vJ* a full supply just rece ved ami for sale low by june 22 ‘ E LOVELL, No H B rnardst. I) fiCLIV El) per steamer Alabama—2o boxes c Lem< ns. 10do Orange**. Baisins. Figs,Almonds, I‘rune-. l)ri; i! Apples, A aLo in store, a full as- Msrtmenr ol choice Groceries. Wines. Liquors,Lon don Porter, Scotch Ale. Ae—nil and the most cele brated brands, warranted, june Id GEO. ALEXANDER, corner Bull and Cougr* • !< . Monumentsqr. I>AKEGV. Al A> Ti LEA . lie subscriber j-- ‘ Ii: - just receivd another rof those beautiful VV;. o* oaiege which he calls the at tention of the Ladies'of Havani.ah ; for sale at the New Store, No. 140 Broughton sireet. jnly 15 J H GO HEN & CO. OK ANGE RASPBERRY I*L ‘.NTS. lew of the above Plants, in Pots, warranted t- Im : r fruit his season. F*ruit large, with deliciuso avor. For sale by ilniav 19 ‘ JOHN A. MAYER. J (IST. By thi . •7. a Yi Rd E-MON IE A, 1-i containing his certificate of City Registry, and other little things of no us** to any other than turn self. A suitable reward will be paid on its delivery at the Republican Office. ’uly‘24 JOHN M. HARRISON. UHMISOK SOAP.--Luw s highly perfumed Brown Windsor Soap. A large supply july24 JNO. A. MAYER, 154 Hroughton-st. PEACH BRANDY’.— 25 1 Peach Brandy, landing from sebr. H. N. Grmbrill, and for sale fly july 10 WI. LIS BRUNDAGE. lOOli IILKL.—We have just received the tin -i est assortment of Hair Brusher,Tooth Brushes, ever offered in this city. Our stock ol Hair Brushes consist of upwards ot sixty different patterns, and our stock of Tooth Brushes con>mts ot over ninety different kinds, besides a large lot of Fancy Goods, which we will sell at price lower than ever ottered here bc-f re. If you want a Hair Brush to suit you. call and eet one at june26 HUMPHREYS Ac JOHNSON, Corner Broughton and Whitaker sts. niIYSICIANS will find at our.-tore as tine an as £ sorimentof Chemicals,a.- can be found in the State : the new preparations of Manugain-c just re ceived. Many of our Chemicals, are 01 Pelletier and other French Manufacturers, and are warranted pure aud genuine. Our stock of Tinctures, embra ces every one o! the Pharmacopia, and are pure and ol fu il si l ength. Our store i*> open all night HUMPHREYS vV JOHNSON, june 5 corner Broughton and Whitaker sts Hi -4AN9N INdM AfAGNKSIA. . Tlie superior qu;ilu .sos ri. Maonesia are,that it is : uurely < •nriv.-d ..f earn .nic acid, free trom unplea ant ta c t.e, smell <>• otber <ii-agr eable prop erty, an <is wiiuoul: r'>■ . ’ii -is or rmiinos.- to the touch or palate. On** fea-poenlu! ot thi- Magnesia is equa. n -trenufu to tj.i ••♦* * r tour of the common cali-ined Magnesia, tin - coinbinuig smallness of dose with the most aureealle form in which Magnesia, can he administered. Just received per steamer tit.t* “Georgia. W3l W LINCOLN, july 12 Monument square. JEST RECEIVE!) per steam- jjt *• Si ate nft ;-oia a I arge assort- jmj nieiii *1 B-ok* rr'-m- iv. * 1 (ients Black and .-jr Drali Congress G;:it(?rs. and for sab- by WILLIAM HEIDT, Gibbon's Building, july 13 Sign of the large boot. w y BOWN \\ \ NiWBR tSOAP.—Low's gen U . - in * Fhiglish. liighly perfumed, old Brown \Vii:u.-or Soap Just received and for -ale by july 12 WM VV LINCOLN. Ml nument-sqr. jTtf. COHEN &, CO., | | A RIIULGcFI ON-STREET, solicit a call L -±W from the ladies, to inspect tlie foUr,wing Br*'ss Goods, &e., which will be sold at the lowest prices : Black Silk- of different widths and qualities. Colored aud Foulard ciiks Colored Muslins, a beautiful assortment, tsiik and Worsted Bareges. Scotch und Freiu h Ginghams, fast colors. Calicos at 10c. p'v ard. fast colors. Also— Swiss. Plaid, Cambric and Dotted Muslin, very low. July 1 HOOFLANII’s GERMAN BITTERS.— Dr. Hoottand's Celebrated German Bitters, for forsale by JNO. A. MAYER, july 24 154 Br< ughton street. |EX I CAN MUSTANG LINIMENT—In 1 JA-t dollar, 50 cents mid 25 cents bottles. A liber al discount to merchants. jno. a. Mayer, july 24 154 Bro-tgKton street. pOI NsETT’S INDIAN LOXKCCST-A i po itive cun* lor Chronic Diarrhoea and Dys entery. For sale by agent. JNO. A. MAYER, july 21 154 Broughton street. |*Ti>I BKELLA^.—A fresh assortment ot both U Cotton and just received nd tor sale low by .1 II COIIEN Cos, july 24 No. 140 Broughton street. Ii ST iIK C£ IV KD - Some more ot those low *” priced Dotted Muslins and Checked Cainbrii. . and lor sale by J. 11. COHEN A CO. july 24 No. HU Broughton- treet iJOl'li Iv KtSl'T.—s Lhis Four Kront. sor !ale by june 26 S. GOODA!,L a aTHB; — 64,000 Lathe,bouv’y expected, aud lei ” i sale to arrive bv uo. 4 F. VV BEK* • NO. 51.