Savannah journal. (Savannah, Ga.) 1851-1852, August 02, 1852, Image 4

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Poetry. The poet’s eye in n fine frenzy rolling. 1> ith glance from Heaven to earth, from earth to Heaven ; And a° imagination bodi * lot t’n The for cl'H iu.;s im'-im, vn, the p .>••• Ap • ‘i urns tnem *h .pc, l: I aives to airy nothing A local habital i and a name.— Skzktvcare. Fi The New Orleave Crescent. In* ‘ to 31 ..BE. BY ..K if. B&ADFO D. When the days were long and golden— When tbe'truant school boy laid Snares to catch tho timid rabbit, And the cattle sought the shade ; When amid the grain, the reapers With their cheery songs and blithe, Kept a lively, graceful measure To the swinging of the scythe ; When the West wind, while whose music With delight the spirit whelms, Sung his surging, deep andante ’Mid th* boughs of branching elms ; When abo/ethe fruited hickories, And beyond the poplars tall, Ilung the clouds like spirit-banners From the bright sky’s sapphire wall— In the bosom of -i maiden Love was trembling, like the gleams That through forest shadows stealing, Quiver on the shaded streams ; For, a noble heart had fount’ her, And with words of love and truth, Won her sweet and . nth? spirit iu the iivslim oi it.- • mini. Soft and still the July m.i.m :Ik. Lieth on the sloping lulls, And far down the wooded valley : Swiftly pass the glancing rills. ’Neath tho aspen 9it- a mother With a fair child at her knee, Looking up, to ask the angels With an ahsent one to be. With him many a happy summer She liad heard the linnet sing, And the Oriole that builded In the birch above the spring ; With him she hai watched the white liria Clos above the blessed eyes Os two limbs, re-taken To the foid in Paradise. Hut each heavy blast ol sorrow— Though a bending reed, and frail— Shu hud borne with patient firmness Till hi cheek grew thin and pale ; And now. while afar he seeketh Health in softer Southern air, That the blessing may be granted In the burthen of her prayer. High again above the hickories And beyond the poplar t‘i 11, Hang the cloud- like .-unlit-banners From the bright sky’s *.• pphire wai! And a wild and stricken mourner, With a fair chi! i >*t her knee, Gazerh up. if mid liieir foldings She an angel face may see. In an untaimed -Southern forest, Where the red flamingo gleams hike a meteor, and the white swan Flonteth down the silent streams, Where amid the tangled bu lies Shines the savage cougar’s eye, And the timid wild deer starteth As the fierce Paducah’s cry ; Where the. white and 1! lgrant blossoms Os the grand magnolia lie ’Mid the foliage, like angels Just a- seeiided from the sky Where the uiockiur-bn 1 is singing, And the long gray mosses wave, From the drooping forest branches, They have dug the strangers grave. CALENDAR FOR 1852. .§ 7"7 j f . ti U < < >- ~ jjjj > j ~ j JANUARY. ) t JULY. i” 12131 i] I | :lj2| 31 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11) S 51 61 7 j 3| 9! 10111 12 13 U 1516 17 18) >l2| J:j Ml 516 17.1s IWI2O 21122 23124125) <l9 20 21 22 28 24 26 36j27|25j29|00j:-}J_j j J,.: 511 FEBRUARY. ) J AUG- , I I \j ” lii 23456 j7i 8 2 3 -lj s| 67! 8 910111213 14 15 7910 11 j 1-2 >6 1 :|IN 16 17 18 19 20|21|22s 16 17 ls|l9 26 21 j 4 2 23 24 25 26 27128129) >23 21 27 26 28 27 1 I \ jaolail 1 |J_ MARCH.’ ( | SEPTEMBER. Ti 23415 67j j I I ! i -3 -i ■’ 8 910 1112 13 14) ) 6 l M 81 9|lo|lljl2 15 16 17 18119 20 21 14|15|16j17:15|19 22123 24i25i26|27|28 21 j22i23.2l- 25;26 29[30 311 | | 1 ) :!0 I I I APRIL. OCTOBER. |l2| 34( j | I I!| 2 | :i 5 0 7| S jlO 11) > 4 ! 5 6 I ‘ l 8 I y | lo 12 13 14 15 16 17 18; ( n 12 13 14 15 H l7 19 20 21 22 28 24 25 J'2o 21 22 23:21 26 27 28|29|30| | ) B 5 2p|-27 26 29 80j31 may) ) ) NOVEMBER. i ni ) 1| 2 31 4 5 6 7 8 4| 5 6 7 8 9 7 8| 9101112 IS 14 10 11:12 13 14 15 16 <15(16 1?| 18 19 20 21 17 18119 20 21 22 23’ )22 23 24 25 26 27 2.8 24 25 26127 28 29 30) 729 30 31 M ; \ L_ JUNE. \ DECEMBER, 112j34j 51 6 :TIT2!3; 4; 5 71 8 9110 11112 13 61 7 : S; y|lt.|ll|l2 14115 16 17 18119120 J Sisll/ 15 16117 18119 21 22123 24 25 26 27) 720121 22 21 24 ! 28|29j3()| I ! I <27|2Si2i! 30;'.1 An Ordinance, to provide for the : hi.g Bonds of the City of Savanuah to pay r! e sub scription heretofore made to the Savan. ah mi Ogechee Plank Hoad Combany. IO men of the City of Savannah and tlarale* tiiere of, in Council assembled, and it is hereby ordained by the authority of the same. That there shall he issued Bonds of the city of Savanhah, to the amount, of five thousand dollars, to pay fort < city su -crip tion to the Savannah and Ogechee Plank Road (Com pany. The said Bond- shall he payal.i.- in t n years, with interest at the rate of 7 per cent, per annum, the interest payable semi annually, accord ing to coupons to be annexed to flu hands. RICHARD D. ARNOLD, Mayor. Attest: R. F. Akin, Clerk of Council. July 10 AN ORDINANCE, To Incrcas* the number of Privates of ike City Hatch. E>R it ordainrd by the Mayor ami A, men of the I ) City ol Savannah and Llamlets thereof, in Coun cil assembled, and it is hereby ord-ined by the au thority of the same, that the number of Privates of the City Watch shall be eighty six instead of sixty six, as heretofore, and that the additional number of Privates to be appointed under this ordinance shall be subject to all the existing ordinances, regu lating the Privates of the City Watch, ami shall re ceive the same compensation and give the same bond. RICHARD D. ARNOLD, Mayor. Attest : R. F. Akin, Clerk Council juiy 2 ANOTHER FRESH ARRIVAL AT THE Trunk Depot. Gi EO S NICHOLS is opening another s ipiy of V beautiful Travelling'l'r unk- , per brig r;u . a. Those in want are invited to call at the’ Clothing .tßore, Gibbon’s Range. may 25 JUST.RECEIVED Vi It Ships Speed and Bona Deaf Von: i J. , T—Hvr ca of fine’ ‘ Jj c l Ji ;!. i. BA set R 1: r. <UJ is s,: K. I.UVI. . - Ba na datro HATS AND CAPS.^||aiy^ e, ta-hionable silk 7. 5 .. r and beav. r Hats ; en’s and Jg&j&Kl boys’ cloth Caps : men's^^^ and boys’California do; A large lot of Wool Hats, for Plantation use. For saicby STALEY & HENDRY, Congress-st. NEW STOKER Just opened at very low prices, wholesale and retail, IJVVVVv A LARGE LOT OF BROWN (JVVYSX Bleached Sheetings and Shirt ™gj||y Shirting Stripes. Checks, Ticks, English. French and Domestic Prints, Pantaloon Stull's, Linen, Cotton and Cassimcre Marseilles Vesting, Silk Hdkl's and Cravats, Embroidered Muslin do., Rich Bareges, Grena'Mne&.and Barege de Laines, Handsome French Lawns and neat style Ginghams, Embroidered Collars, Cull’s Sleeves, Edging and Inseitings Silk Gloves.Kids.Black, White and Coiui. !L airy; Dani .sk Table Linens.brown and bleat in tc., etc at the old stand of Hirain Roberts mar 24 ELGUERARD. (d)ld) PENS—A supply of superior j Gold Pens, various sizes, iieceived bv IT aprill. r J B CUBBKI >GE, / \ /"HEN l T IN K Hoofiand~( Ii fresh j vX supply of the above celebrated Bitters, just re ceived by aprillO JOHN A. MAYER. I'l.iies : I'cjips : GMiE Subscriber has received 1 AST IRON -■ PUMPS, of various sizes and is prepared to put them up at short Notice. Old Bumps put in working order. J. J.MAURICE, march f> I uI r R()V j:D SiIIDEITZ POWDERS I These Powders are prepared expressly ter the retail trade, from superior imported materials, and are warranted full weight: received this day per steamer Alabama, and for sale Dy rnayS WM. W. LINCOLN, Moniimen-csqr. ‘S’ E N WARE I TIN WAB E ! JIIAVE on hand and constantly manufacturing TIN WARE of every variety and quality, whole sale and retail, to which 1 would invite the inspec tion of the public-feeling assured 1 can give satisfac tion both as regards quality and price. Also. Brass Kettles ; Brass, Iron, Enameled and Tinned fijauce Pans; Frying Pans; Smoothing Irons, Fire Dog**; Ir. Pots. Ovens and Spiders; Tea Kettles; Gridirons; Waffle Irons : Table Cutlery; Brass Candlesticks ; Sautters; Tea and Dinner Hells. Also Glass and Biittanii Fluid Lamps, find many articles too numerous to mention* Gall and , see. .1. J. MAURICE march 5 Georgian. Republican and News, copy. j.)ASTI LEE DeF ARID—Fort • alleviaiicu i and ; : Bron.-h .aid other c tions of tho th; i .i. Just received and for sale by may 22 WM. VV. LINCOLN, Monument-sqr. ; JUST RE( BIVFi) a uppiy of Mim-r- | al Paints, fire and weatin r p..>• >i colors; unfad- i big, Silver’s Mineral Paints,ditier iromall I others in market. They are not Clays, they require , : little Oil, they do not work toughly, hut flow easily i as White Lead. They lay on a very heavy body.set ; light away and become an ind< structablo covering i of flint. “J'hey neither crack nor peel, and require no ! stronger dryer than white lead, i 1 have a variety of colors Red, Yellow, various; ; Browns, and Jet Black They are superior in body ; ‘or covering properly ) to any t ing ever discover- ! ed. and pound for pouiul will cover double the ; I surface of white lend or Zinc Mineral Paints and re- ‘ quire less oil. i am now prepared to cover Tin Roofs, as nothing ■ adheres i. Tin like {Silver’s Mineral Paints For sale . by JOHN .1. tIAURKJE, may fi 10 and 12 Barnard street. UTA BAG A TU ilMI’ SEEDS.—This buy U rec ived per steume’ t:t*? of Georgia, a large supply rb liuin Bag.u, Fk;. Dir-.h, Red ‘i‘op, ia-irge Nortolk, and Hanover Turnip ‘Beds. These seeds are direct ‘ •• !.-* the gardens of David Landrcth. and are warranted to be of the growth of ; 1852. Vv W LINCOLN, june 23 Monument square SPRING n aniev ( lothing* — r l scribers have in store a good assortment ol Spring and Summer Cloth in-/, which they are selling at low prices. Our friends, customers, and aIJ in . want of good aud cheap Clothing, are respect); ie. in vited to call and examine our et -k. We wii! :v. ceivo by the steamers from New York during r : > ■ business season, >vi kly sup;d-e? oi -uch nr: u our trade may demand. Cali at tlie.-ign < G ,!. den Eagle. STALKY <Jo EirLDjlY, aprii 24 T 8 A FEW Carnation Pinks and Fucliias ; just re ceived by june 12 .IXO. A. MAYER rs 1 MA\ ii ‘ \ Ii >’ ‘ J. . i. (>!V i JLjR F A SIUO IV ABJL K V. , O'i iZ I X i>. . . PO£2 9i: J. SPRIIfG A® SVmmUB. riiin: takes this method oiinformmg hL Friendsfiui the Citizens of Savannah, that -1. he is now opening the most splendid stock of CLOTHING v.*ro. :i din this City. The ]ricesin plain figures are markedupou each article and no deviation, and at tht: renjarkably low prices that the good-: are marked, the B” l Beriberi: s K-. confident will oe aKpr.' doy * us Public. In purtare thei'ol lowing Goods 1 have no tv iu store, viz : GIFTS’ CLOTH COATS. Black Cloth Dress and Blue Frock Goats, Olive “ Brown “ Blue Black Cloth Sacks and I’olka Sacks, Brown “ “ “ “ Blue “ “ “ “ I ! Olive “ “ “ “ “ Sliad Dress “ Black Doe Skin Polka Sacks, Fancy Colored Drab Cassimere Sacks and Polka Sacks, Black Tweed “ G reen Brown “ “ Silk and Wool “ | COA'I'S. Cambist, Check Ginghams, Linen Lustre, Plain and fancy Alpaca, Paris Lustre, Black Morin, Black and fancy Tweed, Do. do. Caslimeretts, Brown and yellow Linen, i Black Drap D’K'.e, Grass Linen. PANTALOONS. : Striped Cotton and Linen, Plain do. do. Nankeen, Drap D’Lte, Fancy Linen Black Alpaca, Black Doe Skin Pants, Plain Black Cassimere Pants, i Fancy Colored “ Plain and Ribbed “ Black and Colored Satinett Pants, HOYS’ CLOTHING. CHILDREN’S CLOTH IN U I) E HAITI ‘ENT. This Departmcntfor Children’s Clottiinc is fiitrd up :t.l >. most cost) ci.ti every convenim-p lot trying f-n, fittinif,&c , thestock i*.: ■> ,■. pcpry troo. > inthat linn, -.frisitsingin part ofCoat. and Pants nt ov.<ry stylo. Overcoats, and i.- < “out! Jenny Lind Sac . Polka iln. Over Sackc Vests, Mr.rded -ant . Plain, ditk Velvet. V.“-t site .;: ,1; r Ca; -. a iarttp asst ttnent. The Ladi( . wii] find it to :tii*ir i*il.■ i'! 11■.. ,:] and samnic n.v-ti ck. as t: 1 c i mio tip jn tin atestatyle and the bestmanner i.t dat the i uric •. No abatement ( rmn the {: i -t askt e J“V Don'tp t.i Ni w tft- • ■ first floor ol .An lrt- .v s LtUi, co aer ol Broughtoncnd Jefferson c. SAVANNAH JOURNAL, MONDAY. AUGUST 2, 1852. ;i- ‘:K.\T •; LOTUIM4 DIiPOSITOM! (Rbbuu’t) R.ntig'e—Savannßj, Ga. —i 8 .9 :t • ’the Subscriber won!, rej.ivvtluliy tvn j iJv'>Lif ali the attention of tho public to bis pfia ; “ ! vvLicii he ir n vv opening at his store, GIBBON'S RANGE. Having just returned from the north with it. he is pee pa re a to say his at.ock has never been suipa. en by any heretofore offered in this place. It coi - •tr oi the following iorMini’s wear, viz : Superior black ami brown Cloth,Caahmerctt,Drab j d’Ele, English Merino, Tweed Cassimcre. Alpacea, j brown, chocked and striped Linen Frock. Dress and j ■Sack Coats. Black Doeskin,fancy French Cassimcre.Drab d’Ete, | Alpacea, English Merino, French Linen, White Drill ing, Tweed Cassimere, Cottonade, Drill and Striped Linen Pants. Figured Silk, black Satin, black Alpacea, Bomba- j zinc, white and fancy Marseilles, Linen aim Cotton Vests. Merino, Cotton and Silk Under Shirts and Draw ers ; Silk, Linen and Cotton Pocket Handkerchiefs; 1 Stock Scarfs, Cravats, Neck Tics, Collars, Gloves, j h :f Hose Stiffeners, Hair Brushes, Purses, Suspen ders, etc. ‘’ HILT DEPARTMENT is complete with the latest sty-e of Shirts, at all price j ranging from 50 cents to $3 ea th. (GENTLEMEN’S PANAMA HATS. A e mplete assortment on hand for retail at prices from to SIQ hack. Those in wantofa superior ! article, can get it here—call and see. To Parents and (imidmits* BOYS’ KEADY MADE CLOTHING. she undersigned would respectfully inform Doth pa rents and guardians having boys to clothe, that he ; still continues to keep up a complete assortment of Boys’ Ready Made Clothing, and has just receive and a full supply ol’aurh articles for Spring and Summer wear. He *ims taken much pains in having them ; made up to suit this market, ami his nations may ; depend on thei ■ big well m.,de. and from good ma erials. Lech wiii be marked with the selling : price, and no aba'.- -.vat from i.* The following comprise a portion oi the ‘ nt: Boy’s lull trimmed Cloth Fre -v nd “ ack Coats do Black, blue and brown Cloth Jackets do Tweed Cassimere, Drab d’Kte. Alpacea, brown Linen, checked Linen Frock and .'rack Coats do Merino, A.paera. Croton (’loth, brown aud cheeked Linen Round Jackets do Black Doe Kkiu, fancy Fiv ch Cassimere.DraL d’Ete. brown and fancy Drill, white Drill and Cottonade Pants. do Fancy rfilk, olack Fatin, figured Alpacea, white and fancy Marseilles Vests, do White and colored shirts, do Straw, Leghorn and Panama Hats. Ciiiidion’s fancy trimmea Suits. Full trimed Linen and Lustre Kitts. All of which will be sold at reuseimble pric ts. N. 15.—Having a private room for trying on Boy’s Clothing, 1 mU't decline >endiiie it out to be tried on except incase oi sicicu ‘- s. Those in want are invited to give me a c. ii at the clothing sto e,!* ana 1 i GIBBON’S 1 ANGE. TRAVELLER'S £Mi n* Pt * T ’ GKO. S. MICIIOKS HAS in 4 connect..hi with his Clothing bu.- less, fi:ted up his c.aid story tor rravdlingTi uks, Valic-s and Carpel Ba*.a and intends min ep up a Complete assortment oY sueh articles, lie respect j fully vit- - ;ruVi .i is and all others in want, to cull j aha. will be marked | low, and varying iVuin 81 50 to S3O each, made up j and finished in t mbest style, and for ce-ivenience. j Each wii! bemarlo i with the lowest selling price, ! and no abatement from it. Oiar 20 GEO.S NiCHQLS. :'• AirDFlj i'.lli) • , ! de bv the pint,quart I l or gallon; by HI PHI I I7S & IfiH HfiOf}. LEECHES, I/EECII . aay received, per steamer Florida, one tub oi arge. healtay i Fvvedi. h Leeches. W. VV. ;JNvJQLN, ! july2l Monument sqr. I < LOTI ON.—A u effectual cure so i t-t iiplioiis on ti>o face s-nd kir>. A degree of | plea, lire accompanies the use of this elegant pr par | { ation, in its refreshing effect upon the skin. Cuta ! neous irritabtlity, ana di-coioraKon are also remov ] ed and a pure state of the complexion established by ! the use of this Lotion. This day received an-1 L,r i sale by WM. VV. LINCOLN, may 5 Monument-square. |> 1 FI Thi subscriber has on hand a • I L • ; Oi • ‘ made in the best maimer, by the best VV'orkinen, and every one sold or to oni'-r,\vi:i oe v/arrantod to shoot well, ‘i •. ials. . v good Rifle, are invitt dto examine. Cast Fteel Jti ,’ des made to ord *v at reasonable prices. ‘ Guns Repaired, Re-stocked, Percussicm’d, or any vv or \i will b-. done with dispatch, uy the best lT Workmen. E LOWELL, jure 4 No. II Barnaivi-st. s •’ L'illY IT*—Xf vou vvi.ii’ i.) find one e; the cost fc prepare h: - *br the llair in existence. t,i 25 ‘■eut imlcle Oi .. ■L-t ('ompound, i.ud you will say :t IK’ v, atui we w. i.nt eiior to any thing you [ have tried lately. •’ .-ale i v liUK. KLEYiShc .HJHNSON, : ■ 1 ‘ \ ■ ■ W k( . VESTS. lilac ‘'at iii ciiivje and double Breasted Vests, j Fancy Satin and, Silk “ Embossed Fancy!Silk “ Black and Fancy Berathea “ “ Km broiilcred Cassimere “ I White and Kancj ‘ati n and Silk Party “ 1 Plain B 1 k S’k V'livetsVl: <fc double br’cd “ i Fancy Cut “ I Fancy Cashmere! “ FURNIBHING GOODS. I Linen aud Linen Bosoms Shirts, j Silk, Li mb -Voollfc Merino Shirts &■ Drawers, ! I.incu .leans and Tanton Flannel “ j Silk, Merino andjCotton 4 11<.hc, : l.ide Thread antfiNori “ ‘: !, lit:- I 1 lobes, Linen Colin.a, 2 :jml 3 ply. jiLuV ES, Black, white andjtolored Kid Gloves, Buck :tud Castor (tiding “ Cloth Cashtit. :''’ isklLincd B- it! * l j Bind:, white icy Silk (|RA VATS. Superfine Black and Satin Cravats, “ fancy do Jreat vaitiety, i White Silk and itin party Cravats, | Black and fancy Ll in aud oilk Scarf:, jpera'i'.s, I I .hieit cambric, cltna cord aud pongee Pocket lL.ndktu ohhT:, 11 its and Caps ontlie latest styles, ! Ladies Biding U Is, Trunks, patci.i a I solo Leather, Valises, t'arpet 1 tgs, Canco, l.'mbrellaa, &<\ Tout Its and (. lildrcns’ Clothing, th . lar gest aud finest at -k in the State, at very low prices. LBxi .V£ (T .and. iJc it farther enaefed Ly the autho- O Uy of th; same, Tlinl from and after tlie |:u-:K._e of tiii aci, till }>CtV:!, >i all 1C cju.ili i’ and to vote at elcuiioni for Mavor and AJder ;;;■ ii of tlie city of : ; avar. aud the hamlets 1 hereof, who are citizens oi the Un it ed States, have in the State of Georgia for one year immediately juv ting the election, and within the corporate limits of Savannah, for one n nth immediately preceding their re ’ . Kalion, and continue so to do up to the time of election, who have attained the age of twenty-one years, have paid all city taxes, or have in their own right sufficient real es tate. to satisfy any tax executions which may be ugaiust them; who have made all returns required by the Ordinances of the eity, and have been registered according to the provi sions of this act. —Extract from the Registry Law. A. Adolph Abrahams, Robert Adams,John S Achord, Goo A Ash, F IV Averleldt, G W Anderson. Mathi as Amorous, C II Ash, Stewart Austin, David Abra ham, CH Arnold, Geo Alexander,Jno W Anderson, P VV Alexander, Robt Austin, George Armstrong, ’ James Anderson, W V N Armstrong. 11. Conrad Bych, Richard Burke, Michael Boylan. E , W Buker, John Brady. E J Blount. Win M Blount, i Patrick Brady. Tkos Bandy. VVm 15 Blount, Dr W G Bulloch. Anthony Busier, Saul S Box, Jos II Bald win. Isaac Bruno, Scigsuiond Berg. Henry Berners. N K Barnum, Win T Brantley. Robt Blake, Win M Blaki, Felix Bouysson, Gilbert Butler, Thomas Bourke. EuscneM Bee, .1 P Boiieuillet. U E Byck, A | Borchert, Win Bassenger, Patrick uUtey, P ii Belin, Henry hetternian. Tohs W E Bi/lle. VVm J Bulloch, Patrick Bradley, Henry Hurt, J/H Bacon,S P Bell, VVm J Bandy, Hl. Byrd. G A l7puteuillet, J ‘ GBiyne.T osXI Barrett. Michael Branum, David j ’ di, Jno Bilbo. T A Bulkley. Francis Blair, Clat j Ball, Patrick Brady, Thus J Bulloch, J M Butler, I Michael Bryan, (fee Bankmau, C E Barrie. Jas Bry an. I) .. Best, J A Baker. W II Bunch, Jos K Bui | lough, Wm D Broorae.AT Bowen,Jos ii Burroughs | Jno Louis Baufield, Jos 15 ncrolt, Th. iide ! us J Baldwin. Patrick Burke, G K Blount, John N Barbee, J s A Brown. C W Bruen, Moses Black, H L S Buntz, Thos 3- Bailey. VV II Bulloch, R AI Bar i thclmess. Henry W Bocfeullett. P A Blois. Henry j Brigham, W 8 Brantley, \V Benton. MJ Buck j ner John Boston, B M B Burrrouglis, Dennis Blau- I nerhassete. C. Wm II Cuyler. John Cooper,C A Cloud. P L Con stamine. DavidC ash. JI A Cohen, K R Cuyler, Geo A Cuyler, .Solomon Cohen. Hugh Cullen, VV 11 Cooper, Edward Cubbedge. David Cohen John Cleary, Jos V Connerat, Allen Cullen, Chas Cooper Jas Cleary, Barnord Constantine. Thos VV Cooper, J hu Clancy, John Carst‘ Us,F VV Cornwell, Jos S Carruthers. Nicholas Cffiger Wright Culpepper, T | Corley, II M Charlton, 8 J Cassnls, Richard Cole, ; Thos (Hisack, Jno L Clark, Michael Cusack. C II Campfield Francis ‘DCole, J. o Curry, This Clark, | Jno (Jardeil, Jjis (.-onnelly, Jno Irarethers, Freder* fck Cook, Emanuel Can waller, Luke Clfttstie. Jas j CantpcP. Fras Campfielti, .In D CnarJion, Jno G ; Coo.o■, Edmund Cotter, Montgomery Coini., II L Conrter, Jos Clagbcrn, Jno’ Ca*-.-. Jno Cunning . ham. Carl Cralt, Wm Carson, B 1. Cole, VV O Chari i t(fnj 8 J M Cubbege, Moses Coburn, L F Cook, Hen i ry Capon. S M Golding, Frederick Charstens, VVm i Cox, Wallace Gumming, Patrick Crotty, Michael I Carey, Peter Cobb, Jno J Cornell, Wm Con on, ! Kubt Carr, Frar Champion, A H Champion, Jno VV Cornell, James Cornell.H R Christian, Jno J Coates, j Jas (Jox, Jnp Tpampagna.*. VVm (’ullen. And (Kr j chn-, Pierce Con -on, Aazon Ch .mpion. W ‘i Cham ! pioii, Do.del Clark, J B Cubbeda . G a-rgo Cally, i Uriah C . anston, Charles ('aim- >n, Root J. Cuwzoy.S T Chapman. Jnoj F Cardell, Antonio Chisa, Jim L U’op. . Thos Connifif, Thos Conway, Moses 8 Cohen, l i) 15 Camp. D Rich’d VV Delaney, Martin Duggan, J hn Doyle, ! Wm C Dawson, Michael Daily, Riel iu Donovan, 3a -1 mnel P Dibble, Daniel Donovan, Alb’t L D’Lorze, Patrick Downey. Isaac D Lyon. Mich'lDonnelly,Jno Connelly, VVm M. Davidson, Morly Doriran, VVm II Davis. Wm Dixon, Ja? Dunn, Chesley Dugger, Jas I H Demand, Jos Dawson, Thos Dowell. JnV Hewn Qavis, I! .i Dirk- rs m,L 3 D’Lyon.G VV Da . i-, D 3 Daniels, Jno Dailey. Win Dunc.iii, Jno Dil | ion, Israel .-her, Levi 3) 1 1 itt, AC Davenport, I ■ Davis, llenry D nnenfeker, Jno D Delannoy. VV J, Davis. > C Dunning, Pat Dervimx Ciut., Ii Duryee. : or: Dye, 3 C Dunning, jr, F G Dana, VV II Dud i 1 v. Jno Devaney, Jno Dohic, i } ii Darby. E ijenry Ellis, Dan’l Egan. Rich’d Ennis, Abraham ; n-iein. John J’.verard, VV. Eliehy, Thomas Eden, 1 C VV Eden, John J Kdy, Charles J Eden. F JosopMu Felt, John Foley, Thos Ford, Jor S Fay, ; Wm FerriU, Htwvard II Fisk, aims Fountain, Du a:M I'eigu on, J E Falligant, Robt Ferrell, John G Fa’ !g;u:t, Jas Ferrell. Jofcn Folleard. Andrew Farry,* John Fil'zuerald, And-.v Flatley, Jt B Pel, Michael Finney, Wm F Feny. E.’ Fulton. G 3 Frierson. Aus tin ■ r. noli, Johann DFiffler, Wm FoFard, Dom’ek l , . ouii i -ganTfi t’k Pol. y.h'ii Flab rty, •iiiuDvF o. .. Nb —r, (jwcu i idey. LJ B Fair . c VV Fein i • r. J Fls 1.! . •• .j (• i Fathers, G G F.< -, Jno C Ferrell, Jas Folker.Green Fie -iwood, Geo VV Fahm, Leonard Freeland, It Ii : ort. (1 John Gerdtz, Fes Grim hall, J F Giiilmnrtin, Beuj i Geonovaiy. hua Griflith. C L Gi>. Ji e ! sr, GW Gaimany, J B (.a Fir-, Jos T’ (Uinnir.. . o;- I • • n, Wm A , bon , Pat’k oarron, Jtu Graay, Gro Glen, J F Gro vel.-dne, John Gammell; Jos Gallagher, Domingo Galleo, John Grillin, Jamb-KGod frey, LJ Guile.artin, St-aimrii Goo.iall, David IJ Giiami,Geu Gauhousi J .M Griffin, Tlios Green, J VV Gd bens, Chas Gro-.-, Pat’ll Gordon, F M Gremi, ! Jno y Glatigny, Peter Gafri! y, VV VV r Goodrich, Isra el Gear, VVm F (-roodwin. John Gilliland, Joseph D Garnetr. ('has. Gatiahl, John Gallagher, C A Greiner, FDVfue, RM (aoodwin, Carsten (ierdtz, James E I Gaudry, Julius & Gaudry, R FI Griffin. n N L Harris, P D Heilzhoim, John Haupt, sr, C S , Ilniry, Christopher Hussey J D Hitghes,C 8 Harris, I Martin Houlihan, Dennis Healy. Dennis Iloilaud. L ti Hart, Michael Horan, John Hughes, David iiar ; moi:, M C Ileald, Win L Haupt, VVm N Hab i ersham, Jos Hunter, S N Harris, J E Hernan dez, 8 P Hamilton Henry Haupt, Edmund Hell'er i en, Patrick liall, VVm llahm, Jonathan Hill, L F i Ha iris. Win P Hunter, G VV Haftlcastie.W Hunter, | ii J) Hendry, D F HaWy, Patrick liana y.John Hig gins, John Hanley, Jno Allonges. Jno Hunter. .8 B I Haupt, John Howard, Martin Horn, William ’ Hone, Peter ilerrman, it A Moniker, Robt ! Hutchison, Jas C Hines, Henry Hunken, J B Har ley, Michael Hickey, Timothy liowe. C B Hardee, Liidia iiazad, J P flood, Thos Honder.-on, VV J Hai ley, lienry Harper. J E Hong, VV II Harris, Nicho- Bei Hernafidez. Tims Ilcttered. Alfred Haywood. Mom s Y Henderson, C II Hull, Ril Hardee, David Uarringti.n, Edwin E Hertz, W II Ilaustman, N M Harris, Btephen Hatrick, B A Hooker. O B Hunter, ! R U Habersham. Chas F Uamiltoii, VV II Holmes, S i’ i !aF, y, VVm II Habersham, J M Haywood, Thos | Hoy ties. I. John VV Inly, L Inly, Wm I lily, 1 rien Island. J. (leu Jones, Jas C Jones, Jas M J- nos, 15 G James, ; Alexander Johnson, J T Jones. J 1) Jessess, Thos Joi:.--, Edward I ones, Jos Joiniston, Peter Jacobs, 1 Jno R Johnson. Christian Jog-tetter, E 3 Johnson, G 11 Johnson, ‘.V B Johnson, Emanuel Joseph. J It Johnson, A E Jones Jno R Jackson, Bulloch Jack | son, Nicholas Jeffreys. K. Fred Krete. Harmon Kuhhnan,Wm II Kelly, Phil- I lip Kolb. Dedrick Kattenhorn, P M Kollock. Ez'h j Kent. N H Knapp, Jas Kini, Jno Kennedy, Dr N, Jas Kerr, Peter Krause. Gelort Kerk, I James Kennedy, John K Uy. Daniel Kairi, Hautord I Knapp. A J Kam. Edwin Kit pp, J F Kirby. Robt Knox,Frederick Krensori. Peter Krine, Louis Cemp, : A (5 Kennedy. A L Kent, Louis Koezel, Thos Kea ton. Jas Kirkland. If. C A C Lamar, Thos Ti Lloyed, Benj’n VV r Lloyd, Hugh Logan, Jos Lippimm. John M P> Lovell, 15 VV ! I.each, 15 Lathrop, M rfin Larkin, B Y Levy, J T . Latham, Peter Logan, Thos Leary, Hugh Larkin, | Patrick Lenahan, Patrick Lee. Daniel Lapin in. ‘l’lios Lyon. James Pana-iiam, J T Linde, Linda Linde, ! Daniel Lenhey, ‘Vili am M Leigh, John Larkin, Hen iry Lathrop, DP! .h. : in**, Andrew I. v, (’ 1) j Lehey, Louis Let- : !. Je.lm ‘.you-. <’ ! K i'urr. w, Gharles Law, Peter Lee, Robt l.eyi . n ■ u. Levy Lil lentbal, VV W L a .Bn, II F Letche, F LohcU Paine j Lovell, Wm EL< vv. .!m N l. wis, Simeon Lane, M t. Lufburrow, Wiliiam i.ake, S A T LawrenccM U:. vton, Edward Lynch,Edward Lovell, Jin l Jit D N Lane. Jas i.i.ughliu, J F Linder, Jas J Logaim A L v .A ji Lewis, Jll Ladd, John Lamn, JaxnV Lynch,! D Gaßocho,Pvter Lawrence. IU. Abraham Minis, David Morris, Jacob Manses, Jno Ti os AieNicholas, John Maaterson, Edwaid Maahai., .-i.mniah McCarthy, John Mcllue, Win Morrell, JG ilihertena, Robt Afclntyrc, 11 C Mlier tens, Jno D Mallett, Jos j\[ordeeai, Michael Me Grail, Thos Murtaugh, Beamier Moore. Malhias H Myer, Peter McGuillicuddy, Bilves ter Manning, M Marsh, Jacob Miller, John Murchison, John B Mon mellin, Thus Maher, Thos McAulilf, Jas McFeely, R W Mis, 11 VV Mercer, C A Magill, Wm Meredith, E T Me Grail, Thos McCollum, H Morse, VVm J Moore,J 1) Mallard, C I) Murphy, Jeremiah Mask, N C Mills, Jesse Mount. Jno Murphy, B M Morel, Patrick Mea nt, C C Millar, Jno McCabe, Harvy Morse, John McDermott, J M Millcn, Thos VV McArt iur, Levi 3 Myers, Henry Alerckhardt, Michael Meath, Thomas Mahon, Patrick McGovern, 33 Millar, TJ McNish,. Jno Mehoney, Jno Mallcry, James J McCoy, Isaac Minis, Edward McCabe, G Murkine, B B Moody, Dennis McGuire,Lawrence McKenna, Neyle Mcllue, J FJ Mciirtens, Ml 5 Myer, Thos McKenna, Jno Mil ler. Jacob Manke Edward McGraw, Bartholomew Mclnurney, JnoMallery, Luder Mehrtens, A F Mira, Fabian Myerhofici* G B Miller, Jno R Martin, Will i:iin BMell. Jas VV Morgan, Michael Morris, Jno VV McKoy, C F Mills, William K Mongin, D McKenzie,. A J M irdtcai. Jas B McDonald, Jas Manusy, Thos R Mills, Doming . Marting, Jos Murphy, G A Me- Ciesky, Agnus McAlpin, Michael Martin. ?eler Maris, A (5 Mode, M B Milieu, Jno McCall, James MoF i ly, VVm .Metcalf, E MendeJl, A KMoore, VVm Mack ay. N% Jo ph N, ill, Thos Naylor, VVm Nungezer, Jas Nun.: zer, VV G Norwood, Jno W Ncuvitt,D B Nich ol.-, L L Ncidlinger, Dan’l Nelson, Terrence Nugent, (. N Nichols, Geo B Nichols, L F Nicole, Jos Nagle, Novi!! .Neyle, Jno Neil. J GNeidlinger, N ANungazsr, J R Norton. O. John W Owens, Geo VV Owens, DanielO’Connor, ‘Tim O’Brien, Owen O Rourke, John F O’Byrne, David O’Connor, Owen O’Reilly, Humphrey O’- Leary, G 3 Owemi, Dennis O'Co nor. Jno O Con i'* li-JuoH Ohlmeyer, VVm U (Jlcott, WinOlmstead, J F O’Neill, D G olcott.E O Byrne, Michael,O’Neill, C E O’Buliivaii, li G Oliver, John Oliver, Jonathan Oimstead, M O’Reilly, James Oliver, W C O’Dris coll. P. Marlin Payton, Antonio Ponce, E M Prendergast, Bam’i N Papot, Ja.s Pre. uergast, O C Parker, An thony Porter, Jos V’ Prentice, John F Posey, N S Pindar, Bam’l Piiilbriek. Jas M Prentic, B M Pond, Win Parris, Patrick Prunty, Andrew C Pacetty, Edwin Parsons, Elisha Parsons, John Poole, S G Paucosl, Ow< n Peterson, C Ii Patterson. J Pertield, .no i lielun, Jno F Powell, James Prendergast,Thos Pui st, 3am i Putman, E J Purse, George Parsons, ii J) Papot, M Prendergast, Edward Padelford, jr., Edwaru Padt lfor, Ben, Thos Pidgeou, Thus B Pitt, Jno Posted, Jos VV Phillips, James Prunty, J M Palin. <* James Quantock, John Uuinn, Martin Quinn. it. P M Russell, Waring Russell, David Rosenblatt. Jacoo R*. i-nband, John Russell, Dennis Ryan, VVm k • s 1 r, James Iti: -. Ml, Thus J Hyon. J B Ross, .. >un Reed} A M d’oss. Michael Rochford, Christo p <■! itu.'.-i 11, VVm P Roberts, John Ryan. J BRead, JVV itoherts, Henry Ruser. VV r m Robert-on.Pat’k !y. L 3 it n Mi. Win Roche, Barney Roden, i at .. Ryan. Win Rogers, Jno A Richardson, Jno C Rowland, Michael Rooney, George Ritter, Edward ii y, Di 1 Robertson, VVm Kemshart, JVV Ra bun. Jos Ross. Francis Ryan. J B Ripley, J VV Rems iiart, Robt Raiford, tl VV Halford, Mat . evv Railor.i, Win It: illy T ANARUS, J P VV Reed, Jno Kiordou, Francis Ik Jeih.r. .n Rebelt Cll Eiitcinau, H Rogers, .! it uii; iiu soli, Jeremiah Ryan. B G Reed, diaries E Robinson. **. E A Boullard, VVm Bwoll. Jno A Schaff’er, John Bcudd *r. Ki. uard Bmyc, Henry Starke, Abraham 3imp.on, Christopher Bqlineidei , John A trualey, Richard Bcanlan, Emanuel Bheftall, Herman Bilber, R H Bpeucer, Mordecai Bheftall, Andrew Stealvu h*r, Juo Bavi.g •, J B Bolomens. Fred’k Bcherfi, A A Bniet■, VV R Bymoas, Tliqs Bullivaii, Go,, rfpaltnoii', Jno G Sexron, A J CBusw, Jacob Shatter, M Bhef t;‘B >r., G J Bponcer, Bam’l Solomons, J p Sc* even, Jno Bpclrnan, D ii Stewart, Ephraim Scudder, S B Sibley, Anthony riegur, Jas Shea, Pat’k Bcanlan, Jj Skinner. Jil Biroes, Dan'l Sullivan, Jas Skin ner, Dr B Bheftaifi Nicholas Binot, Martin Suliivan, i-ewis Smith, Jacob Schaffer, Thos Saunders V! n Stevenson, G N • , , ....... < 0 v, Sul:: •-in, Jas Buiii van, Waller VV Smith, Geo Shultz, i i .-rt rob hart Jas J fctokes, Geo Shute, Harmon . a::- ’ . ;. lienry Seltzer, C B Scally, E Bomerall, Francis Bu/rei, Jno A Btegin, Jno Slu t in, Win G Stafford, Jn Screven, Wm Baite. C M Stone, J R Baus.-y J M Schley, Francis Shells, P K Bheils, A Short, Jno V Symons, Jas Symons, F It Sweat, Ed mund J Saunders, fid win Stiles, J M Solomons, Au gustus Scheiaeraan, Denis Sullivan. Daniel Sulli van. M J Solomon , M sh han. Dennis Sullivan, 15.tri.ey Smith, H.-nry Suhbs, Ja.* H Bhehan, V’alen- Uiie r tantou Jno td.erhnT. Loyal Be; antou, Martin Shannon, Job Bullivm:, Jas F Stoke.-. Phillip Bmith. Jos r! SheJlinan. Ja.s M StnckKK.ui, Timothy Bher redan, Thos Smith. Win Starr, Jr. T. VV Ii Tarver, Jno V Tarver, Geo VV Titcohnb, V c ii y. un. Jno Thompson Pat'k Tyding.-, Bar '’- - G in- -i, IK *s T i*ii*it< Jl. A F Toriay, 1’ G J ho*, VV F Thompgot:. Jno F Tucker, A Tuibird, 11. J i> i'embroke, Jus Thurmait, 1> T i ini. Wm 1 liumaß.C E Tett’, Edward Townsend, ii e.-us, A Thomas, VV’ P T fir Nlarioi. Thread,. riaiKjno Ll Phoii , ii J Thomason, VV 7 ii Tin-ley, Ij'iK lr. V l'immas, Ricii.irdsou Tombs- V. 11 Tuibird, .1 P.’ Taylor, Jno Ci Tlionius, Jehu i Ui.uiL'd, IC Mellt, Jas i’ Tustin, Thos M Turner, v A Tupper. U. Chriation Uebele. V. V •■noley.Alias itamboski,Chas Van Horn, W il B VcrbUiJe,'JTistam Verstille, David Veader, lienry Veilstelcb. W. o VV'ood, Itich’d Wayne. J L Wineburg, Capt While, Jas YVhilhhan, Beth Woodward, iMitha Vv yily* Chao Wilson, Geo VV Wyliy. /Vi eu.-nis VVeiize, James WliKe. L VV Welles. Flalic. ‘ Vv ii V\ yJH ,J> MVV .Ison, G M Waldburgh, VV Pijorno V> illia.ii:.-, VV m Wilson, Wm Waters, Hiram Wal h*r, Join VvTiiianiSon, Jaj White, Jacob Walter. G: jory Whim. Michael Weldon, Thos Weight, W < VVyiiy.E r Wilson, VV VV VVoodbridge, Bryan W r :n. Ii D VVaik- r.Jno \V Wii .-on, ThosJ Walsli r 11 (j VV yer. Jos WV\ . . VVm V\ ri*rht, G S Wait. 11 .• W illink, ieaac Welder, Win V vescotl, Jacob WaUuurgi:, J VV Web..: r, ’errard Wubbl. man, A A J White, Christopher White, Irvin 1, Wolfe, N vUu as Con red, VValsmlth, Isaac f Whitehead, C E Yviiiung. T E VVydy. Enos VVithington, Benja min VYina hea. , Th< . Workman, Dr B Warner. J VV VV an.-, J .■ Williams, s P Wliitehead, Thomas A VV Lon. Thos S Wayne. G W West, Jos VV White, 5 .. VVi;i- 11, Simon Walton, W II Weeks, H U Wash burn. Peter Y’onson, Ji.o A Young, Dr E Yonge. ‘J’ 7. : lo -l i E:iward G Zotrouer, Jacob Zim i* erinun, Edward Zudemes. . . ;.i‘ the qualifications of voters ei.rith di> v. lor Mayor Aldermen if the City i : ; ot toe ensuing election in December next, arnl a ii.-t of per-on.*- Re.;. tcrod for the month ol May. Jt there are any persons whose names aro KegLiered, and who are not emit led to a vote, notice i.- re: m, ctfully requested to be given to the Clerk of Council, that they may he dealt with according to 1 w. it. F, AKIN, julv 17 Clerk Council. f | >IiE FO**E CO M I*o UMI has been going off JL very fast, aud given perfection satisfaction to every one who has use it : if you want a bottle ca l soon at HUMPH EYS lY JOHNSON, july 14 Corner Broughton and W hitaker-sts. UAH REE’S 13 AI H RESTORATIVE, the pure ; ju-r received and for .-ale by jui’r 6 IJD.MPHKI.YS A* JOHNSON, Corner Bn>us;htui> and Wh’taker sts. fUII FI NISST assortment of Hair. Tooth and i Nail Brurlif-s ever ‘ ff'.-n*d in tin* eity, can be f> • ‘I at. HU.MPHRKY & JOHNSON’S, ju vfi Corner Krourhton and Wbitaker-sts. 4 1 <)\( P NT RATED Solution of Magnesia Just V ‘ received by june 12 HUMPHREYS & JOHNSON. | i 15N It Y’S pure Magnesia, warranted . indue -* * just received by HUMPHREYS & JOHNSON, june 11 corner Broughton and Whitaker ti •