The Valdosta times. (Valdosta, Ga.) 1874-194?, February 04, 1905, Image 1

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7 Hr 'W TWICE-A-WEEK. _ VALDOSTA, GA., 8/ church women killed ice king helps 7aps. old redland sf nine killed while out on a SLEIGH RIDE. [REFORMS FOR RUSSIA. Of the Thirteen Women In the 8lelgh Not One Eicapid Injury—Seven Were Killed Outright—Two More Died In the Hospital— How the Accl- dent Occurred. Harnellsvllle, N. Y„ Pe b . 2,-Apas- senger train on the Pittsburg. Shnw- inut and Northern railroad tonight crashed into a sleigh containing thir teen women, killed seven outright and so seriously injured the remain ing six that two of them died after being removed to the hospital. Of the other four, two are In a serious condition. The accident occurred near Arkport. The sleigh was one of three carrying a party from the Unlversalist church of this city. The dead: Mrs. Mary Gillette. Mrs. Charles Thomas. Mrs. Eugene Shaw. Mrs. Joseph Hallott. Mrs. C. C. Graves. Mrs. Bert Moore. Mrs. Coates. Mrs. Fred Greene. Mrs. Ruth Patchen. The injured: Mrs. F Broughton. Mrs. F. R. Rowley. Mrs. Bond. Mrs. Wallace Clark. Members of the Ladies’ Aid Society of tho Unlversalist church went to a farm house near Arkport to spend the afternoon. It was nearly dark when they started on the return trip to the city. The occupants of the leading sleigh saw the train approaching aa they neared the Shawmut crossing. The driver urged his horses ahead, and the sleigh passed over the tracks in safety. the first FROZEN EARTHWORKS DEFIED A88AULT8 OF RU88IAN8. ALL THE NEW8 FROM THA OF THE COUNTY. For Five Days the Russians Hurled Themselves Agglnst the Japanese Defenses, But Fell Back Without Accomplishing Any Damage to the Japanese. Russian Headquarters, Huan Mourn tain, Feb. 1.—The five days’ combat which will go down In history as the battle of the Hun river, was fought out on a seemingly unending plain, which Is broken only by southern am ethyst mountains around Yental, the solitary eminence of which Is the Lino Yang tower, of bloody memory. The bright glare of the sun reflect ed from a dazzling expanse of snow was painful to the eyes, and It was with difficulty that one could follow here and there black streaks marking the Russian columns of wavering skir mish lines dashing against what resem bled dull gray rocks, but which In re ality were the villages of Lldlatoun 1 and Tanlepu and tho extensive ham let of Sandepas, bastloned by Chinese defenses and converted by the Japan ese Into veritable fortresses—surroun ded with wire entanglements and earthworks. Exposed to the Intense cold of, a Manchurian winter, the mounds of earth had become like granite and as impenetrable as the stsel sides of a modern battleship. For five days Russian soldiers hurl ed themselves against the defenses and field artillery pounded them un til the frosty air reverberated with tho thunder of cannon, the din of bursting shells, the rattle of musketry, but neither steel point ehell nor nickel bullet availed against the frozen earthwork!. The gunner* wept witt desi |hf, CZAR AGREES UPON NEW FORM OF GOVERNMENT. Young Man Killed a Urge eneke Wednetday-FWmer Figures In a Romantic W. Old Church Being Replaced New One—Other Matters of Interest. Old Redland, Feb. 2. t\ last a young son of Mr. f. mons killed a large rattles: urlng between five and/’ length, bearing eight ttr\alj Little Marie McQuol^ Id, Dr. Little Is treating her*, A she will soon be all right Mr. Cecil McCall, Ousle. little operator. Is quite an" Ttdept lit i Was Told Bluntly by a Minister [ That the Old Form Wee a Failure— [ The People to Have a Voice In the Nation’s'Affaire. [ft. Petersburg, Feb. 2—A report Is >nt here that tho Czar has grant- j Russia a constitution, which Is Itamount to the Magna Charta. Minister of Agriculture Yomoloff Intly Informed the emperor, accord- 1 to this report, that'the present item of gbvernment has outlived its and that without tho nld ROYAL Baking Po Mackes Clea^rv I he , Russian people it would be , , H.v,.. ... .Impossible to carry on tho business social circles. the empire, even by force. Mr. L. E. Moore, a former resident jpjNIcJiolas reprimanded Ycmoloff’s of Old Redland, was mah-Ied on Sun- [impertinence at the time of tho Inter day, the 22nd, to Mies Lyda LanfSHRi ’** * With Royal Baking Powdj no mixing with the hands,! the brow. Perfect cleanlini facility, sweet, clean, heal] of Hopewell, Fla. Fearing that Ito parents would object, the young cou pie went to Lake City to be married, Afterward, however, he recall- led him and commanded that his ideas pe embodied in a ukase addressed to M. Witte. Yemoloff returned with a m uu min uea, xemoion returned with a but they soon received a message iht Written constitution and read it to rorgheness and an invitation to enmn the Czar. When the minia+n* Full instructions in the “ Royal Bakei book for making all kinds of bread" with Royal Baking Powder. Gratia to forgiveness and an Invitation to corao back. On their return they met a hearty welcome and numerous costly presents awaiting them. His Old Rad- land friends wish to extend best wishes and most hearty congrntifia- tions. The old church building at New Redland has been torn away an&fo new one is being erected In Ite Btoad. The nice cottage henfle of Mr. jM Mrs. Edward Nicholson is nearing completion. • j Mr. Charles Powell attended qiijff. terly conference last Sunday at Lilia The pupils of the Czar. When the minister had fin ished the Czar Impetuously seized a pen and signed what known in history as the. Russian Magna Charta. What the Constitution Contains. Included in this the main points are: Witte, aa president of the coun cil, is charged with the extension of davolopment of the prlclples of refor mation, as detailed In the Imperial ^Sase of Christmas. Order Is to be “stored throughout the empire by :eful methods. The Russian peo- aro to 1 be Invited to cooperate tho government According to iport, those methods may Include .of tho assemblage or A. H. DUKES, Wholesale !, GW, RUE FEED SUPPLIES. SPECiy Vicars No. i North Carolina Seed losetfr^* ; had very little audience*, i finish. Evdryta I the I Imperial palace. ■led . and when It came to trade. ttie pilot of the engine struck the sleigh with great force, reducing it to splinters and hurling the women In all directions. Every woman on the sleigh was killed or injured. The other members of the party hurried back to the assistance of their unfortunate companions, and the train was stopped and backed up to the crossing. The bodies of the dead were placed upon the train, and the Injured were laid upon Improvised cots In the bag gage car. Tho train then proceeded to Hornellsville. The news of the accident had been telephoned to the city, and hundreds of friends and relatives of the unfor tunate women were waiting at the The men' seemed indifferent to hunger or cold, which latter was of Arctic Intensity. Their fingers, hands and feet were benumbed, while stinging snow and dust, blinded them. The slightest wound caused excrucia ting pain. Warm blood no sooner ex uded from lacerated flesh than It be gan to freeze. The wounded could not be left exposed, and If they did not receive attention within an hour they died. Man was powerless In the face of nature, which heaped tortures upon the troops and defeated the well- thought-out plan of the commander. bound from start is invited. The . dob kieets everySaturday night at 7 p. lft. ' Sunday school at t ■ayer meeting at 7 o’clock Convicts Escape on Engine. Huntsville, Tex., Feb. 1.—Two con- •ite For'" Prices. station. The dead were at once taken to tho morgue, and the Injured were placed In ambulances and taken to the Mercy hospital. Elisha Quick, driver of the second sleigh, was badly hurt. He said he tried to stop the sleigh, but could not control the horses. p. m. and prayer _ Sunday night. We ere glad-to hsvej our friends come and assist ns In these meetings The rural free delirery service Is ai great convenience, but on Wednes days and Saturdays the cantor’s ar rival Is hailed with unusual pleasure. Every one Is eager to sec The Valdos ta Timet, of which we are all so proud. Mr. J. J. Scruggs has been to Black- shear to visit his children, who are there at school. Miss Sallle Sims has returned home after a very pleasant visit of iwo wcoks in Florida. When newcomers are Initiated hue Old Redland society they are alwajs supposed to "ride the goat." So las: Wednesday night Mr. B. A. I/>vvoru preferred the bell goat, much to the amusement of his friends. vlcta made a daring escape from the penitentiary here today. They over powered the engineer and fireman of a locomotive In the penitentiary yards and steamed from the ground! under fire of the guards. They ran the en gine about five miles, when they aban doned It and took to the woods. One of the prisoners was serving a life sentence under charge of murdering nls father. 1 i . .311 ATTENTION, FARMERS! We are prepared to quote you very ’close prices on all kinds of Fertilizers and will be glad to have you aee ua before making your purchaaea. CARTER, POWELL & CO., For the J. L. Staten Co. lit Is predicted that by tho year 2000 from 200 to 300 new foods will be at nan’s service. w A. S. Pendleton Go. . . . WHOLESALE . GROCERS. Headquarters for Loaded Shells, Powder, Shot and Caps, Fruits and Produce, Raisins, Nuts, Candies, Canned Goods, Fancy Groceries, Etc. THE A. S. PENDLETON CO., Valdosta. * It Will Pay You! It has been profitable to others to trade with us, so why not fall in line with the rest and learn where you can get the best values for your money. Our stock is complete and prices consistent. Satisfaction or money back cheerfully, our motto. Remember the Name; Harley—Remember the Place; Valdosta—Remember the Company i Harley Hardware Company, 106 North Patterson Street. Keen Rutter. —"t Keen Kutter