Newspaper Page Text
A Special Term of Court Was Called
to Round Them Up. .
Tiftop, Ga., March 16.— The sensa
tional developments In the tax returns
from Worth county culminated yester
day In the calling of a special term
of superior court, over which Judge
W. N. Spence presided, at which the
grand Jury was called together to re
ceive the report of the special com
mittee appointed at the fall term of
court to examine the tax returns.
The committee, consisting of C. G.
Dell, T. A. Spurlin, R. L. Sutton, D.
H. Powell, Mitchell Paulk, I. F. Cole
man and W. A. Murray, reported that
it had carefully gone over the digest,
atad too its best ability and knowledge
of facts, assessed values on every lot
or parcel of land on which it could
procure information.
This assessment increases the value
on real estate alone ii\ Worth county
$1,450,971. These figures, the com
mittee regards as being as near cor
rect as it is possible to obtain, and it
recommends that the tax receiver for
the year 1905 refuse to accept any re
turns for a less value than assessed
by them.
The committee also found that a
great deal of lands in Worth county
had not been returned for taxaton at
all, and recommends that the ordinary
furnish to the tax receiver a correct
land map of the county, and that tho
receiver use all care and diligence to
see that all lands are .returned for
1905, and that the taxpayers in mak
ing returns, specify the number of lots
as well as number of acres.
The grand jury adopted the report
of the committee, and made it their
recommendation. It also recommend
ed that in vew of the condition of the
public roads of tjie county^ each road
mmlssoner be fined $50 unless the
It* Tiore'jmi condition b;
' October term of court
Lieutenant 8hot Down While Trying
to Make Escape.
Vancouver Barracks. Wash., March
15.—Lieut Francis M. Boone, who
was ordered discharged from the
United States army yesterday on the
charges of desertion, absence with
out leave, non-payment of debts and
conduct unbecoming an officer, today
Fashionable Females Pulled in a New
York Gambling House.
New York, March 15.—The police
today raided a pool room and gamb
ling house on Forty-second street,
which they declare was patronized al
most exclusively by wives of wealthy
New Yorkers.
The evidence on which the place
made a dash from his guard, with, it 1 was raided and the alleged prdprie-
is believed, deliberate suicidal intent, Frederick Bush, arrested, was ob-
and before recapture was shot and
probably fatally injured.
Boone was being conducted from
the guard house to the garrison hos
pital, when, without warning, he broke
away and started to run. He was or
dered to halt, but paid no attention
to the command, and guards opened
fire. One bullet out of the five fired
at the prisoner took effect in tho head
above the right ear and passed under
the scalp to a point above the right
eye. Another broke his collar bone. . ..... . . . # A . .
„ , go, but they had to force their way
Boone rose to the office of lieuten-» u L J
ant from the ranks. He is said to
tained by a woman detective.
The alleged pool room was located
in a fashionable apartment house.
The policemen had to break down two
doors to reach the room. Their en
trance was followed by a scene of
wild excitement, the women, most of
whom wore gathered around a rou
lette table, screaming and attempting
to escape by the windows and doors.
After giving their names and ad
dresses the women were allowed to
belong to a wealthy New York family,
and has a wife and child in San Fran
Many Houses Were Broken Open and
Robbers 8ecure Valuables.
Montezuma, Ga., March 16.—Burg
lars got in their work in this place
last night On awakening this more
lng, several families found their doors
and windows open and rooms show
ed that they had been ransacked by
some one. Mr. J. E. Robinson lost a
jflne watch and a few other things.
J. T. Stilwell, Jr., also lost a watch
j and chain. The residence of J. S. La-
I vendor and J.. B. Easterlin were also
\ but nothing of conse- N . ,
l Oyama.Report, Spoils 8ecured by tbs
Toklo, March 14—11 a. m.—A tel-
1 egram received today from headquar
ters In the field says:
“in the district of Slngchlng our
forces have been dislodging the ene
my from Ylngpan, eighteen miles east
pf Fushan, and on March 11 entered
that place. In the direction of the
Shakhe river all of our forces are
continuing the pursuit of the remnant
of the enemy, and many Russian offi
cers and men are surrendering to our
train guards in the mountainous dis
tricts oast of Tie Pass road.
"Additional spoils taken in the di
rection of the Shakhe river are wag
ons and carts captured southeast of
Chlpiikoutzu. They exceed 1,000,
loaded with gun ammunition, small
ammunition, entrenching tools, tele
graph and telephone equipments,
pontoon material, supplies and water
“They also carried 14,000 8-ccntlme-
tro, 1,400 15-centlmetre shells and 1,-
200,000 small ammunition, and va
rious military Btores.
At the home of Mr. J. K. Han go book
they failed to gain admission, but left
an axe; supposed to have been had
for prizing open windows.
There is little doubt but they are
the same parties that operated in
Oglethorpe last Friday night.
An Ante-Bellum Letter 8howlng His
Devotion to the Constitution.
Hillsboro, N. H., March 15. —Kirk
Pierce, the nephew of President
Pierce, has found an autograph letter
writtei by Jefferson Davis to Frank
lin Pierce among the documents in
herited from his uncle.
Mr. Davis wrote from the senate
chamber under date of January 27,
1860, saying in part:
“The prospect of our country Is not
less gloomy than when you left. I will
stand by the flag first and uphold the
constitution whilst thero is a possibil
ity of effecting anything to preserve
and perpetuate the government wo in
herited. Beyond that, my duty and
faith bind me to Mississippi and her
fortunes as she may shape them.”
The longest canal in the world is
the Imperial canal in China—2,000
miles long.
through the crowd that had gathered
to their private carriages and auto
mobiles, which were waiting around
the corner.
Besides the charges of conducting a
pool room and gambling house, Bush
is accused of attempting to brlbo a
The Health Officer of New York City
Advances a New Theory.
With time our views In respect to
many matters change. For Instance,
It hasn't been so very long sinco we
believed that wet, sloppy weather was
sure to produce sickness—especially
colds and pneumonia—and that dry,
even windy weather, promoted health.
Dr. Pifrllngton, jhe health officer of
that this belief
been a close ob
server in the thickly populated sec
tions of New York city for years, and
therefore what he says in regard to
this matter is based upon his obser
vation. A few days ago, speaking of
the snow In the streets, and their
sloppy condition, due to rain, be said:
“It is not tbe present wet and slop
py weather which produces* sickness
and disease. It Is when the streets
are dry and dusty and tho wind Is
strong that we look for trouble. As
the weather Is now, the water and
slush In the streets hold down the
germs, which if raised Into tho air
would be breathed into the system
and would cause disease."
The germ theory of disease Is so
generally accepted that we regard a
germ as the cause of every disease.
And it may he that it is. Naturally
wo would suppose that persons walk
ing sloppy streets, getting their feet
damp, would run greater risk of con
tracting pneumonia than If exposed to
the dust raised by March winds, but
It seems such is not the case.
The wind picks up the germ-laden
duBt, carries it into tho egfs. nose and
mouth of the pedestrian, and, if he Is
at all susceptible to any attack of ill
ness, ho will soon bo laid up wlh
pneumonia or some similar disease.
Murrowjpuilding Burned With Losses
Estimated at $5,000.
March 16.—Fire was
discovered this morning about one
o'clock In the brick block belonging to
Judge John Murrow, on Third street.
Its exact origin is not known, though
it Is supposed to have broken out in
the rear of J. B. Marrow’s barber
shop, in one of the middle store rooms
in the block.
For awhile the Clyatt building and
the main business part of the town
were in imminent danger but for the
third time within a few weeks, the
town was saved by the plucky work
of Tifton’s volunteer firemen, and two
lines of hose connected to the mains
from the fire pump at Tift’s mill.
The building was gutted, but the
wall* were very little Injured. The
losses are as follows:
Judge John Murrow, damage to
building, $2,000; insurance, $1,800.
M. Rogopolous, fruits and groceries,
about $600; no insurance.
J. B. Murrow, barber shop fix*
ttire* $600; no Insurance.
Jos. Anderson, watch and gun re
pair. shop, goods partly saved, lost
about $100; no insurance.
C. L.'Parker & Co., meat market,
damage^by removal, $100; fully in
sured. .4/
I tbs Negro Who Had Uted<
tho Knifo.
Ga., March 15.—Officer S.
of the Albany polico force,
ind seriously wounded early
an unknown negro, who ca
rrying, It is believed, at least
Jet from the officer’s pistol,
o’clock Price was called to
iVchlno *boy on ‘lower
(•eel to arrest a negro-who
was creating a disturbance. As the
officer laid his hand on the negro the
latter struck out with a knife, inflict
ing one wound In tho left side, an
other near the heart and a third in
the back. The negro ran and made
good his escape, not, however, until
Price had fired twice. Tho officer is
satisfied that the first shot took effect.
The policeman’s wounds are se
rious, but are not considered danger
Roy Walker Meets Weath Accidentaly
While In Woods.
Dublin, Ga., March 14.—News has
reached Dublin of the accidental
shooting of a young man named Roy
Walker, which occurred Friday after
noon at his home in tho Reedy
Springs district.
Young Walker went Into the woods
to cut wood and leaned a loaded gun
against a tree. While ho was engaged
in his work, a rabbit ran by, and the
young man sprang for his gun.
It is thought the hammer struck a
piece of wood and fired tho weapon.
The contends entered Walker’s left
breast and pentrated the heart, death
being instantly produced.
FOR SALE—One rotary neostjlo
in first class condition; 3,000 dupli
cates from one writing. It will bo
sold at a bargain. Henderson-Cran-
ford Buggy Co., Valdosta, Ga.
For Divorce-
GEORGIA—Lowndih Couitt:
Jennie B. Myddelton,) Libel for Divorce in
. ~ V- ? Lowndes Superior
James B. Myddelton,) Court.
The defondant. Jamea B. Myddelton, la here
by required to appear at tne Bnperlor Court
of Maid county on the third Monday in May,
next, then and there to answer the plaintiff's
complaint in an action for divorce, in default
thereof the court will prooeed as to Justice
■hall appertain.
Witnees, the Honorable Robt. G. Mitchell.
Judge of said court. This March 18th, 1905.
„ „ „ , Clerk 8. C. L Co. On.
8. M. Varnedoe, Atty. 8-18-tarn f-2m.
For Divorce.
GEORGIA—Lowmdks Cottntt :
O. M.udo Gray, 1 j>|, orc ,LoirndM
'n D. Or.y.1 ».P«ior Court.
The defendant. Jests D. Gray, la hereby re-
aired to appear at the Superior Court of Raid
>unty on the third Monday In May, next, then
nd there to answer the plaintlfra complaint
>r divorce, as in default thereof the coart will
rooeed as to Justice shall appertain.
Wltneaa. the Honorable Robt G. Mitchell,
Judge of said court. This March 18th, 190»T
„ . Clerk 8.0. L. Oo. Ga.
Woodward A Smith, Attya. 8-18-2m.
For Divorce-
Pho.h.1 Oribh,) y^tbol for Divorce In Lownda.
As'cribb. i Oo. Superior Court.
The defendant, J. 8. Orlbb, la hereby required
to appear at the Superior Court of said county
on the third Monday in Ma j^ ncxt, then and
. _ eoaplaSnt for
ttvorce. Aa In default that— ‘ "*
irooeed as to Justice shall
_ Witnees the Honorable
Judge of said court. This March 18th,190ft.
Clerk 8.0. L.
Cranford A Walker, Atty*.
i. G. Mitchell,
Notice of Application for Dis
In the matter of)
'SLK*? j ‘-b*"*™*-*-
'TOthe creditor* of the above named bank-
roptcJaS^VtheSid^.TO^ Tho^aid
application will bo heard by tne Honorable
Kmonr Speer, Judge of the United States DU-
•to notified to .ppow .1 tb. tun. .nd pUc.
•Jatsfl. “d if .my they c»n, why
' oonUlnwt In tb. Mid .pptloatlon
should not bogranted.
D*ted «t V.Moitn, O. . this 17th d»y of
March. A. D.. H05.
Deputy Clerk.
For Divorce.
*"“* Sm,th ' I Ub.1 for Divorce in Bn-
Jnll. Smith. I P' rlor Court of laid county
The defendant, Jolla Smith, is hereby re
quired personally, or by attorney, to appear at
the Huperior Court, to beheld in and for wld
county on the third Monday in May. next, thea'
and there to answer the plain tiff's complaint
in an action for divorce. As in default there
of the opart will prooeed as to Justice shell
Witneae the Hon. Robt. G. Mitchell, Jodgo
m. t. aiuuiuivn.
Clerk 8. C. L. Oo. Ga.
aM 18-a 25-A 8 15.
G- A. Whitaker, Atty.
Administrator’s Notice
Notion la hereby given to ell of the creditors
f the eat ate of George W. Herndon, late of
•id county, deeeaeed, to render bean account
of their demands to me within the time pre
scribed by law, property made oat. And eu
* a- seed ere hereby
payment to tho
The Quantity of
Red Race Ginger Ale
\That is being sold proves the quality of
tthe gooda NoJthing enters thee^ goods
except that which is pure and whole-"
some. Always insist on having it when
calling for ginger ale and you get the
best. It contains nothing that tends to
create habit.
Look for the Indian on the lable. None
genuine without it. We also bottle
dozens of other fine flavors besides gin
ger ale, Coca Cola among them, which
is too well known for us to try to say
something for or against.
Valdosta Bottling Works,
White Pine Sash, Doors and Blinds in Stock.
Harley Hardware Co.,
Right Prices, Prompt Shippers.
Satisfaction or Your Money Back Cheerfully.