Newspaper Page Text
Whllepiaimlng to Bo Deaf and Dumb.
Ho Explain* by Writing, Why Ho
Wished tel Destroy Governor Hoch.
Haa Appearance of Man of Intslll-
April 5.—An'Insane
i save bln name aa J, Evereat
hue whose former place of
i.'the police have beep unable
w*s captured within a block
^te house, where he laid lie
|| to kill Governor E. W.
Phe man waa unarmed, but
L powerful build, and undjubt-
ld have handled Uie chief ox-
ftoghly had he not been ln-
The newa of the capture
iheld by the police until to
ugh the capture waa made
ilrgton Is new In tho county
Will be sent to an kaylura.
Vjnicatlon with the man le
• means of written questions
inters, as he pretends to he
1 dumb to answer to a ques-
regard to what hi* purpose
ik the gwefernor, Worthington
it lnw not been for his offloer who The State Wants to Retire *8,400,000
captured mo, Governor Hoch would of Securities,
havo . noen rio more, for when I was Montgomery, Ala, April B.-Tho
arrested I was on my way to-the enp- governor openod bids today for bonds
Uoldo kill Uta. One who has risen to retire. *8,400,000 duo July 1. 1000.
ifsjA.I^urity to a high placn is the Tho aggregato of bids was for *18.-
<he tmpecimiouH gen- 000,000. Two bids were for tho wholo
lssuo at a premium to bear 310 per
p|@Rfp|||!|p|p^Pg|ml||P^.2nd has|cent, interest.
^■^Pano| oilman iX lntelli j Th* hlghvit: bl« vie by a
•geiirPo. He hiVtall and strong, and j aymlicate composed of I.ndcnburg,
baa Ted hair-and blue eyes. I Ho was Thallium & Co. and Goldman, Snchs
n^dbS 'by <,0, ID,,Miller, an-offleer of!* Oo,of New York; l?r*t National
thee JuvsaUe- court, whose .attention Bank Of Montgomery, and three Blrm-
waeiMtraeted 'by the peculiar actions tngham banka, and apme otherbanW
of Worthington. . „ In mlddlo Alabama, all of which were
i'i. represented by Sidneys H. M/irsh. The
3TROOR8 IN READ1KE88' bonds te be retired bear I per.cent.
■ The governor has the rightto rie-.
TTs (Do-to Preston to Protect the Ne- Ject all the bids. He kpa not signified
:gco Thornton. .what he will do, but will signify his
^Td^Ahus, On, April 5.—Capt. John Intention on or before April IB.
ach ’Dtaa the Decision,
f 'nerieju^
New 'York.
Her Attorneys, However, Dqn’t Want
to Have Her Hanged.
New York, April B.—Anna Valenti
na, who wus convicted of tho murder
o! Rosa Su'-'i at T/idl, N. J, f, year
ago and whose attorneys have boon
making every effort to save her from
the' gallows, today was- ro-scntencod
to be hanged on Friday, May 12. •
Sentence was passed .by Judge Gar-
retton in th* supremo oourt at Hack'
attack, N. 3.
yofa will makeiapotbtttppealto the
beard of pardons, and Should, that fall'
may appeal to tha United' Slates- an*
promo court; on the (ronn4 that ahe
waa' deprived'Of her eowrtitntionat
rights. - "
Ameilcus, Ga, wife of XVmm™'Uv-
ingston Lamed, aa Illustrator, who
.died a (few days -ago under cirouin-
etanoes which were considered suspl-
ckras, name to Tier death by potaon.
eelf-lnfiinted, With .suicidal Intent.
This conclusion was reached by a
coroner's .'Jury today. The dead-wom
an’s faudband testified at the tequeat
that Mrs. Lamed had been unhappy
on amount of his 'frequent fonedbaa-
He Waa Fireman m a FregX* En
gine Which Was Run Into by a
Passenger Engine—Mashed to Death
a* He Started to-Dump to Save Him-
Richard Jackses, a well known
young white mas, was mashed to
death at an »early hoar yesterday Mr.- Brown’s recent Indorsoment of
His Alleged Indorsement of tha "Sooth
Carolina Plan.”
Atlanta, April B. — Chairman J.
Pope Brown, of the railroad commis
sion, and prospective candidate for
governor, who is here to attend the
meeting of the commission tomorrow,
when asked today If he had anything
to say with regard to the Interview
of Chairman M. J. Yeomans, -of the
state executive committee, •criticising
the South Carolina primary election
plan, In an Interview given unit In Sa
vannah, node the following state
"I am not familiar with 'the details
morning in a collision which occurred
between two engines in the yards of
the Georgia Southern road at this
One of the engines was a freight
-engine in charge of Engineer Dowling,
with young Jackson as fireman. The °f South Carolina plan and have
•other was a passenger engine in given the matter but little thought.
„ charge of Engineer Freeman. The For the Information of those Interest-
freight engine had gone from the old ed, I will state just what 1 have said
depot to the new depot to get orders, about the matter and the clrcum-
or for some purpose, and was on Its stances under which It -was said,
way bacXIsfhen It was run into by i “Last week, while in Savannah, it
the passenger engine, which was on!was suggested that from present lndi-
its way to pull the passenger train to j cations there would ’be several «n-
Jacksonville. tries In tho gubernatorial race. It -was
The freight engine was backing to- ’ also suggested that possibly there
ward the west on the curve near the would he a deadlock la tho conven-
crossing <of the Valdosta Southern tiou, and that some one might 'be
road. Engineer Dowling stated that nominated who had ' not been voted
his engine was under control and was for in the primary, whereupon I made
just fixing to stop for the crossing'the remark that rather than have
when the other engine ran Into him.'such a state of affatrs It would be'bet-
Nolthcr engine was, running fast ter for the two leading candidates • to
though the impact from tho collision run the 'race over, and somo one sug-
was so Sclent to roll the heavy sheet, gested that this was the South'Caro-
Iron on the freight engine's tender al-. lina plan.
most like a scroll. Fireman Jackson! "Now, that is What 1 said, and all
saw the headlight of the passenger en-11 said. I do-not 'care to discuss the
gine coming toward theta and start- matter further -at this time. I feel
ed to jump when the collision oc-j that the executive committee can be
curved. {relied upon to do'the proper thing at
The tender was driven forward j the proper time.'’
against ms engine and the'young man I
wae crOShjd ,$e death. {JURY IINDORSED'SPEER’S VIEWS.
It Is said that both, engineers were!
l !<> blame for -lie accident. One olH's Savannah ‘Charge oiVPoasage k)
L ihom whr ru |j,o time which belonged 1 itphslU at Auq...
to another train, while tho other dis
regarded or dele to -regard Ao stopping
at crossings.
The remalnsiof young Jackson were
turned over to - Outlay ;* Co. and
were prepared for burlal. They were
sent to Ochlochnee, Where his parent*
reside, for Interment The-young
man’s father happened to 'be to the
cty attending-the city court when the
.accident occurred. .
It Is said that he tried to -get his
ison to give up railroading; only the
-day before the accident, but there was
a fascination about the life on the
rails which made the young man un
willing to turn against It for awhile.
He was well known .here and had
many friends and some relatives In
this city.
Waycross, April B.—Mr. George
Dolo Wadley announced this morning
that the Atlantic,. £ Birmingham
shops would bo rebuilt at. once. Plans
and material are already la progress
for the work.
Augusta, April B.—Tho xSdoru!
grand 1unr-today,‘in a Bpeclal-report,
Indorsed Judge Emory Speer’s views
on ^peonage, which were neehUr ex-
pressed to bis "Charge to the grand
JtuT In tho United States Court nt Sa
vannah. Y’
Judge Speer, bn "dfseaasligihe pe
onage question, apMfe-of.tbe met)who
aro condemned to i’the'Chalttgang for
violations of perip. tounlclpal ordin
ances, and added: "For myself, I do
not hesitate to decUrd that enforced
labor on a local <chaln-gang, Imposed
under such circumstances or for any
offense not amounting to crime, Is
Involuntary servitude and peonage In
the light of the decision, of tho su
preme court of the United States, and
no matter what theetate law or mu
nicipal oidfnances on the subject may
Be—Clear Havana fXgara—Sc.
For sale at all leading stores.
About Depots—Georgia Southern and
Florida Mutt Build a New Station
at Valdosta, but Atlantic Coast Lina
la Allowed to^Keep Its Protent One-
No Train Shad for Albany.
Atlanta, April 8.—The Railroad Com
mission this afternoon decided the Al
bany and Valdosta depot oases, and
while these cities are not given all they
askod (or, the railroads have ibeen or
dered to make somo substantial im
Valdosta wanted a onion depot and
•thought if the commiasiea would order
both roads to build new depots, they
would consolidate. The commission,
'however, lias (hrdered the Georgia
Southern and Florida to 'build a new
■station there at once, While It considers
'that of the Atlantic Ooast Line adequate
for the present and makes no require
ment in ite case.
Tho people «f Albany have been
oring for a train shed and other'
provements at their-station. The
mission has refilled to order the
to build a train shed'therb, bnt requires
them either to raise the station platform
or lower their trucks so as to lessen the
danger to life, und to i prevent the T»ln
water from running into the waiting
Other Improvements ordered at (he
Albany depot include better sanitary
arrangements and a-sufficient number
of are fights to give the necessary il
lumination at night. { ‘
A Japanese .Advertisement '
As an Illustration of the Japanese
advance In the art df advertising, can
anything be more complete than this*
‘‘Our wrapping paper Is as strong as
the hide of an elephant. Goods for
warded with the speed of a cannon
ball. Our silks and satins are as soft
as tho cheeks of a pretty woman, as
beautiful aa a rainbow. Our paroels
are packed with aa much care as a
young married woman takes of her’
Police Locate Two Wanted for the
8torey Operations.
Philadelphia, April B.—It was au
thoritatively stated tonight that two
of the fugitives wanted in connection
with the alleged swindling trpreact
ions of the Storey Cotton Company
had been located by the posts' author
Itles, and that their arrest will follow
within the ensuing forty-eight hours
It waa not announced which two of
the fugitives had been traced to their
hiding places.
Postal Inapvctor Mayer, who came
here to investigate the charge that
Inspector Holden, of this city, had ac
cepted *1,000 from the Storey Compa-
haa practically completed bis
work. Inspector Holden admits hav
ing accepted the money as a personal
loan, but claims to have repaid It
within three days. The evidence to
the case la to the hands of the de
partment of justice.
Henry J. Scott, attorney for
8tan!ey Francis, now to prison, under
|B0,000 ball, charged with u-lrg the
United States malls to defraud, today
applied for a writ of habeas -corpus
in tho United States district court.
Judge Holland made the writ returna
ble Friday, when It will be argued.
William J. Bradley, of Camden, re
ceiver of the Storey Cotton Company,
today isstied a statement saying that
the rights of creditors would be pre
To (Do To Preston to Protect th* No
rco Thornton.
iWHinbus, Go., April 5.—Capt John
"C. Coaxt, commanding the Columbus
Quarts, haa boon ordered to be ready
to go to Preston at a moment's no-
Tdbo Thornton, a negro! Is tp bo
-tried ‘for criminal assault upon ' a
white .woman at‘that place tbis week,
and this compaqy has been ordered
nut to protect him, as attempts to
lynch him are feared.
The victim of the assault lost her
■mind shortly < afterward from tho
Shock, excitement and mortification.
has only recently regained her
Freight Handlers' Strike.
Tho negro freight handlers at the
transfer Shed of the Atlantic Coast
Lino freight depot went out on strike
this morning. Heretofore the freight
truckers have been receiving their
pny weekly, but a new rule was made
to pay them monthly from the pay
train, just as tho other employes are
paid, yhc negroes objocted to the
now order of things, however, and
refused to work. Other men will be
secured to take their places.—Way-
cross Herald.
The Loss on It Waa $25,000—Rest-
dsnee of T, .1. Bottoms Waa Also
Destroyed, While Those of a Num-
bar of Others Took Fire, But Were
Tbomasvlllo, Ga, April *—The most
disastrous fire Tbomasvlllo has had
to ten years threatened to wipe out
the east resldonco portion of town
tbis afternoon#
The fire started In the palatial win
ter residence of Oliver H. Keep, a
New'York millionaire and manufac
The roof caught from a chimney
spark, and to an hour the residence
had burned to the ground. It wu lo
cated at the corner nt Flay and Broad
streets and was valued at $20000.
Some of the furniture was saved. In
surance on the house was $12,004, and
on the furniture $1,000. '
A strong west wind carried burn
ing clndera a block away and set fire
to.the roof of the resident* belong
ing to T. J. Bottoms, traveling passen-. •
ger agent of the Atlantlp Coast .line.
This, too, was totally destroyed, with
a loss of $3,000; insurance on the
house $1,500, and on the furniture,
The houie* of T. B. Huron, J.aA.
Linton, C. T. Gaudy, Mrs. S. E. Bot
toms, R. P. Does and ‘W. F. Sparks
also caught fire, but were extinguish
ed, with slight damage. The ruins
are still burning, and at a late hour
tonight the danger Is over.
Hancock County Jail If Burned,
Sparta, Ga., April 3—Hancock coun
ty’s jail was completely destroyed by
fire last night. The origin of the'Urn
was la a cell occupied by a negro,
Frank Baker. It was said to (e a
scheme of his to liberate himself and
other prisoners.
All tho prisoners were rescued and
placed under guard. The building
was an old one, and a modern, up-to-
date etructuro will replace It
Spalding’s Base Ball floods,
Also Reach’s Splendid Line of Sporting Goods.
We have just receive dour season’s supplies, all
fresh and bright. Come and examine the lay out. •
League Balls, Bats, Masks, Mits, Gloves.