The Valdosta times. (Valdosta, Ga.) 1874-194?, April 15, 1905, Image 1

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NAN PATTERSON AGAIN SHE WANTED TO PLEAD IN CHARGE OF CONSPIRACY. Assistant District Attorney Rand Ob jected to Nan’s Pleading In Ad vance of the Smiths, With Whom 8he Was Indicted—Plea Therefore Went Over Until Today. New York, April 13.—Nan Patterson was brought into the Court of General Sessions today by her own counsel, to plead to a charge of conspiracy to get money from Caesar Young, the book maker. She is accused of having con spired with J. Morgan Smith and his wife, Nan Patterson’s sister, to extort money from the dead bookmaker. She was not allowed to plead to the charge, however, as Assistant District Attorney Rand asked Judge Foster that she be not arraigned, holding that it was unnecessary. Nan Patterson’s counsel requested don to examine the minutes of jury which indicted her. This opposed by Mr. Rand, who asked l a delay of one day in order that Nan fetight be arraigned in company with J. Morgan Smith and Mrs. Smitli tomor row Although Nan Patterson’s coun sel vigorously objected to the delay the edort ordered that her plea to the charge be put over until Friday. She will be placed on trial again next Monday on the charge of having dered Young. Counsel for J. Morgan Smith and his wife asked the court to order the dis trict attorney to return ihe letters con fiscated from the Smiths in Cincinnati. The lawyer declared that Mr. Rand had 'to them Before deciding the question, the court decided that formal notice be given to the district attorney. After the court proceedings, Mr Rand asked the Smiths’ counsel to allow them to come to the district attorney’s office mid be questioned, which was refusedi |tifl said Mr. Rarnl, is endeavoring any DIED IN COURT ROOM HON. WASHINGTON DESSAU, OF MACON, PASSE8 AWAY. VALDOSTA GA., SATURDA Y^’,IPUIL l s , 1905. He Was Arguing a Case Before the Supreme Court of Georgia When He Was Seized With Apoplexy and Ex pired in a Very Short While. Atlanta, April 12.—While making a speech before the supreme court here this morning, Hon. Washington Des sau of Macon, one of the mofit prom inent attorneys in tho state, dropped back into his chair unconscious and in ten minutes he was dead. Mr. Dessau had been' In Atlanta sev eral days attending tho supreme court and this morning was making a speech in the case of the Lamar, Taylor and Riley Drug Company against H. J. and W. D. Lamar, ex ecutors of the estate of Henry J. La- TED’S STRENUOUS LIFE MONET ROOSEVELT RUNS A FOOTRACE, BRAZILIAN AND KILL8 A RATTLESNAKE. | ON HOk President Roosevelt and a Bunch of assisted’' Since he had been in Atlanta Mr. Dessau had not complained of feel ing ill and this morning ho appeared in usual health. He had spoken some time when he stopped and sank back into his chain*. Other attorneys in the court room immediately went to Mr. Dessau’s assistance and physici ans were hastily sent for. A doctor was summoned and res toratives were applied but Mr. Des sau never regained consciousness and he died in ten minutes. Mr. Dessau was ono of the most prominent attorneys In Georgia and was well known in Atlanta where he has appeared before tho supreme court for years in some of the most Important cases ever heard by that tribunal. The case in which Mr. Dessau ap peared had been a hard fought one and every inch was contested by both sides during tho hearing here. It ls known that Mr. Dessau had given the : deal of attention and wa3 sailed ’ after the death of Owsar Yount;. last June, and was desirous of discussing this phase of the case with tho Smitlis. CONFESSION SAVE8 TWO NE0K8. Thro* Are Awaiting Gillows, and Ono Say* Ho I. Guilty. Jacksonville, Fla., April 13.—Isham Edward, a negro confined with two others in the Jail here, under sentence of death for killing N. W fppes, a school superintendent, ir August of last year, near Tallahassee, has con fessed to tho killing, stating that Lar kins and Caldwell are innocent and not connected with the killing In any manner. All three were convicted of murder In tho first degree at the last term of court, and now rest under sen tence of death. . Tho confession was made public today, and it Is thought It will re sult in tho release of Larkin and Cald well. The school history list of “The ten great battles of tho world" will have two alterations. -ore It -was callei .be fought hard, taken to Mi.* * conthis, after.noon over the SoadM em railway. JUMPED IN WELL TO 8AVE CHILD of Heroic Act of H. T. Etheridge, * Winder, Georgia. Winder, Ga., April 14.—While play ing In an old lot near her home, this afternoon, Mary Dottery, the 3-year- old daughter of G. S. Dottery, fell through tho rotten planking of a dis used well, filled with water. The mother and several ladies wit nessed the occurrence, and their fren. zled screams attracted the attention of Col. H. T. Etheridge, a promlennt citizen passing on the street. He ran to the scene, and without waiting to divest his clothing, jumped Into the well of twenty feet depth, caught the sinking body and managed to keep it afloat until the assistance of nearby workmen were brought. Tho child was unconscious when rescued, but heroic methods of resus citation prevailed and she Is now well. Cowboy. Pursued a Wolf Ten Mileo. Over Hill., Across Creeks snd Through Timber the Wolf 8ped, but the President Was on Hie Trsll. Frederick, 0. T., April 12—This has been an ideal day for President Roose velt and his party of hunterB In the big Pasture. « The weather has been cool and cloudy. The party goes out at 6:30 o'clock each morning and returns to camp about 21 o’clock for dinner. Fresh horses are saddled by attend ants and a new start Is made at 1:30 o'clock In Ihe afternoon. One of Ihe diversions of the'camp was a series of footraces, In which the president participated. The dogs are so accustomed to pur suing wolves that they left oft chasing a wild cat yesterday when a wolf was scented. In one of the runs a wolf was chased over the hills and across creeks and through timber for ten miles. The pace was fast and when the wolf was captured there were only four of the party within sight of the animal. Bob Burnett, Guy Wagon er and John Abernathy, three old-time cowboys, and President Roosevelt. The third hunt occurred this morn ing. A lessee of a portion of the pas* ture arrived In Lawson today and re ports that the president himself cap tured a coyote this afternoon. The president ate his first dinner In the reservation at the cow camp of Waggoner and Burnett Tuesday. The party feasted on beef and beans. While the president was exercising early Tuesday morning he killed A . A TROT LINE I*.. -.. CURRENCY CAUGHT NEAR MACON. Makes a Queer Catch An the OcmulgeeL- lany Ridiculous Th«o- It Came There, prll 12.—A compare- Brazilian money was ik on Mr. Joe Ango- Gcmulgee river tow Macon yester- inted.on It lan- was iasued by Iraxll. A portion by* the swishing iund the hook, but show the denoml- lobojy could be found to translate the ton- 1 guage. Thitfdenomlnatlon or value of the bill tifof Indicated by the letters ^ ’’urn” printed over a Roman figure ’ “one." sumo who saw it claimed that the "urn 1 ' -means “thousand” and the, figures show-that It was "one thou-! sand.” | As soon a. Mr. Angoley saw what he hadfapld be took It to his friend, 1 Mr. A. Grnhn, the East Macon mer-,, chant, who advised him to send It c to Washington to learn Its value In' Unde Sam’s eoln. | All sorts of conjectures are heard as to how tho strange money came to to/Ocmulgee. Onto theorist de-! fint It must have been on the; of a Brazilian who was ship- i on the South'American coast, - •led up by,^,man-eating shak; | .■a.”Sr5C*t In The Spring Time Jut imagine how we would get thinlc Only JOKES’ BUSINESS COLLEGE It a teacher of modern commercial methods. It fits you for bulneea an now oonduoted. It makes yon fit to gnap opportunity when it eomee to you. JONES’ Business College VALDOSTA, GA In other words our atoek of medium and igh priced FURNITURE iUlHI -SSttoBSSSSST St.'SKtv | GIDDENS JRNITURE CO., ASHLEY STREET. J-JLUTHBaO>DDEKU«ej^ . large rattlesnake with his riding quirt. at , th ® MARRIED HI8 STEP DAUGHTER. Rc - M,r.:^ and 'f "■.** Goee to Jail. NJWV^fion, Ga., April 14.- Monltor reports a sensational ding occurring near there. The otherwise quiet community of Lothalr bfc been much wrought up recently over the marriage which caused the arrest and incarceration Of Iko L. Powell, a well known white /nan of Lothair. I| Powell’s wife, who was the daugh ter of Judge Evans, a highly esteem- citizen of Lothair, died a few weeks ago, and three weeks afterward Powell took his wife’s oldest daugh ter by a former marriage, a girl about 15 years old, and carried her to Hel ena, where they were married. On Tuesday last a warrant was sworn out by Mr. Bush, of Laurens county, uncle of the girl, and powell was arrested by Deputy Sheriff Tay lor and lodged in Mt. Vernon Jail. The peculiar nature of the caso has very naturally caused much comment. Powell waived a preliminary trial and remained in jail until Tuesday of this week, when he gave bond and was released from custody. and that spend the summer off the. coast of Ml con in tho Ocmulgce, but was'killed i(h' of Walnut creek by the Into the creek by the Company’s plant, tho In or Georgia Works. money i» deserting middles w) itly chased out of town so they bed to do eway with ton gains by throwing the river. eey that one of those mid- it have been drowned near Macon, and that as his body washed down stream, the trot lino hooked the bill out of hia pocket. But no matter how It got thore the bill ls a curiosity. L j. work large or too si i' V ■ Machine Shop. Lost HI. Foot In « Planer, Tilton, Ga., April 13.—Arthur, the 17-year-old son of Mr. T. B. Bryant, employed at the plant of tho Tlfton Lnmlf>-r and Manufacturing Company, cauyl t his right foot In the knives of a pl-i'ilng machine soon after the mill starii-<l yesterday njornlng. The foot uk out off just bolow tho Instep. A piece of lumber had stuck In the machine, and in pulling it out, the youifg man put his foot too near tho knivos. life to handl ...... Service Guaranti BOILER WORK SOLICITED. GIN SUPPLIES, MILL AND STEAM FITTINGS, Shafting, Pulleys, Rollers, Boxes and Mis cellaneous Castings carried in stock. . South Georgia Iron Works, VALDOSTA, GA. We are Distributors of the Great Riding and Walking PLANET JR CULTIVATORS Have by the Test of Time Proved all we. Claim for Them Read What a Successful Farmer Ha& to Say: Valdosta, Ga,, Apr. 8, 1905. Harley Hardware Co., Valdosta, Ga. I am using your No. 70 Planet Jr Pivot* Wheel Rid ing Cultivators with most satisfaction. It is a Great Labor Saver. I would have lost my crop last year, as some of my hands quit just when neededjmost and while not able to walk and plow. I used th^ riding cul tivator myself and made a fine crop. J. C. Jones. Harley, Hardware Co.,