Newspaper Page Text
At Reasons Why Legislation Should
Fix Railroad Rates.
Washington, April 18.—Victor Karo-
Rheumatism does more than any other dia- _ _
case to rob lUe oi pleasure and comfort. It Is 60 painful and far-reaching in ' wets, of New York, opened the hear-
its effects on the avstem that those afflicted with it find tbemselvM utterly lng ^ Mute committee on
unable to enjoy bodily comfort or any of the pleasure* of life. Some are |..
bound hand and foot and suffer constantly with excruciating pains, swollen, i ******* H ® *®
stiff Joints and muscles, and , | chairman of the executive committee
often distorted, crooked troubled wl ‘ h Rheumatinn for two and general counsel of the Atchison,
limbs, while others hare h ^ d b ^J i n e d” n ^ y 'tb'ng rt ‘'mm«dS 7 m j To >f a and 8aata Fo rallroad -
intervals of freedom, during me, but all to no avail. My knee and elbow joints I There were three evils complained
which they live In constant were ao stiff that I could not use them. I was un- of, he said, upon which the demand
U !t T ; nd i drCad ,. , f CXt $A f J? do “r s hou ^°L d " ork - » nd was truly in a was made for legislation to fix rates.
attack, when, at the least ex- pitiable condition. S. S. S. cured me after uaing „. , ...
posure to damp weather, or it for awhils, and I unhe.itati.igly give it thS , Firet - that rallroad ratcs were « ce8 '
slight irregularity of any credit it so much deserves. .sive; second, that there were discrim*
kind, the disease will return. Sta. A., E. Liverpool, O. Mas. M. A. Decker. ||natlons against shippers; third, that
The cause of Rheumatism is a sour, acid condition of the blood, produced j there was discrimination against lo-
by food lying undigested in the stomach, poor bowel action, weak kidneys calltles. He Insisted that railroad
and a general sluggish condition of the system. Kxternal applications, such I rates were not excessive. Under the
as liniments, oils, plasters, etc., do not reach the cause and can only give tem- common law, the carriers were pro-
eee r? raawng =r ,e
^ W disease in the right way-it neutralizes the poison j rate8 ' and a,BO wcre « ,rohlblted from
and filters out every particle of it from the blood, making unjust discriminations. Con-
stimulates the sluggish organs and clears the sys- | press had no constitutional right to
tem of all foreign matter. It cures the disease permanently and safely
because it contains no harmful minerals to derange the stomach and diges
tion. Book on Rheumatism and any advice you wish, without charge.
Dr. Clarence Whittington
Offioe in new Strickland Building,
near Merchant. Bank.
I. C. O. F
Meet, every Friday evening at oi,
o’olook, Ashley Buildlug, corner
Patterson St. and Hill Ave.
Valdosta Lodge No. 115,
K. of P.
Meets every Tuesday evening. Ail vis
Dr. R. H. Thomas,
Offloe new Oonvorse Building Over
Thomas Furniture Oo.
Offloss Ashley building, rooms 1 and 9.
Wilcox & Johnson,
Valdosta, • - Georgia.
B. S. Richardson,
Attorney - at - Law,
Valdosta, Qa.
Oflleo over First National Bank.
Dr. S. T. Harris,
Oalls left at Dlmmook's Drug -Htori*
promptly attended.
fix a rate which v^puld not give the
shipper a reasonable return, or would
be confiscatory of the property of the
Senator Morgan's statement, sub
mitted yesterday, has been printed
for the use of the committee. *^he
Alabama senator makes quite an elab
orate review of the rights of states
and the general government relative
to transportation companies. In the
course of his remarks he says: “I see
no difficulty In empowering the in-
and harts of millions of people. Lowndes j tersJate Commerce Commission to
the. value enact regulations for the control of
By Hahira Drug Co., who are offering
their patrons an opportunity of a free
trial of the wonderful hoaling remedy,
Paracamph, First Aid to the Injured.
This remedy has become popular in a
remarkably short length of time by its
great success in curing the aches, pains
and hurts of millions of people,
county jieoplo should know
and merits of Paracamph, and enable
them to do so without risk or loss of
money Mr. G. O. Miley, the manager,
lias produced a plan. “Being fnlly con
vinced of the merits of Paracamph, all
you have to do, says Dr. E. J. Smith is
to deposit the price of a bottle at our
drug store, take home a bottle of Para
camph, give it an honest trial, and if
not satisfied, tell us and we will return
your money.”
No remedy on earth compares with
Paracamph for the euro of Rheumatism,
Swelling and Neuralgia, Sore Throat,
Croup, Catarrh, Boro Muscles, Eczema,
Sprains, Bruises, Sore Feet, Cuts, Burns
and Hurts of every description. Para
camph absolutely prevents blood poison,
Paracamph soothes and heals like magic.
No household should bo witiiout a bottle
always at hand.
If you receive a card making a special
offor to you for a trial of Paracamph,
bring it to our drug store witiiout de
lay. 4-l-4wks
the dealings of railroad corporations
with the public, in their capacity as
common carriers, when the states
that created them have surrendered
such right, of control and con-
ress chooses to accept, that duty.
Sheritf Sale.
fltnto of floor gin—Bohol* County.
Thera will bo sold before the oourt house
door in said county on tho first Tuesday in
May next, within the legal hours of aale and to
the highest bidder for caah, the following do-
•rlbea property, to-wit:
Lot of land number One hundred and eighty-
a* 11811, and all that part of lota number One
Jundrsa and Eighty and Ono Hundred and
Klghtv-nine (189) lying Bant of Alapaha River,
alfln the Blxteenth dl-drict of said county, and
known aa the Lyman J. Strickland place, and
which he has claimed under bond for title
from B. F. Striokiand and Louis Strickland to
him, having cultivated lands and improve-
„ -.nw wnuh aim improve* . _ —i - .——— - — ■»- • • - • .
m-Di. th.rwm.. Ill" ,1'-*. lMri»Wrtn,n-MMtima-aneil. Two years ago, 16-year-old
” to oa sold by virtue of a fl fa tanned from the
heir* at law of Louis Strickland, deceased,
against Lvmsn Strickland for the purchase
money of the naid lands and to lie sold for tho
* atisfying the said fi fa, and i
of the pnrehaso money dun
purpose of saiinfy tng the said fl fa, and making
tho balance of the pnrehaso money due on the
said land by the said Lyman Strickland, as
mrchaae money of the same and in puma-
me* of the suit and judgment npon whicr
aid fl fa iHHuen. Written notice given the dt
fondant as required by law. Said lota to b
“ u separately.
Sheriff Bohol* Countv.
Physician and Surgeon.
Valdosta, Oa.
Office in Converse building.
rithO. H. ~ '
Little & Smith,
Valdosta, <Jfo.
Ofiloe Over First National Bank
Nashville. Georgia.
Collection! and Criminal Law a
Specialty, onicc In Pooploa Block.
Builder, Contractor
Superintendent <rt Constructions,
•Solicits aa opportunity to bid nn a 1 kind* of
houaubulldlag, of wood. brb> or atone.
W. L. ZIN,
Finn* and toperintondouec for all olaaaee
i f imtldinga. Orders in or out of town
given prompt attention.
W. L. ZIN,
»i done Are. VALDOSTA, GA.
UEORQl A— Lowndu Oouhtt :
teV^silusted In the
lith district la ids county of Lowndes, state
of Georgia, to-wit: 4» acres of lot 405, in the
Admlnlitmtorotthsc.Ut.of Thomu Pox.
O. A. WhiUker, Attorney.
Executor’s Sale-
GEORGIA -Lowndes County:
Under and by virtue of the |towers granted
..i a certain mortgage executed the first day
of January UW by the Valdosta Institute, a
corporation chartered by the Superior Court
of said eountv to Mitchell Jones, now dp
will bit sold before tho court h-use •
Valdosta in said county and sti |<t betwi
legal hours of sale on the first T u-sdav In May
1W* to the highest bidder for cash the follow
ing described property to-wit:
That tract or parcel of Innd known as the
Valdosta Institute anti situated, lying and be
ing in Valdosta in said connt.v anti state and in
Range Three (Hi of Fairview -Survey and
bounded as follows: West by Varnedoe street,
North bv River street. Hastily Hi iggs streets.
South by Centrnl Avenue. The proceed* of
aalti sale to tie applied to the pnyment of the
principal and interest due on aforesaid mort
gage, together with the cost of this Proceeding,
the remainder if any to be pnitl to the Valdosta
Institute. This March 28th IAD.Y
Kxeoutorof Will of Mitchell Jones.
To Sea Island Planters:
Muko no mistake
need. It moons a ye
Are known for tho length, strength
and quality of staple they produce.
Write for them to
Edlsto Island S- C
kill™, cough
•""Dr. King’s
New Discovery
™ Cs
Suit Filed for Strip That Has Been
Prolific of Trouble.
Columbus, Oa., April 18.—Seven
teen acres of land In the eastern part
of Muscogee county, which have al
ready caused two civil proceedings, a
double tragedy and a murder trial, are
again in the courts. Mrs. Josle Ed
wards, widow of John T. Edwards,
having today filed suit against Will
iam A. Nix to recover the land, claim*
Ing that it was part of her husband’s
The Nix and Edwards families have
been in a controversy over the title
to this slip of land for years. The late
John T. Edwards Instituted suit for
the land and the old case Is still on
the docket. Nix prosecuted Edwards
three years ago for trespassing’^
the land, and Edwards was convlc&jl)
Barlow Nix found John T. Edwards
and son, Jeff Edwards, on the disputed
land, and in the quarrel that followed
shot them both dead with his shotgun.
He is now serving a life sentence in
the Georgia penitentiary.
An abstract of tho title filed today
shows that five deeds to the land
havo been executed by tho various
parties during the past four years.
A Wonderful Saving.
The largest Methodist Church in
Georgia used 32 gallons of L. & M.,
mixed with 24 gallons of oil, thus mak
ing paint cost about $1.20 per gallon
They calculated to use 100 gallons of
our paint. Saved about $80.00 and
also got a big donation of L. & M.
Dealers gladly sell L. & M., because
their customers call for it, nnd say
they used it 12, 14 and even 30 years
Don’t pay $1.50 a gallon for linseed
oil, which you do in ready-for-use
Buy oil fresh from the barrel at 60
cents per gallon, and mix it with L.
& M. Paint.
It makes paint cost about $1.20 per
gallon. Sold by B. F. Whittington,
Sale of Whisky in Russia.
In Russia tho government monopo
lizes tho liquor traffic. To that end it
paid $73,000,000. Last year govern
ment sales were $133,600,000, and its
net revenue was $21,000,000. Govern
ment depots numbered 10,281, while
there were illicit depots numbering
0,203. Temperance associations in
the empire were given $6,000,000. The
effect of government monopoly was
stated in address before the Agricul
tural Association of the Saratoff dis
trict to be, first, there was no mani
fest decrease in drunkenness; second,
as the government had practically
abolished the old-timo drinking sa
loon, the people got drunk on the
streets; third, the illicit sales of liquor
was on the Increase; lastly, tho rural
The President Landed a 400-Pounder
at the First 8hot.
New Castle, Colo., April 15.—Presi
dent Roosevelt has killed his first
bear, a 600-pound brown animal. He
was brought down with one shot from
Roosevelt's rifle of the army type. The
bear tohlght is stretched in front of
the president’s cabin, and Jack Frey
will have the choicest bear steaks
ready for breakfast In the morning.
The bear’s trail was struck twelve
miles from New Castle, about half way
to the camp. The leading dog gave
the alarm when the whole pack was
unleashed. Eight dogs chased the
bear and came upon him within about
two miles. President Roosevelt and
John, being off, were right behind the
dogs. The president took steady aim
and brought the animal tumbling down
with a shot through the shoulder.
The rest of the party came up and
the bear was skinned, the best parts
of the meat cut out and the march
again was taken up for the camp. Pen
ny’s ranch was reached about 6 p. m.
There la rejoicing there over the suc
cess of the first day’s hunt and from
the fact that the weather Is clear and
conditions perfect for the sport.
The president was told tonight that
there are six bears and many other
species of large game spotted for
Itching, Scabby Skin,- Bone Pains; Swellings
If you hare aches
and pains In bo«es,
back and Joints,
Itching, Soabby
Hkln, Blood fesls
hot. Swollen Glands,
Risings and Bumps
the Skin, Mucus
I 1 ■ ■ - ■*—i on the Skin, Mucua
The above picture* Patches in Mouth,
•bow wbat Botanic Blood■ Sore Throat, Plm-
B.imOiitA, mikinuttu. I dIai. CoDMirilolorfiil
I ahow what Manic Blood I Sore Throat, Pirn*
I 1 BalmiHJldo.making the I pies, Copper -*
blood pure and rich. I Spots, all re
■ " ■■ l Ulcers on any part of
body. Hair or Eyebrows falling out, take
- Botanlo Blood Balm, Guaranteed
to cure the worst and most deep seated
cases. rBealt all sores, stops all aches and
pains. reduce* all swellings, makes blood
pure and rich, changing tho .body into a
healthy condition.
: k 0ld Rheumatism, Catarrh, Eczema, Scrofula
are caused by Poison in the Blood. B.B.B
" awkin "
heals all Scabs, Seales, Eruptions. Watery
BlUters, by living pure, healthy blood to
affected parts.
Suppurating Swellings, Eating Sores, Tu
mors, ugly Ulcers. BTb.B, heals the sores
or worst cancer perfectly. If you have a
persistent Pimple. Swellings, Stinging
Pains, take Blood Balm and they will dis
appear before they develop into Cancer.
Botanlo Blood Balm (B.B.B.) it pleas
ant and safe to take. Thoroughly tested
Composed of Pure Botanlo
Strengthens Weak Stom
achs, cures Dyspepsia. Price 81 per
large bottle. Take as directed. If not
cured when right quantity ia taken,
money refunded. Sample Sent Free by
writing Blood Balm Co., Atlanta, Ga. De
scribe your trouble, and special free medi
cal advice to suit your case, also sent In
stops Hawking and Spitting, Itching and
Scratching; cures Rheumatism, Catarrh;
For Sale By W. H. Mashburn.
Round trip colonist rates to Texas,
Oklahoma. Louisiana and Indian Ter
ritory, each first and third Tuesday.
One way and round trip colonist
rates to the West and Northwest.
One way colonist rates to California
and the Northwest from March 1st to
May 15th, 1905.
Special first class round trip rates
to Colorado every day until May 1st.
Return limit, June 1st, 1905.
The choice of the two most direct
routes and three gateways.
Union and Southern Pacific.
Through Pullman tourist cars op
erated each Monday from Birming
ham, Ala., and three cars a week from
Washington, D. C., to San Francisco,
via Atlanta, Montgomery and New Or
leans, without change. Effective
March 1st, we operate every Monday
and Wednesday, Pullman tourist cars
rom Sfc- Louis to San Francisco with
out change, via the Chicago and Al
ton railroad and the Union Pacific rail
road via Kansas City and Denver.
Ask or particulars.
General Agent,
3 Peachtree St., Atlanta, Ga.
BEAN. T. P. A.
ELY, T. P. A.
Your Friends and Neighbors in Val
dosta Will Show You How.
Rubbing the back won’t cure back
A liniment may relieve, but can’t
Backache comes from the Inside—
from the kidneys.
Doan’s Kidney Pills get inside.
They cure sick kidneys.
Here is Valdosta proof that this Is
T. J. Palin, proprietor of blacksmith
and wheelwright shop, and veteran of
the Civil war, says: “I found relief
for my weak back In Doan's Kidney
Pills. I hurt my back some years ago
In a runaway. The carriage fell on
my back and injured my kidneys,
think, for over since I have had groat
rouble. The kidneys have been all
wrong, the secretions were very dark
iiuU 1 have had trouble in retaining
them, particularly at night, being call
ed out of my bed many times. This
seriously affected my general health
and I was suffering all the time from
terrible pains. I used plasters and
liniments and tried several kidney
specifics, but nothing gave me any re
lief until I got a box of Doan's Kidney
Pills at A. E. Dlmmook's drug store.
used them according to directions.
They found the spot at once and since
using them all the pain has left my
back. I am stronger in every way.
The secretions have neen Restored to
their normal color and have been reg
ulated, and my health has been great
ly benefited. I can sleep and rest well,
and I give Doan’s Kidney Pills all the
credit for it.”
For sale by all dealers. Price 50
cents. Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, N.
Y., sole agents for the United States.
Remember the name—Doan's—and
take no other.
0UGHS and
50c A $1.00
Free Trill.
Surest and Quickest Cure for all
Established in 1901.
Wholesale and Retail.
Fish, Oysters, Etc.
Only Fresh Stock.
At the Old Hamilton and Brinson Stand,
11$ Ashley Street. Phene 104 as usual.
Senator Scott Wants to Repeal the
Insanity Ground.
Jacksonville, Fla., April 18.—A bill
has been introduced in the Florida
senate by Senator Scott to repeal the
communities were deprived of road 1 law enacted four years ago making In*
and school revenues which they for-'curable Insanity legal ground for di-
merly enjoyed. jvorce. Under this law, Henry M.
. „ Flagler secured a legal separation
are * v e * from his wife and married again.
Often ends In a sad accident. To heal i »
accidental injuries, use Bucklen’s Ar- A warm discussion followed the in-
nica Salve. “A deep wound in my foot Production of the bill which was made
from an accident,” writes Theodore! a special order for today. Senator
Schuele, of Columbus, O.. “caused me Railey declaring that the law had
crvELJTEEr tssz; b ™* :ht ° n F, ° rida -
healed It.” Soothes and heals burns i
liks magic. 25c, at W. D. Dunaway’s ! Piles! Piles! Piles!
and A. E. Dlmmook's. j Dr williams’ Indian Pile Ointment
! Is prepared to cure piles, and DOES
Scrofula, salt rheum, erysipelas and IT In short order. Easy to apply; ev-
othcr distressing eruptive diseases ery box guaranteed; COc and 81. All
yield quickly and permanently to the { druggists or by malL
cleansing, purifying power of Burdock I WILLIAMS M'FQ. CO.,
Blood Bitters. j , Cleveland, O.
Business College
Valdosta, Georgia.
It’s always hard to do justice to really good work in print, esjjecially
when space is limited. Tiiat’s why we invite you to come and see us.
We know, and can prove to you easily, if you will but come or write,
that we have the best equipped school and best instructors in this coun
try. Our work proves this. The demand for our students proves it.
Lot us give you the names of some of our graduates. Write and ask them
about our systems and the kind of work we do. They will back us up.
If you cannot come in the day
Come Enter Our Night School
And get a first-class business education without losing any time from
your work. Remember our motto: “No better school at any price.”
G. P. JONES, President.
w A. S. Pendleton Co.,
. . WHOLESALE . . .
Headquarters for Loaded Shells, Powder, Shot and Caps, Fruits and
Produce, Raisins, Nuts, Candies, Canned Goods, Fancy Groceries, Etc.
THE A. S. PENDLETON CO., Valdosta.
tlon petitioner v
8. That the entire Ht«x-k of *aid corporation
|* now owned by W. L. Thomas, W. K. Thomn*
and E. E Dekle
4. It ia the desire and purpose of the peti-
nend it* corporate name by striking
Roberta” where |r appears therein,
the name "Roberta” where ir appeal
nnd inserting in lieu thereof the name
"Dekle,” so that said corporate name when so
amended, shall rend The Thomas, Dekle Hard-
•nre Company.
5 By unanimous vote of the stock-holders of
the petitioning corporation it has been deter-
ined that petitioner file this application for
nendment. suen vote being had at n meeting
‘ the stock holders of said corporation,
fl. Petitioner asks that the Court pass an
•der so amending its corporate name, with-
it prejudice to the right of the i»etitioner
with its amended corporate name to sue
any of the debts or obligations now owing to
The Thomas, Roberts Hardware Company,
and to be sued upon any debts or obligations
owing by such The Thomas, Roberts
Hardware Company, and in such amended
rporate name to do and perform any and all
_jta that may now be done by the petitioner in
its said present corporate name. The privi
leges and rights of petitioner in its present
corporate name to be unaff.-cted and unpreju
diced by the change herein saught.
Petition for Charter.
GEORGIA—Lowndkh Cocwtt:
To tho Superior Court of said County:
The petition of W. L. Thomas, Da'id Shaw
and W. E. Thomas, all of said state nnd coun
ty. respectfully shows:
Firht: That they desire for themselvea,
their associates, successor* nnd assign* to be
come incorporated under tho name and style
of The Valdosta Sash and Door Company.-
Skoowd: The term for which petitioners
ask tube incorporated is twenty t;h-) years,
with privilege of renewal at the end of that
TniltD: The capital stock of the corpora
tion I* to be twenty thousand ($20,0U0) dollars
divided into shares of one hundred (100) dol
lars each. Petitioners howevrr ask the privi
lege of increasing said capitul stock from time
to time not exceeding in the aggregate fifty
thousand (150,000) dollars.
” The whole of said capitnl stock of
Firm: The object of the proposed corpo
ration is pecuniary profit and gain t^^ its stock
holder*. Petitioners propose to _
lumber business and to dent in all kinds of
lumber and lumber product* and such goods,
waies and merchandise as are incident to the
trade in which they propose to engage. That
they propose to buy nnd sell for cash or on
credit all such articles and things as are
usually embraced and incident to the operation
of the enterprise which petitioners propose to
engago in. Petitioners propose to engage in
the manufacture of sash, doors blinds nnd
novelty work and interior finish of every kind,
that they propose to operate pinning mills and
mills and both to buy and sell
I, R. T. Myddelton. Clerk of the Snnerior
lonrt, do hereby certify that the foregoing '
true copy of petition as appears of file in r
fftce. lW*-- , ~'*
R. T. Mvddleton, Clerk 8. C.
T. A. Jones,
Good teams and careful drivers fur
nished on short notice, night or day.
Passengers carried quick and safely to
any point in this territory. New stables
jost north of the depot.
GEORGIA—Lowxdkm County :
To all whom it may concern: Miss Sadie G.
Chastain, having applied for guardianship of
the persons and property of Cleveland Chas
tain, the minor child of J. R. and Mary J.
Chastain, late of said county, deceased, notice
day in May naxt. This, Aj
s, April Sd, 1906.
V. &LMM8, Ordinary.
. r -- r — which
appertain to and may be connected with the
business of manufacturing, haying and selling
lumber, sash doors and blinds, and other lnra-
products, and the op* ration of saw mills.
Sixth. The principal o rice and place of
business of the propose*, corporation will be
in the City of Valdosta, said state and co Mnk »
Whehkfoke, Petitioners pray to be
- body corporate under the name and
aforesaid with authority to bay, hold and
a body corporate under the name and style
aforesaid with authority to bay, hold and
transfer real estate, entitled to tho rights,
privileges and immunities and subject to the
liabilities fixed by law.
This March »*7th, 1905.
(Signed) W. E. THOMAS,
„„ . _ Attorney for Petitioners.
Filed in office this March 27th, 1905.
Clerk S. C.
GEORGIA—Lowndkh County:
I, R. T. Myddelton, Clerk of the 8up*rior
Court of saia county, do hereby certify that
the above and foregoing is a true copy of ap
plication for charter as appears on file in my
office. This March 27th, 1906.
Clerk 8. C.
Fire Insurance.
Tornado Insurance.
Insure Your Property With
Blitch & Richardson,
If yon want the best Insurance in the
best companies. We represent nothing
but the best.
8trickland Building, 103 S. Patterson
Street, Valdosta, Ga.