The Valdosta times. (Valdosta, Ga.) 1874-194?, April 22, 1905, Image 11

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. . ii
Truths that Strike Home
Your grocer is honest end—if he cues to do so—can tell
yon that he knows very little about the bulk coffeo he
■ells you. How can he know, where it originally came from,
how it was blended—or With What
—or when roasted! If you buy your
coffee loose by the pound, how can
you expect punty and uniform quality T
necessity uniform In quality,
strength and flavor. For OVQ A
a., been the standard collee In
millions ol homes.
LION COFFEE b c«r*Ially packed
st our factories, and until opened la
your borne, baa no ebance ot be too adul
terated. or ol comlea tn contact with dost.
dirt, derma, or unclean hands.
In each package of LION COFFEE you get one f ull
pound of Pure Coffee. Insist upon getting tho genrnno.
(Lion head on every package.)
(Save the Lion-bcidj for valuable premium*.)
WO OLSON SPICE CO., Toledo, Ohio.
0 0 0 0
unless your home, your office or
your itore is fitted with The
Angle Lamp. The only fight
in the world that is all fight and
no tinder shadow. As superior
to gas and electricity as these are
to gasolene and acetylene.
The Angle Lamp
gives at all times an absolutely
steady light—ideal to read by—
ce than electricity and at less than one-eighth the cost.
odor- Explosion impossible. Can be operated by
adfli HJJfceacleaninginly^^lflRfflrir aS«jfflw»vicJ-r-
wecS A dean, cool, mellow oil light, far superior in quality and quan
tity of radiance to any other. Ornamental—economical—efficient.
20 styles. Prices $1.80-$ 12.00. Call and see the lamp demonstrated
Thomas FurnitureCompany.
G. S. & F. Railway.
Macon, Atlanta, Columbus, Americus. Birmingham,
Montgomery, Albany, Jacksonville, St. Augustine,
Palatka, Tampa and all Florida Points.
Three Trains Daily.Northbound.
No. 4 Leave Valdosta for Mucon, . . I ■
No. 4 Leave Valdosta for Mncon, !■
No. li Leave Valdosta for Macon, . ■
Trains Arrive—Northbound.
Nov 2 Ajrivo Valdosta from Palatka, /.
No. 4 Arrive Valdosta from Jacksouvilll, .
No. 8 Arrive Valdosta from JacksonvilK
No. 10 Arrive Valdosta from Palatka, .
11:20 a m.
11 :'M) p. m.
0:00 a. m.
11:00 a. in.
11:15 p. in.
11:12 a. m.
11:05 p. m.
Four Trains Daily Southbound,
No. 1 Leave Valdosta for Palatka, i
No. 3 Leave Valdosta for Jacksonville,
No. 7 Loavo Valdosta for Jacksonville,
No. t> Leave Valdosta for Palatka,
Trains Arrive—Stuthbound.
No. I Arrive Valdosta from Macon,
No. 3 Arrive Valdosta from Macon,
No. 6 Arrivo Valdosta front Macon,
t:50 p. m.
7:40 a. m.
4:47 p. m.
7:40 a. lit.
:3lt p tn,
i :10 a. m.
:00 p. tn.
Through Pullman Cars from Tifton, f Atlanta, Chattanooga, Nash
ville St Lonis and Chicago nll-tlie-yoarpnnd. Elegant Sleepiug Cars
on Train No. 4 for Maeon and Train No. j for Jacksonville.
Handsome Parlor Cars on Trains .os. 1 and 7 and S and 4 between
Maeon, Valdosta and Jacksonville. J
Information as to rates, routes, scHnles, sleeping car reservations,
etc., will bo gladly furnished n]»n applijtion to
L. O. Sikes. Ticket Aght, Valdosta. Ga.
WM. C. SHAW, V-P., C. B. RHODES, G. P. A.,
Macon, Geogia.
Lumber Liu
Alio dhUllMi Laths, Scroll W
Offles, rioolac «***
Between Georg!* aoothora * Rlori
tort Mouldings of All Kinds*
ee Valdosta Southern Beilway.
■d Atlantic Coast Lise Railroads,
[ Don’t grow round-sbouMered carry
ing business around with you that
isn’t your business,
j — to)—
I Fashionable women in Vienna are
abandoning the corset, owing to a ra
tional dress reform.
| You needn’t tell us. A man has just
about as hard a time getting a new
hat as a woman has.
| —(o)
. We don’t liko the bee lady who
stings with sharp words and then of-
I fers the honey of a smile.
There may bo something sweeter
and nicer than a dainty, pretty worn-
'an, but so far it has never been dis
j —(o)—
"Love is honey mixed with gall,”
says a magazine writer. The girls fur
nish the honey and the boys the rest,
j -(o)-
! A shirt waist is once more really a
shirt waist, with plain shirt sleeves,
starched cuffs and a general air of
Mother love is a love of sacrifice;
filial love is a love to lighten mothers
burdens. "By their fruit ye shall
know them.”
Argument is the most useless thing
in the world. You can’t convince the
ignorant, and you don’t have to con
vince the wise.
The reason why some girls have
snub nost-s is they have a habit of
dally turning them up as evidence of
their superiority.
An exchange suggests that if some
preacher was only smart enough to
put a aide door in his church he would
have It filled with men who would go
In from force of habit.
. .If a girl 15 years old is boy struck
and thinks more of her clothes and
dances and boy acquaintances than of
her studies and music lessons and out
door sports and girl friends. It is gen
erally tho mother's fault.
Some experts say we ought to rest
after our meals. There’s a lot of ns
who would like to rest before and\at‘
ter, -but shuts deeantt casa<
only followers of tho advlco are the
big, happy tramps, and they enjoy
good health.
Don’t worry, but If worry you must,
keep the forehead smooth—don’t
wrinkle it. Worry Is called the Amer
ican national disease and Amerlcanl-
tis is Its distinctive name. The wom
en of the Orient are wiser—they
never worry.
The love of the work done by the
marriage of hand and brain can never
quite go out of fashion—for we are
men and women, and our hopes and
alms and final destiny are at last ono.
Where ono enjoys, all enjoy; where
one suffers, all suffer.
Fear of poverty and hardship never
stands In the way of an engaged cou-
plo who are honestly satisfied with
each other. Tho passion for each
other’s society strengthens mind and
will, and such obstacles as lack of
means and misty prospects instantly
Sixteen thousand babies wero born
in New York in the last four months.
Figures compiled by tho bureau of vi
tal statistics show that Fifth avenuo
has tho lowest birth rato of any street
in tho city. Less than ten births wero
reported in the wealthiest section of
that thoroughfare.
The woman who makes a paradise
of a littlo home, devotes herself to
lovable children and a decent husband,
who looks tenderly after her family
and is beloved for her task, reaches
pretty close to tho angel mark. She
can do all these things without entire
ly neglecting tho Inside of her head
Carpet s may bo kept cleaner by
wiping them with a damp cloth than
by a bi-weekly "digging" with
broom, besides its being easier in the
end than moving out the furniture
for sweeping. After dusting tho room
set a pail of warm water, with a lit
tle ammonia in it, on a newspaper and
put a dust-pan beside it. Squeeze out
tho cloth so It will not drip, and wipe
over a space. Then pick from the
cloth the lint, dust, etc., and drop it
in the dust-pan. Repeat this until the
floor is all gone over.
Drew His Pistol and Opened Fire
Upon His Captors.
Quitman, Ga., April 18. —A negro
man broke Into the store of R. L.
Rowl at Spain, six miles north of
Quitman, Monday night, and stole
lot of goods.
Mr. S. M. Young, Jr., also a mer
chant at that place, got on the track
of the thief this morning and arrested
him and started to Quitman. He did
not take the precaution to search the
negro, and, after going a short dis
tance, the man, whose name was not
learned, pulled his pistol and began
shooting at Mr. Young. None of the
shots took effect, but the negro es
Last Hope Vanished.
When leading physicians said that
W. M. Smlthart, of Pekin, la., had in
curable consumption, his last hope
vanished, but Dr. King’s New Discov
ery for Consumption, Coughs and
Colds kept him out of his grave. He
says: "This great specific completely
cured me and saved my life. Since
then, I have used It over ten years,
and consider it a marvelous throat
and lung cure." Strictly scientific cure
for coughs, sore throrts /r colds; sure
preventive of pne/1 ndala. Guaran
teed, 50c and $1 bottles at W. D.
Dunaway’s and A. E. DImmock’s drug
stores. Trial bottle free.
Increase in Human Life.
Dr. Wiley, the expert chemist of the
federal Department of Agriculture,
says: "Scientific facts and develop
ments give assurance that tho aver
age human life of usefulness will be
Increased to 70 years, Instead of 40,
and that the maximum of ordinary ac
tivity will bo increased from tho pres
ent, three score years and ten to 90
years. Then there will be more ex
amples of men who have lived proper
ly who will reach a century of life.”
How old Is Doc Wiley?
For Over Sixty Years.
• % An Did and Well Tried Remedy —
Mli Winslow’s 8oothlng' Syrup has
been used for over sixty years by; mil
lions of mothers for their children
while teething, with perfect Success.
It Soothes the child, softens the gums,
allays all pain, cures wind colic and
Ip #ie best remedy for diarrhoea. Is
pleasant to the taste. Sold by drug
gists In every part of the world.
Twenty-five cents a bottle. Us value
is incalculable. Be sure and ask fov
Mrs. Winslow’s Soothing 8yrup, and
take no other.
A Pennsylvania town of 6,000 inhab
its has Just erected it first church,
ias been in existence for
130 years. Evidently IT haF had i/h
occasion to pray for its mayors and al
dermen in public.
Cheated Death.
Kidney trouble often endB fatally,
but by choosing the right medicine,
E. H. Wolfe, of Bear Grove, Iowa,
cheated death. He says: "Two years
ago I had kidney trouble, which caus
ed me great pain, suffering and anxie
ty* but 1 took Electrio Bitters, which
effected a complete cure I have also
found them of great benefit In general
debility and nerve trouble, and keep
them constantly on hand, since as I
find they have no equal.” W. D. Dun
away and A. B. Dlmmock, druggists,
guarantee them, at 50 cents.
We’ve just finished counting up tho
Filipinos, and find that we paid Spain
about $2.89 a head for the lump, and
would liko to retail them at $2 per
head, if possible.
Does This Suit You?
A. E. Dlmmock, the enterprising
druggist of Valdosta, Is having such
a large run on "HINDIPO,” tho now
kidney and nerve tonic, and hears it
so highly praisod that ho now offers
to guarantee it In every case to euro
all forms of kidney troubles and ner
vous disorders.
He pays for It if it does not give
you entire satisfaction.
If you uso It; It Is at his risk, not
yours. A 60-cent box sont by mail
under positive guarantee.
Frightful Suffering Relieved.
Suffering frightfully from the viru
lent poisons of undigested food, C. G.
Grayson, of Lula, Miss., took Dr.
King’s New Life Pills, "with the re
sult,” he writes, "that I was cured."
All stomach and bowel disorders give
way to their tonic, laxative properties.
25 cents, at W. D. Dunaway’s and A.
E. Dlromock’s drug stores, guaran-
The Praises
of onr chipped l>ccf, there is
nothing quito so delicious.
chipped before your eyes,
from the choicest stock the
market affords.
When company comes and
yoa are taken unawares, a
pound or two of chipped beef
will save the day.
When served in cream, ’tis
good for breakfast too. Some
Stevens & Co.,
PHONE* NO 169,
Valdosta, - Ga.
Food to work
on is food to live
A man works to
live. He must live
to work.
He does both
better on
Uneeda Biscuit,
the soda cracker
that contains in the
most properly bal
anced proportions
a greater amount
of nutriment than
any food made
from flour.
Don’t forget
Graham Crackers
Batter Thin Biscuit
Social Tea Biscuit
Good health at 1 cent a
dose is cheap, and in ma
larial climates Lamar’s
Lemon Laxative insurea
freedom from
Biliousness, Indigestion
Torpid Liver, Headaches, Etc.
It ia a harmleaa, vegetable compound, pleasant and cer
tain in effect. Hon. J. R. Young, Mayor of Dothan, Ala.,
says: “I have sold Lamar’s Lemon Laxative for some
time, recommending it to all who suffer from disordered
liver, etc. I use it in my family and sell lots
Prescribed by physicians, sold by good dn
50 Doses, 50 Cents.
Sporting Goods
Base Balls, Bats, Gloves, Mits,
Etc., Lawn Tennis Nets, Rack
ets, Balls, Etc., Indian Clubs,
Dumb Bells, Etc.
C. S. Bondurant’s