Newspaper Page Text
THE val:
, SATURDAY, APRIL 22, lg05.
Mr. A. P. WillUam ,of Argyle, wu a
visitor to the city yesterday.
Col. E. K. Wilcox went to Macon
this week on legal business.
Mr. Briggs Carson, of Tifton, was a
visitor to Valdosta this week.
Rev. Eugene Whittington was on a
visit to relatives here this week.
Col. R. G. Dickerson, of Clinch, was
in the city on business yesterday.
Sheriff Sweat came over from Ho*
mervllle and spent Wednesday here.
Mr. W. P. Moate, of WJtblaeoochee,
was In the city this week on business.
Elder J. T. Bazemore, of Atlanta,
will preach at the Primitive Baptist
chnrch next Sunday night.
Mr. A. Brown and wife, of Hogans-
ville, are spending some time with Mr.
and Mrs. M. J. Chauncey.
Prattk Darnell Rose will entertain a
mttnber of his little friends tomorrow
aftftrttdon at, an Easter egg hunt.
Mr. Jamie Ashley has returned
home from Athens, where he has been
attending the State University.
Miss Hattie Roberts went to Moul*
trie this week to spend a couple of
weeks with her sister, Mrs. J. H.
People who want something, as well
as those who have something to sell,
tell It In our “Cent a Word Column*'
and “Business Locals.”
The Easter egg hunt for the prima
ry department of the Methodist Sun
day school will be held at Pine Park
Saturday afternoon at 3.30 o'clock.
The Wedding Occurred at the Home
of the Bride's Father at Jasper, and
Mrs. Duer and MIh Kendrick, of
Macon, are visiting Mrs. Frank Co
/isitlng the family of Mr. E. L. Tur-1
Rev. L. R. Christie Officiated—Mar-
ner in this city.
riage Was a Complete Surprise.
~Hon. Frank B. SJrmans, of the Fifth
Miss Maude Goodman, of Sparks, is 1 A Negro Named Andrew Johnson Was
the Prosecutor, But the Evidence
Did Not Sustain the Charge and Mr.
Dasher Was Vindicated—The Case.
Mr. J. A. Dasher was given a com- lent speeches delivered, and the ex-
senatorial district, and Mrs. Fannie L.
Williams, of Jasper, Fla., were mar
ried last night at the home of the
bride's father, Mr. A. Gill, at Jasper.
The marriage was a complete sur
prise to the people of Jasper, as well
as to the many friends of Mr. Sirmans
and his charming young bride through
out this section.
Mr. tilrmana went down to Jasper
on the evening train, accompanied by
Rev. L. R. Christie, who performed
the ceremony in the presence of a
few relatives. There had not been
the slightest intimation of the ap
proaching marriage outside of the two
famine, ami the frlenda of both par- daughter have returned from North
Dana Griffin Is advertising for two
meter-record books, which he recent
ly lost from his buggy.
Mrs. J. C. Manning, of Dublin, and
Mrs. H. P. Brewer, of Waycross. are
visiting Mrs. H. E. Williams.
Thn-e whs no treating of the Wy-
moda sis Club Wednesday on ac:ount
of the fl oral of Mrs. Ko’luv. The
next will be on Mav 2, with
Miss Paeon as leaM - .
Nine couples went down to Loch
Laurel last evening and enjoyed
moonlight picnic. They had a delight
ful supper, boat riding, etc. Mr. and
Mrs. W. M. Oliver were the chaper
Mrs. L. R. Christie and her little
It has been figured out that a pool
of water 100 by 25 feet can produce
53,000*000 mosquitoes a day.
Oxmoor Lodge No. 201, I. O. O. F.,
at Cecil will celebrate the elghtysixth
anniversary of the order in a fitting
manner next Wednesday. A fine din
ner will be spread, a number of excel-
soclal ses-
ties were taken by surprise.
After the wedding an elegant sup-
Carolina, where they spent several
weeks with relatives. They came
A marriage license was issued yes
terday for the marriage of Mr. B. T.
Register and Miss Fluetta Vickers, of
tho Hahira district.
Architect Frank P. Milburn, who
drew the plans for the new court
house, was In the city this week In
specting the workmanship on the
The young folks of the high school
are going to give an Ice cream festi
val at the Vldettes' armory next Tues
day evening, to which all are invited.
Thero will be music, fun and plenty
to eat.
Mr. H. M. Butler, who formerly
held a position with the Briggs Gro
cery Company, wns in the city this
week, hnving Just returned from a
four years' cruise on the ocean. He
Joined the navy after leaving here
and had a position on the cruiser New
York. He visited every country ex-
egft Australia, and spent nearly a
hd'Jfipan coasfT
per was served, and tho happy couple l | lome * UI > Chrl8tle on hla return
left on a bridal tour to Atlanta and i from Norfolk
other places. Mr. Sirmans Is one of I The degree team of Phoenix Lodge
the most prominent men in this sec- ■ No - I- O, O. F., will go to Thomas-
tlon, being a large land and cattle V M® on tk® 26th instant to put thfough
owner in Clinch county. The bride Is 8ora ® degree work in the lodge there,
a beautiful young woman and is ad-! The occasion Is expected to be a most
mired by all who know her. , pleasant and profitable one.
Delegate J. R. Bernhardt, who is to
Man Ran Away Wjth Buggy. j represent the Pythian Lodge at the
There was a laughable Incident at Grand Lodge meeting in Macon next
mitment hearing Wednesday at noon erc,8es wl11 c,ose wlth
. . .. . sion at night,
on a charge, brought by a negro
. . _ . Reports received from the bedside
named Andrew Johnson, of violating of Judge j R Goodman> of Spark „,
the peonage laws. Assistant District mention of whose sudden and serious
I Attorney Alexander Ackerman came illness was made in Tho Timet last
down to prosecute the case, but after week, are to the effect that he is re-
hearing the evidence he gave up the coverin <5 from the Paralytic stroke,
U gtlt and strong hopes are felt that he will
The evidence showed that the ne- B00n be entirely wel >-
gro, Johnson, had been fined $25 In Valdosta Odd Fellows will be In evi-
court, here and he asked Mr. Dasher dence at the district convention at
to let him have the money, promising Thomasville next Tuesday and Wed-
to work it out. The negro worked a Jiesday. Past Grand P. K. Wilson will
week or so and then failed to show have to respond to the address of wel-
up. Mr. Dasher finally swore out a come, and drill teams from Valdosta
warrant for him under the state laws, w ill give exhibitions in the first and
and was going to have him prosecuted third degrees. Quite a number of Odd
for cheating and swindling, when the Fellows will go over from here,
negro put up a plea of sickness and | jy r williams has been writing 1
promised to refund the money which • somo very interesting articles from
Mr. Dasher had let him have. j this Bec ti 0 n to the Savannah Morning
The case against him was, there- News. We reproduce his article of
fore, taken from the court, and he j a8 t Sunday in reference to Valdosta,
paid Mr. Dasher back the amount he touches mostly upon the city’s ar-
seCured with which to pay his fine. 1 chitecture, but no clearer insight into
He then swore out a warrant charg-1 a peop ie can be gotten than in the
ing Mr. Dasher with violating the pe- j houses which they build.
Ham’s stable Tuesday afternoon. A month, wants to know all of the Py-
young man, who had been keeping his thlans who expect to attend, so that
buggy there, went up stairs and tried their names may be reported to the
to bring the buggy down the long In- entertainment committee in Macon,
cllne, having noticed the hands about ^
the stable do It several tlmee. Ho Profcss t or W - “• Cooper began hla
did not notice, however, that they s ' n ^ class In he PrlmlUre Baptist
usually locked the hind wheels to' church thls week - and wl “ “ nUau0
keep the vehicle from running over ;‘here for a week or two. He teaches
them. The young man started down | lke old Sacred , Heart m “ alc - and hla
the incline In front of the buggy, and' a,ass numbers forty or fifty people.
The vehicle was so heavy that he could I Tke claos W " , hava a aln f ln f Sunday
not hold it bock. Ho made one or a,terrn °° n « 3:30 o’clock, to which
two quick steps, and then he went in. e P u c s nv e .
the air, making strides about ten feet J Several of the handsome shade
at a time. Before he reached the hot* ■ trees around tho court house square
tom he was jumping twenty feet at a; wer ® cut down yesterday, because
leap and was travelling at a rate of a they were in the way of the sidewalk
mile or more a minute. He managed , Paving. Three of them were syca-
to keep the buggy in the direction of mores and one water oak. Tho Timet
the door, and shot out into the streets j Knew several years ago that the city
like a rocket. No damage was done would have to adopt wider sidewalks,
by tho flight down the incline, but if hence we begged all who intended
he had stumbled ho might have been planting trees to put them as far out
killed. | as possible, at least twelve feet from
the fences, that being tli^avei
iteLt'KKSi qftrd*,4t&tH; tire residence
ami suits at Manlove’g. 1 portion of the cities.
All kinds of feed at Jones & Yonles*.
Jap-a-Lac and Plas-Ti-Co at Harley’s.
Screen doors and windows. Boyd-
Fry, Stove & China Co.
Both profitable and pleasant to trade
at Harley’s.
For the cheapest cow feed go to Jones
& Yonles.
Base ball goods at the Harley’s.
All kinds of cereals at Jones & Yonles.
For cotton and rubber hoes go to
Boyd-Fry, Stove & China Co.
Easter cards, Easter eggs, Easter hats
and suits at Manlove’s.
Cooking stoves at the Harley’s aro
The Easter hats at Manloves, is jnst
what yon need to complete your pretty
Easter suit.
onage laws, and the trial Wednesday
was the result
The Edison stock was sold by the
__ _ . .... . . (trustee last Tuesday, and was bid in
If Mr. Dasher had allowed him to bjf Co) A T Woodward {or the cred-
return to work, after the warrant was
. 4 . itors. All of the stock was sold ex-
sworn out in the state courts, he ffie rt Bct aslde M a home -
would have been guilty of a technics Btcad The questlon of homeBtead wlU
violation of the Federal tow. as it ^ be dec , ded Judge Speer ,
would have been forcing tha negro „ the creditorfl appealed from the de .
Into servitude, but this did not hap
First Christian Church.
RIchar W. Wallace, pastor. Ser
vices Sunday at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p.
Preaching by the pastor. Subject
of the morning sermon, "The Crown
ing Miracle;” evening, "The Endless
Reign.” Sunday school at 9:45 a. m.
Junior Christian Endeavor at 4 p. m.
The music and sermon at the morning
service will be appropriate to the
Easter season.
Death of Mr. Elllston.
Mr. J. P. Ulmer was called to Way-
cross this week by the Illness of his
brother-in-law, Mr. George M. Ellis-
formerly 4
repbrt tills morning states that Mr.
Elllston died yesterday.
clslon of Referee J. H. Merrill.
While the workmen were digging
an excavation for the sewerage In tho
court house square this week they
struck a couple of brick walls about
four feet apart, and thought for
awhile that It was a grave. An old In
habitant happened along about that
time and explained that an old well
was once there, but that It had been
filled up.
They say that when Pike Webster
takes a notion to go off on a vacation
he usually burns the bridges, clips the
cables and cuts off all communication
with home until he gets ready to come
back. He left here two weeks ago,
and the last heard from him was writ-
Country hams, shoulders and sides,
at Jones & Yonles.
Try one of Morris’ Supreme Bran
hams. A delicacy few can resist.
Boyd-Fry Stove & China Co. sells the
Steel Range.
Churns, all sizes, water sprinklers,
jardiniere and flower pots at Harloy’s.
Go to Boyd-Fry, Stove & China Co.
for lawn mowers, etc.
Jersey Ice Cream freezers,
coolers with stands. See onf
fibre wood water coolers, at Harley’s.
alto water
f indnrated
We carry the finest line of staple
jjtroceries in South Georgia. Jones &
All mail orders promptly filled sent to
Manlove’s, prettiest styles and lowest
prices guaranteed.
Morris’ Supreme Brand Leaf lard is
grainy and pnro. None better.
Ice picks, ioe planes, ice
squeezers, lemonade and ioe
chisel*;, lemon
co tea fclassaw
WitVin,, StOT- a
Finest line of canned goods in Val
dosta at Jones & Yonles.
When you go to Manlove’s for your
hats consult with Miss Thornhill and
then yon can rest assured you have the
correct idea in a hat, with latest mode
of trimimng.
Morris' canned meats havo no su
periors. Spccyfy them on yonr grocery
order and take no other. 4-22-s-tf.
Boyd-Fry, Stove & China Co. have^
been awarded the agency for the Sffo'.
brated line of Diamoiv’ ”
tools, etc.
Onrlino of op5lj®and
serves has never been ndt e—
than now. JONES & YOU
Valdosta Sash and Door Co.,
Sash, Doors and Blinds
Turned Work, Scroll Sawing, Rough Lumber, Lathes and Shingles. Large and Small Columns
in either Corinthian or Ionic orders. We can also furnish composition capitals for sane. We
are also up-to-date on Fly Screens which is one of the cheapest sources of satisfaction known.
They add much to the happiness of housekeeping. Every man owes this to his wife ind chil
dren. If you want to save them much worry you will have screens, (.’all Phone 133 anc we will
help you out on this line. We make the best. ■ j
Valdosta Sash and Door Co
Telephone 133.
Valdosta, Ga.